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Summary 1. Single unit activity was recorded in the primate flocculus after the vestibular nerves were cut (bilateral vestibular neurectomy) during optokinetic nystagmus (OKN), smooth pursuit eye movements (SP) and whole field visual stimulation with gaze fixed on a stationary target light (OKN-suppression). Following vestibular neurectomy monkeys had no vestibular responses and no optokinetic after-nystagmus (OKAN) in the horizontal plane. However, OKN slow phases still reached steady state velocities of up to 100 deg/s. 2. After neurectomy, simple spike (SS) activity of Purkinje cells (P-cells) was modulated in relation to eye velocity, regardless of whether eye velocity was induced by a small target light moving in darkness (SP) or by a moving visual surround (OKN). In over 90% of the P-cells firing rate increased with eye velocity to the ipsilateral side and decreased with velocities to the contralateral side. Modulation in firing rate increased monotonically with increasing eye velocity. The strength of modulation was similar during SP and OKN for the same eye velocity. 3. The change in firing rate of P-cells in response to a sudden change in optokinetic stimulus velocity contained a component related to eye velocity and a component related to eye acceleration. Only a few P-cells were also modulated with image slip velocity during OKN-suppression. 4. The modulation of P-cells during SP and OKN was compared in normal and vestibular neurectomized monkeys. The sensitivity of floccular P-cells to eye velocity during SP was 1.14 imp·s–1/deg·s–1 in normal monkey and 1.28 imp·s–1/deg·s–1 after neurectomy. The similarity of eye velocity sensitivities demonstrates that neurectomy does not change the characteristics of floccular P-cell modulation during SP. In contrast, during OKN modulation of P-cells is quite different in normal and neurectomized monkey. In normal monkey, P-cells are modulated during steady state OKN for eye velocities above 40–60 deg/s only. This threshold velocity corresponds approximately to the maximal initial OKAN velocity (i.e. OKAN saturation velocity). After neurectomy, the threshold velocity is 0 deg/s and P-cells are modulated during steady state OKN also over ranges of eye velocities that do not cause a response in normal monkey. Sensitivities of P-cells to eye velocity during OKN for eye velocities above the threshold velocity are 1.0 imp·s–1/deg·s–1 in neurectomized monkey and 1.43 imp·s–1/deg·s–1 in normal monkey. 5. The hypothesis has been put forward that OKN slow phase velocity in normal monkey has two dynamically different components, a fast and a slow component. The results strongly suggest that the two components depend on different neuronal populations. Firing rate of floccular P-cells is modulated in relation to the fast component only. The results furthermore support the idea that it is the smooth pursuit system which may generate the fast component in the OKN slow phase velocity response.Supported by Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research (Nr. 3.718-0.80 and 3.593-0.84)  相似文献   

Summary After destruction of the peripheral vestibular system which is not activated by moving large-field visual stimulation, not only labyrinthine-ocular reflexes but also optokinetic-ocular responses related to the velocity storage mechanism are abolished. In the normal monkey optokinetic-ocular responses are reflected in sustained activity changes of central vestibular neurons within the vestibular nuclei. To account for the loss of optokinetic responses after labyrinthectomy, inactivation of central vestibular neurons consequent on the loss of primary vestibular activity is assumed to be of major importance. To test this hypothesis we recorded the neural activity within the vestibular nuclear complex in two chronically prepared Rhesus monkeys during a period from one up to 9 and 12 months after both vestibular nerves had been cut. The discharge characteristics of 829 cells were studied in relation to eye fixation, and to a moving small and large (optokinetic) visual stimulus producing smooth pursuit (SP) eye movements and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). Units were grouped into different subclasses.After chronic bilateral vestibular neurectomy (BVN) we have found: (1) a rich variety of spontaneously active cells within the vestibular nuclear complex, which — as far as comparison before and after BVN is possible — belong to all subclasses of neurons functionally defined in normal monkey; and (2) no sustained activity changes which are related to the activation of the velocity storage mechanism; this is especially true for pure-vestibular, vestibular-pause and tonic-vestibular-pause cells in normal monkey which show a pure, pause and tonic-pause firing pattern after BVN. Neurons which are modulated by eye position are, however, modulated with the velocity of slow eye movements with comparable sensitivity during SP and OKN. Retinal slip is extremely rarely encoded. The results of the present study do not directly answer the question why the velocity storage mechanism is abolished after BVN but they suggest that only a small number of central vestibular cells may be inactivated by neurectomy.Supported by SNF grant no. 3.510-0.86  相似文献   

