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A retrospective study of 50 chevron osteotomies evaluated subjective and objective functional and cosmetic results, which were in keeping with other reported studies--i.e. satisfactory subjective cosmesis in 98%; excellent or good pain relief in 84%; and satisfactory objective cosmesis in 84%. The correction of the 1st intermetatarsal angle averaged 3.3 degrees, and that of the metatarsophalangeal valgus averaged 15 degrees. Average active range of motion of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint was 60 degrees. Complications were generally mild and asymptomatic, and were usually iatrogenic. The findings of this study, together with information gained from a concomitant stress analysis, led to recommendations regarding operative technique.  相似文献   

The correction of hallux valgus has been dramatically improved by the scarf 1st metatarsal osteotomy, which brings great versatility for covering all the indications. Its strong fixation allows an early functional recovery; the long-term follow-up confirms the reliability of this procedure, which can be combined with other osteotomies and soft tissue procedures. However, the surgeon has to determine pre and intraoperatively the correction that has to be applied; this technique is not difficult but has to be performed accurately. This is the interest of this article, which emphasizes the technical features that have to be applied.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to confirm whether the length of the first metatarsal and the length of the hallux are greater than normal in the initial phase of the hallux valgus deformity. In a sample of 152 radiographs (98 of normal feet and 54 of incipient hallux valgus feet), the length of the first metatarsal and the hallux was measured according to methods previously described. Comparisons were made between normal and hallux valgus feet, and between male and female feet. The results show significant differences between the two groups in the first metatarsal (P < 0.0001) and hallux (P < 0.001). In the male feet, these differences are more marked (when comparing the length of the hallux between the female hallux valgus feet and the female normal feet, P > 0.05). This indicates that in men with hallux valgus, the excess in length of the first metatarso-digital segment is greater than in women that develop this deformity, at least in its initial phase. According to these results, the size of the first metatarso-digital segment could be involved in the development of the hallux valgus deformity.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of wedge subcapital osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone with lateral and plantar translation of the distal fragment in 47 feet (44 women age 37-72) operated for hallux valgus deformity. Bone fragments were stabilized with Kirschner wire introduced obliquely from lateral side of the head to the shaft. Protruding out of the skin part of the wire between I and II toe was shaped parallel to the lateral side of hallux preventing from valgisation. The mean AOFAS score improved from the preoperative value of 49 points to 86 points postoperatively. Hallux valgus angle improved from the mean preoperative value of 38 degrees to 17 degrees after operation. The mean postoperative AOFAS score in the group with major deformity (over 40 degrees valgity and 14 degrees intermetatarsal angle) was 76 points. Proposed method of stabilization allows limited activity without fear of correction loss during bone healing. Clinical and radiological results are similar to other authors' results, indicating that subcapital osteotomy gives satisfactory results in correction of medium grade deformity and disappointing results in severe deformities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine whether excessive medial deviation of the first metatarsal (excessive intermetatarsal angle) is present in the initial phase of hallux valgus. METHODS: The intermetatarsal angle between the first and second metatarsals (1-2 IMA) was radiographically studied in 49 normal feet and in 49 feet with mild hallux valgus deformity. RESULTS: The results demonstrated a statistically significant difference in the mean intermetatarsal angle between the two groups (8.76 degrees in normal feet; 9.98 degrees in affected feet). However, we believe that is not clinically significant. Other authors, comparing the 1-2 IMA in patients with or without more advanced hallux valgus, reported greater differences than those obtained in this study. CONCLUSIONS: Excessive medial deviation of the first metatarsal is not a causal factor but rather a consequence of hallux valgus deformity.  相似文献   

