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Cardio-respiratory coupling is reciprocal; it is expressed as respiratory-modulated sympathetic nerve activity and pulse-modulated respiratory motor activity. In the brainstem, the neuraxis controlling cardio-respiratory functions forms a ventrolateral cell column which extends to the dorsolateral (dl) pons. Our general working hypothesis is that these control systems converge at points with the common purpose of gas exchange and that neural activity along this axis coordinates both arterial pulse pressure and breathing. Here, we review the data showing that pontine nuclei modulate heart rate, blood pressure and breathing, and present new results demonstrating a vagal influence on pontine activity modulated with both arterial pulse pressure and phrenic nerve activity in the decerebrate cat. Generally with the vagi intact, dl pontine activity was weakly modulated by both arterial pulse pressure and respiratory pattern. After bilateral vagotomy, the strength and consistency of respiratory modulation increased significantly, although the strength and consistency of arterial pulse pressure modulation did not change significantly for the group; a decrease in some (62%) was offset by an increase in others (36%) neurons. Thus, the vagus shapes the envelope of the cycle-triggered averages of neural activity for both the respiratory and cardiac cycles. These data provide insight into the neural substrate for the prominent vagal effect on the cardio-respiratory coupling pattern, in particular respiratory sinus arrhythmia. While these results support convergence of inputs to neural populations controlling breathing and cardiovascular functions, the physiologic role of balancing ventilation, vascular resistance, heart rate and blood flow for the benefit of tissue oxygenation, remains hypothetical.  相似文献   

The distribution of the messenger RNA encoding the 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter was investigated in rat brain. 5-Hydroxytryptamine transporter messenger RNA was found exclusively in the B1-B9 cell groups containing the cell bodies of 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons. Combined in situ hybridization and 5-hydroxytryptamine immunocytochemistry demonstrated 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter gene expression in the majority of and exclusively in 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons. Cells differed in their levels of expression of 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter messenger RNA and 5-hydroxytryptamine immunofluorescence, but with a tight correlation between the two parameters. Image analysis of cells from B7, the dorsal raphe nucleus, and B8, the median raphe nucleus, revealed significant differences between groups in the mean cellular level of 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter gene expression. Cells in the ventromedial subdivision of B7 displayed higher levels of expression than cells in B8 or cells in the lateral wings of B7. There was also heterogeneity in the distribution of the cellular levels of expression for two other genes expressed by 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons: l-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase messenger RNA and tryptophan hydroxylase messenger RNA. However, the relative levels of expression of these two genes within the four regions studied differed from that of 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter messenger RNA. These results indicate intraregional differences between 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons with respect to 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter messenger RNA levels. Such differences may account for the differential sensitivity of 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons to cytotoxins.  相似文献   

A Eureka moment has three components--puzzle, solution and hedonic response (elation etc.). Puzzle and solution come together in the association cortex and are immensely variable from instance to instance. By contrast, the hedonic response is subcortical and almost one-dimensional; how is it triggered? It is triggered by the relation between puzzle and solution, a good fit or good match, like the relation between two words that rhyme. In 1999 J.W. Fost proposed that serotonin is a crucial agent; here it is proposed that a frequency-jump initiates the serotonin causal chain, as energy shifts from 20 to 40 Hz or some such jump. The hypothesis assumes that any discrete idea is embodied in a time-course of electrical and chemical changes in a network of neurons, and that keeping the idea in mind involves repeating more or less the same time-course over and over. If observed frequencies in the gamma range result from such repetition, the period for running the time-course once is of the order of 25 ms. Also accepted is the suggestion that, although the brain runs many processes simultaneously, in the conscious mind attention focuses on only one idea at a time; an attempt to "think of two things at once" actually results only in giving them attention alternately, with a repeat-time of the order of 50 ms and frequency 20 Hz. Only if the two time-courses have certain elements in common will there be any repetition at 40 Hz. Now suppose a thinker takes up a problem and makes a succession of attempts at solution. As long as he thinks of wrong answers, he generates activity only at 20 Hz, but when he hits upon the right answer, activity at 40 Hz shows up. This is a highly oversimplified scenario but its essential features might carry over to the vastly more complicated workings of a real brain. The virtue of the proposed mechanism is its generality. Under the proposal, any ideas in mind that do not match give no result but as soon as two ideas match, results ensue. This behavior in the model, wholly general except in one specific respect, is needed for conformity with real human brains' behavior. In normal people, production of this "link-joy" is an important reward mechanism and malfunction of this system may contribute to Capgras syndrome and some varieties of autism.  相似文献   

