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目的 探讨急性心肌梗死(AMI)急诊经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术中再灌注心律失常的防治。方法 分析241例AMI行急诊PCI治疗后冠状动脉再通后心律失常的发生情况及必要时给予相关治疗方法、疗效,以了解和掌握再灌注心律失常的防治,降低AMI急诊PCI的死亡率。结果 188例(78.0%)发生再灌注心律失常。其中107例(56.9%)为室性心律失常,包括12例(4.9%)发生室颤或持续性室性心动过速,55例(22.8%)加速性室性自主心律(AIVR);40例(16.6%)非持续性室速;81例(33.6%)发生缓慢性心律失常,包括窦缓、窦停、房室传导阻滞。经相应治疗无1例死亡。结论 再灌注心律失常发生率高,应积极防治。  相似文献   

射频消融治疗快速性心律失常的体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床安全应用射频导管消融(RFCA)治疗各类快速性心律失常780例,总成功率97.8%。其中房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)554例;房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)182例;房扑15例;房颤5例;特发性室速8例;右室流出道室速、室早14例;致心律失常性右室心肌病(ARVC)2例。本组患者无一例发生血胸、气胸、心包填塞、动脉拴塞、3°房室传导阻滞、室颤等严重并发症。本文特别强调了术前充分准备、术中精确标测定位、细心轻巧操作、严谨控制消融能量和时间,术中与术后严密监护,可以最大程度地降低并发症的发生率。  相似文献   

对22例正常人(A组)、30例高血压无左室肥大(LVH)的病人(B组)及40例高血压伴LVH的病人(C组)的冠状动脉血流储备(CFR)用经食道多普勒超声的方法进行了检查,以研究室性心律失常的发生与高血压伴LVH及CFR的可能关系。研究发现,与B组病人相比,C组病人CFR显著降低,室性心律失常及复杂室性心律失常的发生率显著增高(分别为90%,60%比30%,10%,P<0.01);C组病人中有CFR降低者室性心律失常及复杂室性心律失常的发生率最高(96.8%及67.7%).C组病人中无CFR降低者,其室性心律失常及复杂室性心律失常之发生率与高血压无LVH但有CFR降低者相似(分别为66.7%,22.2%及60%,20%)。研究结果提示,在高血压病人LVH及CFR降低是室性心律失常发生的两个相加作用的危险因素。  相似文献   

急性心梗再灌注心律失常的特点及阿托品前处理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的本实验通过对急性心肌梗死再灌注治疗(急诊PCI)致再灌注心律失常发生率的研究,为临床对再灌注心律失常的预防及治疗提供依据。通过急性下壁心肌梗死急诊PCI术前应用阿托品,了解阿托品对窦性心动过缓、窦性停搏或窦房阻滞等缓慢性再灌注心律失常发生率的影响及临床意义。方法选取急性前壁和下壁心肌梗死就诊的患者共252例。对发病12小时内进行PCI术的患者根据急性下壁、前壁心肌梗死进行分组。分别计算出二组再灌注心律失常的发生类型及发生率。急性下壁心肌梗死患者92例,配对分成二组:一组冠脉开通前予阿托品1mg静推;另一组不予任何药物干预。分别观察二组再灌注心律失常的发生率。结果急性前壁心肌梗死室性心律失常发生71例次,严重缓慢性心律失常发生13例次;急性下壁心肌梗死实验组严重缓慢性心律失常发生15例次,室性心律失常发生12例次;对照组严重缓慢性心律失常发生33例次,室性心律失常发生9例次。结论急性前壁心肌梗死患者室性心律失常发生率显著高于急性下壁心肌梗死患者(P〈0.01);急性下壁心肌梗死患者严重缓慢性心律失常发生率显著高于急性前壁心肌梗死患者(P〈0.01)。阿托品前处理的急性下壁心梗患者严重缓慢性心律失常发生率显著低于未经阿托品前处理的急性下壁心肌梗死患者(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

