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In individuals with periodontal disease, dental pulp status should be determined before a treatment plan is made. Pulse oximeters are promising diagnostic tools to evaluate pulp vascularization. This study used pulse oximetry to determine the level of oxygen saturation in dental pulp of intact permanent teeth with periodontal attachment loss (PAL) and gingival recession (GR) and to evaluate the correlation between periodontal disease and level of oxygen saturation in the pulp.


This study included 67 anterior teeth of 35 patients; all teeth showed intact crowns, PAL, a periodontal pocket (PP), and GR. The teeth underwent periodontal examination, cold and electric pulp testing, and pulse oximetry measurements. The Pearson correlation coefficient and a linear regression coefficient were calculated to evaluate the degree of correlation between periodontal disease markers (PAL, PP, and GR) and the level of oxygen saturation in dental pulp. These tests also evaluated possible associations between oxygen saturation and cold and electric pulp testing.


PAL, PP, and GR had negative correlations with oxygen saturation in dental pulp. Conversely, no statistically significant association was found between oxygen saturation in dental pulp and the response to electric sensibility testing.


Oxygen saturation was lower in the pulp of permanent teeth with PAL, PP, and GR, indicating that periodontal disease correlates with the level of oxygen saturation in the pulp.  相似文献   



This study aimed to investigate dental pulp responses to novel bioactive glass (BG) pulp capping materials after direct pulp capping in vivo.


Novel BG pulp capping materials are composed of powder and fluid. The powder is BG (82.36% SiO2, 15.36% CaO, and 2.28% P2O5), and the fluid is provided in 2 kinds: (1) phosphate buffer solution (BG-PB) and (2) phosphate buffer solution with the addition of 1 wt% sodium alginate (BG-PB-SA). After mixing the powder and fluid, BG-PB and BG-PB-SA were prepared. Cavities with mechanical pulp exposure were prepared on maxillary first molars of Wistar rats. The exposures were randomly capped with BG-PB, BG-PB-SA, or mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). After 1 (n = 6) and 4 weeks (n = 8), maxillary segments were obtained and prepared for histologic analysis with a scoring system. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests with the significance set at .05.


After 1 week, few inflammatory cells were present in the BG-PB, BG-PB-SA, and MTA groups. Moreover, a thin layer of newly generated matrix was observed in most specimens. After 4 weeks, all specimens from the 3 groups formed a heavy dentin bridge. BG-PB and BG-PB-SA groups exhibited no or slight inflammatory response, whereas the MTA group exhibited a slight to moderate inflammatory response. No significant difference was observed in pulp inflammation and dentin formation among the 3 groups at either time point (P > .05).


When used as a pulp capping agent, BG-PB and BG-PB-SA had similar favorable cellular and inflammatory pulp responses to those of MTA. Therefore, BG is a promising pulp capping material.  相似文献   

Background: A higher prevalence of periodontal disease has been reported in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), and these two chronic conditions may be linked via inflammatory pathways. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the salivary interleukin (IL)‐1β, IL‐6, IL‐21, IL‐33, and pentraxin‐3 (PTX3) concentrations in patients with and without OSAS. Methods: A total of 52 patients were included in the study. Thirteen individuals were in the control (non‐OSAS) group, 17 were in the mild/moderate OSAS group, and 22 were in the severe OSAS group. Clinical periodontal measurements were recorded, and saliva samples were obtained before initiation of periodontal intervention. Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay was used to determine salivary cytokine concentrations. Data were statistically analyzed using D'Agostino‐Pearson omnibus normality, Spearman ρ rank, Kruskal‐Wallis, and Dunn tests. Results: Salivary IL‐6 and IL‐33 concentrations were similar in the two OSAS groups (P >0.05), which were statistically higher than the control group (P <0.05). IL‐1β, IL‐21, and PTX3 concentrations were similar in the study groups. The only significant correlation between clinical periodontal parameters and salivary cytokines was found between clinical attachment level (CAL) and IL‐21 (P = 0.02). Highly significant correlations were found between probing depth, CAL measures, and indicators of OSAS severity (P <0.01). Conclusions: The present findings suggest that OSAS may have an increasing effect on salivary IL‐6 and IL‐33 concentrations regardless of OSAS severity. Additional investigation is required to elucidate a potential bidirectional relationship between OSAS and periodontal disease.  相似文献   

