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PurposeThe biplanar whole body imaging system (EOS) is a new tool for measuring the whole body sagittal alignment in a limited space. This tool may affect the sagittal balance of patients compared to conventional whole spine X-ray (WSX). This study aimed to investigate the difference in sagittal alignment between WSX and EOS.Materials and MethodsWe compared the spinal and pelvic sagittal parameters in 80 patients who underwent EOS and WSX within one month between July 2018 and September 2019. The patients were divided based on sagittally balanced and imbalanced groups according to pelvic tilt (PT) >20°, pelvic incidence-lumbar lordosis >10°, C7-sagittal vertical axis (SVA) >50 mm in WSX.ResultsIn the sagittally imbalanced group, compared to WSX, the pelvic parameters demonstrated compensation in EOS with smaller PT (27.4±11.6° vs. 24.9±10.9°, p=0.003) and greater sacral slope (SS), and the patients tended to stand more upright with smaller C7-SVA (58.4±17.0 mm vs. 48.9±57.3 mm, p=0.018), T1-pelvic angle (TPA), T5-T12, and T2-T12. However, in the sagittally balanced group, these differences were less pronounced only with smaller PT (10.8±6.9° vs. 9.4±4.7°, p=0.040), TPA and T2-T12 angle, but with similar SS and C7-SVA (p>0.05).ConclusionEOS showed a negative SVA shift and lesser PT compared to WSX, especially in patients with sagittal imbalance. When preparing a surgical plan, surgeons should consider these differences between EOS and WSX.  相似文献   

An in vitro MR-assay for superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particle cell labelling assessment via three-dimensional quantitative T(2) (*) MR microscopy was proposed. On high-resolution images, and due to the high susceptibility difference between the particles and the surrounding medium, SPIO internalized in cells induces signal loss which may be counted and measured on T(2) (*) maps. The increase in both labelled cell percentage and the average perturbation volume with an added amount of iron in the incubation medium proved that intracellular iron uptake is dependent upon the initial concentration of incubation iron. It also proved that the observed increases in total cellular iron uptake measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy are due to both an increase in the iron mass per cell and also an increase in labelled cell concentration. MR results were compared with Prussian blue staining histology. The sensitivity of the MR methodology was then used to distinguish labelling differences for two different types of particle coating.The MRI-assay we proposed is a compulsory tool to optimize labelling efficiency in order to improve in vivo cell detection. Key parameters for detection, such as the percentage of cell labelling, the effect on the image for a given amount of internalized iron and labelling distribution among a cell population, are easily obtained. The comparison of different contrast agents for labelling one cell type, the assessment of one type of contrast agent for labelling different cell types and/or the evaluation of labelling strategies, are possible without having recourse to classical methods, and provide improved accuracy, since the principle is based on intracellular relaxivity.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of hepatic fibrosis on the multiexponential T2 (MET2) relaxation of ex vivo murine liver specimens using an 11.7 T MRI. This animal study was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Eighteen male C57BL/6 mice were divided into control (n = 3) and experimental (n = 15) groups; the latter group was fed a 3,5‐dicarbethoxy‐1,4‐dihydrocollidine‐supplemented diet to induce hepatic fibrosis. Ex vivo liver specimens were imaged using an 11.7 T MRI scanner. A multi‐echo spin‐echo sequence was utilized for subsequent MET2 analysis. Degrees of fibrosis were determined by a pathologist, as well as by digital image analysis. Scatterplot graphs comparing various features of the MET2 signal decay with the degrees of fibrosis were generated, and correlation coefficients were calculated. Two distinct peaks of the MET2 signal decay were identified in all liver specimens: a short T2 component with a geometric mean T2 (GMT2) approximating 30 ms; and a long T2 component with GMT2 approximating 400 ms. Strong correlation was found between the degree of hepatic fibrosis and the amplitude of the short T2 component, with a higher degrees of fibrosis associated with a lower amplitude. Moderate correlation was also found between hepatic fibrosis and the GMT2 values of the long T2 component, with higher degrees of fibrosis associated with lower GMT2 values. The study of hepatic microenvironments using MET2 analyses offers potential utility in the ongoing development of the noninvasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis using MRI. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