老年人大面积急性心肌梗死心律失常防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨老年人大面积急性心肌梗死(AMI)并发心律失常的防治措施。方法 将76例老年大面积AMI患者随机分为3组,A组(30例)及B组(25例)每天静脉点滴25%硫酸镁10-15ml和极化液,12-14天,A组同时利多卡因72小时(首剂50-100mg静脉注射后按2-3min静脉点滴);C组(21例)静脉 点滴极化液12-14天,并发室性心律失常患者加用利多卡因(用法同A组)。结果 心律失常发生  相似文献   

快速性心律失常的射频消融治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用射频导管消融术(RFCA)治疗快速性心律失常156例,其中房室折返性心动过速96例,房室结折返性心动过速56例,室性心动过速3例,房性心动过速伴阵发性心房扑动1例.156例中152例获得成功,成功率为97.44%.4例出现并发症,占2.56%.在随访1~24个月中,3例(1.97%)复发,而再次行射频消融治疗获得成功.文中对RFCA治疗快速性心律失常的疗效作了评价,并对其适应证及术后迟发性房室传导阻滞的防治进行了讨论.  相似文献   

镁对缺血再灌注心脏触发性心律失常的抑制作用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
为进一步探讨镁对缺血再灌注心脏触发性心律失常的作用,本研究利用心外膜接触电极记录兔在体心脏缺血再灌注时单相动作电位的变化,分析触发活动与再灌注性心律失常的关系及镁离子的作用机理。结果显示:再灌注心脏81.8%在缺血区描记到后去极化波形,再灌注性心律失常的60.0%与早期后去极化有关。硫酸镁静脉注射100mg/kg后,早期后去极化由63.6%减少至18.2%,室性心动过速发生率由54.4%降至9.1%(P<0.01),单相动作电位振幅下降幅度减少16.2%。心肌缺血15分钟及再灌注10分钟,90%复极化时程分别缩短21.3%及26.1%(P<0.01)。实验表明:(1)再灌注性心律失常的发生与触发活动密切相关。(2)镁对触发活动和室性心律失常有直接的抑制作用,可减轻单相动作电位的衰减,缩短末期复极化时程,这些可能是抗缺血再灌注性心律失常的机制所在  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析急性下壁心肌梗死(简称急性下壁心梗)接受急诊经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)的住院患者多项临床资料,探讨临时起搏对恶性室性心律失常(引起血流动力学异常的室速、室颤)的影响。方法收集急性下壁心梗且成功完成急诊PCI的219例住院患者的资料,其中未行临时起搏158例,行临时起搏61例。将起搏前心率(HR)≥50次/min且在再灌注前起搏者定为保护性临时起搏,共45例;保护性临时起搏患者为保护性起搏组;未行临时起搏患者为非起搏组。观察患者的一般临床特征、冠脉病变特点、再灌注后恶性室性心律失常的发生情况,以及住院期间恶性室性心律失常发生情况。结果保护性起搏组室速、室颤的发生率高于非起搏组(17.78%比3.16%,P〈0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果示,RR--exp(-3.430+1.748xl+0.041x2),保护性起搏为发生室速室颤的危险因素(P〈0.01),保护性起搏发生室速、室颤危险度较非起搏高5.74倍。结论保护性临时起搏有增加急性下壁心梗急诊PCI患者恶性室性心律失常发生的风险。保护性临时起搏无预防或减少再灌注恶性室性心律失常发生的作用。  相似文献   

变异型心绞痛心律失常特点的临床分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 探讨变异型心绞痛(variant angina pectoris,VAP)患者,心绞痛发作时伴发各种类型心律失常的临床特点及其发生机制。方法 临床观察88例VAP患者,均采用18导联心电图或CM5或CMaVF导联系统进行24h动态心电图监测,记录VAP患者心肌缺血时间的长短、伴发心律失常的有无、类型及发作时相,并均行冠状动脉造影检查,明确有无冠状动脉病变以及病变部位。结果 88例VAP患者心肌缺血发作时有48例患者发生心律失常,发生率为54.5%。快速和缓慢心律失常均有发生。V1-V3或V4-V5导联ST段抬高时,室性心律失常多见。其中室性心动过速9例,室性期前收缩21例,心室颤动2例。Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联ST段抬高时常见缓慢心律失常,如窦性心动过缓、窦性停搏及房室阻滞。48例发生心律失常的患者中,缺血持续时间平均为9.2min,而在40例未发生心律失常的患者中,缺血持续时间平均为3.4min;42例患者(87.5%)的心律失常发生在缺血闭塞期,6例患者(12.5%)的心律失常发生在缺血再灌注期。结论 (1)VAP可并闭塞期和再灌注期心律失常,以前者为多;(2)右冠状动脉痉挛引起Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联ST段抬高时,易造成缓慢心律失常;而左前降支冠状动脉痉挛引起V1-V3或V4-V6导联ST段招高时,则易发生室性快速心律失常;(3)VAP发作时心肌缺血持续时间的长短与心律失常发生具有相关性,且直接影响预后。  相似文献   

