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Human breast cancer cells have been recently reported to produce endothelin (ET) 1. To investigate the potential regulation of ET production in breast cancer cells, we have measured the release of ET-like immunoreactivity from the T47D cell line in response to various paracrine/endocrine factors. Bombesin (0.1 microM) and cortisol (1 microM) stimulated maximal respective increases in IR-ET release to 580 and 369% of basal values after 6 h. The responses to cortisol and bombesin were additive. The response to bombesin was dose dependent with a median effective dose around 1 nM and was inhibited by the receptor antagonist [Leu13-psi-CH2NH-Leu14]bombesin. Pretreatment of T47D cells with pertussis toxin had no effect on bombesin-induced inositol lipid hydrolysis but inhibited ET-like immunoreactivity release in response to bombesin in the presence of glucocorticoid, by 56%. ET-1 (10 nM) and insulin-like growth factor (10 ng/ml) stimulated modest separate increases in DNA synthesis in human breast fibroblasts of 35 and 71%, respectively, but together exhibited a strong synergistic response to 905% of control values. This in vitro study demonstrates the potential for bombesin and glucocorticoid to regulate ET production in human breast cancer cells, which may in turn have a paracrine influence on neighboring stromal cell function.  相似文献   

The membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP), a protease originally identified in breast carcinoma, is characterized by its capacity to activate other MMPs (MMP-2 and MMP-13) and to degrade extracellular matrix. Our study was undertaken to localize and identify the MT1-MMP expressing cells in human breast adenocarcinomas. A textural analysis of images obtained by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization showed precisely the co-expression of alpha smooth muscle actin (alphaSM actin) and MT1-MMP in myofibroblasts. MT1-MMP expression is confined to myofibroblasts in close contact with tumor cells. In sharp contrast, the expression of MMP-2 was more widely distributed in both alphaSM actin positive and negative cells close to and at distance from cancer cell clusters. Our in vitro observations are consistent with the higher level of MT1-MMP expression and of MMP-2 activation observed in alphaSM actin positive fibroblasts derived from breast tumors, as compared to normal breast fibroblasts. Collectively, these results implicate myofibroblasts as major producer of MT1-MMP in breast cancer and emphasize the importance of stromal-epithelial cell interactions in their progression.  相似文献   

