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前列腺恶性胃肠道间质瘤一例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
患者男,49岁。因无明显诱因感会阴部酸痛不适10d。无尿急、尿频及尿痛,无血尿,在当地医院就诊,B超检查发现盆腔前列腺部位实性占位性病变,CT检查发现前列腺增大约8·03cm×6·58cm,提示前列腺肿瘤。实验室检查:前列腺特异性抗原1·11ng/ml,血清游离前列腺特异性抗原0·2ng/ml,为进一步诊治于2005年3月入本院治疗。直肠指诊:前列腺增大约6cm×8cm,质坚硬,无压痛,中央沟消失,表面不平。X线和ECT检查未发现转移病灶。临床初步诊断为:前列腺肿瘤,肉瘤可能。患者入院1周后行前列腺肿瘤根治术,手术顺利,术中未发现盆腔肿大淋巴结。病理检查:带…  相似文献   

Li S  Zhang SW  Qi LS  Sun BC 《中华病理学杂志》2006,35(11):698-699
患者男,30岁。因自觉下腹部肿物逐渐增大3个月于2006年2月入院。体检:下腹部可扪及质硬肿块,约18cm×17cm大小,右侧睾丸缺如,左侧睾丸约2cm×2cm×1cm,位于腹股沟外口处。患者外生殖器为男性表型,第二性征亦为男性表型。B超示:腹盆腔可见自脐周至盆腔17cm×14cm×10cm低回声区,边界清楚,回声不均匀(图1)。螺旋CT示:盆腔巨大密度不均匀肿物影,向上突向腹腔达脐上方水平,增强后呈不均匀强化,约18.0cm×17.0cm×9.6cm,与邻近肠管及右髂动脉区血管分界不清。右侧睾丸显示不明确,左侧阴囊区结节样影。左髂动脉血管区结节影,约2.4cm×1.8cm,与邻…  相似文献   

患儿男,8个月。因发现背部肿块4个月,逐渐增大于2002年5月9日入院。一般情况可,右背部肩胛骨下方皮下触及3cm×4cm肿物,质地中等,活动差,无压痛,与皮肤无粘连,表面皮肤肤色正常。B超检查示背部肌层内实性肿物,回声欠均匀,肿物内血流丰富。CT检查示右背部肩胛骨下方皮下见一不规则软组织密度肿块,大小约2.7cm×4.3cm,部分伸入肩胛骨后方,内侧与竖脊肌相及,前缘紧贴胸廓肋骨,皮下缘光整。临床拟诊为背部肿块血管瘤可能。入院1周后行手术切除,术中见肿物境界清楚,深达肌层,完整切除后送病理。病理检查:肿物大小3.2cm×3.0cm×2.5cm,有假包膜,…  相似文献   

胸膜外孤立性纤维性肿瘤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mei JH  Wan HP  Liu H  Chen RS  Gao HC  Xu S 《中华病理学杂志》2006,35(8):510-511
例1男,68岁。进行性排尿困难4个月余,于2004年12月12日入院。入院检查会阴部可触及分叶状肿块12 cm×10 cm×5 cm,质硬且固定;术中发现肿块来源于前列腺。病理检查:分叶、结节状组织11.5 cm×10.0 cm×4.0 cm,部分似有包膜,部分已切开,切面鱼肉状,质嫩。显微镜下肿瘤境界清,有较厚的纤维性包膜,肿瘤由富细胞区和细胞稀疏区组成。富细胞区肿瘤细胞呈束状或成簇状的小圆形、卵圆形细胞,部分区杂乱无章(图1)。瘤细胞胞质少,核染色质均匀,核仁不明显,无核分裂象,部分区肿瘤血管丰富;细胞稀疏区含多量胶原纤维。免疫组织化学示:波形蛋白、CD34、Bcl-2均(+,图2,3),CD99(±),肌动蛋白、S- 100、神经微丝(NF)、结蛋白、平滑肌肌动蛋白(SMA)、细胞角蛋白(CK)、CD117均(-)。病理诊断:胸膜外孤立性纤维性肿瘤。  相似文献   

患者女,68岁。于1年前发现左大腿根部前外侧有一肿块约5cm×5cm×5cm,边界尚清楚,质地中等,活动度差,表面光滑。无压痛,无伴随症状,4月前肿块增大,疼痛,左下肢活动尚可。于今年9月来我院门诊,X片:左髋关节  相似文献   

