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Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, caused by Ehrlichia canis or Ehrlichia chaffeensis, can result in clinical disease in naturally infected animals. Coinfections with these agents may be common in certain areas of endemicity. Currently, a species-specific method for serological diagnosis of monocytic ehrlichiosis is not available. Previously, we developed two indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) using the major antigenic protein 2 (MAP2) of E. chaffeensis and E. canis. In this study, we further characterized the conservation of MAP2 among various geographic isolates of each organism and determined if the recombinant MAP2 (rMAP2) of E. chaffeensis would cross-react with E. canis-infected dog sera. Genomic Southern blot analysis using digoxigenin-labeled species-specific probes suggested that map2 is a single-copy gene in both Ehrlichia species. Sequences of the single map2 genes of seven geographically different isolates of E. chaffeensis and five isolates of E. canis are highly conserved among the various isolates of each respective ehrlichial species. ELISA and Western blot analysis confirmed that the E. chaffeensis rMAP2 failed to serologically differentiate between E. canis and E. chaffeensis infections.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a 28-kDa protein of Ehrlichia canis was cloned, sequenced, and expressed, and a comparative molecular analysis with homologous genes of E. canis, Cowdria ruminantium, and Ehrlichia chaffeensis was performed. The complete gene has an 834-bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 278 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 30.5 kDa. An N-terminal signal sequence was identified, suggesting that the protein undergoes posttranslational modification to a mature 27.7-kDa protein (P28). The E. canis p28 gene has significant nucleic acid and amino acid sequence homologies with the E. chaffeensis outer membrane protein-1 (omp-1) gene family, with the Cowdria ruminantium map-1 gene, and with other E. canis 28-kDa-protein genes. Southern blotting revealed the presence of at least two additional homologous p28 gene copies in the E. canis genome, confirming that p28 is a member of a polymorphic multiple-gene family. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that E. canis P28 has four variable regions, and it shares similar surface-exposed regions, antigenicity, and T-cell motifs with E. chaffeensis P28. The p28 genes from seven different E. canis isolates were identical, indicating that the gene for this major immunoreactive protein is highly conserved. In addition, reactivity of sera from clinical cases of canine ehrlichiosis with the recombinant P28 demonstrated that the recombinant protein may be a reliable serodiagnostic antigen.  相似文献   

DNA encoding two repeat units of 120-kDa protein of Ehrlichia chaffeensis was cloned into the expression vector pGEX and expressed in Escherichia coli. The sensitivity and specificity of a dot blot assay for detection of human antibodies with the recombinant protein were 86 and 100%, respectively, compared with an indirect immunofluorescence assay.  相似文献   

Ehrlichia canis and canine granulocytic Ehrlichia sp. (CGE) infect canine monocytes and granulocytes, respectively. E. canis has been cultured in vitro and used to develop an immunofluorescence assay. CGE has not been cultured, and a serologic assay is not available. The sera of dogs infected with CGE were reported to react with E. canis by immunofluorescence. In this study, the temporal response of immunoglobulin G (IgG) was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with purified E. canis antigen in four dogs experimentally infected with E. canis, in two dogs experimentally infected with CGE, and in one dog infected with E. canis and subsequently infected with CGE. E. canis-infected dogs developed an IgG ELISA result of 1.5 or greater for the optical density signal/noise ratio by 2 months postinfection. CGE challenge of a dog with a previous E. canis infection induced an anamnestic increase in the IgG ELISA result; however, CGE infection alone did not induce a significant IgG ELISA response. Western immunoblot analysis showed that dogs infected with E. canis developed antibodies initially that reacted with low-molecular-mass proteins (30, 24, and 21 kDa) and subsequently with higher-molecular-mass proteins (160, 100, 78, 64, 47, and 40 kDa). In contrast, CGE-infected dogs showed reactions with the same higher-molecular-mass proteins of E. canis but, unlike E. canis-infected dogs, not with the low-molecular-mass proteins of E. canis. Of 10 serum samples collected in the field of Indonesia from dogs with tropical canine pancytopenia, all had an optical density signal minus noise value of 2.54 or greater in the IgG ELISA and reacted with E. canis antigen in a pattern similar to that of serum samples from dogs experimentally infected with E. canis in Western immunoblotting. This study suggests that the IgG ELISA and Western immunoblotting with purified E. canis as the antigen are useful in distinguishing between E. canis and CGE infections in dogs.  相似文献   

The protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiologic agent of Chagas' disease, an illness responsible for morbidity and death among millions of Latin Americans. Mice also develop this disease when infected with T. cruzi and are a useful model organism for the study of parasite-specific immune responses. To identify immunogenic T. cruzi antigens, serum from an infected mouse was used to isolate clones from a T. cruzi epimastigote cDNA expression library. One of these clones was found to encode the 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein (grp78), the endoplasmic reticular member of the 70-kDa heat shock protein (hsp70) family. Like the mammalian and yeast grp78s, the T. cruzi protein contains an endoplasmic reticular leader peptide and a carboxyl-terminal endoplasmic reticular retention sequence. T. cruzi grp78 is encoded by a tandemly arranged family of three genes located on a chromosome of 1.6 Mb. The effects on grp78 expression of heat shock and tunicamycin treatment, the latter of which specifically stimulates mammalian grp78, were investigated. While the level of the grp78 protein remained constant under all circumstances, grp78 mRNA was unaffected by heat shock but induced fivefold by tunicamycin. Finally, we found that grp78 is the most immunogenic of the T. cruzi heat shock proteins we have characterized, reacting strongly in immunoblots with sera from infected mice.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a 23.5-kDa ehrlichial morula membrane protein designated MmpA was cloned by screening an Ehrlichia canis expression library with convalescent dog sera, which resulted in three positive clones. Sequence analysis of the insert DNAs from all three clones indicated an open reading frame with a size of 666 bp that encodes MmpA. The structural analysis of MmpA indicated that it is a transmembrane protein with extreme hydrophobicity. Southern blot analysis of the HindIII-digested chromosomal DNA demonstrated the presence of a single copy of the mmpA gene in E. canis and Ehrlichia chaffeensis but not in the human granulocytic ehrlichiosis agent. The mmpA gene was amplified, cloned, and expressed as a fusion protein. Polyclonal antibodies to the recombinant protein (rMmpA) were raised in rabbits. Western blot analysis of E. canis and E. chaffeensis lysates with the anti-rMmpA serum resulted in the presence of an MmpA band only in E. canis, not in E. chaffeenesis. Sera from dogs which were either naturally or experimentally infected with E. canis recognized the recombinant protein. Double immunofluorescence confocal microscopy studies demonstrated that MmpA was localized mainly on the morula membrane of E. canis. Since the morula membrane is the interface between the ehrlichial growing environment and the host cytoplasm, MmpA may play a role in bacterium-host cell interactions.  相似文献   

In recent years a febrile illness apparently associated with tick bite in patients in the United States has been attributed to infection by an Ehrlichia species. This implication is based on serologic responses to E. canis, morphologic demonstration of ehrlichiae in clinical materials, and a single isolate distinct from E. canis which was obtained from a human patient by the Centers for Disease Control. Little is known about the antigens of the ehrlichiae. This report expands the breadth of available knowledge concerning the antigenic components and serologic responses to component antigens of E. canis, E. sennetsu, and E. risticii. Protein immunoblotting after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by using density gradient-purified ehrlichiae and homologous antisera demonstrated reproducible and characteristic antigens within each species (for E. sennetsu, 91, 64, 54, 44, 36, 34, 28, 25, and 24 kDa; for E. risticii, 70, 52, 48, 44, 35, 28, 24, 23, and 20 kDa; for E. canis, 110, 64, 52, 42, 33, 28, 24, 23, and 20 kDa). When antisera were reacted with heterologous antigens, cross-reactivity among these species was virtually restricted to the 70-kDa antigen. Furthermore, when serum samples obtained from 10 patients who were convalescing from ehrlichiosis were tested against each antigen, only three serum samples had any reactivities, and these serum samples reacted with only a few of the antigenic bands. These results documented the molecular sizes of electrophoretically separated antigens of the three Ehrlichia species, confirm their serologic relationships, and support the novel nature of the agent(s) of human ehrlichiosis in the United States.  相似文献   

