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C. Sotelo 《Neuroscience》1977,2(2):275-283
The ultrastructure of the cerebellum was studied after X-irradiation of the whole head of newborn rats. The neuronal elements forming the cerebellar circuitry in rats 30–60 days after irradiation were limited to climbing fibers, mossy fibers, and Purkinje and Golgi cells. Under these conditions the perikarya and dendrites of the Golgi neurons develop presynaptic vesicular grids. These unconventional presynaptic elements establish numerous synaptic contacts with spines and occasionally with shafts of Purkinje cell dendrites.The results indicate that interference with normal cerebellar development, such that granule, basket and stellate cells are absent, generates new types of cellular interactions during synaptogenesis which allow Golgi cells to express their latent potentiality to form presynaptic perikarya and dendrites. It is concluded that this latent potentiality is repressed during development of the normal cerebellum by the presence of the other interneurons.  相似文献   

Action potentials in the dendrites of retinal ganglion cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The somas and dendrites of intact retinal ganglion cells were exposed by enzymatic removal of the overlying endfeet of the Müller glia. Simultaneous whole cell patch recordings were made from a ganglion cell's dendrite and the cell's soma. When a dendrite was stimulated with depolarizing current, impulses often propagated to the soma, where they appeared as a mixture of small depolarizations and action potentials. When the soma was stimulated, action potentials always propagated back through the dendrite. The site of initiation of action potentials, as judged by their timing, could be shifted between soma and dendrite by changing the site of stimulation. Applying QX-314 to the soma could eliminate somatic action potentials while leaving dendritic impulses intact. The absolute amplitudes of the dendritic action potentials varied somewhat at different distances from the soma, and it is not clear whether these variations are real or technical. Nonetheless, the qualitative experiments clearly suggest that the dendrites of retinal ganglion cells generate regenerative Na+ action potentials, at least in response to large direct depolarizations.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of the oblique branches of CA1 pyramidal neurons are largely unknown and very difficult to investigate experimentally. These relatively thin dendrites make up the majority of the apical tree surface area and constitute the main target of Schaffer collateral axons from CA3. Their electrogenic properties might have an important role in defining the computational functions of CA1 neurons. It is thus important to determine if and to what extent the back- and forward propagation of action potentials (AP) in these dendrites could be modulated by local properties such as morphology or active conductances. In the first detailed study of signal propagation in the full extent of CA1 oblique dendrites, we used 27 reconstructed three-dimensional morphologies and different distributions of the A-type K(+) conductance (K(A)), to investigate their electrophysiological properties by computational modeling. We found that the local K(A) distribution had a major role in modulating action potential back propagation, whereas the forward propagation of dendritic spikes originating in the obliques was mainly affected by local morphological properties. In both cases, signal processing in any given oblique was effectively independent of the rest of the neuron and, by and large, of the distance from the soma. Moreover, the density of K(A) in oblique dendrites affected spike conduction in the main shaft. Thus the anatomical variability of CA1 pyramidal cells and their local distribution of voltage-gated channels may suit a powerful functional compartmentalization of the apical tree.  相似文献   

Kress GJ  Mennerick S 《Neuroscience》2009,158(1):211-222
Axonal action potentials initiate the cycle of synaptic communication that is key to our understanding of nervous system functioning. The field has accumulated vast knowledge of the signature action potential waveform, firing patterns, and underlying channel properties of many cell types, but in most cases this information comes from somatic intracellular/whole-cell recordings, which necessarily measure a mixture of the currents compartmentalized in the soma, dendrites, and axon. Because the axon in many neuron types appears to be the site of lowest threshold for action potential initiation, the channel constellation in the axon is of particular interest. However, the axon is more experimentally inaccessible than the soma or dendrites. Recent studies have developed and applied single-fiber extracellular recording, direct intracellular recording, and optical recording techniques from axons toward understanding the behavior of the axonal action potential. We are starting to understand better how specific channels and other cellular properties shape action potential threshold, waveform, and timing: key elements contributing to downstream transmitter release. From this increased scrutiny emerges a theme of axons with more computational power than in traditional conceptualizations.  相似文献   

