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Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone stimulate the production of a variety of proteins by immature Sertoli cells. A highly purified Sertoli cell preparation was incubated for 3 days with FSH and testosterone. Both androgen receptor protein and mRNA concentrations were markedly increased by FSH. Testosterone also increased the androgen receptor protein concentration, but did not increase the expression of the androgen receptor mRNA. It is concluded that FSH plays a role in the responsiveness of Sertoli cells to testosterone.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells were isolated from testes of 20-day-old rats and were maintained in primary culture. The ability of these cells to synthesise estradiol-17beta from a variety of exogenous substrates, progesterone, testosterone,androstenedione, 19-hydroxyandrostenedione and 19-hydroxytestosterone in the presence and absence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was examined. In the presence of each of the substrates alone for 24 h the rate of estradiol-17beta synthesis was very low. FSH (NIH-FSH-S11, 5 mug/ml) stimulated estradiol-17beta synthesis 75-fold when added to medium containing testosterone (5 X 10(-7)M) but caused only marginal stimulation when added to medium containing progesterone (5 X 10(-7) M). Both FSH and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (bu2cAMP) stimulated the conversion of each of the substrates, androstenedione, 19-hydroxyandrostenedione and 19-hydroxytestosterone to estradiol-17beta, and the effects were similar to those observed in the presence of testosterone. These data indicate that, under the culture conditions employed, progesterone is not an effective substrate for conversion to estradiol-17beta by Sertoli cells. Estradiol-17beta synthesis was stimulated by FSH in the presence of the C19 steluences the conversion of androgens to estrogens, either directly or indirectly, at the aromatisation step (i.e. the conversion of 19-hydroxylated androgens to estrogens).  相似文献   

A 2-fold increase in the numbers of germinal cells was observed in the seminiferous epithelium of cynomolgus monkeys treated with 15 IU FSH twice a day during 28 days. No effect was seen after 7 days of treatment. After 16 days only the numbers of Apale (Ap) spermatogonia had increased to 200% of the control level while the numbers of B spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids had increased less (160%, 129%, and 100% of the control level, respectively). In the rhesus monkey after the same dose of FSH an increase in the number of Ap spermatogonia to 152% was found after 16 days. When a dose of 25 IU FSH was administered to cynomolgus monkeys three times per week for 16 days the number of Ap spermatogonia increased to only 131% of the control level. After all treatments no effect on the number of Adark (Ad) spermatogonia was found. It was concluded that the increased levels of plasma FSH caused a specific increase in the number of Ap spermatogonia. The increased number of A spermatogonia gave rise to an increase in the number of B spermatogonia after 16 days of treatment which in turn produced more spermatocytes between 16 and 28 days of treatment. If the FSH was administered for a period of 28 days the number of round spermatids also showed a 2-fold increase. These findings indicate a correlation between plasma FSH levels and the numbers of germinal cells in the seminiferous epithelium. In monkeys treated with 450 IU human CG daily no effect on the numbers of the A spermatogonia was observed.  相似文献   