Background: A new photometric method is introduced for assessment of gingival condition and changes after periodontal therapy. Methods: Clinical data (probing depth [PD], plaque index [PI], gingival index [GI], bleeding on probing [BOP], and clinical attachment level) and photographs from 53 participants (26 males and 27 females) undergoing initial periodontal treatment were used for this analysis. Each maxillary anterior area was photographed before and 3 months after treatment. Digital image analysis was performed around one incisional tooth, and color data were expressed in terms of L*, a*, and b* values in accordance with the CIELAB color space. Non‐parametric Mann–Whitney U test was used for within‐group comparisons of disease resolution, as well as means and standard deviations of clinical parameters and ΔL, Δa, and Δb values from baseline to re‐evaluation. Results: Significant reduction in mean PI, GI, PD, and BOP were found after treatment in all groups (P <0.001). Significant differences (P <0.05) were recorded by diagnosis of chronic periodontitis in the a* coordinate when comparing treatment results with the baseline (P <0.004). Conclusion: Results of this study suggest potential benefit in using photometric analysis to assess gingival changes after therapy.  相似文献   

Background: The authors revisited the 1999 International Workshop postulate of robust serum antibody responses to infecting agents in localized aggressive periodontitis (LAgP) and weak responses in generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAgP). Antibody responses were further examined in localized and generalized chronic periodontitis (LCP and GCP). Methods: The study includes 119 patients (60 males and 59 females, aged 11 to 76 years), 18 with LAgP, 37 with GAgP, 37 with LCP, and 27 with GCP. Multiple subgingival plaque samples/patient (1,057 in total) were analyzed with respect to 11 bacterial species using checkerboard DNA‐DNA hybridizations, and serum immunoglobulin (Ig)G levels were measured against the same bacteria using checkerboard immunoblotting. Further, infection ratios (antibody level over the average bacterial colonization by the homologous species) were computed for each patient. Comparisons of bacterial colonization, serum IgG levels, and infection ratios were made across the diagnostic categories using multivariable linear regression models adjusting for age and race/ethnicity. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in serum IgG levels to Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans among the four diagnostic categories. IgG levels to several species, including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Campylobacter rectus, were highest in patients with GAgP and significantly different from LCP and GCP, but not from LAgP. Comparisons based on infection ratios showed no statistically significant differences for any species between GAgP and LAgP. Conclusion: This study provides evidence against the 1999 Workshop's postulate of weak serum antibody responses in patients with GAgP and shows that serum IgG responses in GAgP are comparable to those in LAgP, but higher than in GCP or LCP for several species.  相似文献   

Aim: Various bacterial species are differentially prevalent in periodontal health, gingivitis or periodontitis. We tested the independent associations between three bacterial groupings and gingival inflammation in an epidemiological study. Material and Methods: In 706 Oral Infections and Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study (INVEST) participants 55 years, bleeding on probing (BoP), pocket depth (PD) and subgingival plaque samples (n=4866) were assessed in eight sites per mouth. Eleven bacterial species were quantitatively assayed and grouped as follows: (i) aetiologic burden (EB, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia); (ii) putative burden (PB, Campylobacter rectus, Eikenella corrodens, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Micromonas micros, Prevotella intermedia); (iii) health‐associated burden (HAB, Actinomyces naeslundii, Veillonella parvula). Results: After mutual adjustment for EB, PB and HAB, the BoP prevalence increased by 45% ( p<0.0001) across increasing quartiles of EB while BoP decreased by 13% ( p<0.0001) across increasing quartiles of HAB. Mean PD increased 0.8 mm and decreased 0.3 mm from the first to fourth quartiles of EB (p<0.0001) and HAB ( p<0.0001), respectively. Among 1214 plaque samples with fourth quartile EB, 60% were collected from sites with PD 3 mm. Conclusion: Bacterial species believed to be aetiologically related to periodontitis were associated with BoP in sites with minimal PD and/or attachment level (AL). Species presumed to be associated with periodontal health demonstrated inverse associations with BoP.  相似文献   

AIM: This review evaluates the possible relationship between periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia, a major pregnancy complication. A generalized inflammatory response plays an important role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Because periodontal disease is a low-grade inflammatory state, periodontal disease might contribute to the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. MAIN FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION: A literature search of PubMed, EMBASE and CINAHL until August 2010 revealed 12 eligible observational studies and three randomized-controlled trials (RCTs). It appeared difficult to compare these studies, due to variations in definitions of periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia, timing of periodontal examination and inadequate control for confounding factors. Eight observational studies reported a positive association, while four studies found no association. None of the RTCs reported reductions in pre-eclamptic rate after periodontal therapy during pregnancy. Therefore, it is questionable whether periodontal disease plays a causal role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. The observed association in eight observational studies might be the result of induction of periodontal disease due to the pre-eclamptic state or it may be an epiphenomenon of an exaggerated inflammatory response to pregnancy. Larger RCTs with pre-eclampsia as the primary outcome and pathophysiological studies are required to explore causality and to dissect biological mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic and cancer control studies on the association of periodontal disease and cancer risk mostly suggest a positive association with overall cancer risk and certain specific types of cancer. These findings are generally consistent among cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. In this paper, we review epidemiologic studies and current knowledge on periodontal disease and cancer, with a focus on those studies conducted in the years following the Joint European Federation of Periodontology/American Academy of Periodontology Workshop on “Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases” in November 2012. This review also explores the role of chronic inflammation as a biologically plausible mechanistic link between periodontal disease and risk of cancer. Furthermore, it highlights studies that have examined the potential importance of certain periodontal pathogens in this association.  相似文献   

