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I study the impact of expanding the 340B Drug Pricing Program to include Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) on Medicare Part B drug utilization and spending. The 340B program entitles certain hospitals and clinics to discounts on most outpatient drugs. In 2010, the Affordable Care Act expanded 340B eligibility to CAHs — small rural hospitals that receive cost-based reimbursement from Medicare. Exploiting variation in the predicted exposure to the 340B expansion in a difference-in-differences method, I find that the 340B expansion reduced Part B drug spending but did not affect Part B drug utilization. This finding contrasts with existing evidence about 340B’s impact on hospitals but is consistent with the prediction that cost-based reimbursement dampens the incentives created by the 340B discounts. I also find suggestive evidence that CAHs passed the cost savings from 340B on to patients. These results add new perspectives to the ongoing debate over 340B.  相似文献   

A 1997 federal law created a new type of rural hospital called the Critical Access Hospital (CAH). Having CAH designation allows a facility to receive cost-based reimbursement from Medicare in exchange for providing services such as emergency care and limiting the number of beds and the average length of stay. Minnesota has 79 CAHs. This article describes how having the designation has allowed these facilities to better meet the needs of the populations they serve. It also describes the challenges all CAHs face in light of federal budget constraints and health care reform.  相似文献   

This article examines rural hospitals that potentially qualify as critical access hospitals (CAH) and identifies facilities at substantial financial risk as a result of Medicare's expansion of prospective payment systems (PPS) to nonacute settings. Using Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) cost reports from the federal year ending Sept. 30, 1996, combined with county-level sociodemographic data from the Area Resource File (ARF), characteristics of potential CAHs were identified and their finances analyzed to determine whether they could benefit from the cost-based reimbursement rules applicable to CAH status. Rural hospitals were identified as potential CAHs if they met a combination of federal and state criteria for necessary providers. Rural facilities were classified as "at risk" if they had poor financial ratios in conjunction with high levels of dependence on outpatient, home-care or skilled nursing services. Almost 30 percent of all rural hospitals were identified as potential CAHs. Ninety percent of potential CAH facilities were identified as "at risk" by at least one of five possible risk criteria, and one-third were identified by at least three. Of those classified "at risk," 48 percent might not benefit from conversion to CAH because their inpatient Medicare reimbursement would likely be less under CAH payment rules than under their current PPS payment rules. Many potential CAHs were doing well under inpatient PPS because they were sole community hospitals (SCH) and were therefore eligible for special adjustments to the PPS rates. The Rural Hospital Flexibility Act would be more beneficial to the population of isolated rural hospitals if those eligible for both CAH and SCH status were given the option of retaining their SCH inpatient payment arrangements while still qualifying for outpatient cost-based reimbursement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Context: Critical access hospitals (CAHs) face many challenges in implementing quality improvement (QI) initiatives, which include limited resources, low volume of patients, small staffs, and inadequate information technology. A primary goal of the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program is to improve the quality of care provided by CAHs. Purpose: This article describes key quality improvement initiatives for a national sample of CAHs that are actively involved in implementing quality-related initiatives in collaboration with support hospitals and statewide organizations. Methods: Researchers conducted a national telephone survey of 72 CAHs and 2 in-depth case studies of CAHs. Findings: The survey and case studies demonstrate that many CAHs are successfully implementing QI activities, including patient safety initiatives, improvements in overall QI processes and peer review processes, and implementation of QI projects focused on treatment of 1 or more specific diseases. The CAHs are involved with multiple external organizations in these activities. The administrators of the 2 case study CAHs have made QI a priority for their hospitals; ensured that resources are available for QI activities; and worked with their support hospitals, statewide organizations, and other CAHs to develop and implement rural-relevant QI initiatives. Conclusions: Cost-based Medicare reimbursement has been a key factor in the ability of CAHs to fund additional staff, staff training, and equipment to improve patient care. The commitment of hospital leaders and key staff is a crucial factor in moving QI initiatives forward in CAHs.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: There is a growing recognition of the need to measure and report hospital financial performance. However, there exists little comparative financial indicator data specifically for critical access hospitals (CAHs). CAHs differ from other hospitals on a number of dimensions that might affect appropriate indicators of performance, including differences in Medicare reimbursement, limits on bed size and average length of stay, and relaxed staffing rules. PURPOSE: To develop comparative financial indicators specifically designed for CAHs using Medicare cost report data. METHODS: A technical advisory group of individuals with extensive experience in rural hospital finance and operations provided advice to a research team from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Twenty indicators deemed appropriate for assessment of CAH financial condition were chosen and formulas determined. Issues 1 and 2 of the CAH Financial Indicators Report were mailed to the chief executive officers of 853 CAHs in the summer of 2004 and 1,092 CAHs in the summer of 2005, respectively. Each report included indicator values specifically for their CAH, indicator medians for peer groups, and an evaluation form. FINDINGS: Chief executive officers found the indicators to be useful and the underlying formulas to be appropriate. The multiple years of data provide snapshots of the industry as a whole, rather than trend data for a constant set of hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: The CAH Financial Indicators Report is a useful first step toward comparative financial indicators for CAHs.  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1999, rural designated hospitals closed at a disproportionally high rate. In response to this emergent threat to healthcare access in rural settings, the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 made provisions for the creation of a new rural hospital--the critical access hospital (CAH). The conversion to CAH and the associated cost-based reimbursement scheme significantly slowed the closure rate of rural hospitals. This work investigates which methods can ensure the long-term viability of small hospitals. This article uses a two-step design to focus on a hypothesized relationship between technical efficiency of CAHs and a recently developed set of financial monitors for these entities. The goal is to identify the financial performance measures associated with efficiency. The first step uses data envelopment analysis (DEA) to differentiate efficient from inefficient facilities within a data set of 183 CAHs. Determining DEA efficiency is an a priori categorization of hospitals in the data set as efficient or inefficient. In the second step, DEA efficiency is the categorical dependent variable (efficient = 0, inefficient = 1) in the subsequent binary logistic regression (LR) model. A set of six financial monitors selected from the array of 20 measures were the LR independent variables. We use a binary LR to test the null hypothesis that recently developed CAH financial indicators had no predictive value for categorizing a CAH as efficient or inefficient, (i.e., there is no relationship between DEA efficiency and fiscal performance).  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) on the supply of subacute care services by nursing homes. A quasi-experimental interrupted time-series design using Heckman's two-stage regression model is employed to test for changes before and after the implementation of Medicare PPS. Our findings suggest that the change in Medicare reimbursement from cost-based to PPS under the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 resulted in a decrease of 1.7 percent in the supply of subacute care beds by nursing homes. However, this was a one-time, short-term negative effect. The supply of nursing home subacute care remained stable in the long-term. Other environmental factors, such as Medicare hospital discharges, hospital-based subacute care, Medicare managed care penetration, availability of home health, and per capita income were associated with nursing home subacute care supply. Organizational-level factors, such as occupancy rate, RN staff mix, and Medicare payer mix were also predictors of nursing home subacute care supply.  相似文献   

