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The results of two self-administered, paper-and-pencil tests based on biosocial theory of personality have been compared simultaneously: the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). The stability of the personality dimensions was assessed across age, sex and education level samples in a group of 406 Polish adults with major mental diseases excluded by use of PRIME-MD questionnaire. Significant effects of age, sex, and education have been found while comparing personality dimensions in both temperamental (novelty seeking, NS; harm avoidance, HA; reward dependence, RD; persistence, P) and character scales (cooperativeness, C; self-transcendence, ST) in TCI. Among subscales of temperament only NS1, RD4 were stable according to concerning factors. All converted to their age and sex norms NEO-FFI dimensions were stable according to sex. Extraversion scale was changeable depending on age (p = 0.04). Neuroticism dimension was a little higher in lower educated group (p = 0.035).To sum up, it was concluded that sex- and age-specific norms for the dimensions of the Polish version of TCI are necessary considering the established significant differences. Particular personality genetic studies should account for age, sex and also educational differences in their methods of associative studies. CONCLUSIONS: In the exploration of personality dimensions on healthy volunteers the Polish version of NEO-FFI corresponds better than TCI to theory of stability and genetic determinants of human personality. As the study included persons with excluded major mental diseases, the sample is appropriate to provide a control group in the research of psychiatric patients using both TCI and NEO-FFI. SIGNIFICANT OUTCOMES: TCI scores for persons with excluded mental disease are highly changeable depending on age, sex and education. Adjusted to sex and age scores NEO-FFI corresponded better than TCI to stability and genetic determinants of human personality.  相似文献   

The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) is a well-established self-report questionnaire measuring four temperament and three character dimensions. However, surprisingly few studies have used it to examine the personality of patients with schizophrenia, and none in Japan. Moreover, possible gender differences in personality among patients with schizophrenia have not been well documented. We administered the TCI to 86 Japanese patients with schizophrenia and 115 age- and gender-matched healthy controls to characterize personality traits in patients with schizophrenia and to examine their relationships with clinical variables, particularly gender and symptoms. Compared with controls, patients demonstrated significantly lower novelty seeking, reward dependence, self-directedness and cooperativeness, and higher harm avoidance and self-transcendence. Male patients showed even more pronounced personality alteration than female patients when both of them were compared with healthy people. Personality dimensions were moderately correlated with symptom dimensions assessed by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). These results, together with prior findings in several other countries, suggest that schizophrenia patients have a unique personality profile which appears to be present across cultures and that the greater alteration of personality in schizophrenia males might be related to their poorer social and community functioning.  相似文献   

The occurrence of personality disorders was investigated in 36 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder by means of the SCID Screen questionnaire. In addition, the personality dimensions were explored by means of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). In total, 75% of the patients fulfilled the criteria for a personality disorder according to the SCID Screen questionnaire, mostly (55%) within cluster C. Several significant correlations were found between the separate personality disorders (PD) and subscales of the TCI, the most pronounced being between avoidant and obsessive-compulsive PD and novelty-seeking and self-directedness. Strong correlations were also found between self-directedness and paranoid and borderline PD. In multiple regressions where the presence of PD in clusters A, B and C, respectively, were used as dependent variables and where the separate subscales of the TCI were used as independent variables, the multiple R reached 0.68, 0.76 and 0.80 in clusters A, B and C, respectively. Thus 46–64% of the variance in the personality disorder clusters could be explained by the TCI subscales.  相似文献   

The present exploratory study was attempted to investigate the relationship between components of event-related potential (ERP) and Cloninger's personality dimensions. The ERP was measured using the auditory oddball paradigm, and personality was evaluated by Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) in 25 healthy subjects. The results showed that P300 amplitude at Fz was significantly associated with reward dependence, and that P300 latency was positively correlated with persistence, and negatively correlated with novelty seeking. No correlations were found between N100, P200 and personality dimensions. These results indicate that personality dimension is related to information-processing in the brain. The neurobiological and psychological aspects of personality, which may relate to the P300 were considered.  相似文献   

The relationship of interpersonal sensitivity measured by the Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (IPSM) with the 7 dimensions of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) was studied in 481 healthy subjects. The multiple regression analysis showed that the IPSM scores were correlated with the scores of 5 dimensions of the TCI, and the correlations were especially strong with self-directedness (beta = -.35) and harm avoidance (beta = .29). In the principal component analysis of the IPSM combined with the TCI dimensions, the IPSM formed a group with self-directedness and harm avoidance, with respective loading values of 0.82, -0.83, and 0.69. The present study suggests that interpersonal sensitivity is related to some dimensions of the TCI, especially with low self-directedness and high harm avoidance.  相似文献   

