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This study examines the relationship between prenatal cocaine exposure and child welfare outcomes. Seventy-six infants positive for cocaine at birth were matched to 76 negative infants. With prenatal care and maternal use of alcohol and tobacco controlled, cocaine-exposed infants had significant decrements in birth weight, length, head circumference, and depressed 5-min Apgar scores. This confirmed the health risk of prenatal cocaine exposure for the sample. Three-year follow-up data were obtained from the State Central Register and foster care records. Adjusting for prior maternal involvement with child welfare services the study groups did not differ in incidents of child maltreatment or foster care placement. These findings suggest that prenatal cocaine exposure is not a marker for abusive parenting. However, from the perspective of a cumulative risk model, the identification of cocaine-exposed infants at birth can form the starting point for the development of appropriate diagnostic and follow-up services for mother and child.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Family history of mood disorders and stressful life events are both established risk factors for childhood depression. However, the role of mediators in risk trajectories, which are potential targets for intervention, remains understudied. To date, there have been no investigations of mediating relationships between risk factors and very early onset depression, a developmental period during which intervention may be more effective. The current study used regression analyses to examine the relationships between family history of mood disorders and stressful life events as risk factors for depression in a preschool sample. METHOD: Preschoolers 3.0 to 5.6 years of age participated in a comprehensive mental health assessment. Caregivers were interviewed about their children using a structured diagnostic measure to derive DSM-IV major depressive disorder (MDD) diagnoses and dimensional depression severity scores. Family history of psychiatric disorders and preschoolers' stressful life events was obtained. RESULTS: Both family history and stressful life events predicted depression severity scores 6 months later. Analyses examining the influence of family history of mood disorders and stressful life events on preschoolers' depression severity demonstrated that stressful life events mediated the relationship between family history and preschoolers' depression. CONCLUSIONS: Findings outline the key role of exposure to early stressful life events as a mediator of familial mood disorder risk in preschool onset depression. This finding in a preschool sample provides support for the hypothesis that psychosocial factors may have increased importance as mediators of risk in younger age groups. Findings suggest that psychosocial factors should be considered key targets for early intervention in depression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adults' perceptions of stressful life events have been acknowledged as important moderators of the stress adjustment relationship. Until recently, however, there has been a lack of research on children's perceptions of negative life events. This study assesses children's own perceptions of the stressfulness of negative familial, academic and social events as well as events related to the political conflict in Northern Ireland. METHOD: Developmental changes in children's perceptions of events are traced over time. One hundred and sixty 8-year-old children completed a self-report measure of the perceived stressfulness of a range of negative life events. The sample was drawn from schools in the Greater Belfast area to include children of both genders, primary religious affiliations in Northern Ireland (i.e., Protestant and Roman Catholic) and of varying socio-economic status. Three years later, 113 of these children, then aged 11, were traced through the school system and completed the same measure. RESULTS: Children's perceptions of stressful events are related to a host of social factors. Girls viewed many negative events as more stressful than their male counterparts. Roman Catholic and Protestant children differed in their perceptions of conflict-related events. Perceptions of various types of negative experiences were differentially related to socio-economic status and age. CONCLUSION: Personal, social and situational factors differentially determine children's perceptions of negative life experiences.  相似文献   

Stressful life events evidently have an impact on development of allergic diseases, but the mechanism linking stress to pathological changes of immune system function is still not fully understood. The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between stressful life events, neuropeptide and cytokine concentrations in children. Within the LISAplus (Life style-Immune system-Allergy) study, blood samples from children of 6 yr of age were analysed for concentration of the neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), somatostatin (SOM), substance P (SP) and the Th1/Th2 cytokines interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and interleukin (IL)-4. Life events such as severe disease or death of a family member, unemployment or divorce of the parents were assessed with a questionnaire filled in by the parents. For 234 children, blood analysis and questionnaire data regarding life events were available. Children with separated/divorced parents showed high VIP levels and high concentrations of the Th2 cytokine IL-4 in their blood. Severe diseases and death of a family member were neither associated with neuropeptide levels nor with cytokine concentrations. Unemployment of the parents was associated with decreased IFN-γ concentrations in children’s blood but not with neuropeptide levels, whereas children experiencing concomitant severe disease and death of a family member had reduced SP blood levels. The neuropeptide VIP might be a mediator between stressful life events and immune regulation contributing to the Th2 shifted immune response in children with separated/divorced parents. Unemployment of the parents was associated with immune regulation in children on the basis of a still unknown mechanism whereas reduced SP levels seem to have no effect on immune regulation.  相似文献   

