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The family of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) is involved in the defense of an organism to microbial attack. TLR4-induced signaling is involved in infectious diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases and sepsis; therefore, we aimed at modulating TLR4-signaling via ligand-binding soluble receptors. Because recognition of microbial structures shows some species-specific traits, we specifically selected the mouse model for later in vivo studies. We first prepared the N-terminally Flag-tagged mouse (m) recombinant (r) soluble (s) fusion proteins mrsTLR4-IgGFc (T4Fc) and mrsMD-2 in Drosophila melanogaster Schneider 2 (S2) cells. The function of these molecules was tested by inhibition of synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines after stimulation of mouse macrophage RAW 264.7 cells with purified lipopolysaccharide (LPS). T4Fc alone had no inhibitory activity; however, a T4Fc/MD-2 complex blocked LPS activity. By analogy with 'cytokine traps', we then prepared a designer molecule (LPS-Trap) by fusing MD-2 to the C-terminus of soluble TLR4 via a flexible linker. LPS-Trap significantly inhibited TNF production by LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Thus, the T4Fc/MD-2 complex as well as the LPS-Trap blocked LPS activity in vitro and might thus represent a new therapeutic option in sepsis by neutralization of TLR4-activating ligands.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are crucial in innate recognition of invading micro-organisms and their subsequent clearance. Bacteria are not passive bystanders and have evolved complex evasion mechanisms. Staphylococcus aureus secretes a potent TLR2 antagonist, staphylococcal superantigen-like protein 3 (SSL3), which prevents receptor stimulation by pathogen-associated lipopeptides. Here, we present crystal structures of SSL3 and its complex with TLR2. The structure reveals that formation of the specific inhibitory complex is predominantly mediated by hydrophobic contacts between SSL3 and TLR2 and does not involve interaction of TLR2–glycans with the conserved LewisX binding site of SSL3. In the complex, SSL3 partially covers the entrance to the lipopeptide binding pocket in TLR2, reducing its size by ∼50%. We show that this is sufficient to inhibit binding of agonist Pam2CSK4 effectively, yet allows SSL3 to bind to an already formed TLR2–Pam2CSK4 complex. The binding site of SSL3 overlaps those of TLR2 dimerization partners TLR1 and TLR6 extensively. Combined, our data reveal a robust dual mechanism in which SSL3 interferes with TLR2 activation at two stages: by binding to TLR2, it blocks ligand binding and thus inhibits activation. Second, by interacting with an already formed TLR2–lipopeptide complex, it prevents TLR heterodimerization and downstream signaling.In recent years, Staphylococcus aureus has become a major health threat to both humans and domestic animals. It is found as a commensal bacterium in ∼30% of the human population, but when it becomes infectious it can cause a wide diversity of diseases, ranging from mild skin infections to life-threatening invasive conditions such as pneumonia and sepsis (1). Increased antibiotic resistance and a high amount of virulence factors secreted by S. aureus contribute to its emergence as a pathogen. Among these secreted virulence factors are the staphylococcal superantigen-like proteins (SSLs), a family of 14 proteins located on two genomic clusters (24). Recently, we and others identified SSL3 as a potent inhibitor of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) (5, 6), an innate immunity receptor that is a dominant factor in immune recognition of S. aureus (710).TLR2 belongs to a family of 10 homologous innate immunity receptors that are activated by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) (11). TLR2 binds bacterial lipopeptides and lipoproteins. Subsequent formation of heterodimers with TLR1 or TLR6 leads to MyD88-dependent activation of the NF-κB pathway (12). TLR2 has dual ligand specificity that is determined by its dimerization partner; stimulation by diacyl lipopeptides from Gram-positive bacteria, including S. aureus, induces the formation of heterodimers with TLR6 (13), whereas triacyl lipopeptides from Gram-negative bacteria initiate formation of TLR2–TLR1 dimers (14). The structural basis for lipopeptide specificity was revealed by crystal structures of TLR2–TLR1 and TLR2–TLR6 complexes with their respective lipopeptide analogs Pam3CSK4 and Pam2CSK4: TLR2 binds two lipid tails in a large hydrophobic pocket, whereas the third lipid tail of triacyl lipopeptides is accommodated by a smaller pocket present in TLR1, but not in TLR6 (15, 16).The family of SSL proteins, including SSL3, share structural similarities to superantigens, but lack superantigenic activity. Interestingly, the functions that have been discovered for SSLs so far have all been linked to immune evasion. SSL5 inhibits neutrophil extravasation (17, 18) and phagocyte function (19, 20), SSL7 binds IgA and inhibits complement (21), and SSL10 inhibits IgG1-mediated phagocytosis (22, 23), blood coagulation (24), and the chemokine receptor CXCR4 (25). In addition to SSL3, also weak TLR2 inhibitory activity was observed for SSL4 (5), but it remains unknown whether that is its dominant function. This variety of immunomodulatory molecules and functions reflects the importance of the different components of our innate immune system in the defense against S. aureus (26).In this study we determined the crystal structures of SSL3 and the SSL3–TLR2 complex. In combination with mutagenesis and binding studies, our data provide a novel working mechanism of a functional TLR2 antagonist.  相似文献   