Medicare's hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) went live on August 1, 2000, after a decade of developmental work. The new system introduced a fee schedule that replaced the cost-related methods that Medicare previously used to reimburse various hospital outpatient services. Hospitals are now paid predetermined rates or fees based on the Ambulatory Patient Classification (APC) groups assigned to the services that Medicare patients receive during outpatient encounters. The new system aims to simplify Medicare's intricate cost-based reimbursement policies, improve hospital efficiency, ensure that payments are sufficient to compensate hospitals for reasonable Medicare costs, and reduce Medicare coinsurance amounts for beneficiaries. Implementation of OPPS-related administrative and operational changes has been a major challenge for hospitals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Context: The Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of 1997 allowed some rural hospitals meeting certain requirements to convert to Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and changed their Medicare reimbursement from prospective to cost-based. Some subsequent CAH-related laws reduced restrictions and increased payments, and the number of CAHs grew rapidly. Purpose: To examine factors related to hospitals' decisions to convert and time to CAH conversion. Methods: Eighty-nine rural hospitals in Iowa were characterized and observed from 1998 to 2005. Cox proportional hazards models were used to identify the determinants of time to CAH conversion. Findings: T-test and one-covariate Cox regression indicated that, in 1998, Iowa rural hospitals with more staffed beds, discharges, and acute inpatient days, higher operating margin, lower skilled swing bed days relative to acute days, and located in relatively high density counties were more likely to convert later or not convert before 2006. Multiple Cox regression with baseline covariates indicated that lower number of discharges and average length of stay (ALOS) were significant after controlling all other covariates. Conclusion: Iowa rural hospitals' decisions regarding CAH conversion were influenced by hospital size, financial condition, skilled swing bed days relative to acute days, length of stay, proportion of Medicare acute days, and geographic factors. Although financial concerns are often cited in surveys as the main reason for conversion, lower number of discharges and ALOS are the most prominent factors affecting rural hospitals' decision on when to convert.  相似文献   

