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Autobiographical memory paradigms have been increasingly used to study the behavioral and neuroanatomical correlates of human remote memory. Although there are numerous functional neuroimaging studies on this topic, relatively few studies of patient samples exist, with heterogeneity of results owing to methodological variability. In this study, fronto-temporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), a form of dementia affecting regions crucial to autobiographical memory, was used as a model of autobiographical memory loss. We emphasized the separation of episodic (recollection of specific event, perceptual, and mental state information) from semantic (factual information unspecific in time and place) autobiographical memory, derived from a reliable method for scoring transcribed autobiographical protocols, the Autobiographical Interview [Levine, B., Svoboda, E., Hay, J., Winocur, G., & Moscovitch, M. Aging and autobiographical memory: Dissociating episodic from semantic retrieval. Psychology and Aging, 17, 677-689, 2002]. Patients with the fronto-temporal dementia (FTD) and mixed fronto-temporal and semantic dementia (FTD/SD) variants of FTLD were impaired at reconstructing episodically rich autobiographical memories across the lifespan, with FTD/SD patients generating an excess of generic semantic autobiographical information. Patients with progressive nonfluent aphasia were mildly impaired for episodic autobiographical memory, but this impairment was eliminated with the provision of structured cueing, likely reflecting relatively intact medial-temporal lobe function, whereas the same cueing failed to bolster the FTD and FTD/SD patients' performance relative to that of matched comparison subjects. The pattern of episodic, but not semantic, autobiographical impairment was enhanced with disease progression on 1- to 2-year follow-up testing in a subset of patients, supplementing the cross-sectional evidence for specificity of episodic autobiographical impairment with longitudinal data. This behavioral pattern covaried with volume loss in a distributed left-lateralized posterior network centered on the temporal lobe, consistent with evidence from other patient and functional neuroimaging studies of autobiographical memory. Frontal lobe volumes, however, did not significantly contribute to this network, suggesting that frontal contributions to autobiographical episodic memory may be more complex than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Studies of autobiographical memory in semantic dementia have found relative preservation of memories for recent rather than remote events. As semantic dementia is associated with progressive atrophy to temporal neocortex, with early asymmetric sparing of the hippocampus, this neuropsychological pattern suggests that the hippocampal complex plays a role in the acquisition and retrieval of recent memories, but is not necessary for the recall of older episodic events. In an alternative view of memory consolidation, however, the hippocampus plays a role in the retrieval of all autobiographical memories, regardless of the age of the memory [Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 7(1997)217]. This 'multiple trace theory' predicts that patients with semantic dementia should show no effects of time in their autobiographical recall. In this article, we ask whether it is possible to reconcile the data from semantic dementia with the multiple trace theory by investigating whether the time-dependent pattern of autobiographical retrieval seen in the disease is due to (i) patients showing this effect being exceptional in their presentation; and/or (ii) patients with semantic dementia exhibiting impaired strategic retrieval from concomitant frontal damage. A series of experiments in patients with semantic dementia, the frontal variant of frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease clearly demonstrates that neither of these two factors can explain the documented effect of time seen in semantic dementia. Nonetheless, we discuss how damage to semantic knowledge could result in an autobiographical memory deficit and suggest that data from semantic dementia may be consistent with both views of hippocampal involvement in long-term memory.  相似文献   