G Verhoeven  J Cailleau 《Endocrinology》1988,122(4):1541-1550
The influence of FSH and androgens on androgen receptor levels in primary Sertoli cell cultures from immature rats is studied in a monolayer binding assay and by sucrose density gradient centrifugation using the synthetic radiolabeled androgen mibolerone (7 alpha, 17 alpha-dimethyl-19-nortestosterone) as a ligand. Preincubation of Sertoli cells for 4 days with FSH, testosterone, or 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone results into a 2- to 3-fold increase in mibolerone binding, as measured 18 h after removal of the agonists. The combination of androgens and FSH has additive effects. The action of FSH can be mimicked by (Bu)2cAMP, and the activity of the androgens can be blocked by the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate. The mibolerone-binding protein has the ligand specificity, affinity, and sedimentation behavior characteristic for an androgen receptor. Using a DEAE-cellulose filter disc assay and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone as a ligand, androgen-binding protein (ABP) was measured in the media of the studied Sertoli cell cultures. Despite some similarity in the hormonal control of ABP and the androgen receptor, there are distinct differences in the ligand specificity of the two androgen binding proteins, which exclude that ABP might interfere with the receptor measurements. The effects of androgens and FSH on the androgen receptor are evident at concentrations equal to or lower than those required to provoke a measurable increase in ABP secretion. It is concluded that FSH and androgens control androgen receptor levels in Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Receptor activated adenylate cyclase acts as a major transmembrane signalling system. It is widely accepted that upon binding to its receptor, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) activates the cAMP-dependent pathway which in turn mediates FSH-induced estradiol production in Sertoli cells. Studies utilizing several chemically derived variants of FSH have demonstrated that these variants bind to the FSH receptors with equal avidity but differ in their ability to activate cAMP-dependent pathways. Since cAMP is believed to be the second messenger responsible for FSH signal transduction, we tested two hypotheses: (1) that the effects of different oFSH variants on cAMP production and aromatase induction (as measured by estradiol production) would be in parallel; and (2) that deglycosylated ovine FSH (DG-oFSH) would antagonize the ability of intact oFSH to stimulate aromatase induction, similar to its reported antagonistic effect on cAMP production. Immature rat (7- to 10-day-old) Sertoli cells were cultured and the effects of several different oFSH variants on cAMP production and/or aromatase induction were tested. The variants tested were native oFSH, DG-oFSH, asialo oFSH (AS-oFSH), a recombinant of intact LH alpha and FSH beta (alpha + beta) and a recombinant of deglycosylated LH alpha and intact FSH beta (DG alpha + beta). Both native oFSH and alpha + beta recombinant at relatively large doses (10 ng) elicited a significant increase in extracellular cAMP accumulation as well as total cAMP production. In contrast, DG-oFSH did not produce an increase in cAMP even at 10-fold higher doses than native oFSH. Intracellular cAMP concentrations did not increase following stimulation with native oFSH, DG-oFSH or DG alpha + beta. In contrast to the divergent effects of oFSH and DG-oFSH on cAMP production all variants of oFSH stimulated estradiol production from Sertoli cells albeit with varying potencies. The sensitivity (minimal effective dose) and ED50 (dose at which half maximal response is achieved) of the estradiol (E2) response curve to increasing concentrations of native oFSH were 0.025 +/- 0.01 and 0.33 +/- 0.05 ng, respectively. Asialo-oFSH (AS-oFSH) increased E2 production with a potency (comparative dose required for effect) similar to that of native oFSH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The transport of 2-deoxyglucose (dGlc) by cultured rat Sertoli cells was stimulated by L-triiodothyronine (T3) in a time and dose-dependent manner. The lag-time was of about 6 h, the half-maximal dose (ED50) was 0.47 nM, which correlates with the Kd of the nuclear T3 receptor of rat Sertoli cells (Kd = 1-2 nM), and the stimulation was maintained up to 24 h. The effect was specific, as judged by the order of potency of T3 analogs. Cycloheximide prevented the stimulatory effect without affecting the basal uptake. T3 stimulated the uptake of the glucose analog 3-O-methylglucose (MeGlc) with the same order of potency as that of dGlc. The ontogenetic profile of the T3 effect coincides with that of T3 nuclear receptors in rat Sertoli cells. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that Sertoli cells express the erythrocyte/brain glucose transporter isoform (GLUT1) but not the adipose/muscle isoform (GLUT4). T3 treatment (10(-7) M for 24 h) induces an increase of GLUT1 mRNA level comparable to that of glucose analog uptake. These results suggest that thyroid hormone stimulates glucose transport by increasing the synthesis of new glucose transporter units and give further evidence for a direct effect of thyroid hormone in the modulation of Sertoli cell functions.  相似文献   

Endogenous protein phosphorylation was investigated in cultured rat Sertoli cells after treatment with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and pharmacological agents that activate cAMP-dependent protein kinases. In intact Sertoli cells, both phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of proteins occurred in response to treatment with these agents. Studies using cell-free preparations suggest that four phosphoproteins phosphorylated by cAMP or the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase were also phosphorylated in a FSH-dependent manner in intact cells. These data suggest that FSH-dependent phosphorylation in Sertoli cells occurs through activation of a cAMP-dependent protein kinase. A FSH-dependent phosphoprotein with a molecular weight of 58,000 was identified as the intermediate filament protein vimentin, based on its migration in two-dimensional gels and its peptide map. The cellular distribution of vimentin was monitored by immunofluorescence in Sertoli cells after treatment with FSH. Results of this study support a role for intermediate filaments in FSH-dependent events in Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

