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The aim of this study was to determine if the effects of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the previous 12 months (current IPV) on newborn’s health, pregnancy outcomes and couple’s reproductive behaviours were different for postpartum (PP) women as compared to women who had undergone an elective abortion (EA) in Trieste (Italy). This study is part of an unmatched case–control study. The major findings are that current IPV was positively associated with previous stillbirth among both groups of women, but the association was only marginally significant. Among EA women only, current IPV was significantly associated with previous miscarriages (adjusted odds ratio, 2.41; 95 %CI, 1.13–5.14). In both groups of women, current IPV was associated with a lack of joint couple decision making about contraception; however, the magnitude of this effect was higher among PP women. This study reveals that IPV was associated with poor obstetrical history among both groups of women. But the associations of current IPV with previous EA and couple reproductive behaviours were stronger among PP women.  相似文献   

Two million women and one million men experience rape, stalking, or physical assault by a current or former romantic partner each year in the U.S. Not only do women report twice the incidents, but intimate partner violence (IPV) that women experience is typically more severe. Explanations for IPV gender asymmetry include male dominance attitudes, hostile sexism, and men’s control-seeking. There are gaps in our knowledge of how attitudes and control-seeking co-relate to influence IPV. This study demonstrates a mediation analysis to investigate these relationships. Data were from a cross-sectional online survey of male undergraduate students from a public Southeastern university. The survey measured attitudes of male dominance and hostile sexism, desire for control, and IPV perpetration. After including age and academic level in the model, male dominance remained a significant predictor of likelihood of physical IPV (OR?=?1.16, p?=?.004) but not psychological IPV. The addition of control-seeking (physical OR?=?1.65, p?<?.001) mediated the influence of male dominance on the likelihood of physical IPV perpetration (OR?=?1.018, p?=?.753). Hostile sexism was a significant predictor of psychological and physical IPV (psychological IPV OR?=?1.31, p?<?.001; physical IPV OR?=?1.54, p?<?.001), over and above age and academic level. The addition of control-seeking (psychological IPV OR?=?1.27, p?<?.001; physical OR?=?1.53, p?<?.001) partially mediated the influence of hostile sexism on IPV (psychological IPV OR?=?1.21, p?=?.001; physical OR?=?1.34, p?<?.001). Results suggest control-seeking mediates the relationship between male dominance and physical IPV and partially mediates the relationship between hostile sexism and IPV. Practical implications for IPV prevention programs and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (BMSM) experience a disparate rate of HIV infections among MSM. Previous analyses have determined that STI coinfection and undiagnosed HIV infection partly explain the disparity. However, few studies have analyzed the impact of partner-level variables on HIV incidence among BMSM. Data were analyzed for BMSM who attended the Los Angeles LGBT Center from August 2011 to July 2015 (n = 1974) to identify risk factors for HIV infection. A multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze predictors for HIV prevalence among all individuals at first test (n = 1974; entire sample). A multivariable survival analysis was used to analyze predictors for HIV incidence (n = 936; repeat tester subset). Condomless receptive anal intercourse at last sex, number of sexual partners in the last 30 days, and intimate partner violence (IPV) were significant partner-level predictors of HIV prevalence and incidence. Individuals who reported IPV had 2.39 times higher odds (CI 1.35–4.23) and 3.33 times higher hazard (CI 1.47–7.55) of seroconverting in the prevalence and incidence models, respectively. Reporting Black partners only was associated with increased HIV prevalence, but a statistically significant association was not found with incidence. IPV is an important correlate of both HIV prevalence and incidence in BMSM. Further studies should explore how IPV affects HIV risk trajectories among BMSM. Given that individuals with IPV history may struggle to negotiate safer sex, IPV also warrants consideration as a qualifying criterion among BMSM for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).  相似文献   

The present study examined the stability of young men??s intimate partner violence (IPV) over a 12-year period as a function of relationship continuity or discontinuity. Multiwave measures of IPV (physical and psychological aggression) were obtained from 184 men at risk for delinquency and their women partners. The effects of relationship continuity versus transitions on change in IPV were examined using multilevel analyses. In general, men??s IPV decreased over time. Men??s physical aggression in their early 20s predicted levels of physical aggression about 7?years later, and men??s psychological aggression in their early 20s predicted levels of psychological aggression about 10?C12?years later. As hypothesized, higher stability in IPV was found for men who stayed with the same partners, whereas men experiencing relationship transitions showed greater change. The IPV of new partners was linked to the changes in men??s IPV that occurred with repartnering. There was less change in men??s IPV over time as men changed partners less frequently.  相似文献   



The purpose of the current study was to examine the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) among teens in Hawai‘i.


Youth from two O‘ahu high schools (N = 623) were asked to complete a quantitative survey about their experiences, as victims and perpetrators, of IPV.


The most frequently reported type of violence was monitoring/controlling behaviors. Girls reported higher rates of victimization and perpetration than boys for most violence types.