Authors performed in 1979 through 1991 in the Orthopaedic Department of the Semmelweis University of Medicine 47 osteotomies on the base of the first metatarsal bone in 37 patients. After the operation the intermetatarsal angle was in average under 10 and the metatarsophalangeal angle under 20 degrees. In chosen cases and with careful surgical technique good result can be obtained from the osteotomy of the base of the first metatarsal bone. The technique is not complicated, the osteotomy is healed quickly and well and the internal fixation makes early mobilization possible. It can and should be carried out in cases in which the intermetatarsal angle exceeds 10 degrees. After its performance, if necessary, operation beside the metatarsophalangeal joint may also be carried out.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study evaluates and compares three-dimensional (3-D) changes in geometry of the first metatarsal (MT1) independent of soft tissue corrections of 5 common osteotomies: three distal (Chevron, Mitchell, and Wilson), one proximal (Stephens basal), and one combined proximal/distal (Scarf), using standardized synthetic bone models. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A digitizing system was used to measure and record points on the synthetic bone models in 3-D space. Computer vector analysis calculated 3-D rotations and translations of the MT1 head plus the conventional intermetatarsal angle (IMA) and distal metatarsal articular angle (DMAA). RESULTS: The Wilson and Mitchell's osteotomies produced significant shortening (p < 0.001) in contrast to the three other osteotomies. All the osteotomies produced a reduction in the 3-D IMA. The Scarf and Stephens basal osteotomies reduced the DMAA. All of the osteotomies resulted in lateral translations and depression of the MT1 head. While there were no significant (p > 0.05) translational differences between the Scarf and Stephens basal osteotomies, there were rotational differences, with the Stephens basal producing significantly more plantar flexion (p = 0.000) and pronation (p < 0.001) than the Scarf. CONCLUSION: This geometric study indicated many of the MT1 head changes following metatarsal osteotomy to be out-of-plane translational and multiplanar rotations which cannot be determined using AP radiographs alone. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: We advocate judicious choice of osteotomy to achieve the desired correction of hallux valgus in each individual.  相似文献   

[目的]介绍传统小切口第1跖骨截骨术的改良方法,并探讨这种改良在外翻治疗中的作用和疗效。[方法]回顾分析西安市第一医院骨科2002年1月~2015年1月2 105例(3 924足)行小切口第1跖骨截骨术治疗外翻病例;其中男性45例,女性2 060例;平均年龄53.72岁;双足发病1 819例,单足发病286例(左足147例,右足139例)。这些病例中,采用改良小切口第1跖骨截骨术病例共560例(1 044足),其中男12例,女548例;平均年龄53.97岁;双足发病484例,单足发病76例(左足39例,右足37例)。未改良组术前HVA(34.39±8.94)°,IMA(15.57±2.19)°,第1跖骨长度(62.01±2.24)mm。改良组术前HVA(33.90±9.46)°,IMA(15.49±1.97)°,第1跖骨长度(61.83±1.97)mm。手术改良包括:(1)将截骨方向改为水平面自近端内侧向远端外侧、矢状位自近端跖侧向远端背侧;(2)改变传统的第1跖骨斜行截骨模式,将截骨分为角度不同的两个阶段。[结果]全部病例均获随访,随访时间3~30个月;未改良组术后HVA(8.91±1.77)°;IMA(8.57±1.41)°;第1跖骨长度(54.67±2.91)mm;第1跖骨长度较术前短缩(6.76±3.42)mm。改良组术后HVA(8.85±1.68)°;IMA(8.41±1.53)°;第1跖骨长度(59.33±1.39)mm;第1跖骨长度较术前短缩(2.58±1.99)mm。术后IMA、术后第1跖骨长度及第1跖骨短缩长度方面两组比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.030 7、0.000、0.000)。术后疗效评定:未改良组优76.05%,良23.82%,差0.13%;改良组优80.18%,良19.82%,差0例。[结论]通过对手术方法的改良,术后第1跖骨短缩明显减少,截骨端稳定性更加牢靠,畸形矫正更加充分,术后并发症发生率有所降低,外形更加美观,功能恢复更加完善,优良率更高。  相似文献   

BackgroundVascular injury after hallux valgus surgery is a rare condition but serious complications can ensue.MethodsWe performed an anatomical study using 26 cadaveric lower extremities. We enhanced first metatarsal bone’s (FMB) vascularization by injecting latex. Each specimen was classified according to the severity of hallux valgus deformity (HVD). Then we measured two distances: one between the first tarsometatarsal joint (FTMJ) to the first dorsal branch’s origin, the other between the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP) to the dorsal plexus’s origin.ResultsThe distance between the FTMJ and the first dorsal branch to the FMB ranges from 10 mm in normal feet to 15 mm in severe deformed feet. The distance between the MTP and the dorsal plexus’ origin ranges from 20 mm in normal feet to 25 mm in severe deformed feet.ConclusionsUnderstanding the foot’s vascular anatomy has allowed us to adapt surgical landmarks to the severity of the HVD and to avoid post-operative complications.  相似文献   

