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BACKGROUND: This meta-analysis of periodontal disease in relation to the risk of preterm birth/low birth weight (PTB/ LBW) is based on two case-control studies and three prospective cohort studies that met pre-stated inclusion criteria. METHODS: Information on the designs of the studies, characteristics of the study population, exposure and outcome measures, control for confounders, and risk estimates were abstracted independently by two investigators using a standard protocol. RESULTS: Pregnant women with periodontal disease had an overall adjusted risk of preterm birth that was 4.28 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.62 to 6.99; P <0.005) times that risk for healthy subjects. The overall adjusted odds ratio of preterm low birth weight was 5.28 (95% CI, 2.21 to 12.62; P <0.005), while the overall adjusted odds ratio of a delivery of either PTB or LBW was 2.30 (95% CI, 1.21 to 4.38; P <0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that periodontal diseases in the pregnant mother significantly increase the risk of subsequent preterm birth or low birth weight. While it remains important to promote good oral hygiene during routine prenatal visits, there is no convincing evidence, on the basis of existing case control and prospective studies, that treatment of periodontal disease will reduce the risk of preterm birth. Consequently, large randomized, placebo-controlled, masked clinical trials are required. 相似文献
Takako Nakajima Kazuhisa Yamazaki 《Odontology / the Society of the Nippon Dental University》2009,97(2):84-91
Atherosclerosis is an important component of coronary heart disease (CHD), which is the leading cause of death worldwide,
including in Japan. Because atherosclerotic processes are typified by chronic inflammatory responses, which are similar to
those elicited by chronic infection, the role of infection in promoting or accelerating atherosclerosis has received considerable
focus. Increasing evidence supports the notion that periodontitis is associated with increased risk of atherosclerosis through
dysfunction of endothelial cells induced by either periodontopathic bacteria or their products, or inflammatory mediators
derived from infected periodontal tissue. Here we review whether periodontitis represents a risk factor for CHD or atherosclerosis,
particularly in a Japanese population. 相似文献
Periodontal disease and coronary heart disease 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Geismar K Stoltze K Sigurd B Gyntelberg F Holmstrup P 《Journal of periodontology》2006,77(9):1547-1554
BACKGROUND: Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated an association between periodontal disease and coronary heart disease (CHD). The association could be a result of confounding by mutual risk factors. The present study was undertaken in a Danish population to reveal the significance of common risk factors. METHODS: The investigation was conducted as a case-control study comprising 250 individuals: 110 individuals with verified CHD from a Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and 140 control individuals without CHD from the Copenhagen City Heart Study. Information on diabetic status, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, physical activity, school attendance, household income, body weight and height, triglyceride, and serum cholesterol was obtained. Full-mouth probing depth (PD), clinical attachment loss (CAL), bleeding on probing (BOP), and alveolar bone level (ABL) on radiographs were registered. ABL was stratified into ABL1=ABL2 to 4 mm. Multiple logistic regression models with stepwise backward elimination were used allowing variables with P<0.15 to enter the multivariate analysis. RESULTS: The CHD group had a significantly lower outcome with respect to PD, BOP, CAL, and ABL. For participants<60 years old, only risk factors such as smoking and diabetic status entered the multivariate analysis. For the ABL3 group, there was a significant association with CHD for participants<60 years old, the odds ratio being 6.6 (1.69 to 25.6). For participants>or=60 years old, there was no association. CONCLUSIONS: The present study showed a positive association between periodontal disease and CHD in agreement with several other studies. The association was highly age dependent and could only be attributed to diabetes and smoking to some extent. 相似文献
Starkhammar Johansson C Richter A Lundström A Thorstensson H Ravald N 《Journal of clinical periodontology》2008,35(3):199-205
