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Approximately thirty-four percent of people who experience acute low back pain (LBP) will have recurrent episodes. It remains unclear why some people experience recurrences and others do not, but one possible cause is a loss of normal control of the back muscles. We investigated whether the control of the short and long fibres of the deep back muscles was different in people with recurrent unilateral LBP from healthy participants. Recurrent unilateral LBP patients, who were symptom free during testing, and a group of healthy volunteers, participated. Intramuscular and surface electrodes recorded the electromyographic activity (EMG) of the short and long fibres of the lumbar multifidus and the shoulder muscle, deltoid, during a postural perturbation associated with a rapid arm movement. EMG onsets of the short and long fibres, relative to that of deltoid, were compared between groups, muscles, and sides. In association with a postural perturbation, short fibre EMG onset occurred later in participants with recurrent unilateral LBP than in healthy participants (p = 0.022). The short fibres were active earlier than long fibres on both sides in the healthy participants (p < 0.001) and on the non-painful side in the LBP group (p = 0.045), but not on the previously painful side in the LBP group. Activity of deep back muscles is different in people with a recurrent unilateral LBP, despite the resolution of symptoms. Because deep back muscle activity is critical for normal spinal control, the current results provide the first evidence of a candidate mechanism for recurrent episodes.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:检验肌肉硬度检测仪量化评估不同状态下(俯卧位、等长收缩、站立位)健康男性小腿三头肌肌肉硬度的信度,并分析小腿三头肌肌肉硬度的差异性、肌肉硬度与踝关节主被动力矩的相关性。 方法:健康男性受试者30例,应用肌肉硬度检测仪评估俯卧位、40%、80%最大自主等长收缩及站立位时右侧腓肠肌内侧头(medial head of the gastrocnemius, MG)、腓肠肌外侧头(lateral head of the gastrocnemius, LG)和比目鱼肌(soleus, Sol)的肌肉硬度。分别由评估者A和评估者B进行测量,其中评估者A在5天后重复测量一次。 结果:不同状态下,评估者间信度和重测信度均为良好至优秀(0.86—0.98, 0.75—0.98)。站立位时MG、LG及Sol的肌肉硬度高于其俯卧位(P<0.001),且均表现为Sol>LG>MG;肌肉硬度随着收缩强度的增长而增长(P<0.001),但两者增长比例不相对应;被动和主动肌肉硬度均与踝关节主被动力矩不相关(P>0.05)。 结论:肌肉硬度检测仪评估健康男性MG、LG及Sol肌肉硬度的信度较高,能用于小腿三头肌肌肉硬度的评估,有助于明确MG、LG及Sol在不同状态下的生理硬度特性。  相似文献   



Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a common overuse injury in physically active individuals. It is characterized by anterior knee, retropatellar, or prepatellar pain associated with activities that increase patellofemoral joint stress such as squatting, stair ascending and descending, running, jumping, prolonged sitting, and kneeling. The etiology of PFP is believed to be multifactorial. Recently, proximal factors have been shown to influence the biomechanics of patellofemoral joint.


The aim of the study was to assess hip and knee muscle activity during single leg stance and single leg squat in males with PFP and a control group without PFP.


Eighteen males with PFP (age 24.2?±?4.4 years) and 18 healthy subjects as controls (age 23.5?±?3.8 years) were included. We evaluated gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, vastus medialis oblique (VMO), and vastus lateralis (VL) electromyographic (EMG) activity. The muscle activity and reaction time of the proposed muscles were assessed during single leg stance and single leg squat tasks. Independent t-test was used to identify significant differences between PFP and control groups.


No difference in activity of the gluteus maximus muscle was found in either task (p?>?0.5). Significant differences were found in activity of gluteus medius and VMO in both tasks (p?<?0.05). VL muscle activity had significant difference in single leg stance (p?=?0.01), however, had no significant difference in single leg squat (p?=?0.1). No significant differences were found in reaction time of the four studied muscles during both single leg stance and single leg squat (p?>?0.5).


Males with PFP demonstrated altered gluteus medius, VMO, and VL muscle activity during single leg stance and single leg squat compared to healthy subjects. Gluteus maximus activity did not show any changes between groups. Moreover, muscle recruitment patterns were different between PFP and healthy groups.  相似文献   



The objective of the current study was to investigate whether any differences exist in the activity of the cervical erector spinae and upper trapezius (TRA) muscles between asymptomatic participants who show “normal” and “abnormal” lumbar spine motion patterns during the prone hip extension (PHE) test.