Membrane type (MT) 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activates progelatinase A (pro–MMP-2), a type IV collagenase, on the cell surface of tumors; however, its function in breast cancer progression and metastasis is not fully understood. To examine the expression of MT1-MMP in breast cancer cells and fibroblasts, a specific rabbit antibody (Ab) directed against a unique synthetic peptide derived from the human MT1-MMP catalytic domain was produced, purified, and characterized. This Ab is not likely to cross-react with MT2-, MT3-, or MT4-MMP or any other MMPs. MT1-MMP expression and pro–MMP-2 activation were stimulated by concanavalin A in two human breast carcinoma cell lines (BT549 and MDA-MB-231) and in normal human fetal-lung fibroblasts (HFL-1) and were slightly upregulated by breast cancer cell–fibroblast interactions. Both pro-MT1-MMP in plasma membrane (63.4 kDa) and the soluble forms of the enzyme in culture medium (57.6 and 25–30 kDa) were detected by immunoblot analysis, suggesting that cell-surface MT1-MMP exhibits an active conformation without the removal of its propeptide domain and that the mature enzyme is shed into the medium. In breast cancer cells, MT1-MMP and a recombinant catalytic domain of MT1-MMP were unable to activate pro-matrilysin, indicating that MT1-MMP is not a universal activator of all MMPs. MT1-MMP may play an important role in the invasive growth and spread of breast cancer cells by specifically activating pro–MMP-2 to cleave the connective-tissue barrier. Furthermore, use of the specific Ab may aid in the investigation of the role of MT1-MMP in human tumors. Mol. Carcinog. 22:84–94, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The acquisition of a migratory/invasive phenotype by tumor cells is characterized by the loss of cell-cell adhesion contacts and the expression of degradative properties. In this study, we examined the effect of the disorganization of occludin/zonula occludens (ZO)-1 tight junction (TJ) complexes on the expression of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP). We first compared the expression of MT1-MMP and the localization of occludin/ZO-1 complexes in breast tumor cell lines displaying various degrees of invasiveness. We showed that the expression of MT1-MMP in invasive breast tumor cell lines correlates with the absence of occludin and with a cytoplasmic localization of ZO-1. In contrast, noninvasive cell lines displayed a membrane staining for both ZO-1 and occludin and did not express MT1-MMP. In vivo, cytoplasmic ZO-1 and MT1-MMP could be detected in invasive tumor clusters of human breast carcinomas. We then used RNA interference strategy to inhibit ZO-1 expression in invasive BT549 cells and to evaluate the effect of ZO-1 down-regulation on MT1-MMP expression. We observed that ZO-1 small interfering RNA transfection down-regulates MT1-MMP mRNAs and proteins and subsequently decreases the ability of tumor cells to invade a reconstituted basement membrane in a Boyden chamber assay. Inversely, transfection of expression vectors encoding wild-type ZO-1 or the NH2-terminal fragment of ZO-1 comprising the PSD95/DLG/ZO-1 domains in BT549 activated a human MT1-MMP promoter luciferase reporter construct and increased cell invasiveness. Such transfections concomitantly activated the beta-catenin/TCF/LEF pathway. Our results therefore show that ZO-1, besides its structural role in TJ assembly, can intervene in signaling events promoting tumor cell invasion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The protein peanut agglutinin (PNA) is a galactose-binding lectin whose receptor, the Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) blood-group antigen, shows increased expression in hyperplastic and neoplastic colonic epithelium. PURPOSE: Our hypothesis was that, under these conditions, increased lectin receptors could interact with dietary lectins, which would act as tumor promoters by stimulating cell proliferation. This study was designed to confirm whether active PNA is recoverable from feces after ingestion of peanuts and to assess the mitogenic effect of PNA on proliferation of epithelial cells in the colon. METHODS: Peanut lectin was extracted from feces by lactose-agarose affinity chromatography and was assayed for hemagglutinating activity. Cultured explants of histologically normal biopsy specimens of colonic mucosa from 31 patients were examined. Crypt cell production rate and incorporation of [3H]N-acetylglucosamine into mucin were assessed as indicators of proliferative and metabolic responses to PNA. In addition, we evaluated the separate and combined effects of PNA and epidermal growth factor (EGF) on cell proliferation in human HT29 colorectal cancer cells, by using tritiated thymidine incorporation and cell counts. RESULTS: Peanut lectin extracted from feces showed hemagglutinating activity toward desialylated red blood cells similar to that of a lectin preparation extracted from raw peanuts. Evaluation of biopsy specimens of normal colonic mucosa demonstrated that PNA at a concentration of 25 micrograms/mL caused statistically significant increases in crypt cell production (31% [mean] +/- 5% [SD]; P = .00005) and mucus synthesis (77% +/- 12%; P less than .000001). At 7.5-100 micrograms/mL, PNA was mitogenic for the HT29 colorectal cancer cell line. At 25 micrograms/mL, PNA alone produced a statistically significant increase in thymidine incorporation (44% [mean] +/- 3.7% [SD]; P = .002). For PNA in combination with EGF at 100 pg/mL, the increase was significantly greater (222% +/- 11.2%) than that for EGF alone (57% +/- 5%; P = .003). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that expression of the PNA receptor, TF antigen, by hyperplastic or neoplastic colonic epithelium may affect cell proliferation. IMPLICATIONS: It is possible that dietary lectins such as PNA, which bind to the TF antigen, promote cell proliferation and thus cancerous growth, while galactose-containing vegetable fiber would inhibit this effect by competing for binding by these lectins.  相似文献   

Analysis of bioactive substances produced by cancer cells is one approach to understanding the biological features of human cancer. One of these bioactive substances is endothelin (ET)-1, a peptide with potent vasoconstrictive activity produced by vascular endothelial cells. We have previously reported the production of ET-1 by several types of human cancer, especially pancreatic cancer cells. To elucidate whether these cancer cells might share biological characteristics with vascular endothelial cells, we investigated the production of three ET isoforms in pancreatic cancer cells, using a specific radioimmunoassay. Further, we also investigated whether these cells produce thrombomodulin (TM), another product of endothelial cells functioning as a modulator of procoagulant activity. ET-1 was detected in 11 of 12 pancreatic cancer cell lines (92%) while ET-2 and ET-3 were detectable in only one cell line. Gel filtration analysis confirmed the presence of ET-1. Moreover, TM was detected in the cell lysates of 11 of the 12 cell lines (92%) and it was released into the culture medium in the majority (58%) of these cell lines. TM mRNA was also detected in these cells. In addition, TM was demonstrated immunocytochemically along the cell surface. These results suggest that pancreatic cancer cells share two characteristics with endothelial cells: the production of ET-1 and TM.  相似文献   

