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Positive affect, psychological well-being, and good sleep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To discover whether positive affect and purpose in life (eudaimonic well-being) are associated with good sleep independently of health problems and socioeconomic status, and to evaluate their role in mediating the influence of psychosocial risk factors on poor sleep. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 736 men and women aged 58-72 years, with positive affect assessed by aggregating ecological momentary samples. Sleep problems were assessed with the Jenkins Sleep Problems Scale, and psychosocial risk factors were measured by standardized questionnaires. RESULTS: Both positive affect and eudaimonic well-being were inversely associated with sleep problems after adjustment for age, gender, household income, and self-rated health (P<.001). Negative psychosocial factors including financial strain, social isolation, low emotional support, negative social interactions, and psychological distress were also related to reported sleep problems. The strength of these associations was reduced by 20-73% when positive affect and eudaimonic well-being were taken into account, suggesting that effects were partly mediated by positive psychological states. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that both positive affect and eudaimonic well-being are directly associated with good sleep and may buffer the impact of psychosocial risk factors. The relationships are likely to be bidirectional, with disturbed sleep engendering lower positive affect and reduced psychological well-being, and positive psychological states promoting better sleep.  相似文献   

Both clinical and subclinical depression are associated with social impairment; however, few studies have examined the impact of social contact in the daily lives of people with depressive symptoms. The current study used the experience-sampling methodology to examine associations between depressive symptoms, social contact, and daily life impairment in 197 young adults. Depressive symptoms were associated with increased isolation, negative affect, anhedonia, and physical symptoms, decreased positive affect, and social and cognitive impairment in daily life. For people with more depressive symptoms, being with social partners who were perceived as close was associated with greater decreases in negative affect, as well as increases in positive affect. Ironically, participants with depressive symptoms reported spending less time with people whom they perceived as close, minimizing the protective effects of socializing. These results suggest that people experiencing depressive symptoms may be especially sensitive to the nature of social interactions.  相似文献   

Secretion of the hormone cortisol, a physiological correlate of affect, has been studied mostly in relation to negative states, especially stress. By contrast, policy initiatives aimed at older populations now routinely emphasise well-being and a 'positive ageing' perspective. In this study, we examined diurnal salivary cortisol profiles from 50 active seniors recruited into a wider community research project (mean age 74 years; 34 F/16 M). Participants' wrist activity was continuously monitored by actimeters in their homes over a 48 h period. During this time two diurnal cycles of cortisol data were collected (8 samples per day); with actimeter data providing a compliance check in regard to timing of self-administered saliva collections. Prior to the trial, participants had completed the GHQ-30 which was scored separately to yield both positive and negative well-being scores which matched closely normative data from over 6000 cases in a large survey. Our data suggest that positive and negative psychological well-being are quite strongly and inversely correlated. However, neither on their own was associated with basal levels of cortisol. Rather, for cortisol secretion in the 45-min period following awakening, but not during the rest of the day, we found a significant interaction between positive and negative well-being (p<0.024). Further analysis of this interaction showed that among participants low on negative well-being, higher positive well-being was significantly associated with lower cortisol; equally, among participants high on positive well-being, lower negative well-being was significantly associated with lower cortisol. Thus, a powerful synergy seemed to be operating in this early morning period such that cortisol secretion was 27% lower in participants with both higher-than-average positive well-being and lower-than-average negative well-being (comprising 34% of the sample). We conclude that cortisol secretion in the first 45 min following awakening is distinct from the rest of the day and most able to discriminate well-being states.  相似文献   

Objectives: Caring for community-residing patients with heart failure can affect caregivers’ emotional wellbeing. However, few studies have examined caregivers’ well-being longitudinally, or identified factors associated with positive and negative outcomes. The objective of this longitudinal cohort study was to examine changes in caregivers’ well-being over time, and to identify patient and caregiver factors associated with positive and negative outcomes.

Method: Fifty caregiver/heart failure patient dyads were recruited from an acute care facility and followed in the community. All participants completed surveys at hospital admission and 3, 6 and 12 months later. Caregivers completed assessments of depression symptoms and positive affect and standardized measures to capture assistance provided, mastery, personal gain, social support, participation restriction, and patients’ behavioral and psychological symptoms. From patients, we collected demographic characteristics and health-related quality of life. Individual Growth Curve modelling was used to analyze the data.

Results: Caregivers’ negative and positive emotions remained stable over time. Depression symptoms were associated with higher participation restriction in caregivers. Positive affect was associated with more personal gain and more social support. Patients’ health-related quality of life and their behavioral and psychological symptoms were not significantly associated with caregivers’ emotional outcomes.

