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Treatment of neuroleptic-induced leukopenia with lithium carbonate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the finding that lithium carbonate administration can stimulate leukocyte production, six patients were treated with neuroleptic and other drug-induced granulocytopenia with lithium carbonate. The average total leukocyte count of 2500/mm3 increased to 4566/mm3. Similarly the average neutrophil count of 1028/mm3 increased to 2893/mm3 after lithium therapy. In all six patients, neutrophils decreased upon discontinuation of lithium. On the other hand, total WBC count of 4566/mm3 decreased to 2650/mm3, and the total neutrophil count of 2893/mm3 decreased to 966/mm3 after four weeks without lithium. The results suggest that lithium carbonate is effective in the treatment of drug-induced leukopenia.  相似文献   

姜燕 《四川精神卫生》2015,28(2):附1-附1
1病例患者李某,女,26岁,因少眠、兴奋、话多、行为改变1月于2011年10月首次住院治疗。入院体格检查正常。血常规、血生化、甲状腺功能、尿沉渣及甲状腺、肝胆胰脾彩超检查均未见异常。诊断为躁狂发作,予碳酸锂系统治疗1个月(初始剂量0.25bid,15d后逐渐加量至0.75 bid至出院)。1月后病  相似文献   

The authors describe a 42-year-old man who developed "on-off" episodes and for whom lithium carbonate proved an effective treatment. They speculate that the predominant effect of lithium in the "on-off" syndrome is to prevent L-dopa desensitization of the dopamine receptor.  相似文献   

齐拉西酮合用碳酸锂致甲状腺机能减退症1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘军 《四川精神卫生》2015,28(3):282-282
<正>1病例患者,女,26岁。因情感高涨与情绪低落交替出现13年以"双相情感障碍"反复住院治疗。出院后坚持门诊随访,近半年予以"碳酸锂375mg,bid和利培酮2mg,qn"治疗。因患者出现肥胖、体重增加、月经不调于2015年2月5日开始予以齐拉西酮治疗。初始剂量10mg/d,2周后加量至20mg/d,同时将利培酮减量并停用。于2015年3月10日门诊复诊时自诉近一月感明显乏力、心慌、头晕,闭经。查体见颜面浮肿,甲状腺III度肿大。彩超检查提示:双侧叶甲状腺  相似文献   

Ninety-one female bulimic outpatients received lithium carbonate or placebo on a random basis, after being separated into depressed and nondepressed subgroups, in an 8-week double-blind trial. Sixty-eight patients who completed the study experienced a significant decrease in bulimic episodes after the 8 weeks. Lithium, in a dosage yielding relatively low plasma levels, was not more effective than placebo. However, depression and other psychopathologies decreased with improvement in bulimic behavior.  相似文献   

In this case study, lithium carbonate, used to control bipolar disorders, is postulated to be the cause of downbeat nystagmus; the degree of nystagmus could be correlated with the dosage and serum level of the drug. All tests for anatomic lesion were negative, including metrizamide cisternography.  相似文献   

Treatment of seizures with medroxyprogesterone acetate: preliminary report   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), a synthetic progesterone, was added to the antiepileptic drug regimen of 14 women who had uncontrolled seizures. Of the 11 women who developed amenorrhea, 7 reported fewer seizures during MPA therapy. Overall reductions in seizure frequency averaged 30% (n = 11), declining from a baseline 8.3 +/- 5.8 seizures per month to 5.1 +/- 4.1 seizures per month (p = 0.02). No serious side effects were encountered, but spotting was common. These preliminary data suggest further evaluation of MPA for catamenial seizures.  相似文献   

We examined the clinical and research records of 29 acutely ill hospitalized patients with affective disorder who received only lithium carbonate during their first week of treatment. Nineteen patients (Group I) could be continued on lithium ion alone, while 10 patients (Group 2) needed additional somatic treatment. Compared with Group 1, Group 2 patients were significantly younger at illness onset, more severely ill on admission, clinically more "colorful" in dress and behavior, stayed more than twice as long in the hospital, and (although not statistically significant) had more than twice the morbidity risk for affective disorder in first-degree relatives. At discharge, both groups were equally improved, and 70% of Group 2 patients were receiving lithium alone. We did not confirm previous reports that nonresponders to lithium alone (Group 2) were more overactive or paranoid--destructive or less euphoric--grandiose than responders to lithium alone (Group 1). Our Group 2 patients had a more severe or penetrant form of illness than our Group 1 patients, requiring neuroleptic drugs or ECT in addition to lithium therapy. Eventually, however, they had a satisfactory outcome, suggesting therapeutic optimism and tenacity even in those patients who initially fail lithium alone and require polytreatment.  相似文献   

Clinical experience with lithium carbonate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Relapse rates of the first 35 unipolar and bipolar II manic-depressive patients who entered the controlled phase of a continuing evaluation of the prophylactic value of lithium alone or in combination with imipramine were analyzed. Lithium had a prophylactic effect in unipolar patients and possibly in bipolar II patients. Imipramine did not have a prophylactic effect in either group of patients.  相似文献   

Because reports have indicated that sodium metabolism may bear some influence on manic-depressive illness, the present study was designed to test the efficacy of sodium depletion in enhancing lithium's therapeutic effect. Twenty-seven manic patients refractory to lithium doses producing therapeutic serum lithium levels were subjected to lithium alone, lithium in combination with a thiazide diuretic, and lithium in combination with a low sodium diet. Results indicated that such combinations could be helpful in reducing manic symptoms in the majority of patients without engendering undue toxicity. While mechanisms of action remain to be elucidated, it appears that such combinations may be safely administered to those manic patients not responding to lithium alone or to those requiring lithium but suffering either a lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus or other severe side effects. However, caution is still advised in employing these combinations until further, better controlled research substantiates these preliminary data.  相似文献   

Background: The empirical and theoretical literature on children's autobiographical statements about child sexual abuse and other forms of maltreatment should be of potential importance to all professionals who regularly interview children as part of their professional duties. Aims: To present an introduction to this field. Methods: Narrative review. Results: Preschool children appear to be capable of providing reliable testimony on highly salient personal experiences such as sexual abuse, though a substantial proportion of children may choose not to. However, suggestive interviewing practises, particularly when used with younger children, may elicit false allegations. There is little evidence to suggest that experiences from the preverbal period of life can later be meaningfully reconstructed by means of statements or clinical signs. Conclusions: Use of children as witnesses and informants requires special considerations, knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

Downbeat nystagmus developed in a 67-year-old hypomagnesemic woman while she was receiving lithium carbonate for depression. This nystagmus abated each time lithium carbonate therapy was withdrawn, and no alternative causes of nystagmus were demonstrated. However, this nystagmus occurred despite serum lithium carbonate levels in the nontoxic range. Total-body magnesium deficiency may have enhanced the toxic effect of lithium carbonate on cerebellomedullary connections.  相似文献   

Some previous reports have suggested that lithium treatment is of benefit to women with the premenstrual tension syndrome (PMTS). In this study 15 women carefully selected for severe PMTS were given lithium carbonate (600–900 mg/day) continuously for three menstrual cycles. Lithium did not affect physical premenstrual symptoms and was ineffective in most women against behavioral premenstrual symptoms. Despite the low dosage most women also experienced significant drug-related side effects. Although a statistically significant improvement was recorded by several symptom rating instruments, this benefit was of no practical clinical value. The three women who responded best to lithium, and who requested continued treatment beyond 3 months, met diagnostic criteria for subsyndromal affective (cyclothymic) disorder. Lithium is not recommended for the average woman with PMTS.  相似文献   

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