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目的探讨左半结直肠癌并肠梗阻的外科治疗及其影响预后的因素。方法回顾性分析2001年1月至2006年12月间在青岛大学医学院附属医院行外科治疗的93例左半结直肠癌并肠梗阻患者的临床资料。结果93例患者中男53例,女40例;中位年龄61岁;其中51例合并内科疾病。行根治性切除术67例。其中一期切除吻合21例、Hartmann手术35例、Miles手术11例;行姑息性手术26例,其中单腔或双腔造瘘术14例,短路手术7例.姑息性切除5例。93例患者均获随访,1、3、5年生存率分别为94%、59%、38%。单因素和多因素预后分析显示,手术根治性、TNM分期和术前CEA水平是影响患者预后的独立因素(均P〈0.05)。结论手术根治性、TNM分期和术前CEA水平是左半结直肠癌并肠梗阻患者预后影响因素:早期诊治、根治性手术及合理地选择手术方式有助于提高患者生存率。  相似文献   

结直肠癌合并急性肠梗阻的外科治疗   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
目的 探讨结直肠癌并发急性肠梗阻的外科治疗方法及效果。方法 回顾性分析1993年7月至2003年7月间297例结直肠癌并发急性肠梗阻行急症手术治疗患者的临床资料。结果 右半结肠癌并梗阻103例,左半结肠癌和直肠癌并梗阻194例。其中一期切除吻合126例(右半结肠一期切除吻合98例,左半结直肠一期切除吻合28例),全结肠切除或次全切除吻合者108例,Hartmann手术36例,Dixon手术9例,回乙状结肠或回直肠吻合捷径11例,肿瘤近端肠管造瘘7例。术后出现并发症53例(17.8%),为切口感染、腹腔感染和肠瘘;死亡17例;280例(94.3%)痊愈出院。结论 一期切除吻合和结肠次全切除及全切除吻合手术治疗结直肠癌并发急性肠梗阻,是方便可行而安全有效的。  相似文献   

Mortality in patients with obstructing colorectal cancer.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Of 1,033 patients with colorectal carcinoma, 238 (23%) presented with obstruction. The majority of tumours (74%) were potentially curable (Dukes B/C) at presentation. Tumours situated at the splenic flexure, transverse or descending colon were most likely to obstruct. Perioperative mortality was high following either primary resection (31%) or fashioning of a defunctioning stoma alone (25%) but was twice as high (40%) in patients over 70 than those under 70 (20%). Cardiorespiratory complications accounted for 55% of this mortality, while fatal technical complications occurred in 19%. Sixty seven patients (28%) had two operations, 51 patients (21%) had three operations.  相似文献   

Gallbladder perforation with loss of calculi in the abdomen is frequent during laparoscopic cholecystectomy and can cause serious late complications. We report on a 65-year-old woman who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallbladder empyema, during which a stone spilled into the peritoneal cavity. The spilled gallstone was not noticed during the initial operation. Three months later, she reported left upper quadrant pain of recent onset without associated symptoms such as fever, nausea, or weight loss. On examination, a palpable 2-cm tender subcutaneous mass was found. Abdominal ultrasound demonstrated an incarcerated hernia, and computed tomography (CT) scan showed an intraperitoneal abscess located in the back of the anterior abdominal wall in the left upper quadrant, which contained a recalcification figure. The patient was brought to surgery, at which time an incision was made over the mass. A chronic abscess in the back of the abdominal wall, also spreading into the subfascial space, was drained, and purulent material was obtained with a large stone, 2.8 cm in diameter, which had become lodged in the rectus abdominis after an undetected stone spillage during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient continued receiving antibiotic treatment for 7 days, recovered well, and was discharged 7 days after drainage of the abscess.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Self-expanding metallic stents provide an alternative to surgery as definitive palliation in patients with obstructing colorectal cancer. This study aimed to compare the outcome of patients with obstruction due to primary left-sided colorectal cancer treated by palliative stenting with outcome in patients who had undergone surgery. METHODS: Patients with incurable obstructing primary colorectal cancer distal to the splenic flexure treated with emergency surgery (n = 31) or placement of a metallic stent (n = 30) from November 1997 to June 2002 were included. Data on the mortality, morbidity, necessity of intensive care and hospital stay for the two groups were compared. The subsequent outcomes, including the incidence of stoma creation and survival, were also analysed. RESULTS: The two groups were similar in terms of age, sex distribution and presence of co-morbidity. Insertion of metallic stents was successful in 29 of 30 patients. Hospital death occurred in four and eight patients in the study and control groups respectively (P = 0.335). Fewer patients with placement of a stent required intensive care (1 versus 11; P = 0.001) and the median hospital stay was shorter in patients with stenting (4 versus 8 days; P = 0.008). A stoma was subsequently created in four patients with stenting, whereas 15 patients who had emergency operation required a stoma (P = 0.005). The difference in median survival between the two groups was not statistically significant (107 versus 119 days; P = 0.088). CONCLUSION: Self-expanding metallic stents are effective in the palliation of obstructing colorectal cancer. Placement of stents is associated with a shorter hospital stay, less likelihood of intensive care and a lower incidence of stoma creation, when compared with emergency surgery. Thus insertion of a metallic stent should be considered in patients with incurable obstructing colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Merits and faults of transanal ileus tube for obstructing colorectal cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: We report eight cases of obstructing colorectal cancer successfully managed by preoperative lavage using transanal ileus tube. METHODS: Decompression tube was transanally inserted into the colon proximal to the tumour under the guidance of the guide wire. Intestinal lavage with 1,500-2,000 mL of warm water was done every day until surgery. RESULTS: There were six men and two women; the mean age was 67 years (range, 50-82 years). Three cancers were in the sigmoid colon and five were in the rectum. Seven patients were treated with a one-stage operation with adequate lymph node dissection. In one patient, only sigmoidostomy was carried out for unresectable huge tumour. In all cases, no dilatation was observed at the proximal colon and no anastomotic failure developed. Four patients suffered from fever of unknown cause after the insertion of the tube. In one patient, the resected specimen showed ulcer by tube compression. In the other patient, the tube penetrated the intestinal wall, which was covered by mesentery. CONCLUSION: The transanal ileus tube is effective for the treatment of obstructing colorectal cancer. However, close observation is necessary because of possible perforation.  相似文献   

