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The results of previous studies indicate that oxygen-derived free radicals are responsible for the increased vascular permeability produced by 1 h of intestinal ischemia. The aims of this study were 1) to test the hypothesis that the enzyme xanthine oxidase is the source of oxygen radicals in the ischemic bowel and 2) to assess the role of the hydroxyl radical in the ischemia-induced vascular injury. The capillary osmotic reflection coefficient was estimated from lymphatic protein flux data in the cat ileum for the following conditions: ischemia, ischemia plus pretreatment with allopurinol (a xanthine oxidase inhibitor), and ischemia plus pretreatment with dimethyl sulfoxide (a hydroxyl radical scavenger). The increased vascular permeability produced by ischemia was largely prevented by pretreatment with either allopurinol or dimethyl sulfoxide. These findings support the hypothesis that xanthine oxidase is the source of oxygen radicals produced during ischemia. The results also indicate that hydroxyl radicals, derived from the superoxide anion, are primarily responsible for the vascular injury associated with intestinal ischemia.  相似文献   

Using an experimental model of pancreatitis in the rat, the role of trypsin and elastase in mediating lung vascular injury in this condition was examined. The induction of pancreatitis by injection of sodium cholate in the pancreas resulted in a significant decrease in serum trypsin inhibitory capacity, and in a complete saturation of serum elastase inhibitory capacity matched by the appearance of endothelial injury of pulmonary capillaries and edema formation. The complete lack of serum elastase inhibitory capacity was associated with the presence of elastase activity in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids. The pretreatment of animals with N-furoyl saccharin (a potent inhibitor of many serine proteinases) prevented lung capillary injury and the imbalance of serum proteinase-anti-proteinase activities as well as the appearance of any elastolytic activity in serum and BAL fluids. These findings which clearly demonstrate the protease dependence of the pulmonary vascular injury in our experimental model, strongly suggested a major role for elastase(s). The suppression, in the experimental model, of the serum elastase inhibitory capacity by using chloramine-T resulted in an earlier onset of lung vascular damage, a marked worsening of pulmonary lesions, and an increase of elastolytic levels in serum and BAL fluids. Furthermore the physical properties of the protein molecule with enzyme activity detected in BAL fluids were consistent with those of rat pancreatic elastase. The reported data strongly support the hypothesis that pancreatic elastase plays a major role in the development of pulmonary vascular injury after acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Hydroxyl radical scavengers and xanthine oxidase inhibitors protect cultured bovine pulmonary endothelial cells (BPAEC) from lytic injury by the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We hypothesized that exposure of BPAEC to cytotoxic concentrations of LPS activated intracellular xanthine oxidase, and that intracellular iron-dependent hydroxyl radical formation (a Fenton reaction) ensued, resulting in cell lysis. To test this, the protective effects of deferoxamine against H2O2 and LPS-induced cytotoxicity to BPAEC was assessed by 51Cr release. Preincubation with 0.4 mM deferoxamine conferred 67 +/- 15% (mean +/- SE) protection from LPS-induced cytotoxicity but 48 h of preincubation were required to induce significant protection. Significant protection form a classical Fenton reaction model, injury by 50 microM H2O2, could be induced by a 1-h preincubation with a 0.4 mM deferoxamine. The dissociated time course suggested that deferoxamine might work by different mechanisms in these models. The effects of LPS and deferoxamine on BPAEC-associated xanthine oxidase (XO) and xanthine dehydrogenase (XD) activity were assessed using a spectrofluorophotometric measurement of the conversion of pterin to isoxanthopterin. BPAEC had 106 +/- 7 microU/mg XD+XO activity; XO activity constituted 48 +/- 1% of total XO+XD activity. LPS at a cytotoxic concentration did not alter XO, XD, or percent XO. Deferoxamine had striking proportional inhibitory effects on XO and XD in intact cells. XO+XD activity fell to 6 +/- 1% of control levels during a 48-h exposure of BPAEC to deferoxamine. Deferoxamine did not inhibit XO+XD ex vivo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recently, point mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) have been shown to lead to a subset of autosomal dominantly inherited familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). These findings have led to the hypothesis that defects in oxygen radical metabolism may be involved in the pathogenesis of ALS. Therefore, we decided to analyze other enzymes involved in oxygen radical metabolism for possible involvement in other forms of ALS. We report here analysis of two genes encoding the molybdenum hydroxylases aldehyde oxidase (AO) and xanthine dehydrogenase/ oxidase (XDH) for involvement in ALS. Of particular interest, one gene identified as encoding aldehyde oxidase is shown to map to 2q33, a region recently shown to contain a gene responsible for a familial form of ALS with autosomal recessive inheritance (FALS-AR). The AO gene appears to be located within 280,000 bp of simple sequence repeat marker D2S116, which shows no recombination with the FALS-AR locus. The AO gene is highly expressed in glial cells of human spinal cord. In addition, we mapped a gene for XDH to 2p22, a region previously shown to contain a highly homologous but different form of XDH. Neither of these XDH genes appears to be highly expressed in human spinal cord. This evidence suggests that AO may be a candidate gene for FALS-AR.  相似文献   

