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Nine workers occupationally exposed to styrene producing refrigerator lorries were analyzed. The styrene exposure was monitored 8 hours a day, for 5 days a week, for 1 week. We collected from workers a urine sample before and after each work shift. Moreover, alveolar air samples were obtained at the end of all work shifts. On Thursday afternoon and on Friday morning blood samples were taken from workers. The relationship between styrene exposure and biological data is reported and discussed. Alveolar, urinary and blood concentrations of styrene were comparable, suggesting similar kinetics. Biological styrene concentrations were significantly correlated with the mean daily environmental concentrations, but higher correlation coefficients were found with afternoon exposures. A narrow linear relationship between alveolar (Y) and urinary (X) styrene concentrations was found (Y = 0.359; r = 0.8579; n = 45; p less than 0.001). Urinary concentrations of mandelic acid (Y) confirmed a good relationship with the mean styrene exposure (X) (Y = 2.7 x +169; r = 0.4677 n = 45; p less than 0.01).  相似文献   

Occupational exposures to styrene in Denmark 1955-88   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An assessment of the occupational exposure to styrene and associated chemicals in Denmark was carried out by retrieving all measurements from the archives of the Danish National Institute of Occupational Health. A total of 2,528 air samples containing styrene had been collected from 256 workplaces during the years 1955-88 and analyzed by the chemical laboratory at the Institute. The mean for all samples was 265 mg/m3. The concentration decreased from 714 mg/m3 in the early period (1955-70) to 172 mg/m3 in the late period (1981-88). Spraying and unspecified lay-up and production of boats, carriages, and stationary containers were associated with the highest concentration. A total of 34 chemicals were measured. The most frequent co-contaminant to styrene was acetone, which was measured in 2,263 samples with a mean concentration of 131 mg/m3. Dichloromethane was measured in 208 samples with a mean concentration of 51 mg/m3, xylene in 148 samples with a mean concentration of 49 mg/m3, and toluene in 116 samples with a mean concentration of 113 mg/m3. The study was undertaken to analyze historical styrene concentrations in air to aid in the selection of industrial cohorts to be included in epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

Recent development in toxicological study of styrene is summarized from the viewpoint of occupational health. The topics discussed are: 1) physico-chemical properties, 2) industrial use, work place environments and exposure control, 3) metabolism and biological monitoring of exposure, 4) general toxicity with special reference to dose-effect/response relationship in humans, and 5) in vitro and in vivo mutagenicity, mammalian teratogenicity and human/subhuman carcinogenicity. With 137 references.  相似文献   

37个工业生产行业职业噪声暴露监测结果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对工业作业场所职业噪声暴露进行测量和评价。方法按《作业场所噪声测量规范》(WS/T69—1996)进行测点选择和测量噪声强度[dB(A)],对噪声作业接触人员进行听力筛查,评价职业噪声暴露水平。结果平均噪声强度79[dB(A)]以下段7个行业(占18.92%)、80-84[dB(A)]段有24个行业(占64.86%),85[dB(A)]段以上有6个行业(占16.22%)。4479个作业场所测量点声级段分布90[dB(A)]以上段占23.17%(n=1038)、85~89[dB(A)]段占25.50%(n=1142)、85[dB(A)]以下段占51.33%(n=2299)。同期接噪作业工人听力筛查4426人,听力损伤检出996人,听力损失筛查阳性检出率为22.50%。结论从危害程度和保护高危人群的角度考虑,严格执行85[dB(A)]噪声限值是适宜的,将来国家制定《工作场所职业噪声接触限值》时应对测量方法作配套规定。  相似文献   

This field study was designed to compare the level of styrene absorbed percutaneously with that absorbed by inhalation in a real situation in the fiberglass-reinforced polyester industry. Methods: The study protocol consisted of comparisons of the patterns of urinary excretion of styrene metabolites by four groups of workers, all of whom performed the same task at the same time in the same workshop but wore the following different protective equipment: total protection with an insulating suit and mask, respiratory equipment only, percutaneous protection only, and no protection. Results: The urinary excretion level of the group with total protection did not significantly differ from that of the group with respiratory protection only. Conclusions: Precutaneous absorption is not a particularly important pathway for styrene absorption during stratification work in the polyester industry. Completely insulating personal protective equipment provides no greater level of protection than does a respirator at positive pressure alone. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 4 August 1998  相似文献   

