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Pagulayan KF, Hoffman JM, Temkin NR, Machamer JE, Dikmen SS. Functional limitations and depression after traumatic brain injury: examination of the temporal relationship.


To examine the temporal relationship between self-reported injury-related functional limitations and depressive symptomatology after traumatic brain injury (TBI).


A longitudinal cohort study with 3 evaluation points.


A level I trauma center.


Adolescents and adults (N=135) with complicated mild to severe TBI (72% had complicated mild injuries) who were recruited within 24 hours of injury and then completed the measure at all 3 time points.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

Sickness Impact Profile and Center for Epidemiological Studies−Depression Scale.


Individuals who reported more depressive symptomatology consistently endorsed more injury-related difficulties, showing the strong relationship between depression and perceived psychosocial functioning. Examination of these relationships over time revealed that increased depressive symptomatology follows higher levels of perceived injury-related changes but that reports of injury-related changes are not associated with earlier depression. These findings suggest a unidirectional temporal relationship between these variables.


Perceived changes in daily functioning appear to influence emotional well-being over time after TBI. However, depressive symptoms do not appear to negatively impact individuals' perception of later functioning. These results further our understanding of the complicated relationship between these variables and may have important implications for treatment of depression after TBI.  相似文献   

Martin Ginis KA, Latimer AE, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Buchholz AC, Bray SR, Craven BC, Hayes KC, Hicks AL, McColl M, Potter PJ, Smith K, Wolfe DL. Leisure time physical activity in a population-based sample of people with spinal cord injury part I: demographic and injury-related correlates.


To estimate the number of minutes a day of leisure time physical activity (LTPA) performed by people with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) and to identify the demographic and injury-related characteristics associated with LTPA in a population-based sample of people with chronic SCI.


Cross-sectional telephone survey.


General community.


Men and women with SCI (N=695).


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

The number of minutes/day of LTPA performed at a mild intensity or greater.


Respondents reported mean minutes ± SD of 27.14±49.36 of LTPA/d; however, 50% reported no LTPA whatsoever. In a multiple regression analysis, sex, age, years postinjury, injury severity, and primary mode of mobility each emerged as a unique predictor of LTPA. Multiple correspondence analysis indicated that being a man over the age of 34 years and greater than 11 years postinjury was associated with inactivity, while being a manual wheelchair user and having motor complete paraplegia were associated with the highest level of daily LTPA.


Daily LTPA levels are generally low in people with SCI. Women, older adults, people with less recent injuries, people with more severe injuries, and users of power wheelchairs and gait aids are general subgroups that may require special attention and resources to overcome unique barriers to LTPA. Specific subgroups may also require targeted interventions.  相似文献   

Krause JS, Saunders LL, Newman S. Posttraumatic stress disorder and spinal cord injury.


To identify the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after spinal cord injury (SCI) in a sample averaging over 2 decades postinjury at assessment. Related objectives are to confirm the factor structure, compare subscales with those reported in a nonclinical sample, and identify the relationship of PTSD with depression.




A medical university in the Southeastern United States.


Participants were initially identified through specialty hospitals in the Midwest and Southeastern United States. A cohort of adults (N=927) with traumatic SCI of at least 1 year duration at enrollment in 2002 to 2003 and a minimum of 7 years at the time of assessment completed the study materials.


Not applicable.

Main Outcomes Measures

PTSD was measured by the Purdue Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scale-Revised, and depression was measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item.


PTSD was reported by less than 10% of the participants. Item endorsement decreased as a function of years postinjury, primarily because of low rates of endorsement among those 21 or more years postinjury. Confirmatory factor analysis did not result in an acceptable fit for subscales, item sets, or factors previously reported in the literature. Participants scored higher than a nonclinical sample (reported in the literature) on the arousal and avoidance subscales but lower on the re-experiencing subscale. Item endorsements were lower for the first set of items that relate directly to the SCI itself, with the highest item endorsement for “have difficulty remembering important aspects of event.” PTSD rarely occurred in the absence of a depressive disorder.