肾脏黏液性小管状和梭形细胞癌二例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
例1男,27岁。因体检发现右肾占位性病变6 d 于2005年11月入院。辅助检查:CT 示右肾中上极背侧见一类圆形低密度影,向肾外突出,大小5.2cm×5.7cm×5.0cm,边缘清楚,光滑。诊断:右肾中上极占位,良性病变可能性大。MRI 扫描表现:右肾体积弱增大,上极见一类圆形弱短 T1等T2异常信号,边界清楚,大小约5.5cm×5.5cm×5.0cm,肾盂明显受压。MRI 诊断:右肾上极占位性病变,良性可能性大:(1)囊性肿块并出血可能,(2)实性肿块待排。术前临床诊断肾脏囊肿、肾脏良性占位。  相似文献   

骶尾部血管球瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者,女性,31岁,肛周阵发性疼痛半年余,结肠镜示直肠后壁外压性隆起。查体:截石位6点、距肛缘5cm处直肠后壁触及2cm×2cm大小肿块,质硬、有压痛、无波动感。手术所见:于骶骨尖前方取横形切口,肿物位于骶骨前方软组织中,直径约2cm,包膜完整,质硬、界清。病理检查2cm×1.5cm×1cm肿物,包膜较完整,切面灰红色,部分呈胶样,质中。镜检:瘤组织中有较多扩张的薄壁血管,血管周围瘤细胞立方形或短梭形,围绕血管多层排列,形态大小较一致(图1)图1,胞质淡红色,核圆或卵圆形,染色淡,核仁不明显,无异型及核分裂象。间质有黏液变性,可见瘤细胞与平滑肌细胞…  相似文献   

患者男 ,39岁。小便不通畅、反复发作余月 ,急性发作半天于 2 0 0 2年 2月 2 0日入院。直肠指检前列腺Ⅲ度肥大。CT检查提示前列腺占位性病变 ,考虑前列腺癌可能性大。体检 :全身浅表淋巴结不肿大 ,外生殖器及睾丸无异常。B超 :肝、脾、肾、胰及胆等器官无异常。术中见膀胱黏膜完整 ,前列腺肿大突向膀胱 ,质硬 ,表面呈结节状 ,中央沟消失 ,前列腺与周围组织严重粘连。前列腺大小为 8cm× 7cm×6cm。病理检查 :灰白色破碎组织一堆 9 0cm× 7 0cm× 2 5cm ,质嫩 ,切面灰白伴灶性出血。镜下观察 :前列腺大部分组织结构被破坏 ,代之以弥漫…  相似文献   

患者女性,69岁。因间断性左腰部疼痛5年,加重1年入院。体检:右下腹扪及一约10cm×5cm大小的囊性肿物,无压痛。B超示膀胱右上方探及一10·7cm×4·6cm×5·0cm的混合性肿物,边界尚清,形态不规则,内部回声不均匀,以囊性为主,印象:盆腔混合性肿物,性质待定。MR示膀胱直肠间偏右侧见一椭圆形异常信号,为长T1、长T2其边界较清,信号强度均匀,9·5cm×5cm×4·5cm,印象盆腔囊性占位。行剖腹探查术,术中见子宫萎缩如鸡蛋大左附件正常,右侧卵巢正常大小,表面布满透明囊粒样滤泡阑尾增粗增大,约10cm×4cm大小,表面光滑,与周围组织无粘连,行阑尾切除…  相似文献   

