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OBJECTIVE: To standardize the evaluation of regional fetal brain blood perfusion, using power Doppler ultrasound (PDU) to estimate the fractional moving blood volume (FMBV) and to evaluate the reproducibility of this estimation. METHODS: Brain blood perfusion was evaluated in 35 normally grown fetuses at 28-30 weeks of gestation, using PDU. The following cerebral regions were included in the PDU color box: anterior sagittal, complete sagittal, basal ganglia, and cerebellar. Ten consecutive good-quality images of each anatomical plane were recorded and the delimitation of the region of interest (ROI) was performed off-line. FMBV was quantified in the ROI of all images and the mean considered as the final value. Differences between regions, variability, reproducibility and agreement between observers were assessed. RESULTS: Power Doppler images of the described anatomical planes were obtained in all cases, regardless of fetal position. The median time for the acquisition of the images was 7 (range 4-12) min. Mean (range) FMBV values were: anterior sagittal, 16.5 (10.7-22.8)%, inter-patient coefficient of variation (CV) 0.22; complete sagittal, 13.5 (8.8-16.1)%, CV 0.27; basal ganglia, 18.3 (10.7-27.6)%, CV 0.27; and cerebellar, 6.6 (3.0-11.0)%, CV 0.38. There were statistically significant differences in FMBV between cerebellar and complete sagittal ROIs with the frontal and basal ganglia regions. Reproducibility analyses showed an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.91 (95% CI 0.67-0.97) and an interclass correlation coefficient of 0.87 (95% CI 0.70-0.94). Interobserver agreement showed a mean difference between observers of -0.2 (SD 2.7) with 95% limits of agreement -5.6 to 5.2. CONCLUSIONS: When the regions of interest are well defined, the FMBV estimate offers a method to quantify blood flow perfusion in different fetal cerebral areas. There appear to be regional differences in FMBV within the fetal brain.  相似文献   

Perfusion estimation of the fetal lung is an important predictor of its maturity and function after birth. Ultrasound (US) power Doppler has previously been used to assess the perfusion of the fetal lung, based on the mean pixel intensity (MPI) over a region-of-interest (ROI). The drawback is that the MPI is not only dependent on the amount of flowing blood, but also depth, gain and attenuation in overlying tissue layers. In this study, power Doppler images have been analysed according to a previously published method that attempts to compensate for such unwanted variations, resulting in a measure termed fractional moving blood volume (FMBV). A total of 29 singleton pregnancies with normally grown fetuses were evaluated after 35 weeks of gestation. For reliable interpatient comparisons, we found it always necessary to use a well-defined section of the fetal lung. Therefore, all scans were performed in a transverse plane of the fetal thorax with a four-chamber view of the heart, through the intercostal space. ROIs in 12 left and 17 right fetal lungs were defined (the fetal lung closest to the transducer was always examined). No differences in estimated FMBV or MPI were found between left and right lungs. Similarly, there was no significant difference between images acquired during systole and diastole. FMBV is compensated for depth and, also, for other sources of power variation, as reflected in the coefficient of variation: 0.14 for FMBV and 0.24 for MPI. A scan on a test phantom reveals that the power in dB is linearly related to velocity over a limited range, suggesting that FMBV might be useful for discriminating between normal and decreased fetal lung perfusion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare fractional moving blood volume (FMBV) estimation using power Doppler ultrasound (PDU) with blood flow estimation using radioactive microspheres (RMS) for evaluation of fetal organ blood perfusion. METHODS: Blood flow was measured in the adrenal gland of nine exteriorized fetal lambs. Five fetal lambs underwent total umbilical cord occlusion in order to induce changes in the adrenal blood flow (asphyxia group). Four lambs were used as sham controls (control group). Three RMS injections, with coincident PDU recordings of the adrenal gland, were performed in each lamb. In the asphyxia group, measurements were taken before the cord occlusion, 5 min later and when the mean blood pressure decreased below 25 mmHg. In the control group, the measurements were