Binge drinking (blood-alcohol levels ≥ 0.08 g% in a 2-h period), is a significant public health burden in need of improved treatment. Gene therapy may offer beneficial alternatives to current psychosocial and pharmacotherapeutic interventions, but identification of the target genes is a clinical challenge. We report that a GABA(A) α2 siRNA vector (pHSVsiLA2) infused into the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) of alcohol-preferring (P) rats caused profound and selective reduction of binge drinking associated with inhibition of α2 expression, decreased GABA(A) receptor density, and inhibition of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). CeA infusion of a TLR4 siRNA vector (pHSVsiLTLR4a) also inhibited binge drinking, but neither vector functioned when infused into the ventral pallidum. Binge drinking was inhibited by a GABA(A) α1 siRNA vector (pHSVsiLA1) infused into the ventral pallidum, unrelated to TLR4. The vectors did not alter sucrose intake and a scrambled siRNA vector was negative. The data indicate that GABA(A) α2-regulated TLR4 expression in the CeA contributes to binge drinking and may be a key early neuroadaptation in excessive drinking.  相似文献   

The anti-LPS IgG mAb F22-4, raised against Shigella flexneri serotype 2a bacteria, protects against homologous, but not heterologous, challenge in an experimental animal model. We report the crystal structures of complexes formed between Fab F22-4 and two synthetic oligosaccharides, a decasaccharide and a pentadecasaccharide that were previously shown to be both immunogenic and antigenic mimics of the S. flexneri serotype 2a O-antigen. F22-4 binds to an epitope contained within two consecutive 2a serotype pentasaccharide repeat units (RU). Six sugar residues from a contiguous nine-residue segment make direct contacts with the antibody, including the nonreducing rhamnose and both branching glucosyl residues from the two RUs. The glucosyl residue, whose position of attachment to the tetrasaccharide backbone of the RU defines the serotype 2a O-antigen, is critical for recognition by F22-4. Although the complete decasaccharide is visible in the electron density maps, the last four pentadecasaccharide residues from the reducing end, which do not contact the antibody, could not be traced. Although considerable mobility in the free oligosaccharides can thus be expected, the conformational similarity between the individual RUs, both within and between the two complexes, suggests that short-range transient ordering to a helical conformation might occur in solution. Although the observed epitope includes the terminal nonreducing residue, binding to internal epitopes within the polysaccharide chain is not precluded. Our results have implications for vaccine development because they suggest that a minimum of two RUs of synthetic serotype 2a oligosaccharide is required for optimal mimicry of O-Ag epitopes.  相似文献   

We have developed and previously reported on a therapeutic vaccination strategy for indolent B-cell lymphoma that combines local radiation to enhance tumor immunogenicity with the injection into the tumor of a TLR9 agonist. As a result, antitumor CD8(+) T cells are induced, and systemic tumor regression was documented. Because the vaccination occurs in situ, there is no need to manufacture a vaccine product. We have now explored this strategy in a second disease: mycosis fungoides (MF). We treated 15 patients. Clinical responses were assessed at the distant, untreated sites as a measure of systemic antitumor activity. Five clinically meaningful responses were observed. The procedure was well tolerated and adverse effects consisted mostly of mild and transient injection site or flu-like symptoms. The immunized sites showed a significant reduction of CD25(+), Foxp3(+) T cells that could be either MF cells or tissue regulatory T cells and a similar reduction in S100(+), CD1a(+) dendritic cells. There was a trend toward greater reduction of CD25(+) T cells and skin dendritic cells in clinical responders versus nonresponders. Our in situ vaccination strategy is feasible also in MF and the clinical responses that occurred in a subset of patients warrant further study with modifications to augment these therapeutic effects. This study is registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00226993.  相似文献   