Serotonin transporters (SERTs) are targets for drugs such as Prozac that increase serotonin (5HT) levels by blocking 5HT reuptake. Although SERTs saturate in the micromolar range, synaptic 5HT may exceed 1 mM. To examine SERT's response to high 5HT concentrations, we expressed Drosophila SERT (dSERT) in Xenopus oocytes and found that transport continued to increase with concentration up to 0.3 mM 5HT. As 5HT is a monovalent cation, its entry through an ion channel in SERT might explain uptake at high concentrations. We therefore investigated dSERT using traditional ion channel methods, including mole-fraction experiments under voltage clamp. We propose that SERTs may function as 5HT-permeable channels, and that this mechanism may be important for clearance of the neurotransmitter at high concentrations.  相似文献   

Individual differences in brain response to emotional stimuli have previously been associated with gene variations within the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (TPH2) genes. We recently reported that these two genes exhibit an additive effect, based on recordings of event-related potentials (ERPs) from individuals viewing emotional scenes. The current study was designed to replicate and extent this initial report in an independent study sample, and use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify specific neural loci that may mediate the 5-HTT-TPH2 additive effect. Furthermore, we sought to obtain convergent evidence for a gene-gene additive effect by collecting fMRI data from the same individuals engaged in two different cognitive-affective tasks, using emotional and neutral facial expressions and word stimuli. We found evidence for an additive effect of 5-HTT-TPH2 genotype, which was most robust in the putamen, a region rich in both 5-HTT and TPH2 protein, but was also observed in the amygdala at a less stringent threshold, and in other cortical regions. The additive effect was more robust effect for visuospatial than for verbal stimuli, and more robust for negatively than for positively valenced stimuli. These findings confirm and extend the additive effect of two critical genes in the serotonergic regulation of neural processing of affective stimuli, and identify the striatum as a critical site where is gene-gene regulation takes place.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) promoter polymorphism (5HTTLPR) has been associated with individual stress responses such that individuals with childhood abuse history have higher rates of depression in later life if they are homozygous short (s/s) of the gene. It is hypothesized that these findings could be explained by an integrated model of a role of the glial cell transporter and a functional difference of 5HTTLPR in the capacity of absorbing serotonin from the synapse.A hypothetical integrated model of the SLC6A4 function and the role of glial cells are put forward to explain accumulating results of recent investigations exploring the relationship between the gene and the diverse mental activities including depression and stress response.A model based on SLC6A4 variation is proposed to explain individual differences in stress vulnerability/resilience. The role of the glial cell transporter surrounding the synapse is integrated in the model to understand the modulation of the neurotransmission. It is hypothesized that a synapse with less serotonin transporter contributes to unstable processing in neurotransmission as compared to a synapse with more serotonin transporter. As such, based on functional differences of 5HTTLPR in the expression of the serotonin transporter, it is asserted that individuals with the s/s genotype process neurotransmission differently and in a reactive way.This integrated model of 5HTTLPR and glial cells suggests that the efficacy of serotonin reuptake in the synapse may play a crucial role in variability of neurotransmission, which can lead to differences in the stress response and the pathophysiology of depression.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter (SERT) plays a crucial role in anxiety. Accordingly, variance in SERT functioning appears to constitute an important pathway to individual differences in anxiety. The current study tested the hypothesis that genetic variation in SERT function is associated with variability in the basic reflex physiology of defense. Healthy subjects (N = 82) were presented with clearly instructed cues of shock threat and safety to induce robust anxiety reactions. Subjects carrying at least one short allele for the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism showed stronger fear-potentiated startle compared to long allele homozygotes. However, short allele carriers showed no deficit in the downregulation of fear after the offset of threat. These results suggest that natural variation in SERT function affects the magnitude of defensive reactions while not affecting the capacity for fear regulation.  相似文献   

