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INTRODUCTION. After the onset of the HIV epidemic, the hope arose that the "harm reduction" approach of the Amsterdam "low-threshold" methadone programs would have a function in controlling the spread of HIV among injecting drug users (IDUs). METHODS. To find evidence for this assumption, 386 IDUs participating in an HIV study between 1985 and 1989 were studied. Long-term regular participants in low-threshold methadone programs were compared with short-term and/or irregular participants. RESULTS. Controlling for possible confounders, long-term regular participants had a slightly increased but not statistically significant risk of being HIV infected. With regard to current drug use, they injected daily and shared needles as often as did short-term and/or irregular participants. CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that the Amsterdam low-threshold methadone programs fail to diminish HIV risk behavior. If these programs want to have a positive effect on the spread of HIV, expansion of existing HIV prevention efforts, an increase in the daily methadone dose level, and measures to enforce regular attendance may be required.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To measure the prevalence and determinants of blood-borne virus (BBV) transmission in ethnic Vietnamese injecting drug users (IDUs). METHODS:The study was conducted in Melbourne, Australia, in 2003. It was a cross-sectional design with participants recruited from street-based illicit drug markets predominately using a snowball technique. One hundred and twenty-seven participants completed a questionnaire that asked about illicit drug use and participants' blood samples were tested for HIV, HCV and HBV. RESULTS: One hundred and three (81.1%) ethnic Vietnamese IDU study participants were HCV positive and three (2.4%) were HIV positive. More than 60% had evidence of being infected with HBV (either in the past, acute infection or chronic infection). Almost 60% had injected daily over the past 12 months. Fifty-nine participants had recently travelled to Vietnam; 24 (41%) had injected drugs in Vietnam; and three (12.5%) reported sharing injecting equipment in Vietnam. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of BBVs was higher in this study's IDU population compared with IDUs in Australia generally, despite the fact that the injecting risk behaviours were similar to IDUs more generally. IMPLICATIONS: Culturally sensitive drug treatment and education programs need to be developed in Australia for both ethnic Vietnamese IDUs and their families to reduce this group's risk of contracting a BBV.  相似文献   

There is increasing appreciation of the need to understand how social and structural factors shape HIV risk. Drawing on a review of recently published literature, we seek to describe the social structural production of HIV risk associated with injecting drug use. We adopt an inclusive definition of the HIV 'risk environment' as the space, whether social or physical, in which a variety of factors exogenous to the individual interact to increase vulnerability to HIV. We identify the following factors as critical in the social structural production of HIV risk associated with drug injecting: cross-border trade and transport links; population movement and mixing; urban or neighbourhood deprivation and disadvantage; specific injecting environments (including shooting galleries and prisons); the role of peer groups and social networks; the relevance of 'social capital' at the level of networks, communities and neighbourhoods; the role of macro-social change and political or economic transition; political, social and economic inequities in relation to ethnicity, gender and sexuality; the role of social stigma and discrimination in reproducing inequity and vulnerability; the role of policies, laws and policing; and the role of complex emergencies such as armed conflict and natural disasters. We argue that the HIV risk environment is a product of interplay in which social and structural factors intermingle but where political-economic factors may play a predominant role. We therefore emphasise that much of the most needed 'structural HIV prevention' is unavoidably political in that it calls for community actions and structural changes within a broad framework concerned to alleviate inequity in health, welfare and human rights.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To gain insight into the prevalence of HIV infection, the determinants thereof and the risk behaviour in injecting drug users (IDUs) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in 2002 in comparison to the HIV survey data from 1994 and 1997. DESIGN: Questionnaire study. METHOD: In 1994-2002, three periodic HIV surveys were conducted in Rotterdam among IDUs using semi-structured questionnaires on risk behaviour and saliva samples for HIV-antibody determination. In the present study, the data for 2002 were analysed and compared with those from 1994 and 1997. RESULTS: The number of participants recruited was 494, 470 and 452, respectively. HIV prevalence did not change over time: 1994: 11.4%, 1997: 9.4% and 2002: 10.2%. In the 2002 survey, independent risk factors for HIV were homelessness and onset of injecting drug use at an early age. The percentage of IDUs that had recently shared needles declined from 18% in 1994 to 8% in 2002. Risky sexual behaviour remained prevalent: inconsistent condom use was reported by 85% with steady partners, 43% with casual partners and 31% with clients. The IDUs who knew that they were HIV positive used condoms consistently more often. CONCLUSION: The combination of a relatively high HIV prevalence among IDUs in Rotterdam and the high level of unsafe sexual behaviour results in a serious risk of further spread of HIV among both IDUs and the general population.  相似文献   



The severity of HIV/AIDS pandemic linked to injecting drug use is one of the most worrying medical and social problems throughout the world in recent years. Myanmar has one of the highest prevalence rates of HIV among the IDUs in the region.  相似文献   

