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Tau hyperphosphorylation is an early step in tau-mediated neurodegeneration and is associated with intracellular aggregation of tau as neurofibrillary tangles, neuronal and synaptic loss, and eventual cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer disease. Sleep loss increases the cerebrospinal fluid concentration of amyloid-β and tau. Using mass spectrometry, we measured tau and phosphorylated tau concentrations in serial samples of cerebrospinal fluid collected from participants who were sleep-deprived, treated with sodium oxybate, or allowed to sleep normally. We found that sleep loss affected phosphorylated tau differently depending on the modified site. These findings suggest a mechanism for sleep loss to increase risk of Alzheimer disease. ANN NEUROL 2020;87:700–709  相似文献   

Treatment of cultured neurons with beta-amyloid (Abeta) evokes multiple consequences, including calcium influx, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), hyperphosphorylation of tau. Which of these events is the major cause of Abeta-induced neurodegeneration has been the subject of controversy. We undertook to determine whether or not the accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau mediated neurodegeneration. Murine cortical neurons demonstrated increased phospho-tau immunoreactivity between 2-8 hr after treatment of murine cortical neurons with Abeta_25-35. Cultures underwent overall neurodegeneration between 8-16 hr as ascertained by phase-contrast microscopy, a commercial "live/dead" assay and externalization of phosphatidyl serine. Unexpectedly, however, the healthiest-appearing neurons in Abeta-treated cultures contained relatively more phospho-tau immunoreactivity, while obviously degenerating neurons contained less; degenerating neurons often contained less phospho-tau immunoreactivity than did non-Abeta-treated control neurons. By contrast, accumulation of reactive oxygen species, previously demonstrated to mediate Abeta-induced neurodegeneration, was most prominent within visibly-degenerating neurons. These studies do not address the long-term consequences of PHF formation; however, they indicate that tau hyperphosphorylation, although a consequence of Abeta treatment, does not directly contribute to acute degeneration of cultured neurons.  相似文献   

The tumour suppressor p53 gene serves as a critical regulator of the cell cycle and of apoptosis following the exposure of normal cells to DNA damage. To examine the role of p53 in postmitotic CNS neurons, we cultured cerebellar neurons from normal wild-type mice and mutant p53 -null mice under various conditions inducing neuronal death. When cerebellar neurons from 15- to 16-day postnatal wild-type mice were treated with ionizing radiation or DNA-damaging agents, massive neuron death occurred after 24-72 h. In contrast, neurons from p53+ mice evidently resisted γ-irradiation and some DNA-damaging agents, such as etoposide and bleomycin. On the other hand, low-K+ medium-induced apoptosis of cerebellar neurons was not affected by p53 status. Neither cell cycle progression nor DNA synthesis occurred during cell death induced by γ-irradiation and low-K+ medium, as well as in normal cultures of p53 +/+ and p53 -/- neurons. These results suggest that p53 is required for the apoptotic death of postmitotic cerebellar neurons induced by DNA strand breaks.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that the synaptic activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors(NMDARs) has a neuroprotective effect on neurons. Our previous study demonstrated that APPL1(adaptor protein containing pleckstrin homology domain, phosphotyrosinebinding domain, and leucine zipper motif) mediates the synaptic activity-dependent activation of PI3K-Akt signaling via coupling this pathway with NMDAR-PSD95(postsynaptic density protein 95) complexes. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this process is still unknown. In the present study, we investigated the interaction of APPL1 with PSD95 using co-immunocytochemical staining and western blotting. We found that the PDZ2 domain of PSD95 is a binding partner of APPL1.Furthermore, we identified serine 707 of APPL1, a predicted phosphorylation site within the PDZ-binding motif at the C-terminus, as critical for the binding of APPL1 to PSD95, as well as for activation of the Akt signaling pathway during synaptic activity. This suggests that serine707 of APPL1 is a potential phosphorylation site and may be involved in regulating the neuroprotective Akt signaling pathway that depends on synaptic NMDAR activity.  相似文献   

Conflicting data has emerged documenting decreased and increased levels of phospho-tau following calcium influx. Calcium influx achieved by treatment of SH-SY-5Y human neuroblastoma with 1 micro M calcium ionophore A23187 in the presence of 0.1 mM extracellular calcium depleted phospho-tau levels within 30 min. However, extending ionophore treatment to 60 min raised phospho-tau levels beyond that of control levels. Total tau levels were unchanged throughout these treatments, indicating that the reduction in PHF-1 reflected sequential alterations in tau phosphorylation rather than total tau. More rapid accumulation of phospho-tau accompanied treatment with increased concentrations of ionophore (3 micro M) and extracellular calcium (0.9 mM). An inhibitor active against calcium-dependent kinase(s) prevented the increase in phospho-tau following calcium influx. These data underscore that phospho-tau levels represent the summation of kinase and phosphatase activities and indicate that net dephosphorylation or phosphorylation is dependent upon the extent and/or rate of calcium influx  相似文献   

