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BackgroundThe United States has had, by far, the world's greatest civilian ownership of firearms. An even greater ownership occurred during the Covd-19 pandemic, mostly of handguns and including many new owners. The U.S. has also had the least progress of the 41 highest sociodemographic countries ranked by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in reducing the unintentional firearm mortality rate in young children. This study characterized the unintentional firearm mortality trends in American 1-4 year-olds by sex and race/ethnicity and evaluated the trends in the context of firearm prevalence in the U.S.MethodsMortality data for 1999–2018 were obtained from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, firearm injury and mortality data for 2016–2020 from Everytown for Gun Safety #NotAnAccident database, firearm background check data for 1999–2020 from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, and civilian firearm prevalence for 2017 from the Small Arms Survey.ResultsIn American 1-4 year-olds, the rate of unintentional firearm deaths during 1999–2018 increased exponentially at an average annual percent rate of 4.9 (p < 0.001) and was greatest in non-Hispanic black children. Unintentional firearm deaths had the most rapid increase of all evaluable causes of death in the age group. The unintentional firearm death rate increase was correlated with the concurrent rate of firearm background checks and handgun permits issued (each p < 0.001) and in non-Hispanic white children with handgun prevalence in their families (p = 0.03). Globally, the unintentional firearm death rate was also correlated with firearm prevalence (p = 0.02).ConclusionsAn increase in fatal firearm accidents in the United States death rate among 1-4 year-olds is directly associated with the steadily increasing prevalence of firearms. The acceleration of firearm deaths and injuries among young Americans, especially among non-Hispanic black children, requires urgent solutions to address firearm prevalence and access. The problem is expected to become even more urgent as a result of the record high firearm sales that occurred in the United States during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic  相似文献   

There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that male gender is at a higher risk of developing more severe Covid-19 disease and thus having poorer clinical outcomes. However, the relationship between testosterone (T) and Covid-19 remains unclear with both protective and deleterious effects on different aspects of the disease suggested. Here, we review the current epidemiological and biological evidence on the role of testosterone in the process of SARS-CoV-2 infection and in mediating Covid-19 severity, its potential to serve as a biomarker for risk stratification and discuss the possibility of T supplementation as a treatment or preventative therapy for Covid-19.  相似文献   

BackgroundNational data indicate low intentions for COVID-19 vaccination among a substantial minority of Black Americans, and disproportionately lower vaccination rates among Black Americans than White Americans.MethodsA total of 207 of the 318 Black participants (65%) in the RAND American Life Panel, a nationally representative internet panel, were surveyed about COVID-19 vaccine intentions in November-December 2020. Participants’ census tracts were geocoded using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Social Vulnerability Index.ResultsOverall, 35% agreed or strongly agreed that they would not get a COVID-19 vaccine, 40% agreed or strongly agreed that they would get vaccinated, and 25% reported “don't know.” Significant multivariable predictors of not wanting to get vaccinated included high mistrust of the vaccine itself (e.g., concerns about harm and side effects), OR (95% CI) = 2.2 (1.2–3.9), p = .007, and weak subjective norms for vaccination in one's close social network, OR (95% CI) = 0.6 (0.4–0.7), p < .001. Residence in an area of higher socioeconomic vulnerability was a marginally significant predictor, OR (95% CI) = 3.1 (0.9–11.0), p = .08.ConclusionsHigh mistrust around COVID-19 vaccines may lower vaccine confidence. Social network members’ attitudes can be influential in encouraging vaccination. Public health communications could use transparent and clear messaging on safety and efficacy, and acknowledge historical and ongoing discrimination and racism as understandable reasons for low confidence in COVID-19 vaccines. Future research is needed to consider vaccine access challenges in tandem with mistrust as contributing to low vaccination rates across health conditions.  相似文献   

《Autoimmunity reviews》2020,19(7):102554
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is responsible of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Therapeutic options including antimalarials, antivirals, and vaccines are under study. Meanwhile the current pandemic has called attention over old therapeutic tools to treat infectious diseases. Convalescent plasma (CP) constitutes the first option in the current situation, since it has been successfully used in other coronaviruses outbreaks. Herein, we discuss the possible mechanisms of action of CP and their repercussion in COVID-19 pathogenesis, including direct neutralization of the virus, control of an overactive immune system (i.e., cytokine storm, Th1/Th17 ratio, complement activation) and immunomodulation of a hypercoagulable state. All these benefits of CP are expected to be better achieved if used in non-critically hospitalized patients, in the hope of reducing morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

BackgroundMost writing about uncertainty in healthcare has addressed empirical uncertainty – that is, resulting from insufficient or conflicting facts.ObjectiveTo consider moral uncertainty by exploring how different theories apply to a single clinical case.MethodIn this philosophical reflection, I briefly acknowledge empirical uncertainty before introducing and exploring the topic of moral uncertainty – defined as the question of what to do when we do not know what (morally) to do—using a case study of my own mother’s deterioration and death from Covid-19.ResultsI identify and apply a number of philosophical theories relevant to managing moral uncertainty, including utilitarianism, deontology, practical rationality and feminist philosophy.ConclusionDifferent moral theories lead to different conclusions about the best course of action in situations of moral uncertainty.Practice implicationsDetailed analysis and close reading of a single case can provide insights into how to act in morally complex situations, but learning is in the form of enriched understanding, not formulaic rules.  相似文献   