The dental pulp is a unique tissue and its importance in the long-term prognosis of the tooth is often ignored by clinicians. It is unique in that it resides in a rigid chamber which provides strong mechanical support and protection from the microbial rich oral environment. If this rigid shell loses its structural integrity, the pulp is under the threat of the adverse stimuli from the mouth, such as caries, cracks, fractures and open restoration margins, all of which provide pathways for micro-organisms and their toxins to enter the pulp. The pulp initially responds to irritation by becoming inflamed and, if left untreated, this will progress to pulp necrosis and infection. The inflammation will also spread to the surrounding alveolar bone and cause periapical pathosis. The magnitude of pulp-related problems should not be underestimated since their most serious consequence is oral sepsis, which can be life threatening, and hence correct diagnosis and management are essential. Clinicians must have a thorough understanding of the physiological and pathological features of the dental pulp as well as the biological consequences of treatment interventions.  相似文献   

Many different classification systems have been advocated for pulp diseases. However, most of them are based on histopathological findings rather than clinical findings which leads to confusion since there is little correlation between them. Most classifications mix clinical and histological terms resulting in misleading terminology and diagnoses. This in turn leads to further confusion and uncertainty in clinical practice when a rational treatment plan needs to be established in order to manage a specific pathological entity. A simple, yet practical classification of pulp diseases which uses terminology related to clinical findings is proposed. This classification will help clinicians understand the progressive nature of the pulp disease processes and direct them to the most appropriate and conservative treatment strategy for each condition. With a comprehensive knowledge of the pathophysiology of pain and inflammation in the pulp tissues, clinicians may accomplish this task with confidence.  相似文献   

Periodontal disease, including gingivitis and periodontitis, is caused by the interaction between pathogenic bacteria and the host immune system. The ensuing oxidative stress and inflammatory cascade result in the destruction of gingival tissue, alveolar bone and periodontal ligament. This article reviews the underlying mechanisms and host–bacteria interactions responsible for periodontal disease and evidence that nutritional supplementation with fish oil may provide a protective effect. Historical investigations of diet and disease have highlighted an inverse relationship between ingestion of fish oil, which is high in n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the incidence of typical inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and coronary heart disease. Ingestion of n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, results in their incorporation into membrane phospholipids, which can alter eicosanoid production after stimulation during the immune response. These eicosanoids promote a reduction in chronic inflammation, which has led to the proposal that fish oil is a possible modulator of inflammation and may reduce the severity of periodontal diseases. Tentative animal and human studies have provided an indication of this effect. Further human investigation is needed to establish the protective effects of fish oil in relation to periodontal disease.  相似文献   

《Journal of endodontics》2020,46(6):736-747
IntroductionThe aim of this in vivo study was to investigate the microbial profile as well as the levels of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and lipoteichoic acid (LTA) at different phases of endodontic treatment in teeth with vital pulp and associated periodontal disease.MethodsTen patients were selected for this clinical study. Samples were taken from periodontal pockets (PPs) and root canals (RCs) using sterile paper points before and after chemomechanical preparation and after intracanal medication. For microbiological analysis, nested polymerase chain reaction and checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization were used. Levels of LPS and LTA were assessed using limulus amebocyte lysate and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, respectively. Data were statistically analyzed at a significance level of 5%.ResultsBacterial DNA from 17 of the 17 species investigated was detected in samples of PPs, whereas 6 of the 17 species were not present in the initial samples of RCs using nested polymerase chain reaction. In the initial samples, 38 of 40 probes were detected in PPs, whereas 12 of 40 probes were detected in RCs using checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Overall, endodontic procedures were efficient in modifying the microbiota of PPs and RCs. Levels of LPS and LTA were reduced after the endodontic procedures, although higher concentrations of both had been found in PPs compared with RCs.ConclusionsThe microbiota of PPs and RCs in teeth with vital pulp and associated periodontal disease is polymicrobial, with the presence of gram-negative, gram-positive, facultative, and strict anaerobes. Chemomechanical preparation and calcium hydroxide–based intracanal medication allowed the reduction of infectious content in both sites.  相似文献   