Infiltrating carcinomas characteristically elicit a reactive stromal response, and accumulating evidence indicates that tumor stroma fibroblasts reciprocally promote tumor development and growth. The cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan, syndecan-1 (Sdc1), is thought to function as a coreceptor for growth factor and extracellular matrix interactions, and Sdc1 expression is induced in reactive stromal cells in both mice and man. Mice with a targeted mutation in Sdc1 show reduced tumor development in response to oncogene expression and altered responses to other pathological stimuli that are associated with the induction of stromal Sdc1. Here, we test the hypothesis that Sdc1 is required for the growth-promoting activities of reactive stroma. We found that when highly invasive carcinoma cells (MDA-MB-231) were placed in contact with mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) in a coculture model, Sdc1 expression was induced. Sdc1 was not induced by less invasive or normal cell lines (T47D and NMuMG). Furthermore, the growth of MDA-MB-231 cells was enhanced by 42% when cocultured with Sdc1+/+ MEFs compared with Sdc1-/- MEFs. When T47D cells were cocultured with fibroblasts that expressed transfected Sdc1, these Sdc1-positive fibroblasts stimulated growth of the breast epithelial cells by 85% compared with untransfected controls. The growth-promoting effect was completely abolished when fibroblasts were transfected with mutant Sdc1 lacking heparan sulfate attachment sites. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a growth-promoting loop exists between breast cancer cells and their stroma that depends on the activity of glycanated Sdc1.  相似文献   

The high incidence of breast cancer in women and the severity of the disease have stimulated a need for improved and novel forms of therapy. The product of the MUC-1 gene has been identified as a breast cancer-associated antigen in breast cancer patients. The gene has been cloned and sequenced. Transgenic mice were prepared that express human mucin and are naturally tolerant to the molecule, providing a unique opportunity to investigate immunotherapeutic strategies in experimental animals that might eventually be applied to breast cancer patients. A cell line (410.4) derived from a mouse mammary adenocarcinoma that arose in a BALB/c mouse was transduced with a retroviral vector (R1-MUC1-pEMSVscribe) that encoded MUC-1. After confirmation of the expression of human mucin, the cells (E3) were further modified by transduction with retroviral vectors encoding interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-12, or IFN-gamma to evaluate the effect of cytokine-secretion on the immunogenic properties of the cells in the MUC-1 transgenic mice. The results indicated that modification of the breast cancer cells to secrete IL-12 reduced and at times eliminated the tumorigenic growth properties of the cells. Under similar circumstances, progressively growing tumors formed in MUC-1 transgenic mice that received injections of unmodified E3 cells or with E3 cells modified to secrete IL-2, IL-4, or IFN-gamma. Immunity to breast cancer developed in MUC-1 transgenic mice that had rejected IL-12-secreting E3 cells because the animals were resistant to challenge with (non-cytokine-secreting) E3 cells. In vitro analyses confirmed the presence of T cell-mediated cytotoxicity toward the breast cancer cells in MUC-1 transgenic mice immunized with the IL-12-secreting cells. Our data obtained in a unique animal model system point toward an analogous form of therapy for breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a stroma-associated paracrine influence may occur in the human breast. In particular, human breast fibroblasts secrete a factor which stimulates reductive 17 beta-oestradiol dehydrogenase (HSD) activity, thereby regulating tissue concentrations of 17 beta-oestradiol. We report here the results of experiments designed to establish the nature of the enzyme activity stimulating factor. In vitro cell culture techniques were used, in which human breast fibroblast-conditioned medium was used to grow the human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7, for 6 days, after which the reductive HSD activity of the monolayers was assessed. The fibroblastic reductive HSD stimulating factor was found to be a trypsin-sensitive polypeptide. The polypeptide eluted from a Sephadex G-75 column as a peak corresponding to a molecular weight of about 50 kDa. The polypeptide exerts its effects by altering the Vmax of 2 of the cytosolic forms of HSD within MCF-7 cells. This is achieved by a protein-synthesis-dependent but calmodulin-independent mechanism. These results provide further evidence of a paracrine effect by stromal tissue within the human breast and have important implications with respect to the aetiology and treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

