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在新的形势下,行业期刊必须树立新的办刊理念,不断提升办刊质量和水平,扩大发行量。为此,应做到行业性与期刊特色相结合、专业性与时代性相结合、指导性与可读性相结合、办刊与开展活动相结合、质量与发行量相结合。  相似文献   

近年来,在期刊数字化热潮和信息资源网络化的趋势下,越来越多的军队期刊向数字化发展,实现了在线投稿、在线审稿、在线修稿、在线校对等,并加入越来越多的国内外检索机构。这既给军队科技期刊的发展带来了机遇,更带来了挑战。面对迅猛的形势变化和激烈的市场竞争,军队科技期刊要准确定位,把握办刊方向;贯彻规范,确保期刊质量;特色取胜,打造军字品牌;适度开放,落实保密优先;强化素质,提高编校水平。  相似文献   

以我国科技期刊为研究背景,分析其目前存在的诸多不利因素。在期刊市场竞争中要有所为,我国科技期刊就需提升“独特卖点”,进而增强其国际竞争力。以科技期刊内外竞争模式为基础,分析我国科技期刊在期刊市场竞争中需要关注的因素。鉴于我国科技期刊目前的发展水平,建议各编辑部完善内在因素,提高期刊质量;在国家政策扶持的基础上,强化期刊自身办刊水平,我国科技期刊在市场竞争中才能有较好的生存空间。  相似文献   

目的:适应市场经济条件,使科技期刊在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。方法:开动脑筋,拓宽办刊思路。做到了解科学动态,挖掘信息资源;缩短报道时差,加快出版周期;做好市场预测,搞好期刊发行工作。结果:增强了期刊活力。结论:拓宽办刊思路是极为重要的。  相似文献   

根据当前高校办学宗旨及发展规划,通过对国内外形势的分析,阐述了高校创办自然科学英文版期刊的重要性及必要性,同时也客观地分析了高校办刊的有利条件及存在问题,对如何办好英文版学报提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

结合办刊实践,论述了在市场竞争激烈的情况下,农业科普期刊应如何去寻找自己的适当位置,去探索自身发展出路,去营造属于本刊的营垒。并从期刊内容定位、特色、“精品”意识、提供读后服务、开拓发行市场、广开创收门路等方面的关键措施来应对市场竞争和优胜劣汰的现实,进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

为应对期刊市场形势,扩大期刊效益和影响,湖南日报报业集团决定变更《卫生政策》杂志刊名,并在办刊方向和内容上做出相应调整,即改政治新闻理论综合性期刊为娱乐休闲类期刊,以传播新知识,引领时尚新潮流,集娱乐休闲于一体,服务知识品位中上的休闲人群以及旅游人群,打造一份具有平等开放且具有亲和力潮流话语平台的新杂志。  相似文献   

介绍了《中国煤炭》在新形势下积极开创办刊新局面的经验,认为科技期刊在市场经济形势下应从提高期刊内容可读性和提高经营收入两方面上下工夫,以提升期刊整体竞争力。本文重点介绍针对热点、焦点问题和结合形势开展专题策划、举办相关会议、出版各种专刊和加大产品广告力度的具体实践。  相似文献   

在非时政类报刊转企改制迅猛推进及期刊市场竞争日益激烈的今天,办刊人开始重视将企业产品的营销理念和经营模式融入期刊运营过程中。运用品牌战略,打造精品学术期刊是期刊立于不败的法宝。以《科技进步与对策》打造精品学术期刊为例,深入地分析了精品学术期刊的特征,提出了具有操控性的精品学术期刊培育策略。  相似文献   

【目的】 全面梳理我国各类型企业主体办刊的情况,调研分析企业办刊的潜在需求及主要存在问题,提出我国企业办刊的发展策略。【方法】 根据2018年的年检数据及《中国科技期刊名录(2019)》对4958种科技期刊的主管或主要主办单位进行筛选,共筛选出1007种企业主管、主办的科技期刊,并对所筛选期刊的基本情况、学术质量情况及办刊人力资源情况进行调查分析。【结果】 相对于我国科技期刊,企业主管、主办的期刊学科分布主要集中在工业技术类,英文期刊数量较少,数据库收录比例不高,编辑部人力资源配置不甚合理,其根本原因在于企业办刊主体性质与高校、科研院所、学会有所不同。【结论】 企业主管、主办的科技期刊作为我国科技期刊的重要组成部分,企业期刊管理者应加强期刊编辑队伍建设,推动期刊集群化发展,重点扶持行业代表性期刊,加大创办英文期刊的力度,以提高我国企业期刊的整体竞争力和国际影响力。  相似文献   

随着医药卫生体制改革的不断深化,医疗行业内部的竞争态势越来越激烈,如何确立适宜自我的竞争发展战略已是各级医院管理者的关注问题。文耄阐述地市级综合性医院采用的突出自我特色的差异化战略,适应和驾驭医疗体制改革.使医院在日趋激烈的市场竞争中保持可持续的发展。  相似文献   

