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Dual visual pathways reaching the telencephalon appear to be an ancient vertebrate trait, but some teleost fish seem to possess only one pathway via the optic tectum. We undertook the present study to determine if and when this loss occurred during evolution. Tracer injection experiments to the optic nerve, the optic tectum, and the dorsal telencephalon were performed in the present study, to investigate ascending visual pathways to the dorsal telencephalon in an acanthopterygian teleost, the yellowfin goby Acanthogobius flavimanus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845). We confirmed the presence of a nucleus prethalamicus (PTh) in the goby, which has been convincingly identified only in holocentrids, suggesting that this nucleus is present in other acanthopterygians. We found that the optic tectum projects to the PTh bilaterally. The PTh projects in turn to the dorsal telencephalon, ipsilaterally. These results suggest that the yellowfin goby possesses only an extrageniculate‐like pathway, while a geniculate‐like pathway could not be identified. This situation is common with that of holocentrids and may be a character common in acanthopterygians. It is possible that a geniculate‐like system was lost in the common ancestor of acanthopterygians, although the scenario for the evolution of ascending visual systems in actinopterygians remains uncertain due to the lack of precise knowledge in a number of actinopterygian taxons.  相似文献   

Biotinylated dextran amine and fluorescent carbocyanine dye (DiI) were used to examine connections of the lateral (Dl) and medial (Dm) divisions of the goldfish pallium. Besides numerous intrinsic telencephalic connections to Dl and Dm, major ascending projections to these pallial divisions arise in the preglomerular complex of the posterior tuberculum, rather than in the dorsal thalamus. The rostral subnucleus of the lateral preglomerular nucleus receives auditory input via the medial pretoral nucleus, lateral line input via the ventrolateral toral nucleus, and visual input via the optic tectum, and it projects to both Dl and Dm. The anterior preglomerular nucleus and caudal subnucleus of the lateral preglomerular nucleus receive auditory input via the central toral nucleus and project to Dm. This pallial division also receives chemosensory information via the medial preglomerular nucleus. The central posterior (CP) nucleus, which receives both auditory and visual inputs, also projects to Dm and is the only dorsal thalamic nucleus projecting to the pallium. Thus, both Dl and Dm clearly receive multisensory inputs. Major projections of CP and projections of all other dorsal thalamic nuclei are to the subpallium, however. Descending projections of Dl are primarily to the preoptic area and the caudal hypothalamus, whereas descending projections of Dm are more extensive and particularly heavy to the anterior tuber and nucleus diffusus of the hypothalamus. The topography and connections of Dl are remarkably similar to those of the hippocampus of tetrapods, whereas the topography and connections of Dm are similar to those of the amygdala.  相似文献   

The retinofugal and retinopetal connections in the green sunfish were studied by autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase methods. All retinofugal fibers decussate in the optic chiasm. Some fibers project to contralateral preoptic and hypothalamic nuclei while others recross to project to the comparable ipsilateral nuclei. Contralaterally, the medial optic tract projects to the periventricular thalamic and pretectal nuclei and, sparsely, to the rostral optic tectum. The dorsal optic tract projects to the parvocellular portion of the superficial pretectal nucleus, the central pretectal nucleus, nucleus corticalis, and the rostral portion of the optic tectum. The ventral optic tract primarily projects to the caudal portion of the optic tectum, giving off fibers in route to innervate various nuclei, including the parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the dorsal and ventral accessory optic nuclei. The axial optic tract projects to the dorsal accessory optic nucleus, the central pretectal nucleus, and the caudal optic tectum. Retinal fibers reach the ipsilateral thalamus, pretectum and other sites via a redecussation through the posterior commissure. From outgroup analysis it is concluded that such redecussating fibers are an independently derived character within actinopterygians and are homoplasous to nondecussating ipsilateral retinal projections in other vertebrates. Neurons retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase were found to form a rostrocaudal column from the olfactory bulb and nerve through the ventral telencephalon to caudal diencephalic levels along the medial aspect of the optic tract. It is possible that all these neurons consist of one population of migrated ganglion cells of the nervus terminalis.  相似文献   

