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患者满意度及其测评工具研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从患者满意度的内涵出发,阐述了患者满意度与医疗服务质量之间的关系,介绍了国内外患者满意度理论的发展情况,并根据患者满意度测评工具指标体系的维度和指标数目特点,分类介绍几种具有代表性的工具,指出现有患者满意度测评工具的局限性,为建立合理的患者满意度测评体系和科学地进行医院服务管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:对某地级市三级甲等中医医院出院患者满意度进行调查,分析出院患者满意度影响因素,提出提升中医医疗服务质量的策略。方法:委托第三方机构对无锡市某三级甲等中医医院2022年出院患者按比例随机抽样,对抽取到的患者或其家属采用计算机辅助电话调查(CATI)方式进行满意度调查,并分析各指标值。结果:对医生服务、医生技术、护士服务、护士技术、膳食服务、收费情况等12个指标进行了调查分析,除膳食服务满意度分值低于90%以外,其他各项测评指标均高于90%,出院患者的总体满意度为97.68%。受访者留言1 425条,其中68.49%留言为表扬,主要集中在医护技术;1.54%留言为批评,主要集中在服务态度;29.97%的留言提出了建议,主要集中在中医医疗服务技术、医疗服务质量、医疗服务态度、膳食服务等方面。结论:出院患者对医院的总体满意度较高,但仍需持续加强中医医疗服务能力,提升中医医疗服务质量,增进医患沟通,提高医院中医药特色膳食服务,以不断提升患者满意度,助力中医医院高质量发展。  相似文献   

[目的]随着我国医疗市场市场化程度的逐渐提高,患者的满意度变得越发的重要,对患者满意度实施有效测评与管理有重要的现实意义. [方法]本文针对患者满意度研究现有文献在实际应用中的不足,提出了患者满意度定期全面测评与日常重点测评相结合的层次管理系统,并根据医疗服务流程的特点,从服务质量管理和服务营销管理两方面因素入手,构建定期全面测评指标体系与测评数据分析方法体系.在此基础上,以成都市几家医院的住院患者为研究对象,通过问卷调查获取数据,再利用逐步回归方法,对日常重点测评指标的提取进行介绍. [结果]本文提出的7个指标是影响现阶段成都市几个主要医院住院患者满意度的关键指标.在未来一个阶段,只要医院重点做好对这7个指标的监控和相应的服务改进,就有利于住院患者满意度的提升. [结论]本文提出的层次管理系统,对于医院实施患者满意度管理,强化医患沟通,有重要的实践指导意义.  相似文献   

建立与完善医院病人满意度测评管理体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了近些年我国医疗服务满意度内涵、测量方式、量表设计及测评因素等方面的进展,旨在更好地把握和推广适合医院病人满意度调查的方式,建立一套病人满意度测评管理体系,为医院病人满意度测评提供理论和实践依据.  相似文献   

社会满意度测评是医院管理中不可缺少的环节。根据卫生部对"三级甲等医院"社会评价工作的要求,扬州市第一人民医院突破传统的满意度调查方式,按照患者的服务流程,社会对医疗服务满意程度的感受,设计与确定了医院社会满意度测评指标体系,建立了社会评价的质量控制体系与数据库,有效实施医院的社会评价活动,进一步提高了医疗服务质量,提升了医院管理水平。  相似文献   

目的:探讨使用SSS量表对消化内科患者满意度的影响;方法:使用SSS量表对消化内科的152例患者进行测评,将测评分值结果进行分段,分别为没有、轻度、中度、重度,分值为中重度的患者给予心理干预;对照组选取该时间段内双号日入院的前152例患者,不予特殊心理干预.两组患者出院当日进行满意度测评.结果:使用SSS量表测评的152例消化科患者中有20%患者具有心理障碍甚至心理疾病,在积极给予心理干预后,其焦虑抑郁状态明显降低,情绪好转,生活质量提高,治疗成效明显,整体满意度高于对照组.结论:SSS量表能很好反应的消化系统各类疾病的心理状态,及时识别心理障碍的患者,给予疏导和治疗,可以提高疾病治疗的效果和患者的生活质量,提高患者满意度.  相似文献   

