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Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a phenomenon expressed by many tumors affecting the chemotherapy efficacy, treatment decision, and the disease prognosis. Considering its great implication, non-invasive approaches are needed to identify this phenomenon in early stages of the disease. This article discusses the potential of the emerging non-invasive bacterium-mediated imaging of cancer in diagnosis of MDR. This potential is derived from the effect of cancer MDR on the pharmacokinetics of certain antibiotics, which are substrates of the MDR proteins. Since MDR proteins actively pump their substrates outside the resistant cancer cells, the elimination of the employed reporter bacteria, proliferating within MDR cancer cells, would require a larger dose of these antibiotics compared to those inside non-MDR cancer cells. These bacteria bear reporter genes that produce specific signals such as bioluminescent, fluorescent, magnetic, or radioactive signals that can be detected by non-invasive imaging modalities. Therefore, the presence, degree, and mechanism of MDR can be estimated by comparing the concentration of the employed antibiotic, required to cease these signals (reflecting the elimination of the bacteria), to a pre-determined reference. The real time imaging of MDR cancer and the early diagnosis of MDR, offered by this approach, would provide a better tool for preclinical studies of MDR, and allow a prompt choice of the most appropriate therapy.  相似文献   

《Medical hypotheses》2014,82(6):1059-1062
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a common disorder affecting mainly healthy, young, overweight women. The pathogenesis of this condition is unknown, but it has been shown to follow treatment with several compounds including corticosteroids and vitamin A derivatives. This paper will offer a novel hypothesis and insight on the pathogenesis of drug induced intracranial hypertension following a review and analysis of the literature. Both corticosteroids and vitamin A derivatives have been shown to upregulate the expression of aquaporin 1, a water channel protein. Aquaporin 1 is widely distributed in the human brain and is associated with water secretion into the subarachnoid space. Aquaporin 1 was also shown to participate in the regulation of weight. Agents used for treating idiopathic intracranial hypertension reduce aquaporin 1 expression. Based on these observations, we propose that aquaporin 1 has a pathogenetic role in drug induced idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Over expression of this gene causes increased intracranial pressure, and downregulation reduces pressure and alleviates the symptomatology and complications of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.  相似文献   

《Medical hypotheses》2014,82(6):1031-1033
Bipolar disorder is a severe psychiatric disorder that is associated with persistent changes in the quality, duration and architecture of sleep. Currently there is no unifying hypothesis explaining the alterations in sleep observable in patients with bipolar disorder and management is often difficult though vital.Sleep is modified by various cytokines including IL-6. Elevated levels of IL-6 are associated with a poorer quality of sleep and changes in the architecture of sleep similar to those observed in bipolar disorder. Therapeutic administration of Interferon causes elevations of intrathecal IL-6 concentrations and appears to provoke a deteriorating quality of sleep. The blockade of IL-6 with tocilizumab in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with improvements in the quality of sleep.Bipolar disorder is associated with elevated levels of IL-6 and in particular elevated levels of mRNA coding for IL-6 in peripheral monocytes.We propose that the changes observed in the sleep of patients with bipolar disorder are related to the elevation of IL-6 and that this correlates with an elevated expression of mRNA coding for IL-6 expression in peripheral monocytes.  相似文献   

In animal models of acute ischemic stroke, intravenous dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA), unlike ascorbic acid (AA), readily enters brain and is converted in both normal and ischemic brain into protective ascorbic acid. When given parenterally DHAA minimizes infarct volume and facilitates functional recovery. I hypothesize the same effect will occur in humans with acute ischemic stroke. Efficacy in reducing infarct volume is demonstrable in mice and rats even when DHAA is infused three hours after the experimental infarct. Moreover, there is fivefold mechanistic rational for DHA beside excellent pharmacokinetics and rapid penetration of brain and conversion to protective AA: (1) in ischemic brain, there is a precipitous decline in AA which can be reversed by intravenous DHAA; (2) after reduction of DHAA to AA in both normal and ischemic brain, AA can reduce oxidized vitamin E and glutathione, other protectors of brain against damaging reactive oxygen species which build up in ischemic brain; (3) AA itself can protect brain against damaging reactive oxygen species; (4) AA is an essential cofactor for several enzymes in brain including ten-eleven translocase-2 which upregulates production of protective molecules like brain-derived neurotrophic factor; and (5) DHAA after conversion to AA prevents both lipid oxidation and presumably oxidation of other labile substances (e.g., dopamine) in ischemic brain. In terms of safety, based on all available animal information, DHAA is safe in the proposed dosing regimen. For human clinical trials, the methodology for conducting the proposed animal safety, clinical pharmacology and phase II efficacy studies is straightforward. Finally, if DHAA preserved brain substance and function in humans, it could be employed in pre-hospital stroke patients.  相似文献   

