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Introduction: The improvement of clinical departments’ learning climate is central to achieving high-quality residency training and patient care. However, improving the learning climate can be challenging given its complexity as a multi-dimensional construct. Distinct representations of the dimensions might create different learning climate groups across departments and may require varying efforts to achieve improvement. Therefore, this study investigated: (1) whether distinct learning climate groups could be identified and (2) whether contextual factors could explain variation in departments’ learning climate performance.

Methods: This study included departments that used the Dutch Residency Educational Climate Test (D-RECT) through a web-based system in 2014–2015. Latent profile analysis was used to identify learning climate groups and multilevel modeling to predict clinical departments’ learning climate performance.

Results: The study included 1730 resident evaluations. Departments were classified into one of the four learning climate groups: substandard, adequate, good and excellent performers. The teaching status of the hospital, departments’ average teaching performance and percentage of time spent on educational activities by faculty-predicted departments’ learning climate performance.

Discussion: Clinical departments can be successfully classified into informative learning climate groups. Ideally, given informative climate grouping with potential for cross learning, the departments could embark on targeted performance improvement.  相似文献   


Background: Medical education has a longstanding tradition of using logbooks to record activities. The portfolio is an alternative tool to document competence and promote reflective practice. This study assessed the acceptance of portfolio use among Saudi undergraduate medical students.

Methods: Portfolios were introduced in the 2nd through 5th years at King Abdulaziz University over a two-year period (2013–2015). At the end of each academic year, students completed a mixed questionnaire that included a self-assessment of skills learned through the use of portfolio.

Results: The results showed a difference in focus between basic and clinical years: in basic years students’ focus was on acquiring practical skills, but in clinical years they focused more on acquiring complex skills, including identifying and managing problems. The questionnaire responses nonetheless revealed a positive trend in acceptance (belief in the educational value) of portfolios among students and their mentors, across the years of the program.

Conclusions: Using portfolios as a developmental learning and formative assessment tool in the early undergraduate years was found to contribute to students’ ability to create their own clinical skills guidelines in later years, as well as to engage in and appreciate reflective learning.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study investigates the contributions of self-assessment (SA) and external feedback on the development of learning goals (LG) and the influence on LG recall and implementation in medical students.

Methods: Following a standardized patient (SP) assessment, 168 pre-clinical medical students completed a SA, received SP feedback and created a LG. LG were categorized by source. Two weeks later, students recalled LG and described implementation. Chi-squared analyses were used to test the associations.

Results: SA influenced LG for 82.8% of students whereas SP feedback influenced LG for 45.9%. Students rarely generated LG based on SA when they received discordant feedback (5.4%), but sometimes incorporated feedback discordant from their SA into LG (14.9%). Students who created LG based on SP feedback were more likely to recall LG than those who created LG based on SA, 89.7 versus 67.6%, p?2(1)?=?5.3, p?=?0.017. Students who reported receiving effective feedback were more likely to implement their LG than those reporting adequate feedback, 60.9 versus 37.9%, χ2(1)?=?8.0, p?=?0.01.

Conclusions: SA is an essential part of goal setting and subsequent action. Perception of feedback plays a crucial role in LG implementation.  相似文献   


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate fifth-year medical students' perception of their learning experience during pediatric rotation at the medical college of King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to fifth-year students who attended the pediatric rotation at KAU, during 2013–2014.

Results: Three hundred fifty-six out of 360 students agreed to participate, representing a response rate of 99%. More than 90% were satisfied with the module, and 80% reported the usefulness of the orientation session. The mean scores for the usefulness of morning experience and afternoon activities were 7.20?±?2.40 and 6.40?±?2.70, respectively. A significant difference in the mean scores for supervision was observed between the clerkship sites (p?=?.0001), with the highest score for consultants’ supervision (7.01?±?2.90) and lowest for interns’ supervision (4.81?±?3.30).

Conclusions: Overall, although the program was satisfactory to the majority of participants, areas of concern were identified. Students reported more effective learning and development of clinical skills , during the morning rounds, when supervised by consultants and senior specialists, and in activities that involved examining patients, presenting cases, and participating in discussions.  相似文献   

Introduction: During residency, some trainees require the identification and remediation of deficiencies to achieve the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for independent practice. Given the limited published frameworks for remediation, we characterize remediation from the perspective of educators and propose a holistic framework to guide the approach to remediation.

Methods: We conducted semistructured focus groups to: explore methods for identifying struggling residents; categorize common domains of struggle; describe personal factors that contribute to difficulties; define remediation interventions and understand what constitutes successful completion. Data were analyzed through conventional content analysis.

Results: Nineteen physicians across multiple specialties and institutions participated in seven focus groups. Thirteen categories emerged around remediation. Some themes addressed practical components of remediation, while others reflected barriers to the process and the impact of remediation on the resident and program. The themes were used to inform development of a novel holistic framework for remediation.

Conclusions: The approach to remediation requires comprehensive identification of individual factors impacting performance. The intervention should not only include a tailored learning plan but also address confounders that impact likelihood of remediation success. Our holistic framework intends to guide educators creating remediation plans to ensure all domains are addressed.  相似文献   

Background: In clerkships, students are expected to self-regulate their learning. How clinical departments and their routine approach on clerkships influences students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) is unknown.

Aim: This study explores how characteristic routines of clinical departments influence medical students’ SRL.

Methods: Six focus groups including 39 purposively sampled participants from one Dutch university were organized to study how characteristic routines of clinical departments influenced medical students’ SRL from a constructivist paradigm, using grounded theory methodology. The focus groups were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and were analyzed iteratively using constant comparison and open, axial and interpretive coding.

