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本文观察了CS_2对大鼠胚胎发育及血清锌、铜含量的影响。发现胚胎着床前死亡率升高,胎鼠皮下出血、心包淤血及骨骼骨化不金的发生率增高。但无明显的致畸效应。14.1及103.9ng/m~3的CS_2对妊娠大鼠的血清锌、铜含量无明显影响。说明CS_2对大鼠的胚胎毒性与其对妊娠大鼠血清锌、铜含量的影响之间没有关联。  相似文献   

职业性接触二硫化碳对血铜、锌水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期接触CS2 能引起作业工人高胆固醇血症、冠心病病死率增高等[1,2 ]。但其毒作用机制目前尚不十分明了 ,有研究提示接触CS2 能干扰机体铜、锌代谢 ,并认为铜、锌代谢紊乱是CS2 慢性毒作用的重要机制之一[3 ]。本文调查了CS2 作业工人的血铜、锌值 ,并探讨CS2 接触水平与血铜、锌值之间的关系。1 对象与方法1 1 对象 以直接接触CS2 的某化纤厂粘胶车间纺丝、后处理、原液、机修工人 [平均年龄 (3 0 3± 5 8)岁 ] 3 5名 (男 18,女17)为接触组 ,以不接触CS2 、年龄、工龄近似的工人 [平均年龄(2 8 7± 5 1)岁 ] 4 1名 (男 2 5,女 1…  相似文献   

二硫化碳(CS_2)进入人体可与蛋白质、肽类游离氨基酸等结合生成二硫化氨基甲酸酯,此化合物又可与体内铜锌等金属离子生成螯合物,使组织细胞内金属离子含量降低,干扰细胞的正常代谢,抑制一些酶的活性,导致各种病理过程的发生。头发中铜、锌等金属元素的含量往往与体内组织中的含量相关。为了探讨二硫化碳对人体的危害及其损伤机理,我们测定了101人二硫化碳作业者头发中的铜、锌、铁、钙、镁和硒六种元素,并测定了33人非二硫化碳作业者发中上述六种元素含量以作对照。  相似文献   

血清铜锌硒与卵巢癌关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对 40例卵巢癌患者进行血清铜、锌、硒及铜 /锌比值测定 ,并以 48例健康成年女性为对照。测定结果进行单因素分析和非条件 Logistic多因素分析。单因素分析结果表明 ,卵巢癌患者血清锌、硒低于正常组 ,铜 /锌比值升高 ,而血清铜无显著差异 ;有负荷患者铜 /锌比值明显高于无负荷患者 ,而血清锌、硒无显著差异。回归多因素分析表明 ,硒、锌是卵巢癌发病的保护因素 ,揭示锌、硒在卵巢癌预防及辅助治疗上均有一定价值。  相似文献   

1 对象与方法1.1 对象选择 心衰组为本院住院充血性心力衰竭病人36例,其中男性28例、女性8名,年龄40~66岁;对照组为佳木斯地区身体健康、体检无其它疾病的人群70例。1.2 测定方法 取患者、健康者晨空腹静脉血3~4ml置预先经HNO_3、去离子水清洁处理并干燥的试管中(严禁溶血),离心(3000r/min)分离出全部血清。然后取上清亮血清1ml置5ml具塞刻度试管中,用0.14mol/L HNO_3定容,供Cu、Fe、Zn、Se测  相似文献   

为了解公路养路工人血清铜、锌的含量 ,笔者曾对 2 32名公路养路工人及同行业条件类同的 81名管理人员的血清进行了铜、锌含量分析。1 对象与方法1 1 对象 :选择 7县市 (藁城市、新乐市、辛集市、晋州市、赵县、无极县、深泽县 ) 2 32名公路养路工人及同行业条件类同的 81名管理人员分别为观察组和对照组。1 2 仪器 :原子吸收分光光度计 (SP - 2 90 0 ) ,空压机 ,空心阴极灯 ,电子打火器 ,定量移液器 ,5ml比色管。1 3 方法 :将仪器各项指标调至最佳状态。见表 1。表 1 仪器最佳条件选择元素 波长(nm)带宽(nm)灯电流(mA)负高压(mV)燃…  相似文献   