PTSD does not appear to be highly prevalent in long-term SCI survivors, and endorsement of items related to re-experiencing and even recalling the injury are rare. Because SCI often is accompanied by mild traumatic brain injury, difficulty recalling the event may have an organic rather than psychologic component.  相似文献   

Shiba S, Okawa H, Uenishi H, Koike Y, Yamauchi K, Asayama K, Nakamura T, Tajima F. Longitudinal changes in physical capacity over 20 years in athletes with spinal cord injury.


To investigate the longitudinal changes in physical capacity over 20 years in athletes with spinal cord injury (SCI).


Longitudinal study (20-y follow-up).


Laboratory setting.


Persons with SCI (N=7).


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

Maximum oxygen consumption V?o2max) measured in 1986-1988 and in 2006.


Subjects with SCI maintained stable V?o2max in 2006. Six of the 7 continued various wheelchair sports activities, while 1 person quit sports activities 1 year after the baseline study. The latter person showed reduced V?o2max by 53%, while 2 persons who continued strenuous wheelchair sports activities showed increased V?o2max by 43% and 45% after 20 years.


The results indicated that physical capacity reflected the level of sports activity in subjects with SCI who maintained sports activities.  相似文献   

Weaver FM, Burns SP, Evans CT, Rapacki LM, Goldstein B, Hammond MC. Provider perspectives on soldiers with new spinal cord injuries returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.


The military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have resulted in many soldiers returning with serious combat injuries, including spinal cord injuries (SCIs). The purpose of this study was to query providers regarding any unique problems or needs in a cohort of these soldiers treated in Veterans Health Administration (VHA) SCI Centers.


Semistructured questionnaire.


Seventeen VHA SCI Centers.


Thirty-eight providers, including physicians, nurses, therapists, social workers, and psychologists who volunteered to return completed questionnaires.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

Identification of medical and psychosocial issues, rehabilitation delays, therapy and vocational needs, social support, and discharge planning.


Providers identified several injuries and conditions beyond SCI that were experienced by these soldiers including fractures, pressure ulcers, traumatic brain injuries, posttraumatic stress disorder, and resistant infections. Rehabilitation was often delayed because these problems needed to be addressed first. Soldiers' family and friends provide considerable support. Vocational needs include use of technology, especially computers; education; and participation in sports. Although most return to the community after discharge, many soldiers are still active duty, and some return to military base housing.


Combat soldiers returning with SCI often have additional medical and psychosocial problems that require appropriate and timely intervention. They have strong support from family and friends and are motivated to integrate back into the community after discharge.  相似文献   

Hussain R, Cevallos ME, Darouiche RO, Trautner BW. Gram-negative intravascular catheter-related bacteremia in patients with spinal cord injury.


To determine whether the prevalence of gram-negative catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) is higher in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) than in patients without SCI.


Retrospective chart review from August 1998 to August 2006.


A Veterans Affairs medical center, which serves as a tertiary care medical center to over 500 veterans with SCI and is the primary source of health care for veterans in southeast Texas.


All hospitalized patients who had an International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, code for bacteremia associated with their hospital stay.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

The proportion of CRBSI caused by gram-negative organisms in the SCI patients to the proportion of CRBSI caused by gram-negative organisms in the non-SCI patients.


Eight (42%) of 19 episodes of CRBSI in the SCI were caused by a gram-negative organism as compared with 4 (11%) of 36 infections in the non-SCI group (P<.01). Factors associated with having a gram-negative organism rather than a gram-positive organism as the causative agent of CRBSI were SCI, femoral catheter site, prolonged hospitalization, decubitus ulcer, and urinary catheter.


In our medical center, patients with SCI who develop CRBSI are more likely to have an infection with a gram-negative organism than are patients without SCI. This knowledge may guide initial empirical therapy of suspected bloodstream infection.  相似文献   

Nelson AL, Groer S, Palacios P, Mitchell D, Sabharwal S, Kirby RL, Gavin-Dreschnack D, Powell-Cope G. Wheelchair-related falls in veterans with spinal cord injury residing in the community: a prospective cohort study.