Afferent and efferent fiber connections of the lobus inferior (LI) were studied in a percomorph teleost, Thamnaconus (Navodon) modestus. The LI of Thamnaconus is composed of the nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris (NDLI), the nucleus recessus lateralis pars lateralis et medialis (NRLl and NRLm), and the nucleus centralis lobi inferioris pars anterior et posterior (NCa and NCp). The NDLI receives projections from the secondary gustatory nucleus, preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, corpus glomerulosum, dorsal region of the area dorsalis telencephali pars medialis (dDm), and area dorsalis telencephali pars lateralis. Different subdivisions of the dorsal telencephalon project to discrete regions of the NDLI. The NDLI projects to the corpus mamillare, NRLl, NCa, and NCp. Thus the NDLI could be regarded as an intrahypothalamic relay nucleus. The NCa receives projections from the NDLI and projects to the preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, secondary gustatory nucleus, nucleus lateralis valvulae, and NRLl. The NCa appears to be primarily an extrahypothalamic projection nucleus. The NCp receives projections from the NDLI. Efferent connections of the NCp remain to be studied. The NRLl receives projections from the NDLI, and projects to the nucleus ruber (NR) of Goldstein [1905] and the preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus. Dense projections of the NR to the stratum opticum and stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale of the optic tectum are demonstrated. The NRLm receives projections from the medial part of the dDm. Efferent connections of the NRLm remain unclear. The LI as a whole receives projections from the locus coeruleus and nucleus raphe superior. These results suggest that the LI receives gustatory and/or general visceral information from the secondary and tertiary gustatory nuclei, visual and somatosensory inputs from the corpus glomerulosum. Inputs from the dorsal telencephalic subdivisions could be of various modalities (e.g. visual, acousticolateral, gustatory and/or general visceral). The present study also suggests that information processed in the LI is transmitted to the optic tectum via the NR, to the corpus mamillare, to the secondary and tertiary gustatory nuclei, and to the cerebellum via the nucleus lateralis valvulae.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the so-called nucleus geniculatus lateralis (or the nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars parvocellularis) in a teleost, Navodon modestus, were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing method. The nucleus receives fibers from the contralateral retina, ipsilateral optic tectum and nucleus isthmi, and projects bilaterally to the nucleus intermedius of Brickner and ipsilaterally to the optic tectum and raphe nuclei. The fiber connections suggest that the nucleus relays mainly visual information to the inferior lobe (hypothalamus) but not to the telencephalon. The nucleus is not a homologous structure to the lateral geniculate nucleus in other vertebrate classes.  相似文献   

Nucleus rotundus receives a major input from the optic tectum in crocodiles, Caiman crocodilus. Telencephalic projections of nucleus rotundus were studied in Caiman by means by the Fink-Heimer procedure after anodal, stereotaxic lesions. Efferent axons of nucleus rotundus assemble on the ventromedial aspect of this nucleus and swing ventrolaterally to enter the dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle. These ascending fibers continue rostrally in the dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle to enter the telencephalon where they remain restricted to a lateral portion of the lateral forebrain bundle. At more anterior levels, these fascicles turn dorsally, pass through the ventrolateral area, and terminate massively in a lateral part of the rostral dorsolateral area. The results of this experiment are compared with similar studies on thalamotelencephalic connections of diencephalic visual areas in other amniotes. Parallels in fiber connections of thalamic auditory and visual areas and the segregation of these modalities in the telencephalon of Caiman are discussed. These similarities in neural circuitry and synaptic elements of auditory and visual systems that synapse in the midbrain of Caiman form the basis for a different interpretation of sensory system organization in amniotes.  相似文献   

