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L Norgren 《Phlébologie》1992,45(4):444-446
The incidence of symptomatic varicose veins seems to be about the same in most industrialized countries. After decades of radical surgical treatment of most cases with this condition a much more restrictive attitude seems to be present. Patients with limited varicose veins are often told that since there is no medical danger suffering from simple varicose veins, surgery is not necessary. A simple compression stocking is frequently advised. For those patients suffering from symptoms or a finding that their varicose veins are cosmetically disturbing, surgery is performed, however, restricted to be as minor as possible. The long saphenous vein is saved in those parts being competent. The surgical procedures are performed on an outpatient basis in almost all cases which means that the cost has been very much decreased. The incidence of venous leg ulcers has also decreased in Sweden. We seem to have an incidence of 0.3 p. cent ulcers of which 54 p. cent are of venous etiology. The cost for treatment of these patients is here as everywhere else very high as is also the cost for sick-leave. A conservative attitude using compressing stockings and screening to find out in which cases reconstructive venous surgery might be a possibility seems advisable especially in recurrent ulcer cases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Growing evidence supports the premise that adult trauma centers lower the risk of death for severely injured patients. The same principles have been applied to the pediatric population and mounting research suggests that, as in the adult population, gravely injured children have better outcomes at pediatric trauma centers where personnel trained and experienced in the specific needs and unique physiology of injured children provide care. As in the United States, acute traumatic injury represents an important public healthcare concern to the Tuscan regional government whose goal is to maximize clinical outcomes within available resources. In order to address this problem, the Tuscan regional government has created a new and innovative collaboration between the Meyer Pediatric Hospital/University of Florence School of Medicine and the Children's Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School to build a pediatric trauma center and regional pediatric trauma referral system. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: This long-term international initiative will seek to develop a demonstration model for pediatric trauma care that may later be replicated elsewhere. The initial goals of the project will focus on expanding the role of the pediatricians working in the emergency department to include the acute care of medical, surgical, orthopedic and multiple trauma patients. This new configuration will closely resemble the single provider model of emergency medical care commonly utilized in the United States. During this transition period to a more broadly trained emergency physician, a multi-disciplinary trauma team will be created and pediatric trauma clinical practice guidelines will be introduced into the emergency department and inpatient care units. Systems measurements will be achieved through a comprehensive quality improvement and risk management program. Ultimately, all Tuscan regional pediatric major trauma will be consolidated at the Meyer Pediatric Hospital in Florence.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal baths on oedema of the lower limbs might be explained by physical mechanisms of hydrostatic pressure resulting from the use of a deep bath and a centripetal underwater jet, by which the veins and lymph ducts are drained every day. The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the existence of hormonal mechanisms which would account for the diuretic effect of thermal baths. One of the effects observed with hydrotherapy is the physiological diuresis that follows each bath, this diuresis would appear to depend at least in part on the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). The criteria by which assessment can be made essentially biological: ANF level and its biological effects on blood and urine; aldosterone level; plasma renin activity (PRA); creatinine clearance; hematocrit; proteinemia; and blood and urine electrolyte balance. The inclusion criteria are: subjects selected at random and willing cooperate. The criteria for exclusion are disease states which modify ANF kinesis: congestive heart failure, cardiac rhythm disorders, decompensated cirrhosis of liver, obesity, treatment antihypertensive drugs. METHODS: Thirty patients were put through the same experimental sequence, as follows: emptying of the bladder and ingestion of 200 cc of water; seated rest fort 30 mn, after which (to): blood sample; urine sample; ingestion of 200 cc of water; deep bath for 20 mn, i.e. the basic hydro treatment in phlebology at Barbotan. The deep bath is specific to Barbotan and the patient is subjected to maximum immersion in water at a mesothermal temperature of 34.5 degrees C, followed by (t1): blood and urine sample; ingestion of 200 cc of water; supine rest for 90 mn, followed by (t2): blood and urine sample. RESULTS: Data from twenty-eight patients were usable. In this protocol, we use variance analysis with repeated measurements and a 95% confidence limit. The mean value of the principal parameters studies are set out in the following table; these value are accompanied by the degree of significance of the modification at (t1) and (t2). Our experimentation with thirty patients showed that the big thermal bath at Barbotan produces a highly significant increase in ANF secretion, resulting in the diuresis observed after the use of the bath. The antagonist effect of AFN on the renin--angiotensin-aldosterone system was corroborated: we found decreased aldosterone, PRA and creatinine clearance, and increased diuresis and natriuresis. The renal and cardiovascular effects observed after extended immersion in the Barbotan bath (increased diuresis, tachycardia and hypotension, transitory venous vasoplegia and ephemeral vasodilatation of the surface capillaries) are the result of increased ANF secretion. [formula: see text] Supine rest immediately after the bath is essential. This sustains the enhanced ANF and thus reinforces its renal effects, while reducing adverse cardiovascular effects such as the orthostatic hypotension and venous vasoplegia that are normally observed after use of the bath. Moreover, by reducing venular and lymphatic pressure, clinostatism facilitate interstitial to intravascular tissue fluid exchanges and thus helps to drain oedema from the legs. It is striking to note that the hydrotherapy prescribed at Barbotan les Thermes has always included the three most potent factors for ANF release: deep immersion in the big bath, immediate supine rest, and walking. Physiological diuresis has thus been induced empirically as an essential part of the treatment of lower limb phlebopathies.  相似文献   