A number of investigations in semantic dementia have documented better retrieval of recent personal events compared to those in the more distant past (Graham and Hodges, 1997). Westmacott et al. (2001) challenged this result, however, finding relative preservation of remote memories in a single case of semantic dementia when he was tested using family photographs. In Experiment 1, we tested two possible explanations for the discrepancy between the published papers: (a) that there is a significant effect of modality in autobiographical retrieval in semantic dementia (e.g., patients will show better, or even preserved, remote memory when tested on nonverbal, compared to verbal, tasks); and (b) that the distinct pattern seen between patients is attributable to the different methods adopted for scoring the episodic quality of the memories. A patient with semantic dementia, AM, produced autobiographical memories to both words and family photographs. These personal events were scored by two raters using the scoring method described by Westmacott et al. (2001) and that reported by Graham and Hodges (1997). It was found that AM showed similar levels of remote memory impairment regardless of whether the cue was verbal or nonverbal. In addition, significant effects of time were revealed in AM's performance on the verbal memory test, regardless of which method was used to score the memories. In Experiment 2, we investigated a related question: whether the relatively better retrieval of memories in semantic dementia could be due to over rehearsal of highly salient recent experiences? Four patients were tested on their ability to remember a recent event (either a trip to London or events from a Formula One Grand Prix race) using specially designed autobiographical questionnaires. It was found that all four were able to perform this task, although one patient showed evidence of some forgetting over three months, and another exhibited difficulty discriminating between two similar events. Together, the two experiments further confirm that patients with semantic dementia show a modality independent autobiographical memory deficit, with better retrieval of recent events.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memory comprises memories of one's own past that are characterized by a sense of subjective time and autonoetic awareness. Although autobiographical memory deficits are among the major complaints of patients with dementia, they have rarely been systematically assessed in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. We therefore investigated semantic and episodic aspects of autobiographical memory for remote and recent life periods in a sample of 239 nursing home residents (165 in different stages of Alzheimer's disease, 33 with mild cognitive impairment, and 41 cognitively unimpaired) with respect to potential confounders. Episodic autobiographical memories, especially the richness of details, were impaired early in the course of Alzheimer's disease or even in the preclinical phase, while semantic memories were spared until moderate stages, indicating a dissociation between both memory systems. The examination of autobiographic memory loss can facilitate the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Studies of autobiographical memory in semantic dementia (SD) have yielded either a reversed temporal gradient or spared performances across the entire lifetime. This discrepancy might be owing to the fact that these studies did not take into account disease severity. Our aim was to study patterns of autobiographical memory impairment according to disease severity and to unravel their mechanisms in 14 SD patients, using an autobiographical memory task assessing overall and strictly episodic memories across the entire lifetime. We divided our patients in 2 subgroups of 7 patients each, one mild and one moderate according to their level of disease severity. The results indicated for the mild subgroup selective preserved performances for the most recent time period (last 12 months period) for both autobiographical memory scores. In the moderate subgroup, performances were impaired for both scores whatever the time period. Within-group comparisons across time periods showed a recency effect and a reminiscence bump in the mild subgroup and only a less important recency effect in the moderate subgroup, suggesting that with disease severity, old memories (reminiscence bump) tend to vanish and even recent memories are less well retrieved. A correlation analysis was carried out on the entire group, between the overall autobiographical memory score and performances provided by a general cognitive evaluation (semantic memory, executive functions, working and episodic memory). The results of this analysis reflect that mechanisms of disruption of autobiographical memory in SD predominantly involve a deficit of storage of semantic information in addition to faulty executive retrieval strategies. Finally, our result and those of the literature suggest the existence of 3 distinct autobiographical memory impairment patterns in SD according to disease severity: firstly preserved performances whatever the time period, secondly a reversed temporal gradient with a reminiscence bump and thirdly the appearance of a “step-function”.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several studies noted persistence of memory impairment following an episode of transient global amnesia (TGA) with standard tests. AIM: To specify long-term memory impairments in a group of patients selected with stringent criteria. METHODS: Both retrograde and anterograde memory were investigated in 32 patients 13-67 months after a TGA episode with original tasks encompassing retrograde semantic memory (academic, public and personal knowledge), retrograde episodic memory (autobiographical events) and anterograde episodic memory. RESULTS: Patients had preserved academic and public knowledge. Pathological scores were obtained in personal verbal fluency for the two most recent periods, and patients produced less autobiographical events than controls. However, when they were provided time to detail, memories were as episodic as in controls regardless of their remoteness. Anterograde episodic tasks revealed a mild but significant impairment of the capacity of re-living the condition of encoding, i.e. the moment at which words were presented. CONCLUSIONS: Patients who have suffered from an episode of TGA manifest deficits of memory focused on the retrieval of both recent semantic information and episodic memories and especially the capacity of re-living. These deficits may not result from a deterioration of memory per se but rather from difficulties in accessing memories.  相似文献   