The addition of either d- or l-amino acids fails to increase hexose monophosphate shunt activity of resting or phagocytizing neutrophils. This is presumptive evidence against a major role for amino acid oxidase in the bactericidal activity of the cell.  相似文献   

We evaluated effluent blood from extremities of human patients undergoing reconstructive surgical treatment, which is routinely accompanied by upper-extremity exsanguination and application of a tourniquet, resulting in total interruption of arterial blood flow to one upper extremity. After tourniquet release (reperfusion), there were immediate increases in the plasma levels of xanthine oxidase activity, uric acid, and histamine in the ipsilateral limb and much smaller increases, if any, in levels of the same materials in plasma obtained from the contralateral extremity. There was no detectable xanthine dehydrogenase activity in plasma from either limb. Plasma also contained evidence of products consistent with the formation of oxygen-derived free radicals, namely, the appearance predominantly in the reperfused limb of hemoglobin and fluorescent compounds. These data indicate for the first time in humans that ischemia-reperfusion events are associated with the appearance of xanthine oxidase activity and its products in the plasma effluent.  相似文献   

In this study, the hypouricemic efficacy of a novel xanthine oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase inhibitor, TEI-6720, was compared with that of allopurinol in a hyperuricemic rat model established by feeding the animals oxonate, a uricase inhibitor. In addition, using normal rats, the changes in xanthine concentration in plasma and the concentrations and absolute quantities of uric acid, allantoin and xanthine in urine were analyzed during a 28-day period of repeated administration of TEI-6720 to determine the changes occurring during this period and the conditions required for the formation of xanthine crystals and calculi in comparison with allopurinol. TEI-6720 and allopurinol caused a significant dose-dependent decrease in plasma uric acid levels in the hyperuricemic rat model and the ED50 of TEI-6720 was lower than that of allopurinol, indicating that in terms of hypouricemic efficacy TEI-6720 is more potent than allopurinol. TEI-6720 also showed more potent activity than allopurinol in decreasing urinary uric acid and allantoin levels in normal rats. In addition, TEI-6720 and allopurinol showed similar dose-response curves for the decrease in uric acid or allantoin concentration, and the associated increase in xanthine concentration, indicating that TEI-6720 and allopurinol have similar pharmacological characteristics although the dosage required differs. The efficacy of TEI-6720 in increasing plasma and urinary xanthine levels in normal rats was approximately 10- to 30-fold greater than that of allopurinol. However, with respect to renal xanthine calculus formation, there was only about a 3-fold difference in dosage comparing TEI-6720 and allopurinol. This difference suggests that there may be another factor independent of xanthine, and dependent on the drug itself, involved in renal calculus formation caused by allopurinol. The daily excretion of purine metabolites per body weight was about 20-fold higher in rats than in humans. From these results, it is concluded that TEI-6720 has potent hypouricemic activity and that, compared to allopurinol, administration of TEI-6720 is not likely to result in a higher incidence of calculus formation.  相似文献   