Outcome of pregnancies in lupus: experience at one center   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We determined the outcome of all pregnancies in SLE patients in our lupus cohort between 1991 and 1997. The women were advised that pregnancy was acceptable if the disease had been inactive for 6 months (SLEDAI < or = (4 at 2 serial examinations) and daily prednisone dose was below 10 mg. Patients were advised against pregnancy in case of active nephritis or neurolupus. In case of antiphospholipid antibodies, patients were treated with aspirin or heparin if previous fetal losses were documented. In case of anti-SSA ab, patients were monitored with ultrasound and given dexamethasone in case of atrioventricular block. Fifty-nine pregnancies were registered among 31 women: mean age at diagnosis of SLE was 25.3 +/- 3.7 years (range: 17-31); mean disease duration before pregnancy 4.4 +/- 3 years (0-14); mean ACR score 5.4 +/- 1.5 (4-9). Seven patients had ACL ab, 8 had anti-SSA ab. Pregnancies ended in: 13 early spontaneous abortions (9 not related to disease flare up, 4 related to SAPL); 7 elective abortions (patient decision in 5 cases, severe lupus flare up in 2); one in utero death; 19 full term births (> 38 weeks); and 19 preterm births. Cesarean section was performed in 11 cases (6 for fetal distress, dystocia and previous ceasarian; 5 for active lupus). Severe sepsis occurred in one premature infant who died at the age of 1 week. Intrauterine growth retardation was observed in 11 cases, mean APGAR score was 8.9 +/- 1.43. Child development was normal in all cases except one child with mild mental retardation. Severe lupus flare ups occurred in 6 cases, of which 4 were pregnancies in unadvised situations. Six mild flare ups were documented in the post partum. One fatal case of neonatal lupus with AVB was observed. In conclusion, in our experience, the live birth rate is similar to the general population and the risk of lupus flare up is low when the above mentioned criteria are applied. Systematic increase of steroid dose at pregnancy onset does not seem to be necessary. The high rate of prematurity remains a problem to be solved.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the experience and outcome of pregnancies in women taking gold while planning pregnancy. METHODS: We undertook a chart review of patients attending for gold injection and monitoring between January 1992 and April 2006. For women who became pregnant while being followed taking gold therapy, we extracted demographic, treatment, and disease activity data, information regarding pregnancy complications, outcome, and postpartum course. For details missing from the clinic records, patients were interviewed by the clinic nurse. RESULTS: Fourteen women experienced 20 pregnancies while being followed in the gold monitoring clinic. Mean age at the time of conception was 34.5 years (range 24-41), disease duration 8.5 years (1-16). Rheumatoid factor was positive in 9 of 14 women. Duration taking gold prior to conception was < 12 months in 7 pregnancies, 13-24 months in 4, 25-34 months in 2, and 2-10 years in 7 pregnancies. Four women continued taking gold until delivery. The rest of the women discontinued gold when they knew they were pregnant, with the exception of one who held her gold 4 weeks prior to conception. There were 5 spontaneous abortions in the first trimester; included were 2 spontaneous abortions in a woman with known Robertsonian chromosomal translocation. Sixteen babies were healthy including a pair of twins. One baby was born with weakness of one extraocular muscle requiring surgery; one had blocked tear ducts at birth. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) flared during 3/15 completed pregnancies and postpartum and post-spontaneous abortion in 18/20 pregnancies. CONCLUSION: Our clinic experience and the published literature support the current practice that in patients with RA, gold may still be considered a treatment option in women planning pregnancy.  相似文献   

