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目的探讨重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP)鼻空肠内营养支持的方法.方法65例SAP患者胃肠功能恢复后,使用聚氨酯材料的Folcare螺旋形鼻肠管进行营养支持,置管时间平均8.6 d.置管期间每8 h冲洗管道,保持营养液在36~41℃,加强口鼻腔护理,经常巡视观察.结果所有患者无1例因鼻空肠内营养的使用而使血、尿淀粉酶升高,从而降低了SAP患者感染性并发症的发生和死亡率,治疗费用明显减少,缩短了住院天数.结论鼻空肠内营养是SAP治疗的重要手段,选择合适的鼻空肠管,合适的肠内营养(enteral nutrition,EN)制剂是治疗的前提,做好鼻空肠管的日常护理工作是置管营养治疗成功的有力保证.  相似文献   

重症急性胰腺炎鼻空肠内营养支持的护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP)鼻空肠内营养支持的方法。方法:65例SAP患者胃肠功能恢复后,使用聚氨酯材料的Folcare螺旋形鼻肠管进行营养支持,置管时间平均8.6d。置管期间每8h冲洗管道,保持营养液在36~41℃,加强口鼻腔护理,经常巡视观察。结果:所有患者无1例因鼻空肠内营养的使用而使血、尿淀粉酶升高,从而降低了SAP患者感染性并发症的发生和死亡率,治疗费用明显减少,缩短了住院天数。结论:鼻空肠内营养是SAP治疗的重要手段,选择合适的鼻空肠管,合适的肠内营养(enteral nutrition,EN)制剂是治疗的前提,做好鼻空肠管的日常护理工作是置管营养治疗成功的有力保证。  相似文献   

Summary Conclusion A combination of diet therapy, nutritional support with medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), and well-planned preterm Cesarean delivery on demand is an effective measure to prevent gestational hyperlipidemic pancreatitis and leads to successful childbirth. Background Prevention and therapy of gestational hyperlipidemic pancreatitis are important, although difficult, because the condition carries a high maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Results We describe a 32-yr-old female with lipoprotein lipase-deficient familial hypertriglyceridemia who had recurrent episodes of acute pancreatitis. The third episode occurred with worsened hyperlipidemia 7 yr earlier at 32 wk of her first pregnancy and resulted in fetal death. The fourth and fifth episodes were also accompanied by marked hyperlipidemia probably caused by drug discontinuance and dietary noncompliance. She became pregnant. Serum triglyceride levels were controlled below 2000 mg/dL by strict monitoring with low-fat, low-calorie diet and MCT nutritional support. A premature but healthy infant was born by Cesarean delivery at 36 wk of gestation when the mother presented with mild abdominal pain and was found to have uterine contractions. The ensuing clinical course has been uneventful.  相似文献   

重症急性胰腺炎有较高的病死率,营养支持是重要的治疗措施。肠内营养和肠外营养各有其优缺点。肠内营养在维护肠道屏障功能、减少细菌移位方面具有独特的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract   A critical analysis of the trials comparing enteral with parenteral nutritional support in acute pancreatitis is presented with particular scrutiny of the clinical endpoints in each trial. The heterogeneity of the trials and the discrepancies in caloric intake between enterally and parenterally fed patients are discussed. The hazards of each route of nutritional support are highlighted and the concept of 'nutritional bioavailability' in the context of acute pancreatitis is introduced. It is concluded that although there is evidence to support enteral feeding as the preferred option, both routes have a role.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经胃镜放置空肠营养管行肠内营养支持(ENFTP)对重症急性胰腺炎患者的临床价值.方法 回顾性分析经ENFTP及同期行完全胃肠外营养(TPN)支持的重症急性胰腺炎患者47例及50例,比较两组患者营养支持前及支持后1、2、4周血常规、血糖、肝肾功能、血脂、血钙水平变化、各种并发症发生率、死亡率、营养支持时间、营养支持平均每日费用、机械通气时间、重症监护病房(ICU)监护时间及平均住院时间.结果 营养支持4周后,ENFTP组血红蛋白、白蛋白及空腹高血糖较TPN组恢复显著(P值均<0.05);ENFTP组胰周、胆道感染率、导管感染败血症、营养支持时间、营养支持平均每日费用及住院时间均显著低于TPN组(P值均<0.05),此外ENFTP组能更有效改善APACHEⅡ评分(P<0.05).结论 ENFTP在重症急性胰腺炎患者中应用安全经济.  相似文献   