心脏病患者血清铜、锌、锰、铬、硒含量测定的临床意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者应用原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光光谱法测定了人血清铜、锌、锰、铬、及全血硒。测定对象分正常对照(40例),冠心病(36例),风湿性心脏瓣膜病(27例),扩张型心肌病(34例)4组。结果表明,正常人平均血铜值1.227±0.213μg/ml,锌1.0±0.149μg/ml,铬8.945±5.464ng/ml,锰12.163±4.21ng/ml,硒0.0625±0.03μg/ml,与文献报道值接近。其余三组心脏病人血铜值(1.448μg/ml,1.740μg/ml、1.746μg/ml)均显著升高(P<<0.001),血锌在冠心病、风心病组降低(P<0.01),铬三组无变化,锰仅在风心病组降低(P<0.01),硒在冠心病组增高(P<0.05),在扩张型心肌病组则显著降低(P<0.0001)。急性心肌梗塞(13例),血铜升高,而锌降低;心衰时血铜显著升高。以上变化对三种心脏病及急性心肌梗塞的诊断与鉴別、判断心脏的功能可能有一定意义。特别是扩张型心肌病呈现出特异性血硒降低,可能是该病的致病因素之一。  相似文献   

硒对大鼠组织中硒、镉、锌、铜、锰含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
廖鲁兴  黄晓蓉 《营养学报》1995,17(3):279-283
本文观察了Wistar雄性大鼠经口摄入不同浓度的亚硒酸钠液,3周后用原子吸收分光光度法测定肝、肾、脾和睾丸中硒、镉、锌、铜和锰的含量。结果表明:给硒后肝、肾组织中硒的含量随着硒剂量的增加而升高;肝、肾、脾中锌的含量升高,而至10mg/L组锌的含量又下降;肾、脾和睾丸中铜、锰的含量升高,肾、脾中锰含量随硒剂量的增加而降低。  相似文献   

乳腺癌患者血清铜、锌含量及铜/锌比值的临床意义芮立新,孙昕安徽医科大学附属医院(合肥230022)AbstractThelevelsofserumcopper(Cu),zinc(Zn)andCu/Znratioweredeterminedin105b...  相似文献   

血清和癌组织硒,锌,铜与胃癌关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对97例胃癌患者手术前、后血清和癌组织中硒、锌、铜含量进行分析,发现胃患者血清硒、锌含量明显低于对照组,血清钢和铜/锌比值明显高于对照组。血清元素变化与胃癌危险性之间有明显的剂量反应关系。胃癌组织中硒水平和铜/锌比值显著高于同源正常组织,锌显著低于正常组织。手术切除肿瘤后6周,血清硒、锌仍然低于对照组,血清钢可恢复至正常水平。铜/锌比值则随着术后体质的改善逐渐下降。提示血硒下降和铜/锌比值升高可做为胃癌诊断的重要参数。  相似文献   

Pathophysiological changes in the prostate gland—benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatic adenocarcinoma (PCa)—are closely related to the age of men. In the prostate gland, zinc is of particular importance for its proper functioning, especially with regard to the effects of hormonal disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate zinc, copper and selenium concentrations in different parts of the prostate gland in relation to age and the nature of pathological changes. Zinc and copper were determined by the AAS method and selenium by the spectrofluorometric method. The concentration of zinc in the central part of the prostate increases with age, and in patients over 36 years it is twice as high as in the peripheral part, where no increase in the level of this element was observed with the age of patients. The above data confirm a possible influence of zinc on the formation of PCa (located mostly in the peripheral part of the prostate, with low levels of zinc) and BPH in the central part where the levels of this element are the highest. The results apparently confirm the disturbed homeostasis of zinc and other essential elements in the etiology of BPH and PCa.  相似文献   