The reliability of every main scale of the Polish version of Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) was proven on the group of 144 students.  相似文献   

The relationships of sociotropy and autonomy, the 2 personality traits postulated as vulnerability factors for depression, with 7 dimensions of the Temperament and Character Inventory, a comprehensive measure of personality, were studied in 305 healthy subjects. Sociotropy and autonomy were assessed by the sociotropy and autonomy subscales, respectively, of the original 60-item Sociotropy-Autonomy Scale. In multiple regression analysis, sociotropy was significantly correlated with higher harm avoidance, reward dependence (RD), and self-transcendence (ST), and lower self-directedness; and the correlation was strongest with higher RD (β = 0.27) and second strongest with lower self-directedness (β = −0.25). Meanwhile, autonomy was significantly correlated with higher persistence and ST, and lower RD; and the correlations were especially strong with higher ST (β = 0.37) and lower RD (β = −0.28). These results support Beck's concepts of these personality traits, that is, the orientation toward interpersonal relationships of sociotropy, and that toward mastery and independence of autonomy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The psychometric properties of the Spanish version of Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) were examined in a psychiatric population. METHOD: Internal consistency, factor structure and concurrent validity were studied in a sample of 416 psychiatric patients. RESULTS: A moderate to high internal consistency for all personality dimensions was found, except for Persistence. A confirmatory factor analysis of the TCI performed at the subscale level revealed an uncertain factor structure. However, when analysed separately, both the 11 temperament subscales (plus Persistence) and the 13 character subscales shaped four and three factors, respectively, in agreement with the biosocial model of personality. Finally, concurrent validity analyses were conducted using EPQ, SPSR and SSS questionnaires showing results consistent with theory. CONCLUSION: The Spanish version of the TCI is a reliable and valid instrument, although the Persistence dimension might require further revision.  相似文献   

We explored the psychometric features of the French Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) in a 602-subject community sample (263 men and 339 women), representative of the French population. The factor structures of the temperament and character dimensions, explored separately, were in agreement with the hypothesized constructs, except for the scales Novelty Seeking NS1 (exploratory excitability), Persistence, and Self-Directedness SD4 (self-acceptance). The internal consistency of the main dimensions was good (Cronbach alpha coefficients between 0.68 and 0.82), but weak for Persistence (0.49). The mean scores of the temperament dimensions were notably different from those published in other normative data - especially lower for Novelty Seeking (16.4+/-5.6) and higher for Harm Avoidance (16.1+/-7.2) when compared with US data - suggesting cross-cultural differences in personality assessment, and the necessity to use specific normative values with each translated instrument.  相似文献   

Personality disorders (PDs) criteria are still in development. Cloninger's biosocial theory of personality contributed to this discussion. The aim of the study was to explore the relationships between extreme expressions on temperament and an immature character according to Cloninger's assumptions. Eight hundred healthy volunteers and 200 psychiatric inpatients were consecutively recruited each from Sweden and Germany, and were asked to complete the Temperament and Character Inventory, which measures 4 temperament and 3 character dimensions. Patients differed from controls on temperament and character dimensions. The combination of low and very low character scores with extreme scores in either novelty seeking, harm avoidance, or reward dependence was found more often among patients with PD compared with patients without PD and controls; this is more pronounced with an increasing number of extreme temperament scores. The Temperament and Character Inventory represents a useful tool in the diagnostic process of personality disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of personality disorders in a group of elderly patients without an organic mental disorder and to examine the relationship between the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and personality disorder symptoms in psychogeriatric clinical practice. METHOD: A total of 91 subjects completed the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R personality questionnaire and the 125-item TCI. RESULTS: Of the 91 subjects, 34 individuals (31%) had at least one DSM-III-R personality disorder diagnosis, with avoidant, dependent and paranoid personality disorder being the most common. The trends and correlations between the temperament and character dimensions and the correlations between individual personality disorder symptoms and the dimensions were similar to those in the original model. The most significant findings were the strong negative correlations of the character scores of self-directedness and co-operativeness with the total number of personality disorder symptoms, and the fact that the self-directedness scores predicted the number of personality disorder diagnoses. CONCLUSION: The reported prevalence rate is comparable to studies of both younger and older patient populations using similar methodology. The TCI provides a useful framework for further research on personality disorders in the elderly.  相似文献   