The torus semicircularis (TS) of teleosts is a key midbrain center of the lateral line and acoustic sensory systems. To characterize the TS in adult zebrafish, we studied their connections using the carbocyanine tracers applied to the TS and to other related nuclei and tracts. Two main TS nuclei, central and ventrolateral, were differentiable by their afferent connections. From central TS, (TSc) numerous toropetal cells were labeled bilaterally in several primary octaval nuclei (anterior, magnocellular, descending, and posterior octaval nuclei), in the secondary octaval nucleus, in the caudal octavolateralis nucleus, and in the perilemniscular region. In the midbrain, numerous toropetal cells were labeled in the contralateral TSc. In the diencephalon, toropetal cells labeled from the TSc were observed ipsilaterally in the medial prethalamic nucleus and the periventricular posterior tubercle nucleus. TSc toropetal neurons were also labeled bilaterally in the hypothalamic anterior tuberal nucleus (ATN) and ipsilaterally in the parvicellular preoptic nucleus but not in the telencephalon. Tracer application to the medial octavolateralis nucleus revealed contralateral projections to the ventrolateral TS (TSvl), whereas tracer application to the secondary octaval nucleus labeled fibers bilaterally in TSc and neurons in rostral TSc. The TSc sends ascending fibers to the ipsilateral lateral preglomerular region that, in turn, projects to the pallium. Application of DiI to the optic tectum labeled cells and fibers in the TSvl, whereas application of DiI to the ATN labeled cells and fibers in the TSc. These results reveal that the TSvl and TSc are mainly related with the mechanosensory lateral line and acoustic centers, respectively, and that they show different higher order connections.  相似文献   

The presence of multimodal association in the telencephalon of reptiles has been investigated by tracing the afferent connections to the posterior dorsal ventricular ridge (PDVR) of the lizard Podarcis hispanica. The PDVR receives telencephalic afferents from the lateral (olfactory) and dorsal cortices, and from the three unimodal areas of the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge, in a convergent manner. From the diencephalon, it receives afferents from the dorsomedial anterior and medial posterior thalamic nuclei, and from several hypothalamic nuclei. Brainstem afferents to the PDVR originate in the dorsal interpeduncular nucleus, the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and parabrachial nucleus. The afferents to the thalamic nuclei that project to the PDVR have also been studied. The dorsomedial anterior thalamic nucleus receives projections mainly from limbic structures, whereas the medial posterior thalamic nucleus is the target of projections from structures with a clear sensory significance (optic tectum, torus semicircularis, nuclei of the lateral and spinal lemniscus, superior olive and trigeminal complex). As a result, the PDVR appears as an associative centre that receives visual, auditory, somatosensory and olfactory information from several telencephalic and non-telencephalic centres, and a multimodal projection from the medial posterior thalamic nucleus. This pattern of afferents of the PDVR is similar to that of the caudal neostriatum in birds and the basolateral division of the mammalian amygdala. These results indicate that a multimodal amygdala is already present in reptiles, and has probably played a key role in the evolution of the vertebrate brain.  相似文献   

In this study and the accompanying article (Folgueira et al., 2004a), the fluorescent carbocyanine dye 1,1'-dioctadecyl 3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) was used in fixed tissue to comprehensively analyze the connections of the different regions of the telencephalic lobes and the preoptic region of the rainbow trout. Here, we analyze the connections of the dorsal area (D; pallium) of the telencephalon, and the preoptic region, as well as the telencephalic connections of several structures in the diencephalon and brainstem of juvenile trout. The dorsal plus dorsolateral pallial zone of D (Dd+Dl-d) receives afferents from contralateral Dd+Dl-d, the ventral area of the telencephalon, preoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, medial thalamus, preglomerular complex, anterior and lateral tuberal nuclei, posterior tuberal nucleus, posterior hypothalamic lobe, superior raphe nucleus, and the rhombencephalic central gray and reticular formation, and projects to the central zone of D (Dc), medial thalamus, and some caudomedial hypothalamic regions. The medial zone of D (Dm) maintains reciprocal connections with the preglomerular complex and also receives afferents from the preoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, anterior tuberal nucleus, preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, posterior tubercle, superior raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, and the rhombencephalic central gray, and reticular formation. Dc receives fibers mainly from Dd+Dl-d, preoptic nucleus, preglomerular complex, and torus semicircularis and projects to several extratelencephalic centers, including the paracommissural nucleus, optic tectum, torus semicircularis, thalamus, preglomerular complex, posterior tubercle nuclei, and inferior hypothalamic lobes. The posterior zone of D (Dp) is mainly connected with the olfactory bulbs, the ventral and supracommissural nuclei of the ventral area (subpallium), the preoptic nucleus, and the preglomerular complex and projects to wide hypothalamic and posterior tubercular regions. The preoptic nucleus projects to the olfactory bulb, to most regions of the telencephalic lobes, and to several diencephalic and brainstem structures. These results reveal complex and specialized connectional patterns in the rainbow trout dorsal telencephalon and preoptic region. Most of these connections have not been described previously in salmonids. These connections indicate that the salmonid telencephalon is involved in multisensorial processing and modulation of brain activity.  相似文献   