Endocannabinoids are fatty acid derivatives that have a variety of biological actions, most notably via activation of the cannabinoid receptors. These receptors are also targets for drugs derived from Cannabis sativa. In the nervous system, endocannabinoids act as neuromodulators that depress neurotransmitter release at the presynaptic terminal. In most instances of neural endocannabinoid signaling, the compounds appear to be released from the postsynaptic neuron to act on the presynaptic terminal in a “retrograde” manner. Several common mechanisms involved in postsynaptic endocannabinoid production and presynaptic depression produced via activation of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor have been identified. However, significant problems remain in defining the mechanisms underlying endocannabinoid production, release, and movement across the membrane. These issues are discussed in the present review.  相似文献   

The spreading of misfolded protein species contributes to the propagation of harmful mediators in proteinopathies, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Cellular stress circumstances, such as abnormal protein accumulation or nutrient deprivation, elicit the secretion of soluble misprocessed proteins and insoluble aggregates via multiple mechanisms of unconventional secretion. One of them consists in the rerouting of autophagic vacuoles towards exocytosis, an unconventional type of autophagy mediated by caspase-3 activation under starvation. Ischemic injury is a starvation condition characterized by oxygen/nutrient deprivation, whose contribution in AD onset has definitely been endorsed. Thus, we investigated the effect of oxygen–glucose deprivation (OGD), an experimental condition mimicking cerebral ischemia, in search of alteration in Tau processing and secretion in hippocampal neurons primary cultures. Our results showed that OGD caused alterations in Tau phosphorylation and processing, paralleled by an induction of its secretion. Interestingly, together with caspase-3 activation, full-length (FL) and fragmented Tau forms were secreted by their own or through a heterogeneous population of microvesicles (MVs), including autophagosome marker LC3-positive vesicles. Accordingly, confocal microscopy revealed a partial colocalization of intracellular Tau and LC3. Summarizing, our findings indicate that OGD alters Tau intracellular levels and protein processing. Consequently, Tau clearance was stimulated through multiple mechanisms related to unconventional Tau secretion, including exophagy. However, the activation of this response represent a double edge sword, because it could contribute to the spreading of misfolded Tau, a neurodegeneration pathway in AD and other tauopathies.  相似文献   

Chronic stress is implicated as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other neurodegenerative disorders. Although the specific mechanisms linking stress exposure and AD vulnerability have yet to be fully determined, our laboratory and others have shown that acute and repeated restraint stress in rodents leads to an increase in hippocampal tau phosphorylation (tau‐P) and tau insolubility, a critical component of tau pathology in AD. Although tau phosphorylation induced by acute psychological stress is dependent on intact signaling through the type 1 corticotropin‐releasing factor receptor, how sex steroids or other modulators contribute to this effect is unknown. A naturally occurring attenuation of the stress response is observed in female rats at the end of pregnancy and throughout lactation. To test the hypothesis that decreased sensitivity to stress during lactation modulates stress‐induced tau‐P, cohorts of virgin, lactating and weaned female rats were subjected to 30 min of restraint stress or no stress (control) and were killed 20 min or 24 h after the episode. Exposure to restraint stress induced a significant decrease in tau‐P in the hippocampus of lactating rats killed 20 min after stress compared to lactating controls and virgins subjected to stress treatment. Lactating rats killed 24hr after restraint stress exposure showed significant elevation in tau‐P compared to lactating cohorts killed 20 min after stress. Levels of tau‐P in these latter cohorts did not differ signficantly from control animals. Furthermore, glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)3‐α levels were significantly decreased in stressed lactating animals at both timepoints. This suggests a steep, yet transient stress‐induced dephosphorylation of tau, influenced by GSK3, in the hippocampus of lactating rats.  相似文献   

