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卫生改革与发展及其制度框架设计应注意的十大战略关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要论述我国卫生改革与发展及其制度创新、制度框架设计应注意的十大关系,以期对卫生制度建设和政策框架设计提供理论支持.  相似文献   

<正>2011年11月7日,第二届"中国十大百岁夫妻排行榜"和第四届"中国十大寿星排行榜"在江苏省南通市举行,海南省临高县皇桐镇107岁的张万经和106岁的王玉秀夫妇以83年的婚龄、年龄总和高达212岁名列"中国十大百岁夫妻排行榜"第二。这两位老人虽然年过期颐,但身子骨依然硬朗,且精神矍铄。说起他俩的长寿之道,除了和老两口的恩爱感情有关,和他们的脾气性格、生活习惯等也有着一定的关系。  相似文献   

神威药业是专业从事现代中药研发、生产、销售的大型企业,为全国医药百强、中药行业十强、香港主板市值最大的医药类上市公司之一,“神威”商标为中国驰名商标,“神威”品牌为中国500最具价值品牌之一。公司先后荣获中国十大最受赞赏的医药企业、中国和谐劳动关系优秀企业、中国企业文化优秀奖、中国十大行业百佳雇主、中国成长企业百强、全国“五一”劳动奖状、全国中药系统先进集体等上百项光荣称号。  相似文献   

《爱情终点站》中,汤姆·汉克斯评价凯瑟琳·泽塔琼斯的三人行关系时说:“三个人实在太挤了。我想你总是不小心陷入是因为远视。” 美国芝加哥某婚姻心理问题研究机构公布的影响婚姻安全之十大杀手,排名首位的是对对方及现状不切实际的挑剔与抱怨。  相似文献   

在全国认真贯彻落实华主席提出的抓纲治国战略决策的大好形势下,中南协作区厂矿卫生革命碰头会于3月26日至29日在汕头市召开,会议期间学习了毛主席光辉著作《论十大关系》和华主席在第二次全国农业学大寨会议上的重要讲话,与会同志受到  相似文献   

健康是生理的、心理的全面平衡状态以及良好的社会适应性。健康关系着每个人的生存质量和国家与民族的兴衰。在这里我们将健康十大法宝推荐给您。  相似文献   

十大最佳营养食品公布西红柿、菠菜、大蒜上榜美国《时代》杂志专刊日前评出了十大最佳的营养食品。这十种食品依次是:西红柿、菠菜、坚果、西兰花、燕麦、鲑鱼、大蒜、蓝莓、绿茶和红酒。  相似文献   

2009年1月16日,由《科学时报科学与健康》周刊启动的“2008年中国检验医学年度评选”在京揭晓。这次评选出的主要内容是“十大检验科室”、“十大独立实验室”。“十大试剂、仪器”、“十大企业人物”。  相似文献   

2008年12月18日,美国《科学》杂志评出了2008年度十大科学进展,细胞重新编程(Reprogramming Cells)成为十大科学进展之首。  相似文献   

《中国卫生》杂志2013年度“推进医改,服务百姓健康”“十大新举措、十大新闻人物与十大新闻”等三大评选活动近日启动推荐工作。  相似文献   

本文就医院在新的战略机遇期,如何处理与把握重要的关系和矛盾,从十个方面进行了论述,以期为医院正确的建设发展给予一定的指导。  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of married professional men explored the relation of adolescent and adult psychological health to marital sexual frequency, frustration, pleasure, and compatibility as well as the effects of sexual relations upon maturing. Psychological health was measured by seven adolescent and ten adult measures, including the MMPI, Rorschach, self- and judge-ratings, and questionnaires. Adolescent mental health did not predict any measure of adult sexual activity. Adult psychological health did not predict frequency of marital coital relations or degree of sexual frustration very consistently. It was associated more clearly with sexual pleasure and very consistently with marital sexual compatibility. Sexual relations did not contribute much to the men's maturing during adulthood; when they did, their principal effects were to further the integration and stabilization of the men's self-concepts.  相似文献   

Antitrust litigation involving hospitals is common. This paper describes recent developments and underlying issues in antitrust law with respect to hospital-hospital relations, hospital-physician relations, and hospital-payer relations. A key unanswered question in each of these areas is how government regulation and public purchasing affect competitive markets for hospital services.  相似文献   