The association between anxiety disorders and different measures of personality has been extensively studied to further the understanding of etiology, course, and treatment, and to possibly prevent the development of anxiety disorders. We have proposed a hierarchical model of bodily anxiety symptoms with 1 second-order severity factor and 5 first-order factors: cardio-respiratory, gastro-intestinal, autonomic, vertigo, and tension. The aim of this study was to investigate whether personality traits were differentially related to distinct symptom subdimensions or exclusively related to the general severity factor. Structural equation modeling of data on 120 patients with a primary diagnosis of social phobia and 207 patients with a primary diagnosis of panic disorder was used to examine the association between anxiety symptom dimensions and the scales of the Temperament and Character Inventory and of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. When both sets of personality measures were simultaneously modeled as predictors, the Revised NEO Personality Inventory scales, neuroticism and extraversion, remained significantly associated with the severity factor, whereas the association between the Temperament and Character Inventory dimensions, harm avoidance and novelty seeking, and the severity factor became nonsignificant. Harm avoidance was negatively associated with the vertigo first-order factor, whereas neuroticism was negatively associated with the cardio-respiratory first-order factor, indicating that personality factors may be differentially related to specific anxiety subdimensions.  相似文献   

Although many clinical studies have been conducted to determine the etiological role and clinical implications of typus melancholicus for unipolar depression, maladaptive personality features in depressive patients have not been well described. This study explores typus melancholicus, as measured by the rigidity subscale of the Munich Personality Test, and maladaptive personality features, as measured by the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), in 131 remitted patients with DSM-IV major depression and 154 normal controls. The patients reported significantly higher scores on rigidity and harm avoidance and significantly lower scores on self-directedness and cooperativeness. Only 23.6% of the variance of the rigidity scale was explained by the variance of the seven TCI scales, in which only persistence was significantly correlated positively to rigidity. Cluster analysis identified four subgroups, two of which were characterized by a high rigidity score. One of these two subgroups showed no maladaptive personality features, as measured by the TCI, while the other showed high harm avoidance and low self-directedness. These results indicate that the personality of depressive patients is characterized not only by typus melancholicus but also by maladaptive personality features, that typus melancholicus is not well represented by any TCI scale, and that typus melancholicus and maladaptive personality features can coexist in some depressive patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Despite theoretical discrepancies between different concepts of temperament, some core dimensions are thought to be common to the various models. We compared temperamental traits derived from the New York Longitudinal Study (NYLS) model and the Cloninger dimensions in the developmental course and investigated the associations of temperament with sex as well as with obstetric risks or psychosocial risks present at birth. METHODS: Participants were 151 boys and 157 girls born at differing degrees of obstetric and psychosocial risk from a longitudinal study on a high-risk community sample. In infancy and childhood, NYLS-derived temperamental characteristics were assessed by a highly structured parent interview and standardized behavioral observations. At age 15 years, the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory/12-18 was administered. RESULTS: Moderate correlations were found between Junior Temperament and Character Inventory scales in adolescence and NYLS-derived factors in childhood. The psychosocial risk load seemed to influence the expression of novelty seeking or corresponding NYLS-derived factors, whereas the obstetric risks did not contribute to variation in temperament. Our findings further support highly sex-specific gene x environment interactions on temperament in the developmental course. CONCLUSION: The content of our NYLS-derived factors and the specific type of association across different temperament constructs fit into the increasing consensus regarding a small number of higher-order temperamental traits.  相似文献   


Background: The 24-item Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS-24) has three subscales to evaluate dysfunctional attitudes predisposing to depression in the areas of achievement, dependency and self-control. Aim: The purpose of the present investigation was to characterize the three subscales in relation to broad dimensions of personality. Methods: The subjects were 528 healthy Japanese volunteers. Personality assessment was conducted by the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), which has seven dimensions. The correlations of the DAS-24 subscales with the TCI dimensions were examined by the multiple regression analysis. Results: All DAS-24 subscales had negative correlations with the self-directedness dimension. However, the three subscales had differential patterns of correlations with the reward dependence, persistence, cooperativeness and harm avoidance dimensions. Conclusions: The present study suggests that dysfunctional attitudes measured by the DAS-24 are closely related to low self-directedness of the TCI. Also, the differential patterns of correlations with some TCI dimensions support the content-specificity of the three subscales.  相似文献   

