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FSH-Serumspiegel bei infertilen, ansonsten unauffälligen Männern mit Azoospermie
Es wurden 59 infertile Männer mit Azoospermie, die ansonsten klinisch unauffällig waren, untersucht bezüglich eines Zusammenhanges zwischen Hodengröße und Höhe des FSH-Spiegels im Serum; dabei ergaben sich zwei Untergruppen. Der FSH-Wert im Serum bestätigt die klinischen Befunde und macht eine Hodenbiopsie unter Umständen unnötig.  相似文献   

Plasma-Werte für Testosteron, LH und FSH nach operativer Entfernung einer benignen Prostatahyperplasie
Bei 19 Männern im Alter von 60–80 Jahren mit einer benignen Prostatahyperplasie wurden vor und nach der operativen Entfernung die RIA-Werte im Plasma für Testosteron, LH und FSH bestimmt. Es wird festgestellt, daß der Testosteronwert am 5. postoperativen Tag signifikant niedriger lag als vor derselben; 1 Jahr nach der Operation lag dieser Wert dann signifikant höher.
Der LH-Wert war 1 Jahr nach der Operation signifikant niedriger, während für FSH keinerlei Veränderung festzustellen war. Aus diesen Ergebnissen wird die Schlußfolgerung gezogen, daß die hyperplastischen Knoten der Prostata in hohem Grade Testosteron brauchen.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) and Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were measured in seminal plasma levels of forty-four varicocele patients and in seventeen normal men. T values were not significantly different from controls, while DHT values were significantly lower in varicocele patients. When we grouped the patients according to the sperm count, we observed a decrease of DHT similar to that reported by other authors in oligozoospermic patients. However in the patients with normal sperm count, where the motility was the only parameter significantly lower, DHT in the ejaculate showed again a marked decrease. In contrast to that observed in the normal subjects, in the latter group, with normal sperm count, we observed a negative correlation between the age of the patients and DHT in the ejaculate. This suggests that the duration of varicocele per se could affect DHT seminal plasma levels.  相似文献   

Varicocelectomy can improve the function of testicular Leydig cell for patients with varicocele. We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess effect of varicocelectomy on serum FSH and LH levels for patients with varicocele. A literature review was performed to identify all published randomized preoperation-postoperation clinical trials of assessing serum FSH and LH levels before and after varicocelectomy. The search included the following databases: PUBMED and EMBASE. The reference lists of retrieved studies were also investigated. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted. Five studies were selected from 149 studies, including 312 patients. The meta-analysis showed that serum FSH level (95% confidence interval 0.19–0.77, P = 0.001) and serum LH level (95% confidence interval 0.25–0.91, P = 0.0005) were higher preoperation than postoperation. Serum FSH level decreased by 0.48 ng/dL after varicocelectomy. The mean decrease of the serum FSH was from 0.1 to 4.8 ng/dL. And serum LH decreased by 0.58 ng/dL. The mean decrease of the serum LH was from 0.2 to 2.1 ng/dL. This meta-analysis proves that varicocelectomy perhaps can decrease serum FSH and LH levels in patients with varicocele. And it might be related to the improvement of the function of Leydig cell. But it remains to need a large-scale multicenter randomized controlled study to be further confirmed.  相似文献   

Prolaktin bei Azoospermie-Patienten und seine Beziehung zur Hodenmorphologie, zum Serum-Testosteron und zu den Gonadotropin-Werten
Bei 15 Männern mit Azoospermie im Ejakulat wurde die Hodenhistologie sowie der jeweilige Wert für Testosteron, Gonadotropine und Prolaktin untersucht. Nach der Hodenhistologie wurden vier Gruppen eingeteilt: a) normale oder mäßige Hypospermatogenese (n=5), b) schwere Hypospermatogenese oder spermatogenetischer Stillstand (n=3), c) Sertoli-Zell-Syndrom (n=3) und d) totale Tubulusatrophie (n=5). In den Gruppen a und b ergaben sich niedrigere Werte für FSH und LH gegenüber den Gruppen c und d. Für Prolaktin ergab sich keinerlei Korrelation, so daß der Schluß gezogen wird, es würde kein feedback-Mechanismus zwischen der Spermatogenese und der Prolaktin-Sekretion bestehen. Lediglich in 4 Fällen ergaben sich erhöhte Werte für Prolaktin.
Es wird die Schlußfolgerung gezogen, daß zwischen der Hodenhistologie und den Serum-Prolaktinwerten keine Beziehungen bestehen, woraus etwa die Konsequenz abzuleiten wäre, daß erhöhte Prolaktinwerte allgemein mit herabgesetzten Testosteronwerten gekoppelt sind; darüberhinaus besteht keine Beziehung zwischen den Serum-Gonadotropinen und den Prolaktin-Werten.  相似文献   