done with an interval of 5 min. FMBV normalized for attenuation of PDU signals, and mean pixel intensity (MPI) were estimated offline. After completion of the study, adrenal blood perfusion was calculated according to the reference sample microsphere technique, using the isotope activity and expressed in mL/min/100 g. The correlation between RMS and FMBV and MPI, respectively, was analyzed individually for each lamb. RESULTS: In the asphyxia group, all lambs showed a marked reduction in the adrenal blood perfusion towards the third RMS injection. In the control group, the adrenal perfusion showed small variations throughout the experiment. In the total material, there was a higher correlation between FMBV and RMS (median, r = 0.90; range, 0.43-0.99) than between MPI and RMS (median, r = 0.55; range, -0.53 to 0.99). CONCLUSION: The FMBV method of quantifying PDU signals correlates highly with blood flow perfusion estimation using RMS in the fetal lamb adrenal gland.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish reference intervals for fetal lung growth. DESIGN: Longitudinal observational study. SUBJECTS: Fifty-eight women with initially uncomplicated singleton pregnancies were recruited from the antenatal population of a teaching hospital. Four women were excluded from the final analysis because of complications arising in their pregnancy. METHODS: Each subject was serially scanned at monthly intervals. At each visit lung volume was measured using an ultrasound-based computerized three-dimensional imaging system. Multilevel models were used to determine conditional and unconditional reference intervals. RESULTS: Reference intervals for fetal lung growth were derived. Fetal lung volume increases in a non-linear way with gestation. CONCLUSIONS: Our computerized system has the capacity to be used in conjunction with any standard two-dimensional ultrasound scanner in order to measure volume. Lung volume measurement may be useful in predicting pulmonary hypoplasia.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the placental fractional moving blood volume is different with advancing gestational age (GA), we assessed the vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI), and vascularization-flow index (VFI) of the placenta in normal pregnancy by using three-dimensional (3-D) power Doppler ultrasound (US). We enrolled 100 healthy pregnant women with gestational age between 20 to 40 weeks for this study. Three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasonography was used to assess the VI, FI and VFI in each case. Our results showed that the linear regression equations for VI, FI and VFI, by using GA as the independent variable, were VI = 0.27107 x GA -4.02748 (r = 0.84, p < 0.0001), FI = 0.56115 x GA + 34.28945 (r = 0.49, p < 0.001), and VFI = 0.15663 x GA -2.53810 (r = 0.82, p < 0.0001), respectively. In addition, the VI, FI and VFI values of the placental flow were also positively correlated with the fetal growth indices, namely, biparietal diameter, occipitofrontal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference and estimated fetal weight (all p values < 0.001). In conclusion, our study illustrates that the fractional moving blood volume of the placenta is positively correlated with the increment of gestational age and the fetal growth indices. Our data may be used as a reference in the assessment of the placental fractional moving blood volume using the quantitative 3-D power Doppler US.  相似文献   

Fetal liver blood flow is very important for fetal hemodynamics. To assess the development of fetal liver vascularization and blood flow in normal gestation, we measured the fetal liver vascularization and blood flow in normal fetuses using the three-dimensional (3-D) power Doppler ultrasound (US) and quantitative 3-D power Doppler histogram analysis. This study was undertaken with a prospective, cross-sectional design. In total, 196 normal singletons with gestational age between 20 and 40 weeks were included. The 3-D power Doppler US and the quantitative histogram analysis were used to assess the fetal liver vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI), vascularization-flow index (VFI) and mean greyness in each case. Our results showed that all the fetal liver VI, FI and VFI increased significantly with gestational age (GA), whereas, fetal liver mean greyness decreased with GA. Using GA as the independent variable, the linear regression equations for fetal liver VI, FI, VFI and mean greyness were VI = 0.5746 