In analogy with the accepted view that behaviour is shaped by gene × environment (G × E) interactions, G × E studies are exponentially increasing in the field of psychiatry. Whereas research was primarily driven by the premature view that negative environmental stimuli can trigger psychopathology in those subjects that are genetically predisposed, a closer look at the available data shows that G × E interactions are much more complex than initially thought. Here, we discuss G × E studies focussing on serotonin transporter (5-HTT, SERT, SLC6A4) gene variation in humans, monkeys, and rodents. Recent studies, across species, confirm the theorized ‘for-better-and-for-worse’ effect of low activity serotonin transporter genotypes. In addition, while 5-HTT × E interactions were thought to take place in early life, recent evidence illustrates that these interactions are also manifested in adulthood. Therefore, we discuss data based on 5-HTT × E interactions, and propose a model in which predictive adaptive responses (PARs), as shaped by early life 5-HTT × E interactions, shape responses to environmental challenges in later life, i.e. reflecting 5-HTT × E × E interactions.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have identified susceptibility genes for the categorically diagnosed disorder using operational diagnostic criteria. Here, we take a QTL approach to mapping genes for ADHD using a composite continuous index of ADHD behavior in a large epidemiological sample. Previous studies of clinical ADHD suggest that two functional polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4), one in the 5'-regulatory region of the gene (5-HTTLPR) and the other a VNTR (5-HTTVNTR) in the second intron, as well as a single nucleotide polymorphism in the 3'-untranslated region (3'-UTR SNP), may be associated with the disorder. Here, we investigate these polymorphisms as well as an additional ten SNPs spread across the gene. We found significant association with the long (L) allele of the 5-HTTLPR; P = 0.019, but neither the 5-HTTVNTR nor the 3'-UTR SNP were significantly associated. Significant associations (P < 0.05) were found for a further 5 the 10 other markers tested. We found evidence for two haplotype blocks spanning the region. We found strong evidence for association with the first haplotype block (comprised of four markers), with the significance of a combined primary and secondary test of association reaching an empirical P value = 0.0054 for the global test and an empirical P value = 0.00081 for the largest local test. Thus, we show here that SLC6A4, which has a major influence on brain serotonin availability, may be a QTL for ADHD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The human serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) is a strong candidate for involvement in the pathogenesis of mood disorders. Two common polymorphisms have been identified in the gene: a VNTR in intron 2 and a functional deletion/insertion in the promoter region. In previous studies we proposed that allele 12 of the VNTR might increase susceptibility for bipolar disorder. METHODS: We have genotyped 122 parent-offspring trios of British Caucasian origin where the proband had DSM-IV Bipolar I disorder (BPI). The results were analysed with the transmission/ disequilibrium test (TDT), which examines whether particular alleles are preferentially transmitted from heterozygous parents to affected offspring. RESULTS: The 12 repeat in the VNTR in intron 2 was transmitted 72 times and not transmitted 56 times (chi2 = 2.0, 1 df, P = 0.16). If we exclude 24 families in which the proband was a case in our published case-control studies (Collier et al. 1996a; Rees et al. 1997), the excess transmission of allele 12 reaches conventional levels of statistical significance: chi2 = 3.85, 1 df, P < 0.05. The deletion/insertion polymorphism in the promoter region was not associated with BPI: 66 parents transmitted the inserted (L) allele and 59 parents transmitted the deleted (S) allele (chi2 = 0.39, 1 df, P = 0.53). CONCLUSIONS: The 12 repeat of the VNTR in intron 2 of the serotonin transporter gene might be a susceptibility factor in bipolar affective disorder. The genetic effect, if true, is likely to be small, and requires confirmation in further studies using parental controls.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The role of the human serotonin transporter protein (5-HTT) gene in psychiatric disorders suggests that its variation may influence the comorbidity pattern and the heterogeneity of alcoholism. The aim of the present study is to verify possible associations between the 5-HTTLPR control region polymorphism with alcoholism and comorbid disorders. METHODS: The polymorphic site was genotyped in 114 patients with alcohol dependence and 218 controls, all of them Brazilians of European descent. A comprehensive diagnostic interview identified the comorbid disorders. RESULTS: Study participants with alcohol dependence and controls did not differ in the genotype and allele frequencies (genotypes: chi(2) = 2.52, P = 0.28; alleles: chi(2) = 0.37; P = 0.54). Patients with comorbid major depressive disorder (chi(2) = 6.14, P = 0.01), drug abuse (chi(2) = 6.82, P = 0.01) and nicotine dependence (chi(2) = 4.10, P = 0.04), however, presented a higher frequency of the S allele than patients without these comorbidities. Patients with comorbid depression and drug abuse also presented a higher frequency of the S allele than controls. CONCLUSIONS: The present results are consistent with the importance of the 5-HTT gene in psychiatry. They suggest a role of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism in a group of comorbid disorders among alcohol-dependent individuals, supporting a genetic influence in alcoholism heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Neuroticism and polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: There is evidence for an association between two different polymorphisms of the human serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) and the personality trait of neuroticism and affective disorder. METHODS: We studied the association between neuroticism and polymorphisms in the 5HTT-linked promoter region and in a variable number tandem repeat region (VNTR) of the 5-HTT gene in 204 people aged over 60 derived from a random sample of men and women in the general population. Approximately half of the subjects were in the top 20% of neuroticism scorers and half in the bottom 20%. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in allelic or genotypic frequencies between the high and low neuroticism scorers. There was highly significant linkage disequilibrium between the two 5-HTT gene polymorphisms, and haplotype analysis showed no association between neuroticism level and haplotype. CONCLUSIONS: Reports of an association between two 5-HTT gene polymorphisms and the personality trait of neuroticism are not supported by these results.  相似文献   