The representation of autobiographical memory is distributed over a network of brain structures, with the medial temporal lobe (MTL) at its epicenter. Some believe that, over time, all memories become independent of their MTL component ("consolidation theories"). Others have suggested that this is true only of semantic memory, while episodic aspects of autobiographical memories are dependent on the MTL for as long as they exist, such as multiple trace theory (MTT). In the present study, the volumes of 28 brain regions, including the MTL, and their relation to autobiographical memory were investigated in a group of patients with Alzheimer's disease with varying degrees of retrograde memory loss as assessed by the Autobiographical Memory Interview (AMI). We used the multivariate analysis method of partial least squares (PLS) to assess patterns of atrophy that can lead to retrograde amnesia. We found that different aspects of autobiographical memory were associated with different patterns of tissue loss. Personal semantics were related to a pattern of bilateral anterior and posterior lateral temporal cortex degeneration, more pronounced on the left, as well as right frontal degeneration. Autobiographical event memory ("episodic") was associated with combined atrophy in bilateral MTL and anterior lateral temporal neocortex, more pronounced on the right. This pattern was invariant for memories from childhood, early adulthood, and recent memories, in line with the predictions of MTT, suggesting that MTL tissue is crucial for retrieval of episodic memories regardless of their age.  相似文献   

Temporally graded retrograde memory loss, with a disproportionate impairment of recent relative to remote memories, is considered a hallmark of medial temporal lobe amnesia. According to consolidation theory, the hippocampal complex, which includes the hippocampal formation, parahippocampal gyrus, the entorhinal and perirhinal cortex, plays a time-limited role in memory, needed only until consolidation in the neocortex is complete (Squire, Psychological Review 1992; 99: 195-231). Recent support for this theory comes from findings of a reverse gradient in people with semantic dementia with neocortical degeneration but a relatively preserved hippocampal complex (Hodges and Graham, Neuropsychologia 1998; 36: 803-25). Consolidation theory is challenged by evidence that remote autobiographical memory is not always spared in amnesia (Nadel and Moscovitch, Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1997; 7: 217-27) and that semantic memory becomes highly personalized in semantic dementia (Snowden et al., Memory 1995; 3: 225-46). According to Nadel and Moscovitch, the hippocampal complex is needed to retain and retrieve detailed memories of autobiographical episodes no matter how old they are. To test consolidation theory against the opposing view, we investigated the role of the hippocampal complex in recent and remote autobiographical and personal semantic memory by contrasting the memory of a semantic dementia patient, EL, with that of an amnesic patient, KC, using family photographs as recall cues. KC demonstrated a complete loss of autobiographical episodes with a sparing of autobiographical facts; EL demonstrated well-preserved memory for episodes with a reverse gradient for personally relevant names. The influence of autobiographical significance on memory for names of public figures was examined further by comparing the effect that familiarity and recollection had on recognition of names of famous people and famous places. EL's memory was influenced by autobiographical significance, whereas KC's was not. We propose that the hippocampal complex plays a permanent role in the storage and retrieval of autobiographical episodes and that autobiographical significance may affect semantic representations.  相似文献   