Twenty-six asymptomatic participants recruited from a chiropractic college participated in the study. Surface electromyography was used to record the activity of the cervical erector spinae and upper TRA muscles as each participant performed a set of 4 repetitions of PHE for each leg. An examiner observed the participant perform the movement and classified him/her as “positive” or “negative” based on the presence or absence (respectively) of 1 of 3 lumbar spine motion patterns. The mean activity levels of each muscle during the positive sets of PHE were compared with those during the negative sets.


The mean activity of the upper TRA ipsilateral to the side of hip extension was significantly higher in the positive group compared with the negative group (difference, 13.3%; 95% confidence interval, 0.2%-24.4%; P = .0465). No other significant between-group differences were noted.


The results of this study indicate that the presence of abnormal lumbar spine motion patterns during the PHE test may be associated with altered cervicothoracic motor control strategies in asymptomatic individuals. Similar investigations using patients with neck pain are required to comment further on the generalizability and potential clinical importance of these findings.  相似文献   



A functionally induced, transient low back pain model consisting of exposure to prolonged standing has been used to elucidate baseline neuromuscular differences between previously asymptomatic individuals classified as pain developers and non-pain developers based on their pain response during a standing exposure. Previous findings have included differences in frontal plane lumbopelvic control and altered movement strategies that are present prior to pain development. Control strategies during sagittal plane movement have not been previously investigated in this sample. The purpose of this research was to investigate neuromuscular control differences during the extension phase from trunk flexion between pain developers and non-pain developers.


Continuous electromyography and kinematic data were collected during standing trunk flexion and extension on 43 participants (22 male) with an age range of 18–33 years, prior to entering into the prolonged standing exposure. Participants were classified as pain developer/non-pain developer by their pain response (≥ 10 mm increase on a 100 mm visual analog scale) during standing. Relative timing and sequencing data between muscle pairs were calculated through cross-correlation analyses, and evaluated by group and gender.


Pain developers demonstrated a ‘top-down’ muscle recruitment strategy with lumbar extensors activated prior to gluteus maximus, while non-pain developers demonstrated a typical ‘bottom-up’ muscle recruitment strategy with gluteus maximus activated prior to lumbar extensors.


Individuals predisposed to low back pain development during standing exhibited altered neuromuscular strategies prior to pain development. These findings may help to characterize biomechanical movement profiles that could be important for early identification of people at risk for low back pain.  相似文献   



Reduced lumbar multifidus (LM) muscle contraction has been observed in patients with low back pain (LBP). Clinicians often use various strategies to ensure LM activation, including tactile feedback and verbal instruction. However, the effects of tactile feedback on muscle activation have not been studied previously. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not tactile feedback would increase LM muscle activity in adults with and without LBP.


Twenty asymptomatic adults and 20 patients with existing LBP completed the study. Two electromyographic (EMG) electrodes were applied to both sides of the LM at the L5 segment. EMG activity was collected three times at rest with and without tactile feedback, then five times during contralateral arm lifts with and without tactile feedback. The tactile feedback was applied by direct and continuous hand contact to the bilateral LM over the lumbosacral area. Lastly, two 5-second trials of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) during a bilateral arm lift were performed. EMG activity collected at rest and during contralateral arm lifts was normalized to that collected during MVIC. Normalized EMG values of the right side of the asymptomatic group and the painful side of the LBP group were used for data analysis.


Statistical analysis showed significantly decreased LM EMG activity with tactile feedback both at rest and during contralateral arm lifts compared to LM EMG activity without tactile feedback. There was no difference in LM EMG between the asymptomatic and the LBP groups.


The results of the study showed that adding tactile stimulation to verbal instruction appeared to provide an inhibitory effect on LM activity in both asymptomatic healthy adults and patients with LBP. Contrary to common belief, tactical feedback via direct hand contact may reduce LM muscle recruitment, and may lessen the desired treatment effect.  相似文献   