In the course of our study on the amplification of 11q13 sequences in human breast cancer, we have investigated the amplification status of the anonymous DNA fragment D11S97 in a series of 125 mammary tumors. Our results indicate that, as with bladder carcinomas, D11S97 can be amplified separately from BCL1. In addition, we have shown that D11597 is physically linked to both D11S146 and BCL1, and is less than 100 kb centromeric to the D115146. These results indicate that, in addition to other 11q13 loci, sequences located approximately 500 kb centromeric from BCL1 could contribute to carcinogenesis of epithelial cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Tumor recurrence is a common problem in the treatment of breast cancer. In breast cancer, the expression of high protein levels of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator-1 (uPA) is strongly associated with breast cancer recurrence and decreased survival. The expression of uPA by tumors is thought to not only stimulate tumor invasion but also facilitate angiogenesis. In this study, our goal was to address whether IGF-1R could influence the expression of the extracell ular matrix proteases, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), or uPA thus allowing a selective advantage for tumor invasion and concomitant neovascularization. Initially, we determined whether or not insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 regulated the production MMP or uPA in the human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells. There was no increase in MMP activity when the cells were treated with IGF-1 (10 ng/mL) for 24 h. In contrast, uPA mRNA and protein were induced in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, clones expressi ng a dominant negative inhibitor of IGF-1R termed 486stop had less uPA mRNA, and the clones were less invasive through Matrigel. Taken together, these data illustrate that IGF-1R stimulates uPA production. Hence, these two prognostic indicators may be interrelated, suggesting they may function in a synergistic manner to facilitate local tumor invasion as well as angiogenesis. Our data suggest that disruption of IGF-1 signaling in breast cancer may lead to breast cancer prevention and intervention by decreasing uPA expression.  相似文献   

Malignant human breast tumours contain high levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). However, the mechanisms controlling PGE2 production in breast cancer are unknown. This in vitro study investigates the capacity for PGE2 synthesis and metabolism in several human breast cancer cell lines and early passage human breast fibroblasts and seeks to identify potential regulatory factors which may control these pathways. Basal PGE2 production rose up to 30-fold in breast fibroblast lines on addition of exogenous arachidonic acid (10 microM), whereas no such changes were observed in six out of seven cancer cell lines, with the exception of modest increases in MDA-MB-231 cells. Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) also induced PGE2 production in breast fibroblasts in the presence of excess substrate, consistent with cyclo-oxygenase induction by the cytokine. Under these conditions only Hs578T cells and MDA-MB-231 cells demonstrated large increases in PGE2 in response to IL-1 beta or phorbol ester; no such responses were seen in MCF-7, T47-D, ZR-75-1, BT-20 or CLF-90-1 cells. In the absence of added arachidonate, bradykinin (BK) and endothelin-1 (ET-1), potentiated PGE2 production in IL-1 beta-treated fibroblasts, possibly by mobilising endogenous substrate. PGE2 also stimulated ET-1 production by breast cancer cells. In co-cultures with T47-D cells both basal and stimulated PGE2 production by breast fibroblasts was greatly reduced. This appeared to be due to metabolic inactivation by the cancer cell since T47-D cells readily converted PGE2 to 15-keto-PGE2. This apparent 15-hydroxy-PG dehydrogenase activity was stimulated by TPA and inhibited by cycloheximide. In conclusion, breast fibroblasts, particularly under the influence of inflammatory mediators, provide a potentially rich source for PGE2 production in breast tumours, whereas significant contributions from the epithelial tumour component may be restricted to cancer cells exhibiting an invasive phenotype. Metabolic inactivation by the cancer cells may also play an important role in the regulation of breast tumour PGE2 levels.  相似文献   