患者满意度测评的困境分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
患者满意度测评是医院管理中的重要手段,但由于医疗领域具有服务性、专业性、一定的公益性等特点,使得患者满意度测评在医院管理实践中遇到了结果可信度和应用有效性等方面的质疑.作者从理论、制度和技术3个视角,总结患者满意度测评面临的问题,并从提高测评结果可信度和认可度、增强测评结果应用有效性两个方面,提出相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

目的:建立规范、科学的医疗设备售后服务满意度的调查方法。方法:基于商务部2005年发布的《商业服务业顾客满意度测评规范》,并结合医疗设备售后服务的多种特性,在前期对医疗设备售后服务满意度调查基础上,对满意度调查指标体系、方法等进行了优化研究。结果:优化了《商业服务业顾客满意度测评规范》中的测评指标体系、顾客满意度调查方案设计、测评模型及统计分析方法体系,设计出了一套适合医疗设备特性的售后服务满意度调查体系。结论:开展满意度调查,客观体现了医疗设备售后服务的现状,加强了厂家和用户之间的沟通,在厂商间形成良好的售后服务的竞争环境。  相似文献   

目的 :探索构建市级医院门诊患者满意度测评量表及评价模型,优化门诊患者满意度绩效考核指标。方法 :基于顾客满意度模型和PZB服务品质模式编制门诊患者满意度量表,并对上海市6家三级甲等公立医疗机构共计758名门诊患者进行抽样调查。结果 :量表信度、效度及结构方程模型(SEM)各项拟合度良好,门诊患者总体满意度为83.52%。专科性医院总体满意度高于综合性医院。患者总体满意度与服务品质的各维度、医院形象、转换成本、忠诚度均有相关性(P0.01),其中医疗品质中的响应性(0.232)和保证性(0.201)的回归系数最大。"医生及时给与专业治疗和咨询"、"医务人员耐心解答疑惑"和"有效缓解患者对疾病的恐惧"是影响患者满意度的关键因素。结论 :本研究设计的门诊患者满意度测评量表具有实用价值,可在市级医疗机构推广使用。  相似文献   

目的:运用TOPSIS法对某市综合医院患者满意度调查测评结果进行评价,为医院提高患者满意度提供可靠的依据。方法应用TOPSIS法从患者对医生工作满意度、护理人员工作满意度、医技科室服务满意度、窗口服务满意度、医疗质量和效果满意度、医药收费规范合理满意度、整体环境满意度7个方面对2013年某市(县)8家综合性医院患者满意度调查测评结果进行综合评价。结果评价结果与医院实际情况相符合,在8家综合性医院患者满意度综合评价中,C院最好,A院最差。结论各医院都应加强医护人员沟通技巧;树立医疗服务新理念;以病人为中心,改造医疗服务流程;优化医院整体环境,营造舒心就医感受。  相似文献   

目的了解患者对医院医疗服务满意度的客观评价及医院各科室满意度真实情况,为加强和改进患者满意度提供针对性依据。方法委托第三方调查服务机构对南通市第三人民医院出院患者通过电话随访进行满意度调查,医院根据每月调查通报的结果进行分析讨论。结果 2013年1月-2018年12月期间出院患者第三方满意度调查回访样本总计11 204例,历年平均值在91以上,其中"伙食标准""收费服务"两个条目满意度低于90。结论出院患者满意度第三方调查的结果较为客观公正,应重视其在改进医院医疗服务过程中的作用。  相似文献   

患者满意度测量方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了当前患者满意度研究的现状,根据医疗服务的特殊性提出适合我国国情的患者满意度模型,结合实证研究建立了患者满意度评价指标体系,内容包括患者需求结构、评价项目以及项目的权重、等级,并对患者满意度调查的实施程序进行了探讨.指出科学的测量方法是患者满意度评价实施的前提和保证,有利于评价的标准化,有助于医院了解患者,以便采取有针对性的措施来提高患者满意度.  相似文献   

