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In the present study 25 infertile men delivered urine before and after prostatic massage. Expressed prostatic secretion (EPS) was obtained from 11 men. Aerobic and anaerobic bacterial analyses showed that a total of 33 isolates was found in samples of urine voided before massage as compared to 59 isolates after massage of the prostate. There was an increase in the number of anaerobes whereas there was no change in the number of aerobes. The occurrence of EPS did not influence the number of aerobic and anaerobic isolates in urine voided after massage of the prostate. The most often isolated anaerobes in urine voided after prostatic massage wereEubacterium lentum, Peptococcus asaccharolyticus andBacteroides species and the most common anaerobe in EPS wasPeptostreptococcus micros.  相似文献   

Anaerobic and aerobic urethral flora in healthy females.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We characterized the aerobic and anaerobic urethral flora of five healthy females by performing urethral and midstream urine cultures once weekly for 8 weeks. Aerobic cultures were performed monthly for an additional 3 months. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated from 52 of 57 samples, Staphylococcus epidermidis from 42 of 57, Corynebacterium spp. from 26 of 57, and alpha-hemolytic streptococci from 14 of 57. Two subjects had E. coli serogroup O6 and group B streptococci isolated on five occasions, respectively. Anaerobes were isolated from 32 of 35 urethral urines (91%). Bacteroides melaninogenicus accounted for 46% of these isolates. The anaerobic urethral flora varied slightly from week to week, and a similar anaerobic flora was isolated from the introitus, fourchette, and cutaneous perineum. In addition, anaerobes were isolated from 16 of 18 healthy females who had a urethral urine sample cultured once only, and B. melaninogenicus was the most frequent isolate. Of the 21 B. melaninogenicus isolates identified to subspecies, 14 were subsp. intermedius.  相似文献   

Findings are presented from an histological study of 360 skin-snips (from iliac crests, calves, ankles) taken from 30 Ivory Coast onchocerciasis patients before and three days after an oral dose of ivermectin (200 micrograms/kg). This dose causes a nearly complete disappearance of the intralymphatic microfilariae and, surprisingly, of the "extra-vascular" ones. That shows the difficulty to localize the microfilariae on histological sections; these microfilariae are in fact inside the lymphatic pre-capillaries. There was no intensification of acute skin lesions after the treatment, thus showing that, contrary to diethylcarbamazine (DEC), ivermectin does not induce an exit of microfilariae into the extralymphatic connective tissue. Under the influence of ivermectin, paralyzed microfilariae may be carried passively towards the deep sub-cutaneous lymphatics, and then destroyed inside the regional lymph nodes, without producing major changes in the skin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vasectomy can be followed by an autoimmune-antibody response. We aimed to determine whether men with immune-related diseases were more or less likely than others to have a vasectomy and then to determine whether vasectomy is associated with the subsequent development of immune-related diseases. METHODS: A database of linked records of hospital statistics was analysed. By comparing a population of men who underwent vasectomy with a reference population, we calculated the rate ratios for selected immune-related diseases before and after vasectomy. RESULTS: Some diseases studied (e.g. asthma and diabetes mellitus) were a little less common, prior to operation, in the vasectomy group than in the reference group. Others were not different. The mean period of follow-up was 13 years. We found no long-term elevation of risk following vasectomy of asthma, diabetes mellitus, ankylosing spondylitis, thyrotoxicosis, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis or testicular atrophy. There was a short-term elevation of risk of orchitis/epididymitis. CONCLUSIONS: In this large study, with many years of follow-up, we found no evidence that vasectomy increases the subsequent long-term risk of immune-related diseases.  相似文献   

Velvet pads have been evaluated in an experimental, laboratory model, simulating intraoperative sampling of Staphylococcus epidermis, Escherichia coli and Bacteroides fragilis. After sampling, the pad was placed in a transport medium and kept in an anaerobic atmosphere, before being shaken and rinsed, followed by anaerobic and aerobic culture. This technique permitted quantitatively high recoveries of the test bacteria. Velvet pad sampling could be a measure to determine the density of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria during operation in an effort to predict the risk of postoperative wound sepsis.  相似文献   