Pediatric heart transplantation has become a mainstay in the treatment of end-stage heart disease in infants and children. There is, however, sparse information on post-transplant developmental and cognitive functioning. At Loma Linda University Children's Hospital 223 infants have undergone heart transplantation surgery with a survival rate of 73% (n=165). This article reports on four areas of investigation of this cohort of infants. Infant development: Two studies were done utilizing the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (mean 100, S.D.+/-15). The first study (n=48) showed mean values within the normal range [Mental Development Index (MDI) 87; Psychomotor Developmental Index (PDI) 90]. The second study (n=23) showed developmental scores within normal limits in 4-8 month olds with a tendency for decline in development at 12-24 months (MDI 83, PDI 77). Child development: Ninty-one infant recipients were greater than 5 years old. Forty-five children were excluded because of long distances from the hospital, second transplantation, abnormal karyotype, primary language non-English, or invalid testing. The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised testing of 5-6-year-olds (n=23) showed a Full Scale IQ of 74, Performance IQ of 76, and Verbal IQ of 77. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III testing of 7-10-year-olds (n=23) showed a Full Scale IQ of 86, Performance IQ of 89, and Verbal IQ of 86. The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (mean 100, S.D.+/-15) yielded a Total Composite of 91, Mathematics Composite of 86, Language Composite of 98, and a Reading Composite of 94. Visual spatial skills: Visual motor integration (mean 100, S.D.+/-15) was evaluated in 5-10-year-olds with a mean of 87; however, 52% of the children had scores below 1 S.D. Subtests from the Wechsler scales that assess visual motor and visual spatial skills indicated significant deficits. Behavior: Younger children (n=33) demonstrated behaviors indicative of social isolation. Older children (n=36) showed behavior that was within the normal limits, but depression was noted in a significant number of them. Conclusions: Infant heart transplant recipients demonstrate IQ and achievement levels within the normal range, but there is a significant amount of variability with more children than would be expected scoring in the lower ranges. Children with heart transplantation are at risk for visual spatial skill deficits. Young children are at risk for social isolation while symptoms of depression are noted in older children.  相似文献   

目的:探讨单胺氧化酶A基因相关多态区域(MAOA-u VNTR)基因多态性与青少年重性抑郁障碍(major depressive disorder, MDD)有无关联,以及其与应激性生活事件(stressful life events, SLEs)之间的交互作用与MDD之间有无关联。方法:394名研究对象(MDD患者187人,正常对照207人)采用SNaP-shot系统进行基因分型,评估受试者近1年内的SLEs,采用统计学软件比较各配对组别MAOA-u VNTR基因型及等位基因的分布;建立基因×环境(GXE)交互作用的二分类logistic回归模型,分析MAOA-u VNTR基因型与SLEs交互作用与青少年MDD患病的关联性。结果:MAOA-u VNTR 基因型及等位基因分布与青少年MDD是否发生、抑郁严重程度、是否共病焦虑、是否出现自杀观念/行为/企图均无直接相关性;男性及女性MAOA-u VNTR基因型与SLEs均不存在和青少年MDD患病相关的交互作用。结论:尚不能认为MAOA-u VNTR与青少年MDD相关;MAOA-u VNTR与SLEs间不存在与青少年MDD相关联的基因-环境交互作用。  相似文献   