Future research should examine the contexts in which teen IPV occurs. It will also be important to engage community-based organizations in prevention efforts. Therefore, a train-the-trainer curriculum for IPV prevention and intervention is proposed.Reducing violence within intimate relationships has been a research focus for many years, though most studies have been on preventing violence in adult relationships. Attention has shifted to the need to address violence in adolescent dating relationships as these experiences likely are precursors to later relationship violence and have been associated with poor school and health outcomes for teens.15 In particular, adolescent intimate partner violence (IPV) has been linked with drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, and attempting suicide.2Recent studies have shown that adolescent IPV is prevalent in the United States, with rates ranging from 10–65% depending on the definitions of violence and the research methods used.58 Using a conservative definition where only severe forms of physical and sexual aggression were included, results from one probability sample showed that one in five adolescent high school girls have experienced dating violence.9 By contrast, using a broader definition that includes acts of verbal and psychological abuse, studies showed that almost half of adolescents reported experiences as a victim, perpetrator, or both.1012Data are limited regarding the prevalence of IPV among Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian American youth, with the exception of a few studies that have shed light on these populations. According to Hawai‘i-based research conducted in 2003, 58% of the sample, which included Filipino American, Japanese American, Native Hawaiian, and Samoan adolescents, reported experiencing emotional dating violence, including verbal abuse and controlling behaviors.13 Ramisetty-Mikler, Goebert, Nishimura, and Caetano found in a sample of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and European American adolescents that almost 8% reported physical dating violence, with no sex differences in the rates.14 Furthermore, according to the Hawai‘i Youth Risk Behavioral Survey (YRBS), which is completed by youth in grades 9–12, 14% of girls and 17% of boys reported experiencing physical violence by their partners in the previous 12 months15 An important caveat with the last two studies on physical dating violence is that they are based on data from the YRBS, which includes a single question on IPV victimization; participants are asked: “During the past 12 months, did your boyfriend or girlfriend ever hit, slap, or physically hurt you on purpose?”Therefore, to fill the gap in our understanding of IPV victimization and perpetration of emotional, physical, and sexual violence among Hawai‘i adolescents, this study presents data collected in 2007 from a high school-based sample. Also, given the increased attention on teens'' use of social electronic media (e.g., MySpace, Facebook, YouTube), as well as one national online survey showing that dating abuse via technology is a problem,1618 the current study will present data on the rates of adolescent IPV victimization and perpetration involving the use of social electronic media.  相似文献   

The purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the prevalence of women’s psychological, minor physical, and severe physical intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration during the first 18 weeks of pregnancy and at 6 weeks postpartum and to compare women who used each type of IPV to those who did not. Women who increased their IPV perpetration over time were also compared to women who decreased or did not change their IPV perpetration over time. A sample of 180 women participated in a larger study of the well-being of pregnant women. Data were collected via self-report survey and 122 participants were retained at follow-up. At both time points, more women in the sample reported IPV perpetration (baseline n = 132; follow-up n = 73) than IPV victimization (baseline n = 114; follow-up n = 66). Women who perpetrated IPV reported higher levels of IPV victimization, reported partner alcohol misuse, stress, depression, and lower dyadic adjustment compared to women who did not. Women’s IPV perpetration was associated with several negative outcomes. Findings suggest that IPV screening during pregnancy and postpartum should include women’s IPV perpetration and should be conducted at multiple time points, since women’s IPV experiences may change over time.  相似文献   

《Women's health issues》2015,25(1):73-78
BackgroundResearch has examined how physical and sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization increases sexual risk behavior, yet research is lacking on 1) the effect of psychological IPV on sexual risk behavior and 2) factors through which psychological IPV may be linked to sexual risk behavior.MethodsThe current study examined the relationship between psychological IPV and sexual risk behavior controlling for other forms of IPV (i.e., physical and sexual) in a sample of 186 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative community women currently experiencing IPV. Further, this study examined the potential mediating effects of four posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity clusters (i.e., re-experiencing, avoidance, numbing, and hyperarousal) on this relationship.FindingsResults revealed that greater severity of psychological IPV was uniquely and directly related to greater sexual risk behavior. Additionally, of the four PTSD symptom severity clusters, only avoidance symptom severity mediated the relationship between psychological IPV and sexual risk behavior.ConclusionImplications for addressing psychological IPV and PTSD to improve women's sexual health outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

We conducted interviews with 27 health care personnel in Bogotá, Colombia, to examine provider barriers and facilitators to screening for intimate partner violence (IPV). We used systematic qualitative analysis to identify the range and consistency of beliefs. We found that respondents did not routinely screen for IPV. Providers listed numerous barriers to screening. Ways to improve screening included increased clinician training, installing systematic IPV screening, providing patient education, and implementing health care setting interventions. Improving the care for IPV survivors will involve translating health care personnel preferred solutions into more systematic IPV screening interventions.  相似文献   