Effects of patient demands on satisfaction with Japanese hospital care.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to detect whether there was any difference among the characteristics of patient satisfaction between two patient emphasis groups: patients demanding technical elements of hospital care and patients demanding interpersonal elements. DESIGN AND SETTING: The sample for this study was drawn from in-patients discharged from 77 voluntarily participating hospitals throughout Japan. The relationship between overall satisfaction with hospital care and patient satisfaction, and the evaluation of a hospital's reputation, was explored by stepwise multiple regression analysis of 33 variables relevant to aspects of hospital care for each patient group. RESULTS: In the interpersonal emphasis (IE) group, 'nurse's kindness and warmth' was associated significantly with overall satisfaction, while 'skill of nursing care' and 'nurse's explanation' were significant predictors of overall satisfaction in the technical emphasis (TE) group. On the other hand, 'doctor's clinical competence', 'recovery from distress and anxiety', and items pertaining to the hospital's reputation were significantly related to overall satisfaction in both emphasis groups. CONCLUSION: For overall patient satisfaction, it is essential to satisfy specific items related to the aspect of hospital care emphasized by the patient. Specific significant predictors of overall satisfaction (e.g. 'doctor's clinical competence') were indispensable measures of professional performance in hospital care, irrespective of the patients' emphasis. A positive perception of hospital reputation items might increase overall patient satisfaction with Japanese hospitals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify specific patient satisfaction items related to overall satisfaction by different length of stay (LOS) for patients in Japanese hospital settings. METHODS: This cross-sectional study involved a participant sample, drawn from 77 voluntarily participating hospitals throughout Japan, of in-patients discharged to the community. Older patients and psychiatric, pediatric, obstetric and gynecologic patients were excluded. The 1050 respondents analyzed (response rate > or = 5l.1%) were divided into three groups based on their LOS: group 1, LOS < or = 1 week; group 2, LOS < or = 1 month; and group 3, LOS > 1 month. Using stepwise multiple regression analysis, we explored for each LOS group the relationship between overall patient satisfaction and satisfaction with 33 individual items, including three regarding perceived reputation of the hospital in question. RESULTS: Some unique satisfaction items for each group (e.g. 'skill of nursing care' in group 1, 'Recovery of physical health', 'skill of nursing care', and 'respect for patients opinions and feelings' in group 2, and 'relief from pain' and 'respect for patients' opinions and feelings' in group 3) were significantly associated with overall satisfaction. In all three groups, common items (e.g. 'recovery from distress and anxiety' and 'doctor's clinical competence') also related significantly to overall satisfaction. Two items pertaining to the hospital reputation dimension (e.g. 'family member's evaluation of the hospital' and 'hospital reputation among other patients') were also significant predictors of overall satisfaction in all three groups. CONCLUSION: The findings show that according to LOS, unique items could determine significantly the achievement of overall satisfaction, while some common predictors across all three LOS groupings also seemed to be indispensable for inpatient's assessment of hospital care. It was also confirmed in this study that a positive perception of hospital reputation might have an important role in patient satisfaction in Japan.  相似文献   

Satisfaction is an important measure of quality care, of adherence to the treatment and adequate use of health services. The objective here is to build two scales which evaluates team' and patients' satisfaction with cardiovascular disease treatment provided through a distance telecardiology project. The procedure followed international standards for development of measure instruments, including operational definition of satisfaction contents and its area for evaluation; item definition; pre-test and pilot study. The literature review, focal groups and discussion with specialists had delimited the domains to be included in the scales and the elaboration of its items. The CARDIOSATIS-Team included 15 items and the CARDIOSATIS-Patient included 11. Satisfaction was measured through a five-point Likert scale. The scales' items comprised satisfaction with physical structure, human resources, capacity of resolution, attention and care offered by the service and the satisfaction with the received/given care. The scales also included open questions. CARDIOSATIS scales have showed to be an easy and accessible instrument very well accepted by medical team and patients. Preliminary results presented good characteristics of validity and reliability.  相似文献   