(1) To determine the incidence of wheelchair falls and fall-related injuries in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) living in the community. (2) To predict wheelchair-related falls and associated injuries from specific parameters including characteristics of the wheelchair user, wheelchair type and features, health care practices, wheelchair activities, and physical environment.


This prospective cohort study followed participants monthly over 1 year; data were collected through surveys, interviews, performance testing, observation, and medical records.


Three Veterans' Administration hospitals.


Convenience sample of community-dwelling persons with SCI who used a wheelchair as their primary means of mobility (N=702).


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

Self-reports of wheelchair falls and fall-related injuries, Wheelchair User Characteristics Survey, Health Status Checklist, Health-Related Behaviors, Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale, Wheelchair and Equipment-Related Behaviors, Wheelchair Characteristics, Wheelchair Skills Test, and Physical Environment Assessment.


Of the 659 subjects who completed the study, 204 participants (31%) reported 553 fall events, and 95 subjects (14%) were injured as a result of wheelchair falls. A logistic regression model for predicting wheelchair falls identified 6 significant risk factors: pain in previous 2 months, alcohol abuse, greater motor function, history of previous fall, fewer SCI years, and shorter length of wheelchair. Eighty-two percent of the variance for wheelchair fall events was explained by these 6 variables. A logistic regression model for predicting injurious falls identified 4 significant risk factors: pain in previous 2 months, greater motor function, history of previous fall, and inaccessible home entrance. These 4 factors were able to explain 81% of the variance for injurious falls.


This is the first study to determine the incidence of wheelchair-related falls in community-dwelling people with SCI who use a wheelchair. Results indicate the incidence of falls was 31% and injurious falls was 14%. Those at greatest risk can be predicted from some readily available information regarding their clinical status, wheelchair features, and home environment.  相似文献   

Krause JS, Carter R, Zhai Y, Reed K. Psychologic factors and risk of mortality after spinal cord injury.


To identify the association of 2 distinct psychologic constructs, personality and purpose in life (PIL), with risk of early mortality among persons with spinal cord injury (SCI).


Prospective cohort study with health data collected in late 1997 and early 1998 and mortality status ascertained in December 2005.


A large rehabilitation hospital in the southeastern United States.


Adults (N=1386) with traumatic SCI, at least 1 year postinjury.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

We first evaluated the significance of a single psychologic predictor (a total of 6 scales) while controlling for biographic and injury predictors using Cox proportional hazards modeling and subsequently built a comprehensive model based on an optimal group of psychologic variables.


There were a total of 224 (16.2%) observed deaths in the full sample. The total number of deaths was reduced to 164 in the final statistical model (of 1128 participants) because of missing data. All 6 psychologic factors were statistically significant in the model that was adjusted for biographic and injury factors, whereas only 3 psychologic factors were retained in the final comprehensive model, including 2 personality scales (Impulsive Sensation Seeking, Neuroticism-Anxiety) and the PIL scale. The final comprehensive model only modestly improved the overall prediction of survival compared with the model with only biographic and injury variables, because the pseudo-R2 increased from 0.121 to 0.129, and the concordance increased from 0.730 to 0.747.


The results affirm the importance of psychologic factors in relation to survival after SCI.  相似文献   

Frisbie JH, Sharma GVRK. Right bundle branch block as a screening test for pulmonary embolism in chronic spinal cord injury.


To evaluate right bundle branch block (RBBB) on electrocardiograms (ECGs) as a screening tool for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) in a chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) population and to determine the prevalence of PE.


Retrospective analysis.


Boston Veterans Affairs Healthcare System.


Consecutive SCI participants (N=112) who were followed at this institution until death between 1999 and 2005 at an average age of 71 years, a duration of paralysis of 31 years, with a tetraplegic level in 62%, and no useful motor function in 84%.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

PE, as a cause of RBBB, was diagnosed by autopsy, a source of thromboembolism, imaging, or other ECG signs of PE. Chronic obstructive lung disease was diagnosed by pulmonary function tests and myocardial infarction by ECG or echocardiogram.