Dairy foods contribute nine essential nutrients to the diet including calcium. potassium and vitamin D; nutrients identified by the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans as being "of public health concern" within the U.S. population. Milk and milk product intake is associated with better diet quality and has been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases or conditions including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes and osteoporosis. Some research also indicates dairy food intake may be linked to reduced body fat. when accompanied by energy-restriction. On average, both African Americans and Hispanic Americans consume less than the recommended levels of dairy foods, and perceived or actual lactose intolerance can be a primary reason for limiting or avoiding dairy intake. True lactose intolerance prevalence is not known because healthcare providers do not routinely measure for it, and no standardized assessment method exists. Avoiding dairy may lead to shortfalls of essential nutrients and increased susceptibility to chronic disease. This updated Consensus Statement aims to provide the most current information about lactose intolerance and health, with specific relevance to the African American and Hispanic American communities. Topics covered include diagnostic considerations, actual and recommended dairy food intake and levels of consumption of key dairy nutrients among African Americans and Hispanic Americans; prevalence of self-reported lactose intolerance among various racial/ethnic groups; the association between dairy food intake, lactose intolerance and chronic disease; and research-based management recommendations for those with lactose intolerance.Publication IndicesPubmed.  相似文献   

Aortic stenosis (AS) is the third most common type of cardiovascular disease after hypertension and coronary artery disease, and it carries a high mortality rate when left untreated. Risk factors include male sex, hypertension, tobacco use, advanced age, elevated LDL cholesterol, and coronary atherosclerosis. Definitive treatment for AS includes valve repair, either percutaneously or surgically; however, in aging populations corrective surgery carries increased risk. While research suggests that patients of some non-White ethnic groups, including African-Americans, are less likely than their Caucasian counterparts to have AS, these minority patients may experience may experience differences in the way they receive and accept care. This paper seeks to explicate the mechanisms of racial disparities among the African-Americans affected by aortic stenosis as they pertain to healthcare utilization, referral for valve replacement, acceptance of therapy, and overall treatment outcomes.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,Covid-19)危重症患者常表现出急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS),乃至急性呼吸衰竭,需要通过机械通气提供呼吸支持。但临床观察发现,机械通气后患者死亡率非常高( 50%)。鉴于机械通气的力学本质,机械通气后的高死亡率很可能与通气条件下机械拉伸刺激引起的肺损伤相关,因而从生物力学的角度理解机械通气条件下呼吸系统的病理变化及其机理和潜在对抗措施,对完善Covid-19危重症患者的治疗方法具有十分重要的意义和紧迫性。Covid-19危重症患者治疗中机械通气导致的肺损伤涉及诸多生物力学因素及作用机制,包括机械通气力学参数的变化、炎症因子风暴、纤毛-黏液系统、气道平滑肌的作用、肺纤维化、细胞对于拉伸的感应机制等。这些生物力学问题应当得到高度重视和深入研究,以为完善新冠肺炎等呼吸疾病的治疗方案提供新思路。  相似文献   

Background:The efficacy of interleukin-6 receptor blockade in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019(Covid-19)who are not receiving mechanical ventilation is unclear.Methods:We performed a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled trial involving patients with confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)infection,hyperinflammatory states,and at least two of the following signs:fever(body temperature>38℃),pulmonary infiltrates,or the need for supplemental oxygen in order to maintain an oxygen saturation greater than 92%.  相似文献   

目的模拟流感大流行期间疫苗免疫方案控制疫情的效果,对比两种疫苗免疫方案的效果差异,为制订应急方案提供数据参考。方法基于传染病的自然规律,在传统SEIR模型的基础上建立对人群免疫的传染病模型,采用感染率(AR)作为判断指标,对全人群免疫和部分人群免疫(排除康复人群)两种免疫方案进行效果对比。结果对于R0在2左右的流感大流行,感染者均表现临床症状的情况下,随着疫苗延迟时间(TL)和完成时间(DV)的缩短,感染率下降。当控制目标设定为将感染率控制在50%以下时,采用全人群免疫方案的最大TL和DV组合为40和30 d;采用部分人群免疫方案的最大TL和DV组合为两者均为40 d,或两种方案的TL和DV最大组合均为30和80 d。如果不能在短期内开展和完成疫苗计划(TL在30 d内,DV为20 d内),则部分人群免疫方案可以更快地降低感染率。结论为最大程度地减少大流行期间的生命损失,将感染率控制在50%以下,防病重点应为尽早开展和完成疫苗计划,如果TL在30 d以上,则部分人群的免疫方案更有利于疫情的控制。  相似文献   

Background:Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have been proposed as treatments for coronavirus disease 2019(Covid-19)on the basis of in vitro activity and data from uncontrolled studies and small,randomized trials.Methods:In this randomized,controlled,open-label platform trial comparing a range of possible treatments with usual care in patients hospitalized with Covid-19,we randomly assigned 1561 patients to receive hydroxychloroquine and 3155 to receive usual care.The primary outcome was 28-day mortality.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎自爆发以来,已成为全球关注的焦点。由于疫情来势迅猛,给医疗制度体系、医疗资源、应急处置、医疗器械等提出了严峻的挑战,也暴露出其中诸多不足。以病毒的体外活性规律研究、气溶胶传播的生物力学问题、呼吸性疾病对心血管疾病影响的研究、公共交通和公共场所中通风方式的改进、医疗器械的生物力学研究为例,应用生物力学的原理、观点和方法,认识和剖析其中所存在和亟待改进的问题,期望生物力学能在疫情防控中发挥学科优势和力量,以此促进生物力学学科发展。  相似文献   

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