The genome of Ehrlichia risticii, the etiologic agent of Potomac horse fever, was cloned in the lambda gt11 expression vector. The efficiency of recombinant phage production with different restriction fragments of E. risticii DNA was generally between 20 and 95%. The antigen-positive frequency, detected by immunoscreening with E. risticii antibodies, was between 8 and 40 per 10(4) recombinants. Four (70, 55, 51, and 44 kDa) major antigens of E. risticii were identified from the recombinant phages by using recombinant antigen-selected monospecific antibodies. Characterization of three (70, 55, and 44 kDa) of these recombinant antigens indicated that the 70- and 44-kDa polypeptides were beta-galactosidase fusion products that were dependent on isopropylthiogalactoside induction for expression; they contained about 50 and 73%, respectively, of the native polypeptides. The 55-kDa antigen was a nonfusion protein expressed independently of isopropylthiogalactoside induction; it was a complete protein with a molecular weight identical to that of its native counterpart. The cloned E. risticii DNAs from of the recombinants expressing 70-, 55-, and 44-kDa proteins were 3.5, 3.9, and 4.8 kb, respectively, in size, and they were unique. The insert DNAs hybridized to multiple restriction fragments of the genomic DNA, the sum of the sizes of which was much greater than that of the corresponding insert. Mice immunized with the affinity-purified 55-kDa recombinant antigen produced a high titer of antibody in serum as measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gave a monospecific reaction by Western immunoblotting. Challenge infection of these immunized mice showed low protection from clinical infection.  相似文献   

Ehrlichiae are tick-transmitted, gram-negative, obligately intracellular bacteria that live and replicate in cytoplasmic vacuoles, but little is known about iron acquisition mechanisms necessary for their survival. In this study, a genus-conserved immunoreactive ferric ion-binding protein (Fbp) of Ehrlichia canis was identified and its iron-binding capability was investigated. E. canis Fbp was homologous to a family of periplasmic Fbp's involved in iron acquisition and transport in gram-negative bacteria. E. canis Fbp had a molecular mass (38 kDa) consistent with those of Fbp's in other bacteria and exhibited substantial immunoreactivity in its native conformation. The predicted three-dimensional structure of E. canis Fbp demonstrated conservation of important Fbp family structural motifs: two domains linked with a polypeptide "hinge" region. Under iron-binding conditions, the recombinant Fbp exhibited an intense red color and an absorbance spectrum indicative of iron binding, and it bound Fe(III) but not Fe(II). Fbp was observed primarily in the cytoplasm of the reticulate forms of E. canis and Ehrlichia chaffeensis but was notably found on extracellular morula fibers in morulae containing dense-cored organisms. Although expression of Fbp is regulated through an operon of three functionally linked genes in other gram-negative bacteria, the absence of an intact fbp operon in Ehrlichia spp. suggests that genes involved in ehrlichial iron acquisition have been subject to reductive evolution.  相似文献   

The genetic determinants of the 120-kDa cytotoxin of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 were isolated from a lambda DNA library by a plaque immunoblot technique. Expression of the 120-kDa polypeptide was confirmed by Western immunoblot analysis of infected Escherichia coli cell lysates, which were shown to be toxic for porcine alveolar macrophages in vitro. The genetic determinants of the toxin were subcloned into the plasmid vector pUC18. This plasmid (pPTX1) directed the synthesis and secretion of the active 120-kDa cytotoxin in E. coli. The recombinant toxin was indistinguishable from native cytotoxin from A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 with respect to molecular size, reaction in Western blot analysis, heat lability, cytotoxic activity, and neutralization by serum antibody. A restriction endonuclease cleavage map of pPTX1 was prepared, and deletion mutants were used to locate the minimal region of DNA required for production of intracellular toxin; this gene was termed ptxA. Southern hybridization analysis with a 1.7-kb PvuII fragment located within the ptxA gene revealed sequences with a high degree of homology in serotype reference strains 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. Other reference strains did not contain sequences that were recognized by this probe. However, related sequences (greater than 71% homology) were detected in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and A. equuli. Weak hybridization was observed between the ptxA probe and pLKT5, which carries the lktAC genes of Pasteurella haemolytica, and between the ptxA probe and pAPH1, which carries the structural gene for type II hemolysin from A. pleuropneumoniae. The isolation of the genetic determinants of this cytotoxin will enable investigations of the structure and organization of the ptx DNA region and further analysis of its role in the pathogenesis of pleuropneumonia.  相似文献   