Neurodevelopmental biology, coupled with the application of advanced histological, imaging, molecular, cellular, biochemical, and genetic approaches, has provided new insights into these intricate genetic, cellular, and molecular events. During telencephalic development, specific neural progenitor cells (NPCs) proliferate, differentiate into numerous cell types, migrate to their apposite positions, and form an integrated circuitry. Critical disturbance to this dynamic process via genetic and environmental risk can cause neurological disorders and disability. The phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (PI3K)-Akt-mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling cascade contributes to mediate various cellular processes, including cell proliferation and growth, and nutrient uptake. In light of its critical function, dysregulation of this node has been regarded as a root cause of several neurodevelopmental diseases, such as megalencephaly (“big brain”), microcephaly (“small brain”), autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disability, schizophrenia, and epilepsy. In this review, particular emphasis will be given to the PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling pathway and their paramount importance in neurodevelopment of the cerebral neocortex, because of its critical roles in complex cognition, emotional regulation, language, and behaviors.  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(9):901-907

Objective: To investigate the mechanisms underlying protocatechuic acid (PCA)-induced neurotrophic effects on cultured cortical neurons.

Methods: The mRNA expression of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) were measured by real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR). Subsequently, antagonists were used to study the signaling pathways activated by PCA and western blotting was used to detect the phosphorylation level of kinase-related protein.

Results: The mRNA expression of MAP2 and BDNF were upregulated in neurons treated with PCA compared with vehicle control. PCA-induced neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival in cultured cortical neurons were significantly inhibited by ZM241385 (an A2A receptor antagonist) and LY294002 (a PI3K inhibitor), but not by K252a (a TrkA receptor antagonist), GÖ6976 (a protein kinase C inhibitor) and PD98059 (a MEK inhibitor). PCA enhanced the phosphorylation of Akt, which could be blocked by LY294002.

Conclusion: The PI3K/Akt signaling pathway might play an important role in the neurotrophic activity of PCA.  相似文献   

Tau is a microtubule-associated protein which is regulated by phosphorylation. Highly phosphorylated tau does not bind microtubules and is the main component of the paired helical filaments seen in Alzheimer's and related neurodegenerative diseases. Recent reports suggested that patterns of tau phosphorylation changed following ischemia and/or reperfusionin vivo.We used anin vitromodel employing rat and human neocortical slices to investigate changes in tau phosphorylation which accompany oxygen and glucose deprivation. Western blotting with polyclonal and phosphorylation-sensitive Tau-1 monoclonal antisera was used to monitor changes in tau which accompanied conditions of oxygen and glucose deprivation and reestablishment of these nutrients.In vitrohypoglycemia/hypoxia caused tau to undergo significant dephosphorylation in both rat and human neocortical slices after 30 and 60 min of deprivation. This dephosphorylation was confirmed using immunoprecipitation experiments after radiolabeling tau and other proteins with32Pi. Okadaic acid, a phosphatase inhibitor, was able to prevent tau dephosphorylation in both control and ischemic slices. Lubeluzole, a benzothiazole derivative within vivoneuroprotective activity, did not significantly alter patterns of tau phosphorylation. Restoration of oxygen and glucose following varied periods ofin vitrohypoxia/hypoglycemia (15–60 min) led to an apparent recovery in phosphorylated tau. These data suggest that tau undergoes a rapid, but reversible dephosphorylation following brief periods ofin vitrohypoxia/hypoglycemia in brain slices and that changes in tau phosphorylation help determine the extent of recovery following oxygen and glucose deprivation.  相似文献   