Development and validation of an in-patient satisfaction questionnaire.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To develop a psychometrically sound, hospital patient satisfaction questionnaire to be administered to patients discharged from medical and surgical services. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey in Spanish. SETTING: Four acute care general hospitals of the Basque Health Service. STUDY PARTICIPANTS: Random samples of 650 discharged patients from each hospital during February and March 2002. A total of 1910 patients responded to the questionnaire (73.5%). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Overall perceived quality of health care and perceived health improvement. RESULTS: No sociodemographic differences were found between respondents and non-respondents. Six dimensions were identified from the factor analysis, explaining 50% of the variance. All items, except two, revealed loadings above 0.4. Cronbach's alpha exceeded 0.7 for all dimensions, except privacy. Comfort was the dimension with the lowest level of patient satisfaction, whereas privacy was the most satisfactory. The interscale correlations never exceeded the internal consistency of each scale. The analysis of the dimensions with two items of global assessment showed a positive correlation. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained from the development and validation of the questionnaire provide evidence of its psychometric properties, although it would be useful to carry out further analyses to assess time-based properties of reliability. We found a positive relation between the degree of patient satisfaction and overall evaluation of the quality of health care, providing evidence of the ability of the questionnaire to correlate with other concepts. The in-patient satisfaction questionnaire could become a useful instrument in quality-of-care assessment.  相似文献   

目的通过对烟台市某三甲医院内科住院患者满意度地调查,了解患者在该科室就医时地感受,从医院和患者个人特征两方面分析影响患者满意度的因素,为完善管理制度、提升服务质量和提高医院竞争力提供科学的决策依据和建议。方法通过满意度问卷收集患者对各个指标满意度评分,评分方式采用李克特5级评分标准,通过序关系法确定各个指标的权重,并使用SPSS 25.0对满意度得分进行Mann-Whitney U检验、Kruskal-Wallis H检验和logistic回归分析。结果患者的总体满意度为3.994分;权重指数显示,内科患者最关心的是医疗技术和医疗效率;各指标满意度得分由高到低依次是医疗环境、医疗技术、服务态度、医疗效率、医疗费用;患者的居住地和性别也会影响就诊满意度。结论根据患者地满意度评价,认为该科室需要首先控制医疗费用,其次提高医疗效率和改善候诊秩序,并继续把医疗技术放在科室管理的核心位置,以及加强与低满意度患者群体地沟通。  相似文献   

目的构建综合性中医院后勤满意度评价体系,提升医院后勤服务质量。方法基于德尔菲法和文献分析法,通过两轮专家咨询,构建后勤满意度评价体系,采用层次分析法确定各指标权重,并经现场调查对评价体系进行信效度检验。结果专家组成员共计21名,两轮专家积极系数均大于0.7,权威系数为0.87,专家意见协调系数分别为0.62、0.65。构建的患者后勤满意评价体系包括3个一级指标、28个二级指标,职工后勤满意度评价体系包括3个一级指标、34个二级指标。患者和职工后勤满意度评价体系Cronbach's α均大于0.9,所有条目相关系数均大于0.5。 结论综合性中医院患者和职工后勤满意度评价体系构建过程科学,信效度较高,能够真实反映后勤服务质量,可进一步推广使用。  相似文献   

某三甲医院出院病人医疗服务满意度分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的分析出院病人满意度的调查结果,为医院改进医疗服务质量提供科学依据.方法收集某三级甲等医院2003年与2004年493份出院病人满意度调查回函,采用模糊综合评价法和SAS6.12软件,对调查项目的满意度进行分祈和评价.结果两年之间的满意度差别有统计学意义(X2=14.16,P<0.0001),2004年的总满意度高于2003年,说明针对调查结果进行的改进措施取得了成效.讨论模糊控制量作为出院病人满意度的评判值是切实可行的,并可依此查找出医疗服务质量的薄弱环节加以改进.  相似文献   

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