Ehrlichia canis has a small subset of major immunoreactive proteins that includes a 19-kDa protein that elicits an early Ehrlichia-specific antibody response in infected dogs. We report herein the identification and molecular characterization of this highly conserved 19-kDa major immunoreactive glycoprotein (gp19) ortholog of the Ehrlichia chaffeensis variable-length PCR target (VLPT) protein. E. canis gp19 has substantial carboxyl-terminal amino acid homology (59%) with E. chaffeensis VLPT and the same chromosomal location; however, the E. chaffeensis VLPT gene (594 bp) has tandem repeats that are not present in the E. canis gp19 gene (414 bp). Consistent with other ehrlichial glycoproteins, the gp19 protein exhibited a larger-than-predicted mass (approximately 3 kDa), O-linked glycosylation sites were predicted in an amino-terminal serine/threonine/glutamate (STE)-rich patch (26 amino acids), carbohydrate was detected on the recombinant gp19 protein, and the neutral sugars glucose and galactose were detected on the recombinant amino-terminal polypeptide. E. canis gp19 composition consists of five predominant amino acids, cysteine, glutamate, tyrosine, serine, and threonine, concentrated in the STE-rich patch and a carboxyl-terminal domain predominated by cysteine and tyrosine (55%). The amino-terminal STE-rich patch contained a major species-specific antibody epitope strongly recognized by serum from an E. canis-infected dog. The recombinant glycopeptide epitope was substantially more reactive with antibody than the synthetic (nonglycosylated) peptide, and periodate treatment of the recombinant glycopeptide epitope reduced its immunoreactivity, demonstrating the importance of a carbohydrate immunodeterminant(s). The gp19 protein was present on reticulate and dense-cored cells, and it was found extracellularly in the fibrillar matrix and associated with the morula membrane, the host cell cytoplasm, and the nucleus.  相似文献   

The diagnostic applicability of the Clonorchis sinensis recombinant 7-kDa protein was evaluated. In enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and immunoblots, the protein showed high sensitivities (81.3 and 71.9%, respectively) and specificities (92.6 and 89.7%, respectively) for sera obtained from various helminthic infections. Some paragonimiasis sera showed cross-reactions. The antigen might be valuable in the serodiagnosis of human clonorchiasis.  相似文献   

A clone expressing an immunoreactive protein with an apparent molecular mass of 44 kDa was selected from an Ehrlichia chaffeensis Arkansas genomic library by probing with anti-E. chaffeensis hyperimmune mouse ascitic fluid. Nucleotide sequencing revealed an open reading frame (ORF) capable of encoding a 198-amino-acid polypeptide. The ORF contained four imperfect, direct, tandem 90-bp repeats. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences did not show close homologies to entries in the molecular databases. PCR with primers whose sequences matched the sequences flanking the ORF was performed with DNA samples extracted from cell cultures infected with nine different isolates of E. chaffeensis, blood samples from seven patients with monocytic ehrlichiosis, and Amblyomma americanum ticks collected in four different states. The resulting amplicons varied in length, containing three to six repeat units. This gene, designated the variable-length PCR target, is useful for PCR detection of E. chaffeensis and differentiation of isolates.  相似文献   