Purpose: To compare the financial performance of rural hospitals with Medicare payment provisions to those paid under prospective payment and to estimate the financial consequences of elimination of the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) program. Methods: Financial data for 2004‐2010 were collected from the Healthcare Cost Reporting Information System (HCRIS) for rural hospitals. HCRIS data were used to calculate measures of the profitability, liquidity, capital structure, and financial strength of rural hospitals. Linear mixed models accounted for the method of Medicare reimbursement, time trends, hospital, and market characteristics. Simulations were used to estimate profitability of CAHs if they reverted to prospective payment. Findings: CAHs generally had lower unadjusted financial performance than other types of rural hospitals, but after adjustment for hospital characteristics, CAHs had generally higher financial performance. Conclusions: Special payment provisions by Medicare to rural hospitals are important determinants of financial performance. In particular, the financial condition of CAHs would be worse if they were paid under prospective payment.  相似文献   

Hospital cost accounting: who's doing what and why   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The movement away from cost-based reimbursement by Medicare and other third party payers has prompted an increasing number of hospitals to implement more advanced costing techniques in their operations. Findings from a recent survey of hospital executives regarding cost accounting methods shed light on the extent of this trend.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of an alternative method of paying home health agencies for services to Medicare beneficiaries, based on a demonstration program. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Primary and secondary data collected on participating home health agencies in five states and their patients during the three-year demonstration period. Primary data included patient surveys at discharge and six months later, and two rounds of interviews with executive staff of the agencies. Secondary data included agencies' Medicare cost reports, quality assurance reviews, Medicare claims data, demonstration claims data, demonstration patient intake forms, and plan of treatment forms. STUDY DESIGN: The 47 agencies volunteering to participate in the demonstration were each randomly assigned to the treatment or control group. Treatment group agencies were paid a predetermined rate based on their inflation-adjusted cost per visit during the year preceding the demonstration; control group agencies were paid under Medicare's conventional cost reimbursement method. Demonstration impacts were estimated by comparing outcomes for the two groups of agencies and their respective patients, using regression models to control for any remaining differences. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Agencies paid under prospective rate setting were slightly better at holding per-visit cost increases below inflation than were control group agencies. The change in payment method had no effect on agencies' volume of Medicare visits or quality of care, nor on patients' use of Medicare services or other formal or informal care services. CONCLUSION: Changing from cost-based reimbursement to predetermined payment rates for Medicare home healthcare visits would not lead to large savings for the Medicare program, but would not increase costs to Medicare or adversely affect patients or their caregivers.  相似文献   

Medicare's cost-based reimbursement method for skilled nursing facility care has been replaced with a prospective payment system that includes a case-mix adjustment based on resource utilization groups. The changeover will reduce Medicare payments for most skilled nursing facilities. The financial risk of operating these facilities will be far greater if state Medicaid programs that reimburse nursing facilities on a cost basis follow Medicare's lead.  相似文献   

The production of health care services has the unique feature that physicians do not face explicit costs for hospital inputs. This paper develops models of the production process given alternative hospital and medical staff relationships, and analyzes the impact of the change in hospital reimbursement under Medicare from a cost-based system to the Prospective Payment System (PPS). A basic theoretical result finds that the switch to PPS forces physicians to alter their input mix, changing both physician and hospital income. The effects of the introduction of PPS on hospital inputs, physician income, and hours of work are empirically examined.  相似文献   

