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Background:Becausethereareacuteoccurrenceandsevereclinicalfindingsinlargeareacerebralinfarction,earlydiagnosisisverysignificanttoearlytreatmentandnervefunctionrecovery.Objective:Todiscusstheeffectsofearlydiagnosisoflargeareacerebralinfarctiononnervefunctionrecovery.Unit:DepartmentofUrology,SecondHospitalofChangtuCountyinLiaoningProvince.Subjective:Thecasesintheresearchcamefrom132patientswithcerebralinfarctionidentifiedbyCTexaminationduring1995~2000,including59males…  相似文献   

Bivalirudin and heparin are the major available parenteral anticoagulants for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction. Even though hard clinical outcomes are comparable with both drugs, bivalirudin appears to be safer (less bleeding events) at the expense of lower short-term efficacy (more acute stent thrombosis events). The selection of anticoagulation during PCI in ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction should be individualized, taking into account the patient’s ischemic and bleeding risk. In patients with increased bleeding risk, bivalirudin might be preferable to heparin, whereas in complex PCI with increased risk for stent thrombosis, heparin is preferable. Further clinical studies are needed to elucidate the role of these drugs in PCI for ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction in the era of radial approaches, new potent antiplatelet agents and the use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors.  相似文献   

Atropine has also been suggested to potentially worsen the ischemic situation in patients who are in the midst of acute coronary ischemia. We report the case of a female patient with ischemic chest pain and third degree atrioventricular block who developed acute myocardial infarction (AMI) immediately after atropine administration. The use of atropine in this instance remains a reasonable option and should be strongly considered-despite this apparent complication. Undoubtedly in some cases, acute ischemia is intensified by hypoperfusion attributable to vagally mediated bradyarrhythmia; atropine is the antidote for such situations. An awareness of this potential adverse reaction coupled with a prudent selection of candidates for atropine therapy will show the risk/benefit ratio in each individual patient and, therefore, guide the clinician.  相似文献   

Under normal circumstances, most intracellular troponin is part of the muscle contractile apparatus, and only a small percentage (< 2-8%) is free in the cytoplasm. The presence of a cardiac-specific troponin in the circulation at levels above normal is good evidence of damage to cardiac muscle cells, such as myocardial infarction, myocarditis, trauma, unstable angina, cardiac surgery or other cardiac procedures. Troponins are released as complexes leading to various cut-off values depending on the assay used. This makes them very sensitive and specific indicators of cardiac injury. As with other cardiac markers, observation of a rise and fall in troponin levels in the appropriate time-frame increases the diagnostic specificity for acute myocardial infarction. They start to rise approximately 4-6 h after the onset of acute myocardial infarction and peak at approximately 24 h, as is the case with creatine kinase-MB. They remain elevated for 7-10 days giving a longer diagnostic window than creatine kinase. Although the diagnosis of various types of acute coronary syndrome remains a clinical-based diagnosis, the use of troponin levels contributes to their classification. This Editorial elaborates on the nature of troponin, its classification, clinical use and importance, as well as comparing it with other currently available cardiac markers.  相似文献   



The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the most important diagnostic tool for acute myocardial infarction (AMI). T wave inversion (TWI) in lead aVL has not been emphasized or well recognized.


This study examined the relationship between the presence of TWI before the event and mid-segment left anterior descending (MLAD) artery lesion in patients with AMI.


Retrospective charts of patients with acute coronary syndrome between the months of January 2009 and December 2011 were reviewed. All patients with MLAD lesion were identified and their ECG reviewed for TWI in lead aVL.


Coronary angiography was done on 431 patients. Of these, 125 (29%) had an MLAD lesion. One hundred and six patients (84.8%) had a lesion > 50% and 19 patients (15.2%) had a lesion < 50%. Of the 106 patients who had a MLAD lesion > 50%, 90 patients (84.9%) had TWI in lead aVL and one additional lead. Of the 19 patients who had an MLAD lesion < 50%, 8 patients (42.1%) had TWI in lead aVL and one additional lead. Isolated TWI in lead aVL had an overall sensitivity of 76.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.65–0.86), a specificity of 71.4% (95% CI 0.45–0.88), a positive predictive value of 92%, a negative predictive value of 41.7%, a positive likelihood ratio of 2.7 (95% CI 1.16–6.22), and negative likelihood ratio of 0.32 (95% CI 0.19–0.58) for predicting a MLAD lesion of > 50% (p = 0.0011).