生育及不育男性血清及精浆抑制素-B水平分析   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
目的 :探讨生育及不育男性血清及精浆抑制素 B(inhibinB ,INHB)水平是否存在差异 ,了解血清及精浆INHB水平与精子发生的关系。 方法 :生育组 (n =2 0 )、少精子症组 (n =2 0 )、弱精子症组 (n =2 2 )和非阻塞性无精子症 (NOA)组 (n =2 0 )男性于上午 8∶0 0~ 10∶0 0留取精液和血液标本 ,进行精液常规分析 ,血清INHB、FSH、LH、T含量 ,精浆INHB、酸性磷酸酶、果糖、α 葡糖苷酶含量和活性测定。 结果 :血清、精浆INHB水平与血FSH均呈显著负相关 (r =- 0 .5 36 ,P <0 .0 0 1vsr =- 0 .2 88,P =0 .0 1) ,血清、精浆INHB水平与精子密度均呈显著正相关 (r=0 .49,P <0 .0 0 1vsr =0 .48,P <0 .0 0 1) ,血清INHB水平在生育组男性与少精子症组、NOA组男性间(分别为P <0 .0 5和P <0 .0 1)、弱精子症组与NOA组男性间 (P <0 .0 1)及少精子症组与NOA组男性间 (P <0 .0 5 )差异均有显著性 ,而精浆INHB变动范围较大 ,其水平仅在生育组男性与NOA组男性间及弱精子症组与NOA组男性间差异有显著性 (分别为P <0 .0 1和P <0 .0 5 )。精浆INHB水平与精浆α 葡糖苷酶活性呈正相关 (r=0 .377,P =0 .0 0 1)。血清INHB水平与精浆INHB水平间无相关性。 结论 :血清、精浆INHB水平均可反映睾丸的精子发生情况 ,精浆INHB水平还与  相似文献   

目的:观察血浆D-二聚体(D-dimer,DD)和血清脂蛋白(a)[Lp(a)]在糖尿病肾病(DN)中的变化并 探讨两者之间的关系。方法:根据尿白蛋白排泄率(UAER)将126例2型糖尿病(DM)患者分为单纯糖尿病组(SDM 组)、早期糖尿病肾病组(EDN组)和临床糖尿病肾病组(CDN组),45名健康者作为对照组,分别测定各组血浆DD和 血清Lp(a)的水平。结果:DD、Lp(a)水平SDM组与对照组比较无统计学差异(P>0.05),但EDN和CDN组显著高 于SDM组和对照组(P<0.01),CDN组显著高于EDN组(P<0.01)。DD和Lp(a)分别与UAER呈显著正相关(r= 0.523,0.426,P<0.01)。结论:DN患者血浆DD和血清Lp(a)水平随着UAER的增加而升高,两者之间关系密切,可 能与DN的进展有关。  相似文献   

Aufgrund histologischer Untersuchungen stellte sich heraus, daß der Gewichtszuwachs der Hoden von präpubertären Ratten nach FSH-Gabe eine Folge der Längenzunahme der Tubuli seminiferi ist. Die Gabe von LH bewirkte eine Gewichtszunahme der akzessorischen Geschlechtsdrüsen (Bläschendrüsen), jedoch keine sichtbaren Effekte am Hoden. Der Serumandrogen-Spiegel zeigte, als Folge der erhöhten LH-Zufuhr, einen fortgesetzten Konzentrationsabfall trotz des signifikanten Anstieges des Gewichtes der Bläschendrüsen.  相似文献   

The plasma level of testosterone, FSH and LH were determined simultaneously in spermatic and cubital veins in 12 patients with varicocele. The testosterone levels in spermatic veins were 13.4 +/- 5.3 times higher than in cubital veins. FSH and LH levels were higher in cubital than in spermatic vein. No correlation was found between the number of spermatozoa in 1 ml of semen, and the level of the three hormones studied, either in the cubital or in spermatic vein.  相似文献   