Twenty-nine participants (26%) had RBBB (6 with incomplete RBBB). Evidence that PE caused RBBB was found in 21 (72%), with 4 (3 massive) found by autopsy, 4 by the presence of an embolic source, 3 by imaging, 2 by the intermittent course of RBBB, 1 by abrupt onset of RBBB before death, and 7 by other ECG signs. RBBB represented chronic obstructive lung disease or myocardial infarction in the remaining 8. The onset of RBBB occurred either within months of SCI in 5 (1 before SCI) or years after SCI in 24 (6-50y, median 32y). RBBB was constant in 27 and intermittent in 2. The duration of RBBB ranged from 20 minutes to 31 years, median 4 years.


RBBB may be a useful initial screening test for PE complicating chronic SCI. PE, often recurrent and sometimes fatal, is prevalent in chronic SCI.  相似文献   

Morse LR, Stolzmann K, Nguyen HP, Jain NB, Zayac C, Gagnon D, Tun CG, Garshick E. Association between mobility mode and C-reactive protein levels in men with chronic spinal cord injury.


To assess clinical determinants of systemic inflammation in persons with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI).


Cross-sectional survey.


Veterans Affairs medical center.


As part of an epidemiologic study assessing SCI-related health conditions, 63 men with chronic SCI provided a blood sample and information regarding locomotive mode and personal habits.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

Plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP).


The mean ± standard deviation age was 56±14y, and participants were assessed 21±13y after injury. Adjusting for heart disease, hypertension, and body mass index (BMI), the mean CRP in 12 motorized wheelchair users (5.11mg/L) was not significantly greater than 23 participants who used a manual wheelchair (2.19mg/L) (P=.085) but was significantly greater than the 17 who walked with an assistive device (1.41mg/L) (P=.005) and the 12 who walked independently (1.63mg/L) (P=.027). CRP was significantly greater in participants with obesity but was not related to age, smoking, or SCI level and severity. CRP was elevated in participants reporting a urinary tract infection (UTI) or pressure ulcer within a year, but adjustment for this did not account for the elevated CRP in motorized wheelchair users.


These results suggest that CRP in chronic SCI is independently related to locomotive mode, BMI, and a history of pressure ulcers and UTI. It is suggested that future studies in SCI investigate whether modifying these factors influence systemic inflammation and cardiovascular health.  相似文献   

Boswell-Ruys CL, Sturnieks DL, Harvey LA, Sherrington C, Middleton JW, Lord SR. Validity and reliability of assessment tools for measuring unsupported sitting in people with a spinal cord injury.


To develop simple tests to assess the abilities of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) to sit unsupported and to assess the construct validity and test-retest reliability of these tests.


Cross-sectional comparisons, convenience sample.


Biomechanical laboratory.


People (N=30) with SCI between the C6 and the L2 level of 2 months to 37 years duration before assessment. The sample was stratified by impairment level (at T8) and time since injury (1y postinjury).


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

On 2 separate occasions, participants performed tests that measured the distance of upper-body sway and maximal torso leaning, errors made during a coordinated stability task, timed dressing/undressing of the upper body and alternating arm reaching, and percentage change in seated upper body/arm reaching.


All tests showed good construct validity in that they distinguished between participants with higher (C6-T7) and lower (T8-L2) level impairments (P<.05) and between participants with acute (≤1y) and chronic (>1y) lesions (P<.05). The tests also showed good to excellent test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coeffiecient3,1 range, .51-.91).


These simple and quick-to-administer tests have both construct validity and test-retest reliability. They would be appropriate for research and clinical purposes to quantify the abilities of people with SCI to sit unsupported.  相似文献   

van Koppenhagen CF, Post MW, van der Woude LH, de Witte LP, van Asbeck FW, de Groot S, van den Heuvel W, Lindeman E. Changes and determinants of life satisfaction after spinal cord injury: a cohort study in The Netherlands.


To determine the impact of spinal cord injury (SCI) on life satisfaction of persons with SCI 1 year after discharge of inpatient rehabilitation.


