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We have previously reported a correlation between the extent of ragweed allergen (RWA)-induced in vitro serum complement activation and the symptom scores registered daily during the ragweed (RW)-blooming season in RW-allergic patients. The present study was performed in 22 15–17-year-old RW-allergic adolescents. Serum samples were incubated with 100μ/ml RWA, and the generation of different complement activation products was measured by ELISA or RIA. Symptom scores were registered for 4 weeks during the RW-blooming season. The patients were divided according to the extent (low or high) of the generation of complement activation products, and symptom scores registered in the two groups were compared by two-way ANOVA. Significantly higher symptom scores were obtained in the high than in the low complement activation group ( P values: 0.049 for C1rC1sC1inh, 0.022 for CSbBbP, 0.015 for C5b-9, 0.0001 for C3a, and 0.0008 for C5a). Similar results were obtained at the measurement performed in the sera obtained from the same patients half a year before the season ( P values: 0.022 for C3bBbP, and 0.005 for C5b-9). These findings indicate that complement activation induced by the allergen may enhance the clinical symptoms of RW allergy.  相似文献   

Langerhans cells and different lymphocytes were studied in the nasal mucosa of 39 woodwork teachers and a control group of 14 healthy subjects. Ten of the woodwork teachers were sensitized as determined by skin prick test. A panel of different monoclonal antibodies was applied on the frozen nasal mucosal specimens. Intraepithelial CD1-positive dendritic cells were found in all specimens. However, there was no difference between the number of these Langerhans cells found in the study group and the number found in the controls. In every specimen the intraepithelial lymphocyte population was dominated by T lymphocytes, and there were relatively few B cells. Similarly the ratio between CD4- and CD8-positive lymphocytes in the study group and the controls was the same. In all specimens there was a dominance of T suppressor/cytotoxic cells compared with T helper/inducer cells. The study confirms that Langerhans cells are present in normal nasal surface epithelium, and suggests that there is no basic difference in the number of Langerhans cells between healthy persons, persons with nasal complaints, and persons with nasal allergy. The dominance of T lymphocytes in the epithelium may indicate the existence of a local cell-mediated immunity other than that associated with the regulation of IgE.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis and asthma show many similarities in their epithelial and inflammatory responses to allergens. However, one notable difference is that disruption and desquamation of the epithelium is a characteristic feature of asthma, whereas in perennial allergic rhinitis the epithelium is intact and thickened. One reason for this might be differing expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) or their inhibitors (TIMPs). There are few published data on the presence of MMPs or TIMPs in the nasal mucosa in rhinitis. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate MMP and TIMP mRNA and protein in nasal mucosa from subjects with perennial allergic rhinitis and from nonrhinitic control subjects. METHODS: Biopsy specimens of nasal mucosa were taken from 10 well-characterized subjects with perennial allergic rhinitis and 10 nonrhinitic control subjects. MMP and TIMP mRNA was quantified through use of competitive RT-PCR, and protein was detected by means of Western blotting and ELISA. RESULTS: TIMP-1 mRNA and TIMP-2 mRNA were present in nasal samples, but there was no significant difference between the 2 groups. Only small amounts of MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9 mRNA were detected in the same samples. The corresponding proteins were detected by means of Western blotting. TIMP-1 protein and TIMP-2 protein were quantified in tissue homogenates; there was no significant difference between the 2 groups. CONCLUSION: Our studies have demonstrated the presence of large amounts of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 mRNA and protein in nasal mucosa. There is no upregulation of MMPs or changes in TIMP expression in the nasal mucosa of patients with allergic rhinitis.  相似文献   