The secondary general visceral sensory nucleus (SVN) receives ascending fibers from the commissural nucleus of Cajal (NCC), or the primary general visceral sensoru in the medulla oblongata of teleosts. However, the full set of fiber connections of the SVN have been studied only in the Nile tilapia. We have investigated the connections of the SVN in goldfish by tracer injection experiments to the nucleus. We paid special attention to the possible presence of spinal afferents, since the spinal cord projects to the lateral parabrachial nucleus, or the presumed homologue of SVN, in mammals. We found that the SVN indeed receives spinal projections. Spinal terminals were restricted to a region ventrolaterally adjacent to the terminal zone of NCC fibers, suggesting that the SVN can be subdivided into two subnuclei: the commissural nucleus-recipient (SVNc) and spinal-recipient (SVNsp) subnuclei. Tracer injections to the SVNc and SVNsp as well as reciprocal injections to the diencephalon revealed that both subnuclei project directly to diencephalic structures, such as the posterior thalamic nucleus and nucleus of lateral recess, although diencephalic projections of the SVNsp were rather sparse. The SVNsp appears to send fibers to more wide-spread targets in the preoptic area than the SVNc does. The SVNc projects to the telencephalon, while the SVNsp sends scarce or possibly no fibers to the telencephalon. Another notable difference was that the SVNsp gives rise to massive projections to the dorsal diencephalon (ventromedial thalamic, central posterior thalamic, and periventricular posterior tubercular nuclei). These differential connections of the subnuclei may reflect discrete functional significances of the general visceral sensory information mediated by the medulla oblongata and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the rostrolateral region of the lateral preglomerular nucleus (PGlr) were studied by tract-tracing methods in carp and goldfish. The PGlr receives fibers from the optic tectum, ventrolateral nucleus of semicircular torus, ventromedial thalamic nucleus, medial pretoral nucleus, anterior tuberal nucleus, subglomerular nucleus, and (unexpectedly) also from the retina. Dendritic morphology of tecto-preglomerular neurons suggests that they receive retinal inputs. The PGlr can be further subdivided into dorsal (PGlr-d) and ventral (PGlr-v) zones, both of which are composed of somata and neuropil layers. Retinal and tectal fibers terminate mostly in the neuropil layer of the PGlr-d with the retinal terminals concentrated medially and tectal terminals laterally. Lateral line toral fibers terminate mainly in a lateral portion and ventromedial thalamic fibers in a medial portion of the somata layer of the PGlr-d. Auditory fibers from the medial pretoral nucleus and anterior tuberal nucleus terminate in the PGlr-v. The central nucleus of the semicircular torus also projects sparse fibers to the PGlr-v. The PGlr projects to the lateral, central, and medial parts of the dorsal telencephalic area, and the latter telencephalic part sends descending fibers to the PGlr. Differential distribution patterns of PGlr-d and PGlr-v fibers are noted within the dorsal telencephalic parts, suggesting that different sensory modalities may be represented in distinct regions at least to a certain degree.  相似文献   