A cohort study. Life satisfaction before SCI was retrospectively measured at the start of active rehabilitation. One year after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation, current life satisfaction was measured.


Eight rehabilitation centers in The Netherlands.


Persons (N=147) aged 18 to 65 and wheelchair-dependent at least for long distances.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

The Life Satisfaction Questionnaire.


Mean satisfaction with life ± SD as a whole was 5.3±0 before SCI and 4.3±1.3 one year after inpatient rehabilitation. Sexual life, self-care, and vocational situation showed the largest impact of SCI (P<.05), whereas the social relationships domains appeared to be the least affected. Decrease of life satisfaction after SCI was larger when using the retrospective ratings than when using general population scores. Significant determinants of life satisfaction after SCI were high lesion level (β=.31, P<.05), pain (β=.19, P<.05), and secondary impairments (β=.22, P<.05).


Life satisfaction decreased in persons with SCI. Level of lesion and suffering secondary impairments or pain were associated with low life satisfaction 1 year after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Liang H-W, Wang Y-H, Pan S-L, Wang TG, Huang T-S. Asymptomatic median mononeuropathy among men with chronic paraplegia.


To compare electrophysiologic abnormalities of the median nerve in asymptomatic paraplegic subjects and able-bodied controls and to examine the influence of personal factors on these parameters.


Cross-sectional survey.


University hospital.


Forty-seven men with paraplegia and 36 able-bodied controls underwent nerve conduction studies on both upper limbs. All were free of hand numbness in the past month, diabetic mellitus, or neuromusculoskeletal injuries to the upper limbs.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

Nerve conduction studies of the bilateral median and ulnar nerves.


Although the 2 groups were of comparable age and had a similar body mass index (BMI), the subjects with paraplegia had a significantly higher proportion of asymptomatic median mononeuropathy than the controls (25.5% vs 5.6%, P=.02). The spinal cord injury (SCI) group had a prolonged median distal latency and a slowed digit-wrist sensory nerve conduction velocity. Multivariate general linear model analysis showed that prolonged motor and sensory latencies of the median nerve were associated with the SCI group and with greater BMI.


The asymptomatic subjects with paraplegia had a significantly higher frequency of median mononeuropathy than the able-bodied controls. There was also an association between BMI and distal latency of the median nerve.  相似文献   

Sady MD, Sander AM, Clark AN, Sherer M, Nakase-Richardson R, Malec JF. Relationship of preinjury caregiver and family functioning to community integration in adults with traumatic brain injury.


To investigate the relationship of preinjury caregiver and family functioning to community integration outcomes in persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI).


Inception cohort.


Three TBI Model Systems inpatient rehabilitation facilities.


Persons with TBI (N=141) and their caregivers admitted to inpatient rehabilitation and followed up at 1 to 2 years after injury.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

Community Integration Questionnaire and the Social and Occupation scales of the Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique.


There were significant interactions of several preinjury caregiver and family variables with injury severity. For persons with complicated mild/moderate injury, better family functioning was associated with greater home integration, and less caregiver distress was associated with better social integration. For persons with severe injuries, greater caregiver perceived social support was associated with better outcomes in productivity and social integration.


Preinjury caregiver and family characteristics interact with injury severity to affect outcomes in persons with injury. Research on outcomes should include measures of caregiver and family functioning. Early interventions targeted toward decreasing caregiver distress, increasing support, and improving family functioning may have a positive impact on later outcomes.  相似文献   

Chou L-W, Lee SC, Johnston TE, Binder-Macleod SA. The effectiveness of progressively increasing stimulation frequency and intensity to maintain paralyzed muscle force during repetitive activation in persons with spinal cord injury.


To compare the effectiveness of progressively increasing stimulation intensity, progressively increasing frequency, or progressively increasing both frequency and intensity on paralyzed quadriceps femoris muscle force maintenance during repetitive activation.


Factorial design with different stimulation protocols as independent variables.


A muscle performance laboratory.


People (N=8) with spinal cord injury (SCI) (age, 14.63±1.77y).


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

Number of contractions when the peak force was 90% or more of a subject's maximal twitch force.