头发中锌、铜、锰、硒含量与肿瘤关系的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
徐子亮  汪昌涛 《营养学报》1999,21(3):362-365
微量元素与肿瘤的关系是当今十分引人注目的重要课题。大量流行病学、临床医学、环境医学以及动物实验的研究资料证实微量元素与肿瘤的发生、发展及治疗均有密切关系。本研究旨在通过25例恶性肿瘤患者、25例良性肿瘤患者和25例无肿瘤者头发中锌、铜、锰、硒含量的测定、分析和比较,为肿瘤的检查和防治提供科学参考。1 材 料 与 方 法1.1 仪器  J2型量子共振检测仪(日本)。量子共振检测仪(QuantumResonanceSpectrometer,简称QRS),该仪器的测定对象是伴随电子和基子群运动发生的…  相似文献   

Trace elements play an important role in metabolism. We compared the daily intake and serum concentrations of copper (Cu), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn) across a spectrum of glucose tolerance status in a representative U.S. population. Daily intake and serum concentrations of Cu, Zn and Se in 5087 adults from the 2011–2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) were examined and compared to normal (NGT) and abnormal (AGT) glucose tolerance and the presence of diabetes mellitus (DM). Other than Zn deficiency (21.15%), the prevalence of Zn, Se, and Cu excess and Se and Cu deficiency were low (<4.00%). As compared to the NGT group, Cu and Se supplementation was higher in the AGT and DM groups (p < 0.0001 for all). Serum Se and Zn, but not Cu, concentrations were highly correlated with daily intake (p < 0.0001 for both). As compared to the NGT group, serum Cu concentration was highest in the AGT group (p = 0.03), serum Se concentration was highest in the DM group (p < 0.0001), and serum Zn concentration was highest in the AGT group (p < 0.0001). Serum Se and Zn concentration was correlated with daily Se and Zn intake. Even within the reference range for serum Cu, Se, and Zn concentrations, a higher serum concentration of Cu, Se, and Zn was associated with abnormal glucose metabolism. Although the casual relationship remains to be elucidated, these data suggest caution in Cu, Se and Zn supplementation in non-deficient individuals.  相似文献   

The effects of zinc, copper, and selenium on human congenital heart defects (CHDs) remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate the associations of the maternal total, dietary, and supplemental intakes of zinc, copper, and selenium during pregnancy with CHDs. A hospital-based case-control study was performed, including 474 cases and 948 controls in Northwest China. Eligible participants waiting for delivery were interviewed to report their diets and characteristics in pregnancy. Mixed logistic regression was adopted to examine associations and interactions between maternal intakes and CHDs. Higher total intakes of zinc, selenium, zinc to copper ratio, and selenium to copper ratio during pregnancy were associated with lower risks of total CHDs and the subtypes, and the tests for trend were significant (all p < 0.05). The significantly inverse associations with CHDs were also observed for dietary intakes of zinc, selenium, zinc to copper ratio, selenium to copper ratio, and zinc and selenium supplements use during pregnancy and in the first trimester. Moreover, high zinc and high selenium, even with low or high copper, showed a significantly reduced risk of total CHDs. Efforts to promote zinc and selenium intakes during pregnancy need to be strengthened to reduce the incidence of CHDs in the Chinese population.  相似文献   