Summary Ocular responses to optokinetic stimulation were reexamined in adult albino rats of two different strains. Eye movements were measured in head-restrained animals using the search coil method. In contrast to some previous results, the albino rats showed optokinetic nystagmus, and some of them made responses comparable to those previously recorded from pigmented rats. However, the type of stimulus pattern used to elicit optokinetic nystagmus proved to be crucial for albino rats. The deficit is attributed to abnormalities in the albino rat's visual sensory apparatus. Inverted optokinetic nystagmus was elicited in albino rats by restricting the optokinetic stimulation to the anterior visual field of both eyes. The same phenomenon has been observed previously in albino rabbits and mice, and has been suggested to be due to the abnormally small number of uncrossed optic nerve fibers in albinos.  相似文献   

A previous study has suggested that second-order motion is ineffective at driving optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) when presented alone. First- and second-order motion cues interact in creating the perception of motion. Is there an interaction between first- and second-order cues in the control of eye movements? We presented combinations of first- and second-order cues moving in the same or opposite directions and measured the eye movements evoked, to look for a modification of the oculomotor response to first-order motion by simultaneously presented second-order cues. Dynamic random noise was used as a carrier for first- and second-order drifting gratings (13.4 degrees/s; 0.25 cycles/degree; 64 x 48 degrees screen viewed at 28.5 cm). Second-order gratings were defined by spatial modulation of the luminance flicker frequency of noise pixels of constant contrast (50%). A first-order, luminance-defined grating (13.4 degrees/s; 0.25 cycles/degree; variable contrast from 4-50%) was moved in either the same or the opposite direction. Eye movements were recorded by video-oculography from six subjects as they looked straight ahead. The gain (eye velocity/stimulus velocity) of first-order-evoked OKN increased with contrast. The presence of flicker-defined second-order motion in the opposite direction attenuated this OKN below a first-order contrast of 15%, although it had little effect at higher contrasts. When first- and second-order motion were in the same direction, there was an enhancement of the OKN response. We conclude that second-order motion can modify the optokinetic response to simultaneously presented first-order motion.  相似文献   

Summary Recordings from neurons of the vestibular nuclei were performed in alert monkeys. Type I and type II units were identified by rotating the monkey about a vertical axis. All neurons responded also when only the visual surround was rotated around the stationary monkey. The combination of visual and vestibular stimulation points towards non-algebraic summation characteristics for the two inputs, with each input dominating the response over a certain range.Supported by Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research 3.044.76 and Emil-Barell-Foundation of Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland  相似文献   

The effects of diazepam on optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) eye movements were studied under closed-loop and open-loop conditions in healthy humans. The open-loop condition was achieved by adding the eye-movement velocity signal of OKN to the computer-generated signal controlling the moving stimulus grating. Each of four subjects received a single oral dose of 5 mg diazepam or a placebo on two separate days in a double-blind randomized fashion. OKN eye movements were measured 90 min after administration of the treatments. As compared to placebo, diazepam significantly reduced the gain of open-loop OKN, but did not modify the gain of closed-loop OKN. The results indicate that the OKN gain under the open-loop condition is a more sensitive detector of the parameter changes of the OKN system than under the closed-loop condition. Thus, open-loop OKN gain can provide an objective, quantitative measure of benzodiazepine agonist effects.  相似文献   