目的:观察复合乳酸菌对早期肠内营养(EEN)和肠外营养(PN)治疗的重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)大鼠肠屏障功能的影响.方法:♂ SD大鼠胰腺被膜下均匀注射38 g/L牛磺胆酸钠制作SAP模型,96只大鼠随机分为假手术早期肠内营养治疗组(Sham-EEN)、早期肠内营养治疗组(EEN)、早期肠内营养联合复合乳酸菌治疗组(EEN Lac);假手术肠外营养治疗组(Sham-PN)、肠外营养治疗组(PN)、肠外营养联合复合乳酸菌组(PN Lac),每组16只,分别于第4和7天随机取8只大鼠,预处理后取材,检测肝和肠系膜淋巴结(MLN)肠道菌群易位(BT)、血浆内毒素(ET)、肠转运指数,TUNEL法检测肠上皮细胞凋亡、BCA法测定小肠黏膜蛋白含量、ELISA法测定小肠黏液SIgA含量.结果:PN组大鼠的BT率高于EEN组和PN Lac组(14/16 vs 9/16,10/16,均P<0.05);4 d EEN组高于EEN Lac组(12/16 vs 9/16,P=0.026).PN组血浆ET高于EEN组(276.83±30.81 EU/Lvs 138.52±22.56 EU/L,P<0.05);不加用Lac组高于加用Lac组(均P<0.05).PN Lac组肠转运系数高于PN组(0.70±0.08 vs 0.59±0.05,P<0.01).PN组小肠上皮细胞AI高于EEN组和PN Lac组(22.67%±4.97% vs 15.31%±4.18%,18.40%±2.01%,P<0.01).加用Lac组空肠黏膜蛋白含量高于不加用Lac组(均P<0.05);EEN Lac组高于PN Lac组(56.91±3.73 mg/gvs 44.69±2.99 mg/g,P<0.01).EEN Lac组小肠黏液SIgA含量高于EEN组和PN Lac组(82.17±6.02 μg/g vs 69.26±5.66 μg/g,59.87±5.54μg/g,P<0.05及P<0.01).结论:加用复合乳酸菌可改善EEN和PN治疗的SAP大鼠肠屏障功能,其中EEN Lac的作用最为显著,EEN在维护SAP大鼠肠屏障方面的作用优于PN.  相似文献   

目的 探讨重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)患者早期鼻-空肠内营养(EN)支持的时机及其可行性和安全性.方法 收集72例SAP患者,按数字表法随机分为观察组和对照组.观察组实施EN的时机为患者循环相对稳定,腹胀减轻,闻及肠鸣音;对照组实施EN的时机为生命体征稳定,肠蠕动恢复,无腹胀,有排气及饥饿感.比较两组患者分泌物培养情况、住院时间、总住院费用等的差异.结果 两组患者咽拭子、痰、中段尿培养阳性率无显著差异,但观察组粪培养阳性率为5.6%,明显低于对照组的33.3%(P<0.01).观察组的住院天数、住院总费用分别为(26.0±15.2)d和(78 910±77 734)元,明显低于对照组的(32.9±22.3)d和(149 528±145 936)元(P<0.05).结论 适当提前实施EN是安全可行的,对缩短病程、降低住院费用等方面均有积极的作用.  相似文献   

