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AIM: To assess the association between child growth and teacher-reported behavior and academic standing, and neuropsychological performance. METHOD: The heights of 344 public-school children were measured using standard procedures. Teachers were requested to complete two behavioral and one academic performance rating scales. Neuropsychological assessment consisted of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory, the Steadiness Test and the Purdue Pegboard. Height-for-age z (HAZ) scores were calculated based on an international reference. Standard (z) scores for each factor of the first two behavioral rating scales and for each neuropsychological variable were computed for each child based on locally-derived norms. RESULTS: HAZ scores were negatively correlated with factors related to hyperactivity, conduct problem, impulsivity and inattention of the behavioral rating scales. In addition, the lower the HAZ score the worse the academic performance. CONCLUSION: These results add to the existing evidence indicating a strong association between growth status and child behavior and academic performance.  相似文献   

Early reading and spelling abilities in children from Ireland and Sweden with severe speech and physical impairment (SSPI) were studied and compared. The aim was to look for similarities as well as for differences that could be related to the different linguistic environments. Both group consisted of 15 children, and were matched on linguistic age. Reading and spelling as well as phonological awareness and memory were tested. Both groups performed fairly well on the phonological awareness tasks, but the Swedish children did not seem to manage to use this ability successfully for reading and spelling. Overall the Irish children showed a slightly stronger performance, and were significantly better at the reading tasks. There were some signs that children were affected by the structure of their individual languages. The Irish children revealed the greatest problems with pseudoword spelling which is in line with results from speaking children with English as their mother tongue and could be a result of using a strategy based on larger linguistic units. The Swedish children had particular problems with tasks presented without oral support, which may be an effect of memory problems due to their lack of articulatory ability.  相似文献   

Among children born at extremely low birthweight (ELBW: < 1000 g at birth) there is an association between the presence of periventricular brain injury (PVBI) and lowered performance on tests of reading and spelling ability. The present study was designed to determine if this association might be related to underlying dysfunction in the subcortical magnocellular visual pathway or its cortical targets in the dorsal stream, a prediction motivated by the magnocellular theory of dyslexia. Thirty-five ELBW children were divided into two groups based upon the presence or absence of PVBI (no PVBI, n = 11; PVBI, n = 24). The performance of these two groups was compared to that of a group of healthy full term children (n = 12) on a motion-defined form recognition task believed to tap into the functioning of the magnocellular pathway and/or the dorsal stream. ELBW children did, in fact, show a striking impairment on this task, with 71% of the sample performing at a level more than three standard deviations below the mean of full term controls. Surprisingly, their difficulties were not found to be related to either the presence of brain injury (verified by neonatal cranial ultrasound) or to problems with reading or spelling. An association was documented, however, between difficulties with motion processing and performance on several subtests of the Performance IQ scale of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition. This latter finding is consistent with our earlier suggestion that magnocellular pathway/dorsal stream dysfunction may underlie problems with visuospatial and visuomotor performance in this population.  相似文献   

Although poor reading and spelling skills have been associated with weak skills of executive functioning (EF), its role in literacy is not undisputed. Because EF has different theoretical underpinnings, methods of analysis and of assessing, it has led to varying and often contrasting results in its effects in children with dyslexia. The present study has two goals. The first goal is to establish the relationship between a large number of EF tasks and reading and spelling skills in a large number of Dutch dyslexic children (n = 229). More interesting, however, is the second aim. To what extent do EF skills predict progress in reading and spelling in dyslexic children who attended a remediation programme? The results revealed small, but significant relationships between EF and reading and spelling skills, but no relationships between EF and progress in reading and spelling. It is concluded that training EF skills is unlikely to enhance reading and spelling skills.  相似文献   

