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The type of inhibition of the different forms of monoamine oxidase by clorgyline (preferentially ‘A’ form-inhibiting) and deprenyl (preferentially ‘B’ form-inhibiting) has been investigated. For both inhibitors a reversible phase of inhibition was found to precede the irreversible reaction. When incubated at 25° for 20 min, clorgyline inhibited the ‘A’ form in an irreversible fashion, while 4 hr at 37° was needed to inhibit the ‘B’ form irreversibly. In contrast, deprenyl inhibited the ‘A’ form reversibly even when incubated at 37° for 4 hr, whereas the ‘B’ form was irreversibly inhibited under these conditions. The selectivity of both inhibitors was considerably lower with longer incubation times. The implications of the results for the interpretation of previous findings on multiple forms of monoamine oxidase (an ‘A’ and a ‘B’ form) and for chronic treatment with the inhibitors in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of inhibition of rat liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase by clorgyline, l-deprenyl and pargyline are consistent with a mechanism whereby a reversible interaction between the inhibitor and the enzyme active site under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium is followed by a time-dependent formation of the covalently-bound enzyme-inhibitor adduct. The Ki value for the reversible interaction between clorgyline and monoamine oxidase A is about 1000 times lower than that towards the B-form of the enzyme, and this difference is sufficient to account for most, but not all, of the selectivity of the inhibition caused by this compound. The Ki value of the monoamine oxidase B selective inhibitor l-deprenyl towards that form of the enzyme is only about 40-fold lower than that towards the A-form. However, in this case, the rate of formation of the irreversible adduct is considerably faster for the B-form than for the A-form and this makes a major contribution to the selectivity of this compound. Pargyline shows a Ki value towards monoamine oxidase B that is only 8 times lower than that towards the A-form and in this case the rates of formation of the enzyme-inhibitor adducts are similar. The significance of these results are discussed in terms of the selective inhibition of monoamine oxidase.  相似文献   

The consequences of selective monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibition on the norepinephrine(NE)-sensitive adenylate cyclase system were determined in slices of rat cerebral cortex. The chronic administration of clorgyline, which selectively inhibited the activity of MAO-A, caused a significant decrease in the responsiveness of the noradrenergic cyclic AMP-generating system. The noradrenergic subsensitivity was accompanied by a significant decrease in the density of beta-adrenoceptors, as measured by 3H-dihydroalprenolol (DHA) binding, without altering the Kd value. However, selective inhibition of MAO-B by deprenyl did not alter the sensitivity of the cyclic AMP-generating system to NE or the specific DHA binding. The basal levels of cyclic AMP in the cortex were unaltered by the drugs. Since inhibition of MAO-A, but not MAO-B, increases the availability of NE, the results support the hypothesis that a persistent NE-receptor interaction is one of the prerequisites for the in vivo densitization of the NE-sensitive adenylate cyclase and the concomitant down-regulation of the number of beta-adrenoceptors in brain.  相似文献   

Serotonin and benzylamine oxidising activities of membrane-bound rat liver monoamine oxidase have been distinguished according to their sensitivities towards 5-phenyl-3-(N-cyclopropyl)ethylamine-1, 2,4-oxadiazole (PCO). Tyramine, tryptamine and dopamine deamination have been shown to exhibit dual sensitivities to PCO inhibition, corresponding to these monoamines undergoing oxidation at both the PCO sensitive and insensitive sites responsible for serotonin and benzylamine oxidation respectively. The biphasic inhibition of tyramine deamination by PCO is shown to result from ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ pseudo-first order reactions with the enzyme. Both ‘fast’ and ‘slow’' reactions are shown to have two components, of which the slower is quantitatively the most important. The corresponding 3-nitrophenyl compound (3-nitro-PCO) preferentially inhibits tyramine oxidation at low concentrations. This is shown to result from a reversal of the relative rates of attack, by this inhibitor, on the two centres of deamination. PCO has been shown to be a potent instantaneous competitive inhibitor of the enzyme. With serotonin as substrate a Ki of 10?7M was obtained. An enzyme with serotonin oxidation completely blocked by PCO or 2-chloro-PCO, but retaining approximately half the tyramine deaminating activity has been prepared. The kinetic parameters for the oxidation of tyramine, tryptamine and dopamine by such partially inhibited preparations have been determined.  相似文献   

