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This article contains a personal reflection on the way it feels, in fact and in theory, to move from a chaplaincy position in a clinical setting, to one where clinical chaplaincy is relatively new. The article presents the ways a clinically trained chaplain can introduce herself to a new setting, and how she must continually reevaluate her approach.  相似文献   

An Ideal Intervention Paper was initiated in 2005 to consolidate the learnings of clinical pastoral education students. As papers from students, practitioners, and educators were collected over a period of seven years, it became evident that a knowledge base comprised of this work would expedite the professionalization of clinical chaplaincy via provision of second opinions in difficult cases, education of administrators and the public about the nature of chaplaincy work, and baseline data for effectiveness research—to include replication of effective interventions toward designation of evidence based spiritual care best practices. An online 395-sample knowledge base hosted by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education Research Network was amassed, nearly 40 percent of which is the work of experienced practitioners and educators. A pilot effectiveness study of samples failed to produce meaningful results. As an interim measure a content analysis has provided tentative effectiveness ratings until further research can be done.  相似文献   


This article describes how a new staff chaplain is approaching and applying a discipline based, outcome oriented ministry model. He describes his move from being a lone, geriatric chaplain in a long term care facility to becoming a member of a team of staff chaplains in a teaching hospital who have disciplined themselves to an outcome oriented ministry model. The writer gives his perspective on The Discipline, and denotes ways in which his ministry has been impacted. Though the author has been involved with this process for only six months, both he and those in his care are experiencing some of the benefits of making tangible contributions and developing measurable outcomes in ministry.  相似文献   

Medical science, with its high technology, has had a major impact on today's hopitalized patient. Not only has the length of stay been shortened dramatically but the level of illness is much more intense. Both of these foactors have influenced the role pastoral care plays as a member of the health care. Carefully selected and trained laity can help meet the expanding pastoral care needs of hospitalized patients. This article describes a program designed exclusively for laity, which equips these volunteers through a clinical process similar to that of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPR). The authors contend that any program designed to prepare laity for passtoral care must include the clinical component. Their experience with 38 laity who have completed the program described in this article has led them to the conclusion that such a process inspires a dynamic growth in faith as laity claim their rightful authority in pastoral care.  相似文献   


This article describes the writer's introduction to The Discipline and his decision to utilize selected aspects of it in direct care and in an educational milieu. The first section describes adaptation of the Profile (Concepts of Holy, Meaning, Hope, and Community) in the writer's work with addicted persons on a Recovery Center. The second section presents the employment of this Profile as a way to introduce CPE interns to the art of pastoral assessment.  相似文献   


The author became acquainted with The Discipline only recently and this article describes two pastoral visits in which The Discipline provides guidance for interactive presence. Thus this material represents how the author seeks to grasp and integrate it into her clinical practice in a short time.  相似文献   


Health care reform is also occurring in Australia and effects hospital chaplaincy programs. “Economic rationalism” is the philosophic foundation of this effort and its contrast with the values inherit in hospital chaplaincy are highlighted. Selected research results from the Australian system are described and the authors offer a perspective on the cost efficiency of hospital chaplaincy.  相似文献   


This paper is a narrative analysis of comments written by hospital pastoral care department directors in response to the questionnaire item that asked them to write about their experience with health care reform and to make suggestions as to what the profession could do about it. Three central themes included: (1) the importance of and need for administrative support of the department, (2) the importance of departmental visibility within the institution, and (3) the challenges of embracing change. Two secondary themes were the admonishing of peer department directors concerning inadequate performance and the ministry to hospital staff during reform efforts.  相似文献   


No published studies were identified that describe the impact of health care reform on professional chaplaincy departments in hospital settings. Results from a random sample (N = 370) of department directors indicate that 45 percent report no budgetary consequences, 27 percent have experienced budgetary cutbacks, and 17 percent describe departmental growth. The cutbacks most often involve the loss of staff chaplain positions. Directors also describe past and future strategies for resisting downsizing trends.  相似文献   