Reelin is an extracellular glycoprotein which contributes to synaptic plasticity and function of memory in the adult brain. It has been indicated that the Reelin signaling cascade participates in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Besides the neurons, glial cells such as astrocytes also express Reelin protein. While functional loss of astrocytes has been reported to be associated with AD, dysfunction of astrocytic Reelin signaling pathway has not received much attention. Therefore, we investigated the effects of α-boswellic acid (ABA) as one of the major component of Boswellia serrata resin on primary fetal human astrocytes under a stress paradigm as a possible model for AD through study on Reelin cascade. For this aim, we used streptozotocin (STZ), in which from an outlook generates Alzheimer’s hallmarks in astrocytes, and assayed Reelin expression, Tau and Akt phosphorylation as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and apoptosis in the presences of ABA. Our results indicated that while STZ (100 µM) down-regulated the expression of Reelin, ABA (25 µM) up-regulated its expression (p < 0.01) for 24 h. ABA efficiently reduced hyperphosphorylated Tau (Ser404) in STZ-treated astrocytes (p < 0.01). Furthermore, STZ-induced apoptosis by increasing cleaved caspase three (p < 0.01) and ROS generation (p < 0.01), a further pathological hallmark of Tauopathy. On the other hand, ABA decreased ROS generation and promoted proliferation of astrocytes through elevating Survivin expression (p < 0.01). These results showed that ABA could be considered as a potent therapeutic agent for prevention and decreasing the progression of Alzheimer’s hallmarks in astrocytes; however, more in vivo studies would be needed.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (APOE), one of the primary lipoproteins in the brain has three isoforms in humans, APOE2, APOE3, and APOE4. APOE4 is the most well-established risk factor increasing the predisposition for Alzheimer''s disease (AD). The presence of the APOE4 allele alone is shown to cause synaptic defects in neurons and recent studies have identified multiple pathways directly influenced by APOE4. However, the mechanisms underlying APOE4-induced synaptic dysfunction remain elusive. Here, we report that the acute exposure of primary cortical neurons or synaptoneurosomes to APOE4 leads to a significant decrease in global protein synthesis. Primary cortical neurons were derived from male and female embryos of Sprague Dawley (SD) rats or C57BL/6J mice. Synaptoneurosomes were prepared from P30 male SD rats. APOE4 treatment also abrogates the NMDA-mediated translation response indicating an alteration of synaptic signaling. Importantly, we demonstrate that both APOE3 and APOE4 generate a distinct translation response which is closely linked to their respective calcium signature. Acute exposure of neurons to APOE3 causes a short burst of calcium through NMDA receptors (NMDARs) leading to an initial decrease in protein synthesis which quickly recovers. Contrarily, APOE4 leads to a sustained increase in calcium levels by activating both NMDARs and L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (L-VGCCs), thereby causing sustained translation inhibition through eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2) phosphorylation, which in turn disrupts the NMDAR response. Thus, we show that APOE4 affects basal and activity-mediated protein synthesis responses in neurons by affecting calcium homeostasis.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Defective protein synthesis has been shown as an early defect in familial Alzheimer''s disease (AD). However, this has not been studied in the context of sporadic AD, which constitutes the majority of cases. In our study, we show that Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4), the predominant risk factor for AD, inhibits global protein synthesis in neurons. APOE4 also affects NMDA activity-mediated protein synthesis response, thus inhibiting synaptic translation. We also show that the defective protein synthesis mediated by APOE4 is closely linked to the perturbation of calcium homeostasis caused by APOE4 in neurons. Thus, we propose the dysregulation of protein synthesis as one of the possible molecular mechanisms to explain APOE4-mediated synaptic and cognitive defects. Hence, the study not only suggests an explanation for the APOE4-mediated predisposition to AD, it also bridges the gap in understanding APOE4-mediated pathology.  相似文献   

Trophic effects of 17β-estradiol (βE2) on in vitro developing hypothalamic cells have been reported. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is also a potent trophic factor for cultured hypothalamic cells. An interaction between sexual steroids and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in modulating growth of hypothalamic cells has been suggested. Thus, we tested whether βE2 modulates the levels of IGF-I, its membrane receptor and its binding proteins in rat hypothalamic culturs. Using both neuron- and glial-enriched cultures obtained from fetal rat hypothalami we found that addition of βE2 elicited a significant increase in IGF-I receptor levels in neurons, without affecting its affinity. On the other hand, the three different IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) found in the conditioned medium of the cultures were differentially modulated by βE2 in the two types of cells studied. Overall, neuronal cultures produced greater amounts of IGFBPs after treatment with βE2, with IGFBP2 reaching significantly higher levels. On the contrary, treatment with βE2 did not significantly alter the amounts of IGFBPs produced by glial cells. Finally, the levels of immunoreactive IGF-I found either in the medium or in cellular extracts in both neuronal and glial cultures were not modified by treatment with βE2. These results strongly support previous observations of a trophic synergistic interaction between IGFs and βE2 on hypothalamic cells. Thus, an increase in IGF-I receptors and/or IGFBPs after exposure to βE2 may result in an enhanced response of hypothalamic neurons to IGF-I. Further, the present findings strengthen our recent observation that the effects of βE2 on hypothalamic glial cells are neuronally mediated, since IGF-I receptors and IGFBPs are modulated by this sex hormone in neurons, but not in glial cells.  相似文献   