This article explores public relations effectiveness in public health institutions. First, the two major elements that comprise public relations effectiveness are discussed: reputation management and stakeholder relations. The factors that define effective reputation management are examined, as are the roles of issues and crisis management in building and maintaining reputation. The article also examines the major facets of stakeholder relations, including an inventory of stakeholder linkages and key audiences, such as the media. Finally, methods of evaluating public relations effectiveness at both the program level and the institutional level are explored.  相似文献   

Male hormonal contraception has been shown to confer reversible infertility for at least one year; however, while clinical trials refine hormonal regimens, their acceptability, cultural meanings, and implications for study of men's sexualities remain under examined. This paper presents findings from interviews conducted with men and their female partners in a male hormonal contraception clinical trial in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia, and describes the ideas expressed about this new contraceptive technology. Fourteen men and their partners in Jakarta and ten men and their partners in Palembang were interviewed about their motivations to participate in the trial and their perceptions of the injection's physical, psychological and social effects. Concerns such as excess fertility and attendant economic liability shaped one quarter of motivations reported by men, while many women highlighted how a male method could help them prevent pregnancy without physical complications. Intimacy and sexual relations between couples were key themes within interpretations of contraceptive acceptability. Taken together, the narratives presented in this study call attention to the need for more nuanced analyses of contraceptive acceptability, as well as to the importance of studies of new male contraceptives for the understanding of masculinities.  相似文献   

Over the past several years the discipline and practice of public relations has evolved. Historically, this field within health care organizations was a one-way management of communications and often was reactive in nature dealing with a crisis situation with an organization. Recent theoretical development within the discipline suggests that public relations involves more relationship building with key constituencies and on-going-dialogue. Concomitant with this evolution is the technological development of the internet. Most particularly is the use of podcasting and blogging as key tools which have been underutilized by health car providers but have significant potential in both communication and relationship opportunities as discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Research has shown that peer relations are important to children's long-term adjustment (Bagwell, Newcomb and Bukowski, 1998; Ollendick, Weist, Borden and Green, 1992). Children are increasingly spending time in settings with peers, for example, long-day care, out-of-school-hours care and occasional care, as well as preschools and junior primary schools. Existing frameworks for understanding peer relations include ethological, critical and sociometric approaches. All share a common, and as yet unrecognised element, that of interpersonal power. In this paper it is argued that research into the power relations between young children has the potential to provide new insight into children's relations with their peers. It is argued that without such insight, understanding of those relations can only be partial. Seven key themes for the analysis of interpersonal power in children's peer relations from a previous study are discussed and recommendations made about how the study of young children's relations with their peers might be conducted.  相似文献   

This three-year prospective study on the effects of job stress on depressive symptoms over time was conducted among male blue-collar workers in an electrical factory in Japan. Data were collected at yearly intervals by means of postal questionnaires. Initially ten job stress variables, five major covariates, and depressive symptoms (Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale) were measured. In the yearly examinations, depressive symptoms were measured for a total of 468 respondents. The results indicated that job unsuitability was a significant predictor of depressive symptoms in the second and third year, after control for the initial covariates and depressive symptoms. Lack of control over workplace and poor human relations at the workplace were significantly associated with depressive symptoms after one and two years, respectively. Job unsuitability and poor human relations at the workplace seem to be risk factors for long-lasting depressive symptoms in Japanese blue-collar workers.  相似文献   

Context: One of health care's foremost challenges is the achievement of integration and collaboration among the groups providing care. Yet this fundamentally group‐related issue is typically discussed in terms of interpersonal relations or operational issues, not group processes. Methods: We conducted a systematic search for literature offering a group‐based analysis and examined it through the lens of the social identity approach (SIA). Founded in the insight that group memberships form an important part of the self‐concept, the SIA encompasses five dimensions: social identity, social structure, identity content, strength of identification, and context. Findings: Our search yielded 348 reports, 114 of which cited social identity. However, SIA‐citing reports varied in both compatibility with the SIA's metatheoretical paradigm and applied relevance to health care; conversely, some non‐SIA‐citers offered SIA‐congruent analyses. We analyzed the various combinations and interpretations of the five SIA dimensions, identifying ten major conceptual currents. Examining these in the light of the SIA yielded a cohesive, multifaceted picture of (inter)group relations in health care. Conclusions: The SIA offers a coherent framework for integrating a diverse, far‐flung literature on health care groups. Further research should take advantage of the full depth and complexity of the approach, remain sensitive to the unique features of the health care context, and devote particular attention to identity mobilization and context change as key drivers of system transformation. Our article concludes with a set of “guiding questions” to help health care leaders recognize the group dimension of organizational problems, identify mechanisms for change, and move forward by working with and through social identities, not against them.  相似文献   

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