Hip extension strengthening exercises which maximize gluteus maximus contributions and minimize hamstring influences may be beneficial for persons with hip pain. This study’s aim was to compare muscle activation of the gluteus maximus and hamstrings from healthy subjects during a supine resisted hip extension exercise versus supine unilateral bridge to neutral. Surface electromyographic (EMG) signals were obtained from the right gluteus maximus and hamstrings in 13 healthy male and 13 healthy female subjects. Maximum voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) were collected to normalize data and permit meaningful comparisons across muscles. Peak median activation of the gluteus maximus was 33.8% MVIC for the bridge and 34.7% MVIC for the hip extension exercise, whereas peak median recruitment for hamstrings was 28.4% MVIC for the bridge and 51% MVIC for the hip extension exercise. The gluteus maximus to hamstrings ratio was compared between the two exercises using the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test (α = 0.05). The ratio (p = 0.014) was greater in the supine unilateral bridge (median = 111.3%) than supine hip extension exercise (median = 59.2%), suggesting a reduction of hamstring recruitment in the unilateral bridge to neutral compared to the supine resisted hip extension exercise. The supine hip extension exercise demonstrated higher EMG activity of hamstrings in comparison with supine unilateral bridge and, therefore, may be less appropriate in subjects who need to increase gluteus maximus activation.  相似文献   

《Manual therapy》2014,19(5):467-471
Many studies have reported higher trunk and hip muscle activity in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Increased trunk and hip muscle activity could contribute to pain. Previous studies have shown that external pelvic compression (EPC) decreased back and hip muscle activity during physical tasks.In this study, we assessed the effects of EPC on the electromyography (EMG) activity of the latissimus dorsi (LD), elector spinae (ES), gluteus maximus (GM), and biceps femoris (BF) in a CLBP group and a healthy group during prone hip extension (PHE).Forty female volunteers (20 non-specific CLBP, 20 healthy) were recruited. Surface EMG data were collected from the LD, ES, GM, and BF muscles during a PHE task. Normalized EMG values were analyzed by separate repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each muscle.The normalized EMG activity in the left LD, bilateral ES, and right GM was significantly higher in the CLBP group than in the healthy group during PHE. In the CLBP group, the normalized EMG activity in the left LD, bilateral ES, and right GM was significantly lower with EPC than without (p < 0.05). This suggests that the application of EPC decreased trunk and hip extensor EMG activity in the CLBP group during PHE.  相似文献   

This preliminary cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine if there were measurable relationships between posture, back muscle endurance and low back pain (LBP) in industrial workers with a reported history of flexion strain injury and flexion pain provocation. Clinical reports state that subjects with flexion pain disorders of the lumbar spine commonly adopt passive flexed postures such as slump sitting and present with associated dysfunction of the spinal postural stabilising musculature. However, to date there is little empirical evidence to support that patients with back pain, posture their spines differently than pain-free subjects. Subjects included 21 healthy industrial workers and 24 industrial workers with flexion-provoked LBP. Lifestyle information, lumbo-pelvic posture in sitting, standing and lifting, and back muscle endurance were measured. LBP subjects had significantly reduced back muscle endurance (P < 0.01). LBP subjects sat with less hip flexion, (P = 0.05), suggesting increased posterior pelvic tilt in sitting. LBP subjects postured their spines significantly closer to their end of range lumbar flexion in 'usual' sitting than the healthy controls (P < 0.05). Correlations between increased time spent sitting, physical inactivity and poorer back muscle endurance were also identified. There were no significant differences found between the groups for the standing and lifting posture measures. These preliminary results support that a relationship may exist between flexed spinal postures, reduced back muscle endurance, physical inactivity and LBP in subjects with a history of flexion injury and pain.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between fear of movement and perturbation induced electromyographic global trunk muscle voluntary responses with pre-programmed reactions among persons with chronic low back pain (CLBP). CLBP subjects (n = 25) were challenged to unexpected and expected perturbations on stable and unstable surfaces. ‘Tampa scale for kinesiophobia – Adjusted version-13’ was used to measure kinesiophobia. Regression analysis revealed significant negative correlation between kinesiophobia scores and voluntary responses of rectus abdominis (RA) for unexpected perturbations on stable (r = −0.69, 95% of CI: −0.85 to −0.40, p < 0.000, r2 = 0.41) and unstable surfaces (r = −0.47, 95% of CI: −0.72 to −0.09, p < 0.018, r2 = 0.29). The activity of erector spinae was not influenced by most of testing conditions in the study except task on unstable surface for expected perturbation (r = −0.593, 95% of CI: −0.8 to −0.25, p = 0.002, r2 = 0.15). RA activity and kinesiophobia score of the CLBP population was significantly inversely associated during anteriorly directed unexpected perturbations. In our study, the significant association between fear of movement and the trunk muscle responses was differentially influenced by expected and unexpected postural demands.  相似文献   