TWI in lead aVL might signify a mid-segment LAD lesion. Recognition of this finding and early appropriate referral to a cardiologist might be beneficial. Additional studies are needed to validate this finding.  相似文献   

Souza LF  Lavinas PS  Pereira AC 《Critical care medicine》2006,34(7):2026; author reply 2026-2026; author reply 2027

Myocardial infarction irreversibly destroys millions of cardiomyocytes in the ventricle, making it the leading cause of heart failure worldwide. Over the past two decades, many progenitor and stem cell types were proposed as the ideal candidate to regenerate the heart after injury. The potential of stem cell therapy has been investigated thoroughly in animal and human studies, aiming at cardiac repair by true tissue replacement, by immune modulation, or by the secretion of paracrine factors that stimulate endogenous repair processes. Despite some successful results in animal models, the outcome from clinical trials remains overall disappointing, largely due to the limited stem cell survival and retention after transplantation. Extensive interest was developed regarding the combinational use of stem cells and various priming strategies to improve the efficacy of regenerative cell therapy. In this review, we provide a critical discussion of the different stem cell types investigated in preclinical and clinical studies in the field of cardiac repair. Moreover, we give an update on the potential of stem cell combinations as well as preconditioning and explore the future promises of these novel regenerative strategies.  相似文献   

Purpose: To compare physical activity levels of patients in the first week after myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. Method: We conducted an observational study using behavioural mapping. MI patients were consecutively recruited from Alfred Hospital, Melbourne. Data for stroke patients (Royal Perth Hospital or Austin Hospital, Melbourne) were retrieved from an existing database. Patients were observed for 1?min every 10?min from 8 am to 5 pm. At each observation, the patient’s highest level of physical activity, location and people present were recorded. Details of physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions were recorded by the therapists. Results: Proportion of the day spent physically inactive was lower in MI (n?=?32, median 48%) than stroke (n?=?125, median 59%) patients, but this difference was not significant in univariate or multivariate (adjusting for age, walking ability and days post-event) regression. Time spent physically active was higher in MI (median 23%) than stroke (median 10%) patients (p?=?0.009), but this difference did not survive multivariate adjustment (p?=?0.67). More stroke patients (78%) than MI patients (19%) participated in therapy. Conclusions: This study provides the first objective data on physical activity levels of acute MI patients. While they were more active than acute stroke patients, the difference was largely attributable to walking ability.
  • Implications for rehabilitation
  • In the first week after myocardial infarction, patients spent about half the day physically inactive (even though 81% were able to walk independently).

  • Similar levels of inactivity were seen in a comparable cohort of acute stroke patients, suggesting that environmental factors play an important role.

  • There appears to be wide scope for increasing levels of physical rehabilitation after acute cardiovascular events, though optimal timing and dose remain unclear.




A higher mortality risk for women with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has been a common finding in the past, even after acute percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). We set out to analyze whether there are gender differences in real-world contemporary treatment and outcomes of STEMI.  相似文献   

Background : There is substantial evidence that C‐reactive protein (CRP) mediates secondary damage of the myocardium after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The aim of this animal trial in pigs was to specifically deplete CRP from porcine plasma after AMI and to study possible beneficial effects of the reduced CRP concentration on the infarcted area. Methods : Ten pigs received balloon catheter‐induced myocardial infarction. CRP was depleted from five animals utilizing a new specific CRP‐adsorber, five animals served as controls. The area of infarction was analyzed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging on day 1 and day 14 after AMI. Porcine CRP levels were determined by ELISA. Results : CRP‐apheresis resulted in a mean reduction of the CRP levels up to 48.3%. The area of infarction was significantly reduced by 30 ± 6% (P = 0.003) within 14 days in the treatment group, whereas it increased by 19 ± 11% (P = 0.260) in the controls. Fourteen days after infarction, the infarcted area revealed compact, transmural scars in the controls, whereas animals receiving CRP‐apheresis showed spotted scar morphology. In the interventional group, a significantly higher left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was observed after 14 days as compared to the controls (57.6 ± 2.4% vs. 46.4 ± 2.7%; P = 0.007). Conclusions : In a pig model for AMI, we observed that selective CRP‐apheresis significantly reduces CRP levels and the volume of the infarction zone after AMI. Additionally, it changes the morphology of the scars and preserves cardiac output (LVEF). J. Clin. Apheresis 30:15–21, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Background:80%strokepatientsstillleavebehindfunctionaldisturbanceindifferentdegreeaftertreatment,whichmakegreatinfluenceonpatients'livinglevel.Prognosisofacutecerebralin-farction(ACI)isdifferentwhenwetreatitindifferentwayintheearliertime.Objective:ToobservetheBarthelindexanddisabilitydegreeofdischargepatientswhoreceivedoneofthreeearlytreatmentmethods,todiscusstheinfluencesmadebyACIearlytreatmentmethodsonpatients'prognosis,livingqualityanddisabilityde-gree.Design:Weselecte…  相似文献   

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