Langerhans cells (LC) are known to be present in squamous epithelia of the human body. They are dendritic cells (DC) and characterized by the presence of Birbeck granules (BG). In previous studies, DC positive for CD1a and HLA-DR were found in the cylindrical epithelium and the lamina propria of the nasal mucosa. In our study, more CD1a cells occurred in the allergic patients than in the non-allergic controls. In a combined light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM) study, biopsies of nasal mucosa in allergic patients were studied. We used monoclonal antibodies against CD1a and HLA-DR, to identify DC in LM cryostat sections. The presence of BG identified most of the intra-epithelial DC as LC on the EM level, whereas a minority of DC in the lamina propria also contained BG. The ultrastructure of LC and DC in the ciliated cylindrical epithelium and the lamina propria is compared.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes and their cytokines have an important role in the regulation of immune responses in the gut and in the pathogenesis of intestinal inflammation such as in Crohn's disease. The aim of this study was to analyse the Th1/Th2 cytokine profile (IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10) in intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and lamina propria lymphocytes (LPL) in Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) in relation to healthy controls (C). Colonic and ileal biopsy specimens were obtained from controls (n = 13) and patients with CD (n = 32). Colonic biopsies were obtained from patients with UC (n = 11). Intracytoplasmic IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 were determined by flow cytometry after PMA-ionomycin stimulation in IEL and LPL. In colonic LPL, a significant proportional decrease of IFN-gamma and IL-2 producing CD3+ cells was observed in patients with CD and UC compared to controls. In ileal LPL, a similar tendency was found although differences were not significant. In IEL no differences in cytokine profiles could be observed. Flow cytometric analysis of intracytoplasmic cytokines at single cell level showed a proportional decrease of IFN-gamma and IL-2 producing T cells in colonic lamina propria in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical staining of biopsy specimens was used to investigate the occurrence of lymphocyte subsets and non-lymphoid cells within the epithelial layer of the human nasal mucosa. The CD19 (B cell) marker was not expressed on the intra-epithelial lymphocytes, whereas the pan T cell marker CD2 was varyingly detected. The HLA-Dr antigen was abundantly present on epithelial cells, lymphocytes, and non-lymphoid cells. The latter are probably dendritic or Langerhans' cells. The findings stated above were the same in patient and control samples. In biopsy sections of 9 ear, nose, and throat patients, many CD8-positive (T suppressor/cytotoxic) cells and very few weakly stained CD4-expressing (T helper/inducer) cells were present. Quantification on single-cell preparations showed an average of 67% of the lymphocytes to be CD2 positive, 73% to be CD8 positive, while only 12% of the lymphocytes expressed the CD4 antigen. In control sections CD8 was similarly present as in patient sections, and, in addition, some clearly stained CD4-positive cells were seen.  相似文献   

作者运用解剖学和组织化学方法对鼻粘膜的副交感神经纤维来源及其分布进行研究,发现三叉神经眼支的筛前神经含有副交神经纤维,筛前神经恰恰分布在鼻粘膜浆液腺高密度区和鼻粘膜最敏感的部位。这一发现对指导鼻科临床有重要意义。  相似文献   

Background The role of antigen presenting cells (APC) in allergic rhinitis is underexposed. Allergen presentation to T lymphocytes is probably an important aspect of the pathophysiological mechanism of allergic rhinitis. Objectives The aim of the study was to investigate the presence and dynamics of APC with special emphasis on Langcrhans cells (LC) in the nasal mucosa of patients with an isolated grass pollen allergy during an out-of-season 2-week allergen exposure, mimicking the natural grass pollen season. Methods Seventeen patients with isolated grass pollen allergy and four control subjects were challenged daily with allergen during a 2-week period in the winter. Biopsy specimens were obtained once before, six times during and once after the provocation period. Biopsy sections were stained with monoclonal antibodies: OKT6 (CDla-Langerhans cells). Ki-M6 (CD68 macrophages), L25 (dendritic cells), anti-IgE, HLA-DR and HLA-DQ (Major Histoeompatibihty Complex Class II - antigen presenting eells), as well as staining with acid phosphatase. Results APC with different characteristics are present in the epithelium and lamina propria of the nasal mucosa. The number of LC increased significantly in epithelium and lamina propria. IgE+-LC were present in the nasal mucosa and increase during provocation, HLA-DR+ cells with dendritic and lymphocytic morphology and HLA-DQ+ cells were found. The number of these cells increased during provocation in epithelium and lamina propria. The number of HLA-DR+ epithelial cells did not change. A significant increase in the number of Ki-M6+ cells (macrophages) was found in the lamina propria. However, Ki-M6+ cells increased to the same extent in the lamina propria in the control group. Conclusion APC are influenced by allergen provocation. This study supports the hypothesis that (IgE+) LC are involved in allergic rhinitis. The role macrophages play remains doubtful.  相似文献   

