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To investigate the role of interleukin 7 (IL-7) in the development of the lymphoid system, we have generated two lines of transgenic mice carrying an IL-7 cDNA fused to an immunoglobulin heavy chain promoter and enhancer. This transgene is expressed in the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and skin provoking a perturbation of T cell development characterized by a marked reduction of CD4+ CD8+ (double- positive) thymocytes. Quite unexpectedly, however, both lines also develop a progressive cutaneous disorder involving a dermal lymphoid infiltrate that results in progressive alopecia, hyperkeratosis, and exfoliation. Although the infiltrate is primarily composed of T lineage cells, its development is not impeded in the athymic nu/nu background. Furthermore, the phenotype can be transmitted horizontally by transplanting lymphoid tissues or skin to syngeneic wild-type mice. Thus, the phenotype is conveyed by skin-homing, mobile cells (presumably the infiltrating lymphocytes) in a cell-autonomous fashion. In addition to the skin phenotype, this transgene also provokes the development of a lymphoproliferative disorder that induces B and T cell lymphomas within the first 4 mo of life. These findings suggest potential physiologic actions of IL-7 in T cell development and in cutaneous immunity. They also demonstrate that IL-7 can act as an oncogene in the living organism.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were prepared that expressed a dysfunctional apo E variant, apo E (Arg-112, Cys-142), which is associated with dominant inheritance of type III hyperlipoproteinemia (type III HLP) in humans. Among eight founder mice, plasma apo E (Arg-112, Cys-142) levels varied 100-fold and directly correlated with plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels. On a normal chow diet, mice expressing high levels (> 70 mg/dl) of the dysfunctional apo E had grossly elevated plasma lipids, with cholesterol levels of up to 410 mg/dl and triglyceride levels of up to 1,210 mg/dl. Upon agarose electrophoresis, plasma from these mice demonstrated beta-very low density lipoproteins (beta-VLDL). Mice expressing low (< 2.5 mg/dl) or intermediate (21 mg/dl) levels of the apo E variant had much less severe hyperlipidemia and did not have beta-VLDL. Although the transgenic mouse beta-VLDL were enriched in cholesteryl esters compared with normal mouse VLDL, they were not as cholesterol enriched as human beta-VLDL from type III HLP subjects. Transgenic mouse beta-VLDL injected into normal mice were cleared from plasma at a significantly slower rate than normal mouse VLDL, demonstrating the impaired catabolism of beta-VLDL. Thus, transgenic mice expressing high levels of the dysfunctional apo E (Arg-112, Cys-142) variant have many characteristics of the human type III HLP phenotype and appear to be a suitable animal model for this disorder.  相似文献   

