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赵震颖 《中国骨伤》1998,11(2):68-68
胫后肌肌腱前脱位是踝关节外伤时,该肌腱突破内踝后屈肌腱支持带,滑过内踝尖至内踝前,造成踝关节内侧疼痛,行走不稳症状的一种肌腱脱位症。该症国外自Matinus于1874年首例报导至今不超过15例,国内迄今未见报导。陈×,女,16岁,汉族,体操运动员,1995年4月22日入院。2周前在训练过程中扭伤右内踝后,觉内踝肿痛,行走不稳。检查:右内踝软组织轻度肿胀,压痛存在,右足内翻跖屈位时,扪及内踝后一条索状物滑过内踝尖至踝前。右踝关节X线片未见异常。于1995年4月27日在右跟骨阻滞麻醉下手术。切口为右…  相似文献   

胫后肌腱的运动损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胫后肌腱的运动损伤发病率不高,但常被忽视,诊断主要依靠仔细的体检,B超是重要的辅助检查,X线可以发现合并的骨折脱位,判定继发畸形的严重程度,治疗时应根据不同的损伤类型及严重程度,采取不同的方法。  相似文献   

胫后肌腱功能障碍的手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨胫后肌腱功能障碍的手术治疗方法。方法2002年12月至2005年6月,手术治疗8例单侧胫后肌腱功能不良患者,男2例,女6例;年龄36~56岁,平均47岁。左足6例,右足2例;胫后肌腱功能不良Ⅱ期2例,Ⅲ期6例。根据Maryland足部评分标准,术前足踝功能为可2例、差6例。对每例患者设计个体化手术方案,联合应用足外侧柱延长术、关节融合术、胫后肌腱修复术、弹簧韧带紧缩术及趾长屈肌腱转移术等术式。骨性手术一般辅以一种以上相关的软组织手术,其中4例行胫后肌腱前移加强术,2例行弹簧韧带紧缩术,4例行趾长屈肌腱转移术。术后以短腿管型石膏将患足固定于内翻跖屈位,4~6周后改用短腿后托石膏将患足于中立位继续固定4周,拆除外固定后,根据骨愈合情况逐渐开始负重训练。结果全部病例均获得随访,随访时间12~40个月,平均28个月。根据Maryland足部评分标准,术后优4例、良3例、可1例,优良率为87.5%。所有患者术后足外形均恢复良好,能穿普通鞋。术后X线片测量的足弓高度及提示前足外展、后足外翻畸形矫正程度的特异性角度明显改善(P<0.01),其中弓高平均增加8mm,侧位距跟角平均减少14°,前后位距跟角平均减少12°,侧位第一跖距角平均减少17°,跟骨倾斜角平均增加11°,距舟覆盖角平均减少6°。结论骨性手术结合软组织手术组成的个体化联合术式治疗胫后肌腱功能不良可获得较理想的疗效。  相似文献   

胫后肌腱转移治疗足下垂   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的:探讨胫后肌腱治疗足下垂的疗效。方法:于1999年8月~1998年8月,对病因效果不佳16例足下垂患者行胫后肌腱前移,其中腓总神经损伤8例。骨盆骨折5例,腰椎间盘突出症2例,腓总神经纤维瘤1例。结果:经随访1~4年,平均29个月,根据NinkovicM和HallG等的判断标准均获得满意疗效。结论:胫后肌腱转移术是治疗足下垂的有效方法,具有操作容易,损伤小,同时能正前足下垂的优点。  相似文献   

目的探讨肌腱镜治疗Ⅰ期胫后肌腱功能不全(PTTD)的临床疗效。方法自2008-07—2012-11采用胫后肌腱镜手术治疗Ⅰ期PTTD 14例(15踝)。采用踝与后足AOFAS评分和疼痛视觉模拟VAS评分评价临床疗效。结果 1例失访,13例(14踝)获得平均33.1(24~49)个月随访。术后未出现神经血管损伤并发症。术后24个月AOFAS评分由术前(50.0±8.1)分提高到(82.1±10.3)分、VAS评分由术前(6.7±1.4)分提高为(2.6±1.9)分,手术前后AOFAS评分(t=-14.505,P0.001)、VAS评分(t=17.047,P0.001)比较,差异均有统计学意义。主观满意度优3例,良7例,可2例,差1例。1例伴有类风湿性关节炎的患者,术后39个月出现滑膜炎复发。主观满意度差的患者伴有强直性脊柱炎。所有患者均未进展至PTTDⅡ期。结论肌腱镜技术是治疗Ⅰ期PTTD微创、安全、有效的手术方式。  相似文献   

