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Contaminated soil from a land treatment unit at the Libby Groundwater Superfund Site in Libby, MT, was amended with 14C pyrene and incubated for 396 days to promote biodegradation and the formation of soil-associated bound residues. Humic and fulvic acids were extracted from the treated soil microcosms and analyzed for the presence of pyrene residues. Biologic activity promoted 14C association with the fulvic acid fraction, but humic acid–associated 14C did not increase with biologic activity. The Aboatox flash toxicity assay was used to assess the toxicity of humic and fulvic acid fractions. The fulvic acid gave no toxic response, but the humic acid showed significant toxicity. The observed toxicity was likely associated with pentachlorophenol, a known contaminant of the soil that was removed by solvent extraction of the humic acid and that correlated well with toxicity reduction.  相似文献   

Cao  Huihui  Li  Xiaona  Qu  Changsheng  Gao  Meng  Cheng  Hu  Ni  Ni  Yao  Shi  Bian  Yongrong  Gu  Chenggang  Jiang  Xin  Song  Yang 《Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology》2022,109(4):592-599

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous soil contaminants, and their bioaccessibility determines their environmental risks in contaminated land. In the present study, the residual concentrations of PAHs in the soils of two industrial sites were determined, and their bioaccessibility was estimated by the hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin extraction (HPCD) extraction method. The results showed heavy PAH contamination at both site S1 (0.38–3342.5 mg kg?1) and site S2 (0.2–138.18 mg kg?1), of which high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs (4-, 5-, and 6-ring compounds) accounted for approximately 80%. The average bioaccessibility of PAHs at sites S1 and S2 was 52.02% and 29.28%, respectively. The bioaccessibility of certain PAH compounds decreased with increasing ring number of the molecule. Lower PAH bioaccessibility was detected in loamy and silty soil textures than in sandy soil. Moreover, among the soil properties, the dissolved organic matter, total organic carbon, total potassium, and total manganese concentrations had significant effects on the bioaccessibility of PAHs. The toxicity analysis showed that the composition and bioaccessibility of PAHs could affect their potential toxicity in soil. We suggest that bioaccessibility should be taken into consideration when assessing the toxicity of PAHs in soil, and more attention should be given to low-ring PAHs with high bioaccessibility.



The toxicity, carcinogenicity and persistence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pose a great threat to the ecological system and human health. The contamination levels, translocation and source analysis of 16 PAHs in bamboo shoot and its planted soil were investigated. The average concentrations of total PAHs were 18.80 ± 1.90 µg/kg and 123.98 ± 113.36 µg/kg in bamboo shoots and soils, respectively. The most abundant PAH was Phenanthrene (PHE), with the detected average concentrations of 5.85 µg/kg in bamboo shoots and 19.28 µg/kg in soils. The highest detected types of PAHs were 3 rings and 4 rings, with the proportions of 80.69% (bamboo shoots) and 35.23% (soils). The transfer factors of PAHs were ranged from 0.011 to 0.895, in which PAHs with 3 rings showed the strongest transfer ability. The combustion of biomass and petroleum might be the main source of PAHs in the planted soils of bamboo shoots.


目的 为了研究岗位工人多环芳烃暴露量监测方法,我们设计了一套适合岗位工人多环芳烃暴露量的采样仪器,采用PEM^TM个体采样切割器、BGI个体采样泵、石英纤维滤膜及聚氨酯泡沫采集岗位工人暴露的多环芳烃。采用索氏提取器提取,旋转蒸发器浓缩.用带有可调波长荧光检测器的液相色谱仪进行分析。对方法的检出限、回收率、精密度以及样品的稳定性进行了研究,并对100名受试者多环芳烃暴露量进行了监测。结果显示,该方法有较好的检出限,较高的回收率。  相似文献   

This study was to evaluate the degradation efficiency of naturally contaminated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sewage sludge by using electron beam irradiation as a function of the absorbed dose. Degradation efficiency of PAHs was near to 90% at the absorbed doses 5 kGy. The degradation of PAHs was "first order" reaction rates with respect to absorbed dose. The electron beam irradiation was found effective in means of removing PAHs in domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类普遍存在于环境中的持久性有机污染物,长期暴露可引发肺癌、皮肤癌等恶性肿瘤。而PAHs的代谢物——单羟基多环芳烃(OH-PAHs)可以作为暴露生物标志物综合评价人体对PAHs的暴露水平,从而吸引众多研究人员对OH-PAHs检测方法的研究。笔者介绍了生物标志物以及选用OH-PAHs作为生物标志物的意义,系统综述了OH-PAHs的各种检测方法,包括高效液相色谱法、液相色谱-质谱(气相色谱-质谱)联用技术、同步荧光光谱分析法、毛细管区带电泳法、酶联免疫法和电化学法,并对其检测方法的发展趋势进行了评价和展望。  相似文献   

Concentrations and profiles of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in thirty dust samples collected from kitchens that use wood cook system (WCS), kerosene stove cook system (KSCS) and butane gas cook system (BGCS). The total PAHs concentrations ranged from 52 to 497,  39 to 96 and 37 to 155 μg kg−1 for WCS, KSCS and BGCS respectively. The results indicate predominance of lower molecular weight (2–3 rings) over higher molecular weight PAHs and users of wood cook system are more exposed to higher levels of PAHs than the users of either kerosene cook system or butane gas cook system.  相似文献   