Aim: This study examined periodontal conditions in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and subjects with no history of CHD. Material and Methods: Participants were 161 patients (40–75) with severe angina pectoris (diagnosed as CHD by coronary angiography) who subsequently underwent percutaneous coronary intervention and 162 control subjects with no history of CHD. Periodontal status was recorded. Bone loss was determined on radiographs. Periodontal disease experience was classified into five groups according to Hugoson & Jordan. Results: Periodontal disease experience groups 4 and 5 were more common in the CHD group (25%) compared with the control group (8%). The mean bone level (the distance from the CEJ to the most coronal level of the alveolar bone) was 3.0±1.0 mm in CHD subjects and 2.6±0.8 mm in controls. CHD patients had significantly lower numbers of natural teeth, higher numbers of periodontal pockets 4–6‐mm and higher bleeding on probing (%). In a stepwise regression analysis, the factor periodontal disease experience groups 4+5 gave an odds ratio of 5.74 (2.07–15.90) for having CHD after controlling for smoking and age. Conclusion: Severe periodontal disease expressed by several clinical and radiographic parameters was more prevalent among subjects with CHD than among controls. Analysis, the factor periodontal disease experience groups 4+5 gave an odds ratio of 5.74 (2.07–15.90) for having CHD after controlling for smoking and age. 相似文献
目的:采用Meta分析的方法评价牙周病与卒中的发病风险关系。方法:由两名评价者独立检索PubMed、Embase、CNKI、CBM数据中公开发表的探讨牙周炎与卒中发病风险关系的前瞻性队列研究,对符合纳入标准的文献采用质量评价、数据提取后采用Comprehensive Meta Analysis V2软件进行Meta分析,并采用GRADE系统进行证据评级。结果:共纳入前瞻性队列研究8项,均为英文文献。Meta分析结果显示暴露于牙周病可以显著提高卒中发生率1.43倍(RR=1.43,95%CI=1.12~1.82,P<0.001);可增加卒中死亡率1.41倍,但差异无统计学意义(RR=1.41,95%CI=0.40~4.98,P=0.60),证据等级均为"低级",敏感性分析显示结果稳健性好。发表偏倚为轻度。结论:牙周炎是卒中的一个独立的、有意义的危险因子。应进一步进行按照牙周炎临床程度分级和卒中临床亚型分型的研究。 相似文献
A. Akcali O. Huck H. Tenenbaum J. L. Davideau N. Buduneli 《Journal of oral rehabilitation》2013,40(1):60-68
Periodontal diseases are common chronic inflammatory diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms colonising the subgingival area and inducing local and systemic elevations of pro‐inflammatory cytokines resulting in tissue destruction. Apparition and evolution of periodontal diseases are influenced by many local or systemic risk factors. Psychological stress has been suggested as one of them and may negatively influence the outcome of periodontal treatment. However, mechanisms explaining the possible relationship between stress and increased susceptibility to periodontal disease remain poorly understood. Several stress markers are found in blood and saliva of patients with periodontal diseases and influence the development of periodontal diseases by several mechanisms including modifications of the inflammatory response and changes in the composition of the dental biofilm. The aim of this review is to provide an insight into the relationship between psychological stress and periodontal diseases. 相似文献
Periodontal diseases: a brief historical perspective 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
HARALD LÖE 《Periodontology 2000》1993,2(1):7-12
Wactawski-Wende J 《Annals of periodontology / the American Academy of Periodontology》2001,6(1):197-208
There is increasing evidence that osteoporosis, and the underlying loss of bone mass characteristic of this disease, is associated with periodontal disease and tooth loss. Periodontitis has long been defined as an infection-mediated destruction of the alveolar bone and soft tissue attachment to the tooth, responsible for most tooth loss in adult populations. Current evidence including several prospective studies supports an association of osteoporosis with the onset and progression of periodontal disease in humans. The majority of studies have shown low bone mass to be independently associated with loss of alveolar crestal height and tooth loss. However studies that focus on the relation of clinical attachment loss and osteoporosis are less consistent. To date, the majority of studies on the relationship between periodontal disease and osteoporosis have been hindered by small sample sizes, limited control of other potential confounding factors, varying definitions of both periodontal disease and osteoporosis, and few prospective studies where the temporality of the association can be established. Potential mechanisms by which host factors may influence onset and progression of periodontal disease directly or indirectly include underlying low bone