Summary In afoveate animals, and in neonatal or cortically deficient foveate animals, monocular optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) is controlled by directly innervated subcortical nuclei and occurs only in response to temporonasal motion. In higher mammals, the subcortical nuclei receive direct inputs predominantly from the nasal hemiretinae and indirect inputs from the visual cortex. These indirect inputs counterbalance the directional asymmetry of the primitive mechanism. These facts lead to the prediction that the velocity of the slow phase of OKN in the normal human adult should be higher for stimuli moving centripetally rather than centrifugally in each monocular and binocular hemified. The predicted patterns of directional preponderance were found in both monocular and binocular hemifields. Directional asymmetries were still present in monocular hemifields when the central retina was occluded and were reduced when the stimulus was confined to a narrow central strip of the visual field. These results are discussed in terms of the contributions of the central and peripheral retina to directional preponderance.This study is part of DCIEM research contract 97711-3-7595/ 8SE83-00221 and was also supported by NSERC grant A0195  相似文献   

Summary Cats reared in stroboscopic illumination (strobe reared cats) have been found to have abnormal eye movements. Visual and vestibular evoked compensatory eye movements were inefficient. Vestibuloocular reflex in the dark had a maximum gain of 0.6 (1.0 in normal animals). Optokinetic nystagmus had a mean gain which approached unity only at stimulus velocities around 7 °/s (up to 30 °/s in normal animals). The asymmetry of the Optokinetic nystagmus resulting from monocular stimulation was more pronounced in strobe reared cat than in normal animals. Interaction between vestibulo-ocular reflex and Optokinetic nystagmus to give adequate compensatory eye movements was absent in strobe reared cats: visual suppression of vestibulo-ocular reflex was absent when the animal was rotated in an illuminated environment which remained stationary with respect to the head. Optokinetic nystagmus failed to improve the gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex when the animal was rotated in a normally lit environment. The deprived animals showed no signs of recovery after 5 months exposure to normal lighting.  相似文献   

Summary Single neurons were recorded in the vestibular nuclei of monkeys trained to suppress nystagmus by visual fixation during vestibular or optokinetic stimulation. During optokinetic nystagmus vestibular nuclei neurons exhibit frequency changes. With the suppression of optokinetic nystagmus this neuronal activity on average is attenuated by 40% at stimulus velocities of 40 °/s. At a stimulus velocity of 5 °/s responses are, under both conditions, close to threshold. For steps in velocity, suppression of vestibular nystagmus shortens the time constants of the decay of neuronal activity from 15–35 s to 5–9 s, while the amplitude of the response remains unchanged. The results are discussed in relation to current models of visual-vestibular interaction. These models use a feedback mechanism which normally operates during vestibular and optokinetic nystagmus. Nystagmus suppression interrupts this feedback loop.Supported by the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research (SNF 3.233.77) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (U.W. Buettner, Bue 379/2)  相似文献   

Summary 1)Horizontal optokinetic eye nystagmus (OKN) and afternystagmus (OKAN) were recorded in the alert cat (head restrained) in response to velocity steps and sinusoidal optokinetic stimuli. 2)A strong dependency of OKN performance on stimulus pattern was found: responses were most regular and gain was high over a large range of stimulus velocities when the stimulus consisted of a high-contrast random dot pattern. 3) Following velocity steps, OKN showed a small amplitude fast rise in slow phase velocity (SPV) which was followed by a slow build-up to steady state. The amplitude of the initial jump in SPV increased with stimulus amplitude up to 30°/s and saturated afterwards. The plateau level of initial SPV ranged from 5 to 15°/s. 4) The slow build-up of SPV showed non-linearities, i.e. the time to steady state increased with stimulus amplitude and the slow rise of SPV was irregular. In most animals steady state SPV showed no signs of response saturation for step amplitudes up to 60–80°/s or more. The open-loop gain (steady state SPV/ retinal slip velocity) dependend on retinal slip velocity and decreased from 46 at 0.5°/s to 0.4 at about 60°/s. 5) OKAN I and II were consistently observed and occasionally OKAN III was noted. OKAN I durations (mean 13.8 +- 5.1 s) and OKAN II amplitudes were independent of stimulus magnitude. Initial SPV of OKAN I was typically the same as that of OKN, i.e. no fast fall was observed. Cessation of pattern rotation in light, however, produced a fast initial decay of SPV. 6) A least square fitting of OKAN time course was performed with various time functions. The SPV of OKAN I and II was best fitted with a damped sine wave, indicating that cat optokinetic system behaves like a second order underdamped system. 7) Sinusoidal stimuli produced strong response non-linearities. At a given frequency gain decreased with increasing stimulus amplitudes. Gain correlated best with stimulus acceleration. In addition, strong stimuli produced characteristic response distortions. 8) In the visual-vestibular conflict situation vectorial summation of VOR and OKN was observed only with small stimuli.Supported by grants nos. 3.505.79 and 3.403.83 from the Swiss National Science Foundation and Dr. Erik Slack-Gyr Foundation  相似文献   