从1650例动态心电图中检出室性心动过速(室速)33例,检出率为2%,24h室速发作频度≤10次者29例,多于10次者4例,最多1例为1566次。33例室速患者中患冠心病、心肌炎和心肌病等26例(78.8%)。室速由R落P诱发14例(42.4%),R落T1例(3.0%)。活动时发生室速13例(39.4%),其中12例(92.3%)有器质性心脏病。室速时频率为74~230次/min,平均129.3次/min。早搏指数小于1。提示动态心电图对检出室速、尤其对患器质性心脏病者有重要临床意义,应重视R落P诱发室速现象。  相似文献   

Twenty-seven patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), in whom infarct-related coronary artery was occluded and thrombolytic therapy or PTCA were performed, were studied. Reperfusion confirmed by immediate coronary angiography was achieved in 24 patients. Reperfusion arrhythmias (RA) occurred in 19(79.2%) of the patients, including ventricular arrhythmias in 13 (54.2%). Ventricular fibrillation (VF) and sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) developed in 2(8.4%), and accelerated idioventricular rhythm in 5(20.8%); the latter showed a reliable indicator of coronary artery recanalization. Transient sinus bradycardia or AV block occurred in 10 (66.7%) of the 15 patients with inferior-posterior MI, which was an indicator of recanalization of coronary artery and salvage of myocardium in inferior-posterior MI. The occurrence of RA was not correlated with the duration of ischemia; ventricular RA was not related to the location of AMI and the occurrence and severity of ischemic arrhythmias before reperfusion. The patients with RA were treated with ordinary antiarrhythmic therapy, VF and sustained VT in 2 patients were converted by electric defibrillation. No death related to RA occurred. RA couldn't be prevented by lidocaine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite early recanalization of an occluded infarct-related artery, myocardial reperfusion may remain impaired due to microvascular injury. Reperfusion arrhythmias may indicate successful microvascular reperfusion. METHODS: Microvascular reperfusion was assessed prospectively in 42 consecutive patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (AMI) by evaluation of the resolution of ST-segment elevation (<50% of initial level) immediately after successful coronary angioplasty. Patients were divided into two groups: those with ST resolution (n=24) and those without ST resolution (n=18). The presence of reperfusion arrhythmias immediately after recanalization was recorded. RESULTS: Patients with ST resolution were younger (54+/-12 years compared with 64+/-17 years, P=0.04), their pain-to-recanalization time was shorter (195+/-87 min compared with 294+/-179 min, P=0.05), they were less often diabetic (13% compared with 24%, P=0.05) and were more often given IIb/IIIa inhibitors (58% compared with 22%, P=0.02). Reperfusion arrhythmias were observed in 15 out of 24 patients with ST resolution (62%) but in only one out of 18 without ST resolution (5%) (P<0.01). Reperfusion arrhythmias included accelerated idioventricular rhythm, 13 (81%); multifocal ventricular premature beats, two (13%); and ventricular tachycardia, one (6%). The sensitivity and specificity of reperfusion arrhythmias for ST resolution were 62 and 95%, respectively. In a logistic regression model including age, time to treatment, diabetes, use of IIb/IIIa inhibitors and reperfusion arrhythmias, only the latter was found to be an independent predictor of ST resolution (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Reperfusion arrhythmias following coronary angioplasty for AMI are a highly specific marker for ST resolution and may indicate successful microvascular reperfusion.  相似文献   