density in the oral cavity, bone loss as an inflammatory response to infection, genetic susceptibility, and shared exposure to risk factors. Systemic loss of bone density in osteoporosis, including that of the oral cavity, may provide a host system that is increasingly susceptible to infectious destruction of periodontal tissue. Studies have provided evidence that hormones, heredity, and other host factors influence periodontal disease incidence and severity. Both periodontal disease and osteoporosis are serious public-health concerns in the United States. Prevalence of both osteoporosis and tooth loss increase with advancing age in both women and men. Understanding the association between these common diseases and the mechanisms underlying those associations will aid health professionals to provide improved means to prevent, diagnose, and treat these very common diseases. This paper reviews the current evidence on the association between periodontal disease and osteoporosis. 相似文献
A J Held 《International dental journal》1966,16(2):260-269
The workshop considered six related questions about periodontal changes seen in HIV infection. 1) To what extent are specific periodontal changes associated with HIV? 2) Are conventional periodontal diseases modified by HIV infection? The changes associated with HIV appear to be modified presentations of conventional diseases. Research should identify initiation and progression factors for necrotizing diseases. 3) What is the role of geography and transmission groups? These questions cannot be answered without greater standardisation of research methods. 4) Has the epidemiology of these changes changed with the advent of new therapies? The data required to answer this question should be available soon but this question is irrelevant to the vast majority of people with HIV. 5) What pathogens are involved in periodontal changes seen in HIV infection? The role of Candida spp. and other potential pathogens requires further investigation. 6) What management protocols are suitable for the periodontal diseases? The significance of periodontal diseases among people with HIV in developing countries is not known. Further research is needed of the effectiveness of interventions especially necrotizing disease in developing countries. The quality of research of these diseases would be enhanced by standardized approaches. A list of relevant variables might prevent their omission from studies. 相似文献
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牙周病是人类最常见的感染性疾病之一,与全身健康密切相关。本文就牙周感染的特点,牙周医学的概念及牙周病与全身系统性疾病间的相互关系进行综合阐述。 相似文献
Peter Robinson 《Journal of clinical periodontology》1992,19(9):609-614
Abstract There have been many references in the literature to HIV-related periodontal diseases, which although poorly substantiated, seem to have established them as part of the expected range of HIV-associated conditions. The original studies have produced conflicting reports which may stem from shortcomings in design. Consequently, the picture remains confused with respect to the classification, epidemiology, microbiology, natural history and management of H1V-related periodontal diseases. Future studies should give greater attention to sampling methods, the use of control groups and defining criteria. This will allow comparison of data between centres and facilitate study of what may be an uncommon disease. 相似文献
Periodontal diseases in the child and adolescent 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
BACKGROUND: Periodontal diseases are among the most frequent diseases affecting children and adolescents. These include gingivitis, localized or generalized aggressive periodontitis (a.k.a., early onset periodontitis which includes generalized or localized prepubertal periodontitis and juvenile periodontitis) and periodontal diseases associated with systemic disorders. The best approach to managing periodontal diseases is prevention, followed by early detection and treatment. METHODS: This paper reviews the current literature concerning the most common periodontal diseases affecting children: chronic gingivitis (or dental plaque-induced gingival diseases) and early onset periodontitis (or aggressive periodontitis), including prepubertal and juvenile periodontitis. In addition, systemic diseases that affect the periodontium and oral lesions commonly found in young children are addressed. The prevalence, diagnostic characteristics, microbiology, host-related factors, and therapeutic management of each of these disease entities are thoroughly discussed. 相似文献