111例结肠癌伴发急性肠梗阻术后并发症危险因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨结肠癌伴发急性肠梗阻术后并发症(包括呼吸、循环、消化系统及局部)及其危险因素.方法 回顾性分析2001年1月至2009年12月北京大学第一医院诊治的111例结肠癌伴发急性肠梗阻患者的病例资料.结果 右半结肠癌伴发急性肠梗阻49例,其中48例(98.0%)实施肿瘤一期切除手术,1例患者因侵犯十二指肠及胰腺伴腹腔种植转移行回肠横结肠短路术.左半结肠癌伴发急性肠梗阻62例,53例(85.5%)实施肿瘤一期切除,其中23例行术中结肠灌洗及一期肿瘤切除吻合术,9例患者接受单纯结肠造口术.术后并发症发生率21.6%(24/111),围手术期死亡率5.4%(6/111).左半结肠癌与右半结肠癌肠梗阻术后,并发症发生率及围手术期死亡率两者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).单因素分析显示,高龄(大于60岁)(P=0.012)、美国麻醉医师协会(ASA)分级3~4级(P<0.001)者术后并发症发生率较高.多因素分析显示,ASA分级3~4级(P=0.001,OR=8.583)是术后并发症的独立危险因素.结论 结肠癌致急性肠梗阻术后并发症发生率及围手术期死亡率较高 对于ASA 3~4级患者应谨慎选择恰当术式及术后加强监护.  相似文献   

Over a 30 year interval (1950 to 1979), 1,061 patients with colorectal carcinoma were seen; 148 presented with bowel obstruction and in this retrospective study were compared with those having nonobstructive tumors. The age and sex distribution did not differ between the groups. The curability rate was 53 percent, versus 72 percent for nonobstructed patients; the 5 year survival rate was 16 percent overall and 31 percent in curable cases, versus 37 and 50 percent for elective patients, respectively. Survival within tumor stages did not differ between the groups; the difference in outcome was mainly a result of obstructed patients having fewer stage A and more stage C lesions. Most right-sided growths were primarily resected, while the left-sided growths were mainly treated with staged resection. Operative mortality for curable patients was 8 percent, not different from the 7 percent rate in elective patients. The 5 year survival rate was 19 percent after primary and 35 percent after staged resection. It was concluded that patients with bowel obstruction secondary to colorectal carcinoma have low curability and survival rates, primarily because of advanced disease at the time of diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, with approximately 300,000 new cases and 200,000 related deaths in Europe and the USA each year. Adjuvant treatment of colorectal cancer is now widely accepted and can reduce mortality with approximately 10%. This can be considered as one of the major achievements in oncology from the past decade. Current results will be discussed and strategies for the future will be outlined, including on-going or planned large-scale trials with new drugs and approaches.  相似文献   

Palliative treatment of upper gastrointestinal tract obstruction was undertaken by endoscopic laser therapy in 6 patients with carcinoma of the oesophagus or stomach. All had dysphagia for solids on admission and were considered unsuitable for surgery or radiotherapy. Three were in sites unsuitable for placement of an endoscopic prosthesis. The tumours occluded up to 90 per cent of the lumen (2 squamous and 4 adeno-carcinomas). Treatment was carried out under direct vision, the laser wave guide being passed through the biopsy channel of a standard endoscope. Superficial tumour vaporized immediately using energies of 2–10 000 J per session, whereas deeper layers sloughed over the succeeding 2–3 days. Two to six treatments were required to relieve dysphagia and there were no major complications. Quantitative barium studies before and after treatment showed a significant increase in luminal diameter. These patients could eat solid food after treatment and all were able to go home.  相似文献   