Evidence of temporally graded retrograde amnesia (RA) following hippocampal damage has fuelled the long-standing belief that memory undergoes a consolidation process, whereby memories are progressively modified in neocortical regions until they are independent of the hippocampal (HPC) complex. Support for this position derives from both the animal and human RA literature, although the results are not consistent. Specifically, consolidation theory does not account for loss of episodic (detail) information in humans and context-dependent information in animals, which often extend back for much of the life span. We discuss an alternative approach, the Multiple Trace Theory, which suggests that the HPC complex contributes to the retrieval of recent and remote episodic and context-dependent memories. According to this view, such memory traces are represented as spatially distributed interactions between the HPC and neocortex that persist for as long as those memories exist. On the other hand, semantic, or context-free, memories can become independent of the HPC as consolidation theory predicts. In support of this view, we report recent accounts of relatively flat RA gradients in autobiographical and spatial detail loss in patients and animal models with extensive bilateral HPC lesions. By comparison, temporally graded RA was observed in tests of semantic and context-free memory. We also report neuroimaging studies in which hippocampal activity, elicited during recollection of autobiographical memories, did not distinguish recent from remote episodes. Our discussion suggests ways to reconcile discrepancies in the literature and guide predictions of the occurrence of flat versus temporally limited gradients of remote episodic and semantic memory loss following lesions to HPC.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memory includes the retrieval of personal semantic data and the remembrance of incident or episodic memories. In retrograde amnesias, it has been observed that recall of autobiographical memories of recent events is poorer than recall of remote memories. Alzheimer's disease (AD) may also be associated with a temporal gradient (TG) in memory decline, though studies have yielded inconsistent results on this point. They have also yielded inconsistent results on whether AD might differentially affect semantic and episodic remembrance. Here, we compared autobiographical memory of childhood, early adulthood, and recent life among healthy control (HC) subjects, patients with early AD, and patients with amnesic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). Both the aMCI and AD patients exhibited declines in recall of autobiographical incidents and semantic information. In AD patients, both components of autobiographical memory had a clear TG, with better preservation of memories of childhood than those of early adulthood and recent life. The TG of autobiographical memory decline in AD patients is more compatible with the Cortical Reallocation Theory than with the Multiple Trace Theory of memory consolidation. In contrast to AD patients, aMCI patients exhibited impaired recall of personal facts and autobiographical incidents relating only to recent life. The significant decline in autobiographical memory for recent life that occurred in aMCI patients suggests that deterioration of consolidation of personal facts and events begins with commencement of functional impairment in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Confabulation occurs in many brain diseases and concomitant with various cognitive disturbances. The purpose of the present study was to describe semantic features of confabulation and to investigate the relationship between these features and aspects of memory in Alzheimer's disease (AD). A group of 15 AD patients were asked questions aiming to evoke confabulations. The answers were analyzed with focus on semantic remoteness to the target answers into four different categories that made it possible to study the genesis of confabulation. Cognitive tests measuring episodic and semantic memory, priming as well as global cognitive functioning were performed, and the results were related to semantic features of confabulation. Results showed that semantic remoteness to the target answers was positively related to poor performance on Mini Mental State Examination but not to item recall, word fluency, or priming. It appears that difficulties with retrieval of recent autobiographical memories may have resulted in substitution of correct information with remote autobiographical memories, that is primary dysdeictic confabulations.  相似文献   

Detailed study of the autobiographical memory (ABM) impairments seen in different forms of degenerative dementia, in particular Alzheimer's disease (AD) and semantic dementia (SD) can inform neuropsychological models of memory. A modified ABM questionnaire which allowed more detailed analysis of episodic and semantic ABM was used to study the pattern of deficits in patients with minimal to mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) and in two patients with mild and moderate semantic dementia (SD). The questionnaire tested both cued and free recall. A group of healthy elderly was also tested. AD patients differed from controls in all measures. There was no clear temporal gradient for episodic ABM, but a modest gradient was observed for semantic ABM. The mild SD patient performed at control level for episodic ABM but showed a deficit within the range of the AD patients for semantic ABM except for the most recent life period. In contrast the moderate SD patient was impaired within the range of the AD patients for both episodic and semantic ABM. The evidence for differential impairment of episodic and semantic ABM retrieval in AD and SD is interpreted as supporting the multiple trace model of memory.  相似文献   