The range of allele frequency variation in humans for any locus that may have functionally important genetic variation needs to be documented. Therefore, we tested two polymorphisms at the serotonin transporter protein locus (SLC6A4) in samples from seven specific populations from five continental regions. We studied the promoter polymorphism which is reported to have functional significance and to be associated with anxiety- and depression-related phenotypes [Lesch et al., 1996: Science 274:1527-1531], and the intron 2 VNTR polymorphism [Lesch et al., 1994: J Neural Transm 95:157-162]. Allele frequencies for both systems show significant global variation, and consequently so do haplotype frequencies. Linkage disequilibrium varied among the populations, being absent in some and highly significant in others. These differences further document a large potential for population stratification in association studies of either of these SLC6A4 polymorphisms.  相似文献   

A serotonin transporter gene, SLC6A4, is thought to be related to nicotine dependence and depression, one of the comorbidities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To investigate the association between SLC6A4 variation and tobacco consumption, susceptibility to COPD, and depression status. In all, 247 patients with COPD and 119 control subjects were genotyped for 5 tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of SLC6A4. We analyzed the correlation between these genotypes and COPD, using the results of a pulmonary function test or chest computed tomography; data on tobacco consumption (pack-years); and the depression score based on the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) after adjusting for age, gender, and smoking status (and pack-years, when appropriate). The rare allele rs2020936 was significantly associated with COPD incidence in the trend model (P = 0.003; odds ratio, 2.20; 95% confidence interval, 1.31-3.74). This allele was also associated with the number of pack-years (P = 0.026). The major allele of another SNP of SLC6A4, namely rs3794808, correlated with the HADS depression score (P = 0.016). We conclude that SLC6A4 variation affects COPD pathogenesis, and this effect depends partly on tobacco consumption. SLC6A4 variation also affects depressive symptoms. SLC6A4 could be modified to prevent COPD and treat the depressive symptoms of COPD.  相似文献   