The protocol involving progressively increasing stimulation intensity and then frequency generated more successful contractions (189.88±53.33) than progressively increasing the frequency followed by intensity (122.75±26.56 contractions). Regardless of the order, progressively increasing both intensity and frequency generated more successful contractions than progressively increasing intensity (97 contractions) or frequency (62 contractions) alone.


Our findings suggest that during repetitive electric activation, progressively increasing both stimulation frequency and intensity can produce more successful contractions than progressively increasing only frequency or intensity. These findings can help researchers and clinicians design more effective stimulation protocols for persons with SCI during functional electric stimulation applications.  相似文献   

Samuelkamaleshkumar S, Radhika S, Cherian B, Elango A, Winrose W, Suhany BT, Prakash MH. Community reintegration in rehabilitated South Indian persons with spinal cord injury.


To explore community reintegration in rehabilitated South Indian persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) and to compare the level of community reintegration based on demographic variables.




Rehabilitation center of a tertiary care university teaching hospital.


Community-dwelling persons with SCI (N=104).


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measures

Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique (CHART).


The mean scores for each CHART domain were physical independence 98±5, social Integration 96±11, cognitive independence 92±17, occupation 70±34, mobility 65±18, and economic self sufficiency 53±40. Demographic variables showed no statistically significant difference with any of the CHART domains except for age and mobility, level of education, and social integration.


Persons with SCI in rural South India who have completed comprehensive, mostly self-financed, rehabilitation with an emphasis on achieving functional ambulation, family support, and self-employment and who attend a regular annual follow-up show a high level of community reintegration in physical independence, social integration, and cognitive independence. CHART scores in the domains of occupation, mobility, and economic self-sufficiency showed lower levels of community reintegration.  相似文献   

Macciocchi S, Seel RT, Thompson N, Byams R, Bowman B. Spinal cord injury and co-occurring traumatic brain injury: assessment and incidence.


To examine prospectively the incidence and severity of co-occurring traumatic brain injury (TBI) in persons with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) and to describe a TBI assessment process for SCI rehabilitation professionals.


A prospective, cohort design to collect and analyze clinical variables relevant for diagnosing co-occurring TBI.


An urban, single-center National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research Model Spinal Cord Injury System in the Southeastern United States.


People (N=198) who met inclusion criteria and provided consent within an 18-month recruitment window.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

FIM cognitive scale.


Based on participants' presence and duration of posttraumatic amnesia, initial Glasgow Coma Scale total score, and presence of cerebral lesion documented by neuroimaging, 60% of our traumatic SCI sample also sustained a TBI (n=118). Most co-occurring TBIs were mild (34%). Co-occurring mild complicated (10%), moderate (6%), and severe TBI (10%) were less common but still occurred in a significant percentage (26%) of persons with traumatic SCI. Persons with traumatic SCI who were injured in motor vehicle collisions and falls were more likely to sustain a co-occurring TBI. Cervical level traumatic SCI was associated with greater rates of TBI but not more severe injuries. Tree analyses established a practical algorithm for classifying TBI severity associated with traumatic SCI. Analysis of variance established criterion validity for the algorithm's TBI severity classifications.


Findings from our prospective study provide strong support that TBI is a common co-occurring injury with traumatic SCI. Incomplete acute care medical record documentation of TBI in the traumatic SCI population remains a considerable issue, and there is a significant need to educate emergency department and acute care personnel on the TBI clinical data needs of acute rehabilitation providers. A systematic algorithm for reviewing acute care medical records can yield valid estimates of TBI severity in the traumatic SCI population.  相似文献   

Lin M-R, Chiu W-T, Chen Y-J, Yu W-Y, Huang S-J, Tsai M-D. Longitudinal changes in the health-related quality of life during the first year after traumatic brain injury.


To track the health-related quality of life (HRQL) at discharge and at 6 and 12 months after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and examine factors associated with changes in each HRQL domain.


Longitudinal cohort study.