An elevated vascular superoxide anion formation has been implicated in the initiation and progression of hypertension and atherosclerosis. In this review, we would like to discuss the generation of superoxide anions by an NADPH oxidase complex in vascular cells. Special focus is on the induction of endothelial NADPH oxidase by proatherosclerotic stimuli. We propose a proatherosclerotic vicious cycle of increased NADPH oxidase-dependent superoxide anion formation, augmented generation and uptake of oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein, and further potentiation of oxidative stress by oxidized low-density lipoprotein itself, angiotensin II, and endothelin-1 in endothelial cells. Furthermore, novel homologues of NADPH oxidase subunit gp91(phox) are summarized. Future directions of research for a better understanding of the role of NADPH oxidase in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Role of xanthine oxidase in thermal injury of skin.   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
These studies were designed to assess pathophysiologic factors responsible for increased vascular permeability occurring in rat skin that has been thermally injured in vivo. Under the conditions employed, permeability changes and edema formation progressed over time, with peak changes occurring 60 minutes after thermal trauma. The plasma of thermally injured rats showed dramatic increases in levels of xanthine oxidase activity, with peak values appearing as early as 15 minutes after thermal trauma. Excision of the burned skin immediately after thermal injury significantly diminished the increase in plasma xanthine oxidase activity. The skin permeability changes were attenuated by treatment of animals with antioxidants (catalase, superoxide dismutase [SOD], dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO], dimethylthiourea [DMTU]) or an iron chelator (deferoxamine), supporting the role of oxygen radicals in the development of vascular injury as defined by greatly increased vascular permeability. Studies employing laser Doppler velocimetry in thermally injured skin revealed a pronounced and sustained decrease in blood flow after thermal trauma, a pattern not affected by protective interventions. The failure of neutrophil depletion to protect against the vascular permeability changes and the protective effects of the xanthine oxidase inhibitors (allopurinol and lodoxamide tromethamine) suggest that xanthine oxidase is the most likely source of the oxygen radicals involved in edema formation. Lodoxamide was found to have some hydroxyl radical (HO.) scavenging ability (greater than that of allopurinol) but no iron chelating activity. Some of the protective effects of lodoxamide and allopurinol may be linked to their HO. scavenging ability. These data suggest that, in this model of thermal trauma, vascular injury defined by increased vascular permeability is, in part, related to the activation of xanthine oxidase and the generation of toxic oxygen metabolites that damage microvascular endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of subendothelial matrix-bound fibronectin by proteases released from stimulated leukocytes has been implicated in lung vascular injury. We studied the degradation of fibronectin bound to denatured collagen by inflammatory polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL). Tissue culture wells coated with denatured collagen (gelatin) were pretreated with 125I rat plasma fibronectin to allow for fibronectin binding prior to the addition of rat inflammatory PMNL. The release of both intact and fragmented fibronectin from the 125I-labelled artificial matrix was quantified following the addition of PMNL stimulated by the phagocytosis of opsonized zymosan as well as leukocyte elastase. Stimulated PMNL released three times more radiolabelled fibronectin from the denatured collagen surface during a 4 h incubation as compared with unstimulated PMNL. This pattern of 125I-fibronectin release could also be elicited by the addition of purified leukocyte elastase alone, in the absence of PMNL. The release of radiolabelled fibronectin by stimulated PMNL was blocked in a dose-dependent manner by the addition of both methoxysuccinyl-alanine-alanine-valine chloromethyl ketone (AAPVCK), a leukocyte elastase specific inhibitor as well as phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF), a non-specific serine protease inhibitor. Western blot analysis coupled with autoradiography confirmed the presence of fibronectin fragments in the medium after addition of PMNL or leukocyte elastase. The large molecular weight fragments (60-200 kD) were not labelled, but the smaller molecular weight fragments (less than 45 kD), derived from the artificial matrix, were labelled. Thus, fibronectin complexed with denatured collagen is susceptible to proteolytic degradation by stimulated inflammatory PMNL. Such a process may have a role in the pathogenesis of acute vascular injury following microvascular margination of activated blood leukocytes.  相似文献   

A role for DNA in anti-DNA antibodies binding to endothelial cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Vascular injury and microvascular thrombosis are prominent features of systemic lupus erythematosus, as are circulating DNA-binding antibodies (DNAb). Experimental glomerulonephritis can be induced by anti-endothelial cell antibodies, and polyreactive DNAb might be pathogenetic by binding to endothelial cells, perhaps influencing their non-thrombogenic nature. To test this hypothesis, eight monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that bind to DNA derived from (NZB x NZW)F1 or MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice, were tested for their ability to bind to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Binding was assessed using flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and cellular ELISA. Three of the eight mAb, at concentrations employed in this study, bound to HUVEC and dermal fibroblasts. Of these three mAb, one bound also to platelets. Two of the three demonstrated strong binding to (1) freshly isolated, collagenase-digested HUVEC, (2) 2nd passage HUVEC in suspension after trypsinization and, (3) 2nd passage HUVEC growing on plastic plates. To determine whether DNA itself acted as a ligand in this binding, prior treatment with DNAase was studied. Treatment of the endothelial cells with DNAase had no effect on the binding of one mAb, but DNAase treatment of this monoclonal itself resulted in a 60% reduction in binding to HUVEC, suggesting that the binding might be mediated through DNA in the form of a DNA/anti-DNA immune complex. In contrast, DNAase digestion of the endothelial cells caused a 40% reduction in the binding of the other two monoclonal antibodies. Furthermore, one of the two mAb bound 30% more to HUVEC after themselves being subjected to DNAase treatment. These two monoclonals may therefore be binding directly to HUVEC, possibly to DNA associated with the membrane. Prior DNAase digestion of dermal fibroblasts had a more profound effect on the binding of all three autoantibodies compared to HUVEC after similar treatment. Therefore, DNA can bind independently to either antibody or cell, thus supporting build up of complexes and capture of preformed complexes. Functionally, the binding of mAb to HUVEC did not influence thrombin-induced prostacyclin synthesis, in contrast to a control monoclonal anti-endothelial cell antibody EN4, which did.  相似文献   