Activin, a member of the TGF-beta superfamily, regulates the growth and differentiation of a variety of cell types. Based on the expression of activin in pancreatic rudiments of rat embryos and stimulation of insulin secretion from adult rat pancreatic islets by activin, activin is implicated in the development and function of islets. To examine the significance of activin signaling in the fetal and postnatal development of islets, transgenic mice expressing a dominant negative form of activin receptor (dn-ActR) or a constitutively active form of activin receptor (ActR-T206D) in islets were generated together with the transgenic mice expressing intact activin receptor (intact ActR) as a negative control. Transgenic mice with both dn-ActR and ActR-T206D showed lower survival rates, smaller islet area, and lower insulin content in the whole pancreas with impaired glucose tolerance when compared with transgenic mice with intact ActR or littermates, but they showed the same alpha cell/beta cell ratios as their littermates. In addition to islet hypoplasia, the insulin response to glucose was severely impaired in dn-ActR transgenic mice. It is suggested that a precisely regulated intensity of activin signaling is necessary for the normal development of islets at the stage before differentiation into alpha and beta cells, and that activin plays a role in the postnatal functional maturation of islet beta cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our own group and others have demonstrated that cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors could reduce proteinuria in some experimental models of progressive renal disease. To investigate a possible role of COX-2 in podocytes during the course of self-limited glomerular injury, we administered puromycin nucleoside (PAN) on day 1 (15 mg/100 g BW) and day 3 (30 mg/100 g BW) to wild-type and transgenic mice with podocyte-specific COX-2 expression driven by a nephrin promoter. An additional group received both PAN and the COX-2-specific inhibitor, SC58236 (6 mg/l in drinking water). There was no significant difference in the albumin (microg)/creatinine (mg) ratio between wild-type (26.3 +/- 4.2, n = 8) and transgenic (28.9 +/- 2.3, n = 8) mice under baseline conditions. PAN induced significant albuminuria only in the transgenic mice with a peak at day 3: 72.1 +/- 8.9 microg/mg creatinine (n = 12, p < 0.05, compared with basal level), which remitted by day 10 (37.4 +/- 4.4 microg/mg, n = 7, p < 0.05, compared with day 3). Electron microscopy demonstrated that PAN caused 56.7 +/- 4.2% foot process effacement in transgenic mice compared with 38.8 +/- 4.1% in wild type at day 3. PAN increased immunoreactive COX-2 in glomeruli from transgenic mice (day 3: 1.47 +/- 0.08 fold; day 10: 1.25 +/- 0.16 fold, n = 5-9, p < 0.05 compared with basal level), which was restricted to podocytes. Real time PCR indicated that endogenous COX-2 mRNA increased (2.6 +/- 0.1 fold of wild-type control at day 3 and 2.2 +/- 0.2 at day 10, n = 4, p < 0.05), while the nephrin-driven COX-2 mRNA was unchanged. Nephrin mRNA and protein expression were decreased by PAN in the transgenic mice. The COX-2-specific inhibitor, SC58236, reduced foot process effacement in transgenic mice administered PAN to 21.7 +/- 5.2% and significantly reduced the albuminuria at day 3 (42.2 +/- 3.8, n = 13, p < 0.05 compared with untreated) without significantly altering COX-2 expression. In summary, in transgenic mice with podocyte COX-2 overexpression, PAN increased albuminuria and induced foot process fusion. Thus, increased COX-2 expression increased podocyte susceptibility to further injury.  相似文献   

The interleukin 3 (IL-3), IL-5, and granulocyte/macrophage colony- stimulating factor receptors consist of a cytokine-specific alpha subunit and the common beta subunit. Whereas IL-3 stimulates various lineages of hematopoietic cells, including multipotential progenitors, IL-5 acts mainly as an eosinophil lineage-specific factor. To investigate whether the lineage specificity of IL-5 is due to restricted expression of the IL-5 receptor alpha subunit (IL-5R alpha), we generated transgenic mice that express the mouse IL-5R alpha constitutively by phosphoglycerate kinase promoter. The transgenic mouse expressed IL-5R alpha ubiquitously, and the bone marrow cells formed various types of colonies, including multi-lineage colonies, in response to IL-5. IL-5 also supported formation of both multi-lineage and blast cell colonies from dormant progenitors of the 5-fluorouracil- treated transgenic mice. The cells composing the blast cell colony gave rise to many colonies including multi-lineage colonies when they were replated in secondary culture containing either Il-5 or IL-3. There was no significant difference in replating efficiency or in types of secondary colonies between IL-5- and IL-3-stimulated cultures. Conversely, the cells from the IL-3-induced blast cell colonies of the transgenic mice proliferated in response to either IL-3 or IL-5. Thus, the development of the progenitors can be equally supported by either IL-5 or IL-3, suggesting that intracellular signals from the IL-3R can be replaced by those from IL-5. These results strongly suggest that the lineage specificity of IL-5 is mainly due to the restricted expression of IL-5R alpha.  相似文献   

We analyzed the relationship between pathogenic protein expression and perturbations to brain anatomy and physiology in a genetic model of prion disease. In this model, the mouse line 1D4, neuropathology is promoted by accumulation of a cytosolic form of the prion protein (cyPrP). CyPrP distribution was determined and compared with anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, a form of functional MRI based on manganese labeling, and immediate early gene mapping with an antibody to c-Fos. Significant discrepancies between 1D4 and control mice became apparent well in advance of overt behavioral pathology in the mutant mice. Alterations to brain structure and function in the mutants varied among brain regions, however, and differed strikingly even among regions with the highest levels of cyPrP expression. In the cerebellum, gross neurodegeneration was accompanied by increased Mn2+-enhanced MRI signal, raising the possibility that compensatory mechanisms act to preserve cerebellar function in the face of massive atrophy. In the hippocampus of 1D4 mice, no significant structural alterations were observed, but both Mn2+-enhanced MRI and c-Fos data indicated perturbations to neurophysiology. In the neocortex, there were no clear neural activity differences between 1D4 and control animals, but mutant mice showed significant reduction in cortical thickness. Our finding that distinct combinations of anatomical and functional abnormalities accompanied cyPrP overexpression in different parts of the brain indicates the importance of context in conditioning effects of protein pathogens, and exemplifies the notion that neurodegenerative phenotypes extend beyond cell death and the immediate consequences of atrophy for particular neural systems.  相似文献   