Imposed social subordination, such as that which accompanies physical defeat or alienation, has been associated with impaired cognitive function in both human and non-human animals. Here we examined whether domain-specific and/or domain-general learning abilities (c.f. general intelligence) are differentially influenced by the imposition of social subordination. Furthermore, we assessed whether the impact of subordination on cognitive abilities was the result of imposed subordination per se, or if it reflected deficits intrinsically expressed in subjects that are predisposed to subordination. Subordinate and dominant behaviors were assessed in two groups of CD-1 male mice. In one group (Imposed Stratification), social stratification was imposed (through persistent physical defeat in a colonized setting) prior to the determination of cognitive abilities, while in the second group (Innate Stratification), an assessment of social stratification was made after cognitive abilities had been quantified. Domain-specific learning abilities were measured as performance on individual learning tasks (odor discrimination, fear conditioning, spatial maze learning, passive avoidance, and egocentric navigation) while domain-general learning abilities were determined by subjects' aggregate performance across the battery of learning tasks. We observed that the imposition of subordination prior to cognitive testing decreased exploratory tendencies, moderately impaired performance on individual learning tasks, and severely impaired general cognitive performance. However, similar impairments were not observed in subjects with a predisposition toward a subordinate phenotype (but which had not experienced physical defeat at the time of cognitive testing). Mere colonization, regardless of outcome (i.e., stratification), was associated with an increase in stress-induced serum corticosterone (CORT) levels, and thus CORT elevations were not themselves adequate to explain the effects of imposed stratification on cognitive abilities. These findings indicate that absent the imposition of subordination, individuals with subordinate tendencies do not express learning impairments. This observation could have important ramifications for individuals in environments where social stratification is prevalent (e.g., schools or workplace settings).  相似文献   

Of 1761 three-year-old children born in 1979-80 and lived at Yonago city, Japan, 28 (1.6%; 25 boys and girls) were diagnosed as developmental speech delay by two pediatric neurologists. Reading and writing skills were evaluated in twelve of the speech delayed children at 8 years by ITPA, Token test and their compositions. Their results showed that reading or writing skill was delayed in many of them, especially in those with behavioral disorders, such as hyperkinetic behavior and poor personal relationship at 3 years.  相似文献   

The reading and writing to dictation skills of two mentally retarded Italian boys were tested. In both cases, written spelling was greatly superior to reading, despite the fact that visual acuity was within normal limits and simple visual matching tasks were performed well. Phenotypically, these developmental cases are analogous to cases of acquired alexia without agraphia.  相似文献   

Development of literacy skills was studied in six children (one male, five females) with severe speech impairments and cerebral palsy (CP). These skills were related to intellectual development, phonological abilities, and short-term memory. Three of the children were diagnosed with dystonia, and three with diplegia. They had no, or severely restricted, independent mobility (Gross Motor Function Classification System Level IV for four children and Level V for two), and severe fine motor problems, including difficulty with pointing. As they had no intelligible speech, the Bliss system was the primary communication mode. Assessments were made at approximately 6, 9, and 12 years of age. The results revealed that the children had difficulties acquiring literacy skills, although intellectual level and phonological ability predicted otherwise. Positive development during the first 3 years was followed by an arrest. A conspicuous decrease in IQ points was also found. Thus, phonological ability does not seem to have the same predictive power for literacy development in children with severe speech impairments and CP as in typically developing children. Further studies are needed to clarify the role of phonological abilities, working memory, and strategies used in literacy acquisition in these children. Such studies might also clarify the importance of articulatory abilities in early literacy acquisition.  相似文献   