Primary hepatic carcinoid tumor: one Egyptian center experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Carcinoid tumors of the liver are rare and pose both a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. Our aim was to study the diagnosis and treatment of primary hepatic carcinoid and to highlight its incidence in relation to hepatocellular carcinoma in our series and review of literature. METHODOLOGY: Between March 1992 and May 2005, we managed 5 patients (1 male, 4 females) with primary hepatic carcinoid in our center. RESULTS: The main presentation was upper abdominal pain with palpable mass, while in one patient tumor was discovered accidentally, none of them had carcinoid syndrome. The tumors were located in the left lobe in one patient, caudate lobe in two patients and right lobe in two patients. The diagnosis was confirmed histologically with light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. Four patients remain alive and disease free after follow-up of 72, 18, 16, and 4 months. One patient died after 11 years of follow-up with recurrence after 10 years, with mean follow-up of 45.2 +/- 53.1 months in May 2005. CONCLUSIONS: Primary hepatic carcinoid tumor is rare. It occurs on top of non-cirrhotic liver. Hepatic resection even in large-sized tumor is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

Adult patients with chronic respiratory diseases may suffer from multiple physical (pulmonary and extra‐pulmonary), emotional and social features which necessitate a comprehensive, interdisciplinary rehabilitation programme. To date, pulmonary rehabilitation programmes show a lot of variation in setting, content, frequency and duration. Future projects should strive for a standard set of assessment measures to identify patients eligible for pulmonary rehabilitation, taking disease complexity into consideration, which should result in referral to an appropriate rehabilitation setting. Local circumstances may complicate this crucial endeavour.  相似文献   

Statistical data of Italy, issued on 1st January 2005, show that Tuscany has a high percentage of elderly subjects, and that to reach 100 years is a common possibility, mainly for women. Comparable values appear for longevity index (LI%), either calculated on the basis of the various resorts above sea level, or on the basis of the number of inhabitants. However, some differences are observed considering the various provinces: Grosseto Province has the second higher value of >65-year-old subjects, while its LI% is the lowest. Centenarity index (CI%) considerably differs from LI%: if ranking Tuscany according to the various heights of territorial positions, the first displays a negative, while the second one shows a positive correlation with the local height. If comparing for inhabitants number, CI% is maximal in provincial cities, while LI% is higher in smaller communities. All these data indicate that residents in small communities of the mountains reach easily 90 years, while 100 years are more frequently reached in larger cities in the plane areas. In conclusion, the highest province longevity (Lucca) coincides with the highest centenarian sex ratio, and it suggests that in this province the older women may enjoy particular forms of environmental protection, which helps them for reaching 100 years of age. Differences between the results of this study and others performed in Sardinia are discussed.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pulmonary infections: occurrence at one medical center and review   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Klebsiella pneumoniae is the species of aerobic gram-negative bacteria most commonly recognized as a cause of community-acquired pneumonia. The vast majority of articles concerning the epidemiology, frequency, and clinical and radiographic features of community-acquired pneumonias caused by this organism are over 20 years old. Experience with community-acquired pneumonias due to K. pneumoniae at one medical center over the last 20 years is reported and compared with the previously published literature. The recent experience at Parkland Memorial is quite similar to that in the literature. Salient features include the infrequency of K. pneumoniae as a cause of community-acquired pneumonia, the lack of specificity and sensitivity of most clinical and radiographic findings, and the similarity to and potential confusion with anaerobic pneumonitis and cavitary lung disease if only expectorated sputums are utilized for diagnosis in certain population groups such as alcoholics.  相似文献   

目的了解二级医院门诊高血压患者血压控制达标状况并探讨影响因素。方法采用单纯随机抽样方法,从2011年1月至12月在我院门诊就诊,年龄为18岁及以上的高血压患者中抽取660例,进行流行病学调查,收集研究对象的一般人口学资料、患者的高血压病史、血压控制率、降压药物使用情况。结果全体研究对象中2和3级高血压分别占28.03%和30.00%;调查人群血压达标率为25.91%;全体研究对象中,平均服用1.99种降压药物。对血压达标产生影响的因素中:服用1种药物与服用多种药物,低收入与高收入人群相比,对血压达标影响差异有统计学意义(均为P<0.01)。患者高血压的分级、每月至少复诊1次与每月复诊不足1次,规律服药与间隔服药对血压达标影响差异有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。结论本中心血压总达标率仅为25.91%,患者高血压的严重程度、经济收入、服药的数量、规律性服药、规律性复诊是影响血压达标的因素。  相似文献   

The shortage of cadaveric organ donors imposes a severe limit on the number of patients who can benefit from transplantation. This paper describes a programme for evaluation and improvement of the organ donation process, which has been implemented in the hospitals of the Tuscany region, Italy. After analysing the first results it was found that there was great potential for growth, especially in those hospitals with neurosurgery where the weakest points of the process were detected The development of a quality improvement programme in cadaveric organ donation is an adequate and scientific method to detect where the problems in the process of organ donation lie. Ideally, the comparison of these data with those of other Italian or European regions should be very useful to plan adequate strategies to improve cadaveric organ donation.  相似文献   

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