[Purpose] This study compared the activity of trunk and hip muscles during different degrees of lumbar and hip extension. [Subjects] The study enrolled 18 participants. [Methods] Two exercises (hip and lumbar extension) and two ranges (180° and <180°) were studied. [Results] Differences in degree of extension affected the percentage maximal voluntary isometric contraction of the lumbar erector spinae and biceps femoris muscles, with significantly higher average values at >180° than at 180° lumbar extension. No significant differences were found in gluteus maximus activity according to exercise type or range. [Conclusion] Hip extension may be more effective and safer for lumbar rehabilitation than lumbar extension.Key words: EMG, Hip extension, Lumbar extension  相似文献   



The “180° turning and sitting down task” is a very conscious movement that requires focusing on turning at the exact moment, and very few studies address on this topic in older adults. The purpose of the study was to compare kinematics and electromyography of the head, lumbar and knee joints during 180°turning in older and young adults.


Twenty older adults and 20 younger adults were assessed. A 16-channel telemetry electromyography system with electrogoniometers and an inclinometer were used to record the head, lumbar and knee joint kinematic and electromyography data during the 180° turning. This movement had been further divided into 4 phases (braking, mid-stance, swing, and terminal loading) for analysis.


There were significant differences in the joint displacement and muscular activity among the different phases. Comparison between groups showed that the older adults group had less lateral lumbar flexion, less knee flexion and lower velocity of the head and knee flexion compared to young adults during turning. The electromyography data of the left biceps femoris, left gastrocnemius and left erector spinae muscles in the older adults group showed significantly higher levels than in the young adults.


Older adults need to adjust velocities of moving joints and increase the extensor synergy muscles of the back and the stance leg to provide posture stability. Kinematics and neuromuscular modulations of the head, lumbar and knee are required according to the various phases of the turn movements and change with aging.  相似文献   



Back pain is the most frequently reported musculo-skeletal problem during pregnancy. High muscle fatigability has been associated with back pain in the general population. During pregnancy, the gradual increase in loads may have a training effect, increasing strength and endurance of back muscles. This adaptation however may be too slow, or insufficient to be significant in light of other changes during pregnancy.


Thirty-two pregnant women performed a fatigue test which consisted of maintaining a fixed load of 70 Nm for 60 s while the surface EMG of the longissimus lumborum and multifidus muscles were recorded bilaterally at 14, 24 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. The measure of fatigability was the highest absolute slope of the median frequency of the power spectrum of the EMG of the four muscles. Occurrence and severity of back pain were reported on questionnaires at 14, 19, 24, 29 and 34 weeks. Binomial logistic regressions between back pain occurrence and the median frequency slopes were calculated.


None of the five logistic analyses demonstrated an improvement of the one-predictor model over the constant-only model, which indicates that the degree of fatigability of back extensor muscles did not predict the occurrence of back pain in our sample.