Background:  Few studies have examined the link between child–therapist alliance and outcome in manual-guided cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for children diagnosed with anxiety disorders. This study sought to clarify the nature and strength of this relation.
Methods:  The Therapy Process Observational Coding System for Child Psychotherapy – Alliance scale (TPOCS-A; McLeod, 2005 ) was used to assess the quality of the child–therapist alliance. Coders independently rated 123 CBT therapy sessions conducted with 34 children (aged 6–13 years) diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Parents reported on children's symptomatology at pre- mid-, and post-treatment.
Results:  A stronger child–therapist alliance early in treatment predicted greater improvement in parent-reported outcomes at mid-treatment but not post-treatment. However, improvement in the child–therapist alliance over the course of treatment predicted better post-treatment outcomes.
Conclusions:  The quality of the child–therapist alliance assessed early in treatment may be differentially associated with symptom reduction at mid- and post-treatment. Results underscore the importance of assessing the relation between alliance and outcome over the course of therapy to clarify the role the child–therapist alliance plays in child psychotherapy.  相似文献   

The relationship between family life events, maternal depression, and teacher and maternal ratings of child behavior was studied in a birth cohort of New Zealand children. Analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis showed that for maternal ratings of child behavior, both maternal depression and family life events made significant independent contributions. For teacher ratings of child behavior, the only significant predictor was family life events. These results persisted when appropriate controls for family social, economic, and demographic characteristics were taken into account. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A 20-event, 7-point scale on the stressfulness of selected unpleasant experiences was administered to 364 children in Grades 4 to 6 in an American intermediate school. Independently, a parallel questionnaire was given to their parents to indicate (a) how upsetting they would find each event themselves, (b) what they estimate their own children's ratings to be, and (c) whether they think their children have actually experienced each event. The parent-child agreements among the 239 responding pairs were quite close on (1) the scale values (the median upsettingness ratings) with an r of .96, (2) the discriminal dispersions (the interquartile ranges of ratings) with an r of .79, and (3) the incidences with an r of .96. The striking contrasts with the earlier comparisons with professional judgements invite a reassessment of parents as dependable observer-reporters.  相似文献   

Illegal drug use throughout the nation is a problem of epidemic proportion. Of particular concern is drug use among pregnant women. In most cases, these women have little hope of achieving a better life for themselves or their children. Illegal drugs, cocaine in particular, can have devastating effects on the neonate. These effects can last well into childhood and can exhibit themselves in academic, social, and family situations. Challenges for the neonatal nurse include early identification of these infants and use of available resources. This article addresses prenatal cocaine use and support services for drug-dependent women, effects of cocaine during the neonatal period, possible neonatal and infant outcomes, and implications for nursing practice.  相似文献   