The effects of platelet-activating factor (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) on phospholipase activity were studied in aortic smooth muscle cells and renal epithelial cells. When platelet-activating factor was added to cells prelabeled with [3H]arachidonic acid, it induced rapid hydrolysis of phospholipids. Up to 28% of incorporated [3H]arachidonic acid was released into the medium from both aortic and renal cells. A transient rise of diacylglycerol was also seen after the addition of platelet-activating factor to these cells. The accumulation of diacylglycerol and monoacylglycerol was relatively small when compared with the total amount of released free arachidonic acid. The amount of [3H]arachidonic acid released was comparable to the loss of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylethanolamine, which indicates that platelet-activating factor stimulates phospholipase A2 and C activity in aortic smooth muscle cells and renal epithelial cells. Platelet-activating factor also enhanced prostaglandin biosynthesis in these cells.  相似文献   

Z Naor  E Yavin 《Endocrinology》1982,111(5):1615-1619
Cultured ovarian granulosa cells from preantral and preovulatory follicles were incubated with [32P]Pi to label endogenous phospholipids. Labeled cells were then incubated with FSH, GnRH, or a GnRH agonist analog [D-Ala6]GnRH (GnRHa), cellular phospholipids were separated by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography, and the radioactivity was determined. Phosphatidylcholine was the major labeled phospholipid accounting for 64% of the total radioactivity. The remaining labeling was distributed among choline plasmalogen (8.4%), phosphatidylinositol (6.3%), lyso phosphatidylcholine (3.7%), phosphatidylethanolamine (3.4%), phosphatidic acid (1.75%), phosphatidylserine (1.65%), and cardiolipin (1.3%). GnRH and its agonist analog GnRHa, but not FSH, increased 32P incorporation into phospholipids by 2-fold. Analysis of the several phospholipids revealed that GnRHa (10(-7) M) increased 32P labeling of phosphatidylcholine and lyso phosphatidylcholine by 1.5- and 2.5-fold respectively, and that of phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol by 5- and 7-fold, respectively, during 60 min of incubation. The natural decapeptide GnRH was 30 times less potent than its agonist analog. Labeling of other phospholipids was not affected by GnRHa treatment, and FSH had no effect on 32P incorporation under similar conditions. The stimulatory effect of GnRHa was blocked by the potent GnRH antagonist [D-pGlu1,pClPhe2, D-Trp3,6]GnRH. The minimal stimulating dose of GnRHa was 10(-12) M, and increased phospholipid labeling could be detected after 10 min of incubation with the analog. These results indicate that phospholipids, in particular phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidic acid, might be involved in the mechanism by which GnRH exerts its gonadal effects.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have tested the effects of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) on FSH action toward aromatase activity and lactate production in cultured Sertoli cells isolated from immature porcine testes. Whereas treatment of Sertoli cells with FSH resulted in a dose-dependent increase (about 7-fold) in aromatase activity (conversion of testosterone into estradiol) (ED50 = 80 ng/ml FSH), the addition of TGF beta 1 reduced this gonadotropin action. The inhibitory effect of TGF beta 1 on FSH aromatase activity was dose dependent (ED50 = 0.1 ng/ml, 4 pM TGF beta 1) with a maximal decrease (about 40%) observed after a long term (48-h) treatment. TGF beta 1 exerted its inhibitory effect on FSH action at the level(s) of cAMP accumulation, exerting no apparent effect on the gonadotropin receptor or at a site(s) related to cAMP action. TGF beta 1 (2 ng/ml) significantly (P less than 0.002) reduced (52% decrease) FSH-stimulated cAMP levels in cultured porcine Sertoli cells. However, such an inhibitory effect of the growth factor was no longer observed when stimulation of cAMP accumulation with FSH occurred in the presence of methyl isobutyl xanthine (0.5 mM), an inhibitor of cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity. This observation suggests that TGF beta 1 decreased cAMP levels by increasing catabolism of the cyclic nucleotide through an enhancement of cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity. The inhibitory effect of TGF beta 1 was not limited to the action of FSH on aromatase activity but also extended to the gonadotropin action (mediated by cAMP) on lactate production. As for the inhibitory effect of TGF beta 1 on FSH-induced aromatase activity, the inhibitory effect of the growth factor on FSH-stimulated lactate production was dose and time dependent with a maximal decrease (about 30%) observed in the picomolar range (1 ng/ml, 40 pM) after 48 h treatment with TGF beta 1. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that TGF beta 1 attenuates FSH action on Sertoli cell activity and that such inhibitory action is potentially exerted through a decrease in cAMP levels. Because of the local production of TGF beta 1, it is suggested that the effects of the growth factor reported here might be exerted in the context of the testicular paracrine mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) on steroid production by cultures of human fetal adrenal cells was investigated. We found that CRH, at concentrations that have been reported to exist in human fetal serum, stimulated dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DS) and cortisol production by cultured fetal zone and neocortical zone cells. A dose-dependent increase in secretion of both steroids was noted, with the cortisol pathway being preferentially enhanced by CRH at high concentrations. Pretreatment of adrenal cells for 3 days made them more responsive to ACTH stimulation and such effects were dose-dependent also. Inclusion of the antagonist, alpha-helical CRH (9-41) blocked CRH-induced stimulation of DS and cortisol over a broad dose range and also interfered with the augmentation of cortisol secretion noted after ACTH in CRH treated cells. CRH had no effects on adrenal cell proliferation or total cell protein. These studies are suggestive that CRH, either of systemic origin or else produced within the adrenal itself, has the potential to be a modulator of adrenal steroid production in the human.  相似文献   

