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There has been a steady increase in the number of cases of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) otorrhoea; this is a growing concern. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of topical vancomycin treatment in patients with MRSA otorrhoea. Fifty-five patients with MRSA otorrhoea were prospectively enrolled into the study. Thirty-five patients were treated with vancomycin eardrops as outpatients. The concentration of the locally prepared vancomycin solution was 25 mg/ml. The dose of vancomycin was two drops three times daily for 10 days. As a control group, 20 patients were treated with gentamicin 0.3% solution. Data were analysed by the Mann-Whitney U test to compare the efficacy of vancomycin eardrops and gentamicin eardrops. In the vancomycin group, the otorrhoea was significantly reduced in 33 ears (94%); in the gentamicin group, in four ears (20 per cent); this reduction was statistically significant (P < 0.03). The use of topical vancomycin treatment was effective for patients with MRSA otorrhoea refractory to conventional antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a consecutive series of children with refractory tympanostomy tube otorrhea treated with linezolid and document its clinical effectiveness and adverse effects. DESIGN: Retrospective, single institution case series. METHODS: The records of children treated with linezolid for refractory gram-positive otorrhea from 2003 to 2007 were analyzed for causative organisms, antimicrobial sensitivities, history of prior medical treatments, time to cessation of otorrhea, adverse effects of linezolid and recurrence of infection. RESULTS: Ten episodes of refractory gram-positive otorrhea treated with linezolid were documented among eight children during the study period. Seven were caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and three by multiple-drug resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Prior treatment regimes included clindamycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole/rifampin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, and/or a third-generation cephalosporin. Seven of eight children had failed extended courses of fluoroquinolone ear drops. All children were free of otorrhea by the 14th day of twice-daily treatment with oral linezolid at 20mg/kg/day. One child developed two additional episodes of S. aureus otorrhea three and 10 months after initial treatment. Each was successfully controlled with linezolid. There were no adverse effects from linezolid treatment. CONCLUSION: Oral linezolid is highly effective in the treatment of refractory otorrhea caused by methicillin-resistant S. aureus and multiple drug-resistant S. pneumoniae. It has a low risk of serious side effects. It is one of only a few oral agents with activity against these organisms and is very expensive. Linezolid should be used only when otorrhea cannot be treated with conventional agents or when complications of otitis media pose a risk to life or function.  相似文献   

Bacteriologic investigation of middle ear effusion (MEE), external ear canal, and the nasopharynx was carried out on 458 patients with otitis media with effusion. Staphylococcus epidermidis was the most common bacteria in MEE, even after excluding the contaminants from the external ear canal, which had the same value of minimal inhibitory concentration as the paired MEE. The bacterial agreement of S epidermidis between MEE and the nasopharynx was extremely rare in contrast with Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Branhamella catarrhalis, although the organism was also frequently isolated from the nasopharynx. Staphylococcus aureus, having the same minimal inhibitory concentration as that in the nasopharynx, was more frequently found in MEE than S epidermidis. The results suggest that S epidermidis found in MEE is not a pathogen, but rather a contaminant in many instances. Staphylococcus aureus seems to be a causative agent in otitis media with effusion.  相似文献   

A comparative trial was performed of two regimens of antibiotic therapy in acute otitis, exacerbation of otitis media chronica and sinusitis in children. 100 children received combined treatment with amoxycilline and clavulanic acid (amoxiclav and autmentin). 50 control children were i.m. injected ampicilline. Oral co-amoxiclavs proved highly effective in ENT diseases in children and are superior to intramuscular ampicilline.  相似文献   

Conclusion: It is recommended to perform follow-up tympanometry and if necessary tonal audiometry in children who have normal plain otoscopy findings after recovering from acute otitis media (AOM). Children with Type B tympanogram, 3 months following the onset of AOM, are very likely to have a conductive hearing loss. Type B tympanogram is a much better indicator of effusion in the middle ear compared to plain otoscopy. Objective: This study was undertaken to investigate the frequency and duration of middle ear effusion in children following an episode of acute otitis media, to track changes in tonal audiometry and tympanometry findings in the post-AOM period, and recognize the optimal timing for performing both tests. Methods: In this study, 125 children aged 5–7 years with bilateral AOM were randomly selected and separately followed up for 3 months. The children underwent six ear, nose, and throat (ENT 1–6) examinations, six tympanometries (TM 1–6), and three tonal audiometries (TA 1–3). Evaluation of nasopharynx was done at the ENT 1 examination. Children who received ventilation tubes were followed for 21 month altogether. Results: At the first otoscopy, pathological findings were recorded in 250 ears/125 children (100.0%). The number of pathological otoscopy findings decreased at each subsequent examination. At ENT 6 all children had normal otoscopy findings. Type B tympanogram was detected in 49/250 (19.6%) ears at TM 6, performed 3 months following the onset of the disease. At the TA 1 conductive hearing impairment was recorded in 158/250 (63.2%) ears, at TA 2 in 66/250 (26.4%), and at TA 3 in 39/250 (15.6%). Most of them were associated with Type B tympanogram.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors determining poor outcome in children with acute otitis media (AOM). MATERIAL AND METHODS: We considered the following factors in children with AOM: age; gender; the presence of group nursing; the presence of siblings; the duration of breastfeeding; and the type of bacteria isolated from the middle ear fluid (MEF) or nasopharynx. The 73 pediatric patients studied included 61 examined in outpatient clinics and 12 seen at a children's home. RESULTS: Of the 61 children examined in outpatient clinics, 32 (52%) had persistent MEF (fluid accumulation in the middle ear persisting for up to 1 month after treatment); 14 (23%) had early recurrence of AOM (within 1 month following an initial improvement); and 14 (23%) developed recurrent AOM (> 3 recurrences during 6 months of follow-up). Using univariate and multivariate analyses, age < 2 years was found to be significantly related to the development of recurrent AOM and an absence of group nursing was found to be significantly related to the development of early recurrence. Persistent MEF was significantly related to the development of recurrent AOM. There was no difference between bacterial species isolated from the MEF or nasopharynx in terms of clinical outcome. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that particularly close long-term follow-up is necessary for children aged < 2 years and children with a middle ear effusion that persists for up to 1 month after treatment.  相似文献   