Interleukin 5 (IL-5) has been suggested to be involved in the growth and differentiation of B cells and eosinophils. Especially, Ly-1+ B cells, which have been considered to produce autoantibodies, are selectively developed by this lymphokine in long-term bone marrow culture. To envisage the possible engagement of IL-5 in the development of these cells in vivo, transgenic mice carrying the mouse IL-5 gene ligated with a metallothionein promoter were generated. Transgenic mice carrying the IL-5 gene exhibited elevated levels of IL-5 in the serum and an increase in the levels of serum IgM and IgA. A massive eosinophilia in peripheral blood, bone marrow, and spleen, and an infiltration of muscle and liver with eosinophils, were observed. When cadmium-containing saline was injected intraperitoneally into transgenic mice, IL-5 production was augmented about five times within 24 h, and a distinctive Ly-1+ B cell population became apparent in the spleen after 5 d. IL-5 receptors were detected on those cells by monoclonal antibodies against IL-5 receptors. Another interesting finding in these transgenic mice was an increase in polyreactive anti-DNA antibodies of IgM class. It is suggested, therefore, that aberrant expression of the IL-5 gene may induce accumulation of Ly-1+ B cells and eosinophils. Furthermore, this IL-5 transgenic mouse can be a model mouse for eosinophilia, and we can determine the role of IL-5 in the differentiation of Ly-1+ B cells and eosinophils by using this mouse.  相似文献   

To study the nature of tolerance to antigens not expressed by cells of the lymphoid system, expression of class II MHC I-E was targeted to the acinar cells of the exocrine pancreas in transgenic mice (elastase [EL]-I-E). Despite the absence of detectable I-E in the thymus of EL-I-E transgenic mice, both thymocytes and peripheral T lymphocytes were tolerant to I-E, and the pancreas was free of autoimmune infiltrates. Nontolerant T cells adoptively transferred into irradiated or T-depleted transgenic mice rapidly destroy the I-E+ components of the pancreas; however, adoptive transfer of nontolerant T lymphocytes into nonirradiated transgenic mice do not. These results suggest that tolerance in transgenic mice is maintained by some peripheral tolerance mechanism. However, further studies indicate that tolerance in transgenic mice is not maintained by specific Ts cells. For example, cell mixing experiments both in vitro and in vivo fail to reveal dominant unresponsiveness. Furthermore, nontolerant T cells injected into otherwise unmanipulated EL-I-E mice can be primed in situ (by injections of I-E+ spleen cells) to destroy the I-E+ acinar cells.  相似文献   

One of the possible therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the introduction of a functional copy of the dystrophin gene into the patient. For this approach to be effective, therapeutic levels and long-term expression of the protein need to be achieved. However, immune responses to the newly expressed dystrophin have been predicted, particularly in DMD patients who express no dystrophin or only very truncated versions. In a previous study, we demonstrated a strong humoral and cytotoxic immune response to human dystrophin in the mdx mouse. However, the mdx mouse was tolerant to murine dystrophin, possibly due to the endogenous expression of dystrophin in revertant fibres or the other nonmuscle dystrophin isoforms. In the present study, we delivered human and murine dystrophin plasmids by electrotransfer after hyaluronidase pretreatment to increase gene transfer efficiencies. Tolerance to murine dystrophin was still seen with this improved gene delivery. Tolerance to exogenous recombinant full-length human dystrophin was seen in mdx transgenic lines expressing internally deleted versions of human dystrophin. These results suggest that the presence of revertant fibres may prevent the development of serious immune responses in patients undergoing dystrophin gene therapy.  相似文献   