Pathogen-specific membrane immunogens of Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum (T. pallidum) have been identified previously by phase partitioning with the nonionic detergent Triton X-114. One of these antigens, a 15-kilodalton (kDa) polypeptide, is expressed in relatively small quantities in T. pallidum but is highly immunogenic in both human and experimental syphilis. The native T. pallidum antigen was purified to homogeneity from the mixture of Triton X-114 detergent-phase proteins by chromatofocusing. Recombinant Escherichia coli clones were selected from a T. pallidum genomic DNA library by using monoclonal antibodies specific to the 15-kDa antigen; immunoblotting and minicell analyses confirmed expression of the 15-kDa protein in the transformants. Southern hybridization with a 1.1-kilobase fragment of DNA encoding the 15-kDa-antigen gene indicated that the gene is probably present in a single copy within the genomes of both T. pallidum and T. pallidum subsp. pertenue (the agent of yaws), while it is absent from the genome of the nonpathogenic Treponema phagedenis biotype Reiter. Cell fractionation studies with Triton X-114 demonstrated that the recombinant polypeptide possesses hydrophobic properties similar to those of the native antigen and localized the cloned 15-kDa antigen to the inner membrane of E. coli. Protein processing experiments in minicells revealed that a precursor appears to be processed to the mature 15-kDa polypeptide.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of nucleotide and N-terminal-amino-acid-sequence analyses to determine the primary structure of the 37-kilodalton (kDa) endoflagellar outer layer, or sheath, protein. Initially, a lambda gt11 clone (designated lambda A34) expressing a portion of the 37-kDa protein was selected from a Treponema pallidum genomic library with a murine monoclonal antibody (H9-2) directed against an epitope of the 37-kDa protein. The insert from lambda A34 provided a probe with which a chimeric plasmid (pR14) encoding all but the nine N-terminal amino acids of the entire protein was selected from a T. pallidum(pBR322) genomic library. The nine N-terminal amino acids determined by amino acid sequencing were combined with the DNA sequence encoded by pR14 to determine the primary structure of the entire 37-kDa protein; the combined sequence made up a polypeptide with a calculated molecular mass of 36,948 Da. Approximately one-third of the deduced sequence was confirmed by N-terminal amino acid analysis of tryptic peptides from the purified 37-kDa protein. Repeated attempts to clone upstream portions of the gene (flaA) by using a variety of strategies were unsuccessful, suggesting that unregulated expression of the intact sheath protein or of its most amino-terminal portions is toxic in Escherichia coli. These studies should provide the basis for further molecular investigations of the endoflagellar apparatus and of treponemal motility.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the relative sensitivity of the detection of antibodies against various antigenic proteins of Ehrlichia chaffeensis for the diagnosis of the emerging infectious disease human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis, Western immunoblotting was performed with 27 serum samples from convalescent patients with antibodies, as demonstrated by indirect immunofluorescence assay. Among 22 patients with antibodies reactive with the 120-kDa protein, 15 showed reactivity with the 29/28-kDa protein(s) and the proteins in the 44- to 88-kDa range. Two of the serum samples with this pattern reacted with the 29/28-kDa protein(s) of only the 91HE17 strain, and one sample reacted with only that of the Arkansas strain, indicating that the antibodies were stimulated by strain-specific epitopes. Overall, antibodies to the 29/28-kDa protein(s) were detected in only 16 patients' sera, suggesting that this protein is less sensitive than the 120-kDa protein. Two of 12 serum samples from healthy blood donors had antibodies reactive with the 120-kDa protein; one of these samples reacted also with the 29/28-kDa protein(s) of Ehrlichia canis, suggesting that unrecognized ehrlichial infection might have occurred, including human infection with E. canis. A high correlation between reactivity with the 120-kDa protein by Western immunoblotting and the recombinant 120-kDa protein by dot blot supports the potential usefulness of this recombinant antigen in diagnostic serology.  相似文献   

Protective studies were conducted with mice by using recombinantly produced antigens, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-fractionated antigens, and a monoclonal antibody specific to the 28-kDa antigen of Ehrlichia risticii. Analysis of E. risticii-infected cell culture used as the challenge inoculum indicated an inverse relationship between the progression of cell culture infection and the infective capability of E. risticii for mice. A recombinant 44-kDa antigen was found to protect mice considerably against challenge infection, while the monoclonal antibody and fractionated antigens were not protective. A potentiation of protection was observed when the recombinant 44-kDa antigen was combined with the recombinant 70-kDa antigen and used for mouse immunization.  相似文献   