Health care delivery in hospitals and clinics promotes an interdisciplinary team approach. This article presents the use of The Discipline though the involvements of the chaplain as part of the Infectious Disease team as together they addressed the inherent spirituality of one HIV/AIDS patient. This narrative recounts the unfolding events of the patient's life and describes the use of The Discipline during a very difficult time period for the patient and the staff. The experience can serve as a model for other health care teams who must manage difficult, deteriorating patients.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of dreams in the context of pastoral care. Although many people dream and consider their dreams to hold some significant spiritual meaning, spiritual care providers have been reluctant to incorporate patients' dreams into the therapeutic conversation. Not every dream can be considered insightful, but probing the meaning of some dreams can enhance spiritual care practice. Hill's Cognitive-Experimental Dream Interpretation Model is applied in the current article as a useful framework for exploring dreams, gaining insight about spiritual problems, and developing a therapeutic plan of action. Bulkeley's criteria for dream interpretation were used to furnish safeguards against inappropriate application of dream interpretation to spiritual assessment and interventions.  相似文献   


The author describes his perspective on providing pastoral care to hospital patients, his search for new ways to understand that ministry, his first contact with The Discipline, and his adaptation of it to the clinical and educational programs at his center. He discusses the need to help clinical pastoral education students to operationalize their ministry and to learn how to identify outcomes that are meaningful to health care decision makers.  相似文献   

The current study analyzes data from 30,995 chaplain visits with patients and families that were part of the New York Chaplaincy Study. The data were collected at 13 healthcare institutions in the Greater New York City area from 1994–1996. Seventeen chaplain interventions were recorded: nine that were religious or spiritual in nature, and eight that were more general or not specifically religious. Chaplains used religious/spiritual interventions, alone or in conjunction with general interventions, in the vast majority of their visits with patients and families. The types of interventions used varied by the patient's medical status to some degree, but the pattern of interventions used was similar across faith group and medical status. The results document the unique role of the chaplain as a member of the healthcare care team and suggest there is desire among a broad range of patients, including those who claim no religion, to receive the kind of care chaplains provide.  相似文献   


This article relates the experience of integrating The Discipline into the process and curriculum of an ACPE accredited clinical pastoral education (CPE) program involving residents and single unit students. It describes supervisor and student concerns as well as the conclusions they reached concerning the integration of The Discipline into The CPE process.  相似文献   

The current study presents findings from the New York Chaplaincy Study about chaplain visits with patients and their families in 13 healthcare institutions in the Greater New York City area during 1994–1996. It documents the distribution of 34,279 clinical visits by religious affiliation, population served (patients, family and friends), and type of healthcare setting (acute care and non-acute care), and analyzes the number and duration of visits with patients by their medical status. Chaplains in acute settings tended to make less frequent but longer visits with patients than chaplains in non-acute settings. On average, chaplains spent less time with patients who were alone than they did during visits with patients whose family was present during the visit or visits with only family members. Average visit duration was positively related to the percentage of visits in each of the 13 facilities that were made in response to referrals (r = .65, p < .05), and the average duration of referred visits was significantly longer (p < .001) than that of non-referred visits (p < .001). The findings are intended to provide a general picture of what these particular chaplains did in these particular institutions over this particular time-period and are not intended to represent a standard of what chaplains should be doing.  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand the experience of pastoral care (PC), that is, the provision of support, comfort and spiritual counselling, from the perspective of Australian aged care residents. A survey research design captured feedback on participants’ PC experience. Outcomes were reported by 575 residents (aged 53–102) across 41 sites. The majority perceived that they received a high quality of care (92%) and benefited from their meeting with the pastoral practitioner (80%), ‘often’ or ‘all of the time’. A few significant differences were found based on participants’ gender, spirituality (i.e. connection and meaning), religiosity (i.e. faith beliefs and religious practices) and well‐being. Females and participants who identified as both religious and spiritual were more likely to feel that their faiths/beliefs were valued. Those with greater psychological well‐being, as defined by the World Health Organisation (1998), were more likely to report receiving a high quality of care and greater benefits from receiving PC than those with poorer well‐being. Three overarching themes and eight subthemes were identified from the open‐ended responses: 1) personal qualities of the pastoral practitioner; caring, supportive, understanding and empathetic; 2) pastoral practitioner met specific needs; spiritual and religious, friendship and company and assistance, advice and help; and 3) positive impact on the participant; feeling listened to, peaceful and valued, accepted and respected. The qualitative findings resonate with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, to feel safe, belong and have self‐esteem. There was a synergy between what participants desire in the care they receive, as expressed in the open‐ended questions, and what the pastoral practitioners provide, as indicated in the quantitative findings. A study strength was its mixed‐method, multi‐site and cross‐organisational context, enabling PC to be explored across a diverse sample. Future research should consider a pre‐ and post‐test survey to more comprehensively capture the impact and benefits of PC.  相似文献   

The Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, fourth edition were recently published. Through the involvement of the Association of Professional Chaplains and the HealthCare Chaplaincy Network, this is the first time that any chaplains have been an official party to the development of these guidelines. The expectation set by the guidelines is that all health care professionals (including all chaplains) caring for people living with serious illness at any stage of illness, at any age, and in any setting will integrate core palliative care principles and best practices into their routine care and have sufficient training to complete an assessment of the patient and address common sources of suffering. The article presents a summary of the content of the guidelines and their implications for clinical practice and training with emphasis on the practice and training of professional chaplains.  相似文献   

The article is divided into four major sections, the first of which presents and discusses various reasons given by major researchers in the field why chaplains should do research. The second section summarizes findings on the sophistication of research on religion and health published in (a) medical and other healthcare journals, and (b) specialty journals on religion and health, chaplaincy, and pastoral care and counseling. The third section revisits suggestions that have been made by prominent chaplain researchers to increase and improve research by chaplains. The last section offers some suggestions for expanding several lines of current research in the future, including research: (1) to elucidate the nature of spiritual care chaplains provide to different populations, including patients, families and staff; (2) to assess the prevalence and intensity of patients' spiritual needs and the degree to which they are being met; (3) to identify that subset of patients who are spiritually at risk in terms of having high needs and slow religious resources; (4) to identify the biological causal mechanisms by which religion influences health; and (5) to measure the effectiveness of chaplain interventions.  相似文献   

In 2009 a Consensus Conference of experts in the field of spiritual care and palliative care recommended the inclusion of Board-certified professional chaplains with at least 1,600 hours of clinical pastoral education as members of palliative care teams. This study evaluates a clinical pastoral education residency program’s effectiveness in preparing persons to provide spiritual care for those with serious illness and in increasing the palliative care team members’ understanding of the chaplain as part of the palliative care team. Results showed chaplain residents felt the program prepared them to provide care for those with serious illness. It also showed that chaplain residents and palliative care team members view spirituality as an integral part of palliative care and see the chaplain as the team member to lead that effort. Suggested program improvements include longer palliative care orientation period, more shadowing with palliative care team members, and improved communication between palliative care and the chaplain residents.  相似文献   

The current study examines patterns of referrals to chaplains documented in the 1994–1996 New York Chaplaincy Study. The data were collected at thirteen healthcare institutions in the Greater New York City area. Of the 38,600 usable records in the sample, 18.4% were referrals, which form the sample for the current study (N = 7,094). The most common sources of referrals were nurses (27.8%) and patients themselves (22.3%), with relatively few referrals coming from physicians and social workers. The study shows the range of patient issues that are referred to chaplains, including emotional, spiritual, medical, relationship/support, and a change in diagnosis or prognosis. Although the reasons for referral varied by hospital setting and referral source, overall, patients were referred more frequently for emotional (30.0%) than for spiritual issues (19.9%). Results are discussed in relation to the need to clarify the role of the chaplain to the rest of the healthcare team, to recognize when there is a spiritual cause of emotional distress, and to establish effective referral protocols.  相似文献   

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