组织学分级是乳腺癌的重要预后指标。探讨磁共振(MRI)T2加权影像特征与乳腺癌组织学分级的关联性, 可为术前预测乳腺癌组织学分级提供有意义的参考作用。回顾性分析167例术前行MRI检查并经病理诊断为浸润性乳腺癌患者, 其中组织学分级Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级的分别为72例和95例。利用计算机半自动方法, 分割患者乳腺磁共振T2加权影像的病灶区域, 并对其提取包括纹理特征和形态特征的40维影像特征。采用留一法交叉验证方法(LOOCV), 通过统计学方法分析比较影像特征在组织分级Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级组间的差异, 并设计多变量分类预测模型。绘制受试者工作特征曲线(ROC), 并计算对应曲线下的面积(AUC);计算敏感性、特异性、F1-Measure等指标, 对预测模型进行综合评估。对每一维特征进行单变量逻辑回归分析, 在低分级和高分级组间进行统计检验分析(t检验)。形态特征中最优单特征为病灶半径, AUC值为0.742(P<0.05);纹理特征中最优特征为大面积高灰度级增强, AUC值为0.742(P<0.05)。设计多元逻辑回归(MLR)、支持向量机(SVM)、多任务学习(MTL)等3种分类器, 预测乳腺癌组织学分级, 其AUC值分别为0.767±0.036、0.772±0.036和0.771±0.037, 对应特异性分别为0.667、0.653、0.708, 灵敏度分别为0.747、0.737、0.684。研究表明, 乳腺癌的T2加权影像特征在一定程度上反映其组织学分级, 对乳腺癌的预后判断具有潜在价值。  相似文献   



Leptomeningeal collateral, in moyamoya disease (MMD), appears as an ivy sign on fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR) images. There has been little investigation into the relationship between presentation of ivy signs and old brain lesions. We aimed to evaluate clinical significance of ivy signs and whether they correlate with old brain lesions and the severity of clinical symptoms in patients with MMD.

Materials and Methods

FLAIR images of 83 patients were reviewed. Each cerebral hemisphere was divided into 4 regions and each region was scored based on the prominence of the ivy sign. Total ivy score (TIS) was defined as the sum of the scores from the eight regions and dominant hemispheric ivy sign (DHI) was determined by comparing the ivy scores from each hemisphere. According to the degree of ischemic symptoms, patients were classified into four subgroups: 1) nonspecific symptoms without motor weakness, 2) single transient ischemic attack (TIA), 3) recurrent TIA, or 4) complete stroke.


TIS was significantly different as follows: 4.86±2.55 in patients with nonspecific symptoms, 5.89±3.10 in patients with single TIA, 9.60±3.98 in patients with recurrent TIA and 8.37±3.39 in patients with complete stroke (p=0.003). TIS associated with old lesions was significantly higher than those not associated with old lesions (9.35±4.22 vs. 7.49±3.37, p=0.032). We found a significant correlation between DHI and motor symptoms (p=0.001).


Because TIS has a strong tendency with severity of ischemic motor symptom and the presence of old lesions, the ivy sign may be useful in predicting severity of disease progression.  相似文献   