A family of peptide signaling molecules (AtPeps) and their plasma membrane receptor AtPepR1 are known to act in pathogen-defense signaling cascades in plants. Little is currently known about the molecular mechanisms that link these signaling peptides and their receptor, a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase, to downstream pathogen-defense responses. We identify some cellular activities of these molecules that provide the context for a model for their action in signaling cascades. AtPeps activate plasma membrane inwardly conducting Ca(2+) permeable channels in mesophyll cells, resulting in cytosolic Ca(2+) elevation. This activity is dependent on their receptor as well as a cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGC2). We also show that the leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase receptor AtPepR1 has guanylyl cyclase activity, generating cGMP from GTP, and that cGMP can activate CNGC2-dependent cytosolic Ca(2+) elevation. AtPep-dependent expression of pathogen-defense genes (PDF1.2, MPK3, and WRKY33) is mediated by the Ca(2+) signaling pathway associated with AtPep peptides and their receptor. The work presented here indicates that extracellular AtPeps, which can act as danger-associated molecular patterns, signal by interaction with their receptor, AtPepR1, a plasma membrane protein that can generate cGMP. Downstream from AtPep and AtPepR1 in a signaling cascade, the cGMP-activated channel CNGC2 is involved in AtPep- and AtPepR1-dependent inward Ca(2+) conductance and resulting cytosolic Ca(2+) elevation. The signaling cascade initiated by AtPeps leads to expression of pathogen-defense genes in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica is a human pathogen that may invade the intestinal mucosa, causing amoebic colitis or hepatic abscesses when the trophozoites travel through the portal circulation to the liver. Lipopeptidophosphoglycan (LPPG) is a molecular pattern of E. histolytica recognized by the human immune system. Here we report that LPPG is exposed on the cell surface of E. histolytica trophozoites, and is recognized by the host through toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4. Correspondingly, human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells were rendered LPPG responsive through overexpression of TLR2 or TLR4/MD2. Moreover, co-expression of CD14 enhanced LPPG signal transmission through TLR2 and TLR4. The interaction of LPPG with TLR2 and TLR4 resulted in activation of NF-kappaB and release of interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12p40, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and IL-8 from human monocytes. Consistent with these findings, responsiveness of mouse macrophages lacking TLR2 expression (TLR2-/-) or functional TLR4 (TLR4d/d) to E. histolytica LPPG challenge was impaired while double deficient macrophages were unresponsive. In contrast to wild-type control and TLR2-/- animals succumbing to lethal shock syndrome, TLR4d/d mice were resistant to systemic LPPG challenge-induced pathology.  相似文献   

γδ T cells are innate cells able to quickly eliminate pathogens or infected/tumoral cells by their antiviral and adjuvancy activities. The role of γδ T cells during Dengue Viral Infection (DENV) infection is not fully elucidated. Nevertheless, human primary γδ T cells have been shown to kill in vitro DENV-infected cells, thus highlighting their possible antiviral function. The aim of this work was to characterize the phenotype and function of Vδ2 T cells in DENV patients. Fifteen DENV patients were enrolled for this study and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were used to analyze Vδ2-T-cell frequency, differentiation profile, activation/exhaustion status, and functionality by multiparametric flow cytometry. Our data demonstrated that DENV infection was able to significantly reduce Vδ2-T-cell frequency and to increase their activation (CD38 and HLA-DR) and exhaustion markers (PD-1 and TIM-3). Furthermore, Vδ2 T cells showed a reduced capability to produce IFN-γ after phosphoantigenic stimulation that can be associated to TIM-3 expression. Several studies are needed to depict the possible clinical impact of γδ-T-cell impairment on disease severity and to define the antiviral and immunoregulatory activities of γδ T cells in the first phases of infection.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 (DPP‐4) inhibitors reduce the risk of hypoglycaemia, possibly through augmentation of glucose‐dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) action, but not that of glucagon‐like peptide‐1 (GLP‐1) on glucagon secretion. To examine this model in Japanese individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D), the effects of the DPP‐4 inhibitor linagliptin on glucagon and other counter‐regulatory hormone responses to hypoglycaemia were evaluated and compared with those of the GLP‐1 receptor agonist liraglutide in a multi‐centre, randomized, open‐label, 2‐arm parallel comparative, exploratory trial. Three‐step hypoglycaemic clamp glucose tests preceded by meal tolerance tests were performed before and after 2‐week treatment with the drugs. Glucagon levels were increased during the hypoglycaemic clamp test at 2.5 mmol/L. This increase was similar in the linagliptin and liraglutide groups, both before and after the 2‐week treatment. Changes in other counter‐regulatory hormones (ie, growth hormone, cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine) were also similar between the groups, but were suppressed substantially after 2‐week treatment compared to baseline. In conclusion, we confirmed that the glucagon response to hypoglycaemia was not affected by linagliptin or liraglutide treatment in Japanese individuals with T2D.  相似文献   