Summary Several studies in the past have demonstrated the existence of an Otolith-Ocular Reflex (OOR) in man, although much less sensitive than canal ocular reflex. The present paper 1 confirms these previous results. Nystagmic eye movements (L-nystagmus) appear in the seated subject during horizontal acceleration along the interaural axis in the dark for an acceleration level (1 m/s2) about ten times the perception threshold with a sensitivity of about 0.035 rad/m.When sinusoidal linear acceleration is combined with optokinetic stimulation, the recorded nystagmus slow phase velocity exhibits strong periodic modulation related to subject motion. This marked effect of linear acceleration on the optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) appears at a level (0.1 m/s2) close to the acceleration perception threshold and has a 4-fold higher sensitivity than L-nystagmus. Modulation of OKN can reach a peak-to-peak amplitude as great as 20 °/s; for a given optokinetic field size it increases with the velocity of the optokinetic stimulus, i.e. with the slow phase eye velocity. In parallel with changes in OKN slow phase velocity, linear acceleration induces a motion related decrease in the perceived velocity of the visual scene and modifications in selfmotion perception.The results are interpreted in terms of a mathematical model of visual-vestibular interaction. They show that sensory interaction processes can magnify the contribution given to the control of eye movements by the otolithic system and provide a way of exploring its function at low levels of acceleration.The present work has been presented at III European Neurosciences Meeting, Rome, September 1979  相似文献   

Summary The spatial and temporal characteristics of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) were investigated in the alert rhesus monkey under open and closed-loop conditions. One eye of each animal was immobilized by transection of the 3rd, 4th and 6th nerve intracranially. On optokinetic stimulation of the paralytic eye (open-loop) with the monkey's head restrained, eye movement records of the occluded, moving eye demonstrate a gradually increasing OKN, its slow phase reaching angular velocities much faster than pattern speed. This runaway effect is discussed in terms of the corollary discharge concept. Similarities of optokinetic and post-rotatory vestibular after-nystagmus are discussed. Investigation of the spatial parameters shows that the size of perifoveal areas successfully stimulated to elicit optokinetic nystagmus is relatively small under open-loop conditions and that this size depends on the distance of the stimulated area from the fovea, the minimum field diameter being an exponential function of excentricity. The preparation is shown to be useful for objective measurements of visual functions in the experimental monkey.This research was supported in part by NSF Grant GB-17047, Foundation Fund of Research in Psychiatry Grant G 69-447 and NASA Grant NGL 22-009-308.  相似文献   

Both optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) and smooth-pursuit eye movements (SPEM) are subclasses of so-called slow eye movements. However, optokinetic responses are reflexive whereas smooth pursuit requires the voluntary tracking of a moving target. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine the neural basis of OKN and SPEM, and to uncover whether the two underlying neural systems overlap or are independent at the cortical level. The results showed a largely overlapping neural circuitry. A direct comparison between activity during the execution of OKN and SPEM yielded no oculomotor-related area exclusively dedicated to one or the other eye movement type. Furthermore, the performance of SPEM evoked a bilateral deactivation of the human equivalent of the parietoinsular vestibular cortex. This finding might indicate that the reciprocally inhibitory visual–vestibular interaction involves not only OKN but also SPEM, which are both linked with the encoding of object-motion and self-motion. Moreover, we could show differential activation patterns elicited by look-nystagmus and stare-nystagmus. Look-nystagmus is characterized by large amplitudes and low-frequency resetting eye movements rather resembling SPEM. Look-nystagmus evoked activity in cortical oculomotor centers. By contrast, stare-nystagmus is usually characterized as being more reflexive in nature and as showing smaller amplitudes and higher frequency resetting eye movements. Stare-nystagmus failed to elicit significant signal changes in the same regions as look-nystagmus/SPEM. Thus, less reflexive eye movements correlated with more pronounced signal intensity. Finally, on the basis of a general investigation of slow eye movements, we were interested in a cortical differentiation between subtypes of SPEM. We compared activity associated with predictable and unpredictable SPEM as indicated by appropriate visual cues. In general, predictable and unpredictable SPEM share the same neural network, yet information about the direction of an upcoming target movement reduced the cerebral activity level.  相似文献   