Background and objectivesIn this study, coroner's autopsy reports were used to validate results obtained from respiratory virus screening of swabs rather than tissue collected during autopsy in cases of adult death of unknown cause.Study designCoroner's autopsy samples collected for respiratory virus screening between October 2010 and February 2011, were identified. Autopsy reports were requested from cases positive for a virus. Each report was reviewed to correlate findings at autopsy with the virology result and to determine whether the virus found was listed as a contributing factor in the death.ResultsSixty-four coroner's autopsy cases were identified and a respiratory virus was found in 25 cases. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus was found most frequently, then RSV and influenza B with a dual influenza A and B infection and a parainfluenza type 1. Where multiple sites were swabbed, the virus was detected in all sites. Autopsy reports for 12 cases were obtained each reporting findings consistent with respiratory infection. Influenza A was always listed as a contributing factor in the death whereas RSV was listed once and influenza B was omitted in one case. The quality of the reports was variable and full histology was less likely to be performed in the elderly.ConclusionsWhile coroner's reports supported the use of swabbing rather than tissue collection, the lack of consistency and omission of the virology findings as contributing factors to death means that the burden of viruses on mortality statistics will remain under-estimated particularly in the elderly.  相似文献   

Whilst the future for social media in chronic disease management appears to be optimistic, there is limited concrete evidence indicating whether and how social media use significantly improves patient outcomes. This review examines the health outcomes and related effects of using social media, while also exploring the unique affordances underpinning these effects. Few studies have investigated social media’s potential in chronic disease, but those we found indicate impact on health status and other effects are positive, with none indicating adverse events. Benefits have been reported for psychosocial management via the ability to foster support and share information; however, there is less evidence of benefits for physical condition management. We found that studies covered a very limited range of social media platforms and that there is an ongoing propensity towards reporting investigations of earlier social platforms, such as online support groups (OSG), discussion forums and message boards. Finally, it is hypothesized that for social media to form a more meaningful part of effective chronic disease management, interventions need to be tailored to the individualized needs of sufferers. The particular affordances of social media that appear salient in this regard from analysis of the literature include: identity, flexibility, structure, narration and adaptation. This review suggests further research of high methodological quality is required to investigate the affordances of social media and how these can best serve chronic disease sufferers. Evidence-based practice (EBP) using social media may then be considered.  相似文献   

The valve cusp hypoxia thesis (VCHT) of the aetiology of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) was adumbrated in this journal in 1977 and fully articulated in 2008, the original hypothesis having been strongly corroborated by experiments published in 1981 and 1984. It presents a unitary account of the pathogenesis of venous thrombosis and embolism that is rooted in the pathophysiological tradition of Hunter, Virchow, Lister, Welch and Aschoff, a tradition traceable back to Harvey. In this paper we summarise the thesis in its mature form, consider its compatibility with recent advances in the DVT field, and ask why it has not yet been assimilated into the mainstream literature, which during the past half century has been dominated by a haematology-orientated ‘consensus model’. We identify and discuss seven ways in which the VCHT is incompatible with these mainstream beliefs about the aetiology of venous thrombosis, drawing attention to: (1) the spurious nature of ‘Virchow’s triad’; (2) the crucial differences between ‘venous thrombus’ and ‘clot’; the facts that (3) venous thrombi form in the valve pockets (VVPs), (4) DVT is not a primarily haematological condition, (5) the so-called ‘thrombophilias’ are not thrombogenic per se; (6) the conflict between the single unitary aetiology of DVT and the tacit assumption that the condition is ‘multicausal’; (7) the inability of anticoagulants to prevent the initiation of venous thrombogenesis, though they do prevent the growth of thrombi to clinically significant size. In discussing point (7), we show that the VCHT indicates new approaches to mechanical prophylaxis against DVT. These approaches are then formulated as experimentally testable hypotheses, and we suggest methods for testing them preclinically using animal trials.  相似文献   

Myopia is a multifactorial visual refraction disease, in which the light rays from distant objects are focused in front of retina, causing blurry vision. Myopic eyes are characterized by an increased corneal curvature and/or ocular axial length. The prevalence of myopia has increased in recent decades, a trend that cannot be attributed exclusively to genetic factors. Low and middle income countries have a higher burden of refractive error, which we propose could be a consequence of a shorter exposure time to a westernized lifestyle, a phenomenon that may also explain the rapid increase in cardiometabolic diseases, such as diabetes, among those populations. We suggest that interactions between genetic, epigenetic and a rapidly changing environment are also involved in myopia onset and progression. Furthermore, we discuss several possible mechanisms by which insulin resistance may promote abnormal ocular growth and myopia to support the hypothesis that insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia are involved in its pathogenesis, providing a link between trends in myopia and those of cardiometabolic diseases. There is evidence that insulin have direct ocular growth promoting effects as well an indirect effect via the induction of insulin-like growth factors leading to decreases insulin-like growth factor-binding protein, also implicated in ocular growth.  相似文献   