In the majority (80%) of patients with acute pancreatitis, the disease is self limiting and, after a few days of withholding feeding and intravenous administration of fluids, patients can again be normally fed orally. In a small percentage of patients, the disease progresses to severe necrotic pancreatitis, with an intense systemic inflammatory response and often with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. As mortality is high in patients with severe disease and as mortality and morbidity rates are directly related to the failure of establishing a positive nitrogen balance, it is assumed that feeding will improve survival in patients with severe disease. The aim of nutritional support is to cover the elevated metabolic demands as much as possible, without stimulating pancreatic secretion and maximizing self-digestion. The administration of either total parenteral nutrition or jejunal nutrition does not stimulate pancreatic secretion. Recently, a series of controlled clinical studies has been conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of enteral nutrition with jejunal administration of the nutritional solution. The results have shown that enteral nutrition, as compared to total parenteral nutrition, was cheaper, safer and more effective as regards the suppression of the immunoinflammatory response, the decrease of septic complications, the need for surgery for the management of the complications of acute pancreatitis and the reduction of the total hospitalization period. It did not seem to affect mortality or the rate of non-septic complications. In conclusion, enteral nutrition should be the preferred route of nutritional support in patients with acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

The benefit of early enteral nutrition (EN) for the disease process and for patient outcome in severe acute pancreatitis is dramatic. A narrow window of opportunity exists during which there is potential for EN to decrease disease severity and reduce overall complications. Most patients with severe pancreatitis tolerate enteral feeds. Any signs of symptom exacerbation or increasing inflammation in response to EN may be ameliorated by subtle adjustments in the feeding strategy. In this manner, provision of EN represents primary therapy in the management of the patient with acute pancreatitis and is emerging as the gold standard of therapy in nutrition support for this disease process.  相似文献   

Nutritional support in acute pancreatitis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acute pancreatitis is one of the most catabolic of critical illnesses, and its clinical course is often prolonged. Consequently, the need for interventional nutritional support is great. Because of fears that feeding might exacerbate the tryptic autodigestion and disease process, total parenteral nutrition was used exclusively until recent years, when it was recognized that the complications of hyperglycemia and sepsis outweighed nutritional benefits. In clinical practice, enteral feeding has proven superior because it avoids these complications and maintains gut function, but enteral feeding needs to be given in a form that minimizes pancreatic stimulation. This review discusses the advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease, the results of recent clinical trials of nutritional support, and the challenges that remain in optimizing nutritional management.  相似文献   

Acute pancreatitis can present as a mild or severe disease. Most patients have a mild disease and recover without requiring nutritional support. Patients with severe acute pancreatitis may develop systemic inflammatory response syndrome and progress to multi-organ failure. These ill patients have high metabolism and protein catabolism. Hence, the nutritional management of these patients can be challenging. The aim of nutritional support is to meet the elevated metabolic demands as far as possible without stimulating pancreatic secretion and yet maintaining the gut integrity. The concept of pancreatic rest has evolved over the years. To date, there is a substantial scientific proof that enteral nutrition (EN) in comparison to parenteral nutrition significantly reduces infectious complications, surgical interventions and mortality in predicted severe acute pancreatitis. EN may be able to improve outcome in these patients if given early. In this review, we summarized the current knowledge on nutrition in acute pancreatitis and shared our local experience.  相似文献   

Acute pancreatitis is a catabolic condition requiring adequate nutritional support to avoid severe nitrogen loss. Providing nutrition to the patients with acute pancreatitis is, however, limited by the fact that oral feeding may stimulate the pancreas and aggravate the pancreatitis. Hence, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is recommended for such patients but that too has limitations apart from its prohibitive cost. At the same time, therefore, enteral feeds have been developed, which provide adequate nutrition and are fairly well tolerated by these patients. Based on the available studies, a rational scheme of managing acute pancreatitis has been recommended. Patients with moderately severe acute pancreatitis who are malnourished or are likely to develop complications requiring surgery should be supported with total parenteral nutrition from an early stage. All patients with severe acute pancreatitis should, on the other hand, be supported with total parenteral nutrition from the beginning, but enteral nutrition via a jejunostomy should be commenced as early as possible since such patients often run a protracted course and giving them TPN might become exorbitantly expensive and impractical. Mixed or polymeric feeds are tolerated well from the sixth or seventh postoperative day but in an occasional patient elemental diet via the jejunostomy may become necessary.  相似文献   