Data from the Ontario Child Health Study were used to examine the strength of association between child immigrant status and child psychiatric disorder, poor school performance, and use of mental health/social services. Bivariate results indicate that immigrant children are not at increased risk for psychiatric disorder or poor school performance and that they use mental health and social services significantly less often than do their nonimmigrant peers. Implications of the findings are explored.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis investigation addresses the question of whether there exists a significant discrepancy in the cognitive abilities of children with cerebral palsy (CP) who, despite the presence of age appropriate communication and language, have reading and spelling delays.AimsWe wanted to discover whether there was a relationship between the phonological and visual perceptual abilities of children with CP and their progress in reading and spelling.Methods and proceduresFifteen children with CP (aged between 6:9 years and 11:6 years) were assessed on reading and spelling; communication and language; non-verbal reasoning; phonological processing; and visual perception.Outcomes and resultsTen of the children had very weak reading and spelling skills. Five children had (mostly) age appropriate scores of reading and spelling. No differences were found between these two groups in non-verbal reasoning or communication and language. However, phonological abilities, visual sequential memory and perception of visuospatial relationships were found to be related to reading and spelling.Conclusions and implicationsThe findings suggest that children with CP are at risk for reading and spelling delays when they have poor phonological processing, visual sequential memory and perception of visuospatial relationships. The implications of the findings for classroom practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the association of CA with syntax and vocabulary comprehension in children and adolescents with mental retardation. It was conducted using the PPVT-R and the Test for Reception of Grammar. The cognitive level of participants was estimated by means of three nonverbal intelligence tests. Results indicated that scores on intelligence tests account for 55% and 29% of the variability of syntax and vocabulary scores, respectively. For the vocabulary, the introduction of CA into the regression equation produced a significant increment of the variance explained (17%). However, its contribution to the variance of the syntax test was not significant. This finding suggests that CA-related experience is linked to on the receptive vocabulary of children and adolescents with mental retardation.  相似文献   

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to explore the patterns of brain activation associated with different levels of performance in exact and approximate calculation tasks in well-defined cohorts of children with mathematical calculation difficulties (MD) and typically developing controls. Both groups of children activated the same network of brain regions; however, children in the MD group had significantly increased activation in parietal, frontal, and cingulate cortices during both calculation tasks. A majority of the differences occurred in anatomical brain regions associated with cognitive resources such as executive functioning and working memory that are known to support higher level arithmetic skill but are not specific to mathematical processing. We propose that these findings are evidence that children with MD use the same types of problem solving strategies as TD children, but their weak mathematical processing system causes them to employ a more developmentally immature and less efficient form of the strategies.  相似文献   

Intact phonological processing is crucial for successful literacy acquisition. While individuals with difficulties in reading and spelling (i.e., developmental dyslexia) are known to experience deficient phoneme discrimination (i.e., segmental phonology), findings concerning their prosodic processing (i.e., suprasegmental phonology) are controversial. Because there are no behavior-independent studies on the underlying neural correlates of prosodic processing in dyslexia, these controversial findings might be explained by different task demands. To provide an objective behavior-independent picture of segmental and suprasegmental phonological processing in impaired literacy acquisition, we investigated event-related brain potentials during passive listening in typically and poor-spelling German school children. For segmental phonology, we analyzed the Mismatch Negativity (MMN) during vowel length discrimination, capturing automatic auditory deviancy detection in repetitive contexts. For suprasegmental phonology, we analyzed the Closure Positive Shift (CPS) that automatically occurs in response to prosodic boundaries. Our results revealed spelling group differences for the MMN, but not for the CPS, indicating deficient segmental, but intact suprasegmental phonological processing in poor spellers. The present findings point towards a differential role of segmental and suprasegmental phonology in literacy disorders and call for interventions that invigorate impaired literacy by utilizing intact prosody in addition to training deficient phonemic awareness.  相似文献   