Local interneurons of the olfactory bulb (OB) are densely innervated by long-range GABAergic neurons from the basal forebrain (BF), suggesting that this top-down inhibition regulates early processing in the olfactory system. However, how GABAergic inputs modulate the OB output neurons, the mitral/tufted cells, is unknown. Here, in male and female mice acute brain slices, we show that optogenetic activation of BF GABAergic inputs produced distinct local circuit effects that can influence the activity of mitral/tufted cells in the spatiotemporal domains. Activation of the GABAergic axons produced a fast disinhibition of mitral/tufted cells consistent with a rapid and synchronous release of GABA onto local interneurons in the glomerular and inframitral circuits of the OB, which also reduced the spike precision of mitral/tufted cells in response to simulated stimuli. In addition, BF GABAergic inhibition modulated local oscillations in a layer-specific manner. The intensity of locally evoked θ oscillations was decreased on activation of top-down inhibition in the glomerular circuit, while evoked γ oscillations were reduced by inhibition of granule cells. Furthermore, BF GABAergic input reduced dendrodendritic inhibition in mitral/tufted cells. Together, these results suggest that long-range GABAergic neurons from the BF are well suited to influence temporal and spatial aspects of processing by OB circuits.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Disruption of GABAergic inhibition from the basal forebrain (BF) to the olfactory bulb (OB) impairs the discrimination of similar odors, yet how this centrifugal inhibition influences neuronal circuits in the OB remains unclear. Here, we show that the BF GABAergic neurons exclusively target local inhibitory neurons in the OB, having a functional disinhibitory effect on the output neurons, the mitral cells. Phasic inhibition by BF GABAergic neurons reduces spike precision of mitral cells and lowers the intensity of oscillatory activity in the OB, while directly modulating the extent of dendrodendritic inhibition. These circuit-level effects of this centrifugal inhibition can influence the temporal and spatial dynamics of odor coding in the OB.  相似文献   

Neurofibrillary tangles are one of the pathologic hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). They are composed of paired helical filaments (PHF) containing hyperphosphorylated forms of tau. Hyperphosphorylation of certain tau sites favors its dissociation from the microtubules (MT), interfering with axonal transport and compromising the function and viability of neurons. Reappearance of cell cycle proteins have been reported in neurons exhibiting tau aggregation, suggesting that an aberrant cell cycle occurs before neurons die. Cell cycle suppression in neurons is crucial to survival, thus prevention of progression through the cell cycle may offer a therapeutic approach. Using a neuroblastoma cell line overexpressing 3-repeat (3R) tau, we investigated the effects of cell cycle inhibitors on tau phosphorylation. G2/M phase inhibitors did not alter phosphorylation of tau at Ser-202 and Ser-396/404 at the lower doses, but did at higher doses. Ser-202 and Ser-396/404 are phosphorylation sites of early and late neurofibrillary tangles, respectively, in AD. Cisplatin, a G1 phase inhibitor, did not phosphorylate tau. Cyclophosphamide and phosphoramide mustard, DNA cross-linking agents, decreased tau phosphorylation at Ser-396/404 site, but increased phosphorylation at Ser-202. These studies demonstrate that the G2/M blockers have a dose-dependent effect on tau phosphorylation. This seems to be a consequence of both the disruption of MT-organization and MT-dynamics when doses are higher, but only a disruption of MT-dynamics with lower doses. These results are also in agreement with the lack of phosphorylation seen for cisplatin, another inhibitor that produces disruption of the MT-dynamics.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's Disease is the presence of abundant neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) in the brains of affected individuals. Hyperphosphorylated tau is a major component of paired helical filaments (PHFs) in NFTs. Tau is a neuronal microtubule associated protein found primarily in axons. Normal tau promotes tubulin polymerization and stabilizes microtubule (MT) structures, whereas hyperphosphorylated tau reduces its affinity for MTs and destabilizes MT-structures. This results in the disruption of vital cellular processes (e.g. axonal transport) and leads to the degeneration of affected neurons. Processes leading to the hyperphosphorylation of tau and formation of neurofibrillary lesions in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) brains are not understood. Phosphorylation of a substrate molecule like tau depends upon the equilibrium between kinase and phosphatase activities and the availability of their substrate molecules in a given system. Therefore, to understand the relative roles of kinase and phosphatase activities, we studied the long-term kinetics of phosphorylation in AD and control brain extracts in the presence and absence of the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid (OA) using histone, casein and bacterially expressed tau as exogenous substrates. It was found that both kinase and phosphatase activities were higher in AD compared to control brains. Surprisingly, between 18 and 24 hours, there was a robust increase in phosphorylation of endogenous proteins in the brain extracts only when bacterially expressed tau was present in the phosphorylation reaction mixture. This pattern of phosphorylation activity was unaffected by OA. Significant difference in the phosphorylation of tau isoforms was also seen during this period. These data suggest that the expression and differential phosphorylation of certain tau isoforms may be responsible for the robust increase in phosphorylation and may play an important role in Alzheimer's pathology.  相似文献   

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