BackgroundBoth PUFA and miRNAs are believed to be of importance in vascular diseases. On the one hand diverse nutrition societies recommend PUFA consumption to dampen inflammatory processes. On the other hand scientists intensify efforts to use miRNAs for diagnostics or therapy in context of vascular disorders.Presentation of the hypothesisThere might be is a causal link between the plasma membrane lipid composition and the miRNA expression of monocytes and endothelial cells. PUFA enrichment of cells may affect the type and the amount of particular miRNAs produced. In this way dietary fatty acids are supposed to impact the miRNA-mediated regulation of vascular inflammatory processes.Proposed experimental setting to test the hypothesisPUFA-supplemented monocytes and endothelial cells are analyzed with respect to membrane fatty acid patterns, typical markers of vascular inflammation and miRNA expression. Experiments are performed both for undifferentiated/unstimulated as well as for differentiated/stimulated cells. Verification of identified miRNA targets is performed by means of mimics/antagomirs.Implications of the hypothesisInnovative mechanism of action, which could point the way to a new understanding of the PUFA-mediated modulation of cellular signal transduction. If confirmed experimentally, it might stimulate vascular inflammation research and immunologic lipid science, hence, acting as source of inspiration for future therapeutic interventions in vascular diseases.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2016,77(10):841-853
Human Leucocyte Antigen F (HLA-F) is a non-classical HLA class I gene distinguished from its classical counterparts by low allelic polymorphism and distinctive expression patterns. Its exact function remains unknown. It is believed that HLA-F has tolerogenic and immune modulatory properties. Currently, there is little information regarding the HLA-F allelic variation among human populations and the available studies have evaluated only a fraction of the HLA-F gene segment and/or have searched for known alleles only. Here we present a strategy to evaluate the complete HLA-F variability including its 5′ upstream, coding and 3′ downstream segments by using massively parallel sequencing procedures. HLA-F variability was surveyed on 196 individuals from the Brazilian Southeast. The results indicate that the HLA-F gene is indeed conserved at the protein level, where thirty coding haplotypes or coding alleles were detected, encoding only four different HLA-F full-length protein molecules. Moreover, a same protein molecule is encoded by 82.45% of all coding alleles detected in this Brazilian population sample. However, the HLA-F nucleotide and haplotype variability is much higher than our current knowledge both in Brazilians and considering the 1000 Genomes Project data. This protein conservation is probably a consequence of the key role of HLA-F in the immune system physiology.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) is the hall marker for the atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). It has been shown that over 70% of circulating LDL-C is metabolized through binding and activation of hepatic LDL receptor (LDLR). Genetic LDLR mutations cause hypercholesterolemia in the patients. Therefore, elevation of LDLR levels is beneficial for the treatment of dyslipidemia. LDLR expression is regulated by the SREBP2/PCSK9 pathways. Targeting SREBP2/PCSK9 pathways by statins and human monoclonal PCSK9 antibody has been shown to reduce the progression of ASVCD. Recent studies identified that inducible degrader of LDLR (IDOL) is a novel regulator of LDLR. IDOL is an E3-ubiquitin ligase regulated via liver X receptors (LXRs) binding to the upstream of translation start site of IDOL. IDOL modulates LDLR distribution through ubiquitination and degradation of LDLR in lysosomes. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed that the nonsynonymous substitution rs9370867 of IDOL probably contributes to the variability of circulating LDL levels. Recently studies also demonstrated that IDOL influences PCSK9 expression in a LDLR/SREBP2-dependent manner. Based upon these novel findings, we hypothesize that IDOL and PCSK9 would have a synergistic effect on LDLR distribution. Specifically, loss of IDOL increases LDLR distribution in the hepatic cell, and subsequently reduces serum LDL-C levels in dyslipidemic patients. IDOL might be a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of ASCVD.  相似文献   

《Medical hypotheses》2014,82(6):754-765
It is accepted that the immune system responds to pathogens with activation of antigen-independent innate and antigen-dependent adaptive immunity. However many immune events do not fit or are even inconsistent with this notion. We developed a new homeostatic model of the immune response. This model consists of four units: a sensor, a regulator, an effector and a rehabilitator. The sensor, macrophages or lymphocytes, recognize pathogenic cells and generate alarm signals. The regulator, antigen-presenting cells, Тregs and myeloid-derived suppressor cells, evaluate the signals and together with sensor cells program the effector. The effector, programmed macrophages and lymphocytes, eliminate the pathogenic cells. The rehabilitator, M2 macrophages, restrict inflammation, provide angiogenesis and reparation of tissue damage, and restore the homeostasis. We suggest the terms “immune matrix” for a biological template of immune responses to pathogens and “matrix reprogramming” for the interdependent reprogramming of different cells in the matrix. In an adequate immune response, the matrix forms a negative feedback mechanism to support the homeostasis. We defined the cellular and phenotypic composition of a tumor immune matrix. A tumor reprograms the homeostatic negative feedback mechanism of matrix into a pathogenic positive feedback mechanism. M2 macrophages play a key role in this transformation. Therefore, macrophages are an attractive target for biotechnology. Based on our hypotheses, we are developing a cell biotechnology method for creation of macrophages with a stable antitumor phenotype. We have shown that such macrophages almost doubled the survival time of mice with tumor.  相似文献   