There is evidence for an association between polymorphisms of monoamine transporter genes and temperamental personality traits. Recent findings have shown that interaction of allelic variants of the different genes may contribute to the personality factors. We studied the association between temperamental personality dimensions measured with the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and polymorphisms of the dopamine (DAT), norepinephrine (NET) and serotonin (5-HTT) transporter genes in 127 healthy Polish volunteers. There were no significant differences between means of TCI temperamental dimensions (novelty seeking, reward dependence, persistence and harm avoidance) and the transporter genes compared by ANOVA. There were some significant associations between genotypes and TCI subdimensions. Individuals carrying the A9/A9 DAT genotype have lower RD4 scores (dependence vs. independence) than A10/A10 individuals (3.0 +/- 1.4 vs. 3.5 +/- 1.3); p = 0.01. Examining 5-HTT gene promoter polymorphism, heterozygous individuals (l/s) and individuals with 44-bp deletion (s/s) scored significantly lower in the HA1 subdimension (anticipatory worry and pessimism vs. uninhibited optimism; 4.3 +/- 2.3 vs. 5.5 +/- 2.6) in comparison with individuals without deletion (l/l); p = 0.021. The NET transporter gene polymorphism showed no significant association with any of the temperamental TCI subdimensions.  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate personality traits in fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) patients by means of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and, furthermore, to relate the personality traits to the presence of psychiatric disorders. Thirty-eight female FMS patients and sex- and age-matched healthy control subjects (HCS) completed the 238-item self-rating personality inventory TCI. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) I was used to determine psychiatric disorders. To expand the diagnostic procedure for depression, the self-rating Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was also used. The results of the TCI rating showed that 82% of the FMS patients had a temperament type with high Harm Avoidance. The FMS patients scored significantly higher than the HCS in this variable (P=0.0001), regardless of concomitant psychiatric disorder. High Harm Avoidance is suggested to be strongly correlated to anxiety and depression. Thirty-seven per cent of the FMS patients fulfilled the SCID I criteria for major or minor depression, and 16% were diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder. Forty-five per cent were depressed according to the BDI; however, 26% were of a milder degree. The results suggest that the FMS patients are characterized by a partly inherited tendency to react with pessimistic thoughts and increased uneasiness to everyday and future problems. This in combination with additionally perceived prolonged distress may lead to excessive anxiety/distress, tension, and fatigability. The personality trait Harm Avoidance may therefore be part of the pathophysiologic mechanisms in the development of FMS.  相似文献   

Although several studies have assessed the relationships between the temperament dimensions of the Cloninger model of personality and depression, little is known about the role played by the character dimensions proposed by the seven-factor model of Cloninger in depression. In this study, the relationships between the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and depression were examined in a sample of 40 major depressive patients and 40 healthy controls. Depressed patients exhibit higher harm avoidance and self-transcendence scores as well as lower self-directedness and cooperativeness scores as compared to healthy controls. However, the three other dimensions do not differ between depressive patients and controls. Among the depressive group, harm avoidance, self-directedness and cooperativeness dimensions are related to the severity of depression as assessed by the Hamilton scale. This study confirms the state dependence of the harm avoidance dimension and suggests a relationship between the character dimensions of the Cloninger model and depression.  相似文献   

Several variables have been identified as risk factors for conversion to overt psychosis in ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR) individuals. Although almost two-thirds of them do not experience a transition to psychosis, they still exhibit functional disabilities. Other subjective developmental features may be useful for a more precise identification of individuals at UHR. Avoidant behaviors are consistently reported in schizophrenia and in UHR individuals and may be the reflection of a pattern of personality. Thus, personality features in UHR individuals deserves further research. The objective of the present study was to compare temperament and character dimensions between UHR individuals, patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. One hundred participants (25 UHR individuals, 25 schizophrenia patients and 50 control subjects) where evaluated with the Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R). Univariate ANOVAs followed by Bonferroni tests were used. UHR individuals and schizophrenia patients exhibited higher levels of Harm Avoidance (HA) when compared to control subjects. For HA1 Anticipatory worry vs Uninhibited optimism and HA4 Fatigability & asthenia, UHR and schizophrenia groups showed similar scores and both groups were higher compared to control subjects. With respect to Cooperativeness (CO), UHR and schizophrenia reported lower scores than control subjects, in particular CO2 Empathy vs Social disinterest and CO3 Helpfulness vs unhelpfulness. This study replicates and extends the consideration of HA as a psychopathological related endophenotype and gives us further information of the possible role of personality features in the expression of some of the social dysfunctions observed both in prodromal subjects and schizophrenia patients.  相似文献   

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