Three studies are reported of the oral reading ability of language-impaired patients. Part of speech and picturability are shown to contribute to a word's readability. In addition, words whose referents can be easily manipulated (operative nouns) prove easier to read than matched words whose referents are relatively figurative.Comparisons of reading and naming ability were drawn between aphasic patients and patients clinically diagnosed as alexic. These comparisons suggest that for most aphasics reading and naming are mediated by separated mechanisms, with the ability to read being relatively spared; that alexics without agraphia achieve most success with short words, irrespective of part of speech; that alexics with agraphia achieve most success with picturable nouns, even when these contain more letters. In alexia with agraphia, reading and naming occur at a comparable level and may be mediated by identical or similar cognitive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Background: Mental retardation (MR) (IQ ≤ 70) is one of the most frequent and debilitating neurological handicaps in children. The aetiologies of MR are multiple and to a certain extent related to social class and the degree of MR. However, recent epidemiological data assessing these relationships are scarce. The objective of the present study was therefore to estimate the associations between socioeconomic status (SES), level of IQ, and causative factors in children with MR. Methods: The investigation was designed as a cross-sectional population-based study of Akershus County, outside Norway's capital Oslo. The source population comprised 30 037 children born between 1980 and 1985. Of 178 children aged 8–13 years, 79 had severe MR (SMR) (IQ < 50) and 99 had mild MR (MMR) (IQ 50–70). SES was grouped from I to V according to parental education. Diagnostic work-up regarding aetiology and medical diagnoses was extensive. The aetiology of MR was divided into two main groups: biopathological MR (n = 143), and unspecified MR, meaning MR of unknown aetiology (n = 35). Biopathological MR was further subdivided into four sub-groups: prenatal, perinatal, postnatal and undetermined timing of the damaging event. Results: SES III, IV and V (the lower grades) increased the risk of MMR. In SES IV and V there was an increased risk of unspecified MR, odds ratio 7.0 and 5.6 (95% CI 1.3, 39.0 and 1.1, 30.0) respectively, compared to SES I. IQ in unspecified MR was significantly higher than in the biopathological aetiology sub-groups. Conclusions: The study showed that parents of children with SMR had a higher socioeconomic level than parents of children with MMR. The findings were also consistent with a partial overlap between unspecified MR and the lower end of normal IQ distribution in the general population. Accepted: 19 October 1999  相似文献   

Very low birth weight born children manifest a higher prevalence of motor and cognitive impairments than term children. Seventy-four prospectively enrolled children born < 1250 g underwent testing of motor (Zurich neuromotor assessment ZNA: timed motor performances and associated movements) and cognitive functions (Kaufman-ABC) at age six years. Children with cerebral palsy or mental retardation were excluded. Adaptive motor tasks (pegboard and dynamic balance) and visuomotor cognitive functions were specifically impaired, and a distinct correlation pattern between motor and cognitive abilities was detected. The adaptive fine motor task (pegboard) correlated with visuomotor functions of the Kaufman-ABC ("triangles", r = 0.35; "matrix analogies", r = 0.39), while pure motor tasks of the ZNA (repetitive, alternating, and sequential movements) did not in spite of impaired motor performance. Timed motor performance below the 10th percentile correlated strongly with cognitive delay (IQ < 85: adaptive fine motor: OR 6.0 [95% CI] 4.7-7.3; adaptive gross motor: OR 7.0 [CI 5.6-8.4]; static balance: OR 9.6 [CI 8.2-11.0]). In conclusion, motor deficits in children born < 1250 g without severe disabilities correlate with specific cognitive impairments, in particular of the visuomotor domain. The correlation pattern may indicate specific dysfunction in visuomotor transformation, the intermediate process between visual-perceptual input and motor output. Early assessment of both motor and cognitive functions using standardized assessment tools is important to determine the extent and combination of specific developmental disturbances and to tailor therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The oddity performance of five preschool children at risk for mental retardation was facilitated by increasing the number of nonodd elements in a visual array. A combination intrasubject reversal and multiple baseline across subjects design indicated the internal validity of interventions designed to enhance the perceptual salience and consequent stimulus control of the odd stimulus. Results demonstrate that transfer and maintenance of oddity learning can be obtained even with individuals for whom correct oddity responding is uncommon. The typically poor performance of young and developmentally delayed children as compared to nondelayed children on tasks such as the oddity task may be attributable to a lower sensitivity to relational information.  相似文献   