《Acta histochemica》2014,116(8):1443-1453
Long term exposure to dexamethasone (Dx) is associated with brain damage especially in the hippocampus via the oxidative stress pathway. Previously, an ethanolic extract from Curcuma longa Linn. (CL) containing the curcumin constituent has been reported to produce antioxidant effects. However, its neuroprotective property on brain histology has remained unexplored. This study has examined the effects of a CL extract on the densities of cresyl violet positive neurons and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactive (GFAP-ir) astrocytes in the hippocampus of Dx treated male rats. It showed that 21days of Dx treatment (0.5 mg/kg, i.p. once daily) significantly reduced the densities of cresyl violet positive neurons in the sub-areas CA1, CA3 and the dentate gyrus, but not in the CA2 area. However, CL pretreatment (100 mg/kg, p.o.) was found to significantly restore neuronal densities in the CA1 and dentate gyrus. In addition, Dx treatment also significantly decreased the densities of the GFAP-ir astrocytes in the sub-areas CA1, CA3 and the dentate gyrus. However, CL pretreatment (100 mg/kg, p.o.) failed to protect the loss of astrocytes in these sub-areas. These findings confirm the neuroprotective effects of the CL extract and indicate that the cause of astrocyte loss might be partially reduced by a non-oxidative mechanism. Moreover, the detection of neuronal and glial densities was suitable method to study brain damage and the effects of treatment.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus, an opportunistic marine bacterium that causes a serious, often fatal, infection in humans, requires iron for its pathogenesis. This bacterium exports vulnibactin for iron acquisition from the environment. The mechanisms of vulnibactin biosynthesis and ferric-vulnibactin uptake systems have recently been reported, while the vulnibactin export system has not been reported. Mutant growth under low-iron concentration conditions and a bioassay of the culture supernatant indicate that the VV1_0612 protein plays a crucial role in the vulnibactin secretion as a component of the resistance-nodulation-division (RND)-type efflux system in V. vulnificus M2799. To identify which RND protein(s) together with VV1_0612 TolC constituted the RND efflux system for vulnibactin secretion, deletion mutants of 11 RND protein-encoding genes were constructed. The growth inhibition of a multiple mutant (Δ11) of the RND protein-encoding genes was observed 6 h after the beginning of the culture. Furthermore, ΔVV1_1681 exhibited a growth curve that was similar to that of Δ11, while the multiple mutant except ΔVV1_1681 showed the same growth as the wild-type strain. These results indicate that the VV1_1681 protein is involved in the vulnibactin export system of V. vulnificus M2799. This is the first genetic evidence that vulnibactin is secreted through the RND-type efflux systems in V. vulnificus.  相似文献   

《Medical hypotheses》2014,82(6):709-712
Fissured tongue (FT) is a condition frequently seen in the general population. Clinically, FT is characterized by grooves that vary in depth and are noted along the dorsal and/or dorsolateral aspects of the tongue. Furthermore, FT presents many enlarged, smooth filiform papillae and subepithelial inflammatory infiltration. Despite of many studies, the etiology of FT remains obscure. FT is believed to be a congenital anomaly associated with several disorders and with geographic tongue (GT).We hypothesize that FT is not a congenital anomaly, and FT with swollen filiform papillae may represent edema in the subepithelial tissue of the tongue.According to the literature, the difference in prevalence among different age groups indicates that FT is not a congenital disorder. FT appears to occur more commonly in adults, and it is very rare or not at all in children younger than 10 years old. An association between FT and GT is well established in the literature, supporting the results of previous authors suggesting that FT might be a consequence of GT. The most remarkable finding in the region of swollen papillae of FT samples has been the subepithelial infiltrates of polymorphonuclear leucocytes and lymphocytes causing the subepithelial edema. The clinically visible grooves and large edematic papillae clustered on the region of the fissures might be caused by the inflammation and edema underneath the epithelium.In the future, FT and GT must be researched together as two different entities of the same disease so that GT is a prestage of FT. The diagnosis of FT must be taken to consideration whether the tongue surface have smooth and swollen papillae or normal-appearing filiform papillae.  相似文献   

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