Metabolic pathways of estradiol-17 beta and other vertebrate steroid hormones of cultured silkworm pupal ovaries were examined using 14C-labeled steroids. The isolated ovaries showed significant uptake and metabolic activity of the 14C-labeled estradiol-17 beta added to the medium. Analysis of the metabolized compounds by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed extensive metabolic conversion of [14C]estradiol-17 beta and estrone; i.e., estrone was reduced to estradiol-17 beta and estradiol-17 beta was metabolized to conjugates, including estradiol-3-beta-D-glucoside and estradiol-17-alpha-D-glucoside. [14C]Testosterone was not transformed appreciably by the ovaries. Metabolic activity and physiological significance of the vertebrate steroid hormones in the silkworm ovaries are discussed.  相似文献   

This investigation addresses the potential regulation of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of steroid hormones during early stages of gonadal development by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Gonadal cells of 10-day-old chick embryo and cells of the left ovary of 18-day-old chick embryo were cultured for 60 h in a defined medium with or without the addition of FSH (2.0 IU/ml). At the end of the culture, cells were recovered and evaluated by biotransformation of tritiated steroid precursors and mRNA levels were evaluated by RT-PCR. The production of estrone from androstenedione was increased in the FSH-treated cells, both human FSH (hFSH) and recombinant human FSH (rhFSH), indicating a stimulatory effect on aromatase (P450arom). Similarly, the intensity of the band corresponding to P450arom mRNA was higher in hFSH and rhFSH than in control and chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) groups. The P450arom stimulation was observed in the ovary of 10- and 18-day-old chick embryo. The transformation of dehydroepiandrosterone to androstenedione was taken as evidence of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase function. This enzyme was stimulated in the cultured ovarian cells of 18-day-old chick embryos treated with hFSH and rhFSH compared with controls. The production of pregnenolone in the mitocondrial fraction of 18-day-old chick embryo ovary was increased when cultured with hFSH and rhFSH. This observation together with the increase in the band intensity corresponding to mRNA of P450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage indicates stimulation by FSH treatment; hCG produced a similar effect. Somatic cells of the medullary cords are proposed to be FSH target cells in the ovary of the chick embryo.  相似文献   

B G Louis  I B Fritz 《Endocrinology》1979,104(2):454-461
Dose-response curves were obtained for the production of androgen-binding protein (ABP) by Sertoli cells prepared from testes of 20-day-old rats and treated in culture with either FSH or testosterone (T). FSH stimulated ABP production by up to 3.5 times control levels. For NIH-FSH-S11, the ED50 was 3 ng/ml, and for highly purified ovine FSH, the ED50 was 0.066 ng/ml. Addition of T produced a stimulation of up to 3 times control levels; half-maximal response was obtained at a dose of 4 nM. The presence of small numbers of contaminating Leydig cells in some preparations resulted in production of endogenous T, especially when high doses of NIH-FSH, which contains some LH, were employed. A modified preparation method involving exposure of the cells to distilled water reduced the endogenous T production to low levels. In cultures of cells prepared in this way, addition of the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate at a concentration high enough to reduce fractional occupancy of androgen receptors by endogenous T to 0.014 or less had no effect on the stimulation by FSH of ABP production in the cultures. In contrast, cyproterone acetate inhibited stimulation by T of ABP production. We conclude that FSH and T act independently on Sertoli cells from immature rats to increase the secretion of ABP.  相似文献   