Children with recurrent acute otitis media have been studied in a group general practice. They were seen as soon as possible after an episode of infection and the presence or absence of middle ear effusion was determined by a combination of tympanometry and pneumatic otoscopy. The sensitivity (87.5%) and specificity (90%) of this method were determined by comparing the prediction of effusions using this method with the results of myringotomy in a group of children with chronic secretory otitis media. The parents of the children with recurrent otitis media were questioned about previous aural discharge, chronic nasal symptoms, family history of atopy, numbers of siblings and breast feeding in infancy. Forty-one per cent of the 58 children studied had effusion(s) 2 months after their presenting episodes, while by 3 months this figure had fallen to 33%. Significantly more of the children with persistent effusions at 2 months had received cephalexin than of those who were effusion free at that stage (P less than 0.05). There were no other statistically significant differences between the 2 groups. Nine children had had aural discharge during the presenting episode and 5 of these developed persistent effusions.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal flora can be a reservoir of bacteria caused acute otitis media in children. The aim of the study was to identify microorganisms and antimicrobial susceptibilities of pathogens from the nasopharynx and middle ear of children with acute otitis media. The study comprised 128 children ages 1 year to 14 years with diagnosed of acute otitis media with purulent discharge. The nasopharyngeal and middle ear samples were collected at the same time. Agar, chocolate, blood and Chapman plates were inoculated for isolation of bacteria. The plates were incubated at 37 degrees C and examined at 24 hours. The susceptibility of bacteria was determined by disk diffusion technique containing concentration gradients for following antibiotics: penicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanate, ampicillin/sulbactam, cefaclor, cefprozil, cefuroxime, erythromycin, azithromycin, clindamycin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. 196 organisms from nasopharynx and 325 organisms from middle ear were isolated. Most frequent cultured bacteria were: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis--75.6% in nasopharynx and 77.8% in middle ear. We observed statistically significant (p < 0.01) increased of Moraxella catarrhalis in specimens from the middle ear than from nasopharynx. Most of the organisms were susceptible to amoxicillin/clavulanate--83.2% of bacteria from nasopharynx and 81.8% of bacteria from middle ear. Most organisms were resistant to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole--60.7% of bacteria from nasopharynx and 62.6% of bacteria from middle ear. Penicillin resistance was observed in 25.0% of bacteria from nasopharynx and 25.6% of bacteria from middle ear. The correlation in resistance of bacteria between trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and erythromycin (r = 0.4886) and between trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and penicillin (r = 0.5027) was observed. Nasopharyngeal and middle ear flora in children with acute otitis media is similar. In that case susceptibility of bacteria from the nasopharynx can be useful for empirical treatment of acute otitis media in children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review a subset of pedi-atric patients with otitis media occurring simultaneously with meningitis and other central nervous system diseases. Of the 92 cases reviewed, 61.3% involved patients under 12 months of age. Meningitis associated with otitis media involved 91% of the patients; the remainder had nonmeningi-tic central involvement. The most striking finding was the high incidence of Haemophilus influenza type-B, a relatively uncommon pathogen of the middle ear. This finding highlights the need to select antibiotic coverage to adequately treat Haemophilus influenza type-B.  相似文献   

Some herpesviruses have been detected in middle ear fluid (MEF) of patients with acute otitis media (AOM), but their role in middle ear disease is unknown. We examined 73 middle ear fluid samples from 73 children with acute otitis media for the presence of four major herpesviral DNA, respiratory viral genomes, and bacterial DNA by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Herpesviruses were detected in 16 specimens (22%), with 18 viral infections were identified overall. Respiratory viruses were detected in 35 specimens (48%), 39 viral infections overall. Bacterial DNA was detected in 51 specimens (70%), 60 bacterial infections overall. Clinical outcome was compared in patients with and without herpesvirus DNA, respiratory viral genomes, or bacterial DNA. Progression to otitis media with effusion (OME) was more common when herpesviral DNA was present. Presence of herpesvirus DNA may reflect an immunocompromised state that may make it difficult to eliminate bacteria from the middle ear after infection.  相似文献   

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