We have used transgenic mice to study immune tolerance to autologous, non-MHC encoded proteins that are expressed at physiological levels in the circulation. The transgenic mice used in these studies express the human preproinsulin gene and synthesize human proinsulin. Human and mouse insulin are secreted from the pancreatic islets of transgenic mice in response to normal physiological stimuli, such as glucose. Our data demonstrate that the transgenic mice have acquired tolerance to human insulin. The repertoire of T cells specific for exogenous antigens is shaped by the acquired tolerance to autologous proteins since pork but not beef or sheep insulin is also nonimmunogenic in the transgenic mice. We also found that the transgenic mice were tolerant to human proinsulin, the intracellular precursor of insulin. Unresponsiveness to human proinsulin most likely results from tolerance of insulin-specific and proinsulin-specific T cells that recognize the secreted enzymatic cleavage products of proinsulin, insulin and C-peptide.  相似文献   

We have generated transgenic mice that express the immunoglobulin (Ig)M heavy chain and kappa light chain genes coding for a human IgM rheumatoid factor (RF), Les. Transgenic B cells expressing human IgM RF show striking similarities to their counterparts in normal humans. They comprise a significant proportion of the adult B cell population, but secrete only low levels of RF into the serum. The RF transgene- expressing B cells localize to primary B cell follicles and the mantle zone regions of secondary follicles in the spleen. Using these mice we have been able to show that one of the central functions of normal RF- expressing B cells may be to act as highly efficient antigen-presenting cells for low concentrations of immune-complexed antigen. High levels of secretion of IgM RF can not be induced under normal circumstances, although RF-expressing B cells proliferate well in vitro to both aggregated human IgG and anti-human IgM antibodies. However, these mice are not intrinsically secretion deficient. By crossing the RF transgenic mice with the autoimmune MRL/lpr background, we find a dramatic increase, > 200-fold, in levels of serum RF. The results strongly suggest that a major function of normal resting RF B cells is unrelated to antibody secretion. Rather, the RF B cells in the follicles may play a role in antigen presentation and regulation of immune responses to antibody-bound nonself-, and possibly self- antigens. This physiologic role of RF B cells may be disrupted in RF- associated autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Summary. Background: In our previous in vitro study, we reported a constitutively active chimeric P2Y12 (cP2Y12) and found that AR‐C78511 is a potent inverse agonist at this receptor. The role of cP2Y12 in platelet activation and thrombosis is not clear. Objectives: To investigate the physiologic implications of cP2Y12 for platelet activation and thrombus formation, and to evaluate the antiplatelet activity of AR‐C78511 as an inverse agonist. Methods and Results:  We generated transgenic mice conditionally and platelet‐specifically expressing cP2Y12. High‐level expression of cP2Y12 in platelets increased platelet reactivity, as shown by increased platelet aggregation in response to multiple platelet agonists. Moreover, transgenic mice showed a shortened bleeding time, and more rapid and stable thrombus formation in mesenteric artery injured with FeCl3. The constitutive activity of cP2Y12 in platelets was confirmed by decreased platelet cAMP levels and constitutive Akt phosphorylation in the absence of agonists. AR‐C78511 reversed the cAMP decrease in transgenic mouse platelets, and exhibited a superior antiplatelet effect to that of AR‐C69931MX in transgenic mice. Conclusions:  These findings further emphasize the importance of P2Y12 in platelet activation, hemostasis, and thrombosis, as well as the prothrombotic role of the constitutive activity of P2Y12. Our data also validate the in vivo inverse agonist activity of AR‐C78511, and confirm its superior antiplatelet activity over neutral antagonists.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice expressing both human IL-2 and the L chain of IL-2-R constitutively had an unusual expansion of Thy-1+/CD3-4-8- large granular lymphocytes, which bore the elevated NK activity. Unexpectedly, the transgenic mice had neither T cell expansion nor autoreactive antibodies. The increase in number and activity of NK cells seems to be responsible for both the severe interstitial pneumonia and lymphocyte depletion in the spleen that we found in these transgenic mice. In addition, we found the selective loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum of the mice, which gave rise to their disturbed gait. All the transgenic mice died by 4 wk of age.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) plays a crucial role in lipoprotein metabolism both in plasma and in peripheral tissues. To test whether apoE in the vascular wall has a direct and local effect on atherogenesis, we established transgenic mice expressing human apoE under control of H2 Ld promoter. Studies on mRNA levels and immunohistochemistry demonstrated that this line was characterized by high expression of human apoE in the arterial wall while its expression was relatively low in other tissues as compared with the respective endogenous expression of mouse apoE. They showed no difference in plasma cholesterol levels and lipoprotein profile from controls when fed both normal and atherogenic diets. However, after 24 wk of an atherogenic diet, the formation of fatty streak lesions in proximal aorta was markedly inhibited in transgenic mice as compared with controls. Both lesion area and esterified cholesterol content were < 30% of those in controls. In a tissue cholesterol labeling study with 3H-cholesterol, the specific activity of aorta cholesterol was much less in transgenic mice, suggesting that apoE enhances cholesterol efflux from the aortic wall into plasma. Thus, apoE has anti-atherogenic action which is mediated via enhancing reverse cholesterol transport from arterial wall.  相似文献   