G R Slaughter  A R Means 《Endocrinology》1983,113(4):1476-1485
The potential role of glycogen phosphorylase in providing energy for the Sertoli cell-enriched testis has been investigated. This enzyme is detectable in testes from rats 6-54 days of age. Glycogen phosphorylase in isolated Sertoli cell-enriched testes is specifically stimulated by FSH. Maximal activation (2-fold) is obtained within 10 min after adding 0.5 micrograms FSH/ml to isolated immature testes (16 days old). There is only a 1.1-fold activation by FSH in testes from mature (34 days old) animals. The sensitivity to the gonadotropin can be restored by adding 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, with the FSH. Phosphorylase can be activated by effectors that mimic the actions of the two proposed mediators of FSH action, cAMP and Ca+2. Phosphorylase from testis of either age is maximally activated by an analog of cAMP, 8-bromo-cAMP. While phosphorylase is rapidly activated 1.4-fold by incubating isolated testis for 2 min with A23187, a Ca+2 ionophore, the age, time, and dose dependence of FSH activation are consistent with conversion mediated by cAMP. Phosphorylase was localized in cultured Sertoli cells by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Affinity-purified antiphosphorylase decorated cytoskeletal structures that resemble stress fibers, suggesting that phosphorylase may function in Sertoli cells to provide energy for cytoskeletal motility.  相似文献   

D C Wathes  P A Kendall  C Perks  D Brown 《Endocrinology》1992,130(2):1009-1016
Individual ovine follicles or corpora lutea (CL) were obtained at different stages of the estrous cycle to compare the pattern of oxytocin synthesis with time in vitro. Granulosa cells from follicles in the early follicular phase produced minimal amounts of oxytocin whereas output from preovulatory (post LH surge) follicles increased to a peak of 540 pg/10(4) cells.24 h on days 4-7 in vitro declining to 180 pg/10(4) cells.24 h by day 11. Production from day 1 CL was also high, peaking at 1639 pg/10(4) cells.24 h. In contrast the capacity for oxytocin synthesis by day 2 CL had already declined, with peak output reaching only 185 pg/10(4) cells.24 h on days 3-4. Day 9 CL produced small amounts of oxytocin (50 pg/10(4) cells in the first 24 h) followed by a low output thereafter. The effect of estradiol-17 beta (E2 beta) on oxytocin synthesis was examined. The results were dependent on the stage of the cycle at which the cells were obtained. Oxytocin production was significantly stimulated in three and inhibited in four out of nine preovulatory follicles by the addition of 50 or 500 ng/ml E2 beta, whereas in days 1 and 2 CL E2 beta consistently inhibited oxytocin synthesis and in day 9 CL no response was found. These data indicate that the ovarian capacity to synthesize oxytocin varies markedly at different stages of the cycle, and that cells obtained close to ovulation do not experience the rapid down-regulation in oxytocin synthesis which occurs in vivo in the early luteal phase. E2 beta may switch from having a stimulatory to an inhibitory action on oxytocin synthesis shortly before ovulation.  相似文献   

Declining estrogen production after menopause causes osteoporosis in which the resorption of bone exceeds the increase in bone formation. We recently found that mice deficient in the beta-subunit of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSHbeta) are protected from bone loss despite severe estrogen deficiency. Here we show that FSHbeta-deficient mice have lowered TNFalpha levels. However, TNFalpha-deficient mice are resistant to hypogonadal bone loss despite having elevated FSH, suggesting that TNFalpha is critical to the effect of FSH on bone mass. We find that FSH directly stimulates TNFalpha production from bone marrow granulocytes and macrophages. We also explore how TNFalpha up-regulation induces bone loss. By modeling the known actions of TNFalpha, we attribute the high-turnover bone loss to an expanded osteoclast precursor pool, together with enhanced osteoblast formation. TNFalpha inhibits osteoblastogenesis in the presence of ascorbic acid in culture medium, but in its absence this effect becomes stimulatory; thus, ascorbic acid reverses the true action of TNFalpha. Likewise, ascorbic acid blunts the effects of TNFalpha in stimulating osteoclast formation. We propose that hypogonadal bone loss is caused, at least in part, by enhanced FSH secretion, which in turn increases TNFalpha production to expand the number of bone marrow osteoclast precursors. Ascorbic acid may prevent FSH-induced hypogonadal bone loss by modulating the catabolic actions of TNFalpha.  相似文献   

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