x GA - 5.8264 (r = 0.86, p < 0.0001), FI = 0.3291 x GA + 35.624 (r = 0.35, p < 0.001), VFI = 0.2905 x GA - 3.4871 (r = 0.82, p < 0.0001) and mean greyness = -0.2034 x GA + 42.315 (r = -0.20, p < 0.0001). In addition, fetal liver VI, FI, VFI and nean greyness were all significantly correlated with common fetal growth indexes, such as biparietal diameter, occipitofrontal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, femur length and estimated fetal weight. Our study indicates that normal fetal liver vascularization and blood flow change significantly with the advancement of GA as well as fetal growth indexes. We believe our data may serve as a reference for further studies of fetal liver blood flow in abnormal conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To construct reference intervals for fetal lung volumes measured longitudinally using three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound, and to evaluate the effect of gender on lung size. METHODS: This was a prospective, longitudinal study in the obstetric outpatient department of the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. Seventy-eight women with uncomplicated pregnancies were scanned three to four times at gestational ages of 18-34 weeks. 3D models of the lung were constructed using the ultrasound machine's software. After the infants were delivered the entire group was reanalyzed with regard to fetal gender. Centiles for the lung volumes of the entire group and for each gender separately were estimated using multilevel modeling. RESULTS: Charts and tables of right and left fetal lung volumes, using gestational age and estimated fetal weight as the independent variables, are presented. There was a significant difference in lung volume between male and female fetuses at each gestational age. Charts and tables of right and left fetal lung volumes for each gender at gestational ages of 18-34 weeks are also presented. CONCLUSIONS: We present valid references for volumetric measurements of the right and left fetal lungs in male and female fetuses. The feasibility and reliability of fetal lung volume measurements using 3D ultrasound is good.  相似文献   

Early identification of the abnormal fetal brain vascularization and blood flow is very important, because the deficient perfusion of the fetal brain may be related to a poor prognosis of the central nervous system (CNS) development. To assess the fetal brain vascularization and the blood flow in normal gestation, we measured the fetal brain vascularization and the brain blood flow in normal fetuses using three-dimensional (3-D) power Doppler ultrasound (US) and the quantitative 3-D power Doppler histogram analysis. This study was undertaken by a prospective and cross-sectional design. In total, 155 normal singletons with gestational age (GA) between 21 and 40 weeks were included. The 3-D power Doppler US and the quantitative 3-D histogram analyses were used to assess the fetal brain vascular indexes, i.e., vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI) and vascularization-flow index (VFI), in each case. Our results revealed that all the fetal brain VI, FI and VFI increased significantly with GA (all p<0.001). In addition, the fetal brain VI, FI and VFI were all significantly correlated with the common fetal growth indices, such as biparietal diameter, occipitofrontal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, femur length and estimated fetal weight. Our study indicates that fetal brain vascularization and blood flow increase significantly with the advancement of GA as well as the fetal common growth indices during normal gestation. We believe our data may serve as a reference for further studies of the fetal brain blood flow in abnormal conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Fetal urine production at different gestational ages has been evaluated using ultrasound in several previous studies. In a recent study, we investigated the accuracy when estimating the bladder volume using the conventional ultrasound technique and found a total variability of 17.3-10.9% for bladder volumes of 5-40 mL. The variability is mainly caused by: (i) inappropriate image selection (the 'freezing error') and (ii) limitations when measuring on the frozen image (the 'frozen error'). The aim of this study was to reduce the total error by reducing the 'freezing' and the 'frozen error'. To this end, we used a modified manual ultrasound technique (adding a 'rocking' motion to the conventional method) and