Basophilic cells in scrapings and pieces of nasal mucosa removed from the inferior turbinates of adult patients with house dust nasal allergy plus pieces of the oral mucosa from normal persons were examined electron microscopically. Three distinct types of basophilic cells, ie, blood basophil leukocytes (predominantly in the subepithelium), mucosal mast cells (predominantly in the epithelium), and connective tissue mast cells (predominantly in the deeper lamina propria) were identified in the nose.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: House dust mite (HDM)-sensitive allergic rhinitis is a perennial rhinitis with persistent nasal inflammation. Currently, there are no reliable parameters to monitor the severity of perennial allergic rhinitis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate correlations between clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with HDM-sensitive allergic rhinitis. METHODS: We measured nasal symptoms, did the Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der P) skin prick test (SPT), evaluated the Der P allergen nasal challenge threshold, and laboratory parameters [(1) inflammatory cell count from nasal mucosal scraping specimens: eosinophils and neutrophils and (2) immunocytochemistry: ICAM-1 expression on nasal epithelial cells] in 20 cases of HDM-sensitive allergic rhinitis and performed correlation tests between all parameters. RESULTS: The wheal diameter induced by Der P SPT was significantly correlated with the Der P allergen nasal challenge threshold (p = 0.001). The number of eosinophils from nasal mucosal scrapping specimens was correlated with the ICAM-1 expression on nasal epithelial cells (p = 0.039), the number of neutrophils from nasal mucosal scrapping specimens (p = 0.001), and nasal stuffiness (p = 0.037) but did not correlate with total nasal symptom scores. CONCLUSION: Clinical symptoms of HDM-sensitive allergic rhinitis showed a poor correlation with inflammatory parameters. The eosinophil count in nasal mucosa is correlated with ICAM-1 expression and more suitable than ICAM-1 levels to evaluate the severity of HDM-sensitive allergic rhinitis. This study also supports the role of the SPT in the diagnosis of nasal allergy to HDM.  相似文献   

The impact of commensal bacteria on lymphocyte responses in the upper airways was studied in rat nasal mucosa after infection with the pathogen Mycoplasma pulmonis. Phenotyping was performed in situ by paired immunofluorescence staining in germ-free (GF) and conventional (CV) rats before and 3 wk after the monoinfection. Intraepithelial lymphocytes had expanded significantly in GF (P = 0.02) but not in CV rats. Furthermore, a striking proportional increase of T-cell receptor (TCR)alphabeta(+)CD4(+) cells was observed both in the lamina propria and epithelium of GF (P < 0.01) but not of CV rats. Notably, in contrast to the pre-infection state, both mucosal compartments showed a percentage of TCRalphabeta(+)CD4(+) cells that was significantly higher in GF (P = 0.03-P < 0.01) than in CV rats after the monoinfection. In parallel, both compartments displayed a percentage of TCRalphabeta(+) CD8(+) cells that was decreased in GF (P < 0.01) but not in CV rats. The small fraction of TCRgammadelta(+) T cells observed (< 5%) did not change quantitatively or phenotypically after infection. The size of organized nose-associated lymphoid tissue was, on average, increased 5.2-fold in GF rats versus 2.6-fold in CV rats. Collectively, our results demonstrated that the normal microbiota modulated markedly the nasal immune response elicited by monoinfection with M. pulmonis.  相似文献   