Conclusion: Interventions should be offered based on caregivers’ needs rather than patients’ health outcomes, and should focus on fostering caregivers’ feelings of personal gain, assisting them with securing social support, and engaging in valued activities.  相似文献   

We examined the strategies that people with osteoarthritis (OA) use to cope with illness-related problems in four areas: household activities, leisure activities, pain management, and social relationships. We also examined the relationship between the coping strategies participants reported using upon entry to the study (Time 1) and psychological well-being reported six months later. Three hundred people, aged 50 and over, with OA participated in the study. Data were collected via two mailed questionnaires, administered at six-month intervals. We found that two of the coping strategies examined, self-criticism and social withdrawal, were used more frequently for social relationship problems than for any of the other three types of problems. None of the other coping strategies (i.e. problem solving, cognitive restructuring, social support, emotional expression, problem avoidance, turning to religion, information seeking) were used differentially across problem areas. Multivariate analyses revealed that the coping strategies people used at Time 1 significantly predicted psychological well-being, as assessed by measures of positive affect, negative affect, and depressive symptoms, six months later. However, the specific strategies that predicted positive affect were different from those that predicted negative affect and depressive symptoms. Implications of these findings for future research on coping with chronic illness are discussed.  相似文献   

This study used structural equation modeling to examine the relationship between multiple sources of social support (e.g., partner, family, and friends), optimism, and well-being among mothers of children with ASD. Social support was examined as a mediator and moderator of the optimism-maternal well-being relationship. Moreover, the role of optimism as a mediator of the social support-maternal well-being relationship was also evaluated. Results revealed that family support was associated with increased optimism that, in turn, predicted higher levels of positive maternal outcomes and lower levels of negative maternal outcomes. In addition, partner and friend support were directly associated with maternal outcomes. Implications for the development of interventions directed at increasing the quality of social support networks are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the characteristics of the support networks of 106 mothers of children with ASD and their relationship to perceived social support, depressed mood, and subjective well-being. Using structural equation modeling, two competing sets of hypotheses were assessed: (1) that network characteristics would impact psychological adjustment directly, and (2) that network effects on adjustment would be indirect, mediated by perceived social support. Results primarily lent support to the latter hypotheses, with measures of network structure (network size) and function (proportion of network members providing emotional support) predicting increased levels of perceived social support which, in turn, predicted decreased depressed mood and increased well-being. Results also indicated that increased interpersonal strain in the maternal network was directly and indirectly associated with increased maternal depression, while being indirectly linked to reduced well-being. Study limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder is a challenging experience that can impact maternal well-being. Using a daily diary methodology, this study investigates (1) the relationship between stress and negative affect, and (2) the role of daily positive affect as a protective factor in the stress and negative affect relationship. Results from hierarchical linear models revealed that higher levels of stress were associated with decreased negative affect, both within and across days. Daily positive affect buffered the immediate and longer-lasting negative impact of stress on days of low to moderate levels of stress. Implications of the present study are discussed with regard to theoretical models of positive affect, the development of intervention programs, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that social support can have a beneficial impact on coping processes and psychological adjustment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The association of individual coping styles and perceived responses from others to one’s pain episodes with patients’ distress and disease status over time was investigated. The sample consisted of 42 middle-aged patients with RA who were predominantly White (98%), female (64%), and married (88%). Participants completed surveys and their rheumatologist completed clinical assessments of patient disease status at 2 time points over a 9-month period. Although punishing responses from others (e.g., getting irritated or angry when the patient is in pain) were perceived as relatively infrequent, they were associated with a patient coping style of focusing on and venting of negative emotion as well as elevated negative affect (NA). Findings also indicated that those who perceived punishing responses from close others and coped by venting negative emotions reported increased NA over time and were rated by their rheumatologist as having more severe RA disease status over time. Implications for psychosocial intervention and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined the personal resources (social problem-solving ability, internal locus of control, self-esteem, and self-perceived competence) and social resources (social network structure and support) in 23 children of patients with bipolar affective disorder (probands) and 33 children of normal control parents. Positive resource profiles were related to psychiatric well-being in the offspring. Nondisordered probands, in particular, demonstrated a strikingly positive profile of personal resources as well as a wide range of peer, sibling, and other kin supporters. Disordered probands had a strikingly negative set of personal resources and a relatively greater reliance on nonkin adult supporters. The absence of a supportive best friend was associated with affective disorder across offspring groups.  相似文献   

Mere familiarization with a stimulus increases liking for it or similar stimuli ("mere exposure" effects) as well as perceptual fluency, indexed by the speed and accuracy of categorizing it or similar stimuli ("priming" effects). Candidate mechanisms proposed to explain mere exposure effects include both increased positive affect associated with greater perceptual fluency, and reduced negative affect associated with diminished apprehensiveness of novel stimuli. Although these two mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, it is difficult for behavioral measures to disentangle them, since increased liking or other indices of greater positive affect toward exposed stimuli could result from increases in positive feelings or decreases in negative feelings or both. The present study sought to clarify this issue by building on research showing a dissociation at the neural level in which the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (LOFC) is activated more by negatively valenced than by neutral or positively valenced stimuli, with the reverse effect for medial orbitofrontal cortex (MOFC). Supporting the reduced apprehensiveness hypothesis, we found lower LOFC activation to familiarized faces and objects (repetition suppression). We did not find evidence to support the positive affect hypothesis in increased activation to familiarized stimuli in MOFC or in other parts of the reward circuit that respond more to positively valenced stimuli (repetition enhancement), although enhancement effects were shown in some regions.  相似文献   