 A female patient with eosinophilia and cardiac symptoms was found to have a unique chromosomal aberration [t(4;7)(q11;p13)] of bone-marrow precursors. The disorder was classified as a chronic myeloproliferative syndrome with eosinophilia. Due to a significant increase in the white blood cell and eosinophil count during initial treatment with prednisone and hydroxyurea, Interferon alpha-2a was administered at a dose of 3–5×106 I.U. s.c., five times per week, and induced a long-term complete haematological and cytogenetic response. The clinical features of this case are presented and discussed in the context of the current literature. Received: 26 June 1999 / Accepted: 3 September 1999  相似文献   

Schlafen-11 (SLFN11) inactivation in ∼50% of cancer cells confers broad chemoresistance. To identify therapeutic targets and underlying molecular mechanisms for overcoming chemoresistance, we performed an unbiased genome-wide RNAi screen in SLFN11-WT and -knockout (KO) cells. We found that inactivation of Ataxia Telangiectasia- and Rad3-related (ATR), CHK1, BRCA2, and RPA1 overcome chemoresistance to camptothecin (CPT) in SLFN11-KO cells. Accordingly, we validate that clinical inhibitors of ATR (M4344 and M6620) and CHK1 (SRA737) resensitize SLFN11-KO cells to topotecan, indotecan, etoposide, cisplatin, and talazoparib. We uncover that ATR inhibition significantly increases mitotic defects along with increased CDT1 phosphorylation, which destabilizes kinetochore-microtubule attachments in SLFN11-KO cells. We also reveal a chemoresistance mechanism by which CDT1 degradation is retarded, eventually inducing replication reactivation under DNA damage in SLFN11-KO cells. In contrast, in SLFN11-expressing cells, SLFN11 promotes the degradation of CDT1 in response to CPT by binding to DDB1 of CUL4CDT2 E3 ubiquitin ligase associated with replication forks. We show that the C terminus and ATPase domain of SLFN11 are required for DDB1 binding and CDT1 degradation. Furthermore, we identify a therapy-relevant ATPase mutant (E669K) of the SLFN11 gene in human TCGA and show that the mutant contributes to chemoresistance and retarded CDT1 degradation. Taken together, our study reveals new chemotherapeutic insights on how targeting the ATR pathway overcomes chemoresistance of SLFN11-deficient cancers. It also demonstrates that SLFN11 irreversibly arrests replication by degrading CDT1 through the DDB1–CUL4CDT2 ubiquitin ligase.