部分腓骨长肌腱转位修复下胫腓联合分离解剖学基础   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :为部分腓骨长肌腱转位修复下胫腓联合分离术提供解剖学基础。方法 :30侧成人下肢标本 ,对腓骨长肌腱进行形态学观察。结果 :在踝关节平面上 1cm处 ,腓骨长肌腱上长 (16 0± 1 6 )cm ,下长 (13 4± 2 7)cm ,腓骨前后径为 (2 1± 0 5 )cm ,胫骨前后径为 (3 4± 0 4 )cm ,胫腓骨前缘之间距离为 (2 8± 0 4 )cm ,腓骨长肌腱距腓骨外缘 (1 4± 0 3)cm ,胫骨内缘距离腓骨内缘 (5 3± 0 4 )cm。结论 :部分腓骨长肌腱转位修复下胫腓联合分离具有可行性  相似文献   

胫前动脉的解剖学研究与临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郝毅  章明 《中华骨科杂志》1999,19(12):712-715
目的为减少胫前动脉(anterior tibial  artery, ATA)的损伤提供解剖学资料,探讨手术安全区。方法在30具(60侧)成人整尸上对ATA、骨间膜孔等进行观测。结果ATA与腘动脉的分叉点到骨间膜孔前侧缘距离为(15.7± 1.6)mm。ATA第一段与腘动脉夹角的角度为135.5°±4.0°。ATA经过骨间膜孔时第一段与第一段形成的夹角角度为122.4°± 9.0°。骨间膜孔呈卵圆形,纵径为(17.1±0. 2) mm,横径为( 8. 9 ± 0. 2) mm。在骨间膜孔 ATA的上缘与腓骨头顶点距离为( 51. 2 ± 5. 4) mm。骨间膜孔 ATA上缘与胫骨外侧髁上关节面外缘的距离为(62. 1±4. 0) mm。 ATA与胫骨前缘的交叉点到内外踝连线中点的距离为(5.1± 0. 3) cm。本组共有 36例度开放性胫骨骨折病例,其中 4例一期截肢,32例用外固定器治疗。骨折愈合率81%,平均愈合时间10.5个月,感染率25%。结论胫骨近段的前、中 1/3,中段的前 1/3和远段的后 1/3是股骨穿钉的安全区。  相似文献   

开放性距下关节脱位合并胫后血管神经断裂一例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1临床资料 患者,男,42岁.缘于入院前2 h不慎从约4 m高处坠落,右足着地,当即感局部疼痛剧烈,不能站立及行走.查体:神志清楚,心率88次/分,血压120/70 mm Hg.伤足外翻背伸畸形,弹性固定.足弓消失,呈平底足样外观.内踝尖有斜向前下方的8 cm长皮肤裂口,距骨头裸露,创口有活动性出血.足背动脉搏动良好,跖管处胫后动脉搏动消失,足趾血运正常.足底皮肤感觉障碍.  相似文献   

创伤后腓骨肌腱脱位在临床上是一种少见疾病[1,2],患者多有踝关节的外翻背屈性创伤史,最初的临床表现与急性外侧副韧带损伤相似.因而早期容易出现漏诊,使病人遗留有患侧踝关节不稳定,出现患足长期疼痛,活动受限.笔者自1998年6月~2007年6月收治10例此类患者.治疗后取得满意疗效,现报告如下.  相似文献   

Dislocation of the posterior tibial tendon is a rare event, which may occur after trauma particularly sporting accidents. These injuries are frequently misdiagnosed at the initial presentation leading to a delay in treatment.We describe a case of delayed presentation of an atraumatic dislocation of the posterior tibial tendon which was diagnosed accurately and managed with primary repair of the flexor retinaculum.  相似文献   