Summary A comprehensive method of evaluating the feet of patients with adolescent hallux valgus both before and after surgical correction is described. Serial clinical, photographic and radiological studies were made and a dynamic assessment of gait was carried out using a load-sensitive walkway. Observations were made on 36 feet in which hallux valgus was treated by a modification of the Wilson oblique metatarsal osteotomy, with removal of a wedge of bone and screw fixation. In the first six months after operation, there was a lateral shift of the weight-bearing pattern in the forefoot and less weight was taken on the toes, but there was a tendency to return to the pre-operative distribution of weight during the next four years. Persistence of the lateral shift of weight-bearing appeared to result from elevation of the first metatarsal head secondary to shortening of the first metatarsal during the osteotomy. This can be avoided by deliberate depression of the first metatarsal head at the time of operation and fixation of the fragments in the required position with a screw.
Résumé Les auteurs décrivent une méthode d'évaluation globale du pied, tant avant qu'après correction chirurgicale, chez des adolescents porteurs d'hallux valgus. Elle nécessite une série d'études des caractéristiques cliniques, photographiques et radiologiques, ainsi qu'une évaluation dynamique de la marche à l'aide d'un plateau de force. Cette méthode a été utilisée pour estimer avec exactitude les modifications survenues sur 36 pieds après que l'hallux valgus ait été traité par une variante de l'ostéotomie oblique du premier métatarsien décrite par Wilson, qui consiste en une résection d'un coin osseux suivie de fixation par une vis. Durant les six premiers mois post-opératoires, on note un déplacement de l'appui de l'avant-pied vers le dehors et une diminution de la charge au niveau des orteils, mais il y a une tendance à revenir à la répartition pré-opératoire de l'appui au cours des quatre années suivantes. La persistance du déplacement externe de l'appui semble résulter de la surélevation de la tête du premier métatarsien, conséquence du raccourcissement de cet os créé par l'ostéotomie. Ceci peut être évité en abaissant délibérément la première tête métatarsienne lors de l'opération et en fixant les fragments par une vis dans la position désirée.

Summary The modified Mayo procedure corrects valgus deformity of the great toe secondary to osteoarthritis in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Basal osteotomy of the first metatarsal to correct metatarsus primus varus and to maintain correction of the valgus deformity may be performed simultaneously. We retrospectively reviewed the results in 55 of 70 feet treated by this combined procedure. The average duration of follow-up was 4.2 years (range 0.5–6 years) and the average age at operation was 63 years (range 45–80 years). The results were either very good or good in 82%, moderate in 14%, and poor in 4%. Our technique of basal osteotomy of the first metatarsal is a simple and effective procedure to correct metatarsus primus varus and may restore the distal transverse arch. It should be considered as a possible method of treatment when the intermetatarsal angle is greater than 10°.  相似文献   

唐润  杨杰  梁晓军  李毅  王军虎  郝艺翔  张若肖 《中国骨伤》2022,35(12):1121-1126
目的:比较Scarf截骨术与第1跖骨双平面截骨术(double metatarsal osteotomy,DMO)治疗中重度拇外翻的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2017年1月至2019年12月治疗的50例(81足)中重度拇外翻畸形患者,根据截骨方式不同分为Scarf截骨术(Scarf osteotomy,SO)组或DMO组。SO组26例(44足),男1例,女25例;年龄48~65(55.50±4.67)岁;中度18例(30足),重度8例(14足)。DMO组24例(37足),男1例,女23例;年龄45~62(52.10±6.80)岁;中度14例(24足),重度10例(13足)。手术前后在足部负重正位X线片上测量并比较拇外翻角(hallux valgus angle,HVA)、第1、2跖骨间角(intermetatarsal angle,IMA)及远端跖骨关节面角(distal metatarsal articular angle,DMAA),第1跖骨相对长度(relative length of first metatarsal,RLFM)的变化情况。术前及末次随访时采用美国足踝外科协会(American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society,AOFAS)拇趾、跖趾、趾间关节评分进行临床疗效评价。观察两组患者负重时间及并发症情况。结果:50例患者均获得随访,SO组随访时间12~36(20.50±6.22)个月,DMO组16~28(19.80±2.44)个月,两组随访时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。所有切口Ⅰ期愈合,术后(20.31±3.17)个月截骨均愈合,SO组术后1例出现获得性拇内收畸形,未出现转移跖痛;DMO组术后2例发生转移性跖痛。两组手术前后HVA、IMA、DMAA、AOFAS评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术前两组RLFM比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),两组末次随访时RLFM比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。SO组部分负重时间及完全负重时间显著早于DMO组(P<0.05)。结论:Scarf截骨与第1跖骨双平面截骨均可有效治疗中重度拇外翻畸形,影像学及临床评估相似,但术后第1跖骨相对长度SO组较DMO组延长,Scarf截骨下地负重时间早于第1跖骨双平面截骨。  相似文献   