We estimated seroincidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and prevalence of risk behaviors among injection drug users (IDUs) who accepted voluntary HIV testing on entry to drug treatment. Record-based incidence studies were conducted in 12 drug treatment programs in New York City (n = 890); Newark, New Jersey (n = 521); Seattle, Washington (n = 1,256); and Los Angeles, California (n = 733). Records of confidential HIV tests were abstracted for information on demographics, drug use, and HIV test results. More detailed data on risk behaviors were obtained by a standardized questionnaire. Although overall incidence rates were relatively low in this population (<1/100 person-years), there was a high prevalence of risk behaviors. Needle sharing was reported by more than one-third of the participants in each of the cities. HIV seroincidence rates were up to three-fold higher among younger ID Us. We found that HIV continued to be transmitted among ID Us who had received both drug treatment and HIV counseling and testing. HIV/AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) prevention education should continue to be an important component of drug treatment.  相似文献   

广东省吸毒者HIV感染状况和危险因素调查   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
目的 了解广东省吸毒HIV感染及相关危险行为因素。方法 对广东省戒毒所内戒毒和社区吸毒进行面对面调查,并采集静脉血5ml进行HIV、HCV抗体检测。结果 共调查655名吸毒,HIV感染率为29.0%,HCV感染率为91.6%;吸毒对有关艾滋病传播途径的综合知晓率为65.3%;在最近一个月中,98.6%的吸毒有静脉注射吸毒行为。且42.1%有共用针具行为。共用针具的主要原因是毒瘾发作时没有注射器,占80.5%;吸毒与临时性伴的安全套使用率为21.3%,与固定性伴的使用率仅为9.5%。结论 广东省吸毒有较高的HIV和HCV感染率,感染HIV的相关危险行为普遍存在。应尽快采取有效措施。控制艾滋病的进一步蔓延。  相似文献   

Young people aged 15–24 years account for fifty percent of all new AIDS cases worldwide. Moreover, half of all new HIV infections are associated with injection drug use. The average age for initiation into injecting drug use is 20 years of age. This paper investigates whether HIV prevention programs have reduced risk behaviours in young people.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors discuss a study that investigated the meaning that injecting drug users attribute to risk behaviors linked to HIV transmission, especially through the use of nonsterile syringes or the failure to use condoms. To do this, social discourses with respect to the prevention of HIV infection are evaluated. The discussion focuses on how these discourses affect the daily practices of heroin users, practices that in turn influence discourses. Ethnography was used to observe 78 heroin users and 35 people following a methadone treatment program. Observation was carried out in a central district of Barcelona, Spain, with a low socioeconomic level. The results are a useful starting point for generating strategies aimed at preventing HIV transmission among this population on personal, community, and sociostructural levels.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To measure HIV prevalence, risk behaviours, and further service needs in needle exchange programs throughout Ontario, and to conduct regional comparisons. METHODS: Injection drug users (IDU) recruited through the efforts of needle exchange programme (NEP) staff in 9 Ontario cities during 1997-98 completed questionnaires about their drug use and behaviours and provided saliva and/or dried blood samples for anonymous unlinked HIV testing. RESULTS: Demographic and drug use characteristics of participants showed great regional variation. HIV prevalence by region ranged from 1.4% to 14.7%. In addition to region, HIV positivity was associated with injecting for more than 5 years, use of (powder) cocaine, use of crack, binge injection (10 or more times per day at least once in the previous 6 months), and being a longer-term NEP user. Sharing of injection equipment, and especially of other drug injection materials such as water and cookers, remain important issues, although much of the sharing reported is with only one other person. Unmet demand for methadone treatment was identified despite changes in regulation of methadone provision designed to make it more accessible. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggested significant further HIV prevention needs among IDU throughout Ontario. There is also evidence of potential to provide additional services such as methadone at NEPs if the required resources are invested. NEPs that have succeeded in gaining the trust of high-risk IDU offer a means to provide access to needed services.  相似文献   

Of the injecting drug users (IDUs), 24% had borrowed, and 37% had passed on syringes in the previous 6 months. In logistic regression analysis, current borrowing of syringes was significantly associated with a shorter duration of injecting drug use, a higher number of drug-injecting sex partners in the previous 6 months, and with current lending of syringes. A majority of the IDUs have modified previous HIV risk behaviour but these modifications are insufficient and not sustained over time. Intensified AIDS prevention measures for IDUs in Poland are needed.  相似文献   

[目的]了解建水县吸毒人群HIY相关危险行为状况及对艾滋病相关知识知晓情况,为进一步对吸毒人群行为干预提供依据.[方法]2007年9月在建水县社区、村委会、戒毒所内,采用全国统一的行为调查问卷对360名静脉吸毒者进行调查.[结果]360例静脉吸毒者中,吸毒年限>10年占61.4%,共用过针具占81.1%,固定性伴吸毒者占18.4%;最近一个月注射毒品时共用过针具占11.0%,最近一次性行为未使用安全套占76.4%;不同文化程度的静脉吸毒者对HIV经血液传播、母婴垂直传播及蚊虫叮咬是否传播的知晓率上存在着统计学差异(P<0.05).[结论]当地吸毒人群HIV相关危险行为发生率较高,应加强吸毒者安全行为的健康教育,扩大针对吸毒和高危性行为干预的覆盖面;针对不同文化程度的静咏吸毒者应开展与之相对应的宣传教育及干预措施.  相似文献   