急性心肌梗死直接冠状动脉成形术后再灌注心律失常分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 分析急性心肌梗死直接冠脉成形术后严重再灌注心律失常发生的状况,探讨其预防和紧急治疗方法。方法 行直接经皮冠状动脉成形术的急性心肌梗死患者245例,根据梗死相关动脉分成三组,LAD组:126例;RCA组:97例;LCX组:22例。统计各组经皮冠状动脉成形术后再灌注心律失常发生的状况。结果 共151例患者发生严重的再灌注心律失常,发生率为61.6%;加速性室性自主心律发生率最高(22.0%),与梗死相关动脉无关;其次是室性早搏(19.2%),以LAD组最高(27.8%)。RCA组缓慢性心律失常(窦缓、窦性停搏、高度房室传导阻滞)发生率(35.1%)显著高于LAD组(3.9%)和ICX组(22.7%):LCX组各种再灌注心律失常发生率界于LAD组和RCA组之间。结论 急性心肌梗死直接冠脉成形术后严重心律失常总的发生率较高,心律失常的类型与梗死相关动脉有明确的相关性。  相似文献   

目的:观察急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)患者自主神经活性及再灌注心律失常(RA)特点,探讨自主神经在急性STEMI再灌注心律失常的作用及机制。方法:冠状动脉造影证实梗死血管完全闭塞的患者,12 h内完成急诊冠状动脉介入(PCI)治疗的108例,根据梗死相关动脉分组,以梗死后心率、血压情况,评估自主神经活性。分析RA分布特征及与自主神经失衡的关系。结果: RA总发生率为44%,右冠状动脉组RA发生率显著高于其他部位(65% vs. 35%和33%,P<0.01),距开通时间愈短RA发生率愈高(P<0.05,P<0.01)。前降支组交感神经过度激活者增多,右冠状动脉组迷走神经过度激活者增多,两组有显著性差异。结论:STEMI梗死再灌注RA总发生率为44%,右冠状动脉发生率显著高于其他部位,距开通时间愈短发生率愈高,且RA与自主神经失衡有关。  相似文献   

A technique of combined medical and mechanical recanalization was employed in 96 patients with acute transmural myocardial infarction. The mean time between onset of symptoms and admission to hospital was 170 +/- 65 min (X +/- SD). After 10 +/- 16 min, 250,000 U streptokinase was administered intravenously for 20 min. Intracoronary thrombolysis was commenced within 38 +/- 14 min. First coronary angiograms demonstrated reperfusion, an open vessel in 25/96 patients (26%). In 15/71 patients (21%) reperfusion occurred during thrombolysis therapy, before mechanical recanalization could be performed. Recanalization was achieved mechanically in 37/71 patients (52%) with occluded coronary vessels. In 8/71 patients (11%) mechanical recanalization failed but the vessel opened during thrombolysis. In 12/96 patients (12%), the coronary vessel remained occluded. Thus, reperfusion could be achieved in 88% of the patients. Reperfusion rate was 76% in the first 38 patients and 95% subsequently. After reperfusion, coronary thrombi were found in 25/96 patients (26%) but dissolved during thrombolysis in 16/25 patients (64%). Peripheral coronary embolism was observed in 3/25 patients (12%). For the whole group, reocclusion occurred in 8/84 patients (10%). By combined medical and mechanical recanalization, the recanalization rate could be increased with low reocclusion rate. Trends showed an improvement in regional and global left ventricular function in patients with anterior myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

J M Gore  S P Ball  J M Corrao  R J Goldberg 《Chest》1988,94(4):727-730
Arrhythmias are used as markers of coronary reperfusion after administration of thrombolytic agents. We studied the effects of coronary recanalization on the development of arrhythmias in patients receiving thrombolytic agents during the early hours of acute myocardial infarction. Acute cardiac catheterization, assessing perfusion of the infarction-related artery and identifying the arrhythmias, was performed within eight hours of onset of symptoms. Fifty-six of 67 patients (84 percent) studied had total occlusion of the infarction-related artery, 25 of whom had restoration of coronary flow during the 90 minutes after initiation of therapy; 31 had no evidence of reperfusion. Eleven patients had subtotal vessel occlusion that did not change appreciably during therapy, and 20 patients (30 percent) had transient arrhythmias. There were no significant differences in the frequency of arrhythmias: 36 percent of reperfused patients, 19 percent of nonreperfused, and 45 percent of subtotal occlusion patients. Only bradyarrhythmia was significantly related to the restoration of flow of the right coronary artery. Other rhythm disturbances, including accelerated idioventricular rhythm, did not correlate with a change in the perfusion status of the vessel. Bradycardia may be a useful marker for right coronary artery reperfusion. Arrhythmias in general are not specific for coronary reperfusion and should not be used as event markers.  相似文献   