Gui JC  Gao F  Wang LM  Gu XJ  Shen HQ  Yu Z  Xu Y  Huang H 《中华外科杂志》2005,43(24):1587-1589
目的进行经胫后肌腱鞘建立踝关节镜后方共轴入路的解剖学研究。方法在20具踝关节标本上以克氏针建立共轴入路,测量克氏针与后方重要神经、肌腱、血管的距离。在5具新鲜踝关节标本上,以2.7mm30°关节镜建立共轴入路,镜下观察并测量以上距离。结果内侧关节镜入路的体表标志为内踝尖上方5~12mm(平均8mm),外侧入路的体表标志为外踝尖上方8~24mm(平均15mm)。经过胫后肌腱鞘、腓骨后缘建立共轴入路,不但把关节镜、镜下器械与后方重要神经血管结构与后关节囊隔开,同时增加了它们之间的距离。经过此入路可以观察到距骨关节面的后1/2~2/3、外侧踝关节间隙、内侧踝关节间隙、后关节囊、胫距关节间隙,能清楚地看到踝穴与距骨的动态关系。可以通过后外侧入路进入手术器械进行镜下手术。结论经胫后肌腱鞘的踝关节镜后方共轴入路,具有操作简便、安全性好、镜下视野清楚、操作空间大的优点。  相似文献   

IntroductionAdult acquired flatfoot deformity (AAFD) caused by posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD) can lead to the development of peritalar subluxation (PTS) and much more rarely to lateral subtalar dislocation.Presentation of caseA 75-year-old woman was referred to our hospital with an approximately 15-year history of pain in her right foot without obvious trauma. The lateral shifting foot deformity had worsened in the previous 5 years. On presentation, she had tenderness over the talonavicular joint, and the skin overlying the talar head on the medial foot was taut. Imaging revealed lateral displacement of the calcaneus with simultaneous dislocation of the talonavicular and talocalcaneal joints. We diagnosed lateral subtalar dislocation including the talonavicular and talocalcaneal joints caused by PTTD, which we treated by reduction and fusion of the subtalar joint complex. The foot and ankle were immobilized with a cast for 6 weeks.DiscussionAt the 1-year follow-up visit, the patient reported no pain during daily activities, although flatfoot persisted.ConclusionWe report a rare case of chronic lateral subtalar dislocation caused by PTTD that was treated by fusion of the talonavicular and talocalcaneal joints.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Degenerative pathology of the posterior tibial tendon, a common cause of foot and ankle dysfunction, frequently affects women over 40 years of age. Its etiology is still controversial. The literature reports decreased vascularization coinciding with the most common site of the lesion, near the medial malleolus. METHODS: Forty pairs of PTT obtained from human cadavers were transversally cut into six levels, from the musculotendon transition to its insertion point. In each segment, a histologic cut was made and stained with Masson's trichrome allowing viewing of the vascular structure of the tendon under a light microscope. By using an integrating eyepiece on the microscope, vascular density was calculated. This verified any variation of the vascular concentration in the normal tendon, a possible cause of its degeneration. RESULTS: When the results were compared by side, sex, and age, no statistically significant difference was observed. When the levels were compared, no area of decreased vascularization was seen in the midportion of the tendons, the most common site of degeneration of the posterior tibial tendon. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that an area of decreased vascularity is not a factor in degeneration of the posterior tibial tendon at the medial malleolus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate preliminary results with Kalix subtalar arthroereisis in sinus tarsi for stage II posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. METHODS: Twenty-one patients with stage II posterior tibial dysfunction, according to Johnson and Storm, underwent surgical treatment between July 1999 and December 2000. All patients were evaluated clinically using the America Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) hindfoot-ankle score. We performed a tendon repair depending on the type and location of the injury and implanted a Kalix endorthesis in the sinus tarsi. RESULTS: Nineteen patients attended for clinical review with an average follow-up of 27.31 months (range, 19-36). AOFAS scale improved from a preoperative average of 47.2 to an average of 81.6 at revision. The most important improvement was observed in pain (16.3 preoperative to 31.6 postoperative). Two cases required removal of the endorthesis for pain, probably because the endorthesis was too big, without any loss of correction. Patient satisfaction was "satisfied" or "very satisfied" in 17/19. All except three patients would have elected to undergo the same procedure. CONCLUSIONS: Subtalar arthroereisis by means of implantation of a Kalix endorthesis in the sinus tarsi, with prior correction of the deformity and tendon repair, offers an alternative to bone operations such as calcaneal osteotomies, lengthening the external column, or arthodesis in patients with stage II posterior tibial dysfunction.  相似文献   

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