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几种常用中药抗癌研究概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
几种常用中药抗癌研究概述任连生,汤莹,张传统中草药在我国肿瘤临床上已得到广泛应用。实践证明,中药与化学治疗、放射治疗联合使用,其疗效优于单纯放、化疗。开发研究新的抗癌中药是广大科研工作者今后的一项主要任务。近年来,随着细胞生物技术的发展,对一些常用中...  相似文献   

目的:探讨益气清毒法治疗晚期大肠癌的作用与疗效。方法:对18例晚期大肠癌患者采用中医益气清毒方药内服加中药抗癌制剂静滴。结果:患者肿瘤病灶得到控制,症状明显改善,Karnofsky评分提高。结论:中医益气清毒加中药抗癌制剂静滴可控制晚期大肠癌患者病灶,改善生活质量。  相似文献   

扶正抗癌冲剂治疗晚期胃癌的临床与实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
朱金水  王冠庭 《肿瘤》1997,17(2):113-115
观察中药扶正抗癌冲剂治疗晚期胃癌的疗效。方法将103例术后及65例未手术之晚期胃癌患者随机分成3组,分别给中药、中药加化疗、或单用化疗治疗。观察患者在治疗前后的T淋巴细胞亚群、IL┐2与IL┐2R,及IFNγ的变化。结果扶正抗癌冲剂结合化疗不仅可显著改善机体生存质量、延长其生存期,而且扶正抗癌冲剂可显著改善患者免疫功能。结论中药扶正抗癌冲剂加化疗为治疗晚期胃癌的一个新的有效方案。  相似文献   

益气清毒法加中药静滴治疗晚期大肠癌的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨益气清毒法治疗晚期大肠癌的作用与疗效.方法:对18例晚期大肠癌患者采用中医益气清毒方药内服加中药抗癌制剂静滴.结果:患者肿瘤病灶得到控制,症状明显改善,Karnofsky评分提高.结论:中医益气清毒加中药抗癌制剂静滴可控制晚期大肠癌患者病灶,改善生活质量.  相似文献   

抗癌事业的曙光──双相广谱抗癌新药“康莱特注射液”在杭投产我国中西医药科研人员联手攻关,历时近20年的艰辛努力,从传统中药中筛选、提取出天然有效抗癌活性物质,备以现代先进制剂手段研制成功的一种对恶性肿瘤疗效显著的双相广谱抗癌新颖中药制剂──康莱特注射...  相似文献   

天仙丸是根据传统中药验方组成的抗癌中药复方制剂,含有多种抗癌有效成分。我们应用MPV_Ⅱ显微分光光度计研究了天仙丸提取物对肝癌腹水细胞及HeLa细胞DNA含量的影响,证明天仙丸具有一定抗癌作用,使癌细胞阻断在G_2+M期。材料和方法一、药物天仙丸由吉林省长白山抗癌药物研究所提供,经用60℃水浸24h(1:4),过滤灭菌后取上清液备用。  相似文献   

动物药同属于生药与中药范畴,其鲜用是祖国医学的传统特色。通过阐述中医对动物药抗癌的认识及动物药抗癌物质基础的现代研究及药物大规模生产制备方法,论证动物药抗癌鲜用的可行性。动物药抗癌鲜用,能够抑制肿瘤细胞生长,抗复发、转移,并能有效改善恶性肿瘤患者临床症状,提高生活质量,延长生存期,开辟恶性肿瘤治疗的新途径。  相似文献   

黄金昶  李岩  胡鹏  毛燕 《癌症进展》2007,5(6):598-601
目的观察中药治疗原发性肝癌门静脉癌栓的疗效及生活质量、生存期。方法采用前瞻性研究观察了养肝抗癌中药治疗3个月后原发性肝癌病灶、门静脉癌栓、临床症状、生存质量、AFP、腹腔积液、肝功能、血常规的变化。结果癌栓消失率为62.50%,总有效率可达85%,尤以Ⅱ型癌栓或肝阴血不足型治疗效果明显;6例患者肝脏肿瘤消失,15例缩小;所有病例生存时间均超过6个月,平均生存时间为15.7个月,部分患者的生存期得到了延长。另外可明显改善晚期肝癌患者的腹胀、纳差、寐差、便秘或腹泻等临床症状,提高生存质量。同时对腹腔积液、黄疸等常见并发症也有一定疗效,对降低AFP指标也有一定效果。结论养肝抗癌中药治疗门静脉癌栓有较好的疗效,同时也治疗了原发灶,是在提高生活质量的基础上抗癌治疗,值得推广。  相似文献   

在科技发展日新月异的今天,癌症对人类健康的严重威胁仍未得到有效控制。目前治疗癌症常用的有手术、化疗、放疗、中药及生物治疗等,其中受病人欢迎和最有前途的是中药和从中药中研制的抗癌新药。中药治癌已有悠久的历史,从《神农本草经》开始,历代本草专著浩如烟海,记载和论述了众多治疗癥瘕积聚、恶疮毒瘤的中药和方剂。1我国抗肿瘤中药的研究现状近半个多世纪以来,全国各地从发掘流传民间的单验方着手,筛选了近3千种中草药,对百余种中草药进行  相似文献   