Fast apparent transverse relaxation (short T2*) is a common obstacle when attempting to perform quantitative 1H MRI of the lungs. While T2* times are longer for pulmonary hyperpolarized (HP) gas functional imaging (in particular for gaseous 129Xe), T2* can still lead to quantitative inaccuracies for sequences requiring longer echo times (such as diffusion weighted images) or longer readout duration (such as spiral sequences). This is especially true in preclinical studies, where high magnetic fields lead to shorter relaxation times than are typically seen in human studies. However, the T2* of HP 129Xe in the most common animal model of human disease (mice) has not been reported. Herein, we present a multi‐echo radial flyback imaging sequence and use it to measure HP 129Xe T2* at 7 T under a variety of respiratory conditions. This sequence mitigates the impact of T1 relaxation outside the animal by using multiple gradient‐refocused echoes to acquire images at a number of effective echo times for each RF excitation. After validating the sequence using a phantom containing water doped with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, we measured the 129Xe T2* in vivo for 10 healthy C57Bl/6 J mice and found T2* ~ 5 ms in the lung airspaces. Interestingly, T2* was relatively constant over all experimental conditions, and varied significantly with sex, but not age, mass, or the O2 content of the inhaled gas mixture. These results are discussed in the context of T2* relaxation within porous media.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the uncertainty in T1 measurement, by estimating the repeatability coefficient (RC) from two repeated scans, in normal appearing brain tissues employing two different T1 mapping methods. All brain MRI scans were performed on a 3 T MR scanner in 10 patients who had low grade/benign tumors and partial brain radiation therapy (RT) without chemotherapy, at pre‐RT, 3 weeks into RT, end RT (6 weeks) and 11, 33, and 85 weeks after RT. T1‐weighted images were acquired using (1) a spoiled gradient echo sequence with two flip angles (2FA: 5° and 15°) and (2) a progressive saturation recovery sequence (pSR) with five different TR values (100–2000 ms). Manually drawn volumes of interest (VOIs) included left and right normal putamen and thalamus in gray matter, and frontal and parietal white matter, which were distant from tumors and received a total of accumulated radiation doses less than 5 Gy at 3 weeks. No significant changes or even trends in mean T1 from pre‐RT to 3 weeks into RT in these VOIs (p ≥ 0.11, Wilcoxon sign test) allowed us to calculate the repeatability statistics of between‐subject means of squares, within‐subject means of squares, F‐score, and RC. The 2FA method produced RCs in the range of (9.7–11.7)% in gray matter and (12.2–14.5)% in white matter; while the pSR method led to RCs ranging from 10.9 to 17.9% in gray matter and 7.5 to 10.3% in white matter. The overall mean (±SD) RCs produced by the two methods, 12.0 (±1.6)% for 2FA and 12.0 (±3.8)% for pSR, were not significantly different (p = 0.97). A similar repeatability in T1 measurement produced by the time efficient 2FA method compared with the time consuming pSR method demonstrates that the 2FA method is desirable to integrate into dynamic contrast‐enhanced MRI for rapid acquisition. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的通过比较膝关节骨性关节炎(OA)病人定量动态负荷前后膝关节软骨T2时间变化情况,分析MRIT2mapping序列反映软骨基质生物力学变化的灵敏度.并验证高磁场条件下人体关节负荷装置的有效性。方法10例膝关节OA病人,其中男性3例.女性7例:年龄4l~66岁.平均年龄57-3岁。依托人体下肢关节力学负荷装置,对其施加膝关节动态负荷。负荷前后行膝关节MRIT2maDping成像,将膝关节轴向负荷区软骨分为4个部位:胫骨平台内、外侧软骨区及股骨内、外侧髁软骨区.分别测量各部位软骨负荷前后的T,时间。对负荷前膝关节内、外侧软骨分级评估进行卡方检验,对同一软骨区动态负荷前后的T2时间进行配对t检验。结果负荷前膝关节内外侧软骨分级差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。OA病人负荷前后T2值,胫骨平台内侧软骨区分别为(39.59±4.17)ms、(40.14±4.49)ms(f=0.426,P=0.680);胫骨平台外侧软骨区(38.85±6.72)ms、(41.25±6.54)ms(t=1.704,P=0.123):股骨内侧髁软骨区(36.44±5.72)ms、(40.63±4.90)ms(t=1.783,P=0.108);股骨外侧髁软骨区(39.30±5.78)ms、(46.14±5.03)ms(t=2.826,P=0.020)。结论OA病人负荷后膝关节局部区域软骨区T2时间延长.自行设计的动态加压装置适合在高磁场条件下完成加压及MRI检查,有一定推广意义。  相似文献   



The objective of this work was to propose original synchronisation strategies based on T2-weighted sequence performed on a small animal MRI spectrometer in order to improve the image contrast and detect mouse liver lesions at high magnetic field.