Obesity is now recognised as a worldwide epidemic. The recent International Association for the Study of Obesity/International Obesity Taskforce (IASO/IOTF) analysis estimates that approximately 1.0 billion adults are currently overweight and a further 475 million are obese. Obesity has huge psychosocial impact with obese children and adolescents facing discrimination and stigmatization in many areas of their lives leading to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and depression. Indeed, obesity is recognised as an important risk factor for the development of several chronic diseases such as hypertension, cancer, asthma and metabolic syndrome. Chronic low grade systemic inflammation is considered as a hallmark of obesity and may possibly explain the link between obesity and chronic disease, in particular the increased incidence, prevalence and severity of asthma in obese individuals. There is now strong evidence for infiltration of immune and inflammatory cells into adipose tissue that drives systemic inflammation and subsequent end organ damage. In addition to adipocytes, the key adipose tissue resident immune cells are macrophages and mast cells. Immunometabolism, as an emerging field of investigation, explores the pivotal role of these immune cells in translating immunological changes to metabolic effects in obesity. Abundance of free fatty acids, along with other inflammatory cytokines shift the balance of metabolic homeostasis to pro-inflammatory status by influencing the development of inflammatory cell lineage, which, further exhibits distinct functional phenotypes. There is emerging evidence for macrophage activation and functional polarization of an anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype towards a pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype of macrophages in obese adipose tissue. Similarly, studies in both obese humans and murine models reveal the pathognomic presence of an increased number of mast cells in visceral adipose tissue. These suggest a possible contribution of mast cells to the unique metabolome of obese asthma. This review examines proposed multilevel interactions between metabolic and immune systems in obese asthmatics that underlie the negative effects of obesity and may offer significant therapeutic promise.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this experiment was to determine whether cadmium (Cd) exposure has sex-specific effects on the reproductive success of fathead minnows as measured by time to first spawn, spawning frequency, clutch size, fecundity, fertilization success, hatching success, and offspring mortality to 2 d post hatch. Prior to breeding, minnows were either exposed to 50 μg/L Cd or sham exposed for 21 d. After exposures, minnows were paired (male × female) into one of four breeding groups—control × control (C × C), control × exposed (C × E), exposed × control (E × C) or exposed × exposed (E × E). Pairs of minnows were subjected to a 21-d breeding study during which the reproductive parameters mentioned above were measured. During the breeding study, minnows in the E × E pairs had significantly higher mortality than minnows in the C × C pairs; however, the mortality of minnows in the C × E and E × C did not differ from that of C × C pairs. Presumably, behavioral alterations in both males and females exposed to Cd accounted for the increased mortality in the E × E group. The results of the breeding study did not reveal any significant differences among any of the reproductive parameters measured with the exception of offspring mortality. Offspring from C × E pairs did not differ from offspring from C × C pairs with regard to mortality; however, offspring from pairs containing exposed males (E × C and E × E) had significantly higher mortality than offspring from C × C pairs suggesting that paternal exposure to Cd leads to an increase in offspring mortality.  相似文献   

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is prevalent in the general US population, as well as the Latino community. In a cross-sectional study at an immigrant, primary care clinic, we assessed the correlation between IPV history and symptoms of MDD and PTSD in Latino women. We used a structured interview format. Among the 105 women recruited, the 4-week incidence of MDD was 45.7% and the prevalence of PTSD was 19%. Abused women had three times the odds of meeting PTSD criteria than non-abused women. Women meeting PTSD criteria were 10 times likelier to also report MDD. There was no difference in the incidence of MDD among women who reported IPV and those who did not. This study found a correlation of IPV with PTSD, and PTSD with MDD, but not IPV with MDD. Our results indicate a need for mental health interventions in primary care settings for Latina women regardless of IPV history.  相似文献   

Maternal and Child Health Journal - To assess sociodemographic differences in postpartum women screened for intimate partner violence and who disclosed to their Maternal and Child Health nurses....  相似文献   

Archives of Sexual Behavior - Men’s sexual violence against women is pervasive and is commonly committed against young women by intimate partners. Limited research has examined occurrence...  相似文献   

Research suggest that Hispanics in the U.S. are disproportionately affected by the consequences of intimate partner violence. Nevertheless, few intimate partner violence prevention interventions have been developed to address the unique needs and preferences of this population. The Partnership for Domestic Violence Prevention is a community-based participatory research project that assessed the needs and preferences for prevention programs for Hispanics in Miami-Dade County. Nine focus groups with domestic violence service providers, victims and general community members were conducted (N = 76). Four major themes emerged from the focus groups. These included immigrants and teens as the highest priority groups to target in prevention efforts, culture as a double-edged sword, the system that helps and hurts the victim, and the need for wide-scale prevention programs that would reach Hispanics systematically. The results from this study have important implications for the development of intimate violence prevention interventions targeting Hispanics in the U.S.  相似文献   

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