Dentate gyrus granule cells transmit action potentials (APs) along their unmyelinated mossy fibre axons to the CA3 region. Although the initiation and propagation of APs are fundamental steps during neural computation, little is known about the site of AP initiation and the speed of propagation in mossy fibre axons. To address these questions, we performed simultaneous somatic and axonal whole-cell recordings from granule cells in acute hippocampal slices of adult mice at ∼23°C. Injection of short current pulses or synaptic stimulation evoked axonal and somatic APs with similar amplitudes. By contrast, the time course was significantly different, as axonal APs had a higher maximal rate of rise (464 ± 30 V s−1 in the axon versus 297 ± 12 V s−1 in the soma, mean ± s.e.m. ). Furthermore, analysis of latencies between the axonal and somatic signals showed that APs were initiated in the proximal axon at ∼20–30 μm distance from the soma, and propagated orthodromically with a velocity of 0.24 m s−1. Qualitatively similar results were obtained at a recording temperature of ∼34°C. Modelling of AP propagation in detailed cable models of granule cells suggested that a ∼4 times higher Na+ channel density (∼1000 pS μm−2) in the axon might account for both the higher rate of rise of axonal APs and the robust AP initiation in the proximal mossy fibre axon. This may be of critical importance to separate dendritic integration of thousands of synaptic inputs from the generation and transmission of a common AP output.  相似文献   

Thin, unmyelinated axons densely populate the mammalian hippocampus and cortex. However, the location and dynamics of spike initiation in thin axons remain unclear. We investigated basic properties of spike initiation and propagation in CA3 neurons of juvenile rat hippocampus. Sodium channel alpha subunit distribution and local applications of tetrodotoxin demonstrate that the site of first threshold crossing in CA3 neurons is approximately 35 microm distal to the soma, somewhat more proximal than our previous estimates. This discrepancy can be explained by the finding, obtained with simultaneous whole cell somatic and extracellular axonal recordings, that a zone of axon stretching to approximately 100 microm distal to the soma reaches a maximum rate of depolarization nearly synchronously by the influx of sodium from the high-density channels. Models of the proximal axon incorporating observed distributions of sodium channel staining recapitulated salient features of somatic and axonal spike waveforms, including the predicted initiation zone, characteristic spike latencies, and conduction velocity. The preferred initiation zone was unaltered by stimulus strength or repetitive spiking, but repetitive spiking increased threshold and significantly slowed initial segment recruitment time and conduction velocity. Our work defines the dynamics of initiation and propagation in hippocampal principal cell axons and may help reconcile recent controversies over initiation site in other axons.  相似文献   

In olfactory mitral cells, dual patch recordings show that the site of action potential initiation can shift between soma and distal primary dendrite and that the shift is dependent on the location and strength of electrode current injection. We have analyzed the mechanisms underlying this shift, using a model of the mitral cell that takes advantage of the constraints available from the two recording sites. Starting with homogeneous Hodgkin-Huxley-like Na(+)-K(+) channel distribution in the soma-dendritic region and much higher sodium channel density in the axonal region, the model's channel kinetics and density were adjusted by a fitting algorithm so that the model response was virtually identical to the experimental data. The combination of loading effects and much higher sodium channel density in the axon relative to the soma-dendritic region results in significantly lower "voltage threshold" for action potential initiation in the axon; the axon therefore fires first unless the voltage gradient in the primary dendrite is steep enough for it to reach its higher threshold. The results thus provide a quantitative explanation for the stimulus strength and position dependence of the site of action potential initiation in the mitral cell.  相似文献   