Interhemispheric transfer deficit in alexithymia: an experimental study.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: Previous research has demonstrated an association between alexithymia and a deficit in interhemispheric communication in Vietnam combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. The purpose of this study was to evaluate this association in a nonclinical sample. METHODS: The efficiency of interhemispheric transfer was assessed in 14 alexithymic and 15 nonalexithymic right-handed, male, undergraduate university students using a tactile finger localization task. RESULTS: The nonalexithymic subjects were significantly more efficient at transferring information between the cerebral hemispheres than the alexithymic subjects. CONCLUSIONS: This finding provides further evidence of an interhemispheric transfer deficit in alexithymia and suggests that an alexithymic cognitive style reflects poor integration of the information processing of the two cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

Glass microspheres were introduced into the hind-limb circulation of 6 immature Gottingen mini-pigs so as to result in ischaemia of the developing proximal femur. Radiological abnormalities similar to those seen in the metaphysis in Perthes'' disease were produced in 1 animal. Histological examination shows that these resulted from arrest of a portion of necrotic growth plate within the metaphysis with a corresponding defect within the growth plate. This was associated with ischaemia of the adjacent epiphysis. These changes support the suggestion that metaphyseal change in Perthes'' disease are secondary to epiphyseal ischaemia. It is possible that the growth-plate defect may be the precursor of intrinsic deformity of the femoral head.  相似文献   

A blend of Silastic 382 (Room Temperature Vulcanizing, RTV) Medical Grade silicone oil and a catalyst was prepared in vitro, in both the catalyzed and noncatalyzed state, and injected subcutaneously in mice, rats, and rabbits. When properly blended, this catalyzed material, referred to as "silicone gel," formed a soft rubbery mass that remained at the site of injection. Properly catalyzed silicone rubber gel produces no macroscopic inflammatory reaction, attracts few polymorphonuclear leucocytes, and after 5-6 days a thin fibrous capsule begins to form aroung the gel. No degeneration of the silicone gel was observed during the 62 days of this experiment. Additional rats with this silicone gel have been under observation for 8 months and clinically have shown no changes in the local mass of silicone. If the catalyst is partly oxidized when added to the silicone fluid, the degree of gelling is much less. A local mass usually forms at the site of injection with some of the fluid diffusing into the tissue, forming minute cysts. The inflammatory reaciton is characterized by polymorphonuclear leucocytes, associated with many macrophages and giant cells phagocytizing oil droplets and particles of the diatomaceous earth. The pathogenesis of the inflammatory reaction is discussed, referring to the ionic change and the emigration of polymorphonuclear leucocytes to particles of plastics embedded in tissue.  相似文献   

The clinical relevance of positive intradermal and prick skin tests were evaluated on 195 patients with allergic asthma subjected to prick test and intradermal tests before and after 3 years of immunization. Satisfactory clinical improvement followed immunotherapy based on the results of intradermal skin tests. Skin reactivity may change in time with or without immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Exercise and stress are known to influence pain perception. However, little is known about how level of fitness influences pain perception and the experience of pain. In the present study, pain perception before and after exercise to exhaustion was examined in 6 rats systematically bred to have a high aerobic capacity (HCR animals) and 6 rats systematically bred to have a low aerobic capacity (LCR animals). HCR animals had significantly higher pain thresholds compared to LCR animals before and after exercise (7.66s compared to 6.01s, t=-3.07, p<0.05; and 6.89s versus 4.73s, t=-3.73, p<0.01, respectively). In addition, both groups of animals displayed evidence of hyperalgesia following exercise compared to baseline. However, the pain thresholds of HCR animals returned to baseline levels faster than LCR animals following exercise. The findings support the hypothesis that level of fitness plays a role in the perception of pain. In addition, a higher level of fitness may serve as buffer against the effects of stress and help to reduce or prevent the experience of clinical pain. Further research is needed to examine the mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Booster effects on delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity (DCH) responses have been demonstrated for various antigens when DCH is measured by the Mantoux technique. In the present study, we investigated this possibility when assessing DCH responses using the Multitest CMI multipuncture technique with simultaneous injections of seven test antigens and a control. The DCH responses were quantified for each antigen and for the overall DCH response expressed as a DCH score. In a group of healthy volunteers, DCH was repeatedly tested either 1 month apart or 2 months apart at least six times. When volunteers remained healthy, DCH variations were observed with only two of seven tested antigens: streptococcus which slowly decreased (P = .012) and proteus which slowly increased (P = .04). Responses to the other antigens and the DCH score remained stable. In contrast, greater DCH variations were observed when infections occurred. The results with the Multitest CMI multipuncture show that repeated application had minimal booster effect on DCH responses and may be used to evaluate and follow immunocompetence of patients.  相似文献   