The organization of retinofugal projections was studied in a cichlid fish by labelling small groups of retinal ganglion cell axons with either horseradish peroxidase or cobaltous lysine. Two major findings resulted from these experiments. First, optic tract axons show a greater degree of pathway diversity than was previously appreciated, and this pathway diversity is related to the target nuclei of groups of axons. The most striking example is the formation of the medial optic tract. Fibers that will become the medial optic tract move abruptly away from their neighbors, at about the level of the optic chiasm, and coalesce at the dorsomedial edge of the marginal optic tract. The medial optic tract projects to the thalamus, the dorsal pretectum, and the deep layer of the optic tectum. The axial optic tract is a group of fibers which segregates from the most medial portion of the marginal optic tract, at about the level of the optic chiasm. The axial tract stays medial to the marginal optic tract for a few hundred microns and then curves laterally to rejoin the marginal optic tract. At least some axial trat axons terminate in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Within the marginal optic tract, retinal ganglion cell axons from a given retinal quadrant are always segregated into at least two groups. The smaller group projects to the superficial pretectal nucleus. The larger group projects to the superficial layer of the optic tectum. Second, each nontectal retinal termination site receives a unique pattern of retinal input. Within the pretectum the parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus receives a highly retinotopically organized input from all retinal regions; the basal optic nucleus receives a roughly retinotopically organized input from all retinal regions; the dorsal pretectum receives an input from all retinal regions; and the central pretectal nucleus receives input only from the ventral hemiretina. Within the diencephalon the thalamus receives an input from all retinal regions, but this input is not retinotopically organized; the suprachiasmatic nucleus receives input from the region of central retina that lies just dorsal to the optic nerve head, via the axial optic tract. The accessory optic nucleus receives input from the dorsal hemiretina.  相似文献   

In 33 cats the projections of different parts of the mesencephalon to the facial nucleus were studied with the aid of the autoradiographical tracing method. The results indicate the existence of many different mesencephalo-facial pathways. The dorsomedial facial subnucleus, containing motoneurons innervating ear muscles, receives afferents from 4 different mesencephalic areas: a, the most rostral mesencephalic reticular formation; b, the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and/or the ventral part of the rostral PAG; c, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal and/or the mesencephalic tegmentum dorsomedial to the red nucleus. These areas project bilaterally by way of an ipsilateral medial tegmental pathway. The medial part of the deep tectum. This area projects bilaterally by way of the tecto-spinal tract. The lateral mesencephalic tegmentum close to the parabigeminal nucleus. This area projects mainly contralaterally by way of a separate contralateral lateral tegmental fiber bundle. The mesencephalic tegmentum just dorsolateral to the red nucleus and perhaps from the dorsolateral red nucleus itself. This area projects contralaterally by way of the rubrospinal tract. The intermediate facial subnucleus containing motoneurons innervating the muscle around the eye, receives afferents from two different mesencephalic areas: The dorsal part of the rostral as well as caudal red nucleus (but not from its caudal pole) and from the dorsally adjoining mesencephalic tegmentum including the area of the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and the interstitial nucleus of Cajal. These areas project contralaterally by way of the contralateral rubrospinal tract. The nucleus of the optic tract and/or the olivary pretectal nucleus. This area projects contralaterally by way of a contralateral medial tegmental pathway. The lateral and ventrolateral facial subnuclei containing motoneurons innervating the muscles around the mouth receive afferents from two different mesencephalic areas: The lateral part of the deep tectal layers. This area projects contralaterally by way of the tecto-spinal tract. The nucleus raphe dorsalis and perhaps the nucleus centralis superior. This area projects by way of the lateral tegmentum of caudal pons and medulla.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the lateral valvular nucleus were investigated in a percomorph teleost, the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), by tract-tracing methods. Following tracer injections into the lateral valvular nucleus, neurons were labeled in the ipsilateral dorsal part of dorsal telencephalic area, corpus glomerulosum pars anterior, dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, central nucleus of the inferior lobe, mammillary body, semicircular torus, valvular and cerebellar corpus, in the bilateral rostral regions of the central part of dorsal telencephalic area, dorsal region of the medial part of dorsal telencephalic area, habenula, anterior tuberal nucleus, posterior tuberal nucleus, and spinal cord, and in the contralateral lateral funicular nucleus. Labeled fibers and terminals were found in the ipsilateral cerebellar corpus and bilateral valvula of the cerebellum. Tracers were injected into portions of the telencephalon, pretectum, inferior lobe, and cerebellum to confirm reciprocally connections with the lateral valvular nucleus and to determine afferent terminal morphology in the lateral valvular nucleus. Telencephalic fibers terminated mainly in a dorsolateral portion of the lateral valvular nucleus. Terminals from the corpus glomerulosum pars anterior, central nucleus of the inferior lobe, and mammillary body showed more diffuse distributions and were not confined to particular portions of the lateral valvular nucleus. Labeled terminals in the lateral valvular nucleus were cup-shaped or of beaded morphology. These results indicate that the lateral valvular nucleus receives projections from various sources including the telencephalon, pretectum, and inferior lobe to relay information to the valvular and cerebellar corpus. In addition, the corpus glomerulosum pars anterior in tilapia is considered to be homologous to the magnocellular part of superficial pretectal nucleus in cyprinids.  相似文献   