Reperfusion arrhythmias were studied in a group of 20 patients submitted to coronary thrombolysis in the early hours of acute myocardial infarction. Arrhythmias were observed in 15 (75%) patients and consisted of ventricular arrhytymias and/or sinus bradycardia; 11/13 patients with reperfusion ventricular arrhythmias had the same type of arrhythmias before the procedure. This study group was compared to another group of 22 patients with acute myocardial infarction treated conventionally. There was no difference between both groups in regard to the incidence and type of ventricular arrhythmias.

Sinus bradycardia only occurred during reperfusion in the study group and was significantly predominant in this group when compared with control group.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of coronary recanalization on arrhythmogenesis in patients undergoing intracoronary thrombolysis during the early hours of myocardial infarction. Catheterization, ventriculography, coronary angiography, and intracoronary streptokinase infusion were performed in 22 patients. Twenty-one of 22 had thrombotic total occlusion of the infarct-related transient thrombolysis with reocclusion by the end of the procedure. In 12 of these 17 patients, restoration of antegrade coronary flow was accompanied by transient arrhythmia. In these 12 patients coronary angiography within seconds of onset of arrhythmia showed vessel patency in a previously totally occluded coronary artery. Two additional patients developed arrhythmias during streptokinase infusion but after reperfusion had already been established. Accelerated idioventricular rhythm was most often noted. Sinus bradycardia and atrioventricular block with hypotension occurred during restoration of flow in arteries supplying the inferoposterior left ventricle. These arrhythmias may be useful noninvasive markers of successful reperfusion during thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

目的探讨自体桡动脉材料在老年患者冠状动脉旁路移植手术中应用的临床特点。方法总结131例老年患者(60~76岁)和92例非老年患者(41~59岁)在施行冠状动脉旁路移植手术中应用自体桡动脉的临床资料,分析老年患者使用自体桡动脉作为移植材料的特点和获取后的变化。结果采用非体外循环技术的老年患者87例,非老年患者49例,采用体外循环技术的老年患者44例和非老年患者43例。老年组应用自体桡动脉134支,平均移植3.2支,动脉桥(桡动脉 内乳动脉)2.0支,死亡1例,死于术后恶性心率失常及严重低心排;非老年组应用自体桡动脉94支,平均移植3.2支,动脉桥(桡动脉 内乳动脉)2.0支。两组均未发生术后移植血管痉挛、手臂缺血坏死或功能减退。结论自体桡动脉在老年患者冠状动脉旁路移植术中应用可获得较好的近期临床效果。  相似文献   

Exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias occur often after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), but their prognostic significance is unknown. Two hundred patients examined by exercise electrocardiography and cardiac catheterization (including left ventriculography, bypass graft and native coronary artery angiography) before and 3 months after CABG were prospectively followed up. Exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias occurred more often after (49 of 200 patients, 24.5%) than before (32 of 200 patients, 16.0%) CABG (p less than 0.05). There were no differences between the patients with and without ventricular arrhythmias in the prevalence of graft patency (79 vs 80%) or the postoperative ejection fraction (57 +/- 9 vs 57 +/- 12%). Ten cardiac deaths occurred during the mean follow-up time of 61 +/- 19 months, 8 of which were witnessed sudden cardiac deaths. All cardiac deaths occurred in patients who did not have exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias after CABG. The postoperative ejection fraction was lower in the cardiac death patients (42 +/- 16%) than in the survivors (58 +/- 10%) (p less than 0.01). No other clinical or angiographic variable predicted the occurrence of cardiac death. Thus, the prevalence of exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias increases after CABG, but the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias does not indicate an increased risk of cardiac death.  相似文献   

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