Gasoline vapor exposures. Part I. Characterization of workplace exposures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monitoring surveys of gasoline vapor exposures were conducted on truck drivers and terminal operators from five terminal loading facilities, on dockmen and seamen at two tanker/barge loading facilities, and on attendants at a single expressway service plaza. Results revealed wide variations in total C6+ hydrocarbon exposures for each location, with overall 8-hr time-weighted averaged (TWA) geometric means of 5.7 mg/m3 (1.4 ppm) for the terminals, and 4.0 mg/m3 (1.0 ppm) for the service plaza, respectively. The exposures ranged from 0.8 to 120.8 mg/m3 (0.2-30.1 ppm) for the terminals, and from 1.1 to 130.3 mg/m3 (0.3-32.5 ppm) for the service plaza. For the terminals, exposures were not significantly different regardless of loading method or the presence or absence of vapor recovery systems. Comprehensive chemical analyses of terminal employee exposure samples revealed that the C4 and C5 hydrocarbon components constituted 74.8 +/- 9.2% of the total exposure sample on a microgram/sample basis. The C6, C7, and C8+ components constituted 13.0 +/- 1.9, 6.2 +/- 3.0, and 5.9 +/- 7.2% of the total samples, respectively. Comprehensive analyses of the marine employee exposure samples resulted in a similar distribution of components; that is, 66.6 +/- 7.9, 17.5 +/- 4.7, 9.2 +/- 3.1, and 6.4 +/- 1.9% for the C4/C5, C6, C7, and C8+ components, respectively. The composition of the exposures, however, was weighted more toward the C5, C6 and C7 components when compared to the bulk terminal employee exposures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Occupational exposures to potentially hazardous substances may vary considerably because of interday environmental behavioral fluctuations in the contaminant concentration. Such occupational exposures including those of non-monitored days can be theoretically evaluated by the following three ways: 1) assessment of geometric mean and geometric standard deviation, 2) assessment of arithmetic mean, and 3) assessment of upper limits of daily exposure distribution. In our previous report, an evaluation method on 95% upper limit or arithmetic mean of exposures was proposed. The method is useful, particularly, in case where only one or two days are being monitored, but may provide an approximate estimate because of statistical assumption. A sampling and decision scheme using one-sided tolerance limits (OTL) proposed by Tuggle (1982) can precisely evaluate the upper limits of exposures. However, many cases would be evaluated as "no decision," unless the sample size is extremely large in number. We developed a revised method based on OTL for assessment of occupational exposures. The characteristic features of this method can be summarized as follows: 1. Upper limits of lognormally distributed 8-h exposure concentrations can be evaluated in comparison with an established standard. 2. A third OTL factor was introduced into Tuggle's scheme in which two OTL factors were used. A comparison between the upper limits of exposures and the standard can be made at 50% confidence level with the factor. The factor was calculated using non-central t-distribution. 3. The usefulness of the third OTL factor in the assessment of occupational exposures was confirmed by examining the performance characteristics of the method.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Besides a clear relationship to silicosis, crystalline silica-quartz-has been associated with lung cancer, nonmalignant renal disease, and auto-immune disease. To study diseases associated with crystalline silica further, NIOSH conducted a cohort mortality study of workers from 18 silica sand plants, which had quarry, crushing, and bagging operations to produce industrial sand. Twelve of these plants also had grinding mills to produce fine silica powder. The historical crystalline silica exposures of workers at these plants were estimated to facilitate exposure-response analyses in the epidemiologic study. METHODS: NIOSH obtained personal respirable dust measurement records from Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) compliance inspections at all 18 plants and from the archives of seven plants which had collected samples. These samples had been analyzed for quartz content by x-ray diffraction. Although no personal samples were available before 1974, impinger dust measurements were reported for 19 silica sand plants in 1946; these data were converted and used to estimate exposures prior to 1974. Statistical modeling of the samples was used to estimate quartz exposure concentrations for workers in plant-job-year categories from the 1930s when mortality follow-up of the cohort began until 1988 when follow-up stopped. RESULTS: Between 1974 and 1996, there were 4,269 respirable dust samples collected at these 18 plants. The geometric mean quartz concentration was 25.9 microg/m(3) (GSD = 10.9) with a range from less than 1 to 11,700 microg/m(3). Samples below 1 microg/m(3) were given a value of 0.5 microg/m(3). Over one-third of the samples -37%) exceeded the MSHA permissible exposure limit value for quartz (PEL = 10 mg/m(3)/(%quartz + 2)) and half (51%) of the samples exceeded the NIOSH recommended exposure limit (REL=50 microg/m(3)). The samples were collected from workers performing 143 jobs within the 18 plants, but too few samples were collected from many of the jobs to make accurate estimates. Therefore, samples were combined into 10 categories of jobs performing similar tasks or located within the same plant area. CONCLUSIONS: The quartz concentrations varied significantly by plant, job, and year. Quartz concentrations decreased over time, with measurements collected in the 1970s significantly greater than those collected later. The modeled exposure estimates improve upon duration of employment as an estimate of cumulative exposure and reduce exposure misclassification due to variation in quartz levels between plants, jobs, and over time. Am. J. Ind. Med. 38:389-398, 2000. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides biomonitoring data in the United States as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Recently, Statistics Canada initiated a similar survey - the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). Comparison of US and Canadian biomonitoring data can generate hypotheses regarding human exposures from environmental media and consumer products. To ensure that such comparisons are scientifically meaningful, it is essential to first evaluate aspects of the surveys' methods that can impact comparability of data. We examined CHMS and NHANES methodologies, using bisphenol A (BPA) as a case study, to evaluate whether survey differences exist that would hinder our ability to compare chemical concentrations between countries. We explored methods associated with participant selection, urine sampling, and analytical methods. BPA intakes were also estimated to address body weight differences between countries. Differences in survey methods were identified but are unlikely to have substantial impacts on inter-survey comparisons of BPA intakes. BPA intakes for both countries are below health-based guidance values set by the US, Canada and the European Food Safety Authority. We recommend that before comparing biomonitoring data between surveys, a thorough review of methodologic aspects that might impact biomonitoring results be conducted.  相似文献   

During the manufacturing of reinforced plastics, large amounts of styrene and trace quantities of styrene-7,8-oxide (SO) are released. Since previous work suggests that inhalation of even small amounts of SO might be an important health risk, we investigated several possible factors contributing to styrene and SO exposure during the manufacture of reinforced plastics. Factors related to job type, worker and the type and quantity of styrene-containing resins were investigated using mixed-effects multiple linear regression models. Overall, SO exposure levels were positively correlated with styrene exposure levels. However, this correlation was statistically significant only among hand laminators who had the highest exposures to both styrene and SO. An important factor for predicting both styrene and SO concentrations was the type of resin used, while the quantity of resin consumed was predictive of styrene but not of SO exposure. Since So exposure appears to be associated with factors other than coexposure to styrene, more effort should be placed on investigating emissions of SO per se. The type of mixed-models regression analysis employed in this study can be used for clarifying the underlying patterns for exposures to styrene and SO as well as for evaluating preventive measures.  相似文献   

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