Mammalian β-defensins are small cationic peptides possessing broad antimicrobial and physiological activities. Because dogs are particularly resilient to sexually transmitted diseases, it has been proposed that their antimicrobial peptide repertoire might provide insight into novel antimicrobial therapeutics and treatment regimens. To investigate this proposal, we cloned the full-length cDNA of three canine β-defensin isoforms (cBD-1, -2, and -3) from canine testicular tissues. Their predicted peptides share identical N-terminal 65-amino-acid residues, including the β-defensin consensus six-cysteine motif. The two longer isoforms, cBD-2 and -3, possess 4 and 34 additional amino acids, respectively, at the C terminus. To evaluate the antimicrobial activity of cBD, a 34-amino-acid peptide derived from the shared mature peptide region was synthesized. Canine β-defensin displayed broad antimicrobial activity against gram-positive bacteria (Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus; MICs of 6 and 100 μg/ml, respectively), gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae; MICs of 20 to 50, 20, and 50 μg/ml, respectively), and yeast (Candida albicans; MIC of 5 to 50 μg/ml) and lower activity against Ureaplasma urealyticum and U. canigenitalium (MIC of 200 μg/ml). Antimicrobial potency was significantly reduced at salt concentrations higher than 140 mM. All three canine β-defensins were highly expressed in testis. In situ hybridization indicated that cBD-1 was expressed primarily in Sertoli cells within the seminiferous tubules. In contrast, cBD-2 was located primarily within Leydig cells. The longest isoform, cBD-3, was detected in Sertoli cells and to a lesser extent in the interstitium. The tissue-specific expression and broad antimicrobial activity suggest that canine β-defensins play an important role in host defense and other physiological functions of the male reproductive system.  相似文献   

A clone expressing a 35.5-kDa recombinant treponemal protein was isolated from a genomic DNA library constructed from Treponema pallidum street strain 14. Polyclonal antiserum raised against the recombinant protein reacted with a corresponding native protein of comparable size in T. pallidum that is specific to the pathogenic treponemes. Radiolabeling of the recombinant protein with [3H]palmitate demonstrated that it is lipid modified. Like other recently characterized T. pallidum lipoproteins, the 35.5-kDa lipoprotein partitioned into the detergent phase from T. pallidum cells fractionated with Triton X-114, suggesting that it is an integral membrane protein. Processing of the recombinant 35.5-kDa lipoprotein from a precursor form to a smaller mature form was not evident in pulse-chase experiments. However, pretreatment of Escherichia coli cells expressing the 35.5-kDa lipoprotein with inhibitors of protein processing or translocation revealed the existence of a higher-molecular-mass precursor. Gene fusion studies with the transposon TnphoA demonstrated the presence of an export signal in the 35.5-kDa lipoprotein that promotes the extracytoplasmic localization of a 35.5-kDa lipoprotein-PhoA hybrid.  相似文献   

Kim TS  Kim HH  Lee SS  Oh CM  Choi KM  Lin K  Kim JY  Na BK  Han ET  Sohn Y  Kim H  Lee HW 《Parasitology research》2011,108(5):1275-1282
Plasmodium vivax is classified into two serotypes, VK210 [the dominant form-GDRA(D/A)GQPA repeats] and VK247 [the variant form-ANGA(G/D)(N/D)QPG repeats], based on sequence variation of the repeat region of the circumsporozoite (CS) protein gene. Genomic DNA for the variant CS protein gene was obtained from field isolate strains in Myanmar. The repetitive region has highly 19 immunogenic repeats flanked by non-repeat stretches of amino acids. The sequence including this region (717 bp) was subcloned into the expression vector pQE30 and expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed recombinant protein has a molecular weight of about 50 kDa as analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis. Anti-VK247 antibodies were found in malaria patients who have been exposed to variant form of P. vivax in western blot analysis. Therefore, this recombinant protein might be a useful tool in serodiagnosis of malaria patients who have been infected with variant form of P. vivax.  相似文献   

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