Grytten J  Skau I 《Health economics》2009,18(4):457-466
The number of specialists within dental health services has increased over the last few years. This raises the issue of how the services should be organized and funded. We describe the effect of one way of organizing the services, which is by relying on competition. In Norway, some oral specialists face real competition with general dental practitioners for the same patients (prosthetists, periodontists and endodontists), while other specialists do not (orthodontists and oral surgeons). The latter specialists have skills that give them exclusive possibilities to practice their profession. We find that competition can be effective for the specialists who experience real competition with general dental practitioners for patients. In situations where real competition does not exist, specialists can obtain market power and raise their fees. Our results are based on an analysis of a representative set of data from general dental practitioners and specialists in Norway. The specialities in which practitioners can exercise market power raise challenges related to the type of public policy that can reduce this market power in an appropriate way, and without involving too large costs for the authorities.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨组织在线学术会议对科技期刊品牌的影响,为同行选择会议举办方式提供参考。【方法】 以举办“《中国科学》电催化前沿”在线会议为例,介绍在线平台的选择、会议的筹备,分析会议取得的成果以及在线会议的优势和劣势。【结果】 在线学术会议具有不受地域限制、宣传和传播范围广和视听效果好等优势,对科技期刊提升受关注度和知名度具有重要的促进作用。【结论】 举办在线学术会议是提升期刊品牌影响力的重要途径。  相似文献   

目的:分析成都市主城区医疗服务市场结构以及竞争现状,发现存在问题并提出建议。方法:文献研究法、赫氏指数和市场集中率分析法。结果:成都市主城区医疗服务市场集中程度有不断增加的趋势,医疗资源集中度高、竞争不够的情况比较突出。结论:医疗服务市场存在马太效应,需大力实施医疗信息公开;吸引非公资本的力度不够,需进一步加强;法律法规不完善,需完善反垄断法。  相似文献   

Geges J  Vasas L 《Orvosi hetilap》2007,148(3):125-130
The significant growth of the online literature usage, and the conspicuously differing interest of publishers, procurers and users raise the question whether the electronic or the paper journals will be the primary information sources in the future. The price of the scientific literature has gotten out of control in the last two decades. At the same time websites showed up providing open access, and this may make all participants of the market to change their marketing policy. Instead of the extra-profit accumulation strategy, publishers should take individual users' interests into consideration. Although the technical conditions of value-added option-enriched online services to surpass the paper journals are given already, there is still a demand for the latter, due to ingrained user habits. At the same time, the electronic version is attracting the users with e-versions, three-dimensional images, video records, sound, hypertext, content and relation analysis, which are limited only by the imagination. According to the authors, the development of information media is unstoppable, and the main challenge in the future will be still to find the most effective way of processing information, make it available for professional research and preserve it for the scientific heritage.  相似文献   

杨睿  王宝济 《浙江预防医学》2020,31(9):1101-161
【目的】 对“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”资助期刊的特征进行分析,可以了解这些具有较高国际影响力的国内科技期刊的特点,为其他有潜力的科技期刊发展提供参考。【方法】 利用文献调研、网站调研、统计分析等方法对入选科技期刊的主办及主管单位、学科类别、国内外学术影响力等方面进行系统剖析,同时通过SCI收录情况与JCR分区指标对顶层的领军期刊和重点期刊进行重点分析。【结果】 领军期刊和重点期刊项目重点支持英文期刊;以域选刊,重点关注优先建设领域;所有期刊均被SCI收录,主要引证指标表现优秀。梯队期刊兼顾中、英文期刊;资助数量最多,覆盖学科领域较广;整体国际学术影响力不高,但其中的中文期刊具有较高的国内影响力。高起点新刊项目主要支持英文期刊,关注优先建设领域。【结论】 “中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”资助期刊在国际影响力、主要引证指标、出版体系等方面呈现出尖兵引领、梯次跟进的态势,同层次期刊可以逐步探索良性的竞争与合作模式,冲击更优、更强的国际一流期刊;未受到资助的期刊可参照相应的指标不断追跑,从而促进我国科技期刊体系的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

The 1989 reforms of the UK National Health Service introduced competition in supply within a tightly regulated framework. The paper examines whether this competition affects the prices posted by sellers of medical services. We argue that despite regulation market forces may have an impact on price. We test this using the posted prices for one of the two types of buyer, General Practice Fundholders. We find the regulatory rules are not observed, and some evidence of the impact of market forces on price.  相似文献   

Market‐based solutions are often proposed to improve health care quality; yet evidence on the role of competition in quality in non‐hospital settings is sparse. We examine the relationship between competition and quality in home health care. This market is different from other markets in that service delivery takes place in patients' homes, which implies low costs of market entry and exit for agencies. We use 6 years of panel data for Medicare beneficiaries during the early 2000s. We identify the competition effect from within‐market variation in competition over time. We analyze three quality measures: functional improvements, the number of home health visits, and discharges without hospitalization. We find that the relationship between competition and home health quality is nonlinear and its pattern differs by quality measure. Competition has positive effects on functional improvements and the number of visits in most ranges, but in the most competitive markets, functional outcomes and the number of visits slightly drop. Competition has a negative effect on discharges without hospitalization that is strongest in the most competitive markets. This finding is different from prior research on hospital markets and suggests that market‐specific environments should be considered in developing polices to promote competition. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the introduction of managed competition in Dutch social health insurance has resulted in effective price competition among insurance funds. We find evidence of limited price competition, which may be caused by low consumer price sensitivity. Using aggregate panel data from all insurance funds over the period 1996-1998, estimated premium elasticities of market share are -0.3 for compulsory coverage and -0.8 for supplementary coverage. These elasticities are much smaller than in managed competition settings in US group insurance. This may be explained by differences in switching experience and higher search costs associated with individual insurance.  相似文献   

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