郑伟鑫  杨杰  李毅  梁晓军  王军虎  杜洋  王欣文 《中国骨伤》2022,35(12):1138-1141
目的:探讨旋转Scarf截骨术治疗拇外翻(hallux valgus,HV)合并第1跖骨旋转的临床疗效。方法:自2018年1月至2019年10月采用旋转Scarf截骨术治疗35例(40足)HV合并第1跖骨旋转畸形患者,其中男5例,女30例;年龄25~76(40.32±5.43)岁。观察并比较手术前后拇外翻角(hallux valgus angle,HVA),第1、2跖骨间角(intermetatarsal angle,IMA),第1跖骨远端关节面角(distal metatarsal articular angle,DMAA),第1跖骨长度(the first metatarsal length,FML),术后采用美国矫形骨科学会足踝外科学组(American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society,AOFAS)拇趾-跖趾-趾间关节评分和疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)系统进行功能评价。结果 :35例(40足)均获得随访,时间12~36(14.35±3.62)个月。HVA、IMA和DMAA分别由术前的(36.32±4.5...  相似文献   

小切口第一跖骨远端截骨术矫正(足母)外翻畸形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨小切口第一跖骨远端截骨术矫正蹄外翻畸形的疗效.方法:2003年以来采用小切口第一跖骨远端截骨术治疗(足母)外翻畸形300例共542只足,不做内固定.对所有患者采用美国骨科足踝外科学会(AOFAS)(足母)趾-跖趾-趾间评分标准进行临床评估,并结合影像学诊断综合评价手术疗效.结果:AOFAS总平均分为89.4±10.2分.影像学评估,术后(足母)外翻角(HVA)为12.8°±5.8°(4°~22°),较术前34.6°±9.6°(18°~68°)改善22°±8.4°;第一二跖骨间角(IMA)为7.6°±1.8(6°~11°),较术前14.3°±3.2°(11°~21°)改善6.7°±2.4°,P<0.05表示有显著性差异.542只患足,498只对术后疗效满意,满意率91.5%.结论:小切口第一跖骨远端截骨术矫正(足母)外翻,临床效果可靠,不需内固定,手术切口美观,值得推广.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨第一跖骨双截骨矫正重度外翻畸形的手术疗效。方法 回顾性分析2008年1月至2011年12月,采用第一跖骨双截骨术治疗并获得随访的62例(87足)第一跖骨远端关节面角(distal metatarsal articular angle, DMAA)增大的重度外翻患者资料,男9例(14足),女53例(73足);年龄28~70岁,平均56岁。术前X线片示外翻角(hallux valgus angle,HVA)平均为48.6°,第一、二跖骨间角(intermetatarsal angle,IMA)平均为19.8°,DMAA平均为22.1°。术前根据患者畸形情况制定手术方案,截骨部位、角度、截骨量均依据术前测量值操作。比较术前、术后及取内固定前HVA、IMA、DMAA的变化,同时采用美国足踝外科协会(AOFAS)趾-跖趾-趾间关节功能评分标准评价疗效。结果 62例(87足)获得随访,随访时间为10~57个月,平均21个月。术后6个月, HVA 14.6°±1.2°, IMA 7.9°±0.7°,DMAA 7.7°±0.9°,矫形效果均满意。术后出现僵硬2例,皮神经损伤2例,转移性跖痛1例,无一例发生畸形明显复发、骨不愈合及跖骨坏死。术后AOFAS评分由术前平均(28.4±9.1)分达到术后1年的(91.8±1.8)分;49足为优,31足为良,7足为可,优良率为92.0%(80/87)。结论 第一跖骨双截骨术可有效矫正DMAA增大的重度外翻畸形,患者术后可早期部分负重,并发症少,手术疗效佳。  相似文献   