Using codes of the International Classification of Diseases, eligible participants who had a newly diagnosed TBI were identified from discharge records of 4 hospitals in northern Taiwan. Information on the HRQL and injury-related characteristics at the initial and 2 follow-up assessments was collected by extracting medical records and conducting telephone interviews.


Subjects (N=158) participated in the initial assessment, and 147 and 146, respectively, completed the follow-up assessments at 6 and 12 months after injury.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

The brief version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) with 4 domains of physical capacity, psychologic well being, social relationships, and environment.


Scores on all WHOQOL-BREF domains except social relationships greatly improved over the first 6 months and showed continued improvement at 12 months after injury. The domain scores of the WHOQOL-BREF at discharge were significantly associated with the preinjury HRQL level, marital status, alcohol consumption at the time of injury, Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) level, cognition, activities of daily living, social support, and depressive status. However, after adjusting for these baseline differences, only the GOS level and depressive status significantly influenced longitudinal changes in the psychologic and social domains over the 12-month period. Changes in the physical and environmental domains were not significantly associated with any characteristics of the study.


During the first year after a TBI, the magnitude of HRQL recovery differed across different HRQL domains. Many factors may have significant associations with the initial domain scores of HRQL after TBI; however, only a few factors can significantly influence longitudinal changes in the HRQL.  相似文献   

Horner-Johnson W, Krahn GL, Suzuki R, Peterson JJ, Roid G, Hall T, the RRTC Expert Panel on Health Measurement. Differential performance of SF-36 items in healthy adults with and without functional limitations.


To determine whether Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) items show differential item functioning among healthy adults with various types of functional limitations as compared with a healthy sample with no identified limitations.


Survey responses were analyzed by using partial correlations.


General community.


Participants (N=206) included (1) adults with spinal cord injury (SCI), (2) adults who were deaf or hard of hearing, (3) adults who were legally blind, (4) adults with psychiatric or emotional conditions, and (5) adults with no reported functional limitations. Participants were screened to ensure the absence of substantial health problems.


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure



Partial correlations showed a significant negative correlation, indicating differential item functioning (ie, apparent bias) for people with SCI on all 10 SF-36 Physical Functioning items. For people who were blind, 5 items showed a significant negative correlation. Two items had significant negative correlations for the deaf/hard-of-hearing group. One item showed significant negative performance for people with mental health conditions.


Our data indicated a possibility for measurement bias caused by the blending of health and function concepts in the SF-36.  相似文献   

Kalpakjian CZ, Quint EH, Bushnik T, Rodriguez GM, Terrill MS. Menopause characteristics and subjective symptoms in women with and without spinal cord injury.


To examine menopause transition characteristics and symptom bother in women with spinal cord injury (SCI).


Prospective cohort (4 data collection periods across 4 years).




Women (n=62) with SCI (injury levels C6-T12, nonambulatory, >36mo postinjury; 86.1% retention) and women without SCI (n=66; 92.9% retention) with intact ovaries, not using hormone therapy, and between the ages of 45 and 60 years volunteered. A total of 505 observations were collected and analyzed.



Main Outcome Measures

Age at final menstrual period (FMP), transitions through menopause status classifications, and menopause symptom bother (vasomotor, somatic, psychologic symptoms).


The number of women transitioning through a menopause status classification over the course of the study did not significantly vary by group (P=.263), nor did age at FMP (P=.643). Women with SCI experienced greater bother of somatic symptoms (a subscale, P<.001), bladder infections (P<.001), and diminished sexual arousal (P=.012). Women without SCI had significantly greater bother of vasomotor symptoms (P=.020). There were no significant group by menopause status interactions; main effects for menopause status were significant only for vasomotor symptoms and vaginal dryness.


Results suggested that women with SCI experience greater symptom bother in certain areas, but that patterns of symptom bother across menopause, transition through menopause, and age at FMP are similar to those of their peers. Larger studies are needed to examine menopause outcomes with respect to level of injury and completeness of injury. These findings provide a framework that women with SCI and their health care providers can use to address the menopause transition and highlight the importance of multidisciplinary involvement to maximize health and well being during this transition.  相似文献   

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