Results: Students described that clinical departments influenced their SRL through routines which affected the professional relationships they could engage in and affected their perception of a department’s invested effort in them. Students’ SRL in a clerkship can be supported by enabling them to engage others in their SRL and by having them feel that effort is invested in their learning.

Conclusions: Our study gives a practical insight in how clinical departments influenced students’ SRL. Clinical departments can affect students’ motivation to engage in SRL, influence the variety of SRL strategies that students can use and how meaningful students perceive their SRL experiences to be.  相似文献   

Introduction: OSCEs are commonly conducted in multiple cycles (different circuits, times, and locations), yet the potential for students’ allocation to different OSCE cycles is rarely considered as a source of variance—perhaps in part because conventional psychometrics provide limited insight.

Methods: We used Many Facet Rasch Modeling (MFRM) to estimate the influence of “examiner cohorts” (the combined influence of the examiners in the cycle to which each student was allocated) on students’ scores within a fully nested multi-cycle OSCE.

Results: Observed average scores for examiners cycles varied by 8.6%, but model-adjusted estimates showed a smaller range of 4.4%. Most students’ scores were only slightly altered by the model; the greatest score increase was 5.3%, and greatest score decrease was ?3.6%, with 2 students passing who would have failed.

Discussion: Despite using 16 examiners per cycle, examiner variability did not completely counter-balance, resulting in an influence of OSCE cycles on students’ scores. Assumptions were required for the MFRM analysis; innovative procedures to overcome these limitations and strengthen OSCEs are discussed.

Conclusions: OSCE cycle allocation has the potential to exert a small but unfair influence on students’ OSCE scores; these little-considered influences should challenge our assumptions and design of OSCEs.  相似文献   

Till H 《Medical teacher》2005,27(4):332-337
As educational climate strongly affects student achievement, satisfaction and success, it is important to get regular feedback from students on how they experience the educational environment. The Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) Inventory was administered on the same day to all first-, second- and third-year students at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) and the students were requested to complete the questionnaire as they were actually experiencing the educational environment at CMCC, and then to say what they would have wanted, or preferred it to be like. Valid returns were received from 146 (95%) first-, 123 (82%) second- and 73 (48%) third-year students (n = 342). The results indicated that the DREEM Inventory used in the Ideal mode, together with the responses in the Actual mode, could be used effectively to determine the dissonance between what they had and what they would have liked to have. It was found that there was a strong similarity in the areas of the educational environment that the different groups of students indicated as falling short of their ideal. The results of this study provided a useful basis for strategic planning and resource utilization.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study examines how Clinical Competency Committees (CCCs) synthesize assessment data to make judgments about residents’ clinical performances.

Methods: Between 2014 and 2015, after four six-month reporting periods to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), 7 of 16 CCC faculty at Rush University Medical Center completed questionnaires focused on their perspectives about rating residents on their achievement of the milestones and participated in a focus group. Qualitative data were analyzed using grounded theory. Milestones ratings for two six-month ACGME reporting cycles (n?=?100 categorical residents) were also analyzed.

Results: CCC members weighted resident rotation ratings highest (weight?=?37%), followed by faculty rotation comments (weight?=?27%) and personal experience with residents (weight?=?14%) for making judgments about learner’s milestone levels. Three assessment issues were identified from qualitative analyses: (1) “design issues” (e.g. problems with available data or lack thereof); (2) “synthesis issues” (e.g. factors influencing ratings and decision-making processes) and (3) “impact issues” (e.g. how CCC generated milestones ratings are used).

Conclusions: Identifying factors that affect assessment at all stages of the CCC process can contribute to improving assessment systems, including support for faculty development for CCCs. Recognizing challenges in synthesizing first and second-hand assessment data is an important step in understanding the CCC decision-making process.  相似文献   

What are the symbolic meanings of breakfast in the context of one of Australia’s largest childhood obesity intervention programs? Utilizing a range of theoretical insights into the morality of food and eating and the anthropology of food, we trace how breakfast is packaged and promoted to families in an Australian community as a ‘healthy start’ to the day. Through ethnographic and historic investigation, we argue that eating breakfast and certain types of breakfast foods are symbolic of a classed, healthy lifestyle pattern, embodying parental knowledge and bodily regulation to routinely structure daily life. In communities where poverty and unemployment are harsh realities, well-intentioned programs that encourage people to eat a healthy breakfast are encoded with an assemblage of moral values—of knowledge, foods, families, and times and spaces—that are often difficult to reconcile with the wider sociocultural context in which many people live.  相似文献   

Background: The growth of e-learning in health professional education reflects expansion of personal use of online resources. Understanding the user perspective in a fast-changing digital world is essential to maintain the currency of our approach.

Methods: Mixed methods were used to investigate a cohort of postgraduate, e-learning healthcare students’ perspectives on their use of online resources for personal and/or professional roles, via questionnaire and student-constructed diagrams, capturing use of online resources (underpinned by White’s model of “resident” and “visitor” online engagement). Semistructured interviews explored the use and value of resources afforded via the online environment.

Results: The 45 study participants described a range of prior experiences with online resources in personal and professional capacities, but overall students tended to use online “tools” (“visitor” mode) rather than highly collaborative networks (“resident” mode). In relation to e-learning, the dominant interview theme was valuing knowledge transfer from the tutor and using “visitor” behaviors to maximize knowledge acquisition. Peer-learning opportunities were less valued and barriers to collaborative “resident” modes were identified.

Conclusions: These findings help to inform e-learning course design to promote engagement. The results enable recommendations for use of the “Visitor and Residents” model and for planning activities that learners might utilize effectively.  相似文献   

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