digitized the selected image. METHODS: Two patients for each gestational week from 24 to 40 weeks were selected. The fetal urinary bladder was examined with ultrasound three times within 1 min and documented on videotape. The volume, as assessed by the longitudinal section of the recorded bladder images, stored in digitized form, was evaluated on three occasions with > 24 h in between. The mean and variability (standard deviation, SD) were estimated. RESULTS: For fetal bladder volumes between 5 and 40 mL, the 'freezing error' (SD), the 'frozen error' and the 'total error' were 11.7-5.1%, 8.0-3.0% and 14.2-5.9%, respectively. Comparing the present with a previous study, when selecting images and assessing bladder volumes repeatedly within 1 min, SD was 12.9-5.5% vs. 17.3-10.9%. CONCLUSIONS: Using a modified ultrasound technique, the variability in fetal bladder volume estimation can be reduced.  相似文献   

Reproducibility of flow velocity waveform measurement in the fetal ductus arteriosus was studied in 52 normal pregnancies between 11 and 25 weeks of gestation. The flow velocity parameters studied were the peak systolic velocity, mean velocity, end-diastolic velocity, flow velocity integral and acceleration time. In each woman two consecutive measurements were performed with a time delay of 15 min. An acceptable reproducibility was achieved for all flow velocity parameters, except for the acceleration time and end-diastolic velocity.  相似文献   

An enlarged fetal spleen can be associated with fetal infection, anemia and different syndromes but its prenatal diagnosis is rare. We report on a diagnosis of splenomegaly at 32 weeks' gestation in a fetus which was found to be affected by cytomegalovirus infection. An enlarged spleen was suspected when the stomach was found to be displaced anteriorly and medially and the diagnosis was supported on visualization of the splenic vessels by color and three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound. The patient had been referred because of fetal growth restriction and intracerebral anomalies and the additional finding of splenomegaly was highly suspicious for cytomegalovirus infection. This was confirmed by positive maternal serology and by neonatal virus excretion in urine. Retrospectively, examination of stored blood samples from 9 and 23 weeks' gestation revealed an early cytomegalovirus infection. Antenatal and neonatal magnetic resonance imaging examinations showed microcephaly, lissencephaly and the presence of microcalcifications. At the age of 9 months, the child suffers from severe neurological impairment and blindness due to severe optical atrophy. This case emphasizes that color Doppler and three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound can facilitate the antenatal diagnosis of splenomegaly and can help to delineate the spleen from the similar-looking neighboring liver.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to compare a conventional multiplanar technique for three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound measurement of fetal lung volume with a rotational method using VOCAL trade mark (Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis). METHODS: Thirty-two fetuses with a variety of conditions at risk for pulmonary hypoplasia were studied. 3D volume data sets of the fetal lungs were acquired using a commercially available ultrasound system. The right and left lung volumes were calculated separately using VOCAL and the multiplanar technique. The level of agreement between two independent observers in categorizing the 3D volume data set as measurable or non-measurable was determined. The interobserver and intermethod variabilities were also evaluated for both methods. RESULTS: The intermethod variability was excellent (correlation r = 0.93 and r = 0.96 for the left and right lung, respectively), and there was substantial agreement between the results of both approaches (limits of agreement - 4.4 to 8.9 and - 3.4 to 4.8 mL for the right and left lung, respectively). Fetal lung estimation with VOCAL had a significantly higher interobserver variability than the multiplanar technique. Interobserver agreement in categorizing lung volume data sets as measurable or non-measurable was lower when VOCAL was used. CONCLUSION: Fetal lung volume measurements can be undertaken interchangeably using the multiplanar technique or the rotational method with VOCAL. However, the latter was less reproducible (lower degree of agreement and significantly higher interobserver variability) than the former.  相似文献   