The directional selectivity of the visual response properties was determined in 148 neurons, all located in area MT of three hemispheres of two macaque monkeys. The perferred direction of every neuron was obtained by analyzing the response obtained by a circular movement of the background while the monkeys fixated a stationary target. The distribution of the preferred directions was isotropic and showed no ipsiversive bias. MT neurons were excited in a directionally selective manner during the execution of optokinetic nystagmus, in a similar way to that produced by visual stimulation during fixation. The majority of neurons showed a sensitivity to the velocity of retinal image slip. Activity during the execution of optokinetic nystagmus could be traced back to residual retinal image slip in the direction of optokinetic stimulation. No dynamic effects of the neuronal activity during the build-up of eye velocity in early optokinetic nystagmus were observed. Obviously, the activity in area MT did not reflect the charging of the velocity storage mechanism. Accordingly, following the cessation of stimulation, the activity dropped to the level of spontaneous activity and did not parallel the execution of optokinetic afternystagmus. These results suggest that area MT is not part of the velocity storage mechanism and, furthermore, that the storage mechanism must be downstream of area MT in the processing of visual motion for the generation of the optokinetic nystagmus and afternystagmus.  相似文献   

Summary The decay of the slow phase velocity of post-rotatory (PRN) and optokinetic (OKAN) afternystagmus as a function of time was measured in Dutch rabbits after stimulation with velocity steps of 30, 60, and 150 °/s. The decays fitted linear functions very well, but only poorly exponential ones. Typical decay rates were 2–5 °/s2, with apparent time constants (defined by decay to 37% of initial velocity) in the order of 10–20 s. Within one animal, the decays of OKAN and PRN with similar initial velocities were indistinguishable. With sinusoidal oscillation, the time constant of the vestibulo-ocular reflex — estimated from phase lead — was only 2–3 s, and probably similar to the cupular time constant. In general, time constants increased when eye velocities increased. This indicates that the vestibulo-ocular reflex of the rabbit behaves as a non-linear system. A velocity storage system with a constant discharge rate is postulated as a main non-linear element. This would introduce a linear decay of velocity as well as a threshold for velocity. This storage system would be common to both vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic reflexes.  相似文献   

The cerebellum is known to participate in visually guided eye movements. The cerebellar uvula receives projections from pontine nuclei that have been implicated in visual motion processing and the generation of smooth pursuit. Single-unit and lesion studies were conducted to determine how the uvula might further process these input signals. Purkinje cells and input fibers were recorded during a variety of visual and oculomotor paradigms. Most Purkinje cells were modulated in either an excitatory or inhibitory fashion by prolonged, horizontal optokinetic drum rotation. A small proportion of cells responded during smooth tracking of a small spot of light. As a paradox to the physiological data, lesions of the uvula produced a profound effect on smooth-pursuit eye movements. Initial eye velocity for pursuit in the direction contraversive to the lesion site was increased substantially following lesions in comparison with prelesion controls. The lesions also affected optokinetic nystagmus in the direction contraversive to the lesion, but not as drastically as they did pursuit. Overall the results suggest that the uvula is not in the neuronal pathway that directly controls pursuit, but instead serves to adjust the gain of this system as a result of abnormal periods of motion of the visual world.  相似文献   