TIMP-1, an approximately 30 kDa glycosylated protein found predominantly in extracellular compartments, is involved in the regulation of a variety of developmental, remodelling, and pathological processes. One function of TIMP-1 is to inhibit certain members of a group of extracellular and cell surface enzymes known collectively as metalloproteinases (MP). These include the matrix metalloproteinases and the adamalysin-like disintegrin and metalloproteinases (ADAMs). Additional activities of TIMP-1 include potentiating the activity of erythroid precursors and stimulating proliferation of certain cancer cell lines. Published evidence suggests that the apparent proliferative action of TIMP-1 is independent of its MP-inhibitory activity; however, reports of a cell surface receptor for TIMP-1 have not been confirmed. We have utilised a baculovirus-based system to produce TIMP-1. Data presented here show that TIMP-1 and synthetic hydroxamate (GM6001) MP inhibitors stimulate proliferation and metabolic activity of MDA-MB-435 cancer cells with similar kinetics. An inactive hydroxamate derivative was ineffective. The TIMP-1-induced increase in proliferation and metabolic activity was not the consequence of the inhibition of apoptosis by TIMP-1 in the serum-free medium. These data taken together imply that the mechanism by which TIMP-1 enhances cell growth depends on its ability to inhibit a metalloproteinase, rather than to stimulate a cell surface receptor by a process independent of its MP-inhibitory activity. Inhibitors of extracellular regulated kinase (U0126) and p38 (SB203580), and to a lesser extent the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase inhibitor LY294002, suppressed the action of TIMP-1. Assays for ERK1/2 and p38 showed that both were activated by TIMP-1 and GM6001. Mechanisms by which TIMP-1 might act to stimulate cell proliferation are described.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. Expression of human Sprouty1 (hSpry1) gene is downregulated in most breast cancer patients, implicating it as an important tumor suppressor gene. So, we hypothesized that overexpression of hSpry1 gene may suppress breast cancer cell growth, migration, and invasion. Here, we demonstrate that in breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 and T47D, transfection-induced overexpression of hSpry1 reduced cell population, proliferation, and colony formation in vitro without affecting cell apoptosis. Adhesion molecules act as both positive and negative modulators of cellular migration and invasion. Here, we found that overexpression of hSpry1 enhances the initial establishment events in breast cancer cell adhesion to type IV collagen and vitronectin. Moreover, the overexpression of hSpry1 in the highly invasive MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells causes a significant reduction in cellular migration and invasion through Matrigel membranes. In addition, we showed that hSpry1 overexpression prevents VEGF secretion. VEGF is essential for primary tumor growth, migration, and invasion. Thus, our study provides a novel mechanism of tumor suppression activity of hSpry1.  相似文献   

Prostatic cancer typically produces osteoblastic metastases which are not attended by marrow fibrosis (i.e., osteoblast but not stromal fibroblast proliferation). In the present study we sought to test the hypothesis that prostatic cancer cells produce factor(s) which act selectively on human osteoblasts. Such a paracrine mechanism would explain the observed increase in osteoblasts, unaccompanied by an increase in marrow fibroblasts. To test this hypothesis we investigated the mitogenic activity released by the human prostatic tumor cell line, PC3. PC3 cells have been reported previously to produce mitogenic activity for cells that was relatively specific for rat osteoblasts compared to rat fibroblasts. However, the effects of this activity on human cells has not been examined previously. PC3-conditioned medium (CM) (5-50 micrograms CM protein/ml) stimulated human osteoblast proliferation by 200-950% yet did not stimulate human fibroblast proliferation [( 3H]thymidine incorporation). PC3 CM also increased cell numbers in human osteoblast but not fibroblast cell cultures. To determine whether the osteoblast-specific mitogenic activity could be attributed to known bone growth factors, specific assays for these growth factors were performed. PC3 CM contained 10 pg insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I, less than 2 pg IGF II, 54 pg basic fibroblast growth factor, and 16 pg transforming growth factor beta/microgram CM protein. None of these growth factors alone or in combination could account for the observed osteoblast-specific PC3 cell-derived mitogenic activity. Furthermore, when 5 micrograms/ml PC3 CM was tested in combination with maximally effective concentrations of either basic fibroblast growth factor, IGF I, IGF II, or transforming growth factor beta, it produced an additive effect suggesting that PC3 CM stimulates osteoblast proliferation by a mechanism independent of these bone mitogens. Biochemical characterization supported the hypothesis that the PC3 cell growth factor was unique from other growth factors. The PC3 growth factor did not bind to heparin and was resistant to acid as well as the reducing agent, dithiothreitol. Sephadex G-75 and fast protein liquid chromatography Mono S cation-exchange chromatography revealed the PC3-derived mitogen to be an Mr 26,000-30,000 basic protein. Therefore, we conclude that PC3 cells release a mitogen which exhibits higher specificity for human osteoblasts than human fibroblasts and is unique from other growth factors tested. Production of this mitogen by human prostatic carcinoma cells could play an etiological role in the intense osteoblast-specific stimulation that occurs at sites of bone metastases.  相似文献   

Membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) with a transmembrane domain is a new member of the MMP gene family and is expressed on the cell surfaces of many carcinoma cells to activate the zymogen of MMP-2 (gelatinase A). We have previously reported that MT1-MMP is released into culture media in a complex form with tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 2 (TIMP-2) from a human breast carcinoma cell line, MDA-MB-231, treated with concanavalin A (Con A). In the present study, we further studied the release mechanism of MT1-MMP. Immunoblot analysis indicated that the amounts of MT1-MMP in culture media increase with the time of exposure and the concentration of Con A, and those in cell lysates conversely decrease in a similar way. Time- and dose-dependent release of MT1-MMP into the media was confirmed by a sandwich enzyme immunoassay specific to MT1-MMP. The molecular weight of the immunoreactive MTI-MMP in the media was Mr 56,000, which was 4,000-Mr smaller than that in the cell lysates. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the mRNA expression level of MT1-MMP is about 3-fold enhanced after a 24 h-exposure to Con A and this is maintained up to 72-h exposure. The release of MT1-MMP from the Con A-treated cells was inhibited by metalloproteinase inhibitors such as EDTA and o-phenanthroline, but not by MMP inhibitors including TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and BB94 or other proteinase inhibitors of serine, cysteine and aspartic proteinases. During the Con A treatment of the cells, cell viability decreased time- and dose-dependently and dead cells reacted positively in the TdT-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) method. Con A-treated MDA cells showed apoptotic morphology when stained with Hoechst dye and hematoxylin and eosin. DNA ladder formation was detected by electrophoresis of the DNA from Con A-treated MDA cells. These results suggest that MT1-MMP release from Con A-treated cells is due to shedding mediated by metalloproteinase(s) other than MMPs, and is associated with apoptosis.  相似文献   



The phenotypic and functional differences between cells that initiate human breast tumors (cancer stem cells) and those that comprise the tumor bulk are difficult to study using only primary tumor tissue. We embarked on this study hypothesizing that breast cancer cell lines would contain analogous hierarchical differentiation programs to those found in primary breast tumors.


Eight human breast cell lines (human mammary epithelial cells, and MCF10A, MCF7, SUM149, SUM159, SUM1315 and MDA.MB.231 cells) were analyzed using flow cytometry for CD44, CD24, and epithelial-specific antigen (ESA) expression. Limiting dilution orthotopic injections were used to evaluate tumor initiation, while serial colony-forming unit, reconstitution and tumorsphere assays were performed to assess self-renewal and differentiation. Pulse-chase bromodeoxyuridine (5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine [BrdU]) labeling was used to examine cell cycle and label-retention of cancer stem cells. Cells were treated with paclitaxol and 5-fluorouracil to test selective resistance to chemotherapy, and gene expression profile after chemotherapy were examined.


The percentage of CD44+/CD24- cells within cell lines does not correlate with tumorigenicity, but as few as 100 cells can form tumors when sorted for CD44+/CD24-/low/ESA+. Furthermore, CD44+/CD24-/ESA+ cells can self-renew, reconstitute the parental cell line, retain BrdU label, and preferentially survive chemotherapy.


These data validate the use of cancer cell lines as models for the development and testing of novel therapeutics aimed at eradicating cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Fenretinide has shown promise in the chemoprevention of breast cancer, a tumor type in which the oncogene cyclin D1 is overexpressed frequently. We aimed at determining the effect of cyclin D1 level on the response to fenretinide treatment. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Stable clones of T47-D cells were created to overexpress cyclin D1 or a mutant of cyclin D1, injected in nude mice for xenograft formation, and the rate of tumor growth and tumor regression determined. RESULTS: We show here that cells overexpressing cyclin D1 are significantly more sensitive to fenretinide than genetically matched cells that express low levels of cyclin D1, and that fenretinide prevents tumor formation arising from cyclin D1-overexpressing cells. Furthermore, we show that fenretinide is also able to promote the regression of cyclin D1-positive tumors. We also show that cells expressing a mutant of cyclin D1 that cannot bind to cdk4 are also more sensitive to fenretinide. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that fenretinide may be particularly useful in the treatment of cyclin D1-positive breast cancers, and that the interaction between cyclin D1 and fenretinide is independent of cyclin D1 binding to cdk4.  相似文献   

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