The role of vascular endothelial cells in transplantation.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The interface between an allograft and the recipient's immune system is the endothelium of the allograft vasculature. In this boundary position, endothelial cells may play important roles in the afferent and efferent phases of allograft rejection, in the response of the allograft to pretransplant perfusion and to drug therapy, and in the response to viral infection of the host. The expression by endothelial cells of granule membrane protein-140 (GMP-140) and endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1), increased tissue factor activity, increased secretion of plasminogen activator inhibitor, and decreased thrombomodulin may all contribute to hyperacute rejection. Similarly, endothelial cells may actively participate in acute cellular rejection and in the development of transplant-associated arteriopathy as a result of induction of antigen-presenting function (ie, HLA class II expression), upregulation of adhesion molecules for lymphocytes and monocytes, and release of platelet-derived growth factors. Endothelial cell functions, which are important for normal inflammatory responses and vessel behavior, may be pathogenic in the allograft.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of vasculitis associated with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies is not established. The anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody autoanigens proteinase 3 (PR3) and elastase induce detachment and cytolysis of endothelial cells in vitro. We investigated whether PR3 and elastase trigger endothelial cell apoptosis. Primary bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells were treated with either PR3, elastase, or myeloperoxidase (MPO) and apoptosis assessed by four different methods. By the cell death detection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, DNA fragmentation increased to 208 +/- 84% or 153 +/- 27% of control with 1 micrograms/ml PR3 or elastase at 24 hours. By ultraviolet light microscopy, the percentage of apoptotic cells significantly increased (P < 0.05) with 5 or 10 micrograms/ml PR3 and 25 or 50 micrograms/ml elastase at 6, 12, or 24 hours. Values at the 24-hour time point are 15.3 +/- 6.4% or 25.8 +/- 6.6% for 5 or 10 micrograms/ml PR3 and 13.9 +/- 3.6% or 20.7 +/- 1.8% for 25 or 50 micrograms/ml elastase compared with 2.2 +/- 1.2% for control. Similarly, with flow cytometry, 5 or 10 micrograms/ml PR3 and 25 or 50 micrograms/ml elastase for 6, 12, or 24 hours demonstrated increasing apoptosis in a dose- and time-dependent manner with the highest values achieved at 24 hours (23.4 +/- 4.0% and 35.6% for 5 and 10 micrograms/ml PR3 and 31.8 +/- 4.0% and 47.8% for 25 and 50 micrograms/ml elastase compared with 7.9 +/- 2.2% in control). Typical DNA laddering was apparent from 6 to 24 hours at 5 or 10 micrograms/ml PR3 and 25 or 50 micrograms/ml elastase. Myeloperoxidase did not induce cell apoptosis. Release of PR3 and elastase by activated neutrophils during acute inflammation, including anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis, may result in vascular damage by endothelial cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether agents that either scavenge or inhibit the production of oxygen radicals can alter the adhesive interactions between leukocytes and venular endothelium elicited by ischemia-reperfusion. Cat mesenteric and intestinal blood flows were reduced to 20% of baseline for 1 hr, followed by 1 hr of reperfusion. Sixty minutes after reperfusion, red blood cell velocity (Vr), leukocyte rolling velocity (Vw), and the number of adherent leukocytes were measured in mesenteric venules. Then, either manganese-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), catalase, desferrioxamine, or oxypurinol was administered intravascularly. Ten minutes later, repeat measurements were obtained and compared with pretreatment values. Catalase, Mn-SOD, and oxypurinol significantly attenuated neutrophil adherence while neither inactivated-catalase nor desferrioxamine altered the reperfusion-induced leukocyte adhesion. The ratio of Vw to erythrocyte velocity, an index of the fracture stress between rolling leukocytes and venular endothelium, was not altered by any of the agents studied. These results and data in the literature indicate that many of the agents that are commonly used to either scavenge or inhibit the production of oxygen radicals in postischemic tissues exert a significant inhibitory influence on leukocyte adhesion to microvascular endothelium in vivo. Our results are also consistent with the view that xanthine oxidase-derived oxidants contribute to the leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesive interactions associated with reperfusion of ischemic tissues.  相似文献   