牙周病是指发生在牙周支持组织的疾病。牙周病发展到较严重的阶段后,仅靠基础治疗不能解决全部问题,需要通过手术的方法对牙周软、硬组织进行处理,才能获得良好的疗效。牙周翻瓣术是目前应用最广泛的牙周手术方法,也是很多其他手术如骨成形术、植骨术、引导性组织再生术的基础。  相似文献   

A series of cases demonstrating the destruction of periapical periodontal structures, without pulpal involvement has been presented. Treatment using both surgery and antibiotics resulted in extensive healing without any concommitant endodontic therapy. The results suggest that lesions affecting the apical periodontium are either periodontal or pulpal in origin. Careful diagnosis allows the maintenance of pulp vitality in cases where apical destruction has a source other than an infected pulp. The commonly held belief that lateral and accessory canals are a significant source of pulpal contamination from deep periodontal pockets has been questioned.  相似文献   

Periodontal repair in dogs: evaluation of the natural disease model   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract Animal models are frequently consulted for histometric analysis of periodontal reconstructive therapy. Such models include surgical, periodontitis-simulating and natural disease defects in canines or non-human primates. Our studies suggest that homogeneity in defect height is critical for sensitivity of surgical and periodontitis-simulating supraalveolar defect models in discriminating treatment effects. We herein evaluate this model aspect for natural disease defects. Buccal-lingual histologic sections from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mandibular premolar teeth (P2, P3, P4) from 6 aged beagle dogs with advanced natural periodontal disease were used. Defect heights from the reduced alveolar bone to the cemento-enamel junction were recorded in central step-serial sections at the buccal and lingual surfaces of the mesial and distal roots for the premolar teeth. Mean defect height, standard deviation and coefficient of variation were calculated for tooth types and jaw quadrants, separately, and for all teeth. Confidence intervals were calculated for teeth in left and right jaw quadrants. Mean defect height and standard deviation for left and right jaw quadrants was 3.6±0.9 and 3.3±0.6 mm for P2. 3.3±.9 and 2.3±0.9 mm for P3, and 3.3±1.0 and 4.5±1.6 mm for P4. respectively. Coefficient of variation for defects for left and right jaw quadrants was 26 and 40%, respectively. Using confidence intervals for mean differences between jaw quadrants, it was determined that a mean treatment effect may be as large as 0.8, 1.1 and 1.9 mm for P2. P3 and P4, respectively, before being detected as statistically significant (p≤0.05, N=6). With the apparent variation in defect baseline, it is suggested that natural disease defects have limited potential in discriminating treatment effects following periodontal reconstructive therapy.  相似文献   

Objectives : This study examined the reasons for tooth loss in an adult population with dental insurance. Methods : Computerized records were used to identify Kaiser Permanente Dental Care patients aged 40–69 years who had an extraction during 1992 (n = 1,877). A random sample of 839 dental charts were reviewed. Results : Slightly more than 51 percent of the teeth were extracted for periodontal disease, 35.4 percent for caries, 9.5 percent for a combination of the two, and 3.5 percent for other reasons. When considering patients as the unit of analysis, 58.4 percent of the patients had an extraction for caries, 39.9 percent for periodontal disease, 5.0 percent for both, and 2.6 percent for other reasons. Conclusions : In this population both caries and periodontal disease play a role in tooth loss. For this reason, prevention programs focusing on the prevention of both disease processes should be developed for adults.  相似文献   

Background: Oral involvement is often associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Recent evidence suggests a high incidence of periodontal disease in patients with Crohn disease (CD). To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no animal model of IBD that displays associated periodontal disease was reported previously. The aim of this study is to investigate the occurrence and progression of periodontal disease in SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) mice that spontaneously develop a CD‐like ileitis. In addition, the temporal correlation between the onset and progression of periodontal disease and the onset of ileitis in SAMP mice was studied. Methods: At different time points, SAMP and parental AKR/J (AKR) control mice were sacrificed, and mandibles were prepared for stereomicroscopy and histology. Terminal ilea were collected for histologic assessment of inflammation score. Periodontal status, i.e., alveolar bone loss (ABL) and alveolar bone crest, was examined by stereomicroscopy and histomorphometry, respectively. Results: ABL increased in both strains with age. SAMP mice showed greater ABL compared with AKR mice by 12 weeks of age, with maximal differences observed at 27 weeks of age. AKR control mice did not show the same severity of periodontal disease. Interestingly, a strong positive correlation was found between ileitis severity and ABL in SAMP mice, independent of age. Conclusions: The present results demonstrate the occurrence of periodontal disease in a mouse model of progressive CD‐like ileitis. In addition, the severity of periodontitis strongly correlated with the severity of ileitis, independent of age, suggesting that common pathogenic mechanisms, such as abnormal immune response and dysbiosis, may be shared between these two phenotypes.  相似文献   

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