The mitral cell primary dendrite plays an important role in transmitting distal olfactory nerve input from olfactory glomerulus to the soma-axon initial segment. To understand how dendritic active properties are involved in this transmission, we have combined dual soma and dendritic patch recordings with computational modeling to analyze action-potential initiation and propagation in the primary dendrite. In response to depolarizing current injection or distal olfactory nerve input, fast Na(+) action potentials were recorded along the entire length of the primary dendritic trunk. With weak-to-moderate olfactory nerve input, an action potential was initiated near the soma and then back-propagated into the primary dendrite. As olfactory nerve input increased, the initiation site suddenly shifted to the distal primary dendrite. Multi-compartmental modeling indicated that this abrupt shift of the spike-initiation site reflected an independent thresholding mechanism in the distal dendrite. When strong olfactory nerve excitation was paired with strong inhibition to the mitral cell basal secondary dendrites, a small fast prepotential was recorded at the soma, which indicated that an action potential was initiated in the distal primary dendrite but failed to propagate to the soma. As the inhibition became weaker, a "double-spike" was often observed at the dendritic recording site, corresponding to a single action potential at the soma. Simulation demonstrated that, in the course of forward propagation of the first dendritic spike, the action potential suddenly jumps from the middle of the dendrite to the axonal spike-initiation site, leaving the proximal part of primary dendrite unexcited by this initial dendritic spike. As Na(+) conductances in the proximal dendrite are not activated, they become available to support the back-propagation of the evoked somatic action potential to produce the second dendritic spike. In summary, the balance of spatially distributed excitatory and inhibitory inputs can dynamically switch the mitral cell firing among four different modes: axo-somatic initiation with back-propagation, dendritic initiation either with no forward propagation, forward propagation alone, or forward propagation followed by back-propagation.  相似文献   

In this comparative in vivo study of dendritic calcium accumulation, we describe the time course and spatial integration properties of two classes of visual interneurons in the lobula plate of the blowfly. Calcium accumulation was measured during visual motion stimulation, ensuring synaptic activation of the neurons within their natural spatial and temporal operating range. The compared cell classes, centrifugal horizontal (CH) and horizontal system (HS) cells, are known to receive retinotopic input of similar direction selectivity, but to differ in morphology, biophysics, presence of dendrodendritic synapses, and computational task. 1) The time course of motion-induced calcium accumulation was highly invariant with respect to stimulus parameters such as pattern contrast and size. In HS cells, the rise of [Ca(2+)](i) can be described by a single exponential with a time constant of 5-6 s. The initial rise of [Ca(2+)](i) in CH cells was much faster (tau approximately 1 s). The decay time constant in both cell classes was estimated to be at least 3.5 times longer than the corresponding rise time constant. 2) The voltage-[Ca(2+)](i) relationship was best described by an expansive nonlinearity in HS cells and an approximately linear relationship in CH cells. 3) Both cell classes displayed a size-dependent saturation nonlinearity of the calcium accumulation. Although in CH cells calcium saturation was indistinguishable from saturation of the membrane potential, saturation of the two response parameters differed in HS cells. 4) There was spatial overlap of the calcium signal in response to nonoverlapping visual stimuli. Both the area and the amplitude of the overlap profile was larger in CH cells than in HS cells. Thus calcium accumulation in CH cells is spatially blurred to a greater extent than in HS cells. 5) The described differences between the two cell classes may reflect the following computational tasks of these neurons: CH cells relay retinotopic information within the lobula plate via dendritic synapses with pronounced spatial low-pass filtering. HS cells are output neurons of the lobula plate, in which the slow, local calcium accumulation may be suitable for local modulatory functions.  相似文献   

The mammalian olfactory bulb is a geometrically organized signal-processing array that utilizes lateral inhibitory circuits to transform spatially patterned inputs. A major part of the lateral circuitry consists of extensively radiating secondary dendrites of mitral cells. These dendrites are bidirectional cables: they convey granule cell inhibitory input to the mitral soma, and they conduct backpropagating action potentials that trigger glutamate release at dendrodendritic synapses. This study examined how mitral cell firing is affected by inhibitory inputs at different distances along the secondary dendrite and what happens to backpropagating action potentials when they encounter inhibition. These are key questions for understanding the range and spatial dependence of lateral signaling between mitral cells. Backpropagating action potentials were monitored in vitro by simultaneous somatic and dendritic whole cell recording from individual mitral cells in rat olfactory bulb slices, and inhibition was applied focally to dendrites by laser flash photolysis of caged GABA (2.5-microm spot). Photolysis was calibrated to activate conductances similar in magnitude to GABA(A)-mediated inhibition from granule cell spines. Under somatic voltage-clamp with CsCl dialysis, uncaging GABA onto the soma, axon initial segment, primary and secondary dendrites evoked bicuculline-sensitive currents (up to -1.4 nA at -60 mV; reversal at approximatety 0 mV). The currents exhibited a patchy distribution along the axon and dendrites. In current-clamp recordings, repetitive firing driven by somatic current injection was blocked by uncaging GABA on the secondary dendrite approximately 140 microm from the soma, and the blocking distance decreased with increasing current. In the secondary dendrites, backpropagated action potentials were measured 93-152 microm from the soma, where they were attenuated by a factor of 0.75 +/- 0.07 (mean +/- SD) and slightly broadened (1.19 +/- 0.10), independent of activity (35-107 Hz). Uncaging GABA on the distal dendrite had little effect on somatic spikes but attenuated backpropagating action potentials by a factor of 0.68 +/- 0.15 (0.45-0.60 microJ flash with 1-mM caged GABA); attenuation was localized to a zone of width 16.3 +/- 4.2 microm around the point of GABA release. These results reveal the contrasting actions of inhibition at different locations along the dendrite: proximal inhibition blocks firing by shunting somatic current, whereas distal inhibition can impose spatial patterns of dendrodendritic transmission by locally attenuating backpropagating action potentials. The secondary dendrites are designed with a high safety factor for backpropagation, to facilitate reliable transmission of the outgoing spike-coded data stream, in parallel with the integration of inhibitory inputs.  相似文献   