Associations between the promoter polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) and anxiety-related personality traits in healthy adult subjects have been inconsistent. We assessed personality in participants of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study, using parental reports and self-reports. In the younger cohort, according to parental assessments at ages 9 and 15, children homozygous for the S allele had significantly higher scores of Neuroticism and lower scores of Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Parental assessment of the older cohort at ages 15 and 18 did not yield any genotype effect on personality; however, interaction of cohort and genotype was not significant. According to self-reports, SS homozygotes had higher Neuroticism at age 15 but not at age 18. Thus, homozygocity for the S allele of the 5-HTTLPR is related to anxiety-related personality traits in general population, but this is easier to detect before adolescence.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter (HTT) is an important candidate gene for the genetic transmission of bipolar disorder. It is the site of action of many antidepressants, and plays a key role in the regulation of serotonin neurotransmission. Many studies of affectively ill patients have found abnormalities in serotonin metabolism, and dysregulation of the transporter itself. The human serotonin transporter has been recently cloned and mapped to chromosome 17. We have identified a PstI RFLP at the HTT locus, and here report our examination of this polymorphism for possible linkage to bipolar disorder. Eighteen families were examined from three populations: the Old Order Amish, Iceland, and the general North American population. In addition to HTT, three other microsatellite markers were examined, which span an interval known to contain HTT. Linkage analyses were conducted under both dominant and recessive models, as well as both narrow (bipolar only) and broad (bipolar + recurrent unipolar) diagnostic models. Linkage could be excluded to HTT under all models examined. Linkage to the interval spanned by the microsatellites was similarly excluded under the dominant models. In two individual families, maximum lod scores of 1.02 and 0.84 were obtained at D17S798 and HTT, respectively. However, these data overall do not support the presence of a susceptibility locus for bipolar disorder near the serotonin transporter. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The evolutionary consequences of love are so important that there must be some long-established biological process regulating it. Recent findings suggest that the serotonin (5-HT) transporter might be linked to both neuroticism and sexual behaviour as well as to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The similarities between an overvalued idea, such as that typical of subjects in the early phase of a love relationship, and obsession, prompted us to explore the possibility that the two conditions might share alterations at the level of the 5-HT transporter. METHODS: Twenty subjects who had recently (within the previous 6 months) fallen in love, 20 unmedicated OCD patients and 20 normal controls, were included in the study. The 5-HT transporter was evaluated with the specific binding of 3H-paroxetine (3H-Par) to platelet membranes. RESULTS: The results showed that the density of 3H-Par binding sites was significantly lower in subjects who had recently fallen in love and in OCD patients than in controls. DISCUSSION: The main finding of the present study is that subjects who were in the early romantic phase of a love relationship were not different from OCD patients in terms of the density of the platelet 5-HT transporter, which proved to be significantly lower than in the normal controls. This would suggest common neurochemical changes involving the 5-HT system, linked to psychological dimensions shared by the two conditions, perhaps at an ideational level.  相似文献   

Pleiotropy refers to the ability of a single gene to influence multiple traits. A polymorphism in the regulatory region of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) has previously been found to be associated both with the personality trait of neuroticism and with seasonal changes in mood and behavior, or seasonality. Hypothesizing that the contribution of the serotonin transporter gene to seasonality is specific, i.e. independent of neuroticism, we measured 5-HTTLPR genotypes and both psychological traits in 236 healthy volunteers. The results indicated that the 5-HTTLPR contributions to variation in the two traits are largely independent; approximately three-quarters of the effect of the gene on seasonality are not related to its effects on neuroticism. Moreover, the gene has a larger effect on the covariation between neuroticism and seasonality than it does on either trait alone. Sibling-pair analysis confirmed that the effects of the 5-HTTLPR are due to genetic pleiotropy rather than population stratification.  相似文献   

目的 通过观察鱼藤酮处理大鼠脑内相关脑区5-羟色胺(5-HT)和5-羟色胺转运体(SERT)的表达变化,探讨鱼藤酮对5-HT能神经元的影响.方法 选用健康成年雄性Wistar大鼠42只,背部皮下注射鱼藤酮制作帕金森病大鼠动物模型,以免疫组织化学染色、免疫印迹法及流式细胞术显示大鼠脑内相关脑区5-HT和SERT的表达变化...  相似文献   

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