This study sought to explore the neural correlates that underlie autobiographical, episodic, and semantic memory. Autobiographical memory was defined as the conscious recollection of personally relevant events, episodic memory as the recall of stimuli presented in the laboratory, and semantic memory as the retrieval of factual information and general knowledge about the world. Our objective was to delineate common neural activations, reflecting a functional overlap, and unique neural activations, reflecting functional dissociation of these memory processes. We conducted an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study in which we utilized the same pictorial stimuli but manipulated retrieval demands to extract autobiographical, episodic, or semantic memories. The results show a functional overlap of the three types of memory retrieval in the inferior frontal gyrus, the middle frontal gyrus, the caudate nucleus, the thalamus, and the lingual gyrus. All memory conditions yielded activation of the left medial-temporal lobe; however, we found a functional dissociation within this region. The anterior and superior areas were active in episodic and semantic retrieval, whereas more posterior and inferior areas were active in autobiographical retrieval. Unique activations for each memory type were also delineated, including medial frontal increases for autobiographical, right middle frontal increases for episodic, and right inferior temporal increases for semantic retrieval. These findings suggest a common neural network underlying all declarative memory retrieval, as well as unique neural contributions reflecting the specific properties of retrieved memories.  相似文献   

Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) is characterized by decline in anterograde memory as measured by the ability to learn and remember new information. We investigated whether retrograde memory for autobiographical information was affected by aMCI. Eighteen control (age 66-84 years) and 17 aMCI (age 66-84 years) participants described a personal event from each of the five periods across the lifespan. These events were transcribed and scored according to procedures that separate episodic (specific happenings) from semantic (general knowledge) elements of autobiographical memory. Although both groups generated protocols of similar length, the composition of autobiographical recall differentiated the groups. The aMCI group protocols were characterized by reduced episodic and increased semantic information relative to the control group. Both groups showed a similar pattern of recall across time periods, with no evidence that the aMCI group had more difficulty recalling recent, rather than remote, life events. These results indicate that episodic and semantic autobiographical memories are differentially affected by the early brain changes associated with aMCI. Reduced autobiographical episodic memories in aMCI may be the result of medial temporal lobe dysfunction, consistent with multiple trace theory, or alternatively, could be related to dysfunction of a wider related network of neocortical structures. In contrast, the preservation of autobiographical semantic memories in aMCI suggests neural systems, such as lateral temporal cortex, that support these memories, may remain relatively intact.  相似文献   

Previous findings from researchers on individuals with Asperger Syndrome (AS) suggest peculiarities of autobiographical memory (AM). They have shown a personal episodic memory deficit in the absence of a personal semantic memory impairment. The primary aim of this study was to explore AM in individuals with AS, and more specifically to investigate the link between episodic memory, self-awareness, and autonoetic consciousness through language analysis. We asked fifteen adults with AS and fifteen age- and IQ-matched controls to recall autobiographical memories from three life periods. Recorded interviews were processed using Alceste software. We found that participants with AS recalled fewer and less-detailed episodic memories than did controls. A content analysis revealed that family-related vocabulary as well as possessive pronouns was significantly less frequent in AS interviews than in those of controls. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that a deficiency of episodic memory may be due to poor awareness of the self in social relationships. Reduced use of possessive pronouns may also indicate less self-investment in life experiences, which would in turn impact recall.  相似文献   

The nature of remote memory impairment in patients with medial temporal lobe damage is the subject of some debate. While some investigators have found that retrograde amnesia in such patients is temporally graded, with relative sparing of remote memories (Squire and Alvarez, 1995), others contend that impairment is of very long duration and that remote memories are not necessarily spared (Sanders and Warrington, 1971; Nadel and Moscovitch, 1997). In this study, remote memory was assessed in 25 patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy and 22 non-neurologically impaired controls using the Autobiographical Memory Interview (Kopelman et al., 1989). Results indicate that patients have impaired personal episodic memory but intact personal semantic memory. The impairment extends even to the most remote time periods in early childhood, long before seizure onset in many patients. As well, patients awaiting temporal lobectomy for control of seizures perform as poorly as those who have already undergone resective surgery. These results support the hypothesis that temporal lobe damage or dysfunction, caused by recurrent seizures or surgical excision, results in extensive retrograde amnesia for personal episodic memories. Interestingly, patients with radiological evidence of hippocampal sclerosis were not significantly more impaired than those without obvious sclerosis. These results indicate that even minimal damage to medial temporal lobes results in significant impairment to autobiographical episodic memory. These findings are more compatible with a memory loss or retrieval deficit rather than a consolidation account of remote memory impairment.  相似文献   