Hospitals were the first providers to experience the change in Medicare reimbursement from a cost basis to the prospective payment system (PPS). In the 1980s, this switch was accomplished through the development of diagnosis-related groups, a unique formula for Medicare reimbursement of inpatient hospital services. During that time, the concern was that, with the anticipated reduced payments to hospitals, adverse impacts on Medicare beneficiaries were likely, including premature release of patients from hospital care resulting in medical complications, increased readmissions, prolonged episodes of recuperation, and preventable mortality. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) mandated the implementation of the PPS for Medicare providers of skilled nursing home care and home health care. This change from cost-based reimbursement to PPS raised concerns that these providers would react as hospitals had done-that is, skilled nursing homes might limit their admission of Medicare patients and home health agencies might cut back on visits. As a result of that, hospitals might be faced with providing care for these post-acute patients without receiving additional reimbursement, and these changes in utilization patterns would be of critical importance to both providers and Medicare beneficiaries. This article examines the decisions that providers made in response to the perceived impact of the BBA. Qualitative data were derived from provider interviews. The article concludes with a discussion of how changes in Medicare reimbursement policy have influenced providers of post-acute care services to alter their level of participation in Medicare and the impact this may have on the general public as well as on Medicare beneficiaries.  相似文献   

Effective in 2000, Medicare's Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) sets pre-determined reimbursement rates for hospital outpatient services, replacing the prior cost-based methods of reimbursement. Using Florida outpatient discharge data, we study the effect of OPPS on hospital outpatient volume. We find that on average Medicare rate cuts either decreased or had no significant effect on Medicare volume, but increased private fee-for-service (FFS) volume. We also find that responses vary with the hospital's "exposure" to Medicare payment changes, where exposure is measured as the baseline Medicare patient share. Compared to less exposed hospitals, highly exposed hospitals responded with larger increases in private FFS volume and with smaller decreases (in some cases, even increases) in Medicare volume when payment rates fell. Our results are consistent with provider demand inducement.  相似文献   

Purpose: Rural hospitals are critical for access to health care, and for their contributions to local economies. However, many rural hospitals, especially critical access hospitals (CAHs) need to strive for more efficiency for continued viability. Routinely evaluating their performance, and providing feedback to management and policy makers, is therefore important. Method: Three measures of relative efficiency are estimated for CAHs in Missouri using an Input‐oriented Data Envelopment Analysis with a variable returns to scale assumption and compared with the efficiency of other rural hospitals in Missouri using Banker's F‐test. Using 30‐day readmission rate as a measure of quality, CAHs are evaluated against efficiency‐quality dimensions. Findings: CAHs in Missouri had a slight decline in average technical efficiency, but they had a slight gain in average cost efficiency in 2009 compared to 2006. More than half of the CAHs were neither economically nor technically efficient in both years. The relative efficiency of other rural hospitals was statistically higher than that of CAHs in Missouri. Conclusions: This study validates the finding of relative inefficiency of CAHs compared to other hospitals paid under the Prospective Payment System at a state level (Missouri). However, with considerable variation in socioeconomic as well as health care access indicators across states, a relative efficiency frontier may not be the only relevant indicator of value for the evaluation of the performance of CAHs. Access to health care and the impact on the local economy provided by these CAHs to the community are also critical indicators for more comprehensive performance evaluation.  相似文献   

Rural medical practices have historically faced lower reimbursement than their urban counterparts. The relatively little-known Rural Health Clinics Act of 1976 permits a higher level of payment from Medicare and Medicaid through cost-based reimbursement. This article discusses the specifics and requirements of the Act and how practices can qualify and implement the change to rural health clinic participation.  相似文献   

This article presents multivariate estimates of the effects of supply-side factors (e.g., provider reimbursement) and demand-side factors (e.g., beneficiary ability to pay) on state-level expenditures per enrollee in Medicare Part A and Part B. The results indicate that a 1 percent increase in elderly income significantly increases the propensity to use Medicare Part B services, resulting in a 0.45 percent increase in Part B expenditures per enrollee. By contrast, patients' ability to pay has a much weaker effect on Part A expenditures. Changes in provider reimbursement also exert a substantial effect on expenditures. A 1 percent rise in the Medicare Prevailing Charge Index raises Medicare Part B expenditures by 0.43 percent. Collectively, the findings of this study suggest that both limits on Medicare reimbursement to providers and increased beneficiary liability have substantial effects on Medicare costs. Whatever the merits of arguments for or against such controls, the responsiveness of Medicare expenditures to equal percentage changes in supply and demand factors appears to be of a similar order of magnitude.  相似文献   

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