Antiangiogenic gene therapy offers an attractive approach to the treatment of a variety of malignancies, including those of the hematological system. However, evaluation of this approach has been hampered by the lack of appropriate animal models. We have recently produced transgenic mice expressing P230 bcr/abl that develop myeloproliferative disease (MPD) closely resembling human chronic myelogenous leukemia. Using this MPD murine model, we examined the feasibility of systemic antiangiogenic gene therapy for hematological malignancy. An adenoviral vector containing the secretable endostatin gene was injected into the right quadriceps muscle of the MPD mice. The increased endostatin level was detected for at least 6 months. Hematological parameters including platelet counts, granulocyte counts, and the hemoglobin concentration were improved by this gene therapy. Infiltration of megakaryocytes was also significantly inhibited in treated MPD mice. Reduction of the microvessel density was confirmed by histological examination. These results demonstrated, for the first time, that antiangiogenic gene therapy is effective to inhibit leukemogenesis caused by expression of the chimeric bcr/abl gene.  相似文献   

Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (TNDM) is a rare inherited diabetic syndrome apparent in the first weeks of life and again during early adulthood. The relative contributions of reduced islet beta cell number and impaired beta cell function to the observed hypoinsulinemia are unclear. The inheritance pattern of this imprinted disorder implicates overexpression of one or both genes within the TNDM locus: ZAC, which encodes a proapoptotic zinc finger protein, and HYMAI, which encodes an untranslated mRNA. To investigate the consequences for pancreatic function, we have developed a high-copy transgenic mouse line, TNDM29, carrying the human TNDM locus. TNDM29 neonates display hyperglycemia, and older adults, impaired glucose tolerance. Neonatal hyperglycemia occurs only on paternal transmission, analogous to paternal dependence of TNDM in humans. Embryonic pancreata of TNDM29 mice showed reductions in expression of endocrine differentiation factors and numbers of insulin-staining structures. By contrast, beta cell mass was normal or elevated at all postnatal stages, whereas pancreatic insulin content in neonates and peak serum insulin levels after glucose infusion in adults were reduced. Expression of human ZAC and HYMAI in these transgenic mice thus recapitulates key features of TNDM and implicates impaired development of the endocrine pancreas and beta cell function in disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The muscles of IL-6 transgenic mice suffer from atrophy. Experiments were carried out on these transgenic mice to elucidate activation of proteolytic systems in the gastrocnemius muscles and blockage of this activation by treatment with the anti-mouse IL-6 receptor (mIL-6R) antibody. Muscle atrophy observed in 16-wk-old transgenic mice was completely blocked by treatment with the mIL-6R antibody. In association with muscle atrophy, enzymatic activities and mRNA levels of cathepsins (B and L) and mRNA levels of ubiquitins (poly- and mono-ubiquitins) increased, whereas the mRNA level of muscle-specific calpain (calpain 3) decreased. All these changes were completely eliminated by treatment with the mIL-6R antibody. This IL-6 receptor antibody could, therefore, be effective against muscle wasting in sepsis and cancer cachexia, where IL-6 plays an important role.  相似文献   

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