卵巢恶性非特异性类固醇细胞瘤一例   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
患者女 ,5 0岁。右附件包块 3年 ,近 1年发现包块增长速度较快。伴声音变粗 ,喉结变大 ,长胡髯于 2 0 0 2年 4月2 6日入院。B超检查 :盆腔肿物大小 11 7cm× 9 0cm×7 9cm。常规实验室检查项目均在正常范围。术前未做血清类固醇激素及雌激素水平测定。术中见右卵巢实性肿物一个 ,周围与肠系膜、漏斗韧带、大网膜、膀胱粘连。腹腔内见腹水约 12 0 0ml,为黄色。病理检查 :一个不规则形肿物 ,大小 13cm× 9cm×6cm ,包膜完整 ,表面呈多结节状。切面 :大部为实性 ,见少量小囊腔 ;灰黄色 ,散在片状出血坏死 ,部分呈半透明状 ,质中等 (图 1)。镜…  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the organization of the internal connections of the striate cortex in cats in the projection zone of the center (0–5°) of the field of vision by microintophoretic application of horseradish peroxidase to electrophysiologically identified orientational columns. The area containing neurons showing retrograde labeling in most cases extended in the mediolateral direction. Labeled cells were located in the upper (II, III) and lower (V, VI) layers of the cortex, and the shapes and orientations of the areas containing labeled neurons in these layers coincided. Spatial asymmetry was detected in the distribution of labeled neurons relative to the orientational column studied. Labeled cells were located predominantly medial to the columns, regardless of the distance from the projection of the area centralis. Considering the visuotopical map of field 17, the asymmetry detected here provides evidence that neurons in orientational columns have more extensive connections with neurons of the peripheral part of the cortex. An asymmetrical distribution of “silent” zones around the receptive fields of neurons in orientational columns is suggested, and that these appear to receive influences from the periphery of the visual field. Laboratory of Visual Physiology and Laboratory of Central Nervous System Morphology, I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 6 Makarov Bank, 199034 St. Petersburg, Russia. Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 82, No. 12, pp. 23–29, December, 1996.  相似文献   

Seventy pancreatoduodenal complexes of 55 patients with chronic pancreatitis and tumours of this zone and 15 patients died from other diseases are studies histotopographically . The pieces of the pancreatic head tissue in the medial wall of the duodenum were found in 12 cases of the first group and in 4 control cases. The pancreatic tissue consisted either of all elements of this organ or cystically dilated ducts and seemed to infiltrate different layers of the duodenum wall. Three variants of the pancreatic head structure are suggested on the basis of anatomo-topographical interrelationships of the pancreatic head and duodenum. In 12 out of 14 cases chronic pancreatitis and carcinoma of organs of this zone were combined with the variants of the pancreatic head structure, in 2 cases there was a true heterotopy . Pathogenetic significance of these variants for the development of chronic pancreatitis is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of the level of the transmembrane potential on the dynamics of the extinction of the amplitudes of summary excitatory postsynaptic currents arising in identified giant parietal neurons in response to rhythmic stimulation of the intestinal nerve was investigated in a preparation of the isolated CNS of the common snail in order to identify the possibility of the participation of the postsynaptic element in synaptic plasticity. It was demonstrated that, at a greater value of the transmembrane potential, the decrease in the amplitudes of the postsynaptic currents which have been induced by rhythmic stimulation takes place more rapidly. It was also demonstrated that at a higher frequency of stimulation of the nerve, the effect of the influence of the membrane potential level on the dynamics of the synaptic reactions is more prominent. The data obtained may be regarded as an argument in favor of the possibility of the participation of the post-synapse in plasticity. This study was partially supported by the Russian Basic Research Fund (project No. 94-04-12209). Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Translated from Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 171–179, January–February, 1995.  相似文献   

The effects of the lesion of the postcommissural part of the septum on behavior of the rat has been studied. Results may be summarized as follows. An increase in the exploratory behavior in the open field which decreases rapidly; a decrease in the number of defecations in this test and a decrease in time leaving a dark environment for exploration. In the shuttle box test, no facilitation of the acquisition, but a permanent and quite significant increase in the intertrial activity has been found. We conclude that the lesions tend to decrease the emotivity of the subjects. An interpretation on the basis of the species -- specific defensive reactions explains the transitory and permanent effects of the lesions on the spontaneous activity.  相似文献   

Summary A discussion is presented of the effect produced by light stimulation applied to the optic analyzer alone on the function of the temperature analyzer. The cutaneous-temperature analyzer was kept on constant illumination and temperature. The light effects from the retinal photoreceptors on the cutaneous thermoceptor system led to reflex changes of the functional rate of the latter. Conditions of the optic analyzer of light adaptation caused reflex adjustment of cold receptors as to heating. Dark adaptation of the eyes changed the functional state of the cold receptors, corresponding to their adjustment to low temperatures.(Presented by Active Member AMN SSSR V. V. Parin) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 3–6, March, 1964  相似文献   

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