Schlafen-11 (SLFN11) is an emergent restriction factor against genomic instability acting by eliminating cells with replicative damage (16) and potentially acting as a tumor suppressor (6, 7). SLFN11-expressing cancer cells are consistently hypersensitive to a broad range of chemotherapeutic drugs targeting DNA replication, including topoisomerase inhibitors, alkylating agents, DNA synthesis, and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors compared to SLFN11-deficient cancer cells, which are chemoresistant (1, 2, 4, 817). Profiling SLFN11 expression is being explored for patients to predict survival and guide therapeutic choice (8, 13, 1824).The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and cancer cell databases demonstrate that SLFN11 mRNA expression is suppressed in a broad fraction of common cancer tissues and in ∼50% of all established cancer cell lines across multiple histologies (1, 2, 5, 8, 13, 25, 26). Silencing of the SLFN11 gene, like known tumor suppressor genes, is under epigenetic mechanisms through hypermethylation of its promoter region and activation of histone deacetylases (HDACs) (21, 23, 25, 26). A recent study in small-cell lung cancer patient-derived xenograft models also showed that SLFN11 gene silencing is caused by local chromatin condensation related to deposition of H3K27me3 in the gene body of SLFN11 by EZH2, a histone methyltransferase (11). Targeting epigenetic regulators is therefore an attractive combination strategy to overcome chemoresistance of SLFN11-deficient cancers (10, 25, 26). An alternative approach is to attack SLFN11-negative cancer cells by targeting the essential pathways that cells use to overcome replicative damage and replication stress. Along these lines, a prior study showed that inhibition of ATR (Ataxia Telangiectasia- and Rad3-related) kinase reverses the resistance of SLFN11-deficient cancer cells to PARP inhibitors (4). However, targeting the ATR pathway in SLFN11-deficient cells has not yet been fully explored.SLFN11 consists of two functional domains: A conserved nuclease motif in its N terminus and an ATPase motif (putative helicase) in its C terminus (2, 6). The N terminus nuclease has been implicated in the selective degradation of type II tRNAs (including those coding for ATR) and its nuclease structure can be derived from crystallographic analysis of SLFN13 whose N terminus domain is conserved with SLFN11 (27, 28). The C terminus is only present in the group III Schlafen family (24, 29). Its potential ATPase activity and relationship to chemosensitivity to DNA-damaging agents (35) imply that the ATPase/helicase of SLFN11 is involved specifically in DNA damage response (DDR) to replication stress. Indeed, inactivation of the Walker B motif of SLFN11 by the mutation E669Q suppresses SLFN11-mediated replication block (5, 30). In addition, SLFN11 contains a binding site for the single-stranded DNA binding protein RPA1 (replication protein A1) at its C terminus (3, 31) and is recruited to replication damage sites by RPA (3, 5). The putative ATPase activity of SLFN11 is not required for this recruitment (5) but is required for blocking the replication helicase complex (CMG-CDC45) and inducing chromatin accessibility at replication origins and promoter sites (5, 30). Based on these studies, our current model is that SLFN11 is recruited to “stressed” replication forks by RPA filaments formed on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), and that the ATPase/helicase activity of SLFN11 is required for blocking replication progression and remodeling chromatin (5, 30). However, underlying mechanisms of how SLFN11 irreversibly blocks replication in DNA damage are still unclear.Increased RPA-coated ssDNA caused by DNA damage and replication fork stalling also triggers ATR kinase activation, promoting subsequent phosphorylation of CHK1, which transiently halts cell cycle progression and enables DNA repair (32). ATR inhibitors are currently in clinical development in combination with DNA replication damaging drugs (33, 34), such as topoisomerase I (TOP1) inhibitors, which are highly synergistic with ATR inhibitors in preclinical models (35). ATR inhibitors not only inhibit DNA repair, but also lead to unscheduled replication origin firing (36), which kills cancer cells (37, 38) by inducing genomic alterations due to faulty replication and mitotic catastrophe (33).The replication licensing factor CDT1 orchestrates the initiation of replication by assembling prereplication complexes (pre-RC) in G1-phase before cells enter S-phase (39). Once replication is started by loading and activation of the MCM helicase, CDT1 is degraded by the ubiquitin proteasomal pathway to prevent additional replication initiation and ensure precise genome duplication and the firing of each origin only once per cell cycle (39, 40). At the end of G2 and during mitosis, CDT1 levels rise again to control kinetochore-microtubule attachment for accurate chromosome segregation (41). Deregulated overexpression of CDT1 results in rereplication, genome instability, and tumorigenesis (42). The cellular CDT1 levels are tightly regulated by the damage-specific DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1)–CUL4CDT2 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex in G1-phase (43) and in response to DNA damage (44, 45). How CDT1 is recognized by CUL4CDT2 in response to DNA damage remains incompletely known.In the present study, starting with a human genome-wide RNAi screen, bioinformatics analyses, and mechanistic validations, we explored synthetic lethal interactions that overcome the chemoresistance of SLFN11-deficient cells to the TOP1 inhibitor camptothecin (CPT). The strongest synergistic interaction was between depletion of the ATR/CHK1-mediated DNA damage response pathways and DNA-damaging agents in SLFN11-deficient cells. We validated and expanded our molecular understanding of combinatorial strategies in SLFN11-deficient cells with the ATR (M4344 and M6620) and CHK1 (SRA737) inhibitors in clinical development (33, 46, 47) and found that ATR inhibition leads to CDT1 stabilization and hyperphosphorylation with mitotic catastrophe. Our study also establishes that SLFN11 promotes the degradation of CDT1 by binding to DDB1, an adaptor molecule of the CUL4CDT2 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, leading to an irreversible replication block in response to replicative DNA damage.  相似文献   

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