Nutritional support in acute pancreatitis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Acute pancreatitis (AP), mainly the severe necrotizing type, results in extreme energy demands which might lead, if prolonged, to severe malnutrition. Besides that, starving during AP contributes to gut barrier dysfunction, the main cause of bacterial translocation and sepsis. The aim of nutritional support in AP is to prevent malnutrition and protect the gut by maintaining mucosal integrity. Traditionally, nutritional support during the acute phase of the disease has been provided through total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions. However, recent animal and human studies have identified new patterns of pancreatic secretion and hormonal stimulation during the course of AP, different from those assumed for years. Thus it has become feasible to use the natural enteral route for nutrition with potential benefits compared with TPN.  相似文献   

Nutritional support in acute pancreatitis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Acute pancreatitis often results in a hyperdynamic, consumptive state. Hallmarks of this condition are decreased peripheral resistance with increased cardiac output. Hemodynamic and cardiovascular changes are accompanied by metabolic alterations. Increased protein catabolism, increased ureagenesis, glucose intolerance, increased lipolysis, and reduced servoregulation are metabolic changes commonly seen in this syndrome. To preserve organ structure and function, biochemical processes must be metabolically supported. Substrate needs change as stress level increases. The per cent of total calories provided as protein must increase. Branched-chain-enriched amino acid solutions have been shown to improve nitrogen utilization in hypermetabolic patients and may therefore be beneficial for the patient with acute pancreatitis. Glucose utilization decreases and free fatty oxidation increases. A mixed fuel system that provides fat, protein, and glucose is suggested for these patients. IV fat has been shown to be a safe energy substrate for patients with pancreatitis in the absence of hyperlipidemia. Failure to use fat as an energy substrate in conjunction with TPN may result in hepatic steatosis and excess carbon dioxide production. The decision of whether to use the parenteral or enteral route to nutritionally support the patient with pancreatitis remains controversial. TPN may allow maintenance of pancreatic rest. The role of enteral feedings is less clear. However, it has been shown that the further down the alimentary tract the feeding is infused, the less pancreatic stimulation occurs. Therefore, it seems wise to support the patient with TPN during severe acute pancreatitis. Jejunal enteral feedings should be initiated as a transitional feeding when the acute inflammatory episode begins to subside.  相似文献   

C H Organ  M P Finn 《Geriatrics》1977,32(5):77-84
An appropriately designed program of nutritional support will allow the geriatric patient to undergo necessary surgical therapy with fewer risks and improved results. The selection of the route of administration and the specific agent(s) will depend on the functional status of the gastrointestinal tract as well as the patient's protein and calorie requirements. Table 6 summarizes our recommendations in the delection process. Our obvious preference is the gastrointestinal tract route if possible. When this optimum method of nutritional management is not available, sequential or concurrent supplemented feedings or intravenous hyperalimentation may be required to achieve adequate protein calorie intake. Regardless of the route chosen, careful monitoring of the geriatric patient's response to nutritional therapy is required. Only through careful planning and execution of nutritional therapy can optimum results be achieved in this group of patients.  相似文献   

Enteral nutritional support of the patient with cancer: route and role   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Malnutrition is a common and significant problem in patients with cancer. Enteral nutrition support is an important therapy and is preferred over parenteral nutrition in the setting of a functional gastrointestinal tract. Familiarity with the indications for enteral support, the choice of an enteral access device, and the selection of an enteral formula are critical for the care of patients with cancer and malnutrition. Enteral nutrition has proven efficacy in patients receiving radiation to the head and neck, those with persistent dysphagia, and critically ill patients with impaired gastric emptying. Placement of feeding tubes through the nose or percutaneously provides a mechanism to deliver nutrients when proximal obstructions or oropharyngeal dysphagia prevent adequate oral intake. Direct access to the jejunum can be safely obtained endoscopically and is very useful in patients who require enteral nutrition support following a gastrectomy or esophagectomy or have impaired gastric emptying. Standard polymeric formulas are appropriate for most patients. Specialized formulas designed to enhance immune function may decrease infectious complications but do not improve survival.  相似文献   

Nutrition support in severe acute pancreatitis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nutritional support can improve the outcome from severe acute pancreatitis in two ways: first by providing the building blocks for tissue repair and recovery, and second, by modulating the inflammatory response and preventing organ failure, both of which are responsible for most of the morbidity and mortality associated with the disease. This review discusses the evidence on which these statements are based.  相似文献   

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