The inhibition of the monoamine oxidase activity in the rat liver by the substrate selective inhibitor clorgyline has been investigated with 5-hydroxytryptamine as substrate. The results obtained are consistent with a theoretical model whereby the inhibition of enzyme activity by clorgyline follows a reversible association phase leading to an irreversible ‘suicide’ reaction. The relative concentrations of enzyme and inhibitor are of the same order, and can account both for the failure of the reaction to go to completion, and for the differences in the apparent sensitivity of enzyme preparations to inhibition by clorgyline. The possible value of this type of inhibition as a means of assay for monoamine oxidase active centres is discussed.  相似文献   

The inhibition of the monoamine oxidase activity in the rat liver by the substrate selective inhibitor clorgyline has been investigated with 5-hydroxytryptamine as substrate. The results obtained are consistent with a theoretical model whereby the inhibition of enzyme activity by clorgyline follows a reversible association phase leading to an irreversible 'suicide' reaction. The relative concentrations of enzyme and inhibitor are of the same order, and can account both for the failure of the reaction to go to completion, and for the differences in the apparent sensitivity of enzyme preparations to inhibition by clorgyline. The possible value of this type of inhibition as a means of assay for monoamine oxidase active centres is discussed.  相似文献   

Phenelzine is a suicide monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor with antidepressant properties. The present study compares the inhibition of rat liver mitochondrial MAO by phenelzine and 1,1-dideuterated phenelzine and the metabolism of these drugs by that enzyme. Phenylacetaldehyde, which was measured by a high performance liquid chromatographic procedure, was found to be the major metabolite of phenelzine after incubation with MAO. The time-courses of aldehyde formation were non-linear due to the time-dependent inhibition of MAO. The reaction rate was reduced substantially when the hydrogen atom in the 1-carbon position was replaced by deuterium. The VH/VD value was 3.1, indicating a primary isotope effect. Such a substitution of deuterium in the phenelzine molecule did not affect significantly the initial reversible inhibition of MAO, which was determined by comparison of their Ki values. The irreversible inhibition, as estimated from IC50 values, however, was potentiated substantially by deuteration. These results support the notion that the irreversible inhibition of MAO activity by phenelzine proceeds via a phenylethyldiazene intermediate, which reacts with the enzyme to form a covalent adduct. An alternative pathway involving hydrogen abstraction from carbon-1 of phenelzine or via rearrangement of the diazine on the enzyme surface could occur to form a phenylethylidene hydrazine intermediate which would subsequently be hydrolyzed to phenylacetaldehyde. The reduction in the rate of phenylethylidene hydrazine formation due to the isotope effect could lead to the accumulation of phenylethyldiazene intermediate and thus potentiate the inhibition of MAO activity.  相似文献   

Summary Amiflamine (FLA 336(+)), N-desmethylamiflamine (FLA 788(+)) and N,N-didesmethylamiflamine (FLA 668(+)) were examined for their monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory effects in rat brain, liver and duodenum and were compared with the irreversible inhibitors clorgyline and (-)-deprenyl. The potency of each FLA compound was the same in each tissue both in vitro and after oral administration with either serotonin or tyramine as substrate. The in vitro effect of FLA 788(+) was 2–6 times stronger than that of amiflamine although the compounds were equipotent after oral administration. FLA 668(+) was 2–3 times less potent than amiflamine in vitro and had very poor activity after oral administration. The deamination of phenethylamine was weakly afected by the three FLA compounds. Clorgyline inhibited strongly the deamination of serotonin and tyramine in the duodenum after oral administration, being 1,000 times more potent than in the brain and the liver. Similar results were obtained for (-)-deprenyl which, however, was more potent in inhibiting the deamination of phenethylamine than that of serotonin and tyramine. Amiflamine was a reversible MAO inhibitor with no MAO inhibitory capacity 24 h after a single oral dose. On the other hand the irreversible inhibitor clorgyline had a maximal effect on brain MAO 48 h after a single dose while the inhibitory effect in the duodenum had almost disappeared. The influence of amiflamine on the excretion of acid and basic metabolites of orally administered 14C-tyramine (58 mol/kg) in rat was examined. Amiflamine, at doses that strongly inhibited MAO-A in rat brain, only slightly affected the excretion of 14C-labelled acid in urine during 6 and 24 h after the tyramine administration. The results in this study suggest that other factors than a low interaction with intestinal MAO may be of importance for the low tyramine potentiating effect obtained after oral administration of amiflamine.  相似文献   