Since specific benzodiazepine (Bz) binding sites have been found in the vision and oculomotor control areas of the central nervous system (CNS), the fast phases of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) should be affected by Bz administration. In this study, we examine the effects of Bzs on OKN fast phases under closed- and open-loop experimental conditions. Six normal subjects participated in the experiments. The eye movements were measured by the magnetic field, search coil technique, 90 min after diazepam or placebo administration. The study was performed in a randomized, double-blind fashion. After diazepam, the mean amplitude (MAmp) and mean peak velocity (MVel) of OKN fast phases decreased significantly under both experimental conditions. The percentage decreases in MAmp and MVel under the open-loop condition were significantly larger than those under the closed-loop condition. The results indicate that the fast phases of OKN could sensitively reflect the pharmacodynamic effects of Bzs on the CNS.  相似文献   

Summary We have recorded the direction of optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) elicited by moving plaid patterns in order to dissociate the pathways that mediate horizontal OKN. The plaids used comprised two drifting sinusoidal gratings arranged such that their individual directions of drift were very different from the direction of coherent motion of the overall pattern. The direction of OKN with binocular viewing was close to the mean of the component directions, suggesting a dominant influence of cortical visual neurons that respond to oriented one-dimensional components of the image. But the direction of OKN was consistently shifted slightly towards the direction of motion of the overall pattern, suggesting a secondary influence responsive to pattern direction. OKN recordings obtained during monocular viewing suggest that this secondary influence reflects the direct retinal pathway to the brainstem structures mediating OKN.  相似文献   

Summary Purkinje cell (PC), activity in the flocculus of trained monkeys was recorded during: 1) Vestibular stimulation in darkness. 2) Suppression of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR-supp) by fixation of a small light spot stationary with respect to the monkey. 3) Visual-vestibular conflict (i.e. the visual surround moves together with the monkey during vestibular stimulation), which leads to attenuation or suppression of vestibular nystagmus. 4) Smooth pursuit eye movements. 5) Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). 6) Suppression of nystagmus during optokinetic stimulation (OKN-supp) by fixation of a small light spot; whereby stimulus velocity corresponds then to image slip velocity.Results were obtained from PCs, which were activated with VOR-supp during rotation to the ipsilateral side. The same PCs were also modulated during smooth pursuit and visual-vestibular conflict. No tonic modulation during constant velocity OKN occurred with slow-phase nystagmus velocities below 40–60 deg/s. Tonic responses were only seen at higher nystagmus velocities. Transient activity changes appeared at the beginning and end of optokinetic stimulation. PCs were not modulated by image slip velocity during OKN-supp.The results show that in primates the same population of floccular PCs is involved in different mechanisms of visual-vestibular interaction and that smooth pursuit and certain components of OKN slow-phase velocity share the same neural pathway. It is argued that the activity of these neurons can neither be related strictly to gaze, eye or image slip velocity; instead, their activity pattern can be best interpreted by assuming a modulation, which is complementary to that of central vestibular neurons of the vestibular nuclei, in the control of slow eye movements.Supported by Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research 3.343-2.78, and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 200, A2  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional significance of similarities observed in the anatomy and the physiology of cat and ferret visual systems. Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) in response to movement of the entire visual field, and optokinetic after nystagmus (OKAN) were measured in 8 ferrets with binocular stimulation. A shift of the beating field in the same direction as the fast phase of eye movements was observed both in ferret and cat. The absence of a fast rise in slow phase velocity (SPV) and similarities in the time constant to reach the steady state OKN gain, using step velocity stimuli are noted. As in the cat, primary OKAN was observed with a gradual decrease in its SPV. Following termination of stimulation, no sudden fall in SPV was noted for either species. However, for the ferret, the decrease was more rapid. With monocular stimulation, small differences were observed in OKN gain when responses to temporonasal and nasotemporal directions of the stimulus were compared in the two species. In contrast, the ferret displays a OKN gain which is approximatively twice that of the cat at stimulus velocities of 100°/sec. Even at 200°/sec., visual movement still induces a discernable OKN response (gain.0.07). Secondary OKAN, always present in the cat, was observed in only 43% of ferret records. Taken together with other considerations, these findings recommend the ferret as an alternative to the cat for the study of OKN and of other visuo-motor capacities in carnivores.  相似文献   

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