双相广谱抗癌新药──康莱特注射液康莱特注射液是从传统中药中筛选、提取出天然有效抗癌活性物质,以现代先进制剂手段研制成功的一种对恶性肿瘤疗效显著的双相广谱抗癌新药,是一种可供静脉、动脉输注的新颖中药制剂。康莱特注射液是由浙江省中医院药物研究室主任李大鹏...  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药消肿散结方和激光对小鼠黑色素肿瘤的影响。方法:分别用氦氖激光、半导体激光、中药消肿散结方和N乙酰氨基葡萄糖联合治疗7周龄昆明小鼠腿上长出的B16黑色素瘤,20天后抽取血样对红细胞的变形指数进行检测,观察肿瘤发展变化情况。结果:发现消肿散结方治疗组25%肿瘤全消退,消肿散结方联合氦氖激光治疗组,接近50%的肿瘤被抑制,肿块消除,无复发;对照组用生理盐水和650nm半导体激光联合治疗95%死亡。结论:消肿散结方和氦氖激光对黑色素瘤有一定的抑制作用;联合治疗有协同效应。  相似文献   

慢性粒细胞白血病是一种造血干细胞克隆性增殖所致的骨髓增殖性疾病.经过多年研究,中药在治疗慢粒方面取得了一定成效.目前在中药治疗慢性粒细胞白血病的临床应用中,多为中药与化疗药物的联合用药,单独应用中药治疗仅见于个案报道.本文从临床出发,以药物实践推荐为分类方式,对当前应用的中药的基础动物实验和临床研究两方面为主就其进展作...  相似文献   

Recent studies based on epidemiological models published in this journal and elsewhere have demonstrated encouraging patterns suggesting that herbal treatment may improve prognosis in advanced colon and lung cancer patients. Various problems exist with data from nonrandomized studies of this type, but a strong signal of potential positive effect can be seen. The therapeutic mechanisms of traditional Chinese medicine in metastatic cancer are discussed against a hypothetical, dualistic antiproliferation model and immune-stimulation model of tumor progression and regression. Recommendations are made for a strategy to demonstrate more conclusively the efficacy of adjunct herbal treatment during cancer chemotherapy and for discussions with patients until such time as the efficacy trials are completed.  相似文献   

周迪  刘苓霜  姜怡 《中国癌症杂志》2018,28(11):833-839
背景与目的:目前,甲磺酸阿帕替尼在中国仅被批准用于晚期胃癌三线治疗,而近年来研究表明,抗血管生成药物在多种晚期实体瘤中疗效显著。以中西医结合为主的综合治疗模式在抗肿瘤治疗中存在优势。该研究旨在观察中医药联合甲磺酸阿帕替尼干预二线治疗失败后Ⅳ期恶性肿瘤患者的短期临床疗效及安全性。方法:选择2016年1月—2017年7月上海中医药大学附属龙华医院肿瘤科收治的21例二线治疗失败后的晚期恶性肿瘤患者为研究对象,治疗方案为甲磺酸阿帕替尼500 mg,口服,每天1次,28 d为1个疗程(可根据患者不良反应分级进行剂量调整),同时联合中药静脉制剂+口服辨证中药汤剂治疗,评价短期临床疗效和安全性。结果:21例患者经中医辨证联合甲磺酸阿帕替尼靶向治疗1个疗程后,部分缓解(partial response,PR)6例,疾病稳定(stable disease,SD)15例,总有效率(overall response rate,ORR)为27.27%,疾病控制率(disease control rate,DCR)为95.45%;治疗后肿瘤标志物CEA、CA125、CYFRA211及神经元特异性烯醇化酶(neuron-specific enolase,NSE)明显下降,与治疗前相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),所有患者均未见4级不良反应。结论:对于二线治疗失败后的晚期恶性肿瘤患者,中医联合血管生成靶向药物甲磺酸阿帕替尼疗效明确,不良反应可耐受。本研究为进一步开展中医药联合甲磺酸阿帕替尼治疗的大样本、随机、对照研究提供了前期临床数据支持。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药消肿散结方和激光对小鼠黑色素肿瘤的影响。方法:分别用氦氖激光、半导体激光、中药消肿散结方和N乙酰氨基葡萄糖联合治疗7周龄昆明小鼠腿上长出的B16黑色素瘤,20天后抽取血样对红细胞的变形指数进行检测,观察肿瘤发展变化情况。结果:发现消肿散结方治疗组25%肿瘤全消退,消肿散结方联合氦氖激光治疗组,接近50%的肿瘤被抑制,肿块消除,无复发;对照组用生理盐水和650nm半导体激光联合治疗95%死亡。结论:消肿散结方和氦氖激光对黑色素瘤有一定的抑制作用;联合治疗有协同效应。  相似文献   