Effects of aspirin administration (5 mg/100 g body weight) for various days were observed on the hormonal levels of maturing male rats. Aspirin was given orally every day for 8, 15, 22 and 30 days. No change in the weights of testes, epididymis, prostate or seminal vesicles was observed after treatment. While aspirin administration for 8 days caused an increase in the plasma testosterone level with decrease in both LH and FSH levels, prolonged treatment for 15 days and more produced a reverse effect, viz. decrease in plasma testosterone and increase in plasma LH and FSH levels. Testicular ascorbic acid content was found to decrease on the 15th and the 22nd day of treatment. Testicular cholesterol was increased after 22nd and 30th days of treatment. Prostatic acid phosphatase activity decreased in all the treated groups. The possible significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Serum FSH, LH and testosterone were measured in 57 (42) normal men and in 80 male infertile patients. In the former, mean (x) FSH was found to be 2.5 ng/ml with a range (x +/- 2 SD) from 0.25 ng/ml to 5.3 ng/ml, mean LH was 2.2 ng/ml with a range from 0.5 ng/ml to 5.6 ng/ml, and mean testosterone was 540 ng/100 ml with a range from 190 mg/ml to 890 ng/100 ml. Immunoassayable FSH was found to be elevated in 17 out of 42 presumably infertile males with sperm counts below 20 million/ml, and in 5 out of 12 men with sperm counts above 120 million/ml. There was no correlation between testosterone and sperm number, motility, and seminal fructose content. The concurrence of depressed spermatogenesis and elevated FSH levels seems to be a relatively good indicator for the presence of organic disorders of the testis.  相似文献   

Die Isolierung von Ureaplasma Urealytikum aus Seminalplasma in Relation zum Spermatozoen-Antikörperspiegel und zur Spermatozoenmotilität
Bei 115 infertilen Männern wurde untersucht, ob ein Zusammenhang besteht zwischen dem Vorkommen von agglutinierenden Spermatozoen, Antikörpern und kulturell nachgewiesenen Ureaplasmen aus Seminalplasma. Diese Untersuchung diente dem Versuch einer Erhellung der Ätiologie von Spermatozoen-Antikörpern. Es konnte kein Zusammenhang gefunden werden.  相似文献   

弱精子症、少弱精子症患者血清、精浆和精子锌含量分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:检测弱精子症和少弱精子症患者血清、精浆和精子锌的含量,分析锌含量的变化与精子密度和精子运动之间的关系。方法:按照WHO《人类精液及精子-宫颈粘液相互作用实验室检验手册》第四版的标准进行精液质量分析,随机筛选出90例弱精子症、60例少弱精子症患者以及20例精液质量正常的生育者作为研究对象,利用原子吸收光谱法检测其血清、精浆、精子的锌含量并进行统计学分析。结果:3组间血清锌含量没有显著差异;弱精子症、少弱精子症患者精浆锌含量均显著低于正常生育者(P<0.05);少弱精子症患者精子锌含量显著高于弱精子症患者和正常生育者(P<0.01)。结论:弱精子症、少弱精子症患者精子的发生及运动功能下降可能与精浆锌含量的低下呈正相关;但过高的精子锌含量与精子的发生和运动功能的关系尚不十分明了,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Dr.  U. DUNZENDORFER  H. FELLER 《Andrologia》1981,13(2):100-107
The inactivation of ornithine decarboxylase, a polyamine biosynthetic enzyme, by alpha-difluoromethylornithine (alpha-DFMO) was studied in patients with chronic non-suppurative prostatitis. Partial clinical response and remission of gross hematospermia were observed after 18 g/day alpha-DFMO, when administered orally for 1 month. The determination of gamma-glutamyltransferase, LH, Testosterone in semen and also of sperm motility and vitality appeared distinctly changed in alpha-DFMO treated patients, indicating a significant effect on the activity of the prostate. -- A 16% decrease of hematocrit and hemoglobin in 2 out of 10 patients was reversible 2 months after stopping the therapy. The placebo, which was identified mainly as tartaric acid after termination of the study showed similar clinical response and change of seminal parameters. The modulation of sperm count, seminal gamma GT, LH and testosterone was correlated to the known inhibition of prostatic acid phosphatase by tartaric acid in vitro.  相似文献   

According to higher androgen insensitivity index than in fertile men, the group of 83 men, with high serum LH and high or normal testosterone levels, was separated from 800 infertile men. These patients with high androgen insensitivity index had oligozoospermia (6.38 +/- 3.18 X 10(6)/ml) or azoospermia. They had significantly higher serum LH and testosterone levels than compared groups of infertile and fertile men. Elevated serum FSH levels in infertile men with high androgen insensitivity index showed damage of spermatogenesis. There was completely disturbed hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis as the serum prolactin levels were significantly elevated too. There was no significant difference in serum estradiol levels among investigated groups. Using androgen insensitivity index we could identify those men whose infertility is not treatable.  相似文献   

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