The present meta-analytic study gives a systematic review of research on depression and the subjective well-being of caregivers. We integrate results from 60 studies on informal caregivers' subjective well-being (e.g., positive affect, life-satisfaction) and contrast them with the result of studies on caregiver depression. Analyses were based on a two-factor model of subjective well-being that distinguishes between positive and negative dimensions of well-being (e.g., happiness and depression). The strongest effects were domain-specific: uplifts of caregiving were associated with subjective well-being and caregiving stressors were associated with depression. In addition, weaker effects that crossed domains were present: uplifts were weakly associated with depressive symptoms. In addition, lower levels of caregivers' subjective well-being were weakly related to care receivers' physical and cognitive impairments, as well as behaviour problems, but not to the amount of caregiving. Type of care recipients' illness and the measure of well-being moderated, in part, the association between stressors/uplifts and subjective well-being.  相似文献   

This study used data from the long-term experimental evaluation of the Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) to examine the clinical and situational contributors to social functioning in people with schizophrenia. Subjects were 87 young adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Data from two time points, 6 months apart, were used to test models predicting five social outcomes (network size, network reciprocity, sociosexual contact, satisfaction with social relationships, and loneliness) from positive symptoms, work involvement, living situation, and residential mobility. Results indicated that (1) work involvement was associated with larger network sizes over a 6-month period; (2) experiencing an increase in positive symptoms over a 6-month period was associated with the loss of reciprocal network ties, a lessening of satisfaction with social relationships, and an increase in loneliness; and (3) neither living situation nor moving frequently was associated with later social outcomes. These findings suggest strong support for the role of short-term changes in positive symptoms and modest support for the role of work involvement in social outcome.  相似文献   

Objectives:The impact of social support on the relationship between stress and well-being remains somewhat inconclusive, with work suggesting either null, buffering, or amplification effects. The current study investigated the conditions in which perceived social support is likely to act as a buffer or amplifier by considering individual differences in self-perceptions of aging.

Methods: Using data from two subsamples of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (graduates: 70–74 years, siblings: 40–92 years), we examined how perceived social support (emotional versus instrumental) and self-perceptions of aging (SPA) moderated the effect of functional limitations on depressive symptoms (DS).

Results: Although emotional support positively predicted DS, its effects did not depend on SPA. Instrumental support was associated with both increases and decreases in well-being that were dependent upon SPA. Functional limitations predicted more DS at both low and high levels of instrumental support when SPA were negative. However, when SPA were positive, low levels of social support were found to decrease depressive symptoms, and high levels were found to increase depressive symptoms.

Conclusions: The impact of social social may enhance or deteriorate well-being, depending on how it interacts with self-evaluative beliefs. Findings offer insights as to the boundary conditions associated with the (positive) effects of social support and SPA, and highlight the need for continued research on the mechanisms associated these effects.  相似文献   

Enduring aspects of childhood family structure that reflect emotional and interpersonal ties throughout development are assumed to affect the psychological well-being and social relatedness of the mature individual. This study examined one facet of family structure--birth order--and its effects on psychological well-being (PWB) and social networks in young adult high school graduates 17 to 23 years old (N = 2886; male = 76%, female = 24%). PWB was measured as an overall score with positive feelings and negative feelings subscores. First-born males scored greater on the negative feelings subscale of PWB, and male later borns had higher total psychological well-being. No differences were found for females. First borns and later borns did not differ in positive feelings or social relatedness. Further study is needed on the relationship of birth order and social relatedness in young adults, particularly females.  相似文献   

Amongst adults, low emotion identification skill (EIS) relates to poor emotion regulation strategies, higher rates of anxiety and depression, and higher rates of somatic illness and disease [Taylor, G. J., & Bagby, R. M. (2004). New trends in alexithymia research. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 73, 68-77]. Little research has examined EIS in adolescence and, in particular, the longitudinal impact of EIS on social support and affective experience. Six hundred and sixty-seven high school students completed measures of EIS, social support and positive and negative affects in Grade 8, and again in Grade 9. Repeated measure ANOVAS revealed that negative affect increased and positive affect decreased from Grades 8 to 9. Structural equation modelling revealed that low EIS predicted increases in fear, decreases in positive affect, and decreases in the quality and quantity of social support. Amongst boys, low EIS also predicted increases in sadness. We discuss the implications of these findings for early prevention programmes.  相似文献   