《Sleep medicine》2015,16(1):87-93
ObjectiveTo examine associations of self-reported sleep disturbance and short sleep duration with the risk for academic failure.MethodsA cohort of ~40,000 adolescents (age range: 12–19 years) who were attending high school grades 7, 9, and 2nd year of upper secondary school in the Swedish Uppsala County were invited to participate in the Life and Health Young Survey (conducted between 2005 and 2011 in Uppsala County, Sweden). In addition to the question how many subjects they failed during the school year (outcome variable), subsamples of adolescents also answered questions related to subjective sleep disturbance (n = 20,026) and habitual sleep duration (n = 4736) (exposure variables). Binary logistic regression analysis was utilized to explore if self-reported sleep disturbances and habitual short sleep duration (defined as less than 7–8 h sleep per night) increase the relative risk to fail subjects during the school year (controlled for possible confounders, e.g. body-mass-index).ResultsAdolescents with self-reported sleep disturbances had an increased risk for academic failure (i.e., they failed at least one subject during the school year; OR: boys, 1.68; girls, 2.05, both P < 0.001), compared to adolescents without self-reported sleep disturbances. In addition, adolescents who reported short sleep duration on both working and weekend days were more likely to fail at least one subject at school than those who slept at least 7–8 h per night (OR: boys, 4.1; girls, 5.0, both P < 0.001).ConclusionOur findings indicate that reports of sleep disturbance and short sleep duration are linked to academic failure in adolescents. Based on our data, causality cannot be established.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that rats administered MDMA from postnatal (P) days 11-20 had reductions in body weight during the period of treatment and as adults they had deficits in sequential and spatial learning and memory. In the present study, to control for weight reductions, we used litters with double the number of offspring to induce growth restriction comparable to that of standard size litters treated with MDMA. Litters were treated twice daily from P11 to 20 with vehicle or MDMA (20 mg/kg) or only weighed. Males, but not females, exposed to MDMA had longer latencies and more errors in the Cincinnati water maze compared to males of the other treatments. In the Morris water maze (210 cm pool, 10x10 cm platform), the MDMA animals were impaired relative to all other treatments during acquisition. Only the MDMA females showed deficits when the platform was shifted to a new location, however, both MDMA males and females were impaired when the location of the platform was again shifted and a reduced platform (5x5 cm) used. No differences were observed in the ability to swim a straight channel, locate a platform with a cue, or the endocrine response to forced swim among the treatment groups. No differences were seen between animals injected with saline and those only weighed. The data suggest that factors, such as growth retardation, multiple injections, or the composition of the litter, do not affect the development of learning and memory impairments resulting from P11 to 20 MDMA exposure. The large litter approach offers a novel method to control for undernutrition during the preweaning period in rodents.  相似文献   

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is an effective rescue treatment for severe cardiorespiratory failure in term or near-term neonates, although a wide range of neurologic sequelae have been noted in a substantial minority of survivors. The objective of the present study was to determine the value of the neonatal electroencephalogram (EEG) for predicting Wechler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R), Wide Range Achievement Test, and Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Language scores at early school age in 66 testable survivors of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation who were not severely brain damaged. Technically satisfactory EEG recordings were obtained at least twice following admission to our nursery and prior to discharge. The EEGs were classified and graded according to standard criteria. The developmental test results of those who had only normal or mildly abnormal neonatal EEGs (group 1, n = 9) were compared with those who had at least one moderately or markedly abnormal recording (group 2, n = 57). School-age test and subtest scores were not statistically significantly worse in group 2 versus group 1 infants. No child in group 1 and five children in group 2 had WPPSI-R Full-Scale IQ scores of less than 70. Of the nine children in group 2 who had at least one markedly abnormal neonatal EEG recording (graded as burst suppression or as electrographic seizure), only two had abnormally low WPPSI-R Full-Scale IQ scores. We conclude that EEG recordings obtained during the neonatal course of neonates treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation do not predict cognitive and academic achievement test results in survivors at early school age who were testable and not severely brain damaged.  相似文献   

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