Objective: Measure the self-reported prevalence of HIV, history of HIV testing and associated risk factors among injecting drug users (IDUs) attending the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC).
Methods: Cross-sectional survey of IDUs attending the Sydney MSIC (n=9,778).
Results: The majority of IDUs had been tested for HIV (94%), most within the preceding 12 months. Self-reported prevalence of HIV was only 2% (n=162) and homosexuality (AOR 20.68), bisexuality (AOR 5.30), male gender (AOR 3.33), mainly injecting psychostimulants (AOR 2.02), use of local health service (AOR 1.56) and increasing age (AOR 1.62) were independently associated. Among the 195 homosexual male sample 23% were self-reported being HIV positive. HIV positive homosexual males were more likely to report mainly psychostimulant injecting than other drugs, a finding not replicated among the heterosexual males.
Conclusions: The associations in this sample are consistent with other data indicating Australia has successfully averted an epidemic of HIV among heterosexual IDUs. The absence of any significant associations between HIV positive sero-status and the injecting-related behaviours that increase vulnerability to BBV transmission suggests that HIV infection in this group may be related to sexual behaviours. In particular, the strong associations between homosexual males and psychostimulant injectors with HIV positive sero-status suggests that patterns of infection within this group reflect the epidemiology of HIV in Australia more generally, where men who have sex with men remain most vulnerable to infection.  相似文献   

Abstract: Data were collected from 814 clients attending anonymously for counselling before tests for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection at the Burnett Clinic in Auckland. Just over 10 per cent of clients (n = 83) reported ever having injected drugs. This group was matched according to age, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation with an equal sized control group drawn from clients who had not injected drugs. The groups were compared in terms of their sexual practices, sexual partnerships, other drug use, current and past health status and their perception of HIV risk. The injecting drug users reported more sex partners than the nonusers, they were less likely to be in a relationship and they were less likely to be monogamous. Vaginal and oral sex were the most common practices in both groups but anal sex was more common among users than the nonusers. Regular condom use was reported by less than a quarter of each group. The health status of drug users was generally poorer than that of the nonusers. They reported greater use of alcohol and other drugs, more mental health problems, and more symptoms of ill health. They also had experienced more sexually-transmitted diseases. Only 1 per cent of users and 2 per cent of nonusers tested positively for HIV, although users saw themselves and their partners as at greater risk of HIV infection than the nonusers.  相似文献   

目的研究和识别注射吸毒人群(IDUs)艾滋病相关危险行为,为注射吸毒人群艾滋病干预提供依据。方法对参与美沙酮维持治疗的6 633名静脉吸毒人群进行基线调查,收集相关的社会形态、吸毒、危险行为、社会因素等信息,结合HIV感染情况,对与HIV相关危险行为进行分析。结果初始吸毒平均年龄是男性(27.03±6.7)岁,女性(25.80±6.7)岁,吸毒人员以20~50岁人居多,83.80%人无业,初中以下占70.00%,安全套使用率为15.00%,共用针具比例为49.60%,注射行为与受教育程度有关,差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.6,P<0.01),多元回归分析表明,伴性行为、性别、年龄、吸毒费用、文化程度等是影响共用针具的重要因素。结论湖北省静脉吸毒人群的高危行为普遍,大多数吸毒是HIV的易感群体,美沙酮门诊应该注重艾滋病相关危险行为的行为学干预。  相似文献   

Two surveys were conducted in 1990 and 1991 in order to estimate the prevalence of HIV infection among injecting drug users attending drug treatment centers throughout Italy. Among the 35,073 IDUs attending these facilities in 1990, 32.I% were HIV-positive. In 1991, 29.7% of 41,794 IDUs were HIV-positive. HIV prevalence was higher among prior attendees compared to new entrants (38.0% vs. 20.5% in 1990, and 35.8% vs. 16.6% in 1991); prevalence was also higher among females. These findings suggest that HIV prevalence among Italian drug users is slowly declining.  相似文献   

Despite a recent reduction in the number of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections attributed to injecting drug use in the United States, 9% of new U.S. HIV infections in 2009 occurred among injecting drug users (IDUs). To monitor HIV-associated behaviors and HIV prevalence among IDUs, CDC's National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (NHBS) conducts interviews and HIV testing in selected metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). This report summarizes data from 10,073 IDUs interviewed and tested in 20 MSAs in 2009. Of IDUs tested, 9% had a positive HIV test result, and 45% of those testing positive were unaware of their infection. Among the 9,565 IDUs with HIV negative or unknown HIV status before the survey, 69% reported having unprotected vaginal sex, 34% reported sharing syringes, and 23% reported having unprotected heterosexual anal sex during the 12 previous months. Although these risk behavior prevalences appear to warrant increased access to HIV testing and prevention services, for the previous 12-month period, only 49% of the IDUs at risk for acquiring HIV infection reported having been tested for HIV, and 19% reported participating in a behavioral intervention. Increased HIV prevention and testing efforts are needed to further reduce HIV infections among IDUs.  相似文献   

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