The projections of the dorsal and lateral terminal accessory optic nuclei (DTN and LTN) and of the dorsal and ventral components of the interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus (posterior fibers; inSFp have been studied in the rabbit and rat by the method of retrograde axonal transport following injections of horseradish peroxidase into oculomotor-related brainstem nuclei. The projections of the ventral division of the inSFp have been further investigated in rabbits with the anterograde axonal transport of 3H-leucine. The data show that the projections of the DTN, LTN, and inSFp are remarkably similar in rabbit and rat. The DTN projects heavily to the ipsilateral medial terminal accessory optic nucleus (MTN), nucleus of the optic tract, and dorsal cap of the inferior olive. The DTN projects sparsely to the ipsilateral visual tegmental relay zone and to the contralateral superior and lateral vestibular nuclei. The LTN and dorsal component of the inSFp are found to share the same basic connections; both project heavily to the ipsilateral nucleus of the optic tract and visual tegmental relay zone and send a moderately sized projection to the ipsilateral MTN. However, while the dorsal component of the inSFp sends significant ipsilateral projections to both rostral and caudal portions of the dorsal cap, only a few LTN neurons appear to follow this example and only by projecting to the rostral part of the dorsal cap. In addition, both the LTN and dorsal component of the inSFp send sparse contralateral projections to the MTN, nucleus of the optic tract, and visual tegmental relay zone; and the dorsal component of the inSFp also provides a sparse contralateral projection to both rostral and caudal portions of the dorsal cap. The ventral component of the inSFp projects heavily to the ipsilateral visual tegmental relay zone and moderately to the ipsilateral MTN and nucleus of the optic tract. The ventral inSFp projects sparsely to the contralateral MTN, the nucleus of the optic tract, and the visual tegmental relay zone. A few of its neurons target the ipsilateral dorsal cap of the inferior olive. Unlike the DTN (present study) and the MTN (Giolli et al.: J. Comp. Neurol. 227:228-251, '84; J. Comp. Neurol. 232:99-116, '85a), the LTN and the inSFp of the rabbit and rat lack projections to the superior and lateral vestibular nuclei.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Visual information reaches the dorsal thalamus by two distinct routes in most reptiles. Retinal efferents terminate directly in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (DLGN). Retinal information is also channeled indirectly through the tectum to nucleus rotundus. Retinal projections to DLGN and tectum are also well esablished in snakes, but the status of the tecto-rotundal link of the indirect visual pathway is uncertain. Thus, tectal efferents were studied with Fink-Heimer methods in banded water snakes (Natrix sipedon). The tectum gives rise to crossed and uncrossed projections to the brainstem reticular formation. Commissural connections are effected with the contralateral tectum via the tectal and osterior commissures. tectum projects densely to the ipsilateral basal optic nucleus. Bilateral ascending projections reach the pretectal area, nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, lateral habenular nuclei, and posterodorsal nuclei. Ascending projections reach the ventral lateral geniculate and suprapeduncular nuclei. there is a diffuse projection to the central part of the caudal thalamus and a dense, bilaternal projection to the DLGN. These results indicate that the relation of the tectum to the dorsal thalamus is different in snakes than in other reptiles. Nucleus rotundus is either absent or poorly differentiated and there is a strong convergence of the direct and indirect visual pathways at DLGN.  相似文献   