Serological examinations of 573 volunteers with mild experimental influenza infection and 86 volunteers of a control group hospitalized in a special clinic revealed a significant rise in the titre of antibodies (seroconversion) not only to influenza A or B viruses used for the experimental infection but in 23.3 to 29.8% of cases also to other respiratory viruses. Based on a number of arguments, associated seroconversions are interpreted as due to mixed or sequential infections of different aetiology.  相似文献   

D Weedon  J F Kerr 《Pathology》1975,7(3):173-177
The ultrastructure of two atypical fibroxanthomas of skin is described. Most of the tumour cells were elongate, and contained abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, well developed Golgi zones, and numerous small vesicles and filaments, the latter sometimes being related to masses of electron-dense material near the plasma-lemma. Their nuclei often showed deep surface indentations. The appearances were similar to those found in the socalled myfibroblasts that occur in granulation tissue. Multinucleated giant cells and lipid-laden cells in the tumours appeared to be merely modified forms of the basic cells type.  相似文献   

The potential for mutual enhancement of growth of the Bacteroides fragilis and B. melaninogenicus groups and the aerobic and facultative organisms commonly isolated with them in mixed infections was evaluated. Enhancement was studied by measuring the relative increase in CFU of the two bacterial components inducing subcutaneous abscesses in mice. Of the 42 combinations between three isolates each of the B. fragilis and B. melaninogenicus groups and seven aerobic or facultative organisms, Bacteroides spp. were enhanced in only 8 and inhibited in 4. The aerobic and facultative bacteria were enhanced in 31 of the 42 combinations and depressed in 2. The organisms uniformly enhanced by all of the Bacteroides spp. were group A streptococci and Escherichia coli (all six instances), followed by Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae (five of six instances), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (four instances), group D streptococci (in three instances only by the B. fragilis group), and Haemophilus influenzae (one instance). It is apparent that the growth rate of facultative and aerobic bacteria is enhanced much more in mixed infections with Bacteroides spp. than that of their anaerobic counterparts.  相似文献   

Delayed hypersensitivity skin testing with multiple antigens is frequently used to evaluate immunopotentiation therapy in man. Since serial skin testing with a single antigen has been shown to augment the skin test response, the present study was undertaken to assess the effect of serial delayed hypersensitivity skin testing on skin test reactivity with multiple antigens. Each of twelve healthy volunteers received 0.1 ml of five antigens on two occassion, 6 weeks apart. The antigens used were streptokinase-streptodornase, Candida, Trichophyton, mumps and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PPD). The results demonstrated enhancement of skin test reactivity in the majority of tests. Indeed, 38.9% of the tests which were negative with the first skin test ( less than 10 mm induration) converted to positive. Enhancement in reactivity was observed in the majority of test subjects with all antigens except PPD. Similar enhanced skin test reactivity was observed in fifteen additional subjects tested serially with Candida only. The observations in this study suggest that uncontrolled studies of immunopotentiation must be interpreted with caution since serial delayed hypersensitivity skin testing with single or multiple antigens results in enhanced skin test reactivity.  相似文献   

In order to determine the potential for cross-transmission ofCandida spp. between health-care workers and patients, the survival of clinical isolates of five species ofCandida on the palms of human volunteers was tested. One hundred µl of a McFarland 1.0 density suspension (5×105 cfu) from an overnight culture ofCandida albicans, Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis andCandida glabrata was used as inoculum. The degree of hydrophobicity of the differentCandida species was also tested and did not influence the survival. The half-lives were brief, being 9.5, 12.4, 7.4, 12.8, 9.6 min forCandida albicans, Candida krusei, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, andCandida tropicalis, respectively, but at 45 min 2.6 × 103 to 3 × 104 organisms remained on the hands. Survival ofCandida albicans for as long as 24 h on inanimate surfaces was observed. Transmission from one hand to a second hand occurred in 69 % of the experiments and from the first to a third hand in 38 %. Transmission to and from inanimate surfaces was successful in most of the experiments (90 %). This experimental model aids in the biological study ofCandida spp. and suggests some of the potential mechanisms of transmission.  相似文献   