Escape from the intravascular compartment is likely a critical step in the development of hematogenously disseminated cryptococcal infections, such as meningitis. The capsule of Cryptococcus neoformans is considered to be a virulence factor because of its antiphagocytic properties. To further investigate the role of the capsule in escape from the intravascular compartment, we used isogenic strain pairs, an acapsular mutant, and an encapsulated clinical isolate to determine the effects of the capsule of C. neoformans on adherence to, phagocytosis by, and damage of endothelial cells in vitro. Acapsular C. neoformans adhered significantly more to endothelial cells and caused greater endothelial cell injury than did encapsulated organisms. Coating of an acapsular strain with cryptococcal glucuronoxylomannan decreased both adherence to and damage of endothelial cells by 61.7% +/- 9.1% and 76.6% +/- 10.2%, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated internalization of acapsular, but not encapsulated, organisms by endothelial cells. Internalization of an acapsular strain occurred through endothelial cell phagocytosis and was inhibited by cytochalasin D. Phagocytosis required a heat-labile serum factor, probably complement. These results suggest that acapsular or poorly encapsulated C. neoformans may be the form(s) that escapes from the vasculature during initiation of hematogenously disseminated disease.  相似文献   

The transferrin receptor (TfR) was recently proposed as putative natural killer (NK) cell target structure. Here data are presented against this hypothesis and it is shown that low TfR expression and high NK sensitivity can occur concommitantly . K562 cells were studied at various stages of cell proliferation. No change in NK sensitivity could be observed between exponential growth and the plateau phase, whereas TfR expression completely disappeared during the latter. Protein synthesis inhibitors such as cycloheximide (1 microgram/ml, 48 h) and actinomycin D (50 micrograms/ml, 48 h), that abolished the TfR expression at the K562 cell surface, had no effect on NK sensitivity. Similarly, hemin induction (0.1 mM, 5 days) did not change NK susceptibility of K562 cells but considerably diminished TfR expression. Moreover, attempts to block NK sensitivity with anti-TfR monoclonal antibodies were unsuccessful, even when the 42.6 antibody, which is known to bind to the active site of TfR, was used. Finally, no blocking of NK sensitivity could be achieved when K562 cells were preincubated with saturating concentrations of transferrin or when transferrin was added during the NK assay. It therefore seems doubtful that TfR is the unique target structure for NK cells. It remains possible that TfR and NK target structures are often coexpressed on actively dividing cells.  相似文献   

Serial studies of circulating immune complexes, serum complement, proteinuria and renal histology and immunofluorescence have been undertaken in infective endocarditis glomerulonephritis in rabbits. Eighteen of 24 rabbits developed evidence of glomerulonephritis and 13 of 18 had circulating immune complexes. Gel filtration studies showed the immune complexes to have a size range of ca 4.10(6)--3.10(5) daltons. Direct immunofluorescence staining of glomeruli showed that IgM was the predominant immunoglobulin present and that antiglobulin activity was associated with IgM deposition. Intraglomerular localization of antiglobulin was closely associated with evidence of glomerulonephritis. Streptococcal antigen(s) were not demonstrable in glomeruli, even after acid elution of sections.  相似文献   

Summary A case of combined deficiency of sulphite-oxidase and xanthine-oxidase with a defect of the molybdenum cofactor, which is vital to the activity of sulphite-, xanthine- and aldehyde-oxidase, is reported here. Seven cases of combined deficiencies have been described with regard to both clinical and laboratory findings. The clinical, laboratory and anatomo-pathological features and, in particular, the central nervous system lesions of the present case correspond exactly to those in the case described Rosenblum in which an isolated deficiency in sulphiteoxidase was present.As the cerebral alterations in the present case are comparable to those described in Rosenblum's case, they probably result from the defect in sulphite-oxidase acitivity.  相似文献   

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