Previous neuropsychological and neuroimaging results have implicated the prefrontal cortex in memory retrieval, although its precise role is unclear. In the present study, we examined patterns of brain electrical activity during retrieval of episodic and semantic memories. In the episodic retrieval task, participants retrieved autobiographical memories in response to event cues. In the semantic retrieval task, participants generated exemplars in response to category cues. Novel sounds presented intermittently during memory retrieval elicited a series of brain potentials including one identifiable as the P3a potential. Based on prior research linking P3a with novelty detection and with the frontal lobes, we predicted that P3a would be reduced to the extent that novelty detection and memory retrieval interfere with each other. Results during episodic and semantic retrieval tasks were compared to results during a task in which subjects attended to the auditory stimuli. P3a amplitudes were reduced during episodic retrieval, particularly at right lateral frontal scalp locations. A similar but less lateralized pattern of frontal P3a reduction was observed during semantic retrieval. These findings support the notion that the right prefrontal cortex is engaged in the service of memory retrieval, particularly for episodic memories.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memory in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) is characterized by impaired retrieval of episodic memories, but relatively preserved personal semantic knowledge. This study aimed to identify (via FDG‐PET) the neural substrates of impaired episodic specificity of autobiographical memories in 35 aMCI patients compared with 24 healthy elderly controls. Significant correlations between regional cerebral activity and the proportion of episodic details in autobiographical memories from two life periods were found in specific regions of an autobiographical brain network. In aMCI patients, more than in controls, specifically episodic memories from early adulthood were associated with metabolic activity in the cuneus and in parietal regions. We hypothesized that variable retrieval of episodic autobiographical memories in our aMCI patients would be related to their variable capacity to reactivate specific sensory‐perceptual and contextual details of early adulthood events linked to reduced (occipito‐parietal) visual imagery and less efficient (parietal) attentional processes. For recent memories (last year), a correlation emerged between the proportion of episodic details and activity in lateral temporal regions and the temporo‐parietal junction. Accordingly, variable episodic memory for recent events may be related to the efficiency of controlled search through general events likely to provide cues for the retrieval of episodic details and to the ability to establish a self perspective favouring recollection. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memory is based on interactions between episodic memory contents, associated emotions, and a sense of self-continuity along the time axis of one's life. The functional neuroanatomy subserving autobiographical memory is known to include prefrontal, medial and lateral temporal, as well as retrosplenial brain areas; however, whether gender differences exist in neural correlates of autobiographical memory remains to be clarified. We reanalyzed data from a previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment to investigate gender-related differences in the neural bases of autobiographical memories with differential remoteness and emotional valence. On the behavioral level, there were no significant gender differences in memory performance or emotional intensity of memories. Activations common to males and females during autobiographical memory retrieval were observed in a bilateral network of brain areas comprising medial and lateral temporal regions, including hippocampal and parahippocampal structures, posterior cingulate, as well as prefrontal cortex. In males (relative to females), all types of autobiographical memories investigated were associated with differential activation of the left parahippocampal gyrus. By contrast, right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was activated differentially by females. In addition, the right insula was activated differentially in females during remote and negative memory retrieval. The data show gender-related differential neural activations within the network subserving autobiographical memory in both genders. We suggest that the differential activations may reflect gender-specific cognitive strategies during access to autobiographical memories that do not necessarily affect the behavioral level of memory performance and emotionality.  相似文献   

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