Tectal neurons previously known to receive retinofugal input were herein shown to project to the nucleus prethalamicus. Following HRP injections into the nucleus prethalamicus, pyriform neurons in the stratum periventiculare and stratum album centrale, and fusiform neurons in the stratum griseum centrale, were retrogradely labeled. Because the labeled types of neurons have been characterized as the main visual receptive neurons of the optic tectum, and because the nucleus prethalamicus of teleosts projects to the telencephalon, this nucleus can now be considered homologous to the nucleus rotondus of reptiles and birds and to the nucleus lateralis postterior-pulvinar complex of mammals, that is, it provides a relay for retinotectal visual input to the telencephalon. Orthogradely labeled terminals as well as retrogradely labeled neurons were also found in the dorsal area of the telencephalon. The tecto-prethalamotelencephalic projections are only ipsilateral.  相似文献   

The cytoarchitecture, fiber connections, and ultrastructure of the nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars magnocellularis (PSm) were studied in cypriniform teleosts (Cyprinus carpio). The PSm is an oval nucleus in the pretectum. Medium-sized cells and synaptic glomeruli are the main components of the nucleus. A lesser number of small cells are also present. Most of the medium-sized cells form one or two cell layers on the periphery of the nucleus, and some cells are scattered among synaptic glomeruli in the nucleus. Cell bodies in the peripheral cell layer are pyriform and sprout a thick dendrite directed inward. The dendrite gives off fine dendritic branches, which are postsynaptic elements in synaptic glomeruli. The PSm projects to the ipsilateral corpus mamillare (CM) and sends collaterals to the ipsilateral nucleus lateralis valvulae (NLV). Axons of the PSm neurons have terminals with many varicosities in the CM, and collaterals in the NLV have cup-shaped terminals around the cell bodies of the NLV neurons. Following horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injections into the PSm, HRP-labeled cells are found ipsilaterally in the optic tectum, the nucleus tractus rotundus of Schnitzlein, and the nucleus ruber of Goldstein. The tecto-PSm projections are topographically organized. The rostral optic tectum projects mainly to the rostral portion of the PSm, and the caudal tectum projects to the caudal portion of the PSm. The ventral tectum sends fibers mainly to the ventral part of the PSm. The dorsomedial tectum projects to the medial part of the PSm, and the dorsolateral tectum projects to the lateral part of the PSm. Tectal projection neurons to the PSm are of only one type. The tectal cell body is pyriform and is situated in the superficial part of the ipsilateral stratum periventriculare (SPV). The tectal neurons have a long perpendicular dendrite, which branches out in the stratum opticum (SO). An axon emerges from the branching site in the SO. Judging from the dendritic branching pattern of the tectal projection neurons, we concluded that the PSm receives visual information from the optic tectum. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the afferent projections to the subnuclei of the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) in the rat by means of retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). We observed locations of retrogradely labeled cells following injections of WGA-HRP into the IPN, and distributions of anterogradely labeled fibers and terminals within the IPN following injections into the areas that contain cells of origin of afferents. Results of the retrograde and anterograde experiments have clarified the detailed organization of the IPN afferents. A part of the nucleus incertus, located dorsomedial to the dorsal tegmental nucleus, projects to the contralateral half of the rostral subnucleus of the IPN; the pars caudalis of the dorsal tegmental nucleus projects sparsely to the rostral lateral, dorsal lateral, lateral, caudal, and apical subnuclei predominantly contralaterally; the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, to most of the subnuclei predominantly contralaterally; the ventromedial central gray rostral to the dorsal tegmental nucleus and lateral to the dorsal raphe nucleus projects to the rostral lateral and dorsal lateral subnuclei predominantly contralaterally; the median raphe nucleus, substantially to all subnuclei; the medial habenular nucleus, in a topographic manner, to the rostral, central, and intermediate subnuclei, to the rostral lateral and lateral subnuclei predominantly ipsilaterally, and to the dorsal lateral subnucleus predominantly contralaterally; the supramammillary nucleus and areas around the origin of the mammillothalamic tract and near the third ventricle project sparsely to the ventral part of the rostral subnucleus and to the central, lateral, caudal and apical subnuclei; the nucleus of the diagonal band, sparsely to the rostral, central, dorsal lateral, caudal, and apical subnuclei. These differential projections of the afferents to the subnuclei of the IPN may reflect its complex functions within the limbic midbrain circuit.  相似文献   

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