The effect of diethylnitrosamine (DEN), a well-known experimental carcinogen, toward MAO-A and MAO-B activity of rat liver was investigated. The oxidations of both beta-PEA (MAO-B) and 5-HT (MAO-A) were inhibited by DEN. The K1 values of DEN in the inhibition of rat liver MAO-A and MAO-B activity were determined. The kinetic data show that DEN is a competitive, MAO-B selective inhibitor and its inhibitory effect on MAO-B is about 4-fold more potent than that on MAO-A. DEN might change the proportions of the multiple forms of MAO activity in tumor cells.  相似文献   

1 The effect of various doses of tranylcypromine on the degree of inhibition of rat brain monoamine oxidase (MAO) using 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), dopamine and phenylethylamine as substrates has been examined 120 min after injection of the inhibitor. The concentration of brain 5-HT was also examined both after tranylcypromine alone and also when L-tryptophan (100 mg/kg) had been given 30 min after the tranylcypromine. 2 All doses of tranylcypromine greater than 2.5 mg/kg totally inhibited MAO oxidation of 5-HT, phenylethylamine and dopamine as measured in vitro and produced a similar rise of brain 5-HT in vivo. When tryptophan was also given, there was a further rise of brain 5-HT, which was comparable after all doses of tranylcypromine above 2.5 mg/kg and the characteristic syndrome of hyperactivity made is appearance. 3 Clorgyline (a "Type A" MAO inhibitor), in doses up to 10 mg/kg, did not totally inhibit MAO activity towards phenylethylamine although it did inhibit 5-HT oxidation by 100%. Deprenil (a "Type B" MAO inhibitor) at doses up to 10 mg/kg did not fully inhibit 5-HT oxidation although phenylethylamine oxidation was inhibited almost completely. Administration of either compound alone did not produce as great an accumulation of brain 5-HT as that seen after tranylcypromine (2.5 mg/kg) and subsequent administration of tryptophan did not cause hyperactivity or the rise of brain 5-HT seen after tranylcypromine (2.5 mg/kg) plus tryptophan. 4 Administration of clorgyline plus deprenil (2.5 mg/kg of each) almost totally inhibited oxidation of both 5-HT and phenylethylamine; subsequent tryptophan administration resulted in a rise of brain 5-HT nearly as great as that seen following tranylcypromine (2.5 mg/kg) plus tryptophan and the animals became hyperactive. 5 No evidence was found pointing to the formation of any other 5-substituted indole in the brain following tranylcypromine plus L-tryptophan administration as suggested by others. 6 It is concluded that while 5-HT may normally be metabolized in the brain by "Tye A" MAO in vivo, when this form is inhibited, 5-HT can still be metabolized by "Type B" enzyme. It is only when both forms are almost totally inhibited that the largest rise of brain 5-HT is seen and subsequent tryptophan administration produces the hyperactivity syndrome.  相似文献   

Mixed substrate experiments have been carried out with rat liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase. The results of these studies are interpreted in terms of the known specificities and sensitivities to inhibition of the two kinetically distinguishable species present in this preparation. The results of this study are discussed in terms of the function of the enzyme in vivo.  相似文献   

The inhibition of rat liver mitochondrial monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) by brofaromine was time-dependent at low enzyme and inhibitor concentrations. The apparent sensitivity to inhibition decreased when the concentration of the mitochondrial preparation was increased. After preincubation of the enzyme with brofaromine repeated washing of the preparation, by sedimentation and resuspension, resulted in a gradual recovery of activity. This occurred more slowly than was the case when the reversible inhibitor amphetamine was used. After incubation with radioactively-labeled brofaromine the loss of radioactivity also occurred slowly. After incubation with radioactively-labeled pargyline polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphage (SDS-PAGE) showed the radioactivity to be associated with a peptide of approximate Mr 50,000, corresponding to the subunit of MAO. Pretreatment with unlabeled pargyline depressed this labeling by pargyline, indicating the latter compound to bind to the active-site of the enzyme. Labeling experiments with radioactive brofaromine indicated that there was a high degree of non-specific binding but that no significant radioactivity remained associated with the enzyme on SDS-PAGE. Chromatographic techniques and determination of H2O2 liberation indicated that, in liver there was no appreciable metabolism of brofaromine under the conditions used in the inhibition experiments. These data indicate brofaromine to be a tight-binding, but reversible inhibitor of MAO.  相似文献   

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