Evidence is inconsistent or poorly understood for links between polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 1,1'-dichloro-2,2'-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE), and organophosphate (OP) pesticides and adverse pregnancy outcomes, although they are known developmental toxicants. We measured biomarkers of maternal exposure to DDE, PCB, and OP metabolites in the third trimester of pregnancy among 404 mothers in a multiethnic cohort in New York City. We also determined maternal paraoxonase (PON1), butyrylcholinesterase (BuChe), and PON1Q192R gene variant. Higher multivariate-adjusted DDE levels (but not PCB) were associated with lower birth weight (-98 g/log10 DDE, p = 0.096) and head circumference (-0.54 cm/log10 DDE, p = 0.030). DDE and PCB levels were not related to birth length, Ponderal index, or gestational age. Birth length was shorter for mothers with PON192RR slow genotype compared with PON192QQ (p = 0.026), and head circumference was inversely associated with maternal PON1 activity (p = 0.004). With slow-activity PON1 or PON192, urinary diethylphosphates (SigmaDEPs) were associated with lower birth weight and dimethylphosphates (SigmaDMPs) with shorter birth length. No associations were found between birth outcomes and BuChe. In summary, we found suggestive relationships between prenatal environmental biomarkers and birth outcomes in this population. Maternal susceptibility factors including PON1 and maternal weight contributed to the observed effects.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the epidemiology and risk factors of apparent life threatening events (ALTE). Methods: A prospective study enrolled all live-born infants in the Tyrol (1993–2001). Information on pregnancy, sociodemographic characteristics, child care practices, and infant''s behaviour in the first four to six weeks of life was collected with a standardised questionnaire, and was available for 44 184 infants. ALTE was identified from hospital admission records. Results: During the study period 164 ALTE cases were identified, corresponding to an incidence of 2.46/1000 live births. In 73 of these infants no cause for the event and no comorbidity could be found (idiopathic ALTE). On average ALTE manifested ten weeks earlier than SIDS. Of various SIDS risk factors in the survey area, the prone sleeping position, smoking during pregnancy, low gestational age, profuse night sweating, and family history of infant death showed a moderate relation to the risk of overall ALTE, but only smoking maintained significance in the multivariate risk model. None of these variables was associated with idiopathic ALTE. In contrast to SIDS the frequency of ALTE did not change during the study period. None of the ALTE infants experienced SIDS later in life. Behavioural abnormalities such as feeding difficulties, episodes of pallor, cyanotic episodes, and repeated apnoea episodes were strongly associated with an increased risk of overall and idiopathic ALTE. Conclusions: Although there are some similarities in the clinical presentation and epidemiology of SIDS and ALTE, differences clearly predominate. Accordingly, ALTE and SIDS should not be considered different manifestations of the same disease process.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the relationships between maternal smoking during pregnancy and 10-year-old children's performance on measures of learning, memory, and problem-solving. In this prospective cohort study, mothers were recruited from an urban prenatal clinic in 1982 and 1983 and observed from their fourth prenatal month until the time of the study. At the 10-year visit, 593 children and mothers were evaluated. The prevalence of tobacco use was high in this cohort: 54.3%, 53.3%, and 60% of the women smoked in the first trimester, third trimester, and 10-year assessment, respectively. After controlling statistically for other prenatal substance use, current tobacco, other substance use variables, and multiple sociodemographic covariates, prenatal tobacco exposure was significantly associated with deficits in learning and memory. Specifically, prenatal tobacco exposure was associated with deficits in verbal learning and design memory, as well as slowed responding on a test of eye-hand coordination. In addition, these children demonstrated a reduced ability for flexible problem solving and more impulsivity, as indicated by an increase in perseverative responses on a card-sorting test. Prenatally exposed children did not show attention deficits or increased activity on a continuous performance test.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study aims to determine the incidence, etiology, diagnostic criteria and early outcomes of prenatally diagnosed fetal ventriculomegaly (VM).MethodsDiagnostic criteria for the fetal VM was atrial diameter of lateral ventricle measuring ≥10 mm, independent from gestational age. Results of our patients from ultrasonography (USG), karyotyping, congenital infections, and associated abnormalities were noted. Progress during pregnancy, postnatal USG results and neurobehavioral outcomes were recorded.ResultsIn our study, 40 subjects of fetal VM were recorded. 16 and 24 of those were bilateral (40%) and unilateral (60%) respectively. Female to male fetus ratio was 19/21 (0.9). Median gestational age at the diagnosis was 22 weeks (ranging between 16 and 34 weeks). While 21 VM subjects were isolated (52.5%) only 19 of the total were shown associated structural abnormalities in (47.5%) in addition to VM. Toxoplasmosis were diagnosed only in one subject (2.5%). Nineteen subjects had amniocentesis (47.5%) and 2 of them were showed abnormalities (10.5%) as follows; “inversion and duplication 8 (p11.2p23)” and “deletion 3”. VM got back in to normal size during pregnancy in 24 subjects (24/40, 60%). Eight pregnancies were terminated (8/40) (20%). Five babies passed away during neonatal and postneonatal period. Some other structural abnormalities were diagnosed after the birth at six babies who classified as mild “isolated” VM.ConclusionsOur study revealed that amongst mild VM subjects, incidence of associated abnormalities and termination rate were higher. Although most of mild VM subjects are thought to be benign, associated abnormalities should be carefully evaluated and determined pre- and postnatally.  相似文献   

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