Gelatin-derived bioadhesives for closing skin wounds: an in vivo study.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bioadhesives have been used in surgery as hemostatic and wound healing agents. GRF (gelatin + resorcinol + formaldehyde) glue, composed of a mixture of gelatin and resorcinol polymerized by the addition of formaldehyde, has been used for this purpose. Widespread acceptance of the GRF glue, however, has been limited by reports of cytotoxicity due to its release of formaldehyde upon degradation. It has been suggested by Wertzel et al. that the cytotoxicity problem of GRF glue may be overcome by changing its cross-linking method. The study was, therefore, undertaken to assess the feasibility of using a water-soluble carbodiimide or genipin to cross-link gelatin as new bioadhesives to close skin wound lesions in a rat model. Formaldehyde-cross-linked counterpart (GRF glue) and a resorbable suture were used as controls. It was noted that the tensile strength of the skin across each wound treated by either application of test glues or suture increased consistently with time during the healing process. Also, the wounds repaired by test glues or suture caused no calcification. The suture used in the study was completely resorbed at the wound area in about 6 days postoperatively. However, the durations required to completely resorb the carbodiimide- or genipin-cross-linked glues were approximately the same (9 days), while it took about 14 days to completely resorb the formaldehyde-cross-linked glue. The healing process for the suture wound repaired was more rapid than those treated by test glues. Of the test glues, the wounds treated by the carbodiimide- or genipin-cross-linked glues induced less inflammatory response and recovered sooner than that treated by the formaldehyde-cross-linked glue. This indicated that the biocompatibility of the carbodiimide- or genipin-cross-linked glues was superior to the formaldehyde-cross-linked glue. The results of this study may serve as a preliminary experimental model for the further investigation of both the carbodiimide- and genipin-cross-linked glues when applied to human skin closure.  相似文献   

The distribution of substance P was determined in the rat spinal cord and brain after a focal traumatic injury to the thoracic region (T10-11) of the spinal cord. There was at 1 and 2 h after the injury a statistically significant increase of the substance P content not only in the injured segment but also in samples removed 5 mm proximal (T9) and distal (T12) to the lesion. At 5 h the substance P content of the injured segment of the cord was reduced by 30% compared with controls. However, there was a significant increase in the concentration of this peptide in segments located 5 mm cranial and caudal to the injury (65% and 22%, respectively). Interestingly, the whole brain content of substance P showed a statistically significant 22% increase from control values at 5 h after the injury. At 1 and 2 h after the spinal cord injury there was a significant decrease in whole brain substance P concentration by 25% and 65%, respectively. Pretreatment with p-chlorophenylalanine (a serotonin synthesis inhibitor) markedly reduced the endogenous content of substance P in whole brain of normal animals. In these animals, the spinal cord content of the peptide was elevated by 83-123% as compared to untreated control animals. Spinal cord trauma inflicted on p-chlorophenylalanine-treated animals did not affect the brain peptide level at all. However, a profound decrease was noted in all the spinal cord segments at 5 h as compared to the untreated traumatized group. The decrease in this peptide was more pronounced in the cranial and the injured segments as compared to the caudal one.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sciatic nerves of rats were submitted to single and repeated injuries. The animals' gait was used to study motor function; autophagia was used to study sensory effects. An association with local post-traumatic autoimmune reaction was sought, after histochemical studies of the nerves. Our results indicated that a preliminary nerve lesion had a slight but significant influence on the recovery observed after a subsequent injury: after secondary damage, motor recovery was slightly delayed and sensory abnormalities were suggested by significant increase in autophagia. A causal role of autoimmunization was suggested but not proven. An interpretation of autophagia is proposed.  相似文献   

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