Chinese herbal medicine for cancer pain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM: The purpose of this review is to summarize and evaluate the current status of clinical research on the use of Chinese herbal medicine in treating cancer pain, with emphasis on the efficacy and safety of the applications. METHOD: A search of the clinical research published between 1986 and 2006 on the effects and applications of Chinese herbal medicine in cancer pain management was conducted using databases of CBM, CMCC, Wanfang, and Weipu (available since 1989) in Chinese and PubMed and EMBASE in English. We included only reports of original publications on cancer-induced pain, resulting in a total of 115 articles. We evaluated the methodological quality of the articles following the guidelines set forth as "Levels of Evidence of Human Studies of Cancer in Complementary and Alternative Medicine" by the National Cancer Institute. RESULTS: Various methods of traditional Chinese medicine herbal treatment for cancer pain management have been reported. These methods include external application, oral administration, intravenous infusion, and other applications such as inhalation and clysmata. Forty-one of the 115 studies reviewed were randomized controlled clinical trials, most comparing the effects of Chinese herbal medicine to conventional analgesics and the others using placebo controls. These trials suggest that (1) Chinese medicine may be effective for cancer pain, and its effects are similar to those of Western analgesics; (2) Chinese medicine may reduce the side effects of conventional analgesics, thus enhancing cancer patients' quality of life; and (3) the various methods of application--topical, oral, and intravenous--are suitable to treat a range of pain conditions found in cancer patients. However, trials were of varying quality with respect to control group selection, dosing and side effect information, and outcome measures. CONCLUSION: The studies reviewed in this article suggest that Chinese herbal medicine may be useful for managing cancer pain, at least for short-term application. The products evaluated appear relatively safe, with no serious adverse effects reported. However, the quality of the published reports is variable. More research using rigorously controlled clinical trial design is warranted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the most common malignancies worldwide, is highly resistant to standard therapy. It is unclear whether chemotherapy, arterial embolization, or arterial chemoembolization improve survival advantage enough to justify their high toxicity. Treatment with Chinese herbal medicine has been explored, combining herbs that stimulate host immune response with those that have cytotoxic activity against HCC cells. The authors sought to evaluate the effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine combined with chemotherapy. The hypothesis was that Chinese herbal medicine added to chemotherapy for the treatment of HCC would improve survival and tumor response, when compared to treatment with chemotherapy alone. METHODS: The authors searched the databases TCMLARS, PubMed, and EMBASE as well as the bibliographies of studies identified in the systematic search for potentially relevant titles or abstracts of studies in any language. They retained those that (1) treated only HCC patients, (2) were described as randomized or reported that there was no statistical difference between treatment groups, (3) gave patients either Chinese herbal medicine therapy combined with chemotherapy in the treatment group or chemotherapy alone in the control group, and (4) provided data on the number of enrolled subjects and responders and nonresponders for tumor response and survival. The authors used random effects meta-analysis to combine data. RESULTS: Twenty-six studies representing 2079 patients met the inclusion criteria. Chinese herbal medicine combined with chemotherapy, compared to chemotherapy alone, improved survival at 12 months (relative risk [RR], 1.55; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.39-1.72; P < .000), 24 months (RR, 2.15; 95% CI, 1.75-2.64; P < .000), and 36 months (RR, 2.76; 95% CI, 1.95-3.91; P < .000). Tumor response increased (RR, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.24-1.56; P < .000). CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide promising evidence that combining Chinese herbal medicine with chemotherapy may benefit patients with HCC. Because of the low quality of these studies, these findings should be confirmed through conducting high-quality, rigorously controlled trials.  相似文献   

  目的 通过调查中草药在山西省肿瘤医院的使用情况,以掌握中草药在肿瘤治疗方面的作用,为临床使用和药房采供提供依据。方法 收集、整理2004年4个月、2005年1个月该院中药房中草药处方进行汇总、分析。结果 中草药对肿瘤患者的应用多以补益理气、和解消食为主。结论 中草药在肿瘤治疗方面前景广阔。  相似文献   

中西医结合,究竟如何结合?争论了几十年,至今尚无定论。个人认为:凡是两个事物的结合,必是取两者之长进行结合,才能促进事物更好的发展。中医的长处在于整体,而西医的长处在于细节。在中西医结合治疗肿瘤的过程中,我们就看到了两者优势互补所发挥的积极作用。本文从中西医结合治疗肿瘤的这个角度,再次探讨两者的结合之路。  相似文献   

中西医结合,究竟如何结合?争论了几十年,至今尚无定论。个人认为:凡是两个事物的结合,必是取两者之长进行结合,才能促进事物更好的发展。中医的长处在于整体,而西医的长处在于细节。在中西医结合治疗肿瘤的过程中,我们就看到了两者优势互补所发挥的积极作用。本文从中西医结合治疗肿瘤的这个角度,再次探讨两者的结合之路。  相似文献   

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