AIMS: Preliminary studies have suggested that there is an increase in adipocytic tissue in osteoporotic (OP) bone, supporting in vitro evidence for a switch in differentiation of stromal cells from the osteoblastic to the adipocytic lineage. To investigate this the variation of the ratio of adipose tissue to haemopoietic/stromal tissue in OP bone was measured. METHODS: The ratio of adipocytic to haemopoietic/stromal tissue (A/H) was measured by semi-automated image analysis in iliac crest biopsies from 127 patients with osteoporosis (84 female patients, 48 male patients; mean age, 55 years; range, 5-80). Fourteen patients with normal histomorphometric data (nine women; five men; mean age, 48 years; range 21-70) acted as controls. RESULTS: The ratio of A/H was higher in OP bone than in the normal controls (OP mean 43.06% v normal mean 22.4%; p < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis showed that 98.5% of the variability in the A/H ratio was the result of age and several measures of bone formation, including cancellous wall thickness, osteoid volume, cancellous thickness, cortical wall thickness, cancellous apposition rate, and bone formation rate, together with cancellous separation (each significant at p < 0.001). Those with the greatest effect on the A/H ratio (in decreasing order) were cancellous apposition rate, osteoid volume, and age. CONCLUSIONS: Cancellous apposition rate, osteoid volume, and age were associated with the increase in the proportion of adipose tissue present in OP bone. Of these, cancellous apposition rate reflects osteoblast activity, indicating that the increase in the volume of adipose tissue in osteoporosis is associated with reduced bone formation, supporting the postulated switch in differentiation of stromal cells from the osteoblastic to the adipocytic pathway in osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of nasal and oral mucosa dendritic cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Mucosal dendritic cells (DC) play a crucial role in tolerance induction as seen in mucosal immunotherapy of atopic diseases. Nevertheless little is known about the phenotypical differences of oral and nasal mucosal DC (nmDC). Recently, we could show that oral mucosal myeloid CD1a(+) DC (omDC) differ from their skin counterparts especially by the expression of high affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E (IgE; FcepsilonRI). However, expression pattern of FcepsilonRI and phenotypical characteristics of CD1a(+) nmDC have not been elucidated in detailed yet. METHODS: We performed detailed phenotypical comparison of nmDC and omDC of atopic and nonatopic individuals. RESULTS: As reported for omDC, FcepsilonRI on nmDC of atopic donors was elevated and mostly occupied by IgE while FcepsilonRI was present only in low amounts on nmDC of nonatopic donors. Nevertheless, the highest FcepsilonRI expression has been observed on omDC. Furthermore, significant amounts of costimulatory molecules CD40, CD80 and CD86 could be detected on nmDC that expressed more CD80 compared with omDC. Moreover, nmDC displayed less major histocompatability complex (MHC) class I and II molecules than omDC. In addition, nmDC expressed more C-type lectins CD205, CD206 as well as myeloid marker CD11b while omDC displayed increased expression of CD207 and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor CD14. CONCLUSION: Together these data imply that nmDC phenotypical differ from omDC which might result in diverse functional properties and might be of relevance for selecting routes for immunotherapy of atopic diseases. Moreover these data provide a basis for further studies investigating immunological mechanisms underlying mucosal immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Proliferative activity of mast cells in allergic nasal mucosa   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The proliferative activity of mast cells in the nasal mucosae of allergic (n= 14) and non-allergic (n= 18) rhinopathic patients was studied by a sequential double immuno-histochemistry using anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and anti-tryptase antibodies. Two hundred to 300 tryptase-positive cells (mast cells) were studied in each allergic nasal epithelium. In case of non-allergic nasal mucosa, only a few mast cells existed in the epithelial layer. The total number of mast cells which we could detect in all patients was 168 cells. One of these cells contained PCNA. Three hundred to 500 mast cells were studied in each subepithelial layer and deep layer of lamina propria of both diseases. PCNA-positive mast cells were observed in the nasal epithelia of 10 allergic patients. In the subepithelial layer, PCNA-positive mast cells were observed eight allergic patients and four non-allergic patients, respectively, In the deep lamina propria, PCNA-positive mast cells were observed in a few patients with both diseases. The percentage of PCNA-positive mast cells of all mast cells each area ranged from 0 to 1.7%. The incidence of PCNA-positive mast cells was statistically higher in the allergic epithelium and subepithelial layer than in the deep layer of lamina propria. Moreover, that of PCNA-positive mast cells in the subepithelial layer was higher in allergic than in non-allergic nasal mucosa. Our results suggest that mast cell proliferation may contribute to the number of mast cells in the nasal epithelium and subepithelial layer of allergic patients.  相似文献   

The sensitive innervation of the ostrich's nasal mucosa, through impregnative gold chloride methods, was investigated. The autonomy innervation, constituted by ganglion cells placed along the course of nerve trunks was particularly represented in the respiratory tract of the nasal cavity. The somatic nerve component, composed by free and capsulated endings, was especially distributed in the vestibular district. The nerve corpuscles were morphologically classified as Pacini, Pacini-like, Golgi-Mazzoni and Herbst. Further investigations must be expected to attribute an effective functional role particularly to this last nerve component.  相似文献   

A method is described for the sampling of epithelial cells and other effector cells from the human airway mucosa for structural and biochemical analysis. The cell samples are obtained from the nasal mucosa using a small nylon brush which is rotated over the epithelium and soaked and shaken in a small volume of a balanced salt solution. Morphological evaluation using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy revealed excellently preserved cytological detail. In asymptomatic individuals the cells harvested were as follows: 45 +/- 5.9% (mean +/- SEM) epithelial cells, 38 +/- 7.1% granulocytes, 16 +/- 2.3% large mononuclear cells (monocytes), and 1.3 +/- 2.3% eosinophils. Repeated measurements in the same individual revealed a coefficient of variation of the order of 40% for the proportions of cells harvested. In comparison with nasal airway lavage, a higher proportion of epithelial cells and monocytes were obtained with the brush method. The cells harvested could also be used for biochemical analysis. The histamine content of the cell pellets was found to be strongly correlated with the mast cell count (r = 0.93) and was estimated to about 10 pg/cell, which is higher than previously reported for mast cells obtained from human lung tissue dispersed by an enzymatic method. The present method appears to be appropriate for the study of cellular events in the nasal mucosal epithelium.  相似文献   

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