The 1 metatarsal double osteotomy is described as an effective procedure for the treatment of severe adolescent hallux valgus (AHV) with low recurrence and complication rates. No study to date has evaluated the functional clinical outcome after 1st metatarsal double osteotomy. The purpose of this paper is to report the results at our institution in the treatment of severe AHV with 1st metatarsal double osteotomy. We performed a review of all patients (N = 9, 14 feet) treated at our institution with 1st metatarsal double osteotomy. We reviewed pre- and postoperative hallux valgus (HVA), 1st-2nd intermetatarsal (IMA), and distal metatarsal articular angles (DMAA) and calculated the average angular correction. Functional outcome was measured via the AOFAS Hallux Metatarsophalangeal-Interphalangeal (HMI) scale as well as the duPont Bunion Rating Score (BRS). The average patient was 15 years old at the time of surgery with an average of 27 months follow-up. The mean angular correction was 21.54 degree, 9.25 degree, and 6.21 degree for HVA, IMA, and DMAA, respectively. Ninety percent of the patients reported good to excellent results. We had 2 complications for an overall rate of 14%. The 1st metatarsal double osteotomy is an effective and reliable technique for treatment of severe adolescent hallux valgus. Stiffness of the 1st MTPJ is the major determinant of patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

Thirty nine surgical hallux valgus corrections in 32 adolescents (7 bilateral) performed between 1994 and 2001 were retrospectively studied. The mean age at the time of surgery was 14.2 years. The operation consisted of a proximal dome osteotomy of the first metatarsal, excision of the medial protuberance, lateral capsular and adductor release, and distal medial soft tissue plication. The patients were followed for an average of 42 months (range 32 to 62). Post-operative evaluation was based on the duPont bunion rating score. The result was excellent in 11 feet, good in 22 cases, fair in 5 and poor in 1 case. Using subjective criteria of the duPont score, such as cosmesis and discomfort, a satisfactory result was achieved in 35 feet (90%). Our opinion is that correction of the angle between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal as well as preservation of the length of the first metatarsal are of crucial importance in the surgical treatment of adolescent hallux valgus.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨第1跖骨远端Chevron截骨联合软组织松解术治疗轻、中度拇外翻的临床疗效。方法:自2015年6月至2017年6月,采用第1跖骨远端Chevron截骨联合软组织松解术治疗拇外翻32例(40足),其中男3例3足,女29例37足;年龄22~80岁,平均57.57岁;病程2~32年,平均14年;轻度9足,中度31足。术前患者合并拇囊炎,伴有第1跖趾关节周围疼痛并存在负重行走时疼痛加重。手术前后拍摄足负重正侧位片,比较拇外翻角(hallux valgus angle,HVA),第1、2跖骨间角(intermetatarsal angle,IMA),并采用美国足踝外科协会拇外翻评分(AOFAS)评价临床疗效。结果:32例患者获得了随访,时间12~24个月,平均15.2个月。术后切口均愈合良好,无感染、跖骨头坏死等并发症发生。术前HVA、IMA分别由(32.08±5.59)°、(11.63±2.24)°减小至术后12个月的(10.31±4.36)°、(5.02±2.34)°,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。AOFAS评分由术前的56.75±6.42提高至术后12个月的88.80±3.99 (P0.05)。结论:第1跖骨远端Chevron截骨联合软组织松解术治疗轻、中度拇外翻畸形可获得较好的临床效果,为拇外翻治疗提供了更多的选择。  相似文献   

This article discusses various forms of distal metatarsal osteotomy for the treatment of hallux valgus. The techniques for the various osteotomies have evolved over the years to allow the surgeon to match a procedure and its modifications to the individual patient's deformity, thus optimizing outcomes. Fixation techniques continue to evolve, and meticulous surgical technique to prevent complications remains a must. Regardless of the osteotomy used, the authors believe that adherence to the techniques laid out in current literature will provide gratifying results for the surgeon and the patient.  相似文献   

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