Fatigability of back extensor muscles was not found to be a predictor of back pain during pregnancy. This result should be taken with caution due to the small number of participants and broad definition of back pain used, and should be confirmed by studies with a larger number of participants.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study compared the role of the adductor magnus muscle (Amag) as a hip extensor while performing active prone hip extension (PHE), PHE with hip adduction (PHE-ADD), and PHE with hip abduction (PHE-ABD) with the gluteus maximus (Gmax) and hamstrings. Methods: The study recruited 22 healthy participants. Electromyography data were recorded from the Amag, Gmax, and medial and lateral hamstrings during PHE, PHE-ADD, and PHE-ABD. Normalized electromyographic data were examined using one-way, repeated-measures analyses of variance. Results: The magnitude of the Amag, Gmax, and hamstring activations did not differ significantly while performing PHE (p = 0.41). Furthermore, the Amag and hamstring activations were significantly greater than the Gmax activation when performing PHE-ADD (p < 0.05). The Gmax showed significantly greater activation during PHE-ABD than the Amag and medial and lateral hamstrings (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Based on these results, we advocate including the Amag as a hip extensor during the PHE test or exercise. Our preliminary results have the potential to be applied directly to the PHE test, for investigating the muscle-activation pattern of the Amag with the Gmax and hamstrings in patients with hip or lower back pain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of lumbar spine stabilization using a pressure biofeedback unit on the electromyographic activity and angle of lateral pelvic tilt during hip abduction in a sidelying position. DESIGN: Comparative, repeated-measures study. SETTING: University research laboratory. PARTICIPANTS: Eighteen able-bodied volunteers (9 men, 9 women) with no history of pathology. INTERVENTION: Subjects were instructed to perform hip abduction in a sidelying position in both the preferred hip abduction (PHA) and hip abduction with lumbar stabilization (HALS). A pressure biofeedback unit was used for lumbar stabilization. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Surface electromyography was recorded from the quadratus lumborum, gluteus medius, internal oblique, external oblique, rectus abdominis, and multifidus muscles. Kinematic data for lateral pelvic tilt angle were measured using a motion analysis system. Dependent variables were examined with 2 (PHA vs HALS) x 2 (men vs women) analysis of variance. RESULTS: Significantly decreased electromyographic activity in the quadratus lumborum (PHA, 60.39% +/- 15.62% of maximum voluntary isometric contraction [MVIC]; HALS, 27.90% +/- 13.03% of MVIC) and significantly increased electromyographic activity in the gluteus medius (PHA, 25.03% +/- 10.25% of MVIC; HALS, 46.06% +/- 21.20% of MVIC) and internal oblique (PHA, 24.25% +/- 18.10% of MVIC; HALS, 44.22% +/- 20.89% of MVIC) were found when the lumbar spine was stabilized. Lateral pelvic tilt angle (PHA, 13.86 degrees +/- 4.66 degrees; HALS, 5.55 degrees +/- 4.16 degrees) was decreased significantly when the lumbar spine was stabilized. In women the electromyographic activity (percentage of MVIC) in gluteus medius, external oblique, and rectus abdominis was significantly higher than that observed in men. CONCLUSIONS: With lumbar stabilization, the gluteus medius and internal oblique activity was increased significantly, and the quadratus lumborum activity was decreased significantly, causing reduced lateral pelvic tilt in a sidelying position. These results suggest that hip abduction with lumbar stabilization is useful in excluding substitution by the quadratus lumborum.  相似文献   



Neuromuscular alterations have been reported for patients with osteoarthritis of the hip joint; however, the underlying cause associated with altered gluteus medius muscle function has not been examined. This study assessed electromyographic amplitudes of the gluteus medius muscles during function in patients with unilateral end-stage osteoarthritis of the hip joint compared to controls.


Patients with unilateral end-stage hip joint osteoarthritis (n = 13) and asymptomatic control participants (n = 17) participated. Average root-mean squared muscle amplitudes represented as a percent of maximum voluntary isometric contraction for both the involved and uninvolved limb gluteus medius muscles were analyzed during step up, step down, and gait. The association between muscle activation and impact forces during stepping tasks was assessed.


Patients with hip osteoarthritis exhibited increased gluteus medius muscle electromyographic amplitudes bilaterally during stair ascent, stair descent, and gait compared to controls, regardless of which limb they led. Involved limb muscle activity was inversely related to impact force during step down onto the ipsilateral limb.


Patients with hip osteoarthritis demonstrated increased gluteus medius muscle activation levels during stepping tasks and gait when compared to controls. The increased activation is most likely a compensatory response to muscle weakness. Therefore, application of strengthening exercises which target the gluteal muscles should assist in neuromuscular control and result in improved strength for patients with hip joint osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

BackgroundChronic low back pain due to manual lifting continues to be one of the significant common public health challenges in modern societies despite increased automation. While there are extensive studies on the biomechanics of lifting as associated with LBP, the role of unstable and time-varying dynamic loads, quite common in industrial lifting and daily life, remains elusive.ObjectivesThe present study aimed to investigate the response of trunk muscles in subjects with chronic non-specific low back pain (CNLBP) while holding unstable dynamic loads.MethodsTwelve male patients with CNLBP and twelve healthy controls participated in this cross-sectional study. The subjects held static and dynamic loads in neutral positions. Normalized EMG data of the trunk muscles were captured and analyzed by repeated-measures ANOVA test.ResultsThe low back pain group demonstrated significantly higher activation levels of the internal and external abdominal oblique muscles while holding dynamic loads (p < 0.05).ConclusionOur results suggest that the neuromusculoskeletal system in low back patients holding dynamic loads may invoke a motor control strategy that significantly increases muscle co-activation leading to higher joint stiffness at the expense of higher compressive loads on the lumbar spine. Importantly, the type of load plays a critical role in terms of external perturbations that may lead to spinal injury in CNLBP patients and must, therefore, be considered in the risk prevention and assessment of lifting and other manual material handling tasks.  相似文献   

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