Information about essential trace elements among children in many African countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is limited. We aimed to measure the distribution and determinants of serum zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and selenium (Se) concentrations in a representative sample of children under five years old. We conducted a community-based cross-sectional study in Popokabaka, DRC. Blood samples were drawn from 412 children. The serum concentrations of minerals were measured using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. The median concentrations (P25–P75) of Zn, Cu, and Se were 61.9 µg/dL (52.8–70.2), 145.5 (120.0–167.0) µg/dL and 5.3 (4.3–6.3) µg/dL. The CRP-adjusted prevalence of serum Se deficiency was 84.1% (95% confidence interval [CI] 81.4–87.0) and of Zn deficiency was 64.6% (95% CI 59.8–69.1%). Only a few children were Cu deficient [1.5% (0.6–3.2)]. Evidence of inflammation (C-reactive protein, >5 mg/L) was associated with a lower Se concentration and higher Cu concentration. Furthermore, serum Se concentration was positively associated with linear growth. The average Cu/Zn molar ratio (2:1) was twice that recommended. Children in western Popokabaka had higher Zn and Se levels than their eastern neighbors. Zinc and selenium deficiencies are common among children in Popokabaka and require attention and prioritization.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the neurodegenerative process and can impair cognitive functions. In the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), an adequate consumption of dietary antioxidants may be a major factor. The objective of the study was to estimate selenium (Se), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and total antioxidant status (TAS) in the serum of patients with AD in relation to their cognitive functions and dietary habits. A total of 110 patients (aged 54–93 years) with early or moderate AD, as well as 60 healthy people (aged 52–83 years) were studied. The severity of the disease was assessed using the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) scale. Food-frequency questionnaires were implemented to collect the dietary data. The concentrations of Se, Cu and Zn in the sera were determined by the atomic absorption spectrometry method. TAS was estimated spectrophotometrically using ready-made kits (Randox). Significantly lower concentrations of Se, Zn and TAS, and higher Cu:Zn ratio in the serum of patients with AD, compared to healthy people, were observed. A low correlation between the MMSE score and TAS in the serum of AD patients and significantly higher MMSE values in patients with TAS above the reference range were also noted. In patients with serum Cu concentration above the norm, significantly lower MMSE values were found. Selected dietary habits such as the frequency of consumption of various food products had a significant impact on the concentration of the assessed parameters in the serum of people with AD.  相似文献   

离子交换色谱法同时测定人血清微量元素铜和锌   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探索应用离子色谱法同时测定血清铜、锌的条件,并探讨该法的性能及临床实用性。方法应用美国DionexBio-LC系列4500I型离子色谱仪,CG5、NG1保护柱、CS5分析柱、Dionex可见光检测器及Dionex-4400型积分仪进行测定分析。结果同时测定人血清微量元素铜和锌,单个样品检测时间仅需6分钟,该法重复性较好,铜和锌的检测变异系数分别为:批内CV=±2.1%和±2.7%,批间CV=±2.5%和±4.3%。平均回收率:铜100.7%,锌100.5%,线性范围至少为25~150μg/dl。最小检出限:铜1.2μg/dl,锌1.3μg/dl。结论正常人测定值与文献及我室原子吸收光谱法测得的结果相近,说明本法所得结果可靠;该法具有取血量少、简便、迅速、灵敏、准确等优点,适和临床常规应用。  相似文献   


Background and objectives

An excess of toxic trace elements or a deficiency of essential ones has been implicated in many common diseases or public health problems, but little is known about causes of variation between people living within similar environments. We estimated effects of personal and socioeconomic characteristics on concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn) in erythrocytes and tested for genetic effects using data from twin pairs.


We used blood samples from 2,926 adult twins living in Australia (1,925 women and 1,001 men; 30–92 years of age) and determined element concentrations in erythrocytes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. We assessed associations between element concentrations and personal and socioeconomic characteristics, as well as the sources of genetic and environmental variation and covariation in element concentrations. We evaluated the chromosomal locations of genes affecting these characteristics by linkage analysis in 501 dizygotic twin pairs.


Concentrations of Cu, Se, and Zn, and of As and Hg showed substantial correlations, concentrations of As and Hg due mainly to common genetic effects. Genetic linkage analysis showed significant linkage for Pb [chromosome 3, near SLC4A7 (solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 7)] and suggestive linkage for Cd (chromosomes 2, 18, 20, and X), Hg (chromosome 5), Se (chromosomes 4 and 8), and Zn {chromosome 2, near SLC11A1 [solute carrier family 11 (proton-coupled divalent metal ion transporters)]}.


Although environmental exposure is a precondition for accumulation of toxic elements, individual characteristics and genetic factors are also important. Identification of the contributory genetic polymorphisms will improve our understanding of trace and toxic element uptake and distribution mechanisms.  相似文献   

目的 探讨二硫化碳(CS2)作业工人血脂及血清微量元素含量的改变。方法 运用流行病学横断面调查和实验室检查。结果 接触组高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)较干预组和对照组低,载脂蛋白B(ApoB)较干预组和对照组高;血清铜、锌、硒含量对照组最高、干预组次之、接触组最低。结论 接触CS2对作业工人血脂和血清微量元素有一定影响。  相似文献   

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