彩色多普勒超声在胎儿肺部肿块中的诊断应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨彩色多普勒超声对胎儿肺部肿块的诊断价值.方法对9例胎儿肺部肿块图像特征进行回顾性分析,结果9例产前超声检查中发现胎儿肺部肿块;其中5例为胎儿肺囊腺瘤样改变;2例肺分离;2例肿块逐渐缩小.结论彩色多普勒超声是胎儿肺部肿块简便、经济、又准确的诊断方法;对胎儿肺部肿块的鉴别具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow (CBF) volume can be measured quantitatively by colour duplex sonography. To test the reliability of CBF volume measurements in newborns, two "blinded" examiners performed a prospective test-retest study in 32 neonates (postmenstrual age 32 to 42 weeks). Measurements were done in the internal carotid and vertebral arteries. Intravascular flow volumes (FV) were calculated as the product of angle-corrected time-averaged flow velocity and the cross-sectional area of the vessel. The CBF volumes measured by the two examiners were very close (mean +/- SD, 62.6 +/- 20.6 vs. 62.1 +/- 21.2 mL/min, NS; coefficient of variation, 6.3%; intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.98). The 95% limits of agreement, according to Bland and Altman, ranged from -7.3 to +8.4 mL/min. In comparison with other test-retest studies, the reproducibility of quantitative CBF measurements reported here is among the best ever found. We conclude that CBF volume can be measured reliably even in preterm neonates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Fetal head engagement can be assessed by translabial ultrasound and has been shown to be predictive of delivery mode. We attempted to validate the technique by comparing ultrasound with abdominal and vaginal palpation. Reproducibility was tested in a blinded test-retest series. METHODS: In a prospective clinical study, 139 nulliparous women between 35 + 3 and 40 + 4 weeks' gestation were assessed by translabial ultrasound, abdominal palpation of the fetal head (n = 139) and vaginal examination (n = 112). Ultrasound was performed using two methods, with the symphysis pubis as reference. A test-retest series was performed in 90 women. RESULTS: Ultrasound of head engagement correlated strongly with abdominal palpation, full Bishop scores and vaginal assessment (all P < 0.001 for Kendall's tau-b). Intraclass correlation coefficients (n = 90) for the two methods were 0.75 and 0.92, signifying excellent interobserver agreement. Reproducibility was higher for the method using the central symphyseal axis as reference. CONCLUSION: Quantitation of head engagement by translabial ultrasound is highly reproducible and correlates strongly with clinical measures of head engagement. We are now undertaking a prospective study to assess the predictive value of this new parameter for intrapartum events.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of 3-dimensional (3D) sonography in assessing fetal anatomy and to determine the intraobserver reproducibility and the effect of examiner experience. METHODS: Three-dimensional volumes of the head, face, thorax, and abdomen were obtained for 40 fetuses. The volume data sets obtained were explored offline with multiplanar navigation and tomographic ultrasound imaging on a personal computer. Each case was examined twice by the same observer at least 3 months apart. The percentage for identification of fetal anatomic structures, 2-dimensional (2D) and 3D measurements, and the time spent on 2D and 3D examinations were calculated and compared. RESULTS: Ninety-two percent of fetal anatomic structures were identified with multiplanar navigation and tomographic ultrasound imaging. The genitals, the entry of the vena cava, and the ears were visualized in less than 70% of cases. Tomographic ultrasound imaging allowed viewing of 14 structures not seen in the multiplanar study. Intraobserver agreement for anatomic examinations was good (kappa = 0.78). Intraobserver agreement for fetal measurements showed differences between both examinations that approached 0 and intraclass correlation indices close to 0.9. The mean 2D scanning time +/- SD was 10.11 +/- 2.5 minutes, and the acquisition time for the 3D volumes was 1.54 +/- 0.35 minutes. The total time for the second 3D study was 7.23 +/- 1.17 minutes, significantly shorter than the 9.96 +/- 1.53 minutes spent on the first study (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Three-dimensional volumes are highly effective for complete fetal anatomic surveys. They show excellent intraobserver reproducibility and take less time to study as the examiner's experience increases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility of three-dimensional (3D) gray-scale and power Doppler ultrasound examinations of the cervix in pregnant women. METHODS: Thirty-two pregnant women underwent transvaginal 3D gray-scale and power Doppler ultrasound examination of the cervix by two examiners. Each observer acquired two volumes, and they each analyzed their volumes twice using the commercially available software Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis (VOCAL). The variables analyzed were cervical volume (cm3), vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI) and vascularization flow index (VFI). Intraobserver repeatability was expressed as the difference between two measurement results (mean difference +/- 2 SD, i.e. limits of agreement) and as intraclass correlation coefficient (intra-CC). Interobserver agreement was expressed as the difference between the results of the two observers (limits of agreement) and as interclass correlation coefficient (inter-CC). The contribution of various factors (examiner, acquisition, analysis of acquired volume) to intrasubject variance was estimated using different analysis of variance models. All statistical analyses were performed using log-transformed data. The results presented are those obtained after antilogarithmic transformation, i.e. the results are presented as ratios between two results of the same observer, or as ratios between the results of Observer 1 and Observer 2. RESULTS: All intraobserver and interobserver log-transformed differences were normally distributed. There was no systematic bias between the two observers. Both intra- and inter-CC values were high (0.93-0.98) for all variables except FI (0.63-0.88), despite the limits of agreement being wide, especially for VI (widest range 0.4-2.4) and VFI (widest range 0.3-2.6). Acquisition explained most of the intrasubject variance of the flow indices, the contribution of examiner and analysis being unimportant. CONCLUSIONS: Given the wide range between the lower and upper limits of agreement, it would probably not be possible to detect anything but large differences or changes in cervical volume or cervical flow indices using current 3D ultrasound techniques. Because acquisition explained most of the intrasubject variance, the average of several repeated acquisitions should be used to enhance reproducibility. However, it is not worth doing more than one analysis of an acquired volume, because the effect of analysis on measurement results is small.  相似文献   

目的利用三维超声技术测量胎儿肺体积,建立肺体积正常值范围,评价胎儿肺发育。方法选择显示满意的300胎18~36周正常胎儿肺三维容积图像,利用VOCAL技术测量其左、右肺体积,并对肺总体积(TLV)与孕周(GA)进行回归分析。随机抽取20胎正常胎儿TLV测值进行可信度分析。对4胎超声诊断为肺囊性腺瘤样畸形或隔离肺胎儿进行随访,测量其TLV,与正常胎儿TLV行散点图比较,观察其变化趋势。结果胎儿肺三维图像满意者占91.74%(300/327)。正常胎儿TLV随GA增加而增大,最适回归方程为:TLV=1.139-1.418GA+0.093GA2(r=0.99,P<0.01)。三维超声测量胎儿TLV的可信度很高(内部一致性系数为0.99,组内相关系数为0.99)。4胎肺病变胎儿TLV均随GA增加而增大,但变化趋势各不相同。结论三维超声能够很好地测量胎儿肺体积,在评价胎儿肺发育中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the contribution of three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound to the prenatal diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration. METHODS: Prenatal three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound was used to screen for an abnormal pulmonary blood supply in eight fetuses with hyperechogenic lung lesions and to image the pulmonary blood supply in 50 normal controls. A comparison was made with postnatal findings. RESULTS: Postnatally the eight pulmonary lesions were found to be an isolated pulmonary sequestration (n = 3), a microcystic congenital adenomatoid malformation (n = 4), and a mixed (macrocystic and microcystic) congenital adenomatoid malformation (n = 1). Prenatal three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound demonstrated an abnormal blood supply in all cases of pulmonary sequestration and in none of the other cases. Among the three cases that turned out to be pulmonary sequestrations, conventional two-dimensional ultrasound failed to identify the feeding vessel in one case and identified it at a later stage of gestation than did three-dimensional power Doppler in the other two. CONCLUSION: Prenatal three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound may be useful in identifying the feeding vessel and thus establishing the diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration in the presence of a hyperechogenic pulmonary lesion, allowing its differentiation from congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation.  相似文献   

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