多环芳烃遗传毒性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多环芳烃类化合物是广泛存在于各种环境介质中的一类有机污染物,并能通过呼吸、饮食、饮水、皮肤接触等多种途径进入人体,对人体健康和环境产生严重危害。关于多环芳烃的毒性研究已经涉及遗传毒性、肝脏毒性、生长发育毒性及致癌性等方面,该文综述了其遗传毒性的研究进展,主要包括DNA损伤、染色体损伤以及遗传易感性等。  相似文献   

A total of 30 sediments, overlying water and porewater samples were collected from Lake Taihu, China for the analysis of PAHs. The total PAHs varied from 209 to 3,843 ng g−1 in sediments, from 238 to 7,422 ng L−1 in overlying water and from 2,012 to 19,899 ng L−1 in porewater, respectively. There are good correlations between sediment-porewater/sediment-overlying water partition coefficients and PAHs’ logKow values, with correlation coefficient of 0.94 and 0.95, respectively. The sediment PAHs in Lake Taihu originated from both pyrolytic and petrogenic sources, showing a mixed input pattern. Based on the numerical effect-based sediment quality guidelines of the United States, the sediments from Lake Taihu causing adverse effects by PAHs should have potential biological impact, but should have no impairment.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the possibility of potential impact of PAHs on the aquatic biota. First, we had developed a new method for measuring 13 different priority pollutant PAHs in waste water samples. Then, eight different water samples collected from different sites along the Menderes River were analysed by this method involving SPE extraction and reverse-phase HPLC. The method presented here is suitable for rapid and accurate determination of PAH in surface waters and the PAH recoveries are practically quantitative. The levels of PAH in the analyzed samples range from 1.8 μg/L to 24.9 μg/L and industrialized areas were found to be highly polluted.  相似文献   

多环芳烃暴露评价的生物标志物研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨人尿中1-羟基芘(1-OH-Py)和3-羟基苯并(a)芘(3-OH-BaP)可否作为人体环境暴露多环芳烃(PAHs)肺癌风险评价的生物标志物。方法选择100名处于不同工作环境的非嗜烟成人作为研究对象,采集每名受试者24 h的个体呼吸带空气样品、饮食样品和尿液样品,用高效液相色谱(highperformance liquid chromatography,HPLC)分别测定呼吸和饮食样品中的14种PAHs化合物,以及尿液样品中的1-OH-Py和3-OH-BaP。结果焦炉工人日暴露PAHs的总量(其中BaP的中位值约为9.2μg/d)显著高于一般人群(BaP约0.8μg/d);焦炉工人尿中1-OH-Py的浓度(约2.0μmol/mol)也显著高于一般人群(约0.1μmol/mol);但是,焦炉工人尿中3-OH-BaP的浓度(约0.04μmol/mol)却显著低于一般人群(约0.07μmol/mol)。尿中1-OH-Py与人体暴露14种PAHs均呈显著正相关关系,而尿中3-OH-BaP却与人体暴露PAHs呈显著负相关关系。结论该研究首次提出了用1-OH-Py、3-OH-BaP的比值定量评价人体暴露PAHs肺癌风险的模型。  相似文献   

Firefighting continues to be among the most hazardous yet least studied occupations in terms of exposures and their relationship to occupational disease. Exposures are complex, involving mixtures of particles and chemicals such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Adverse health effects associated with these agents include elevated incidences of coronary heart disease and several cancers. PAHs have been detected at fire scenes, and in the firehouse rest area and kitchen, routinely adjoining the truck bay, and where firefighters spend a major part of each shift. An academic-community partnership was developed with the Cincinnati Fire Department with the goal of understanding active firefighters’ airborne and dermal PAH exposure. PAHs were measured in air and particulates, and number and mass concentrations, respectively, of submicron (0.02–1 μm) and PM2.5 (2.5 μm diameter and less) particles during overhaul events in two firehouses and a University of Cincinnati administrative facility as a comparison location. During overhaul firefighters evaluate partially combusted materials for re-ignition after fire extinguishment and commonly remove Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). Face and neck wipes were also collected at a domestic fire scene. Overhaul air samples had higher mean concentrations of PM2.5 and submicron particles than those collected in the firehouse, principally in the truck bay and kitchen. Among the 17 PAHs analyzed, only naphthalene and acenaphthylene were generally detectable. Naphthalene was present in 7 out of 8 overhaul activities, in 2 out of 3 firehouse (kitchen and truck bay) samples, and in none collected from the control site. In firefighter face and neck wipes a greater number of PAHs were found, several of which have carcinogenic activity, such as benzofluoranthene, an agent also found in overhaul air samples. Although the concentration for naphthalene, and all other individual PAHs, was very low, the potential simultaneous exposure to multiple chemicals even in small quantities in combination with high ultrafine particle exposure deserves further study. It is recommended that personal respiratory and skin protection be worn throughout the overhaul process.  相似文献   

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