In two investigations, we studied vulnerability to the negative effects of stress among women in chronic pain from 2 types of musculoskeletal illnesses, fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and osteoarthritis (OA). In Study 1, there were 101 female participants 50 to 78 years old: 50 had FMS, 29 had OA knee pain and were scheduled for knee surgery, and 22 had OA but were not planning surgery. Cross-sectional analyses showed that the three groups were comparable on demographic variables, personality attributes, negative affect, active coping, and perceived social support. As expected, FMS and OA surgery women reported similar levels of bodily pain, and both groups scored higher than OA nonsurgery women. However, women with FMS reported poorer emotional and physical health, lower positive affect, a poorer quality social milieu, and more frequent use of avoidant coping with pain than did both groups of women with OA. Moreover, the perception and use of social support were closely tied to perceived social stress only among the FMS group. In Study 2, we experimentally manipulated negative mood and stress in 41 women 37 to 74 years old: 20 women had FMS, and 21 women had OA. Participants from each group were randomly assigned to either a negative mood induction or a neutral mood (control) condition, and then all participants discussed a stressful interpersonal event for 30 min. Stress-related increases in pain were exacerbated by negative mood induction among women with FMS but not women with OA, and pain during stress was associated with decreases in positive affect in women with FMS but not women with OA. These findings suggest that among women with chronic pain, those with FMS may be particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of social stress. They have fewer positive affective resources, use less effective pain-coping strategies, and have more constrained social networks than their counterparts with OA, particularly those who experience similar levels of pain. They also seem to experience more prolonged stress-related increases in pain under certain circumstances, all of which may contribute to a lowering of positive affect and increased stress reactivity over time.  相似文献   

Background: Physical activity has been effective in enhancing quality of life (QOL) of older adults over relatively short periods of time. However, little is known about the longterm effects of physical activity and even less about the possible mediators of this relationship.Purpose: We examined the mediating effects of psychological variables on the relationship between physical activity and global QOL (satisfaction with life) in older adults over a 4-year period.Methods: Participants (N = 174, M age = 66.7 years) completed a battery of psychosocial measures at 1 and 5 years following enrollment in a 6-month randomized controlled exercise trial.Results: Panel analysis conducted within a covariance modeling framework indicated that physical activity was related to self-efficacy, physical self-esteem, and positive affect at 1 year, and in turn, greater levels of self-efficacy and positive affect were associated with higher levels of QOL. Analyses indicated that changes in physical activity over the 4-year period were related to increases in physical self-esteem and positive affect, but only positive affect directly influenced improvements in QOL.Conclusions: The findings lend support to the position that physical activity effects on QOL are in part mediated by intermediate psychological outcomes and that physical activity can have long-term effects on well-being. Funding for this study was provided by the National Institute on Aging (AG 12113).  相似文献   

This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C) (Laurent et al. Psychol Asses 1: 326–338, 1999) in a sample of 139 children (ages 7–14 years) diagnosed with a principal anxiety disorder. Results from this study provided support for the convergent validity of the PANAS-C with established measures of childhood anxiety and depression. As predicted, negative affect was significantly associated with measures of anxiety and depression whereas positive affect was associated with depression. However, weaknesses in discriminant validity were found, most notably with regard to social anxiety. Consistent with previous research, social anxiety was significantly associated with low levels of positive affect (PA). Furthermore, results from regression analyses indicated that PA made a significant unique contribution to the prediction of social anxiety as well as depression scores. Findings are discussed with regard to the usefulness of the PANAS-C to differentiate anxiety and depression in children with anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Past research has shown that social network patterns, the remembered past, and sense of coherence (SOC) are all important factors for well-being in old age. In this study, these interrelationships were examined, with special attention given to the gender differences, concerning structures and functions of the social network. Fifty-eight elderly individuals reported life-history evaluations according to the psychosocial conflicts, proposed by Erik H. Erikson. They also reported social network patterns and SOC according to standardized questionnaires. Factor analyses revealed that there are gender differences concerning the patterns of social network. For women, social anchorage was an important factor, while for men, social influence was more important. Structures and functions of the social network correlated with both positive and negative life history evaluations, but the correlations differed between the sexes. When SOC was controlled the correlations changed, but to a small degree. Stepwise discriminant analyses showed that the male social network patterns were predicted from negative evaluations of the identity period, low scores on the sense of manageability, positive evaluations of the trust/autonomy period and high scores on the sense of comprehensibility. The female social network patterns were predicted from negative evaluations of the trust/autonomy and from the late generativity periods and positive evaluations of the early generativity period. It was hypothesized that structures and functions of the social network are sometimes used as compensation for shortcomings in the internal-based self-concept.  相似文献   

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