The rapid in development of surgical technology has had a major effect in surgical treatment of colorectal cancer. Laparoscopic colon cancer surgery has been proven to provide better short-term clinical and oncologic outcomes. However this quickly accepted surgical approach is still performed by a minority of colorectal surgeons. The more technically challenging procedure of laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery is also on its way to demonstrating perhaps similar short-term benefits. This article reviews current evidences of both short-term and long-term outcomes of laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery, including the overall costs comparison between laparoscopic surgery and conventional open surgery. In addition, different surgical techniques for laparoscopic colon and rectal cancer are compared. Also the relevant future challenge of colorectal cancer robotic surgery is reviewed.  相似文献   

进一步加强结直肠癌外科规范化治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Li SY 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(7):433-435
结直肠癌是我国常见、多发的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率呈逐年明显上升趋势,严重威胁人们的身体健康和生命。近年来结直肠癌外科发展较快,随着对解剖、病理,生物学特性以及淋巴转移规律的深入研究,出现了一些新的理论、观点和术式。从传统的单纯追求根治性切除肿瘤挽救生命的观念转变为在根治性切除肿瘤保住生命的同时,力求保存生理功能以提高生存质量。由于我国地域广阔,各地区的医疗条件差异较大,外科技术的发展也不平衡,对手术适应证的选择和理念也不尽相同,术后效果各异。因此,不断加强对结直肠癌外科的规范治疗,对于提高结直肠癌外科治疗水平至关重要。  相似文献   

胃癌、结直肠癌(本文下称胃肠癌)仍以外科治疗为基本的、主要的疗法。化疗、放疗、免疫疗法等辅助治疗亦取得可喜进展。生物疗法、瘤苗、基因疗法等均属探索中的疗法。施行胃肠癌综合治疗时,必须掌握各种疗法的特点与当今进展,不同疗法所处的主次地位,扬其所长,发挥协调、互补、共进作用,以期提高疗效。  相似文献   

Advances in treatment of colorectal cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this review is to provide the practicing surgeon with an outline of several significant developments in colorectal cancer treatment that have affected the care of patients. This review is not intended to report on every important publication of the past few years nor is it intended to be encyclopedic. The author simply hopes to provide a useful reference for surgeons in their daily practice.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty-three patients with early colorectal cancer (mucosal or submucosal carcinoma) were treated endoscopically or surgically from 1962 through 1984 at our hospital. Regional lymph node metastasis was recognized in 6 among 98 submucosal cancers. Lymphatic vessel permeation of cancer cells was also found in 31.8% of submucosal cancers. Local recurrence was observed in 3 patients with submucosal cancer. From our experience, the policy of treatment for early cancer was discussed and proposed. If the growth is pedunculated or small sessile polyp endoscopic polypectomy should be performed and bowel resection must be subsequent when histological examination of resected specimen showed massive cancer invasion to the stalk or submucosal layer. If the growth does not have stalk and is diagnosed early cancer, bowel resection with dissection of surrounding tissues should be recommended for high security, because these growth has more frequently submucosal invasion. For early rectal cancer, transanal or trans-sacral local wedge excision for mucosal or submucosal minute invasion cancer and trans-sacral sleeve resection with dissection of mesorectal tissues for submucosal invasive cancer. When histological examination of resected specimen showed unexpectively more massive invasion near to or into propria muscle layer, more wide bowel resection must be subsequent. If sm massive cancer locates near to anal canal, limited Miles' operation must be also in mind, preserving voiding and sexual functions.  相似文献   

One-stage treatment of gunshot wounds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Delayed primary closure has been advocated for the treatment of gunshot wounds owing to the fact that they are highly contaminated. The authors believe that with meticulous debridement, contaminants are removed; thus, early wound coverage with meshed split-thickness skin graft allows for drainage along with faster healing of all tissues. Split-thickness skin excision was found to be a useful procedure in the immediate management of gunshot injuries.  相似文献   

【摘要】〓目的〓观察和分析术中全结肠灌洗后Ⅰ期肿瘤根治切除肠吻合术治疗结直肠癌并梗阻的效果。方法〓选择60例在我院接受结直肠癌根治术并肠梗阻患者分3组,术中结肠灌洗组:急诊手术,实施术中全结肠灌洗后Ⅰ期根治术;常规处理组:患者经保守治疗,肠梗阻解除后实施根治术;分期手术组:保守治疗未能解除梗阻患者,行肿瘤根治,一期肠造瘘,二期肠吻合。对比3组患者治疗的效果和并发症情况。结果〓术中结肠灌洗组的手术时间较术前结肠灌洗组和造瘘组分别延长(P<0.05),并发症发生总次数较多但没有统计学差异。3组患者在手术失血量、胃管留置时间、术后进食时间、总住院时间等没有统计学差异。结论〓对于结直肠癌并肠梗阻的患者,急诊行术中全结肠灌洗Ⅰ期肿瘤切除肠吻合是可行的,但不一定适合所有病例,应结合术前术中的判断。  相似文献   

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