We have established previously that, although the olfactory epithelium is absent in the homozygous Pax-6 mutant mouse, an olfactory bulb-like structure (OBLS) does develop. Moreover, this OBLS contains cells that correspond to mitral cells, the primary projection neurons in the olfactory bulb. The current study aimed to address whether the dendrites of mitral cells in the olfactory bulb or in the OBLS mitral-like cells, exhibit a change in orientation in the presence of the olfactory epithelium. The underlying hypothesis is that the olfactory epithelium imparts a trophic signal on mitral and mitral-like cell that influences the growth of their primary dendrites, orientating them toward the surface of the olfactory bulb. Hence, we cultured hemibrains from wild-type and Pax 6 mutant mice from two different embryonic stages (embryonic days 14 and 15) either alone or in coculture with normal olfactory epithelial explants or control tissue (cerebellum). Our results indicate that the final dendritic orientation of mitral and mitral-like cells is directly influenced both by age and indeed by the presence of the olfactory epithelium.  相似文献   

背景:钙离子通道异常可导致心肌受损,海洛因可直接作用钙离子通道,从而改变心肌结构。 目的:观察海洛因成瘾致大鼠心律失常后心肌细胞超微结构、L型钙离子通道电流及心肌细胞动作电位的变化情况。 方法:SD大鼠随机分为对照组和模型组,模型组大鼠以海洛因初使剂量5 mg/(kg•d),采用逐日剂量递增法[递增剂量2.5 mg/(kg•d)]复制海洛因成瘾大鼠模型;20 d海洛因成瘾模型成功建立,继续递增剂量至第30天,进一步建立海洛因成瘾大鼠心律失常模型。 结果与结论:与对照组相比,海洛因成瘾大鼠心肌电镜结构改变主要表现在细胞核膜皱缩、核浓缩、变小,染色质集结成块,线粒体嵴排列紊乱、消失,肌小节排列紊乱、灶性断裂,肌丝辨识不清等,心肌细胞L型钙通道电流-电压曲线呈现上移趋势,90%去极化动作电位显著缩短。表明海洛因可直接致心肌结构发生病理改变,钙通道电流发生改变是造成心肌损伤的主要原因之一。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:肾移植;肝移植;移植;心脏移植;组织移植;皮肤移植;皮瓣移植;血管移植;器官移植;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

Summary Golgi-Cox impregnations of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus show small dendritic side branches which appear to contact their neurons of origin. Electronmicroscopically a dendrite has been found forming a Gray-type-II synapse with one of its own branches. The arrangement is discussed as a general phenomenon of a feedback connection for temporal limitation of local excitation.  相似文献   

Aspartate-like immunoreactivity in mitral cells of rat olfactory bulb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antisera against aspartate (Asp) were prepared by immunizing rabbits with Asp conjugated to bovine serum albumin by glutaraldehyde, after which the antisera were purified using an Asp-immobilized epoxy-activated affinity column. The purified Asp antiserum showed no cross-reactivity, except for a 3% cross-reactivity against D-Asp. Asp-like immunoreactivity in mitral cells of the rat olfactory bulb was demonstrated, using this purified Asp antiserum.  相似文献   

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