Materials and Methods:

The experiments were performed in vivo at 7T using a 32 mm inner diameter cylindrical volumetric coil for both RF emission and reception. A sensitive pressure sensor was used to detect external movements due to both respiration and heart beats. The pressure sensor was interfaced with a commercial ECG Trigger Unit to use dedicated functionalities (trigger levels, delays and window). To enable T2-weighted imaging with minimised T1 effects, an acquisition strategy with controlled TR spanning over several respiratory cycles was developed. With this strategy, the slices were acquired over several respiratory periods.


The acquisition, performed over several respiratory periods, enables a longer TR than the typical mouse respiratory period. The image contrast is controllable and independent of the respiratory period. The heavily T2-weighted images obtained with the developed strategy allow better visualisation of lesions at high magnetic field. Moreover, double respiratory and cardiac synchronisation, based on a unique sensitive pressure sensor, improves image quality with less motion artifacts, especially in the ventral liver region. The total slice number is independent of respiratory period and thin slices can be acquired to cover the whole liver.


The developed strategy enables high quality pure T2-weighted imaging with minimal motion artifacts. This strategy improves T2-weighted image contrast and quality, especially at high magnetic field, on animals with short respiratory periods. The strategy was demonstrated using a mouse model of liver lesions at 7T. This protocol could be used to carry out a longitudinal follow-up.  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年冠心病患者血清生长激素(GH)、睾酮(T)和雌二醇(E2)水平的变化及其临床意义。方法:采用放射免疫分析测定了112例老年冠心病患者和40例健康对照组的血清GH、T和E2水平。结果:老年冠心病组血清GH和E2水平显著低于对照组(P<0.01,P<0.05),T与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05)。GH与E2水平呈显著的正相关(P<0.05),但两者与T均无相关性(P均>0.05)。Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ级心功能组患者血清GH、T、E2均依次显著递减(P<0.05,P<0.01,P<0.01)。伴急性心肌梗死组血清GH和E2水平显著低于无心肌梗死组(P均<0.01),但T却无显著差异(P>0.05)。住院死亡组血清GH、T、E2均显著低于好转出院组(P<0.05,P<0.01,P<0.01)。结论:EH组血清GH和E2水平显著降低,GH、T和E2均随心功能降低而依次显著递减,伴急性心肌梗死组GH和E2水平显著降低,死亡组血清GH、T、E2均显著降低。  相似文献   

Arterial spin labeling (ASL) offers MRI measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in vivo, and may offer clinical diagnostic utility in populations such as those with early Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the current study, we investigated the reliability and precision of a pseudo‐continuous ASL (pcASL) sequence that was performed two or three times within one hour on eight young normal control subjects, and 14 elderly subjects including 11 with normal cognition, one with AD and two with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Six of these elderly subjects including one AD, two MCIs and three controls also received 15O‐water positron emission tomography (PET) scans 2 h before their pcASL MR scan. The instrumental reliability of pcASL was evaluated with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The ICCs were greater than 0.90 in pcASL global perfusion measurements for both the young and the elderly groups. The cross‐modality perfusion imaging comparison yielded very good global and regional agreement in global gray matter and the posterior cingulate cortex. Significant negative correlation was found between age and the gray/white matter perfusion ratio (r = –0.62, p < 0.002). The AD and MCI patients showed the lowest gray/white matter perfusion ratio among all the subjects. The data suggest that pcASL provides a reliable whole brain CBF measurement in young and elderly adults whose results converge with those obtained with the traditional 15O‐water PET perfusion imaging method. pcASL perfusion MRI offers an alternative method for non‐invasive in vivo examination of early pathophysiological changes in AD. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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